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HEASARC: Observatories

GINGA Software: Example of fplot & GINGA LAC FRF

In this example we are selecting the data from file g8703230425slm1p01.fits column "DET8_MID". We have selected 8 rows from 2377-2384. The output is sent to an XWindow device.

fplot g8703230425slm1p01.fits.gz binmode='STACK'
Name of X Axis Parameter[error][-] 
Name of Y Axis Parameter[error] up to 8 allowed[DET8_MID] 
Lists of rows[2377-2384] 
Device: /XWindow, /XTerm, /TK, /PS, etc[/XW] 
Any legal PLT command[] 
PLT> quit

plot of several rows versus point number

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