Fermilab Today Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wed., June 20
11:00 a.m.
Fermilab ILC R&D Meeting - One West
Speaker: P. McIntyre, Texas A&M University
Title: Novel Designs for Tesla-Like Accelerating RF Structures
3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
Fermilab Colloquium - One West
Speaker: J. Howell, University of Rochester
Title: Slow Images and Entangled Photons

Thurs., June 21
8:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Daughters and Sons to Work Day (DASTOW)
1:00 p.m.
ILC ALCPG Physics and Detector R&D Seminar, WH-10NW, West Wing
Speaker: N. Solomey, Illinois Institute of Technology
Title: Tagged Neutrons and the ILC Calorimeter R&D
2:30 p.m.
Theoretical Physics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: O. Mena, Universitá di Roma I
Title: Landscape and Strings in Vacqua
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - Dark Side WH-6NW (NOTE DATE, LOCATION)
Speaker: D. Vanden Berk, University of Pittsburg
Title: Seeing the Sky Swiftly: Gamma-Ray Bursts and Beyond with the Swift Observatory
3:30 p.m.

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a weekly calendar with links to additional information.


WeatherSunny 85°/64°

Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe
Wednesday, June 20
-Vegetable beef
-Fish & chips
-Smart Cuisine: grill salmon
-Country fried steak w/pepper gravy
-Beef & cheddar panini w/sauteed onions
-Assorted sliced pizza
-Cavatappi pasta w/Italian sausage & tomato ragu

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, June 20
- Arranchera al carbon
- Roasted red peppers
- Warm tortillas
- Pico de gallo
- Black bean & corn salad
- Coconut rice pudding

Thursday, June 21
- Caponata
- Grilled lamb chops
- Canelli bean & celery root puree
- Blueberry cobbler

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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Peel and stick

Some labels in the Main Control Room are printed in English and Russian.

Chip Edstrom routinely tidies the Fermilab Main Control Room to stay awake while working as an accelerator operator on the owl shift. One night, while cleaning equipment and peeling off decades-old labels, Edstrom decided to replace the old ones with fresh ones. In Russian.

"Considering the number of Russians in the Tevatron department at the time, it seemed like a fun idea," says Edstrom, who studied some Russian in college. "I should also mention that it was the midnight shift, which made the fun seem even better."

The labels, which mark two crucial monitors displaying the bend of the Tevatron's beamline as it moves through the tunnel, proved amusing-especially to the Russians.

Vsevolod "Seva" Kamerdzhiev is one of the many who have enjoyed Edstrom's creative grammar. On the labels Edstrom had written "this is horizontal" and "this is vertical," instead of simply "horizontal" and "vertical." "The words do exist-they just wouldn't be used in a case like this," Kamerdzhiev says. The grammatical errors were easy ones to make as only the endings of the words were incorrect, thus changing their meanings.

Still, Kamerdzhiev appreciates the gesture. "The Russian labels give a nice feeling of being welcome," he says.

-- Kate Raiford

Special Announcements

DASTOW this Thursday

Tomorrow, June 21, Fermilab will hold this year's Daughters and Sons to Work day (DASTOW). The event starts with a group photo in front of Wilson Hall at 8:45 a.m. Please check the DASTOW Web site for more information.

Photo of the Day

Suburban cicadas: Living the good life, for a few weeks

One of the seasons' early cicadas enjoys the summer weather. Photo submitted by Technical Division's Luciano Elementi.

In the News

From Wired
June 18, 2007

Rumors in Physics Blogosphere Test Faith in 'God Particle'

For weeks, the physics world has been buzzing with rumors juicier -- at least in context -- than any Washington scandal: Researchers at Fermilab's Tevatron particle collider may have made one of the biggest scientific discoveries in decades, just months before a new European facility supplanted their position at the top of the field.

According to the rumors, researchers may have experimental results compatible with the discovery of a long-sought particle called the Higgs boson, sometimes dubbed the "God particle," which is widely regarded as giving all other particles mass. Depending on the details, this could be a Nobel-level discovery, and could lead to a reexamination of much of today's physics.

Nevertheless, the blog-spread buzz is polarizing the physics community. The tension, and the ongoing silence from researchers in the know, says much about a field on the brink of changes that will shape research for decades to come.

Read more

From the CMS Center

A long-distance success

Today's column is by Lothar Bauerdick, director of the CMS Center at Fermilab.

Lothar Bauerdick

Making the Large Hadron Collider and its experiments work is top priority for Fermilab and the global particle physics community. For Fermilab people, of course, working on the CMS experiment is quite different from working at the Tevatron: you can't simply walk over to the experiment to do some work or to ask somebody else a question. Nevertheless, our transatlantic collaboration has been a success--across institutional, geographic and time-zone boundaries.

For the CMS collaboration to be successful requires both a strong base here at Fermilab and a strong team over at CERN, connected via excellent communication. At Fermilab, we've created the CMS Center, which includes the LHC Physics Center on the 11th floor of Wilson Hall and the LHC@FNAL Remote Operations Center, located on the first floor. At CERN we have a great team on the ground: about 20 percent of the Fermilab CMS group is at CERN for long-term stays, and others are visiting frequently. We keep close contact via email, phone calls, videoconferencing, and instant messaging.

The CMS Silicon Tracker group is a great example of how people at Fermilab and CERN work together. The CMS Tracker has 2,200 square feet of silicon strip sensors and 10 million readout channels. Many of the modules were made and tested at Fermilab's Silicon Detector Facility and then assembled into the full CMS tracker at CERN. Commissioning of the detector is in full swing at the CERN Tracker Integration Facility, prior to mounting it into the CMS detector later this year. We always have about five Fermilab tracker people at CERN, working with the other members of the CMS tracker team.

Earlier this year, the CMS tracker group began to take cosmic muon data. Taking shifts in the LHC@FNAL Remote Operations Center, Fermilab and U.S. university physicists are helping the team at CERN to run the silicon detector and to monitor data quality. The data are transferred to the Fermilab Tier-1 computing center, and the team here is reconstructing the raw data, debugging the tracker reconstruction software, commissioning the detector readout and developing an understanding of detector performance by studying noise levels, dead channels, etc. This sharing of work is a great success. At times, we already operate round-the-clock like we expect it to be when the LHC is running next year.

For many years, people were skeptical whether Fermilab and the U.S. particle physics community could play a major role in the LHC and its experiments. Today, it's clear that we can.


Vacancies in DOE Office of Science
The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science is seeking highly qualified candidates with outstanding scientific achievements to fill two important positions: Deputy for Programs and Associate Director of the Office of Science Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Program.

June Wilson Hall window washing
Window washing at Wilson Hall will continue through the end of June. Wilson Hall's interior will be washed this week. Please avoid walking through or moving barricades.

Men's locker room closed this week
Complications with renovations to the men's locker room on the ground floor of Wilson Hall will extend the room's closure through Friday, June 22.

Weight Watchers open house June 20
A free Weight Watchers open house will be held on Wednesday, June 20 in the WH15NW conference room. The regular weigh-in time will be 12:00 p.m. and meeting time will be 12:30 p.m. Information about the Turn Around Program will be provided and payments for the next session will be collected. Week 1 is scheduled to start 7/18 and run through 9/12. Cost for the 9-week session is $99.00 and most payment forms are accepted. Stop by the Recreation Office for more information.

Additional Activities

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.