Comment Number: OL-100176
Received: 12/22/2004 10:13:25 PM
Commenter: Ray Brooks
State: TN
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Docket ID: RIN 3084-AA94
No Attachments


The CRA's are wielding unprecedented power in this country to invade peoples privacy and cause them extreme hardship with their current practices. They are extremely difficult to reach and generally unresponsive to the public. It is extremely difficult to have a mistake removed or corrected and the time required, even if you succeed, if ridiculous. They literally hold in their hands the power to destroy your family's financial future. Their practice of working with the banks and insurance industry to allow a single accidental late payment on a credit card, for example, to more than double your interest rates on all your credit cards and cause incredible rate increases on auto insurance can surely not be in compliance with the law. But they do it anyway. Have these industries, working in concert, managed to get a self-serving law passed that allows this? They should not be allowed to charge anything extra for a simple number that they create to control a huge part of your life. It should be required as a part of all credit reports. PLEASE do something to protect the American people! Ray Brooks