Seq_No Agency_Group Agy_Bur Dept_or_Agy_Title Bureau_Title Tot_CY_FTEs Dir_CY_FTEs Reim_CY_FTEs
Seq_No Agency_Group Agy_Bur Dept_or_Agy_Title Bureau_Title Tot_CY_FTEs Dir_CY_FTEs Reim_CY_FTEs
05060003 Departments                 005-03 Department of Agriculture                                   Office of the Secretary                                         87 87 0
05060004   005-04   Executive Operations                                            2720 401 2319
05060005   005-07   Office of Civil Rights                                          191 181 10
05060006   005-05   Departmental Administration                                     397 330 67
05060007   005-06   Office of Communications                                        90 90 0
05060008   005-08   Office of the Inspector General                                 721 721 0
05060010   005-10   Office of the General Counsel                                   338 330 8
05060013   005-13   Economic Research Service                                       500 497 3
05060015   005-15   National Agricultural Statistics Service                        1368 1262 106
05060018   005-18   Agricultural Research Service                                   8600 8428 172
05060020   005-20   Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service    451 442 9
05060032   005-32   Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service                      6306 5484 822
05060035   005-35   Food Safety and Inspection Service                              9828 9585 243
05060037   005-37   Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration         760 354 406
05060045   005-45   Agricultural Marketing Service                                  3452 2347 1105
05060047   005-47   Risk Management Agency                                          568 568 0
05060049   005-49   Farm Service Agency                                             5917 2466 3451
05060053   005-53   Natural Resources Conservation Service                          13570 13172 398
05060055   005-55   Rural Development                                               7028 1529 5499
05060068   005-68   Foreign Agricultural Service                                    1005 804 201
05060084   005-84   Food and Nutrition Service                                      1672 1672 0
05060096   005-96   Forest Service                                                  36100 35375 725
050600ZZ     ** Total, Department of Agriculture **   101669 86125 15544
05061005   006-05 Department of Commerce                                      Departmental Management                                         1144 363 781
05061006   006-06   Economic Development Administration                             268 261 7
05061007   006-07   Bureau of the Census                                            8929 5843 3086
05061008   006-08   Economic and Statistical Analysis                               555 522 33
05061025   006-25   International Trade Administration                              2599 2550 49
05061030   006-30   Bureau of Industry and Security                                 451 447 4
05061040   006-40   Minority Business Development Agency                            120 120 0
05061048   006-48   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration                 11785 10920 865
05061051   006-51   U.S. Patent and Trademark Office                                6673 0 6673
05061053   006-53   Technology Administration                                       44 43 1
05061054   006-54   National Technical Information Service                          260 0 260
05061055   006-55   National Institute of Standards and Technology                  3012 2271 741
05061060   006-60   National Telecommunications and Information Administration      296 141 155
050610ZZ     ** Total, Department of Commerce **   36136 23481 12655
05062010   007-10 Department of Defense--Military                             Operation and Maintenance                                       424928 342895 82033
05062012   007-12   International Reconstruction and Other Assistance               277 277 0
05062020   007-20   Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation                     26701 14581 12120
05062025   007-25   Military Construction                                           8143 1965 6178
05062030   007-30   Family Housing                                                  1875 1859 16
05062040   007-40   Revolving and Management Funds                                  185883 0 185883
050620ZZ     ** Total, Department of Defense--Military **   647807 361577 286230
05072030   018-30 Department of Education                                     Office of Vocational and Adult Education                        19 19 0
05072040   018-40   Office of Postsecondary Education                               7 7 0
05072045   018-45   Federal Student Aid                                             1140 1140 0
05072050   018-50   Institute of Education Sciences                                 15 15 0
05072080   018-80   Departmental Management                                         3306 3306 0
050720ZZ     ** Total, Department of Education **   4487 4487 0
05073005   019-05 Department of Energy                                        National Nuclear Security Administration                        2427 2427 0
05073010   019-10   Environmental and Other Defense Activities                      2973 2973 0
05073020   019-20   Energy Programs                                                 4540 3283 1257
05073050   019-50   Power Marketing Administration                                  4739 1262 3477
05073060   019-60   Departmental Administration                                     1436 1436 0
050730ZZ     ** Total, Department of Energy **   16115 11381 4734
05074010   009-10 Department of Health and Human Services                     Food and Drug Administration                                    9994 8345 1649
05074015   009-15   Health Resources and Services Administration                    1491 1418 73
05074017   009-17   Indian Health Services                                          13907 9187 4720
