(Test numbers are counted from zero. All ranges are inclusive.)
(Character # designates a number)
(Options in brackets are possible character strings.)
Unless otherwise specified, tests are done by comparing the measured value to the nominal minum and maximum. In some cases, the nominal values are adjusted before running. This will vary from run to run. Hopefully, I'll include details on those corrections soon.





DACS tests are done differently from the other tests. The 64 negatives and 22 positives are given a linear fit, giving an intercept, a slope, and a chi-squared.
The 64(or 22) results are given x values . The chi-squared is based on assumed sigma of 0.0003.
The test looks at the slope and the chi-squared. If all of the following conditions are met, the chip is considered to have passed the test fit_parameters. Otherwise it fails. If all 4 chi-squared are between 0.1 and 10, the chip is considered to have passed the test chi2. If any chi-squared is above 30, the chip fails chi2. If some chi-squared are between 10 and 30, the chip "half-passes" chi2.

Digital Function Tests

Charge Injection (cal_inj)

Channel Mask (chnl_mask)

45D_20 (test45D_20)


