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[IGLOSMAIL-230] Wk 1097 BKG IGEX Analysis Report

IGLOS Electronic Mail      23 Mar 01:32:49 PST 2001   Message Number 230

Author: Heinz Habrich                                                         
BKG IGEX ANALYSIS REPORT                  GPS WEEK 1097 (DAYS 014 - 020, 2001)
Submitted by:    Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie (BKG)              
                 Geodetic Department, G1                                      
                 Richard-Strauss-Allee 11, D-60598 Frankfurt Main, Germany    
                         Phone : +49-69-63331                                 
                         Fax   : +49-69-6333425                               
                         E-Mail: habrich @ ifag.de                              
Product access:  anonymous ftp to igs.ifag.de (                 
                 subdirectory IGEX/products/wwww                              
PROCESSING SCHEME:                                                            
    Bernese GPS Software                                                      
ORBIT COMPUTATION:                                                            
    Double difference phase observations of GLONASS and GPS satellites are    
    processed in the ionosphere free linear combination.                      
    IGS orbits and Earth rotation parameters are fixed.                       
    Six initial conditions and five (nine for GPS weeks 0980-1082)            
    radiation pressure parameters per GLONASS satellite are determined.       
    The middle day of a 3-day-arc is used for the daily orbit results.        
    The daily orbit files include GPS satellite clock values from IGS         
    estimates and broadcasted values for GLONASS satellite clocks.            
    The coordinates of the following stations are contrained to ITRF-97:      
    GODZ IRKZ LHAZ OS0G YARR ZIMZ WTZZ.                                       
GLONASS/GPS TIME OFFSET:                                                      
    Code observations of combined GLONASS/GPS receivers are used to           
    determine the GLONASS/GPS time offset.                                    
    This offset includes the modulo 1 sec system time scale difference of     
    GLONASS and GPS and an additional offset between the receiver's           
    'GPS clock' and 'GLONASS clock'. The additional offset is receiver        
    The transformation parameters are derived from GLONASS precise orbits     
    (given in ITRF) and GLONASS broadcast orbits (given in PZ90).             
     GLONASS Satellites:                                                      
     101 107 108 111 113 115 117 124 
  14   9   4  14  27  12   9  --   6
  15   7   6  29  25  16  13  --   7
  16  10   9  22  26  13   6  22   6
  17  12  14  99  21   9   8  19   4
  18  11   9  38  26   8   6  15   3
  19   9   7  21  27   7   8  10   5
  20  10   6  19  30  11   6  11   7
 ALL  10   8  44  26  11   8  16   6
GLONASS/GPS TIME OFFSET:                                                      
         OFFSET    (NS)                                                       
         RMS ERROR (NS)                                                       
DAY    :       014       015       016       017       018       019       020
BORG       449.383   430.171   437.313   422.615   421.630   426.811   417.224
             0.230     0.210     0.204     0.227     0.174     0.201     0.223
CRAR      -673.577  -690.168  -688.880  -687.553  -692.415  -692.877  -700.904
             0.138     0.104     0.133     0.134     0.154     0.178     0.132
CSIR       450.140   434.790   441.914936454.245   437.186   439.980   432.141
             0.233     0.229     0.195 16693.032     0.189     0.221     0.257
DLFT      -667.124  -690.497  -686.628            -697.073  -694.593  -701.586
             0.247     0.152     0.227               0.166     0.217     0.216
DWH1      -608.273                                                    -642.475
             0.278                                                       0.294
GJOV      -493.653  -515.997  -514.969  -526.004  -529.278  -518.100  -530.245
             0.215     0.127     0.202     0.303     0.134     0.375     0.237
GRAB      -493.564  -518.577  -514.880  -525.500  -531.523  -520.618  -529.748
             0.320     0.223     0.294     0.315     0.222     0.319     0.285
GODZ                                                        -523.126  -516.342
                                                               0.206     0.280
GOPE      -503.089  -526.157  -525.056  -534.364  -539.219  -531.127  -539.857
             0.242     0.180     0.215     0.243     0.192     0.246     0.212
KR0G      -556.728  -577.633  -576.754  -585.143  -583.294  -584.503  -590.028
             0.288     0.305     0.301     0.244     0.265     0.261     0.336
LHAZ      -541.290  -555.763  -558.180  -563.860  -567.407  -557.541  -572.699
             0.160     0.131     0.194     0.209     0.169     0.272     0.225
LINR       461.542   445.080                                                  
             0.276     0.226                                                  
METZ      -607.498  -628.634  -628.743  -636.268  -638.991  -634.826  -642.486
             0.242     0.172     0.224     0.224     0.193     0.238     0.226
MTBG      -647.628  -676.992  -668.714  -677.919  -679.257  -673.491  -683.287
             0.255     0.214     0.229     0.231     0.167     0.231     0.223