05074020   009-20   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention                      7632 6547 1085
05074025   009-25   National Institutes of Health                                   17072 12521 4551
05074030   009-30   Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration       493 474 19
05074033   009-33   Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality                      284 0 284
05074038   009-38   Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services                      4502 4424 78
05074070   009-70   Administration for Children and Families                        1420 1420 0
05074075   009-75   Administration on Aging                                         120 113 7
05074090   009-90   Departmental Management                                         1703 1398 305
05074091   009-91   Program Support Center                                          1446 36 1410
05074092   009-92   Office of the Inspector General                                 1548 287 1261
050740ZZ     ** Total, Department of Health and Human Services **   61612 46170 15442
05074510   024-10 Department of Homeland Security                             Departmental Management                                         958 956 2
05074520   024-20   Office of the Inspector General                                 457 457 0
05074530   024-30   Citizenship and Immigration Services                            9795 9795 0
05074540   024-40   United States Secret Service                                    6381 6381 0
05074550   024-50   Border and Transportation Security                              114140 111689 2451
05074560   024-60   United States Coast Guard                                       6492 5804 688
05074570   024-70   Emergency Preparedness and Response                             4916 4470 446
05074580   024-80   Science and Technology                                          180 180 0
05074590   024-90   Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection              729 729 0
050745ZZ     ** Total, Department of Homeland Security **   144048 140461 3587
05075035   025-35 Department of Housing and Urban Development                 Management and Administration                                   10627 5756 4871
050750ZZ     ** Total, Department of Housing and Urban Development **   10627 5756 4871
05076004   010-04 Department of the Interior                                  Bureau of Land Management                                       11225 10873 352
05076006   010-06   Minerals Management Service                                     1711 1618 93
05076008   010-08   Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement            610 607 3
05076010   010-10   Bureau of Reclamation                                           5765 3280 2485
05076011   010-11   Central Utah Project                                            17 17 0
05076012   010-12   United States Geological Survey                                 9407 6387 3020
05076018   010-18   United States Fish and Wildlife Service                         9500 8700 800
05076024   010-24   National Park Service                                           20442 19910 532
05076076   010-76   Bureau of Indian Affairs                                        9688 8966 722
05076084   010-84   Departmental Management                                         1715 480 1235
05076085   010-85   Insular Affairs                                                 40 40 0
05076086   010-86   Office of the Solicitor                                         419 363 56
05076087   010-88   Office of Inspector General                                     266 266 0
05076088   010-91   Natural Resources Damage Assessment and Restoration             4 4 0
05076089   010-90   Office of Special Trustee for American Indians                  550 491 59
05076092   010-92   National Indian Gaming Commission                               77 77 0
050760ZZ     ** Total, Department of the Interior **   71436 62079 9357
05077003   011-03 Department of Justice                                       General Administration                                          3634 2460 1174
05077004   011-04   United States Parole Commission                                 104 104 0
05077005   011-05   Legal Activities and U.S. Marshals                              22458 18661 3797
05077010   011-10   Federal Bureau of Investigation                                 29887 27011 2876
05077012   011-12   Drug Enforcement Administration                                 10131 8807 1324
05077014   011-14   Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives            4790 4735 55
05077020   011-20   Federal Prison System                                           40589 37553 3036
05077021   011-21   Office of Justice Programs                                      964 935 29
050770ZZ     ** Total, Department of Justice **   112557 100266 12291
05078005   012-05 Department of Labor                                         Employment and Training Administration                          1253 1250 3
05078011   012-11   Employee benefits security administration                       930 930 0
05078012   012-12   Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation                            801 0 801
05078015   012-15   Employment Standards Administration                             4255 4122 133
05078018   012-18   Occupational Safety and Health Administration                   2236 2223 13
05078019   012-19   Mine Safety and Health Administration                           2334 2334 0
05078020   012-20   Bureau of Labor Statistics                                      2514 2461 53
05078025   012-25   Departmental Management                                         3024 2321 703
050780ZZ     ** Total, Department of Labor **   17347 15641 1706
05079005   014-05 Department of State                                         Administration of Foreign Affairs                               29736 18661 11075
05079015   014-15   International Commissions                                       283 255 28
