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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date
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830 K
ANL/TD/CP-95856 High heat flux erosion of carbon fibre composite materials in the TEXTOR tokamak. Hassanein, A. 1998 Mar 10
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1 Mb
ANL/TD/CP-95857 Performance and lifetime assessment of reactor wall and nearby components during plasma instabilities. Hassanein, A. 1998 Mar 10
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708 K
ANL/TD/CP-95858 Tritium behavior in eroded dust and debris of plasma-facing materials. Hassanein, A. 1998 Mar 10
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372 K
ANL/TD/CP-96900 Integrated models for plasma/material interaction during loss of plasma confinement. Hassanein, A. 1998 Jul 29
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1 Mb
ANL/TD/CP-97103 Comprehensive physical models and simulation package for plasma/material interactions during plasma instabilities. Hassanein, A. 1998 Aug 26
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959 K
ANL/ET/CP-99911 Simulation of intense heating and shock hydrodynamics in free-moving liquid targets. Hassanein, A. 1999 Aug 27
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619 K
ANL/CP-72824; CONF-911111--12 Analysis of sweeping heat loads on divertor plate materials Hassanein, A. 1991 Jan 01
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663 K
ANL/CP-70631; CONF-901007--43 Erosion and redeposition of divertor and wall materials during abnormal events Hassanein, A. 1990 Sep 01
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556 K
ANL/CP-71555; CONF-901007--46 Thermal sweeping analysis for divertor plate materials Hassanein, A. 1990 Sep 01
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1 Mb
ANL/TD/CP--82096; CONF-940630--34 Plasma disruption modeling and simulation Hassanein, A. 1994 Jul 01
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768 K
ANL/EP/CP--78902; CONF-930722--9 Thermal analysis of coatings and substrate materials during a disruption in fusion reactors Hassanein, A. 1993 Jun 01
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903 K
ANL/TD/CP--86735; CONF-950961--12 Deuteron beam interaction with Li jet for a neutron source test facility Hassanein, A. 1995 Sep 01
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913 K
ANL/ET/CP-100226 Tritium recycling and inventory in eroded debris of plasma-facing materials Hassanein, A. 1999 Oct 18
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619 K
ANL/CP--72824; CONF-911111--12 Analysis of sweeping heat loads on divertor plate materials Hassanein, A. 1991 Dec 31
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1 Mb
ANL/FPP/TM-296 Physics of collisionless scrape-off-layer plasma during normal and off-normal Tokamak operating conditions. Hassanein, A. ; Konkashbaev, I. 1999 Mar 15
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948 K
ANL/EP/CP--79740-Rev.; CONF-930928--3-Rev. Analysis of beam-on-target interaction in a neutron-source test facility Hassanein, A. ; Smith, D. 1993 Oct 01
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451 K
ANL/EP/CP--79902; CONF-931018--36 Computational model of surface ablation from tokamak disruptions Ehst, D. ; Hassanein, A. 1993 Oct 01
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1 Mb
ANL/TD/CP-99581 Theory and models of material erosion and lifetime during plasma instabilities in a tokamak environment. Hassanein, A. ; Konkashbaev, I. 1999 Nov 08
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1 Mb
ANL/ET/CP-100288 Hydrodynamic effects of eroded materials on response of plasma-facing component during a tokamak disruption Hassanein, A. ; Konkashbaev, I. 1999 Oct 25
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217 K
CONF-881120-12 Response of materials to high heat fluxes during operation in fusion reactors Hassanein, A.M. 1988 Jul 01
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? K
ANL-ET/01-13 Modeling and simulation of fragmentation of suddenly heated liquid metal jets. Hassanein, A. ; Konkashbaev, I. 2001 Jun 26
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? K
ANL-HEP-CP-01-67 A laser strain gauge for accelerator targets. Hassanein, A. ; Norem, J. 2001 Jul 17
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? K
ANL-ET/02-04 Development of comprehensive and integrated models for inertial fusion cavity dynamics. Hassanein, A. ; Morozov, V. 2002 May 17
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? K
ANL/ET/CP-108382 Chamber wall response to target implosion in inertial fusion reactors : new and critical assessments. Hassanein, A. ; Morozov, V. 2002 Aug 05
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402 K
ANL/FPP/TM-179 Modeling the interaction of high power ion or electron beams with solid target materials Hassanein, A.M. 1983 Nov 01
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