Actual source code: adda.c

  1: /*

  3:       Contributed by Arvid Bessen, Columbia University, June 2007

  5:        Extension of DA object to any number of dimensions.

  7: */
 8:  #include ../src/dm/adda/addaimpl.h

 12: /*@C
 13:   ADDACreate - Creates and ADDA object that translate between coordinates
 14:   in a geometric grid of arbitrary dimension and data in a PETSc vector
 15:   distributed on several processors.

 17:   Collective on MPI_Comm

 19:    Input Parameters:
 20: +  comm - MPI communicator
 21: .  dim - the dimension of the grid
 22: .  nodes - array with d entries that give the number of nodes in each dimension
 23: .  procs - array with d entries that give the number of processors in each dimension
 24:           (or PETSC_NULL if to be determined automatically)
 25: .  dof - number of degrees of freedom per node
 26: -  periodic - array with d entries that, i-th entry is set to  true iff dimension i is periodic

 28:    Output Parameters:
 29: .  adda - pointer to ADDA data structure that is created

 31:   Level: intermediate

 33: @*/
 34: PetscErrorCode  ADDACreate(MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt dim, PetscInt *nodes,PetscInt *procs,
 35:                                            PetscInt dof, PetscTruth *periodic,ADDA *adda_p)
 36: {
 38:   ADDA           adda;
 39:   PetscInt       s=1; /* stencil width, fixed to 1 at the moment */
 40:   PetscMPIInt    rank,size;
 41:   PetscInt       i;
 42:   PetscInt       nodes_total;
 43:   PetscInt       nodesleft;
 44:   PetscInt       procsleft;
 45:   PetscInt       procsdimi;
 46:   PetscInt       ranki;
 47:   PetscInt       rpq;

 53:   DMInitializePackage(PETSC_NULL);
 54: #endif

 56:   PetscHeaderCreate(*adda_p,_p_ADDA,struct _ADDAOps,ADDA_COOKIE,0,"ADDA",comm,ADDADestroy,0);
 57:   adda = *adda_p;
 58:   adda->ops->view = ADDAView;
 59:   adda->ops->createglobalvector = ADDACreateGlobalVector;
 60:   adda->ops->getcoloring = ADDAGetColoring;
 61:   adda->ops->getmatrix = ADDAGetMatrix;
 62:   adda->ops->getinterpolation = ADDAGetInterpolation;
 63:   adda->ops->refine = ADDARefine;
 64:   adda->ops->coarsen = ADDACoarsen;
 65:   adda->ops->getinjection = ADDAGetInjection;
 66:   adda->ops->getaggregates = ADDAGetAggregates;
 68:   MPI_Comm_size(comm,&size);
 69:   MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank);
 71:   adda->dim = dim;
 72:   adda->dof = dof;

 74:   /* nodes */
 75:   PetscMalloc(dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &(adda->nodes));
 76:   PetscMemcpy(adda->nodes, nodes, dim*sizeof(PetscInt));
 77:   /* total number of nodes */
 78:   nodes_total = 1;
 79:   for(i=0; i<dim; i++) nodes_total *= nodes[i];

 81:   /* procs */
 82:   PetscMalloc(dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &(adda->procs));
 83:   /* create distribution of nodes to processors */
 84:   if(procs == PETSC_NULL) {
 85:     procs = adda->procs;
 86:     nodesleft = nodes_total;
 87:     procsleft = size;
 88:     /* figure out a good way to split the array to several processors */
 89:     for(i=0; i<dim; i++) {
 90:       if(i==dim-1) {
 91:         procs[i] = procsleft;
 92:       } else {
 93:         /* calculate best partition */
 94:         procs[i] = (PetscInt)(((double) nodes[i])*pow(((double) procsleft)/((double) nodesleft),1./((double)(dim-i)))+0.5);
 95:         if(procs[i]<1) procs[i]=1;
 96:         while( procs[i] > 0 ) {
 97:           if( procsleft % procs[i] )
 98:             procs[i]--;
 99:           else
100:             break;
101:         }
102:         nodesleft /= nodes[i];
103:         procsleft /= procs[i];
104:       }
105:     }
106:   } else {
107:     /* user provided the number of processors */
108:     PetscMemcpy(adda->procs, procs, dim*sizeof(PetscInt));
109:   }
110:   /* check for validity */
111:   procsleft = 1;
112:   for(i=0; i<dim; i++) {
113:     if (nodes[i] < procs[i]) {
114:       SETERRQ3(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Partition in direction %d is too fine! %D nodes, %D processors", i, nodes[i], procs[i]);
115:     }
116:     procsleft *= procs[i];
117:   }
118:   if(procsleft != size) {
119:     SETERRQ(1, "Created or was provided with inconsistent distribution of processors");
120:   }