05079025   014-25   Other                                                           247 247 0
050790ZZ     ** Total, Department of State **   30266 19163 11103
05080004   021-04 Department of Transportation                                Office of the Secretary                                         857 575 282
05080012   021-12   Federal Aviation Administration                                 48885 47533 1352
05080015   021-15   Federal Highway Administration                                  3073 3069 4
05080017   021-17   Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration                     1078 1026 52
05080018   021-18   National Highway Traffic Safety Administration                  671 671 0
05080027   021-27   Federal Railroad Administration                                 817 817 0
05080036   021-36   Federal Transit Administration                                  527 527 0
05080040   021-40   Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation                   157 0 157
05080050   021-50   Research and Special Programs Administration                    989 375 614
05080056   021-56   Office of Inspector General                                     430 371 59
05080061   021-61   Surface Transportation Board                                    145 136 9
05080070   021-70   Maritime Administration                                         890 485 405
050800ZZ     ** Total, Department of Transportation **   58519 55585 2934
05081005   015-05 Department of the Treasury                                  Departmental Offices                                            2896 2004 892
05081006   015-04   Financial Crimes Enforcement Network                            278 277 1
05081010   015-10   Financial Management Service                                    2129 2044 85
05081013   015-13   Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau                        559 544 15
05081020   015-20   Bureau of Engraving and Printing                                2400 0 2400
05081025   015-25   United States Mint                                              2420 0 2420
05081035   015-35   Bureau of the Public Debt                                       1338 1333 5
05081045   015-45   Internal Revenue Service                                        100175 99055 1120
05081057   015-57   Comptroller of the Currency                                     2789 0 2789
05081058   015-58   Office of Thrift Supervision                                    913 0 913
050810ZZ     ** Total, Department of the Treasury **   115897 105257 10640
05082015   029-15 Department of Veterans Affairs                              Medical Programs                                                199659 193415 6244
05082025   029-25   Benefits Programs                                               14500 13864 636
05082040   029-40   Departmental Administration                                     4164 2451 1713
050820ZZ     ** Total, Department of Veterans Affairs **   218323 209730 8593
07082500 Major Independents 202-00 Corps of Engineers-Civil Works                                24800 23700 1100
07082615   200-15 Other Defense Civil Programs                                American Battle Monuments Commission                            384 384 0
07082620   200-20   Armed Forces Retirement Home                                    644 644 0
07082625   200-25   Cemeterial Expenses                                             99 99 0
07082645   200-45   Selective Service System                                        161 161 0
070826ZZ     ** Total, Other Defense Civil Programs **   1288 1288 0
07083000   020-00 Environmental Protection Agency                               17556 17090 466
07083200   100-00 Executive Office of the President                             1849 1848 1
07084005   023-05 General Services Administration                             Real Property Activities                                        5574 0 5574
07084010   023-10   Supply and Technology Activities                                4533 71 4462
07084030   023-30   General Activities                                              2365 951 1414
070840ZZ     ** Total, General Services Administration **   12472 1022 11450
07084503   184-03 International Assistance Programs                           Millennium Challenge Corporation                                50 50 0
07084515   184-15   Agency for International Development                            2420 2372 48
07084520   184-20   Overseas Private Investment Corporation                         220 220 0
07084525   184-25   Trade and Development Agency                                    48 48 0
07084535   184-35   Peace Corps                                                     1188 1185 3
07084540   184-40   Inter-American Foundation                                       47 47 0
07084550   184-50   African Development Foundation                                  32 32 0
070845ZZ     ** Total, International Assistance Programs **   4005 3954 51
07085000   026-00 National Aeronautics and Space Administration                 18906 18819 87
07085200   422-00 National Science Foundation                                   1300 1300 0
07086000   027-00 Office of Personnel Management                                3923 1975 1948
07087000   028-00 Small Business Administration                                 3889 3889 0
07090000   016-00 Social Security Administration                                64960 64510 450
08106000 Other Independents 306-00 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation                     38 34 4
08109000   309-00 Appalachian Regional Commission                               11 11 0
08110000   310-00 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board    32 32 0
08113000   313-00 Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foun   2 2 0
08114500   514-00 Broadcasting Board of Governors                               2348 2348 0
08116500   510-00 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board                40 40 0
08118500   465-00 Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation                    1 1 0
