The U.S. Census Bureau
Utah State and Local Government Finances by Level of Government and State:  1991-92
(Thousand dollars.  Detail may not add to total because of rounding)
Geographic area and item State and local State Local
  governments¹ government governments¹
  1 2 3
Population (July 1, 1992, in thousands)                    1,813 1,813 1,813
Personal Income (Calendar year 1991, in millions)                     29,788 29,788 29,788
               Revenue¹     7,712,897 4,848,909 3,945,399
          General revenue¹          5,966,102 4,060,030 3,055,170
Intergovernmental revenue¹                    1,193,725 1,150,310 1,192,513
     From Federal Government               1,193,725 1,105,748 87,977
     From State government               0 0 1,104,536
     From local governments¹               0 44,562 0
General revenue from own sources                    4,772,377 2,909,720 1,862,657
     Taxes               3,086,137 1,987,793 1,098,344
          Property          835,532 271 835,261
          Sales and gross receipts          1,251,024 1,017,959 233,065
               General     977,569 802,439 175,130
               Selective     273,455 215,520 57,935
                    Motor fuel 136,352 136,352 0
                    Alcoholic beverage 17,090 17,090 0
                    Tobacco products 26,100 26,100 0
                    Public utilities 47,946 4,893 43,053
                    Other 45,967 31,085 14,882
          Individual income          781,383 781,383 0
          Corporate income          76,375 76,375 0
          Motor vehicle license          45,472 45,472 0
          Other taxes          96,351 66,333 30,018
     Charges and miscellaneous general revenue 1,686,240 921,927 764,313
          Current charges               1,000,598 626,474 374,124
               Education          440,180 395,870 44,310
                    Institutions of higher education     387,794 387,794 0
                    School lunch sales (gross)     32,354 0 32,354
                    Hospitals          217,847 197,627 20,220
                    Highways          1,547 917 630
                    Airports          49,833 499 49,334
                    Parking facilities          1,256 0 1,256
                    Natural resources          6,390 4,529 1,861
                    Parks and recreation          42,095 3,512 38,583
                    Housing and community development           2,774 265 2,509
                    Sewerage          82,841 0 82,841
                    Solid waste management          55,283 1,210 54,073
                    Other charges          100,552 22,045 78,507
               Miscellaneous general revenue               685,642 295,453 390,189
                    Interest earnings          451,582 201,398 250,184
                    Special assessments          8,681 0 8,681
                    Sale of property          7,805 2,172 5,633
                    Other general revenue          217,574 91,883 125,691
                    Other than general revenue          1,746,795 788,879 890,229
Utility revenue                    890,229 0 890,229
     Water supply               137,350 0 137,350
     Electric power               743,847 0 743,847
     Gas supply               388 0 388
     Transit               8,644 0 8,644
Liquor store revenue                    69,345 69,345 0
Insurance trust revenue                    787,221 719,534 0
     Unemployment compensation               120,174 120,174 0
     Employee retirement               530,249 462,562 0
     Other insurance trust revenue               667,047 599,360 0
               Expenditure¹     7,289,204 4,480,789 3,953,608
By character and object:                       
     Intergovernmental expenditure¹               1,220 1,140,214 6,199
     Direct expenditure               7,287,984 3,340,575 3,947,409
          Current operation          5,193,521 2,333,785 2,859,736
          Capital outlay          841,837 349,000 492,837
               Construction     547,387 237,292 310,095
               Other     294,450 111,708 182,742
          Assistance and subsidies          136,887 136,887 0
          Interest on debt          744,908 150,072 594,836
          Insurance benefits and repayments          370,831 370,831 0
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages          2,300,447 944,010 1,356,437
Direct expenditure by function                    7,287,984 3,340,575 3,947,409
     Direct general expenditure               5,817,736 2,917,284 2,900,452
          Capital outlay          751,237 348,376 402,861
          Other direct general expenditure          5,066,499 2,568,908 2,497,591
