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9. Management Actions To Mitigate Potential Adverse Environmental Impacts

This chapter describes management actions that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) is considering to reduce or mitigate adverse impacts to the environment that could occur if the Department implemented the Proposed Action to construct, operate and monitor, and eventually close a geologic repository for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain. In keeping with previous chapters in this environmental impact statement (EIS), this chapter contains separate discussions for the mitigation of repository impacts and the mitigation of impacts from transportation activities. Mitigation includes activities that (1) avoid the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action; (2) minimize impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation; (3) repair, rehabilitate, or restore the affected environment; (4) reduce or eliminate impacts over time by preservation or maintenance operations during the life of the action; or (5) compensate for the impact by replacing or substituting resources or environments.

This chapter also describes mitigations in environmental resource areas where DOE has identified adverse impacts and analysis has indicated that mitigation has the potential to reduce those impacts. This chapter does not discuss mitigations for environmental resource areas for which analyses have not identified a potential for impacts.

Changes in repository design have resulted in modifications to some planned or potential mitigation measures identified in the Draft EIS. In addition, DOE has identified some new mitigation measures.

Apart from the impact findings and mitigations discussed in this EIS, Section 116(c) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, as amended (NWPA) states that "the Secretary shall provide financial and technical assistance to (an affected unit of local government or the State of Nevada)... to mitigate the impact on such (an affected unit of local government or the State of Nevada) of the development of (a) repository and the characterization of (the Yucca Mountain) site." Such assistance can be given to mitigate likely "economic, social, public health and safety, and environmental impacts." Within that broad framework, neither Section 116 nor any other provision of the NWPA limits the impacts that are subject to assistance under Section 116 to the environmental impacts considered in this EIS.

The fact that the EIS analysis has determined that the implementation of the Proposed Action would not cause substantial socioeconomic impacts to communities in Nevada or to the State of Nevada does not prevent local governments or the State government from receiving assistance to address economic, social, public health, or environmental impacts under Section 116(c).

The Section 116 impact assistance review process and the Yucca Mountain Repository EIS process are distinct from one another, and the implementation of one would not depend on the implementation of the other. The provision of assistance under Section 116 would not necessarily be limited either by the impacts identified in this EIS or by its findings on such impacts. Any decision to provide assistance under Section 116 will be based on an evaluation of a report submitted by an affected unit of local government or the State of Nevada pursuant to Section 116 to document likely economic, social, public health and safety, and environmental impacts.

9.1 Types of Management Actions

The design, construction, operation and monitoring, and closure planning for the proposed repository incorporate physical features, procedures, and safeguards to reduce environmental consequences. Some of these features, procedures, and safeguards are the result of DOE determinations based on site characterization activities and the ongoing evaluation of planning and design for the proposed repository.

To complement the measures already incorporated, DOE is considering a range of additional mitigation measures aimed at reducing consequences of the proposed repository project. The repository and transportation mitigation analyses in this chapter discuss impact reduction measures that DOE expects to implement as well as other mitigations DOE is considering.

9.1.1 DOE-Determined Impact Reduction Features, Procedures, and Safeguards

DOE has studied the Yucca Mountain site, vicinity, and regions of influence for more than a decade and has accumulated considerable knowledge. The Department has identified many improvements in its project design and plan to reduce potential impacts. The Proposed Action includes commitments to reduce impacts that DOE has made as a result of its site characterization studies and the ongoing evaluation of repository planning and design. DOE would undertake these measures if the Secretary of Energy recommended the site for development and authorization was provided to proceed with the Proposed Action. This chapter identifies these commitments in appropriate areas.

9.1.2 Mitigation Measures Under Consideration for Inclusion in Project Plan and Design

DOE has conducted extensive site characterization studies, and continues to evaluate whether to commit to additional mitigation measures in the event the site is designated and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission grants a license for the repository project. DOE is considering these additional measures to reduce the potential effects of the repository project. This chapter identifies measures under consideration in appropriate subject areas.

9.1.3 Ongoing Studies That Could Influence Mitigation Measures in the Project Plan and Design

Accelerator Transmutation of Waste technology has been under consideration for many years as a process for the treatment of nuclear waste. This technology would involve the use of a chemical separation process, a linear accelerator, and a subcritical nuclear assembly. The chemical process would separate transuranic and certain long-lived radioisotopes from the spent nuclear fuel. The linear accelerator and subcritical nuclear assembly would change the transuranic and long-lived radioisotopes into short-lived radioisotopes and stable (nonradioactive) elements.

