Energy Citations Database
Searched:  Author Contains ("Seager, M.K.")
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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
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UCRL-JC-134806; DP0102051 ASCI terascale simulation environmental implementation Seager, M K 1999 May 20 -
  UCRL-53519 Adaptive finite element grid generation and extension for elliptic problems posed on unbounded domains Seager, M.K. 1984 May 01 Y
  UCRL-100195; CONF-8810280-1 A SLAP (Sparse Linear Algebra Package) for the masses Seager, M.K. 1988 Dec 12 -
  UCRL-102059; CONF-8911132--1 Simulating the scheduling of parallel supercomputer applications Seager, M.K. , Stichnoth, J.M. 1989 Sep 19 -
  UCRL-96744; CONF-8708148-4 The sub-implicit method: New multiprocessor algorithms for old implicit codes Eltgroth, P.G. , Seager, M.K. 1987 Jul 01 -
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UCRL-ID-147449 White Paper on Institutional Capability Computing Requirements Kissel, L , McCoy, M G , Seager, M K 2002 Jan 29 -
  UCID-20645-Rev.1 Math and statistics bulletin board user's guide. Revision 1 Perra, J.J. , Seager, M.K. , Short, C.M. 1986 Apr 23 Y
  UCID-20645 Math and Statistics Bulletin Board user's guide Perra, J.J. , Seager, M.K. , Short, C.M. 1986 Jan 01 Y
  UCID-21348; ISCR-87-2 Graphical Multiprocessing Analysis Tool (GMAT) Seager, M.K. , Campbell, S. , Sikora, S. , 1988 Mar 01 Y
  6411058 Adaptive domain extension and adaptive grids for unbounded spherical elliptic PDEs Seager, M.K. , Carey, G.F. 1990 Jan 01 -
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