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The Nineteenth Century in Print: Periodicals

Browse items in The Century; a popular quarterly. Volume 52, Issue 3, July 1896
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  • St. Peter's, 323-339.
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  • Becalmed, 339-340.
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  • Old Lady Lazenberry, 340-344.
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  • Night in the Redwoods, 344-345.
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  • An Open-Eyed Conspiracy, 345-358.
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  • Glimpses of Guiana and Venezuela, 358-368.
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  • Rosemary, 368-369.
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  • The Pot of Frightful Doom, 369-374.
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  • On Reading William Watson's Sonnets Entitled "The Purple East", 374-375.
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  • Napoleon Bonaparte: The Western Emperor on the Defensive, 375-407.
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  • Mine Enemy, 407-408.
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  • An Arctic Studio (77 degrees, 44 minutes North Latitude), 408-414.
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  • Captive, 414-415.
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  • Introduction to: A Family Record of Ney's Execution, 415-417.
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  • A Family Record of Ney's Execution, 417-423.
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  • Sir George Tressady, 423-442.
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  • Impressions of South Africa, 442-453.
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  • "I Journeyed South to Meet the Spring", 453-454.
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  • A Comedy of War, 454-461.
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  • Recollections and Anecdotes of Bulow, 461-467.
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  • The Valley of Childish Things, and Other Emblems, 467-470.
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  • The Folly of Bimetallism, 470-471.
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  • President Cleveland's Emancipation Proclamation, 471-472.
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  • Fears for Democracy, 472-473.
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  • International Copyright: The Attempt to Revive Intellectual Piracy, 473-474.
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  • International Copyright: American Musical Authorities Against the Treolar Bill, 474-476.
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  • The Failure of the Hampton Conference, with Unpublished Letters from Jefferson Davis and R. M. T. Hunter, 476-479.
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  • Aphorisms, 479.
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  • Outlines, 479.
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  • A Coquette Conquered, 479-480.
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  • A Trifle Pessimistic, 480.
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  • Mother Goose, 480.
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  • When Flossie Dusts her Room, 480-482.
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  • Return to The Century; a popular quarterly.
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