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Diabetes Mellitus (Type II) in American Indian/Alaska Native Elders: Cultural Aspects of Care. - Final rept.
Native Elder Health Care Resource Center, Aurora, CO.

ProductType: Technical report
NTIS Order Number: PB2003-100226

Media Count: N/A
Date: May 2001
Author: E. Kotthoff-Burnell R. Ramsey T. Nelson

As noted, this series addresses some of the most prevalent and impairing of illnesses, physical as well as mental, among older adults in general, and Native elders, specifically. The disease/disorders considered include diabetes, depression, cancer, and a ...

Report Number: N/A
Contract Number: N/A
Project Number: N/A
Grant Number: N/A
Task Number: N/A
NTIS announcement issue: 0303

"N/A" indicates no data is available for this field.

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