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FINDRF1 - Finds the RF frequency that minimizes the horizonal dispersion


function [DeltaRF, RFnew, frf] = findrf1(DeltaRF, BPMFamily, BPMList, FileName)


FINDRF1 - Finds the RF frequency that minimizes the horizonal dispersion
  [DeltaRF, RFnew, frf] = findrf1(DeltaRFvec, BPMFamily, BPMList, FileName)

  1. DeltaRFvec - Vector of RF changes {Default or empty: [-.2% -.1% 0% .1% .2%] energy change}
  2. BPMFamily - Family name {Default or empty: 'BPMx'}
  3. BPMList - Device or element list of BPMs  {Default or empty: all}
  4. FileName to save data (data in structure 'frf') {Default or empty: don't save data}

  1. DeltaRF - Change in RF
  2. RFnew - Zero crossing of the fit
  3. frf - RF structure containing all the measurement data

  1. The RF frequency that minimized the dispersion maybe not be the
     optimal RF frequency.  The ALS found that choosing an RF frequency which
     minimizes the energy shift due to the horizontal corrector magnets
     to be a more robust and repeatable solution.
  2. This function measures the dispersion, hence changes the RF frequency!
     rmdisp will basically do the same thing as findrf1 without changing the 
     RF frequency.  However, findrf1 gives more control over the fit range for
     the RF change and allows for more noise reduction in the fit.  That said,
     rmdisp is usually just fine to use.
  3. Beware of the magnitude of DeltaRFvec for nonlinear accelerators.