122:   /* periodicity */
123:   adda->periodic = periodic;
125:   /* find out local region */
126:   PetscMalloc(dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &(adda->lcs));
127:   PetscMalloc(dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &(adda->lce));
128:   procsdimi=size;
129:   ranki=rank;
130:   for(i=0; i<dim; i++) {
131:     /* What is the number of processor for dimensions i+1, ..., dim-1? */
132:     procsdimi /= procs[i];
133:     /* these are all nodes that come before our region */
134:     rpq = ranki / procsdimi;
135:     adda->lcs[i] = rpq * (nodes[i]/procs[i]);
136:     if( rpq + 1 < procs[i] ) {
137:       adda->lce[i] = (rpq + 1) * (nodes[i]/procs[i]);
138:     } else {
139:       /* last one gets all the rest */
140:       adda->lce[i] = nodes[i];
141:     }
142:     ranki = ranki - rpq*procsdimi;
143:   }
145:   /* compute local size */
146:   adda->lsize=1;
147:   for(i=0; i<dim; i++) {
148:     adda->lsize *= (adda->lce[i]-adda->lcs[i]);
149:   }
150:   adda->lsize *= dof;

152:   /* find out ghost points */
153:   PetscMalloc(dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &(adda->lgs));
154:   PetscMalloc(dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &(adda->lge));
155:   for(i=0; i<dim; i++) {
156:     if( periodic[i] ) {
157:       adda->lgs[i] = adda->lcs[i] - s;
158:       adda->lge[i] = adda->lce[i] + s;
159:     } else {
160:       adda->lgs[i] = PetscMax(adda->lcs[i] - s, 0);
161:       adda->lge[i] = PetscMin(adda->lce[i] + s, nodes[i]);
162:     }
163:   }
165:   /* compute local size with ghost points */
166:   adda->lgsize=1;
167:   for(i=0; i<dim; i++) {
168:     adda->lgsize *= (adda->lge[i]-adda->lgs[i]);
169:   }
170:   adda->lgsize *= dof;

172:   /* create global and local prototype vector */
173:   VecCreateMPIWithArray(comm,adda->lsize,PETSC_DECIDE,0,&(adda->global));
174:   VecSetBlockSize(adda->global,adda->dof);
175:   /* local includes ghost points */
176:   VecCreateSeqWithArray(PETSC_COMM_SELF,adda->lgsize,0,&(adda->local));
177:   VecSetBlockSize(adda->local,dof);

179:   PetscMalloc(dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &(adda->refine));
180:   for(i=0; i<dim; i++) adda->refine[i] = 3;
181:   adda->dofrefine = 1;

183:   return(0);
184: }

188: /*@
189:    ADDADestroy - Destroys a distributed array.

191:    Collective on ADDA

193:    Input Parameter:
194: .  adda - the distributed array to destroy 

196:    Level: beginner

198: .keywords: distributed array, destroy

200: .seealso: ADDACreate()
201: @*/
202: PetscErrorCode  ADDADestroy(ADDA adda)
203: {

208:   /* check reference count */
209:   if(--((PetscObject)adda)->refct > 0) return(0);

211:   /* destroy the allocated data */
212:   PetscFree(adda->nodes);
213:   PetscFree(adda->procs);
214:   PetscFree(adda->lcs);
215:   PetscFree(adda->lce);
216:   PetscFree(adda->lgs);
217:   PetscFree(adda->lge);

219:   PetscHeaderDestroy(adda);
220:   return(0);
221: }

225: /*@
226:    ADDAView - Views a distributed array.

