Fermilab TodayFriday, June 25, 2004  
Friday, June 25
Lattice 2004
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. Joint Experimental Theoretical Physics Seminar (NOTE LOCATION) - Auditorium
(In association with the Symposium "Lattice 2004")
Speaker: V. Lubicz, Universita di Roma III
Title: The Role of Lattice QCD in Flavor Physics
4:45 p.m Speaker: I. Shipsey, Purdue University
Title: An Experimenter's View of Lattice QCD
5:15 p.m. Speaker: M. Wingate, University of Washington
Title: The Status of Lattice QCD Calculations for Flavor Physics
8:00 p.m. Fermilab Film Series - Auditorium
The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons From the Life of Robert S. McNamara

Saturday, June 26
Lattice 2004
8:00 p.m. Fermilab Arts Series - Auditorium
Muriel Anderson's All-Star Guitar Night with Ben Lacy and Thom Bresh

Monday, June 28
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II

Friday, June 25
Old Fashioned Ham & Bean Soup
Black & Bleu Bacon Cheeseburger $4.75
Grilled Chicken in a Mushroom Cream Sauce $3.75
Tex-Mex Lasagna $3.50
Roasted Veggie & Provolone Panini $4.75
Sicilian Style Pizza $2.75
Chili Rubbed Pork Loin $4.75
Wilson Hall Cafe Menu
Chez Leon
Weather Mostly Sunny 70º/50º

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Secon Level 3

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Remodeling and Recycling in the Technical Division
The Technical Division hired a contractor who recycled 85 percent of the debris from the remodeling project. (Click on image for larger version.)
There are many options when it comes to disposing of waste generated during renovation and recovery projects at Fermilab. The Technical Division recently undertook a remodeling project at Industrial Building 3. The goal of the project was to redesign approximately one third of the floor space in the building to provide additional industrial space and to relocate office space to a modular mezzanine.

During the renovation, TD knew that the project had the potential to generate a significant amount of demolition and renovation debris. The roughly 230 cubic yards of debris (seven large dumpsters) could have been taken to a landfill. Instead TD hired a local refuse hauler that recyled 85 percent of the waste. The recycling hauler provided the same kind of dumpster that is typically used, and all the debris was mixed together in the same dumpster. The materials were sorted at the hauler's facility. Disposal costs were on par with using a typical waste hauler.

Recycling the debris turned out to be such a success during the first part of the renovation that TD also plans to use the same refuse hauler for the installation phase of the project. Choosing the recycling alternative is an excellent way to minimize waste. It is an approach that can be applied to both large and small-scale projects going on at Fermilab.

In the News
FYI: AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News, June 24, 2004
Update Requested on Improvements to Visa Processing
Several key members of the House Science Committee have asked the General Accounting Office (GAO) for an update on efforts to improve the visa processing system for foreign scientists and students. In February, the GAO published a report which identified delays and inefficiencies in the process, and made recommendations to the State Department, Department of Homeland Security, and FBI for how the process could be improved. On June 16, Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY), Ranking Minority Member Bart Gordon (D-TN), and Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) sent a letter to Comptroller General David Walker, requesting a follow-up report to assess the progress toward implementing these recommendations.
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DZero's Michael Eads Meets with Nobel Laureates in Germany
Michael Eads, a graduate student working on DZero, has the prestigious honor of attending this year's Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students in
Michael Eads
Michael Eads
Germany, June 27 through July 2. Eads was chosen from hundreds of applicants by the National Science Foundation and DOE. He will join more than 500 graduate students at the international conference, held annually in the historic city of Landau on the common border of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Started in 1951 by patron Count Lennart Bernadotte, the conference allows young physicists to interact with and be inspired by Nobel Prize Winners. Laureates from all fields of physics will give lectures, facilitate roundtable discussions, and eat meals with the student participants.

"I'm really excited that there'll be physicists from areas other than high-energy physics," said Eads, who is currently researching massive stable charged particles for his PhD from Northern Illinois University. "It should be an interesting and memorable time."

Fermilab Film Series Tonight
The Fermilab Film Series presents "The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons From the Life of Robert S. McNamara" tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Ramsey Auditorium.
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Fermilab Arts Series Tomorrow
The Fermilab Arts Series presents "Muriel Anderson's All-Star Guitar Night with Ben Lacy and Thom Bresh" tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. in Ramsey Auditorium. Tickets are still available.
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New classified ads have been posted on Fermilab Today. A permanent link to the classifieds is located in the bottom left corner of Fermilab Today.

Free English Classes
NALWO-sponsored free English language classes for beginning and advanced levels are Fridays at the Users Center from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

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