  See also findrf, rmdisp, plotcm


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [DeltaRF, RFnew, frf] = findrf1(DeltaRF, BPMFamily, BPMList, FileName)
0002 %FINDRF1 - Finds the RF frequency that minimizes the horizonal dispersion
0003 %  [DeltaRF, RFnew, frf] = findrf1(DeltaRFvec, BPMFamily, BPMList, FileName)
0004 %
0005 %  INPUTS
0006 %  1. DeltaRFvec - Vector of RF changes {Default or empty: [-.2% -.1% 0% .1% .2%] energy change}
0007 %  2. BPMFamily - Family name {Default or empty: 'BPMx'}
0008 %  3. BPMList - Device or element list of BPMs  {Default or empty: all}
0009 %  4. FileName to save data (data in structure 'frf') {Default or empty: don't save data}
0010 %
0011 %  OUTPUTS
0012 %  1. DeltaRF - Change in RF
0013 %  2. RFnew - Zero crossing of the fit
0014 %  3. frf - RF structure containing all the measurement data
0015 %
0016 %  NOTES
0017 %  1. The RF frequency that minimized the dispersion maybe not be the
0018 %     optimal RF frequency.  The ALS found that choosing an RF frequency which
0019 %     minimizes the energy shift due to the horizontal corrector magnets
0020 %     to be a more robust and repeatable solution.
0021 %  2. This function measures the dispersion, hence changes the RF frequency!
0022 %     rmdisp will basically do the same thing as findrf1 without changing the
0023 %     RF frequency.  However, findrf1 gives more control over the fit range for
0024 %     the RF change and allows for more noise reduction in the fit.  That said,
0025 %     rmdisp is usually just fine to use.
0026 %  3. Beware of the magnitude of DeltaRFvec for nonlinear accelerators.
0027 %
0028 %  See also findrf, rmdisp, plotcm
0030 %  Written by Greg Portmann
0033 ChangeRFFlag = 1;
0034 DisplayFlag = 1;
0037 % Starting Point
0038 RF0 = getrf('Struct');
0041 if nargin < 1
0042     DeltaRF = [];
0043 end
0044 if isempty(DeltaRF)
0045     %DeltaRF = getfamilydata('DeltaRFChro');
0046     if isempty(DeltaRF)
0047         DeltaRF = getrf * getmcf * [-.002 -.001 0 .001 .002];  % .2% energy change
0048         %DeltaRF = getrf * getmcf * [-.006 -.003 0 .003 .006];  % .6% energy change
0049         %DeltaRF = [-400 -200 0 200 400];  % Hz
0050         %if strcmpi(RF0.UnitsString, 'Hz')
0051         %elseif strcmpi(RF0.UnitsString, 'MHz')
0052         %    DeltaRF = DeltaRF * 1e-6;  % MHz
0053         %else
0054         %    error('RF units unknown, hence default input frequency cannot be choosen.');
0055         %end
0056     end
0057 end
0058 if nargin < 2
0059     BPMFamily = '';
0060 end
0061 if isempty(BPMFamily)
0062     BPMFamily = 'BPMx';
0063 end
0064 if nargin < 3
0065     BPMList = family2dev(BPMFamily);
0066 end
0067 if isempty(BPMList)
0068     BPMList = family2dev(BPMFamily);
0069 end
0070 if nargin < 4
0071     FileName = [];
0072 end
0075 BPMDelay = getfamilydata('BPMDelay');
0076 if isempty(BPMDelay)
0077     BPMDelay = 0;
0078 end
0081 Xoffset = getoffset(BPMFamily, BPMList);
0082 Xgolden = getgolden(BPMFamily, BPMList);
0085 % Get Dispersion
0086 Dx = measdisp([], BPMFamily, BPMList);
0089 for i = 1:length(DeltaRF)
0090     fprintf('   %d. Setting RF to %f [%s] \n', i, RF0.Data + DeltaRF(i), RF0.UnitsString);
0091     setrf(RF0.Data + DeltaRF(i));
0092     sleep(BPMDelay);
0093     x(:,i) = getam(BPMFamily, BPMList) - Xoffset;
0094     rf(1,i) = getrf;
0095 end
0098 % Set RF back to starting point
0099 setrf(RF0);
0102 % Find LS fit to the line
0103 y = x' * Dx;           % Dot product of Dx and the X orbit
0104 X = [ones(max(size(rf)),1) rf'];
0105 %b = inv(X'*X)*X'*y;
0106 b = X \ y;
0107 RFnew = -b(1) / b(2);
0110 rf1 = linspace(rf(1),rf(max(size(rf))),100);
0111 yfit = b(1) + b(2)*rf1;
0113 DeltaRF = RFnew - RF0.Data;
0116 %figure
0117 clf reset
0118 plot(rf1,yfit, 'b', rf,y,'og', RFnew,0,'xr'); 
0119 grid on
0120 xlabel('RF Frequency [MHz]');
0121 ylabel('Dot product of Dx and Hor. Orbit');
0122 title(sprintf('FIT: %g + %g * RF,  \\DeltaRF = %g', b(1), b(2), DeltaRF));
0126 % Set the RF frequency
0127 if ChangeRFFlag
0128     % fprintf('\n               Starting RF = %f [%s]\n', RF0.Data, RF0.UnitsString);
0129     % fprintf('   Zero crossing of the RF = %f  Delta RF = %g [%s]\n', RFnew, DeltaRF, RF0.UnitsString);
0130     % answer = input('   Do you want to set the RF frequence now (n/y)? ','s');
0131     % if strcmp(answer, 'y') == 1
0132     %     setrf(RFnew);
0133     %     fprintf('   New RF frequency = %f [%s]\n', getrf, RF0.UnitsString);
0134     %     fprintf('   Measurement complete.\n');
0135     % else
0136     %     fprintf('   Measurement complete.  No change to the RF frequency.\n');
0137     % end
0138     if ~isempty(DeltaRF)
0139         if DisplayFlag
0140             answer = inputdlg({strvcat(strvcat(strvcat(sprintf('Recommend new RF Freqenecy is %g %s', RFnew, RF0.UnitsString), sprintf('Delta RF is %g %s', DeltaRF, RF0.UnitsString)), '  '),'Change the RF frequency?')},'FINDFR1',1,{sprintf('%g',DeltaRF)});
0141             if isempty(answer)
0142                 fprintf('   No change was made to the RF frequency.\n');
0143                 return
0144             end
0145             DeltaRF = str2num(answer{1});
0146         end
0147         steprf(DeltaRF);
0148         if DisplayFlag
0149             fprintf('   RF frequency change by %f %s.\n', DeltaRF, RFUnitsString);
0150         end
0151     else
0152         error('RF frequency not changed because of a calculation problem.');
0153     end
0154 end
0157 if ~isempty(FileName)         %save file
0158     frf.TimeStamp = clock;
0159     frf.CreatedBy = 'findrf';
0160     frf.FileName  = FileName;
0161     frf.x         = x;
0162     frf.rf        = rf;
0163     frf.Dx        = Dx;
0164     frf.RF0       = RF0;
0165     frf.RFnew     = RFnew;
0166     frf.DeltaRF   = DeltaRF;
0167     frf.BPMFamily = BPMFamily;
0168     frf.BPMList   = BPMList;
0169     frf.Xgolden   = Xgolden;
0170     frf.Xoffset   = Xoffset;
0171     save(FileName, 'frf');
0172     fprintf('   Data saved to %s.mat in directory %s.\n', FileName, pwd);
0173 end

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