228:    Collective on ADDA

230:     Input Parameter:
231: +   adda - the ADDA object to view
232: -   v - the viewer

234:     Level: developer

236: .keywords: distributed array, view

238: .seealso: DMView()
239: @*/
240: PetscErrorCode  ADDAView(ADDA adda, PetscViewer v) {
242:   SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Not implemented yet");
243:   return(0);
244: }

248: /*@
249:    ADDACreateGlobalVector - Creates global vector for distributed array.

251:    Collective on ADDA

253:    Input Parameter:
254: .  adda - the distributed array for which we create a global vector

256:    Output Parameter:
257: .  vec - the global vector

259:    Level: beginner

261: .keywords: distributed array, vector

263: .seealso: DMCreateGlobalVector()
264: @*/
265: PetscErrorCode  ADDACreateGlobalVector(ADDA adda, Vec *vec) {
270:   VecDuplicate(adda->global, vec);
271:   return(0);
272: }

276: /*@
277:    ADDAGetColoring - Creates coloring for distributed array.

279:    Collective on ADDA

281:    Input Parameter:
282: +  adda - the distributed array for which we create a global vector

285:    Output Parameter:
286: .  coloring - the coloring

288:    Level: developer

290: .keywords: distributed array, coloring

292: .seealso: DMGetColoring()
293: @*/
294: PetscErrorCode  ADDAGetColoring(ADDA adda, ISColoringType ctype,ISColoring *coloring) {
296:   SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Not implemented yet");
297:   return(0);
298: }

302: /*@
303:    ADDAGetMatrix - Creates matrix compatible with distributed array.

305:    Collective on ADDA

307:    Input Parameter:
308: .  adda - the distributed array for which we create the matrix
309: -  mtype - Supported types are MATSEQAIJ, MATMPIAIJ, MATSEQBAIJ, MATMPIBAIJ, or
310:            any type which inherits from one of these (such as MATAIJ, MATLUSOL, etc.).

312:    Output Parameter:
313: .  mat - the empty Jacobian 

315:    Level: beginner

317: .keywords: distributed array, matrix

319: .seealso: DMGetMatrix()
320: @*/
321: PetscErrorCode  ADDAGetMatrix(ADDA adda, const MatType mtype, Mat *mat) {
325:   MatCreate(((PetscObject)adda)->comm, mat);
326:   MatSetSizes(*mat, adda->lsize, adda->lsize, PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE);
327:   MatSetType(*mat, mtype);
328:   return(0);
329: }

333: /*@
334:    ADDAGetMatrixNS - Creates matrix compatiable with two distributed arrays

336:    Collective on ADDA

338:    Input Parameter:
339: .  addar - the distributed array for which we create the matrix, which indexes the rows
340: .  addac - the distributed array for which we create the matrix, which indexes the columns
341: -  mtype - Supported types are MATSEQAIJ, MATMPIAIJ, MATSEQBAIJ, MATMPIBAIJ, or
342:            any type which inherits from one of these (such as MATAIJ, MATLUSOL, etc.).

344:    Output Parameter:
345: .  mat - the empty Jacobian 

347:    Level: beginner

349: .keywords: distributed array, matrix

351: .seealso: DMGetMatrix()
352: @*/
353: PetscErrorCode  ADDAGetMatrixNS(ADDA addar, ADDA addac, const MatType mtype, Mat *mat) {
359:   MatCreate(((PetscObject)addar)->comm, mat);
360:   MatSetSizes(*mat, addar->lsize, addac->lsize, PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE);
361:   MatSetType(*mat, mtype);
362:   return(0);
363: }

367: /*@
368:    ADDAGetInterpolation - Gets interpolation matrix between two ADDA objects

370:    Collective on ADDA

372:    Input Parameter:
373: +  adda1 - the fine ADDA object
374: -  adda2 - the second, coarser ADDA object

376:     Output Parameter:
377: +  mat - the interpolation matrix
378: -  vec - the scaling (optional)

380:    Level: developer

382: .keywords: distributed array, interpolation

384: .seealso: DMGetInterpolation()
385: @*/
386: PetscErrorCode  ADDAGetInterpolation(ADDA adda1,ADDA adda2,Mat *mat,Vec *vec) {
388:   SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Not implemented yet");
389:   return(0);
390: }

394: /*@
395:    ADDARefine - Refines a distributed array.