The National Research Council studied Accelerator Transmutation of Waste and other technologies for use in the treatment of spent nuclear fuel (
DIRS 103403-National Research Council 1996, all). The study concluded that:

In the Fiscal Year 1999 Energy and Water Appropriation Act, Congress directed DOE to conduct an Accelerator Transmutation of Waste study and to prepare a plan for the development of this technology in Fiscal Year 1999. In October 1999, DOE submitted to Congress A Roadmap for Developing Accelerator Transmutation of Waste (ATW) Technology (DIRS 110625-DOE 1999, all). Key elements of the report include:

The report conclusions include the following:

A successful Accelerator Transmutation of Waste program would last approximately 117 years and would cost at least $281 billion dollars. Such a program could reduce the radioactivity of commercial waste by a factor of 10 to 100.

Since the October 1999 publication of the Accelerator Transmutation of Waste Roadmap, DOE's transmutation research and development program has undergone significant changes. It is currently managed as an Advanced Accelerator Applications program, with the goal of evaluating the technical feasibility of nuclear waste transmutation using a broader technology base than was covered by the earlier Roadmap. A general description of the modified program was presented in The Advanced Accelerator Applications Program Plan on March 30, 2001 (DIRS 156711-DOE 2001, all).

Among other aspects of the program, the plan discusses the proposed design and operation of an Accelerator Driven Test Facility as part of a research and development program that would evaluate combinations of critical and subcritical transmutation systems. These have the potential for utilizing the strengths of each transmutation technology in combination, the effectiveness of which is expected to be greater than either taken separately. A revised roadmap describing the program's new directions is currently being prepared.

The elimination or reduction of certain radionuclides in the disposal inventory could add flexibility to the design of the repository and reduce uncertainties about its performance. DOE will incorporate information from any future studies in its decisions during the preparation of a Mitigation Action Plan for this EIS and during the repository licensing process, if those became necessary.

9.1.4 Mitigation Action Plan

To minimize potential impacts from the Proposed Action (if the repository site was designated), DOE is evaluating the preparation of a Mitigation Action Plan containing specific commitments for mitigating adverse environmental impacts associated with the Proposed Action. The plan would describe specific actions DOE would take to implement mitigation commitments and would reflect available information about the course of action. DOE could revise this Plan as more specific and detailed information became available.

The Mitigation Action Plan would incorporate all practicable measures to avoid or minimize adverse environmental and human health impacts that could result from the implementation of the Proposed Action. The Plan would contain:

  1. An introduction describing the basis, function, and organization of the Plan

  2. A summary of the impacts to be mitigated

  3. A statement of mitigation goals, objectives, and performance standards

  4. A description of specific mitigation actions

  5. A description of the Mitigation Action Plan monitoring and reporting system that DOE would implement to ensure that elements of the Plan were met

Precise mitigation measures cannot be identified at present. For example, transportation route selection decisions would affect the potential for impacts to areas of importance to Native Americans, to local communities, or to the general environment; repository or transportation corridor construction activities could reveal new cultural resource sites. DOE would consult with Native American tribes and local governments in developing the Mitigation Action Plan. If activities associated with the Proposed Action could affect specific sacred or ceremonial areas or resources or other areas of importance, DOE could develop procedures for controlled access as long as project integrity was not compromised.

DOE would prepare the Mitigation Action Plan in compliance with applicable regulations. The Plan would accompany any License Application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

9.1.5 Monitoring

DOE would conduct the following monitoring activities during all phases of the project to ensure the implementation of the Proposed Action as described and to ensure mitigation of impacts:

9.2 Yucca Mountain Repository

This section discusses mitigation measures DOE has determined it would implement, or has identified for consideration, to reduce potential impacts from the construction, operation and monitoring, and eventual closure of the proposed repository.

9.2.1 Land Use

The Yucca Mountain site is remote and is partly withdrawn for specific Federal uses. The permanent withdrawal of land for the repository would prevent public use of the withdrawn lands for other purposes.

