Comment Number: OL-100271
Received: 3/17/2004 1:32:29 PM
Commenter: David Starr
State: MA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


1. My spam has doubled since 1 Jan 04. And I get more indecent,rauchy, pornographic spam. This doesn't speak well for the effectiveness of the CAN-SPAM act. 2. Sending pornographic spam to children (especially MY children) should count as "aggravated" spamming , a felony, with a stiff jail term. 3. I don't do "opt out" emails for fear that such an email will trigger even more spam. So "opt out" is a license to spam me at will. 4. The internet is a public space, just like Main Street. We don't allow indecent pictures posted on Main St and we should not allow them to be dropped into my email inbasket. 5. I don't want offers for drugs(legal or illegal), financial schemes or pornography in my email or going to my children's email. Emails making such offers should be defined as spam, and banned, reqardless of any "transactional or relationship" existing between me and the spammer. 6. Companies with which I do business (business means I sent them money within the last 60 days) can send me ads by email. Email ads from any one else are spam and should be made illegal. Seriously illegal, like a felony, 5 years prison time upon conviction. 7. I like to keep in touch with my brother who is serving in Iraq by email. Lately the spam has gotten so bad that I can't find his emails because they are buried in 100's of spams.