          Education services:             
               Education     2,470,762 964,307 1,506,455
                    Elementary and secondary education 1,506,455 0 1,506,455
                    Other education 964,307 964,307 0
               Libraries     33,016 4,368 28,648
          Social services and income maintenance:             
               Public welfare     679,277 664,299 14,978
                    Cash assistance payments 110,980 110,980 0
                    Vendor payments 428,294 428,273 21
                    Other public welfare 140,003 125,046 14,957
               Hospitals     254,428 232,405 22,023
               Health     153,399 61,562 91,837
               Social insurance administration     33,748 33,748 0
               Veterans' services     78 78 0
               Highways     422,052 274,749 147,303
               Air transportation (airports)     61,852 3,564 58,288
               Parking facilities     1,337 0 1,337
               Water transport and terminals     0 0 0
               Transit subsidies     0 0 0
          Public safety:             
               Police protection     178,162 31,485 146,677
               Fire protection     71,098 0 71,098
               Correction     133,692 96,951 36,741
               Protective inspection and regulation     20,845 18,200 2,645
          Environment and housing:             
               Natural resources     101,150 81,977 19,173
               Parks and recreation     120,847 22,331 98,516
               Housing and community development     90,235 26,140 64,095
               Sewerage     88,486 0 88,486
               Solid waste management     46,844 3,936 42,908
          Governmental administration:             
               Financial administration     128,722 71,752 56,970
               Judicial 86,775 55,395 31,380
                Legislative 9,525 9,525 0
               General public buildings     51,445 28,816 22,629
               Other government administration     58,766 5,340 53,426
          Interest on general debt          313,094 150,072 163,022
          General expenditure, n.e.c             
               Miscellaneous commercial activities     4,781 0 4,781
               Other and unallocable     203,320 76,284 127,036
     Utilities               1,046,957 0 1,046,957
               Capital outlay     89,976 0 89,976
          Water supply          168,526 0 168,526
          Electric power          829,876 0 829,876
          Gas supply          725 0 725
          Transit          47,830 0 47,830
     Liquor store expenditure               52,460 52,460 0
     Insurance trust               370,831 370,831 0
          Unemployment compensation          98,955 98,955 0
          Employee retirement          182,747 182,747 0
          Other insurance trust          89,129 89,129 0
               Debt outstanding     10,432,585 2,153,233 8,279,352
Long-term                    10,412,600 2,139,812 8,272,788
     Full faith and credit               1,132,016 330,900 801,116
     Nonguaranteed               9,280,584 1,808,912 7,471,672
Short-term                    19,985 13,421 6,564
Long-term debt by purpose                       
     Education               570,319 101,704 468,615
     Utilities               6,088,053 0 6,088,053
     Other               3,774,213 2,051,529 1,722,684
Long-term debt issued                    878,030 556,844 321,186
Long-term debt retired                    779,190 317,650 461,540
Exhibit: Change in total debt during year                    100,091 241,738 -141,647
               Cash and security holdings     10,576,479 7,440,260 3,136,219
Insurance trust funds                    4,537,652 4,537,652 0
     By purpose:                  
          Unemployment compensation          320,710 320,710 0
          Employee retirement          3,934,621 3,934,621 0
          Workers' compensation          282,321 282,321 0
          Miscellaneous          0 0 0
     By type (Employee retirement funds):                  
          Cash and deposits          274,146 274,146 0
          Securities          3,660,475 3,660,475 0
               Federal     1,102,232 1,102,232 0
               State and local government     0 0 0
               Nongovernment     2,558,243 2,558,243 0
Other than insurance trust funds                       
     By purpose               6,038,827 2,902,608 3,136,219
          Offsets to debt          3,182,333 1,688,856 1,493,477
          Bond funds          459,623 153,929 305,694
          Other          2,396,871 1,059,823 1,337,048
¹Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