Land Use Measures Under the Proposed Action

9.2.2 Air Quality

Construction and operation activities such as vehicle movement, clearing, grading, rock pile maintenance, and excavating could generate substantial quantities of fugitive dust. Standard mitigation measures could reduce dust emissions from fugitive dust-generating activities at the Yucca Mountain site. Other dust-generating sources such as operation of the concrete batch plant and backfill preparation facilities would be comparatively small contributors. DOE expects concentrations of other criteria pollutants to be less than 1 percent of regulatory limits (see
Chapter 4, Section 4.1.2). Activities that would generate other criteria pollutants include the operation of internal combustion engines in construction equipment, boiler operation, and similar devices, along with limited emissions of radionuclides.

Air Quality Measures Under the Proposed Action

9.2.3 Hydrology

This section describes potential mitigation measures for surface water and groundwater. Surface Water

Potential impacts to surface water from the construction, operation and monitoring, and eventual closure of the proposed repository would fall into the following categories: (1) introduction of contaminants, (2) alteration of drainage either by changing infiltration and runoff rates or channel courses, and (3) flood hazards. Changes in infiltration and runoff rates could alter flow rates in channels, cause ponding, and increase erosion. DOE expects such impacts to be minimal (see
Chapter 4, Section 4.1.3). Nevertheless, the mitigation of impacts could produce such benefits as erosion control and pollution prevention.

Flash floods could spread contamination from accidental spills. Design and operational controls could mitigate the potential for contamination of surface water from accidental releases of radiological or hazardous constituents. DOE's intent would be to respond rapidly with appropriate cleanup actions.

Surface-Water Measures Under the Proposed Action
Surface-Water Measures Under Consideration Groundwater

Impacts to groundwater from the proposed repository could include introduction of contaminants and alteration of infiltration and runoff rates that could change the rate of recharge to the aquifer. Design and operational actions to reduce such impacts for the active life of the repository and the alteration of infiltration and runoff rates would be identical to those described above for surface-water impacts.

The purpose of proposing a monitored geologic repository is to provide a natural setting that, with engineered repository and waste package barriers, would provide long-term confinement and isolation of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. Two aspects of groundwater analysis—(1) the ability of the repository and the engineered barriers to keep waste packages isolated from groundwater over time, and (2) the extent to which groundwater could become contaminated with radionuclides from breached waste packages and transport radionuclides to places where human exposure could occur—are central elements in determining the potential for a proposed repository to succeed.

DOE's detailed study of the Yucca Mountain site has resulted in the inclusion of many engineered barrier elements to complement the site's natural characteristics to keep unsaturated zone groundwater from reaching and transporting radionuclides and, thereby, to reduce the long-term potential for impacts. The following summarizes the engineered barrier elements that would contribute to a reduction of the long-term potential for impacts from radionuclides isolated in a Yucca Mountain Repository.

Groundwater Measures Under the Proposed Action

9.2.4 Biological Resources and Soils

Potential impacts to biological resources and soils from repository construction, operation and monitoring, and closure could result from land clearing, vehicle movement, materials placement, trenching and excavation, and accidents. This section discusses the potential mitigation of impacts that could affect the desert tortoise and biological resources and soils in general. Desert Tortoise

The desert tortoise is the only Federally protected species that resides on the site of the proposed repository (see
Chapter 3, biology sections). Activities that could cause impacts to desert tortoises include site clearing, vehicle traffic, pond management, and taking of habitat. Since 1990, DOE has been conducting site characterization activities in accordance with Fish and Wildlife Service biological opinions on the potential for impacts to desert tortoises (DIRS 104618-Buchanan 1997, pp. 1 and 2). During these activities, five desert tortoises are known to have been killed by site characterization activities, all by vehicle traffic. A recent report (DIRS 103194-CRWMS M&O 1998, p. 9) indicates that 27 of 28 tortoise relocations were successful and that two nest relocations were also successful. The one unsuccessful relocation involved a tortoise that returned to the area of disturbance and became one of those killed by traffic.

DOE submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service a biological assessment of the effects of construction, operation and monitoring, and closure of a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has produced a Final Biological Opinion on the effects of construction, operation and monitoring, and closure of a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain (see Appendix O). The Final Biological Opinion establishes conditions for repository construction, operation and monitoring, and eventual closure as well as for the remaining site activities prior to repository construction (if the site was approved). The Final Biological Opinion does not evaluate effects that could occur to the desert tortoise from the construction of transportation infrastructure and transportation of materials.

