Table of contents for Adoption law : theory, policy and practice / Cynthia R. Mabry, Lisa Kelly.

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Dedications	iii
Table of Contents	v
Table of Cases	xv
Acknowledgments	xxiii
Preface	xxv
Chapter 1. History of Adoption in the United States	1
Notes and Questions	11
Chapter 2 Prerequisites to Adoption	13
A. Strict Statutory Construction	13
B. Notice and Consent Requirements	13
1. Constitutional Dimensions of the Nonmarital Father's Status	14
Lehr v. Robertson	16
Notes and Questions	23
Petition of Doe	26
Kessel v. Leavitt	32
Notes and Questions	43
Problems	45
2. Revocation of Consent	46
Adoption of J.M.M. v. New Beginnings of Tupelo, Inc.	46
In re Christopher F	52
Notes and Questions	54
Problem	56
C. Termination of Parental Rights	57
1. Due Process Requirements	57
a. Parents' Right to Counsel	57
Lassiter v. Department of Social Services of Durham County, N. C.	57
b. Burden of Proof	64
Santosky v. Kramer	64
c. Right to Appeal Termination of Parental Rights	71
M.L.B. v. S.L.J.	71
Notes and Questions	76
Problems	77
2. Grounds for Involuntary Termination	78
a. Adoption Assistance and Safe Families Act	78
42 U.S.C.A. § 671 State Plan for Foster Care and Adoption Assistance	78
In re Dependency of J.W.	80
Shepherd v. Clemens	84
Notes and Questions	91
Problem:	93
Chapter 3. Identifying Adoptees and Adoptive Parents	95
A. Persons Who May be Adopted	95
1. Minors	96
2. Adults	97
In re Adoption/Guardianship Nos. 2152A, 2153A,2154A	98
Notes and Questions	104
B. Persons Who May Adopt	104
1. Married Couples	105
2. Single Adults	105
3. Stepparents	106
4. Foster Parents	106
5. Relatives	107
6. Unmarried Cohabitants and Second Parents or Co-Parents	107
7. Disabled or Sick Applicants	108
8. State Residents	109
9. Biological Parents	109
Matter of Adoption of Adult by G.V.C.	109
Notes and Questions	111
10. The State's Interests in Regulating Who May Adopt	111
In re Adoption of Carl	111
Notes and Questions	114
C. Suitability Factors for Screening Prospective Adoptive Parents	115
1. Prospective Parent's Age	115
2. Prospective Parent's Mental and Physical Health	117
3. Child's Preference	117
4. Birth Parent's Preference	117
5. Prospective Parent's Religious Beliefs	118
6. Prospective Parent's Racial and Cultural Sensitivity	118
7. Prospective Parent's Gender	119
8. Prospective Parent's Sexual Orientation	119
9. Prospective Parent's Ability to Satisfy the Child's Needs	119
10. Prospective Parents' Willingness to Adopt Siblings	119
11. Prospective Parent's Financial Status	120
12. Prospective Parent's Marital Status	120
13. Prospective Parent's Criminal History or History of Domestic Violence	120
D. Making the Suitability Determination	121
Delaware Code Ann. tit. 13, § 722	121
Adoption of L.E.K.M.	121
Notes and Questions	127
Problem 3-1	127
Problem 3-2	128
Chapter 4. The Adoption Process and Attorney Ethics	129
A. Selecting an Adoption Method-Private, Public, Agency, or Independent	129
B. The Home Assessment	131
Notes and Questions	132
C. The Search for Children	133
Notes and Questions	134
D. The Search for Parents	134
1. Postadoption Contact	134
Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 3107.011	135
Minn. Stat. Ann. § 259.47	135
Notes and Questions	136
2. Choosing a Parent in Agency Adoptions	136
Illinois Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act	137
Ark. Code Ann. § 9-9-102	138
Va. Code Ann. § 63.2-1200	138
In re the Petition to Adopt S.T. and N.T.	138
Notes and Questions	141
