The U.S. Census Bureau
Nevada State & Local Government Finances by Level of Government:  1994-95
Dollar amounts are in thousands. Coefficients of variation (CV) are expressed as percents. For meaning
of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table.
  State & local State & local  State  Local  Local
Description government government government government government
  amount1 CV amount amount1 CV
  1 2 3 4 5
 Population (July 1995, thousands) 1,530 (X) 1,530 1,530 (X)
 Personal Income (Calendar year 1994, in millions)  34,702 (X) 34,702 34,702 (X)
 Revenue1 8,235,817 0.36 5,477,926 4,271,212 0.84
  General revenue1 6,435,196 0.45 3,895,534 4,052,983 0.85
Intergovernmental revenue1 871,099 0.32 781,752 1,602,668 0.98
     From Federal Government 871,099 0.32 736,337 134,762 2.08
     From State government (1) (X) - 1,467,906 0.92
     From local governments1 (1) (X) 45,415 (1) (X)
General revenue from own sources   5,564,097 0.50 3,113,782 2,450,315 1.13
    Taxes   3,927,615 0.23 2,698,343 1,229,272 0.74
          Property 811,293 0.86 57,817 753,476 0.92
          Sales and gross receipts   2,543,255 0.08 2,260,371 282,884 0.71
               General sales   1,513,278 0.01 1,437,820 75,458 0.29
               Selective sales 1,029,977 0.19 822,551 207,426 0.93
                    Motor fuel 241,977 0.50 180,593 61,384 1.96
                    Alcoholic beverage 13,384 0.00 13,384 - 0.00
                    Tobacco products 50,523 0.00 50,523 - 0.00
                    Public utilities   48,716 1.10 5,474 43,242 1.24
                    Other selective sales   675,377 0.18 572,577 102,800 1.20
          Individual income   - 0.00 - - 0.00
          Corporate income   - 0.00 - - 0.00
          Motor vehicle license   86,833 0.00 86,833 - 0.00
          Other taxes   486,234 0.27 293,322 192,912 0.68
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   1,636,482 1.47 415,439 1,221,043 1.97
          Current charges   1,132,182 2.11 241,875 890,307 2.69
               Education   203,541 0.13 151,059 52,482 0.50
                    Institutions  of higher education   149,043 0.00 149,043 - 0.00
                    School lunch sales (gross) 18,850 0.73 - 18,850 0.73
               Hospitals   327,596 7.54 4,133 323,463 7.64
               Highways   28,988 0.39 23,719 5,269 2.17
               Air transportation (airports)   156,401 0.13 - 156,401 0.13
               Parking facilities   1,702 6.27 - 1,702 6.27
               Sea and inland port facilities   - 0.00 - - 0.00
               Natural resources   2,870 0.00 2,870 - 0.00
               Parks and recreation   53,860 1.17 1,991 51,869 1.22
               Housing and community development   10,732 4.26 1,551 9,181 4.98
               Sewerage   142,344 2.13 - 142,344 2.13
               Solid waste management   7,620 15.48 3,368 4,252 27.75
               Other charges   196,528 1.34 53,184 143,344 1.83
          Miscellaneous general revenue   504,300 0.60 173,564 330,736 0.91
               Interest earnings   300,853 0.31 93,971 206,882 0.45
               Special assessments   25,690 1.50 7,173 18,517 2.08
               Sale of property   13,799 3.78 5,341 8,458 6.17
               Other general revenue   163,958 1.21 67,079 96,879 2.04
Utility revenue 297,853 1.19 81,160 216,693 1.63
     Water supply   230,461 1.54 49,642 180,819 1.96
     Electric power   47,519 0.00 31,518 16,001 0.00
     Gas supply   - 0.00 - - 0.00
     Transit   19,873 0.00 - 19,873 0.00
Liquor store revenue   - 0.00 - - 0.00
Insurance trust revenue   1,502,768 0.00 1,501,232 1,536 0.00
     Unemployment compensation   285,737 0.00 285,737 - 0.00
     Employee retirement   714,710 0.00 713,174 1,536 0.00
     Workers' compensation   502,321 0.00 502,321 - 0.00
     Other insurance trust revenue   - 0.00 - - 0.00
 Expenditure1 7,536,228 0.47 4,581,276 4,376,892 0.81
By character and object:        
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 4,836 0.00 1,424,642 2,134 6.15
     Direct expenditure   7,531,392 0.47 3,156,634 4,374,758 0.81
          Current operations   5,036,239 0.63 1,751,009 3,285,230 0.96
          Capital outlay   1,208,644 0.49 440,657 767,987 0.78
               Construction   1,034,935 0.32 387,306 647,629 0.51
               Other capital outlay   173,709 2.56 53,351 120,358 3.70
          Assistance and subsidies   66,200 0.00 66,186 14 0.00
          Interest on debt   433,709 0.23 113,940 319,769 0.31
          Insurance benefits and repayments 786,600 0.00 784,842 1,758 0.00
          Exhibit: salaries & wages   2,418,086 0.56 717,075 1,701,011 0.80
Direct expenditure by function 7,531,392 0.47 3,156,634 4,374,758 0.81
     Direct general expenditure   6,435,762 0.53 2,293,703 4,142,059 0.82
          Capital outlay   1,180,034 0.51 436,185 743,849 0.80
          Other direct general expenditure    5,255,728 0.59 1,857,518 3,398,210 0.91
          Education services:        
               Education   1,805,610 0.87 508,725 1,296,885 1.21
                    Capital outlay   186,663 0.88 65,921 120,742 1.36
                         Higher education   466,076 0.00 466,076 - 0.00
                              Capital outlay   65,376 0.00 65,376 - 0.00
