Comment Number: OL-100224
Received: 3/16/2004 12:18:21 PM
Organization: Geo Consult
Commenter: J Streich
State: WA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


I didn't mark all the comments because I am not legally trained and don't understand much of the language. Separate form the legalese I do have some strong feelings about spam and even though I think that with the present domination of big business in our government, no real changes will be made that actually enables the Can Spam Act to make a difference. From the point of view of a personal PC user and small businessman I wish to make direct comments on how I feel about spam and the current rules. 1) Spam should be proscribed in as strong a manner as possible to all recipients who have not previously agreed to receive spam. In other words it should be an opt in list rather than an opt out list. 2) Since that is extremely unlikely and that the only way it will actually be done is an opt out list I think the FTC should institute an opt out list that should include all unsolicited, commercial e-mail and it should have real penalties for non compliance. 3) That list should include the option of opting out of receiving mail from an organization that one has done business with in the past.