MTKA      -499.255  -509.490  -520.886  -521.488  -522.768  -528.705  -533.420
             0.284     0.258     0.289     0.267     0.339     0.284     0.286
OS0G      -645.373  -669.830  -668.619  -674.637  -675.928  -672.932  -679.885
             0.236     0.155     0.219     0.207     0.165     0.222     0.220
REYZ      -471.763  -485.176  -492.624  -504.687  -509.380  -500.995  -506.810
             0.343     0.282     0.310     0.332     0.289     0.355     0.320
STR2      -592.731  -605.873  -602.422                                        
             0.280     0.295     0.330                                        
SUNM      -609.148  -623.048  -616.012  -624.460  -624.533  -630.912  -640.993
             0.412     0.440     0.497     0.460     0.576     0.560     0.460
THU2      -452.789  -530.555                      -535.421  -537.349  -536.507
             1.220     1.068                         0.261     0.388     0.626
VSLD       452.149   429.981   438.020   423.776   422.247   426.724   418.513
             0.273     0.233     0.242     0.247     0.163     0.230     0.199
WROC      -500.590  -523.946  -517.283  -528.190  -532.864  -525.524  -531.684
             0.252     0.194     0.308     0.340     0.272     0.285     0.317
WTZZ      -478.447  -499.859  -498.675  -519.954  -527.825  -514.401  -517.168
             0.507     0.430     0.460     0.386     0.264     0.348     0.425
ZIMZ      -513.484  -538.731  -535.910            -552.343  -544.458  -551.356
             0.376     0.262     0.338               0.291     0.273     0.309
ZIMJ      -601.443  -625.552                      -632.076  -626.663  -634.804
             0.237     0.144                         0.167     0.204     0.196
STATISTICS FOR 1 DAY SOLUTIONS:                                               
DAY     OBSERVATIONS       PARAMETERS          RMS (M)                        
014            98951             2251           0.0012                        
015            93808             2068           0.0012                        
016            91156             1999           0.0011                        
017            72407             1724           0.0011                        
018            97077             2287           0.0011                        
019            96424             2007           0.0011                        
020           101973             2358           0.0011                        
                      WEEKDAY  RESIDUAL RMS IN MM
STATION        #DAYS  0123456     N     E     U
BORG               7  PPPPPPP     6     6     4
CRAR               7  PPPPPPP    28    21    23
DLFT               6  PPP PPP     1     2     2
DWH1               2  P     P    49    46    14
GJOV               7  PPPPPPP     2     1     4
GODZ               2       PP     -     -     -   FIXED
GOPE               7  PPPPPPP     1     2     3
GRAB               7  PPPPPPP     1     2     2
KR0G               7  PPPPPPP     3     2     5
LHAZ               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
METZ               7  PPPPPPP     2     2     4
MTBG               7  PPPPPPP     1     2     5
MTKA               7  PPPPPPP     4    18    16
OS0G               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
REYZ               7  PPPPPPP     2     5     8
STR2               3  PPP        29    19    75
SUNM               7  PPPPPPP    18    30    71
THU2               3      PPP    11     6    14
VSLD               7  PPPPPPP     6     4    27
WROC               7  PPPPPPP     1     2     2
WTZZ               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
YAR1               6  PP PPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
ZIMJ               5  PP  PPP     2     1     5
ZIMZ               6  PPP PPP     -     -     -   FIXED
STATISTICS FOR 3 DAY SOLUTIONS:                                               
MID-DAY OBSERVATIONS       PARAMETERS          RMS (M)                        
014           290641             5895           0.0012                        
015           283915             5667           0.0012                        
016           257371             5159           0.0011                        
017           260640             5320           0.0029                        
018           265908             5323           0.0029                        
019           295474             5911           0.0028                        
020           293334             5767           0.0011                        
         | X |      | X |   | DX |   | SCALE    RZ   -RY |   | X |            
         | Y |  =   | Y | + | DY | + |   -RZ SCALE    RX | * | Y |            
         | Z |      | Z |   | DZ |   |    RY   -RX SCALE |   | Z |            
          ITRF       PZ90                                     PZ90            
                                          RMS = RMS of transformed coordinates
          DX     DY     DZ      RX      RY      RZ    SCALE   RMS
DAY       [m]    [m]    [m]   [mas]   [mas]   [mas]   [10E6]  [m]             
014    -0.862  0.536 -1.390   -4.03  -47.41 -381.93   0.0084  5.15
015     1.154 -1.382 -1.220    0.17   -4.01 -360.12   0.0125  6.43
016     0.782 -1.197 -1.978   -4.41    0.68 -377.10   0.0261  6.98
017     1.213 -0.223 -2.739  -11.11   -2.13 -399.63   0.0161  5.77
018     0.035  0.550 -3.118  -20.67  -21.33 -394.20   0.0103  6.48
019    -0.670 -0.403 -2.716   -6.72  -17.12 -359.47   0.0318  7.74
020    -0.627 -0.308 -1.971  -13.14  -27.29 -368.87   0.0249  5.08