                         Elementary & secondary education   1,296,885 1.21 - 1,296,885 1.21
                              Capital outlay   120,742 1.36 - 120,742 1.36
                         Other education   42,649 0.00 42,649 - 0.00
               Libraries   41,543 1.09 3,496 38,047 1.19
          Social services and income maintenance:        
               Public welfare   639,987 0.18 590,358 49,629 2.27
                    Cash assistance payments 53,040 0.00 53,026 14 0.00
                    Vendor payments   428,659 0.00 428,489 170 0.00
                    Other public welfare   158,288 0.71 108,843 49,445 2.28
               Hospitals   395,116 6.32 57,967 337,149 7.40
                    Capital outlay   4,905 6.04 200 4,705 6.30
               Health   121,996 12.67 66,130 55,866 27.67
               Social insurance administration    31,342 0.00 31,342 - 0.00
               Veterans' services   754 0.00 754 - 0.00
               Highways   637,258 0.92 368,700 268,558 2.18
                    Capital outlay   471,089 0.50 314,983 156,106 1.50
               Air transportation (airports) 223,823 1.37 - 223,823 1.37
               Parking facilities   2,132 5.86 - 2,132 5.86
               Sea and inland port facilities   - 0.00 - - 0.00
               Transit subsidies   - 0.00 - - 0.00
          Public safety:        
               Police protection   304,551 1.98 32,678 271,873 2.21
               Fire protection   133,361 1.78 - 133,361 1.78
               Correction   258,432 0.41 135,591 122,841 0.87
                    Capital outlay   9,039 0.42 8,241 798 4.75
               Protective inspection and regulation   84,025 0.56 50,225 33,800 1.39
          Environment and housing:        
               Natural resources   100,095 0.31 45,914 54,181 0.57
                    Capital outlay   48,029 0.00 2,622 45,407 0.00
               Parks and recreation   211,260 1.27 13,973 197,287 1.36
                    Capital outlay   44,488 0.98 4,679 39,809 1.10
               Housing and community development    96,259 0.88 11,532 84,727 1.00
               Sewerage   103,649 2.88 - 103,649 2.88
                    Capital outlay   22,233 0.21 - 22,233 0.21
               Solid waste management   8,817 11.85 4,558 4,259 24.53
                    Capital outlay   455 66.95 83 372 81.89
          Governmental administration:        
               Financial administration   177,177 0.80 104,808 72,369 1.97
               Judicial and legal   159,667 1.57 25,861 133,806 1.88
               General public buildings 140,226 0.78 84 140,142 0.79
               Other governmental administration    105,170 3.85 24,823 80,347 5.04
          Interest on general debt   400,857 0.18 98,839 302,018 0.23
          General expenditure, n.e.c.        
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   735 0.00 - 735 0.00
               Other and unallocable   251,920 1.04 117,345 134,575 1.94
     Utility expenditure 309,030 1.08 78,089 230,941 1.45
               Capital outlay   28,610 0.52 4,472 24,138 0.61
          Water supply   204,752 1.49 49,405 155,347 1.97
          Electric power   51,250 1.41 28,684 22,566 3.21
          Gas supply   - 0.00 - - 0.00
          Transit   53,028 0.00 - 53,028 0.00
     Liquor store expenditure   - 0.00 - - 0.00
     Insurance trust expenditure 786,600 0.00 784,842 1,758 0.00
          Unemployment compensation   239,590 0.00 239,590 - 0.00
          Employee retirement   280,722 0.00 278,964 1,758 0.00
          Workers' compensation   266,288 0.00 266,288 - 0.00
          Other insurance trust   - 0.00 - - 0.00
 Debt outstanding   7,418,625 0.25 1,996,136 5,422,489 0.34
Short-term    11,033 4.64 2,263 8,770 5.83
Long-term    7,407,592 0.25 1,993,873 5,413,719 0.34
     Full faith and credit   4,315,620 0.33 1,138,811 3,176,809 0.45
     Nonguaranteed   3,091,972 0.42 855,062 2,236,910 0.58
Long-term debt by purpose        
     Public debt for private purposes   1,332,040 0.00 612,383 719,657 0.00
     Education   1,403,900 1.02 118,665 1,285,235 1.12
     Utilities   868,290 1.43 492,024 376,266 3.29
     Other   3,803,362 0.21 770,801 3,032,561 0.27
Long-term debt issued   1,184,572 0.21 547,001 637,571 0.39
Long-term debt retired   443,764 0.17 235,925 207,839 0.36
 Cash and security holdings   12,523,664 0.12 8,838,965 3,684,699 0.42
Insurance trust funds   6,813,358 0.00 6,791,758 21,600 0.00
     Unemployment compensation    269,845 0.00 269,845 - 0.00
     Employee retirement   5,774,888 0.00 5,753,288 21,600 0.00
     Workers' compensation   768,625 0.00 768,625 - 0.00
     Miscellaneous   - 0.00 - - 0.00
Other than insurance trust funds   5,710,306 0.27 2,047,207 3,663,099 0.42
     By purpose        
          Offsets to debt   1,555,297 0.06 685,904 869,393 0.10
          Bond funds   1,232,266 0.36 407,878 824,388 0.55
          Other   2,922,743 0.44 953,425 1,969,318 0.66
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (NA)   not available;  (X)   not applicable
Population source: Internet table. Population Estimates Program, released July 1, 1994.
Personal income source: Survey of Current Business (August 1995) BEA.
