100213 -~ 4~_~_ -~--‚ é ‚~ ‘~_•~“4 A SLAVi~ RM,i~~RS ~. ~ The front ãoor of a little vine-‘clad. cottage on Billups Street, in AL~1ens ‚Geor~4a cuaked. open and John Cole, ex~slave confronted a ‘OV‘fljflt irlan, ~ Yes, he was the son of Lucius Cole and. Betsy Cole, was in his 86th year, and rerneubered the time ‘way backit when other ~ov‘mint men with their strange ways had. descended on Athens. And far beyond that, back to tile time when they had. tried him out as a scullion boy in the big town house where his mother was the cook, but it see::~ed that the trays always escaped .L1±S ClliJLlSy ~ ;Ufl~ 11811d8. So Ui.iarse F~enry‘ had put iiir~ on tile 200 acre Oglethorpe plan~ Lati~OL.~ as apprentice to traini~~ of tile farfa horses whose large un— ~anageableness he found ~iiore manageable thaz~ tiie dainty china of the i~anker‘s hcuse. He simply iìad followea more after his father, the ~rra~e ariver t~:an his mot~~er, the cook. of course, all fifteen of the hands worked from sun—up to ‘:.~~n.-dov~~n, but his aunt was t~e plantation cook, afld it was not so ~:aà t~ere. The ni~ht brou~i~t no counsel, but it brou~it better. Stretch c~ow—iii.c~es oVer c~eese—b3Xes and y~u ~ad tambourines. Saw bones from a~dfLLLd~/. :)ft a cow, i~~oc:~ t~:em to~et~er,. and cali it ~ Or use broom—straws, J~l fià~le~st:~n~s, and y~u had your entire orchestra.