397:    Collective on ADDA

399:    Input Parameter:
400: +  adda - the distributed array to refine
401: -  comm - the communicator to contain the new ADDA object (or PETSC_NULL)

403:    Output Parameter:
404: .  addaf - the refined ADDA

406:    Level: developer

408: .keywords: distributed array, refine

410: .seealso: DMRefine()
411: @*/
412: PetscErrorCode  ADDARefine(ADDA adda, MPI_Comm comm, ADDA *addaf) {
414:   SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Not implemented yet");
415:   return(0);
416: }

420: /*@
421:    ADDACoarsen - Coarsens a distributed array.

423:    Collective on ADDA

425:    Input Parameter:
426: +  adda - the distributed array to coarsen
427: -  comm - the communicator to contain the new ADDA object (or PETSC_NULL)

429:    Output Parameter:
430: .  addac - the coarsened ADDA

432:    Level: developer

434: .keywords: distributed array, coarsen

436: .seealso: DMCoarsen()
437: @*/
438: PetscErrorCode  ADDACoarsen(ADDA adda, MPI_Comm comm,ADDA *addac) {
440:   PetscInt       *nodesc;
441:   PetscInt       *procsc;
442:   PetscInt       dofc;
443:   PetscInt       i;
447:   PetscMalloc(adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &nodesc);
448:   for(i=0; i<adda->dim; i++) {
449:     nodesc[i] = (adda->nodes[i] % adda->refine[i]) ? adda->nodes[i] / adda->refine[i] + 1 : adda->nodes[i] / adda->refine[i];
450:   }
451:   dofc = (adda->dof % adda->dofrefine) ? adda->dof / adda->dofrefine + 1 : adda->dof / adda->dofrefine;
452:   PetscMalloc(adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &procsc);
453:   PetscMemcpy(procsc, adda->procs, adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt));
454:   ADDACreate(((PetscObject)adda)->comm, adda->dim, nodesc, procsc, dofc, adda->periodic, addac);
455:   /* copy refinement factors */
456:   ADDASetRefinement(*addac, adda->refine, adda->dofrefine);
457:   return(0);
458: }

462: /*@
463:    ADDAGetInjection - Gets injection between distributed arrays.

465:    Collective on ADDA

467:    Input Parameter:
468: +  adda1 - the fine ADDA object
469: -  adda2 - the second, coarser ADDA object

471:     Output Parameter:
472: .  ctx - the injection

474:    Level: developer

476: .keywords: distributed array, injection

478: .seealso: DMGetInjection()
479: @*/
480: PetscErrorCode  ADDAGetInjection(ADDA adda1, ADDA adda2, VecScatter *ctx) {
482:   SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Not implemented yet");
483:   return(0);
484: }

486: /*@C
487:   ADDAHCiterStartup - performs the first check for an iteration through a hypercube
488:   lc, uc, idx all have to be valid arrays of size dim
489:   This function sets idx to lc and then checks, whether the lower corner (lc) is less
490:   than thre upper corner (uc). If lc "<=" uc in all coordinates, it returns PETSC_TRUE,
491:   and PETSC_FALSE otherwise.
493:   Input Parameters:
494: + dim - the number of dimension
495: . lc - the "lower" corner
496: - uc - the "upper" corner

498:   Output Parameters:
499: . idx - the index that this function increases

501:   Level: developer
502: @*/
503: PetscTruth ADDAHCiterStartup(const PetscInt dim, const PetscInt *const lc, const PetscInt *const uc, PetscInt *const idx) {
505:   PetscInt i;

507:   PetscMemcpy(idx, lc, sizeof(PetscInt)*dim);
508:   if(ierr) {
509:     PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,ierr,0," ");
510:     return PETSC_FALSE;
511:   }
512:   for(i=0; i<dim; i++) {
513:     if( lc[i] > uc[i] ) {
514:       return PETSC_FALSE;
515:     }
516:   }
517:   return PETSC_TRUE;
518: }

