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Title Servico de Informacoes (GLIN ID 216252)
Jurisdiction Angola
Category Law
Publication Diario da Republica
Published 06/06/2008; Portuguese  
Instrument Class Decree-Law
Subject Terms Administrative agencies; Administrative law; Crime prevention; Government organization; Information services; National security; Terrorism
Decree-Law 1-08 approves the organic statute of the "Servico de Informacoes" (Information Services), as appears in the annex and becomes an integral part of this Decree-Law. Repeals Decree-Law 14/02 of 6 December 2002. (4 articles; pp. 1105-1116)

Title Cotonou Agreement (GLIN ID 216063)
Jurisdiction Angola
Category Law
Publication Diario da Republica
Published 25/03/2008; Portuguese  
Instrument Class Resolution
Subject Terms Commerce and industry; Development; Import-export; International relations; Investments; Treaties and agreements; Treaties and agreements, Multilateral
Resolution 5/08 approves, for ratification, the revised Cotonou agreement, agreement of partnership between the African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries and the European Community and its Member States, signed in Cotonou on 23 July 2000.Text included. (2 articles; pp. 505-508)

Title practice of Aquaculture (GLIN ID 216062)
Jurisdiction Angola
Category Law
Publication Diario da Republica
Published 24/03/2008; Portuguese  
Instrument Class Executive Decree
Subject Terms Administrative law; Aquaculture; Commerce and industry; Fishing; Food; Government organization
Executive Decree 43/08 approves the norms for the authorization of the practice of aquaculture in the system of extensive production, as appear in the annex and become an integral part of this Executive Decree. (3 articles; pp. 502-503)

Title Comissao Nacional para o Desarmamento da Populacao Civil (GLIN ID 216061)
Jurisdiction Angola
Category Law
Publication Diario da Republica
Published 18/03/2008; Portuguese  
Instrument Class Dispatch
Subject Terms Administrative law; Firearms; Government organization; Health and safety; Weapons
Dispatch 7/08 creates the "Comissao Nacional para o Desarmamento da Populacao Civil" (National Commission for the Disarmament of the Civilian Population); defines its composition and mission. (11 articles; pp. 486-487)

Title Organic Statute of Teaching Career (GLIN ID 216029)
Jurisdiction Angola
Category Law
Publication Diario da Republica
Published 04/03/2008; Portuguese  
Instrument Class Decree
Subject Terms Administrative law; Culture; Development; Education; Government organization; Professions; Teachers
Decree 3/08 approves the organic statute of the teaching career of primary, secondary, technical pedagogical education and specialists of education management, as appears in the annex and becomes an integral part of this Decree. Repeals Decree 11-J/96 of 12 April 1996. (4 articles; pp. 357-368)

Title Aeronautical Technical Guidelines (GLIN ID 216028)
Jurisdiction Angola
Category Law
Publication Diario da Republica
Published 03/03/2008; Portuguese  
Instrument Class Executive Decree
Subject Terms Accidents; Aircraft; Airlines; Airports; Aviation; Labor; Licenses; Registration; Transportation
Executive Decree 26/08 establishes the "Normativos Tecnicos Aeronauticos" (NTA) [Aeronautical Technical Guidelines] related to general policy, procedures and definitions; registration of aircraft; original certification of aircraft and their components; maintenance, required instruments and equipment; licensing of aeronautical personnel; medical certification; approved training organizations; etc. (5 articles; pp. 255-256)

Title Implementation of the General Budget of the State for 2008 (GLIN ID 216027)
Jurisdiction Angola
Category Law
Publication Diario da Republica
Published 25/02/2008; Portuguese  
Instrument Class Decree
Subject Terms Administrative agencies; Budget; Government finance; Government organization; Salaries and wages; Social security
Decree 1/08 establishes the rules to be observed in the execution of the general budget of the State for the year 2008; general provisions; budget discipline: execution of revenues, program and financial execution, expenditures, salaries; budget adjustment; permanent fund; accounts report; programs of public investments; final provisions. (16 articles; pp. 313-322)

Title Community Services as Punishment (GLIN ID 215996)
Jurisdiction Angola
Category Law
Publication Diario da Republica
Published 12/02/2008; Portuguese  
Instrument Class Joint Executive Decree
Subject Terms Administrative law; Courts; Crime prevention; Criminal courts; Criminal law; Government organization; Youth
Joint Executive Decree 18/08 approves the regulation of application of the measure of criminal prevention of provision of community services, as appears in the annex and becomes an integral part of this Joint Executive Decree; and specifies the functions of the Ministers of Justice and of Assistance and Social Reinsersion. (2 articles; pp. 247-251)

Title Measure of Assisted Freedom (GLIN ID 215994)
Jurisdiction Angola
Category Law
Publication Diario da Republica
Published 12/02/2008; Portuguese  
Instrument Class Joint Executive Decree
Subject Terms Administrative law; Courts; Crime prevention; Criminal courts; Criminal law; Government organization; Youth
Joint Executive Decree 17/08 approves the regulation of measure of assisted freedom, as appears in the annex and becomes an integral part of this Joint Executive Decree; and specifies the role of the Ministry of the Interior. (3 articles; pp. 245-247)

Title Programa Nacional de Alfetizacao... (GLIN ID 215993)
Jurisdiction Angola
Category Law
Publication Diario da Republica
Published 24/01/2008; Portuguese  
Instrument Class Dispatch
Subject Terms Administrative law; Culture; Development; Education; Government organization
Dispatch 36/08 approves the regulation of the "Programa Nacional de Alfabetizacao e Recupercao do Atraso Escolar" (National Program of Literacy and Recovery of the School Deficiency), as appears in the annex and becomes an integral part of this Dispatch. (3 articles; pp. 161-168)
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