In its Final Biological Opinion, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lists five reasonable and prudent measures to minimize impacts to the desert tortoise, and then lists 18 terms and conditions with which DOE must comply to implement the five measures. The Final Biological Opinion states reporting requirements upon the location of an injured or dead desert tortoise and conservation recommendations to minimize or avoid adverse effects on listed species or critical habitat. If the repository was authorized, DOE would observe and implement all terms and conditions, reporting requirements, and conservation recommendations that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has established in its Final Biological Opinion to protect the desert tortoise. DOE expects to observe and implement all terms and conditions, reporting requirements, and conservation recommendations in any future biological opinions regarding the effects of transportation or other project activities on the desert tortoise or other listed species.

As discussed in Chapter 4, the proposed repository location is at the extreme northern edge of the range of the desert tortoise, and the population of tortoises at that location is small in relation to other portions of its range. No part of the repository location has been declared critical habitat for the desert tortoise.

Desert Tortoise Measures under the Proposed Action
DOE adopts all impact reduction measures and all terms and conditions established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect the desert tortoise.

The following text summarizes the five reasonable and prudent measures established in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Final Biological Opinion (see Appendix O), and identifies the terms and conditions that the Biological Opinion has set forth to implement each reasonable and prudent measure:

  1. Minimize take of desert tortoises due to project-related activities and operation of heavy equipment

  2. Minimize entrapment of tortoises in open trenches.

  3. Minimize predation on tortoises by ravens drawn to the project area.

  4. Minimize destruction of tortoise habitat due to project activities

  5. Ensure compliance with reasonable and prudent measures, terms and conditions, reporting requirements, and reinitiation requirements in the Biological Opinion. General Biological Resources and Soils

Impacts to biological resources at the Yucca Mountain site could include habitat fragmentation, loss of individual members of different species, and encroachment of noxious weeds.

Potential soil impacts or concerns related to the proposed repository can be categorized as (1) increased soil erosion rates, (2) slow recovery rate of disturbed soils in the Yucca Mountain environment, and (3) introduction of contaminants. Erosion could result in the loss of the thin topsoil from the disturbed areas, which could affect long-term recovery, be a threat to structures in the region, and result in increased depositions downhill.

General Biological Resources and Soils Measures Under the Proposed Action

General Biological Resources and Soils Measures Under Consideration

9.2.5 Cultural Resources

Land clearing, excavation, and construction activities have the potential to disturb or cause the relocation of cultural artifacts. The operation of industrial facilities can degrade the value of traditional sites or uses. In addition, human activity in project areas causes concern that members of the workforce could affect cultural resource sites, especially those at buried locations or with artifacts.

Actions that DOE would take to mitigate adverse impacts to cultural resources at Yucca Mountain include those required by law or regulation and those that DOE determined the project would include to reduce such impacts. In some cases, precise mitigation measures cannot be identified due to the limited nature of the data (for example, construction activities could reveal previously unidentified sites). To address these cases, programmatic mitigation measures that comply with historic preservation laws and regulations are in place to ensure that DOE would implement appropriate measures following the identification and evaluation of important cultural resources.

The Programmatic Agreement Between the United States Department of Energy and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for the Nuclear Waste Deep Geologic Repository Program, Yucca Mountain, Nevada (
DIRS 104558-DOE 1988, all) contains the requirements and general procedures for the mitigation of adverse effects at important archaeological and historic sites in the Yucca Mountain region during site characterization. DOE would work to review and update that agreement to establish requirements and procedures for mitigation of any adverse effects at important archaeological and historic sites during construction, operation and monitoring, and closure of the proposed repository in the event the repository was authorized.

The Research Design and Data Recovery Plan for the Yucca Mountain Project (DIRS 103196-DOE 1990, all) outlines more detailed approaches and procedures for implementing the mitigation of impacts to archaeological sites. Along with other topics, that document provides specific guidelines for determining the rationale, methods, analytical requirements, and logistics for archaeological mitigation measures at Yucca Mountain. In addition, the Department would consult with affected Native American tribes and organizations to ensure that repository activities avoided or minimized adverse impacts to resources or places that are important to American Indians.

Cultural Resources Measures Under the Proposed Action

9.2.6 Occupational Health and Public Safety

There would be a potential for repository workers to be exposed to radiation during the operation and monitoring and closure phases of repository activities or to be injured or killed as a result of hazards present in the industrial workplace (
Chapter 4, Sections 4.1.7 and 4.1.8; Chapter 8, Section 8.2.7).