520: /*@C
521:   ADDAHCiter - iterates through a hypercube
522:   lc, uc, idx all have to be valid arrays of size dim
523:   This function return PETSC_FALSE, if idx exceeds uc, PETSC_TRUE otherwise.
524:   There are no guarantees on what happens if idx is not in the hypercube
525:   spanned by lc, uc, this should be checked with ADDAHCiterStartup.
527:   Use this code as follows:
528:   if( ADDAHCiterStartup(dim, lc, uc, idx) ) {
529:     do {
530:       ...
531:     } while( ADDAHCiter(dim, lc, uc, idx) );
532:   }
534:   Input Parameters:
535: + dim - the number of dimension
536: . lc - the "lower" corner
537: - uc - the "upper" corner

539:   Output Parameters:
540: . idx - the index that this function increases

542:   Level: developer
543: @*/
544: PetscTruth ADDAHCiter(const PetscInt dim, const PetscInt *const lc, const PetscInt *const uc, PetscInt *const idx) {
545:   PetscInt i;
546:   for(i=dim-1; i>=0; i--) {
547:     idx[i] += 1;
548:     if( uc[i] > idx[i] ) {
549:       return PETSC_TRUE;
550:     } else {
551:       idx[i] -= uc[i] - lc[i];
552:     }
553:   }
554:   return PETSC_FALSE;
555: }

559: /*@C
560:    ADDAGetAggregates - Gets the aggregates that map between 
561:    grids associated with two ADDAs.

563:    Collective on ADDA

565:    Input Parameters:
566: +  addac - the coarse grid ADDA
567: -  addaf - the fine grid ADDA

569:    Output Parameters:
570: .  rest - the restriction matrix (transpose of the projection matrix)

572:    Level: intermediate

574: .keywords: interpolation, restriction, multigrid 

576: .seealso: ADDARefine(), ADDAGetInjection(), ADDAGetInterpolation()
577: @*/
578: PetscErrorCode  ADDAGetAggregates(ADDA addac,ADDA addaf,Mat *rest)
579: {
580:   PetscErrorCode ierr=0;
581:   PetscInt       i;
582:   PetscInt       dim;
583:   PetscInt       dofc, doff;
584:   PetscInt       *lcs_c, *lce_c;
585:   PetscInt       *lcs_f, *lce_f;
586:   PetscInt       *fgs, *fge;
587:   PetscInt       fgdofs, fgdofe;
588:   ADDAIdx        iter_c, iter_f;
589:   PetscInt       max_agg_size;
590:   PetscMPIInt    comm_size;
591:   ADDAIdx        *fine_nodes;
592:   PetscInt       fn_idx;
593:   PetscScalar    *one_vec;

599:   if (addac->dim != addaf->dim) SETERRQ2(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Dimensions of ADDA do not match %D %D", addac->dim, addaf->dim);
600: /*   if (addac->dof != addaf->dof) SETERRQ2(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"DOF of ADDA do not match %D %D", addac->dof, addaf->dof); */
601:   dim = addac->dim;
602:   dofc = addac->dof;
603:   doff = addaf->dof;

605:   ADDAGetCorners(addac, &lcs_c, &lce_c);
606:   ADDAGetCorners(addaf, &lcs_f, &lce_f);
608:   /* compute maximum size of aggregate */
609:   max_agg_size = 1;
610:   for(i=0; i<dim; i++) {
611:     max_agg_size *= addaf->nodes[i] / addac->nodes[i] + 1;
612:   }
613:   max_agg_size *= doff / dofc + 1;

615:   /* create the matrix that will contain the restriction operator */
616:   MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&comm_size);

