Single Electronics Papers

Metrology Triangle Using a Watt Balance, a Calculable Capacitor, and a Single-Electron Tunneling Device
Mark W. Keller, Francois Piquemal, Nicolas Feltin, Berthélémy Steck, and Laurent Devoille
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Current Status of the Quantum Metrology Triangle
Mark W. Keller
Metrologia 45, 102 - 109 (2008).
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Uncertainty Budget for the NIST Electron Counting Capacitance Standard, ECCS-1
Mark. W. Keller, Neil M. Zimmerman, and Ali L. Eichenberger
Metrologia 44, 505 - 512 (2007).
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Narrow-Band Microwave Radiation from a Biased Single-Cooper-Pair Transistor
O. Naaman and J. Aumentado
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 227001 (2007)
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Poisson transition rate from time-domain measurements with finite bandwidth
O. Naaman and J. Aumentado
Phys. Rev. Letters 96 100201 (2006)
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Time-domain measurements of quasiparticle tunneling rates in a single-Cooper-pair transistor
O. Naaman and J. Aumentado
Phys. Rev. B 73, 172504 (2006)
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Requirements for Robust 2e Periodicity in Single-Cooper-Pair Transistors
J. Aumentado, M.W. Keller, J.M. Martinis
Contributed publication for Proc., Localization 2002 Conference, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
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Bimodal Size Distribution of Self-Assembled INxGa1-xAs Quantum Dots,
S. Anders, C.S. Kim, B. Klein, M.W. Keller, R.P. Mirin, Physical Review B 66(12): 125309 (2002)
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Standards of Current and Capacitance Based on Single-Electron Tunneling Devices,
M.W. Keller, Proceedings of Fermi School CXLVI: "Recent Advances in Metrology and Fundamental Constants."
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Noise-induced Leakage and Counting Errors in the Electron Pump
R.L. Kautz, M.W. Keller and J.M. Martinis, Physical Review B 62(23): 15888-15902.
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Photon-Assisted Tunneling in Electron Pumps
M. Covington, M. W. Keller, R. L. Kautz, and J. M. Martinis, Physical Review Letters 84(22): 5192-5195.
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A capacitance standard based on counting electrons
M.W. Keller, A.L. Eichenberger, J.M. Martinis, N.M. Zimmerman, Science 1999 September 10; 285: 1706-1709. (in Reports)
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