08123000   323-00 Commission of Fine Arts                                       8 8 0
08126000   326-00 Commission on Civil Rights                                    76 76 0
08137000   338-00 Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely   29 29 0
08138000   339-00 Commodity Futures Trading Commission                          497 497 0
08142000   343-00 Consumer Product Safety Commission                            471 471 0
08142500   485-00 Corporation for National and Community Service                615 615 0
08144000   345-00 Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims                          98 98 0
08145000   511-00 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the Distr   1371 1371 0
08146000   347-00 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board                       100 100 0
08146200   517-00 Delta Regional Authority                                      4 4 0
08146500   513-00 Denali Commission                                             10 10 0
08148500   525-00 Election Assistance Commission                                20 20 0
08149000   350-00 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission                       2540 2540 0
08150000   351-00 Export-Import Bank of the United States                       420 420 0
08151000   352-00 Farm Credit Administration                                    299 0 299
08154000   355-00 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation                      10 10 0
08155000   356-00 Federal Communications Commission                             2015 17 1998
08156010   357-10 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation                       Bank Insurance                                                  4474 4474 0
08156020   357-20   Savings Association Insurance                                   675 675 0
08156030   357-30   FSLIC Resolution                                                248 0 248
08156040   357-40   FDIC-Office of Inspector General                                168 0 168
081560ZZ     ** Total, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation **   5565 5149 416
08159000   360-00 Federal Election Commission                                   391 391 0
08161000   362-00 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Appraisal   7 7 0
08163000   364-00 Federal Housing Finance Board                                 124 0 124
08164000   365-00 Federal Labor Relations Authority                             210 210 0
08165000   366-00 Federal Maritime Commission                                   135 135 0
08166000   367-00 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service                    289 280 9
08167000   368-00 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission              50 50 0
08168000   369-00 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board                    113 113 0
08169000   370-00 Federal Trade Commission                                      1080 294 786
08171000   372-00 Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation                        5 5 0
08173500   467-00 Intelligence Community Management Account                     319 313 6
08177000   378-00 International Trade Commission                                374 374 0
08180000   381-00 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation                  6 6 0
08181000   382-00 Japan-United States Friendship Commission                     6 6 0
08186000   387-00 Marine Mammal Commission                                      11 11 0
08188000   389-00 Merit Systems Protection Board                                228 202 26
08188500   487-00 Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Envir   28 28 0
08192000   393-00 National Archives and Records Administration                  2855 1449 1406
08193000   394-00 National Capital Planning Commission                          57 57 0
08199000   400-00 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science      5 5 0
08212000   413-00 National Council on Disability                                14 14 0
08214000   415-00 National Credit Union Administration                          964 2 962
08216000   417-00 National Endowment for the Arts                               162 162 0
08217000   418-00 National Endowment for the Humanities                         175 170 5
08217500   474-00 Institute of Museum and Library Services                      53 53 0
08219000   420-00 National Labor Relations Board                                1875 1875 0
08220000   421-00 National Mediation Board                                      52 52 0
08223000   424-00 National Transportation Safety Board                          421 421 0
08223500   518-00 National Veterans Business Development Corporation            10 10 0
08228000   429-00 Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                 3060 3041 19
08230000   431-00 Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board                          18 18 0
08231000   432-00 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission              69 69 0
08233000   434-00 Office of Government Ethics                                   80 80 0
08234000   435-00 Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation                   55 55 0
08235000   436-00 Office of Special Counsel                                     105 105 0
08237000   438-00 Panama Canal Commission                                       3 0 3
08240000   512-00 Presidio Trust                                                316 0 316
08245000   446-00 Railroad Retirement Board                                     1099 1049 50
08248000   449-00 Securities and Exchange Commission                            3593 3592 1
08251000   452-00 Smithsonian Institution                                       5825 5825 0
08254000   455-00 Tennessee Valley Authority                                    13200 0 13200
08255000   456-00 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum                       248 248 0
99999999     ** Report Total **   1856104 1421234 434870