Erionite and cristobalite are hazardous materials that occur naturally in the Yucca Mountain subsurface. Erionite occurs in strata at varying depths below the planned level of the repository. DOE is mapping these strata as part of a general approach that emphasizes avoidance of erionite. If erionite was encountered during drilling, DOE would shut down the affected portion of its operation until it could put proper controls in place.

Cristobalite, which occurs generally in the subsurface rock structure, could be released during excavation operations or in fugitive dust from the excavated rock pile. There would be a potential for cristobalite to be an inhalation hazard to workers. Implementing specific health and safety plans to prevent worker exposure would minimize risks. Chapter 4, Section 4.1.7, discusses erionite and cristobalite.

After closure, there would be potential for human intrusion that could result in release of radioactive materials.

Occupational and Public Health and Safety Measures Under the Proposed Action

9.2.7 Aesthetics

Construction, operation and monitoring, and closure of the proposed repository would require the lighting of certain areas of the repository at night. While the repository site is remote, and there are existing sources of nighttime light in the region, nighttime darkness is a valued component of the solitude experience sought by many individuals. Nighttime darkness enhances astronomy and stargazing activities and is one of the important scenic resources of Death Valley National Park.

Aesthetics Measures Under the Proposed Action

Aesthetics Measures Under Consideration

9.2.8 Utilities, Energy, and Materials

A monitored repository at Yucca Mountain would require a range of utility services, energy to power a variety of activities, and a number of diverse materials. DOE intends to promote efficiency in the use of utilities, energy, and materials.

Utility, Energy, and Materials Measures Under the Proposed Action

9.2.9 Management of Repository-Generated Waste and Hazardous Materials

As part of the repository design, DOE would institute a waste minimization program similar to the waste minimization and pollution prevention awareness plan successfully implemented during site characterization activities to minimize quantities of generated waste and to prevent pollution (
DIRS 103203-YMP 1997, all). In addition, DOE would consider innovations to augment the existing program. The Department could keep the size of the Restricted (for radiological control) Area as small as possible, and it could implement programs to ensure that construction and operation activities used, as practicable, smaller quantities of products such as solvents and cleaners. The design of the proposed repository would incorporate pollution prevention measures and would provide cradle-to-grave waste management, as DOE provided during site characterization.

Waste and Hazardous Materials Measures Under the Proposed Action

Waste and Hazardous Materials Measures Under Consideration

9.2.10 Long-Term Repository Performance

DOE proposes a repository at Yucca Mountain to provide for permanent disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. DOE's proposal includes a natural geologic setting that, with engineered repository and waste package barriers, would provide long-term isolation of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. In its design process, DOE is considering many features and approaches to contain and isolate the materials it proposes to place in the repository.

DOE's detailed study of the Yucca Mountain site and vicinity has resulted in the evaluation of three categories of potential measures: Barriers to limit the release and transport of radionuclides, measures to control heat and moisture in the confined environment of the repository, and measures to improve operational efficiency or safety. Each of these measures has the potential to complement the site's natural characteristics. These measures are conceptual in nature. The following sections summarize design features that could contribute to a reduction of the long-term potential for impacts from radionuclides isolated in a Yucca Mountain Repository. Long-term performance measures are discussed in more detail in
Appendix E.

Long-Term Performance Measures Under the Proposed Action
DOE has designed an engineered barrier system that would complement the geologic and hydrologic properties of Yucca Mountain to isolate radionuclides in spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste from accessible portions of the environment. Design features that are part of the Proposed Action are presented below. The repository flexible design described in Chapter 2 of this EIS can be operated in a range of operating modes, from higher- to lower-temperature. Measures that are unique to only one operating mode are so noted.

Long-Term Performance Measures Under Consideration
The design features listed below are being considered, though some are not currently under active consideration. These features are organized by their design purpose, either to limit release and transport of radionuclides, control heat and moisture in the repository environment, or support operational considerations.

Barriers to Limit Release and Transport of Radionuclides. The most direct method to provide the long-term isolation of contaminants is to use structures and techniques that have the potential to inhibit directly the release of contaminants from waste packages or to reduce the likelihood of the transport of released contaminants from the repository. DOE is considering a range of barrier measures that could enhance resistance to corrosion, delay or reduce water transport, retard radionuclide movement and release rates, and reduce the potential for damage to canisters. The Department will continue to evaluate the potential benefits and consequences of these measures together with their compatibility with overall repository system design.

