Energy Citations Database
Searched:  Author Contains ("Leslie, N.P.")
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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
  AD-A-089075 Energy conservation and management study of aircraft hangars at selected air force bases. Final report Jul-Dec 79 Leslie, N.P. 1980 Jan 01 -
  ANL/CNSV-TM-67 Oasis code application to proposed Argonne National Laboratory cogeneration plant Bingman, D.J. , Leslie, N.P. 1981 Jun 01 Y
  CONF-860106- Regression based process energy analysis system Leslie, N.P. , Aveta, G.A. , Sliwinski, B.J. 1986 Jan 01 -
  PB-90-100249/XAB Baseline characterization of combustion products at the GRI (Gas Research Institute) conventional research house. Final report, October 1987-May 1988 Leslie, N.P. , Ghassan, P.G. , Krug, E.K. 1989 Aug 01 -
  PB-91-167544/XAB Conventional research house variable-speed electric-heat-pump cooling-characterization test results. Topical report, July-September 1989 Leslie, N.P. , Hedrick, R.L. , Witte, M.J. 1991 Feb 01 -
  PB-89-230619/XAB Conventional research house: Cooling characterization test results. Topical report, June-September 1987 Leslie, N.P. , Hedrick, R.L. , Ghassan, P.G. 1988 Sep 01 -
  PB-90-233800/XAB Conventional research house heating characterization test results. Topical report, January-May 1989 Leslie, N.P. , Hedrick, R.L. , Ghassan, P.G. 1990 Apr 01 -
  PB-91-178970/XAB Conventional Research House variable-speed electric heat pump heating characterization test results. Topical report, September 1989-January 1990 Leslie, N.P. , Hedrick, R.L. , Henninger, R.H. , 1991 Feb 01 -
  PB-90-247289/XAB Conventional research house zoned heating-test results. Topical report, January 1987-March 1988 Leslie, N.P. , Carrington, J.S. , Ghassan, P.G. , 1988 Sep 01 -
  5397929 Measurements of nitrous acid inside two research houses Brauer, M. , Ryan, P.B. , Suh, H.H. , 1990 Oct 01 -
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