Coupled Ocean and Atmosphere Radiative Transfer (COART)

This is a tool for you to calculate radiance and irradiance (flux) at any levels in the atmosphere and ocean (0.2-100um). Specify the inputs simply by clicking the buttons and changing the default numbers in the table. Setting Ocean_depth=0 reduces it to conventional atmospheric radiative transfer model. More information here.

Select calculation type and Output levels:

Spectral fluxes (irradiances) (up and down) (W/m2/um) at a single wavelength (um)
Spectral fluxes(w/m2/um) at multiple wavelengths from um to um at every um.
Integrated fluxes (W/m2) from to um in Spectral resolution of um.
Broadband shortwave (0.20-4.0um) fluxes (W/m2). (Takes about 30 seconds)
Radiances (W/m2/um/Sr) at wavelength (um).
Radiances (W/m2/um/Sr) at multiple wavelengths from um to um at every um.
Radiance(w/m2/um/Sr) in band: to um in Spectral Resolution of um;
                                             OR in satellite channel: (Need few minutes)
? Want to include the Water-leaving radiance output ? yes no
Radiance output angles: at Zenith(deg) or at every (deg) from to
Azimuth(deg) or at every (deg) from to
**See how the angles are defined here.

Output at: TOA, Surface, km above surface, and (m) below surface; OR All levels in atmosphere.

Solar Zenith Angle Calculation or Input

JulianDay: GMT(hour): Latitude(deg N): Longitude(deg E):
Ignore time and location, at a directly inputed Solar Zenith Angle (deg):
At multiple Solar Zenith Angles (deg): from to in step of
*Note: Method 1 calculates Earth-Sun distance, Methods 2 and 3 use mean Earth-sun distance.

For thermal radiation (>4um), input Surface temperature:


Select an atmospheric model
If checked, use less atmospheric layers to save computation time ( not recommended for UV and IR).
If checked, input your total integrated precipitable water (g/cm2):
If checked, input your integrated ozone amount (atm-cm): (1 atm-cm=1000 Dobson)
You can also change these trace gas amounts by a factor (1.0 for no change) of --> CO2: CH4:

Select Mixed layer aerosol: & Stratospheric aerosol:
Select a method to specify aerosol loading (To be ignored if "No aerosol" selected above):
by Visibility (km): by AOT at 0.5um: by AOT at 0.55um:
If checked, input aerosol optical properties in the table below (not required to fill all elements, undefined numbers will be fit in by the selected model above):
g :
If checked, upload aerosol phase function file:

Select Cloud: Bottom(km): Top(km):; size RE(um):
LWP(g/m2): or OpticalDepth(0.6um): (RE is effective size for nonspheric)


Wind speed(m/s): Depth (m): Bottom albedo: Chl (mg/m3):(Chlorophyll)
Particle scattering coefficient (m-1):   bp(lamda)= b0(550/lamda)nx[Chl]k;   Input b0: , n: and k:
Particle scattering phase function If use F-F func., input bb/b:
If checked, input absorption a(m-1): (Override the default parameterization)
If checked, input your a440DOM(m-1): (DOM absorption coefficient at 440nm)
If checked, ignore surface roughness and assume Flat ocean surface.

*Note: Input Depth=0 will ignore the ocean and ocean inputs above (no water, same as atmosphere-land case).

. . . . Not clear on some input? Read "The Input" section Here.
For comments/questions contact Zhonghai Jin, but to read this NOTE first may help you.

Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Thomas Charlock Questions: Zhonghai Jin Last Updated: 2004/04/22 NASA Privacy Statement Feedback on Langley Products and Services