Measures to Control Heat and Moisture in the Repository Environment. Long-term influence over heat and moisture in the repository environment could increase the ability of the waste packages to isolate waste. DOE has evaluated measures that have the potential to control temperature and humidity levels in the repository to reduce corrosion rates, increase structural and support system stability, and increase the capability to retain released radionuclides in the repository. The Department will continue to examine the potential for enhancements in repository performance offered by these measures, other consequences of implementing them, and their compatibility with overall repository system design. DOE is considering the items listed below:

Repository Designs to Support Operational Considerations. Including elements in the design that would enhance the repository's operational capabilities could improve access to waste packages after their emplacement, increase access for conducting performance confirmation, inspection, and maintenance activities, ease any effort to augment the repository system with later-developed materials or processes, and facilitate retrieval of waste packages if retrieval became necessary. DOE is considering measures that could provide additional shielding for personnel, increase usable space in drifts, increase opportunities for monitoring, and reduce the potential for moisture to contact waste packages. The Department will continue to assess the potential for design modifications to assist operational activities within the context of overall repository system design. DOE is considering the following potential design modification measures:

9.3 Transportation

This section discusses mitigation measures DOE is required to implement, has determined to implement, or has identified for consideration, to reduce potential impacts from the national transportation of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. These measures address impacts from the possible construction of a branch rail line or an intermodal transfer station in Nevada; construction of other transportation routes; upgrading of existing Nevada highways to accommodate heavy-haul vehicles; transportation of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste from existing storage sites to the proposed repository; and fabrication of casks and canisters.

9.3.1 Land Use

Mitigation measures could address three types of potential land-use impacts resulting from the construction and operation of a rail line or an intermodal transfer station: (1) impacts to publicly used lands such as grazing allotments, (2) direct and indirect land loss, and (3) displacement of capital improvements. Mitigation would not necessarily be associated with the potential selection of a route for heavy-haul trucks, which would follow existing rights-of-way and would require little additional land disturbance.

Land Use Measures Under the Proposed Action

Land Use Measures Under Consideration

9.3.2 Air Quality

If DOE selected the Valley Modified rail corridor, mitigation measures could be needed to reduce fugitive dust emissions from rail line construction and carbon monoxide emissions from operations in the Las Vegas Valley nonattainment area. As described in
Chapter 6, Section, fugitive dust emissions during the construction phase could be above the General Conformity Rule minimal levels for particulates. Vehicles used to transport workers and trains used to transport materials would generate criteria pollutants. States could place requirements for control of emissions of volatile organic compounds and nitrous oxide on facilities that manufacture containers and casks.

Air Quality Measures Under Consideration

9.3.3 Hydrology

This section describes potential mitigation actions for both surface water and groundwater. Surface Water

Three categories of potential impacts to surface water from the construction and operation of a Nevada transportation route are (1) the introduction of contaminants, (2) the alteration of drainage patterns or runoff rates, and (3) flood hazards. The spread of contamination by surface water could result in adverse impacts to plants and animals or to human health in the immediate area. It could also result in the recharge of contaminated water to groundwater. DOE's intent is to respond rapidly to such spills with appropriate cleanup actions.

Surface-Water Measures Under the Proposed Action
Surface-Water Measures Under Consideration Groundwater

Potential transportation-related impacts to groundwater would be most likely to occur from construction activities associated with a potential Nevada transportation route and could include introduction of contaminants and alteration of infiltration and runoff rates that could change the rate of recharge to the aquifer. Design and operational actions to reduce impacts would be identical to those described above for surface-water impacts.

Groundwater Measures Under the Proposed Action

Groundwater Measures Under Consideration

9.3.4 Biological Resources and Soils Desert Tortoise

The desert tortoise is a Federally protected species that resides at or along the candidate rail corridors, intermodal transfer station locations, and routes for legal-weight and heavy-haul trucks in Nevada (see
Chapter 6, Sections 6.3.1,, and Activities that could cause impacts to desert tortoises include site clearing, vehicle traffic, pond management, and taking of habitat.

