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The Nineteenth Century in Print: Periodicals

Browse items in Scribners monthly, an illustrated magazine for the people. Volume 5, Issue 4, February 1873
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  • The Tehuantepec Canal, 401-421.
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  • In and Around Bangkok, 421-432.
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  • Sheaves, 432-433.
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  • Little Miss Frere, 433-443.
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  • A Court Ball at the Hague, 443-449.
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  • Since I Died, 449-452.
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  • My Valentine, 452-453.
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  • The San Rafael Phalanstery, 453-460.
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  • One Phase of the Marriage Question, 460-462.
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  • One Night, 462-465.
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  • How Men Learned to Analyze the Sun, 465-475.
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  • Covert, 475-476.
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  • Borrowing as a Social Science, 476-479.
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  • My Song, 479-480.
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  • Arthur Bonnicastle, 480-493.
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  • "For Thoughts", 493.
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  • Art at the Capitol, 493-500.
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  • A Vision of St. Eligius, 500-501.
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  • An Archaeological Breakfast, 501-503.
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  • Topics of the Time, 503-507.
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  • The Old Cabinet, 507-508.
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  • Home and Society, 508-511.
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  • Culture and Progress, 511-523.
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  • Nature and Science, 523-527.
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  • Etchings, 527-528.
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