                                          |                                         |
                                          |                BI-WEEKLY                |
                                          | PRELIMINARY TEXTILE AND APPAREL IMPORTS |                                March 12, 2009
                                          |         HTS Chapters 50-63 ONLY!        |
                                          |                                         |
                                          |               By Category               |

                                           Category 362:  COTTON BEDSPREADS / QUILTS
                                                      Data in Nos.

(P)  These data are limited preliminary import data based on import figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
It will be supplanted by official imports from the Census Bureau as those data become available.  The release of these data 
is to allow preliminary analysis of the impact of total imports into the United States and imports from China into the 
United States to facilitate the administration of the textile safeguard in China's WTO Accession Agreement.

                        ----------- Official Data -------- |  --------------- Preliminary Data (unofficial) --------------------------------------------| 
                                                    Monthly Data                          Two Weeks-ending Data  (2008 - 2009)     
                        --------------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------   
 Country                  1/2008    2/2008   12/2008       |   1/2009    2/2009       12/13     12/27      1/10      1/24      2/07      2/21      3/07
                                                                 (P)       (P)          (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)
 World                   5010936   4671814   4184697       |   3966433   4882855     2532760   1947697   1775046   1432556   2599428   2070961   2541644

 Pakistan                2958558   2809433   2403799       |   2517411   3675015     1445831   1135073   1160578    746805   1943069   1373412   1971017

 China                   1188771   1076296    869564       |    710399    517522      533994    459159    282330    332311    315971    296428    322614

 India                    248850    194546    266383       |    230760    175901      194630     96388     90884    136835     85391     95211     85925

 Bahrain                   74212     44188    129192       |    108714    162466       91298     47062     61408     26820     50744    124684     37782

 Turkey                    36004     21335     90639       |     85968     30899       46980     12308     41478     48184     29048     13699     25563

 Bangladesh                24200     16396     74780       |     75398     95590       16928     41836     48246     16040     58560     34206     29952

 Portugal                  77398     70669     75774       |     72662     53473       50549     24920     34084     38944     22318     38540     16570

 Cambodia                  42412     35496     29268       |     54337       312       21018      8706     12288     31501     10752       228        60

 Israel                    55848     62126     34959       |     24205     17417       18123     13334     10212      6705     13635     11757      4343

 Italy                     34806     26659     20310       |     20870     16637       18558      6909      6348      9979      9033      7779     10656

 Spain                     50559     60871     40209       |     19999     36552       24868     15347         .     19982     18999     17570       366

 Philippines              131070    154672     53126       |     13680     51480       27446     31533     21600         .     14208     31752     27143

 Vietnam                   24708     19687     15703       |      9646     16008         202     10124       206      8292      9495      7634       141

 Thailand                  11464      7125     12894       |      6774       146       24103       426         .      1374      5477        69       820

 Mexico                    24867      6263     14724       |      5189      7376        9654      6249      1659      3168      1398      5642      2980

 _ASEAN                   209726    217207    136006       |     84563     68066       73486     75157     34124     41230     39973     39719     28267

 _SUB-SAHARA                1601        26        62       |       483       225          62         .       490         .         .       207        18

 _CBI                        112      1771       506       |        79      1573         555         .         .        79         .       596      1073

 _CAFTA                      112      1760       506       |        79      1573         555         .         .        79         .       596      1073

 _ANDEAN (ATPA)              156         0         0       |        23      3036          12        28        14         .         .      3024        16