IBM Books

IBM General Parallel File System for AIX: Administration and Programming Reference

mmlsquota Command


mmlsquota - Displays quota information for a user or group.


mmlsquota [-u User | -g Group] [-v | -q] [-e]


mmlsquota -d {-u | -g }


For the specified User or Group, the mmlsquota command displays information about quota limits and current usage on each file system in the nodeset from which the command is issued. This information is only displayed if quotas limits have been established and the storage has been allocated. If you want quota information for a User or Group where the storage has not been allocated, you must specify the -v option.

If neither -g nor -u is specified, the default is to display only user quotas for the user who issues the command.

For each file system in the nodeset, the mmlsquota command displays:

As the sum of the in-doubt value and the current usage may not exceed the hard limit, the actual block space and number of files available to the user or the group may be constrained by the in-doubt value. Should the in-doubt value approach a significant percentage of the quota, run the mmcheckquota command to account for the lost space and files.

GPFS quota management takes replication into account when reporting on and determining if quota limits have been exceeded for both block and file usage. In a file system that has either type of replication set to a value of two, the values reported on by both the mmlsquota command and the mmrepquota command and the values used to determine if quota limits have been exceeded will be double the value reported by the ls command.




Display the default quota limits for either user or group quotas.

Specifies that mmlsquota is to collect updated quota usage data from all nodes before displaying results. If this option is not specified, there is the potential to display negative usage values as the quota server may process a combination of up-to-date and back-level information.

-g Group
Display quota information for the user group or group id specified in the Group parameter.

Prints a terse message containing only information about file systems with usage over quota.

-u User
Display quota information for the user name or user id specified in the User parameter.

Display quota information on file systems where the User or Group limit has been set, but the storage has not been allocated.

Exit status

Successful completion.

A failure has occurred.


If you are a root user, you may view quota information for all users and groups when issuing the mmlsquota command.

If you are a non-root user, you may only view your own quota information and quota information for any groups to which you belong when issuing the mmlsquota command.

You must be a root user to use the -d option.

GPFS must be running on the node from which the mmlsquota command is issued.

In an SP environment, verify the authentication method set for SP security services:

  1. If your authentication method is set to compatibility, Kerberos authentication is required. Issue the k4init command.
  2. If your authentication method is set to DCE, dce_login authentication is required.
  3. If your authentication method is set to NONE/std, there must be an entry in the /etc/sysctl.mmcmd.acl file on every node in the nodeset for the root user at every other node in the nodeset.

For further information, see the latest IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide, IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference, and RS/6000: Planning Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment manuals at Search for information on sysctl.


Userid paul enters:


The system displays information similar to:

                        Block Limits                                  |     File Limits
Filesystem type          KB      quota      limit   in_doubt    grace |    files   quota    limit in_doubt    grace
gpfsn      USR          728     100096     200192       4880     none |       35      30       50       10    6days                       

This output shows the quotas for user paul in file system gpfsn set to a soft limit of 100096K, and a hard limit of 200192K. 728K is currently allocated to him. 4880K is also in doubt, meaning that the quota system has not yet been updated as to whether this space has been used by the nodes, or whether it is still available. No grace period appears because the user has not exceeded his quotas. If he had exceeded the soft limit, the grace period would be set and the user would have that amount of time to bring his usage below the quota values. If he failed to do so, he would not be allocated any more space.

The soft limit for files (inodes) is set at 30 and the hard limit is 50. 35 files are currently allocated to this user, and the quota system does not yet know whether the 10 in doubt have been used or are still available. A grace period of six days appears because the user has exceeded his quotas. The user would have that amount of time to bring his usage below the quota values. If he fails to do so, he will not be allocated any more space.

See also

mmcheckquota Command

mmdefedquota Command

mmdefquotaoff Command

mmdefquotaon Command

mmedquota Command

mmrepquota Command

mmquotaon Command

mmquotaoff Command



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