618:   /* construct matrix */
619:   if( comm_size == 1 ) {
620:     ADDAGetMatrixNS(addac, addaf, MATSEQAIJ, rest);
621:     MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(*rest, max_agg_size, PETSC_NULL);
622:   } else {
623:     ADDAGetMatrixNS(addac, addaf, MATMPIAIJ, rest);
624:     MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(*rest, max_agg_size, PETSC_NULL, max_agg_size, PETSC_NULL);
625:   }
626:   /* store nodes in the fine grid here */
627:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(ADDAIdx)*max_agg_size, &fine_nodes);
628:   /* these are the values to set to, a collection of 1's */
629:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*max_agg_size, &one_vec);
630:   /* initialize */
631:   for(i=0; i<max_agg_size; i++) {
632:     PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*dim, &(fine_nodes[i].x));
633:     one_vec[i] = 1.0;
634:   }

636:   /* get iterators */
637:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*dim, &(iter_c.x));
638:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*dim, &(iter_f.x));

640:   /* the fine grid node corner for each coarse grid node */
641:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*dim, &fgs);
642:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*dim, &fge);

644:   /* loop over all coarse nodes */
645:   PetscMemcpy(iter_c.x, lcs_c, sizeof(PetscInt)*dim);
646:   if( ADDAHCiterStartup(dim, lcs_c, lce_c, iter_c.x) ) {
647:     do {
648:       /* find corresponding fine grid nodes */
649:       for(i=0; i<dim; i++) {
650:         fgs[i] = iter_c.x[i]*addaf->nodes[i]/addac->nodes[i];
651:         fge[i] = PetscMin((iter_c.x[i]+1)*addaf->nodes[i]/addac->nodes[i], addaf->nodes[i]);
652:       }
653:       /* treat all dof of the coarse grid */
654:       for(iter_c.d=0; iter_c.d<dofc; iter_c.d++) {
655:         /* find corresponding fine grid dof's */
656:         fgdofs = iter_c.d*doff/dofc;
657:         fgdofe = PetscMin((iter_c.d+1)*doff/dofc, doff);
658:         /* we now know the "box" of all the fine grid nodes that are mapped to one coarse grid node */
659:         fn_idx = 0;
660:         /* loop over those corresponding fine grid nodes */
661:         if( ADDAHCiterStartup(dim, fgs, fge, iter_f.x) ) {
662:           do {
663:             /* loop over all corresponding fine grid dof */
664:             for(iter_f.d=fgdofs; iter_f.d<fgdofe; iter_f.d++) {
665:               PetscMemcpy(fine_nodes[fn_idx].x, iter_f.x, sizeof(PetscInt)*dim);
666:               fine_nodes[fn_idx].d = iter_f.d;
667:               fn_idx++;
668:             }
669:           } while( ADDAHCiter(dim, fgs, fge, iter_f.x) );
670:         }
671:         /* add all these points to one aggregate */
672:         ADDAMatSetValues(*rest, addac, 1, &iter_c, addaf, fn_idx, fine_nodes, one_vec, INSERT_VALUES);
673:       }
674:     } while( ADDAHCiter(dim, lcs_c, lce_c, iter_c.x) );
675:   }

677:   /* free memory */
678:   PetscFree(fgs);
679:   PetscFree(fge);
680:   PetscFree(iter_c.x);
681:   PetscFree(iter_f.x);
682:   PetscFree(lcs_c);
683:   PetscFree(lce_c);
684:   PetscFree(lcs_f);
685:   PetscFree(lce_f);
686:   PetscFree(one_vec);
687:   for(i=0; i<dim; i++) {
688:     PetscFree(fine_nodes[i].x);
689:   }
690:   PetscFree(fine_nodes);

692:   MatAssemblyBegin(*rest, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
693:   MatAssemblyEnd(*rest, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
694:   return(0);
695: }

699: /*@
700:    ADDASetRefinement - Sets the refinement factors of the distributed arrays.

702:    Collective on ADDA

704:    Input Parameter:
705: +  adda - the ADDA object
706: .  refine - array of refinement factors
707: -  dofrefine - the refinement factor for the dof, usually just 1

709:    Level: developer

711: .keywords: distributed array, refinement
712: @*/
713: PetscErrorCode  ADDASetRefinement(ADDA adda, PetscInt *refine, PetscInt dofrefine) {
718:   PetscMemcpy(adda->refine, refine, adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt));
719:   adda->dofrefine = dofrefine;
720:   return(0);
721: }

725: /*@
726:    ADDAGetCorners - Gets the corners of the local area

728:    Collective on ADDA

730:    Input Parameter:
731: .  adda - the ADDA object

733:    Output Parameter:
734: +  lcorner - the "lower" corner
735: -  ucorner - the "upper" corner

737:    Both lcorner and ucorner are allocated by this procedure and will point to an
738:    array of size adda->dim.

