File Library: EPA_FRS File Name: EPA_FRS.DOC Documentation File for the EPA_FRS File Library ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Dissemination of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Federal Register subset on The Federal Bulletin Board is sponsored by EPA in cooperation with the Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and the Government Printing Office (GPO). These electronic files are derived from electronic files that the EPA transmitted to the OFR with the original signed documents for publication in the Federal Register and from electronic files created at GPO during the preparation of the Federal Register. The electronic dissemination of EPA files is an experimental project of EPA, GPO and OFR. While every effort has been made to ensure that these electronic files accurately reflect the contents of the Federal Register, this is not an official version and should not be relied upon for purposes of legal enforcement or citation. In the event that the material in the electronic files varies from the text of the Federal Register, the official version as published by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (ACFR) controls. EPA FEDERAL REGISTER SUBSET Each day all of the EPA material published in the daily Federal Register is extracted by GPO and converted into PostScript files for dissemination on The Federal Bulletin Board. The files include both the text and graphics, if any, from the EPA Federal Register documents. The EPA subset files are retroactive to July 1, 1993. The following PostScript files will be created each day that EPA material is published in the Federal Register: A complete EPA subset file containing all EPA material published that day (Cover, Table of Contents, List of Parts Affected, Notices, Proposed Rules, Final Rules, and Separate Parts, if any). A self-executing, compressed file containing the complete EPA subset PostScript file. Table of Contents List of Parts Affected Notices {all notices are in one file} Proposed Rules {all proposed rules are in one file} Final Rules {all rules are in one file} Separate Parts {each separate part is in an individual file} In addition, the Table of Contents and List of Parts Affected will be issued as ASCII text files. Every effort is made to have the EPA Federal Register subset files available to the public by 9 a.m. daily. However, the files may be available later in the day when there are unusually large files or other uncontrollable delays. FILE NAMES File names will begin with the digits representing the month and day of publication, with additional characters to differentiate the file content. Sample file names are given below: 0701.EXE $ :Jul 01 EPA Subset Compressed 0701.PS $ :Jul 01 EPA Subset 0701LPA.PS FREE:Jul 01 List of Parts Affected 0701LPA.TXT FREE:Jul 01 List of Parts Affected 0701NOT.PS $ :Jul 01 Notices 0701PR.PS $ :Jul 01 Proposed Rules 0701R.PS $ :Jul 01 Final Rules 0701TOC.PS FREE:Jul 01 Table of Contents 0701TOC.TXT FREE:Jul 01 Table of Contents 0701S.PS $ :Jul 01 Separate Parts Files with the extension .PS are PostScript files. Files with the extension .TXT are ASCII text files. Files with the extension .EXE are self-executing, compressed files. There will be a free "notice" file on The Federal Bulletin Board on days when there are no EPA Federal Register documents published. Listed below is a sample file name and description: 0701.TXT FREE:Jul 01 No EPA Material Published PRINTING POSTSCRIPT FILES The postscript files can be printed on any postscript printer by typing the following command at the DOS prompt: COPY [FILENAME] [PORT]: where FILENAME is the name of the file you want to print and PORT is the DOS designator for the port where your printer is connected. Options include LPT1, LPT2, COM1, COM2, etc. For example, if your postscript printer is attached at LPT1, you would type COPY 0701NOT.PS LPT1: to print the file called 0701NOT.PS. DECOMPRESSING FILES Each day there is a self-executing, compressed file containing the complete EPA subset PostScript file. The file is compressed into a single, self-executing file with the file extension .EXE using the software PKZIP from PKWARE, Inc. The decompressed file will require approximately two to three times as much hard disk space as the compressed file. It takes less time to download the compressed file, but the content of the compressed and decompressed versions is identical. To decompress the file, create a subdirectory on your hard disk, change to that subdirectory and then type [path name] [filename] and enter. The path name should specify the subdirectory where your communications software places downloaded files. For example, if your hard disk is drive C and the file 0701.EXE is in a subdirectory called COMM, then type the commands shown below: C:> MKDIR EPA_FRS {enter} C:> CD EPA_FRS {enter} C:\EPA_FRS> C:\COMM\0701 {enter} This will make the file 0701.PS available in the subdirectory C:\EPA_FRS. REQUEST FOR COMMENTS This information is being disseminated in electronic form to facilitate its use by the public. EPA, GPO and OFR are interested in receiving comments on the utility of the material in these formats as well as suggestions for improvements if other FEDERAL REGISTER material is disseminated electronically in the future. Comments can be addressed to: Office of Electronicnated in electronic form to facilitate its use by the public. EPA, GPO and OFR are interested in receiving comments on the utility of the material in these formats as well as suggestions for improvements if other FEDERAL REGISTER material is disseminated electronically in the future. Comments can be addressed to: Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services (EIDS) Mail Stop SDE U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20401 Telephone: (202) 512-1265 FAX: (202) 512-1262 You can also send comments using the electronic mail (E-Mail) capability of The Federal Bulletin Board. Comments can directed to the E-mail address OVERVIEW.