E. General Requirements for Filing a Petition	141
1. Jurisdiction	141
2. Venue	142
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 45a-727	142
Haw. Rev. Stat. § 578-1	142
La. Ch. Code Ann. art. 1180	142
3. The Petition to Adopt	143
Colo. Rev. Stat. § 19-5-208	143
4. Notice	144
5. Statutes of Limitations	145
Notes and Questions	145
F. Temporary Placement and Waiting Periods	146
1. Temporary Placement	146
2. Waiting Periods and Interlocutory Orders	147
Va. Code Ann. § 63.2-1209	147
Va. Code Ann. § 63.2-1212	148
Notes and Questions	148
G. Approval of Agency's and Attorney's Fees	149
1. General Requirement of Fee Approval	149
23 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 2533	150
Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 8-126	150
2. Court Treatment of Fee Approval	150
Notes and Questions	151
H. Allowable Adoption Expenses	151
1. Expenses Generally Allowed	151
Me. Rev. St. Ann. tit. 18A, § 9-306	152
2. Illegal Payment of Expenses after Consent to Adopt Executed	152
3. Refunds for Illegally Paid Expenses to Adoptive Parents	153
In re the Adoption of Baby Boy	154
Notes and Questions	156
I. Prohibitions Against Baby Selling and Baby Brokering	156
1. Statutes	156
Minn. Stat. Ann. § 259.55	156
Ariz. Rev. St. Ann. § 13-3625	157
2. Determining Whether There Is Baby Selling	157
a. When the Child Is Not Ultimately Sold	158
b. The Difference between Baby Brokering and Monetary Benefits to the Child	158
c. How Status as an Agent Rather than an Intermediary Affects Baby Brokering	159
3. Sanctions against Intermediaries Seeking Illegal Fees	159
a. Constitutionality of Charging an Attorney with Illegally Receiving Compensation for a Child	159
b. Criminal Convictions for Baby Brokering or Selling	160
Notes and Questions	160
4. Baby Selling Litigation	161
In re Adoption of a Child by I.T.	161
In re Adoption of a Child by I.T.	167
Notes and Questions	171
J. Final Adoption Decree	172
1. Best Interests Finding Required	172
Notes and Questions	173
2. Granting the Petition to Adopt	173
a. Violations of the Statute	173
b. Consent Complications	174
Notes and Questions	175
K. Ethical Considerations	175
1. Potential Ethical Issues	175
Doe v. Hughes, Thorsness, Gantz, Powell & Brundin	178
Notes and Questions	181
Boyd v. Garvert	181
Notes and Questions	185
2. Interpreting Ethical Rules	185
Notes and Questions	188
3. Potential Malpractice Issues	190
Notes and Questions	192
Problem 4	192
Notes and Questions	199
Chapter 5. Particular Types of Adoption	201
A. Stepparent Adoption	201
Fakhoury v. Fakhoury	202
Notes	205
B. Children with Special Needs	207
1. Eligibility for Adoption Support	208
a. AFDC, SSI, Children of Minors in Care	208
b. Adoption Assistance Program and the Definition of "Children with Special Needs:" 42 USC § 673	209
Notes:	209
2. The Adoption Support Process	213
3. Adoption Support Benefits: Nonrecurring and Recurring Assistance	214
a. Adoption Assistance Program and the Benefits Provided: 42 USC § 673(a)	215
Notes	215
b. Categorical Eligibility for Medicaid	217
42 U.S.C. § 1396a:	217
42 U.S.C. § 1369d:	217
Notes:	218
4. Tax Benefits in Support of Adoption	219
a. Adoption Expenses: 26 U.S.C. § 23 (2004)	219
b. State Tax Credits: The Kansas Example	220
KS St §79-32,202 (2004)	220
5. Military Benefits in Support of Adoption	220
a. Adoption expenses: reimbursement: 10 U.S.C.A. §1052 (2004)	220
C. Kinship Adoptions	221
1. Relative Preference for Adoption	222
Y.H. v. F.L.H.	222
Notes and Questions	227
2. Process When Relatives Adopt	229