DOE has been conducting site characterization activities in accordance with Fish and Wildlife Service biological opinions on the potential for impacts to desert tortoises (DIRS 104618-Buchanan 1997, pages 1 and 2). During these activities, five desert tortoises are known to have been killed by site characterization activities, all by vehicle traffic. A recent report (DIRS 103194-CRWMS M&O 1998, page 9) indicates that 27 of 28 individual tortoise relocations were successful and that two nest relocations were also successful. The one unsuccessful relocation involved a tortoise that returned to the area of disturbance and became one of the five killed by traffic.

If the proposed project proceeded, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would establish measures, terms, and conditions for transportation activities that DOE would have to observe to protect the desert tortoise. DOE would implement terms and conditions established in any future biological opinions regarding the effects of repository-related transportation activities on the desert tortoise. As discussed in Chapter 6, areas that would be affected by transportation activities are at the extreme northern edge of the range of the desert tortoise, and the population of tortoises in these areas is low in relation to other portions of its range. No part of any of the candidate transportation routes has been declared critical habitat for the desert tortoise.

The final biological opinion on site characterization (DIRS 104618-Buchanan 1997, pp. 19 to 25) identified the following actions as requirements that DOE would need to implement to minimize impacts on desert tortoises. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service could establish similar conditions as prerequisites for transportation activities associated with the proposed project.

Desert Tortoise Measures Under the Proposed Action
If a consultation process resulted from a determination that construction or operation of a transportation corridor associated with the proposed repository could affect threatened or endangered species or their habitat, DOE will adopt all reasonable and prudent measures to protect the desert tortoise or other species that could be stated in future biological opinions on transportation corridors.

The following text discusses potential transportation-related measures DOE has identified for the protection of the desert tortoise based on determinations the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service made for site characterization. General Biological Resources and Soils

Certain herds of migratory animals could be substantially affected if they were prevented from moving between ranges used at different times of the year. Some of the transportation routes under consideration cross game management areas and wild horse and wild burro management areas. Some routes cross areas traversed by herds of antelope, mule deer, elk, and mountain sheep. Fencing would not be likely to affect the movement of mule deer and elk. Fencing could impede the movements of antelope, mountain sheep, wild horses, and wild burros, effectively dividing management areas for these species.

General Biological Resources and Soils Measures Under the Proposed Action

General Biological Resources and Soils Measures Under Consideration

9.3.5 Cultural Resources

Land clearing, excavation, and construction activities have the potential to disturb or cause the relocation of cultural artifacts. The operation of industrial facilities can degrade the value of traditional sites or uses. In addition, human activity in project areas causes concern that members of the workforce could affect cultural resource sites, especially those at buried locations or with artifacts.

Actions that DOE would take to mitigate adverse impacts to cultural resources along transportation routes include those required by law or regulation and those built into the project to reduce such impacts. In some cases, DOE cannot identify precise mitigation measures due to the limited nature of the data (for example, construction activities could reveal previously unidentified sites). To address these cases, DOE has programmatic mitigation measures that comply with historic preservation laws and regulations in place to ensure that it would implement appropriate actions after the identification and evaluation of important cultural resources.

Cultural Resources Measures Under the Proposed Action

9.3.6 Occupational and Public Health and Safety

Over time, traffic accidents involving vehicles associated with the proposed repository would occur. The analysis indicated that fatalities and injuries from traffic accidents (nonradiological events) probably would constitute the largest impact to public health associated with the project. (See the Occupational and Public Safety and Health sections in
Chapters 4 and 6.)

During the transportation of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste, drivers and escort personnel would be routinely exposed to radiation and would receive radiological doses from this exposure. Workers and members of the public could receive doses from exposures resulting from an accident that released radionuclides.

Apart from impact findings and mitigations discussed in the EIS, Section 180(c) of the NWPA allows DOE to provide technical assistance and funds to states for training local government and Native American tribal public safety officials through whose jurisdictions DOE could plan to transport spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive waste. The training would cover procedures for safe routine transportation and for emergency response situations.

Occupational and Public Health and Safety Measures Under the Proposed Action

Occupational and Public Health and Safety Measures Under Consideration

9.3.7 Noise and Vibration

Noise and vibration impacts could occur along a transportation corridor, depending on the scenario. Native Americans have expressed concern about noise associated with the transportation corridors and the movement of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste to the proposed repository (
DIRS 102043-AIWS 1998, p. 2-16). Impacts could result from the construction and operation of the facilities associated with transportation. There is concern that transportation activities could disrupt ceremonies that address Native American concerns for ecological health and the solitude needed for healing or prayer. Other communities could be subject to adverse noise and vibration levels, depending on the selected route and the potential to reduce such consequences. DOE expects the potential for adverse impacts from noise and vibration to be low.

