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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
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216 K
CONF-8810117-2 The role of x-ray absorption spectroscopy in electronic structure studies Alp, E.E. 1989 May 01 -
  5587157 Structure and the thermal stability of Fe/sub 80/B/sub 20/ metallic glasses by Moessbauer Alp, E.E. 1985 Jan 01 -
  ANL/XFD/CP-24092 Report on the SRI '95 workshop on the timing structure of the Advanced Photon Source. Alp, E. E. , Experimental Facilities Division 1996 Sep 01 -
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209 K
CONF-870610-15 The effect of random field errors on the radiation spectra of selected APS (Advanced Photon Source) undulators Alp, E.E. , Viccaro, P.J. 1987 Aug 01 -
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869 K
ANL/XFD/CP--82536; CONF-940716--1 Synchrotron Mossbauer Spectroscopy of powder samples Alp, E.E. , Sturhahn, W. , Toellner, T. 1994 Aug 01 -
  15004335 The SESAME project - an international synchrotron radiation research center in the middle east. Winick, H. , Alp, E. E. , XFD -
  US 5,524,040/A/ High energy resolution, high angular acceptance crystal monochromator Alp, E.E. , Mooney, T.M. , Toellner, T. 1996 Jun 04 -
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0 K
ANL/XFD/CP-108186 A linear actuator system with 1-angstrom closed-loop control resolution and 50-millimeter travel range. Shu, D. , Han, Y. , Toellner, T. S. , 2002 Aug 12 -
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472 K
ANL/CP-76634; CONF-920768--2 Moessbauer-Fresnel zone plate as nuclear monochromator Mooney, T.M. , Alp, E.E. , Yun, W.B. 1992 Jun 01 -
  ANL/XFD/CP-110147 Development of a two-dimensional focusing faceted x-ray analyzer. Sinn, H. , Moldovan, N. , Said, A. H. , 2003 Mar 28 -
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361 K
LS--103(ANL) Undulator performance on PEP storage ring with different optics Shenoy, G.K. , Viccaro, P.J. , Alp, E.E. 1988 Jan 01 -
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311 K
CONF-900190-1 X-ray absorption spectroscopy: EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) and XANES (X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure) Alp, E.E. , Mini, S.M. , Ramanathan, M. 1990 Apr 01 -
  CONF-8710242-3 Undulator performance on PEP storage ring with different optics Shenoy, G.K. , Viccaro, P.J. , Alp, E.E. 1987 Dec 01 -
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472 K
ANL/CP--76634; CONF-920768--2 Moessbauer-Fresnel zone plate as nuclear monochromator Mooney, T.M. , Alp, E.E. , Yun, W.B. 1992 Jun 01 -
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1 Mb
ANL/XFD/CP--78584; CONF-930195--3 Mossbauer spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation Alp, E.E. , Mooney, T.M. , Toellner, T. , 1993 Jul 01 -
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956 K
ANL/XFD/CP--79184; CONF-930816--3 Nuclear resonant scattering beamline at the Advanced Photon Source Alp, E.E. , Mooney, T.M. , Toellner, T. , 1993 Sep 01 -
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762 K
LS--265(ANL) Vibrational measurements in 3-ID-B Sutter, J. , Alp, E. , Barraza, J. , 1998 Apr 01 -
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469 K
ANL/XFD/CP-100177 Design of a high-resolution high-stability positioning mechanism for crystal optics Shu, D. , Toellner, T. S. , Alp, E. E. 1999 Oct 11 -
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1 Mb
ANL/XFD/CP-100583 An inelastic nuclear resonant scattering study of partial entropies of ordered and disordered Fe{sub 3}Al Fultz, B. , Sturhahn, W. , Toellner, T. S. , 1999 Nov 29 -
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447 K
ANL/XFD/CP-102335 Ultraprecision motion control technique for high-resolution x-ray instrumentation Shu, D. , Toellner, T. S. , Alp, E. E. 2000 Jul 17 -
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490 K
ANL/XFD/CP-102858 Modular overconstrained weak-link mechanism for ultraprecision motion control. Shu, D. , Toellner, T. S. , Alp, E. E. 2000 Sep 18 -
  15002585 Lattice dynamics and inelastic nuclear resonant x-ray scattering. Alp, E. E. , Sturhahn, W. , Toellner, T. S. , 2001 Aug 27 -
  15003306 In situ x-ray diffraction of the early stages of the crystallization of Fe{sub 80}B{sub 20}. Brizard, C. , Rodricks, B. , Alp, E. , 1993 Jul 01 -
  5831556 Spectral properties of segmented undulators for the 7-GeV Advanced Photon Source Shenoy, G. K. , Viccaro, P. J. , Alp, E. E. 1989 Jul 01 -
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364 K
ANL/XFD/CP-98412 Phonon density of states in Fe/Cr (001) superlattices and Tb-Fe thin-film alloys. Alp, E. E. , Keune, W. , Roehlsberger, R. , 1999 Feb 15 -
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