a. Placement Investigations and Reports: Iowa Code Ann. § 600.8	229
Notes and Questions	230
D. Adoption by Same-Sex Couples	231
1. The Constitutional Dimension	231
Lawrence v. Texas	231
Lofton v. Secretary of Dept. of Children and Family Services	242
Notes:	251
Problems	252
2. Second Parent Adoptions	253
Matter of Adoption of Two Children by H.N.R.	253
Notes	258
Problem	259
E. Equitable Adoption	259
Wheeling Dollar Savings & Trust Co. v. Singer	259
In re Estate of Ford	261
Problems	266
E. Informal Adoption	267
The Extended Family System in the Black Community: A Child-Centered Model for Adoption Policy	267
Chapter 6. Adoption of Indian Children	271
A. The Historical and Social Context	272
Notes and Questions	279
B. Exclusive Tribal Jurisdiction	280
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians v. Holyfield	280
Notes and Questions	288
C. Types of Proceedings Covered by the ICWA	290
In re J.D.M.,	290
1. Triggering the Duty to Investigate Indian Heritage	294
In re J.T.	294
In re Antoinette S.,	297
In Interest of M.N.W.,	302
Notes and Questions	304
E. Placement Preferences	305
1. Good Cause to Deviate from the ICWA Placement Preferences	305
In re C.H.	305
2. The Existing Indian Family Doctrine	313
In re Santos Y.	313
Notes and Questions	325
F. Heightened Protections of Parental Rights in State Proceedings	327
1. Active Efforts, Appointment of Counsel, Standards and Burden of Proof at Placement	327
State ex rel. Juvenile Dept. of Multnomah County v. Charles	327
Notes and Questions.	331
2. Termination of Parental Rights: Burden of Proof and Expert Testimony	333
Matter of Welfare of B.W.	333
Notes and Questions	340
3. Voluntary Relinquishment and Withdrawal of Consent	340
Matter of Kiogima	340
Notes and Questions	343
Chapter 7. Transracial Adoption	345
A. Brief History of Transracial Adoptions in the United States	345
B. Current United States Law on Race and Adoption	348
1. Federal Legislation	348
a. The Multiethnic Placement Act of 1994	349
b. The Interethnic Adoption Provisions	350
c. Elimination of Recruitment Biases	350
d. Ethical Issues in Transracial Adoption	351
Notes and Questions	351
2. State Legislation Regarding Race in Adoption	352
Notes and Questions	354
C. Court Decisions on Race and Prejudice in Adoption Proceedings	354
1. Current Case Law on Race in Adoption Proceedings	355
DeWees v. Stevenson	356
In re F.W.	359
Notes and Questions	363
2. Protecting Biracial and Multiracial Adoptees' Interests	363
In re M.F.	363
Notes and Questions	372
D. Effects of Transracial Adoption on Adoption Participants	373
1. Social Science Research	373
Outcomes in Transracial Adoption	374
2. The Adoptees' Perspective	382
E. Additional Social Concerns Linking Race and Adoption	383
Problem 7	384
Chapter 8. Intercountry Adoption	387
A. History and Statistics	387
B. The Intercountry Adoption Process	389
1. Compliance with Multi-jurisdictional Laws	390
a. International Conventions and Foreign Adoption Laws	390
Kaho v. Ilchert	396
Notes and Questions	403
2. United States Laws	404
a. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services' Current Laws and Procedure	404
Guadarrama-Garcia v. Acosta	409
Notes and Questions	413
b. State Intercountry Adoption Laws and Procedures	414
Walsh v. Walsh	415
Notes and Questions	421
C. General Itemized Expenses of Intercountry Adoption	421
D. Social Concerns in Intercountry Adoption	422
Dresser v. Cradle of Hope Adoption Center, Inc.	423
Notes and Questions	440
E. Culture, Psychology and Politics in Intercountry Adoption	440