Noise and Vibration Control Measures Under Consideration

9.3.8 Aesthetics

Construction along transportation routes and at facilities such as intermodal transfer stations and overnight stopping areas could reduce the quality of views in key locations. The operation of intermodal transfer stations and overnight stopping areas would require the lighting of these areas at night.

Aesthetics Measures Under the Proposed Action

9.3.9 Management of Waste and Hazardous Materials

The manufacture of casks and containers could produce liquid and solid waste streams that would require disposal.

Waste and Hazardous Materials Measures Under the Proposed Action


Note: In an effort to ensure consistency among Yucca Mountain Project documents, DOE has altered the format of the references and some of the citations in the text in this Final EIS from those in the Draft EIS. The following list contains notes where applicable for references cited differently in the Draft EIS.

102043   AIWS 1998   AIWS (American Indian Writers Subgroup) 1998. American Indian Perspectives on the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project and the Repository Environmental Impact Statement. Las Vegas, Nevada: Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations. ACC: MOL.19980420.0041.

104618   Buchanan 1997   Buchanan, C.C. 1997. "Final Biological Opinion for Reinitiation of Formal Consultation for Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Studies." Letter from C.C. Buchanan (Department of the Interior) to W. Dixon (DOE/YMSCO), July 23, 1997, File No. 1-5-96-F-307R. ACC: MOL.19980302.0368.

103676   Cowherd, Muleski, and Kinsey 1988   Cowherd, C.; Muleski, G.E.; and Kinsey, J.S. 1988. Control of Open Fugitive Dust Sources, Final Report. EPA-450/3-88-008. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. TIC: 243438.

100248   CRWMS M&O 1997   CRWMS M&O (Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management & Operating Contractor) 1997. Secondary Waste Treatment Analysis. BCBD00000-01717-0200-00005 REV 00. Las Vegas, Nevada: CRWMS M&O. ACC: MOL.19971208.0201. In the Draft EIS, this reference was cited as DOE 1997l in Chapter 12.

103194   CRWMS M&O 1998   CRWMS M&O (Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management & Operating Contractor) 1998. Efficacy of Relocating Desert Tortoises for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. B00000000-01717-5705-00032 REV 00. Las Vegas, Nevada: CRWMS M&O. ACC: MOL.19981014.0309. In the Draft EIS, this reference was cited as DOE 1998h in Chapter 12.

104508   CRWMS M&O 1999   CRWMS M&O (Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management & Operating Contractor) 1999. Repository Surface Design Engineering Files Report. BCB000000-01717-5705-00009 REV 03. Las Vegas, Nevada: CRWMS M&O. ACC: MOL.19990615.0238. In the Draft EIS, this reference was cited as TRW 1999a in Chapter 12.

104558   DOE 1988   DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) 1988. Programmatic Agreement Between the United States Department of Energy and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for the Nuclear Waste Deep Geologic Repository Program Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy. ACC: HQX.19890426.0057. In the Draft EIS, this reference was cited as DOE 1988b in Chapter 12.

103196   DOE 1990   DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) 1990. Research Design and Data Recovery Plan for Yucca Mountain Project. Las Vegas, Nevada: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: NNA.19910107.0105.

110625   DOE 1999   DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) 1999. A Roadmap for Developing Accelerator Transmutation of Waste (ATW) Technology. DOE/RW-0519. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy. TIC: 245890.

156711   DOE 2001   DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) 2001. The Advanced Accelerator Applications Program Plan. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology.

103403   National Research Council 1996   National Research Council 1996. Nuclear Wastes, Technologies for Separations and Transmutation. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. TIC: 226607.

102188   YMP 1995   YMP (Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project) 1995. Reclamation Implementation Plan. YMP/91-14, Rev. 1. Las Vegas, Nevada: Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office. ACC: MOL.19970109.0256. In the Draft EIS, this reference was cited as DOE 1995g in Chapter 12.

103203   YMP 1997   YMP (Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project) 1997. Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Awareness Plan. YMP/95-01, Rev. 1. Las Vegas, Nevada: Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office. ACC: MOL.19980224.0441. In the Draft EIS, this reference was cited as DOE 1997h in Chapter 12.

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