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03.18.2004  Opening Speech by UIN Jakarta Rector Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, MA

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The Opening speech by the Rector 
of the National Islamic University 
Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta

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Place UIN Central Library 
Time 10:00 am 
Date 18 March 2004

Preface by the Rector

Assalmu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh 
All praise be to Allah, upon His mercy and blessings.

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta is a higher educational institution in Indonesia, which aims to develop religious and general sciences in its effort to strengthen the role of religion and science in the development of the society by integrating faith, knowledge and good deeds. The objective of this integration is to provide an ethical basis for developing science and technology and, moreover, to articulate an Islamic worldview in Indonesian society. 

UIN Jakarta has a vision of being a Research University by 2007, which will allow it to compete with other leading universities in the field of scientific research. The indicators of achievement of this qualification are, first, to produce innovative theories and concepts of both Islamic and scientific studies absorbed from the Holy Qur'an and the whole universe; second, to carry out quality research in every branch of knowledge and transform this into academic life. 

To support the above vision, UIN has initiated a number of measures to improve and develop the necessary facilities. One of the ways is to increase and enrich the collection of books, journals, newspapers and any other important resources into UIN library. It is recognized that further developing the availability of resources and information is one of the most important strategies to improve the academic quality of all students and academics. Besides, the abundance of information and access to scientific knowledge will in itself stimulate the research environment in the academic life of UIN. In order to make it a reality, UIN initiates collaboration with various local and international institutions. Establishing collaboration with the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy is an important step in supporting of the above needs. 

It was a great pleasure for us when the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy announced that UIN has been selected to host the first American Corner in Indonesia. We are very fortunate that thousands of books and access to 1150 Journals in the American Corner database will soon be available on our campus. The facilities that we have at this American Corner should motivate all academics and students to produce a higher quality of learning and research and, moreover, I believe that the presence of this facility on our Campus will be an important resource to create Muslim intellectuals and scholars with modern views. Most importantly, the presence of the "UIN-American Corner" will bring UIN closer to its vision of being a leading research university. 

Therefore, our thanks and deep appreciations are extended to the Embassy of the United States, in particular to the US Ambassador His Excellency Ralph L. Boyce for the continuing support and assistance to UIN. Let us also deliver our gratitude to the Counsellor for the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy, Mr. Charles N. Silver and the Cultural Attaché of the U.S Embassy Mr. Riley Sever and Mr. Stephen M. Mallinger--Information Resource Officer of the U.S. Embassy. We also wish to offer our thanks to all of the Staff at the US Embassy. We truly appreciate all of kindness and assistance provided to us.

May Allah the Almighty show His satisfaction for what has been done so far.

Jakarta, March 18, 2004

Wassalamu`alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh 


Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, MA


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