Making Legal Regimes for Intercountry Adoption Reflect Human Rights Principles: Transforming the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child with the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption	441
Notes and Questions	445
Problem 8	445
Chapter 9. Interstate Adoption	447
A. Applicability of the ICPC	447
B. Governing Provisions of the ICPC	448
1. Purposes and Goals of the ICPC	448
2. Definitions for ICPC Usage	448
3. The Sending State's Responsibilities for Initiating Placements	449
4. The Receiving State's Responsibilities	450
5. Sending Agency's Retention of Jurisdiction Over the Child	450
6. Sanctions for Noncompliance with ICPC Provisions	451
7. The Compact Administrator	453
8. Exemptions from the ICPC	453
9. Withdrawal from the Compact	454
10. Construction and Severability	454
C. Processing an Interstate Placement Request	454
D. Assessing Penalties for Noncompliance	457
Adoption of A.M.M.	457
In re Adoption No. 10087	463
Notes and Questions	481
E. Denials of Requests for Interstate Placement	482
Department of Children and Families v. Fellows	482
Notes and Questions	485
Problem 9-1	486
Problem 9-2	487
Chapter 10. Consequences of Adoption	489
A. Legal Consequences of Adoption	489
1. Parental Rights and Obligations	489
a. Birth Parents' Rights and Responsibilities	489
Idaho Code Ann. § 16-1509.	490
Ga. Code Ann. § 19-8-19.	490
b. Adoptive Parents' Rights and Responsibilities	490
Carter v. Carter	490
Notes and Questions	491
c. An Adoptee's Rights and Responsibilities	492
2. Name Change and Sealing of the Record	492
3. Inheritance and Succession Rights	492
Ga. Code Ann. § 19-8-19.	493
Connecticut Bank and Trust Co. v. Coffin	494
Read v. Legg	496
Notes and Questions	505
4. Conflict of Laws	506
Wheeler v. Myers	506
Notes and Questions	508
5. Postadoption Contact	508
6. Other Benefits for Adoptees and Adoptive Parents	508
a. Social Security Benefits	508
b. Wrongful Death Benefits	508
Buchea v. United States	509
Notes and Questions	511
c. Workers' Compensation Benefits	511
d. Health and Life Insurance Benefits	511
e. Tax Benefits for Adoptive Parents	511
f. Family Medical Leave Act Benefits for Adoptive Parents	512
g. An Adoptee's Eligibility for Benefits	512
Lennon v. Cumberland County	512
Notes and Questions	514
B. Social Consequences of Adoption	514
C. Psychological Consequences of Adoption	515
Long-term Outcomes in Adoption	515
Notes and Questions	522
Problem 10	522
Chapter 11. Confidentiality and Sealed Adoption Records	523
A. Competing Interests in Sealed Adoption Records Policies	526
1. Disclosure of Non-identifying Information	526
2. Disclosure of Identifying Information	527
a. Adoptees' Interests	527
Regulating Confidentiality of Surrogacy Records: Lessons from the Adoption Experience	528
. . . .	532
b. Birth Parents' Interests	532
c. Adoptive Parents' Interests	533
d. States' Interests	533
e. Balancing Competing Interests	534
Doe v. Sundquist	534
Notes and Questions	537
B. Automatic Disclosure of Birth Certificates	538
C. Conditional Disclosure Statutes	539
Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 710.68.	540
Notes and Questions	541
D. Disclosure and Contact Vetoes	541
1. Disclosure Vetoes	542
2. Contact Vetoes	542
E. Voluntary Mutual Consent Adoption Registries	543
F. Confidential Intermediary Searches	544
G. Effect of a Birth Parent's Death on a Contact or Disclosure Veto	544
H. Criminal Penalties and Civil Remedies for Unauthorized Disclosure or Contact	545
Notes and Questions	545
I. Efforts to Unseal Adoption Records in Courts	546
1. Procedure for Unsealing Records	546
2. Successful Petitions to Unseal Records	546
3. Unsuccessful Petitions to Unseal Records	547
a. Failure to Show Good Cause or Some Compelling Need	547
b. Adoptees' Constitutional Arguments	547
4. Court Interpretations of Good Cause	548
In the Matter of the Adoption of S.J.D.	548
Doe v. Ward Firm, P.A.	552
Notes and Questions	557
J. Outcomes of Unsealing Pre-adoption Records	558
Notes and Questions	558
Problem 11	559
Chapter 12. Postadoption Contact	561
A. Types of Postadoption Contact	563
1. Postadoption Contact by Mutual Agreement	563
a. Who May Enter into Postadoption Contact Agreements	564
b. Content of Agreements	566
2. Modification or Termination of Agreements	567
3. Enforcement of Agreements	568
Wis. Stat. Ann. § 785.04	569
Weinschel v. Strople	569
Notes and Questions	573
B. Court-ordered Postadoption Contact	574
1. Who May Receive Court-ordered Contact	574
a. Birth Parents' Access	575
b. Grandparents' Access	575
In re Visitation of J.D.G.	576
Notes and Questions	578
c. Siblings' Access	578
d. Other Relatives' Access	579
Adoption of Vito	579
Notes and Questions	585
2. Modification and Enforcement of Court Orders	586
C. The Effect of Postadoption Contact on Adoption Participants	586
Secrets and Lies: A Model Statute for Cooperative Adoption	586
Notes and Questions	594
Problem 12-1	594
Problem 12-2	594
Chapter 13. The Changing Status of Adoptions	597
A. Disruption of Adoptions	597
1. Reasons for Disruption	598
a. Child-related Reasons for Disruption	598
b. Parent-related Reasons for Disruption	598
2. Protecting Birth Parents' Rights upon Disruption	599
In re B.G.C.	600
3. Protecting Prospective Adoptive Parents' Rights Upon Disruption	606
Notes and Questions	607
B. Dissolution or Vacation of Adoptions	607
1. Reasons for Dissolution	607
a. Adoptee-related Reasons for Dissolving Adoptions	608
b. Parent-related Reasons for Dissolving Adoptions	608
c. The Court's Failure to Comply with Procedure	610
2. Dissolution Procedure	611
Adoption of B.J.H.	611
Notes and Questions	616
C. The Child's Post-Disruption/Dissolution Status	616
D. Postadoption Services	617
Notes and Questions	618
Problem 13	618
Chapter 14. Agency Misconduct and Wrongful Adoption Actions	619
A. Recognizing Wrongful Adoption	619
1. The Adoption Agency's and Intermediary's Duty to Prospective Adoptive Parents	619
N.Y. Soc. Serv. Law § 373-a. Medical histories	620
2. The Prospective Parent's Choice	621
3. Plaintiffs and Defendants in Wrongful Adoption Cases	621
4. Legal Theories in Wrongful Adoption Cases	621
5. The Defense of Public Agency Immunity	622
6. Relief for Adoptive Parents	622
B. The Child's Placement Upon Vacation of an Adoption Decree	623
C. The Importance of Revealing Medical Information in the Adoption Process	624
Roe v. Jewish Children's Bureau of Chicago	624
Notes and Questions	629
Problem 14	631
Appendices	633
Appendix A State-by-State Adoption Citations	635
Interstate Compacts on Placement of Children	636
Appendix B Sample Adoption Forms	637
Appendix C An Attorney's Perspective on Adoption	643
Appendix D Text of Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children	655
Appendix E Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption	659
Appendix F Selected Adoption Websites*	669
Index	671

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Adoption -- Law and legislation -- United States -- Cases.
Adoption -- Law and legislation -- United States -- States -- Cases.