740:    Level: beginner

742: .keywords: distributed array, refinement
743: @*/
744: PetscErrorCode  ADDAGetCorners(ADDA adda, PetscInt **lcorner, PetscInt **ucorner) {
750:   PetscMalloc(adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt), lcorner);
751:   PetscMalloc(adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt), ucorner);
752:   PetscMemcpy(*lcorner, adda->lcs, adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt));
753:   PetscMemcpy(*ucorner, adda->lce, adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt));
754:   return(0);
755: }

759: /*@
760:    ADDAGetGhostCorners - Gets the ghost corners of the local area

762:    Collective on ADDA

764:    Input Parameter:
765: .  adda - the ADDA object

767:    Output Parameter:
768: +  lcorner - the "lower" corner of the ghosted area
769: -  ucorner - the "upper" corner of the ghosted area

771:    Both lcorner and ucorner are allocated by this procedure and will point to an
772:    array of size adda->dim.

774:    Level: beginner

776: .keywords: distributed array, refinement
777: @*/
778: PetscErrorCode  ADDAGetGhostCorners(ADDA adda, PetscInt **lcorner, PetscInt **ucorner) {
784:   PetscMalloc(adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt), lcorner);
785:   PetscMalloc(adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt), ucorner);
786:   PetscMemcpy(*lcorner, adda->lgs, adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt));
787:   PetscMemcpy(*ucorner, adda->lge, adda->dim*sizeof(PetscInt));
788:   return(0);
789: }

795: /*@C 
796:    ADDAMatSetValues - Inserts or adds a block of values into a matrix. The values
797:    are indexed geometrically with the help of the ADDA data structure.
798:    These values may be cached, so MatAssemblyBegin() and MatAssemblyEnd() 
799:    MUST be called after all calls to ADDAMatSetValues() have been completed.

801:    Not Collective

803:    Input Parameters:
804: +  mat - the matrix
805: .  addam - the ADDA geometry information for the rows
806: .  m - the number of rows
807: .  idxm - the row indices, each of the a proper ADDAIdx
808: +  addan - the ADDA geometry information for the columns
809: .  n - the number of columns
810: .  idxn - the column indices, each of the a proper ADDAIdx
811: .  v - a logically two-dimensional array of values of size m*n
812: -  addv - either ADD_VALUES or INSERT_VALUES, where
813:    ADD_VALUES adds values to any existing entries, and
814:    INSERT_VALUES replaces existing entries with new values

816:    Notes:
817:    By default the values, v, are row-oriented and unsorted.
818:    See MatSetOption() for other options.

820:    Calls to ADDAMatSetValues() (and MatSetValues()) with the INSERT_VALUES and ADD_VALUES 
821:    options cannot be mixed without intervening calls to the assembly
822:    routines.

824:    Efficiency Alert:
825:    The routine ADDAMatSetValuesBlocked() may offer much better efficiency
826:    for users of block sparse formats (MATSEQBAIJ and MATMPIBAIJ).

828:    Level: beginner

830:    Concepts: matrices^putting entries in

832: .seealso: MatSetOption(), MatAssemblyBegin(), MatAssemblyEnd(), MatSetValues(), ADDAMatSetValuesBlocked(),
833:           InsertMode, INSERT_VALUES, ADD_VALUES
834: @*/
835: PetscErrorCode  ADDAMatSetValues(Mat mat, ADDA addam, PetscInt m, const ADDAIdx idxm[],
836:                                                   ADDA addan, PetscInt n, const ADDAIdx idxn[],
837:                                                   const PetscScalar v[], InsertMode addv) {
839:   PetscInt       *nodemult;
840:   PetscInt       i, j;
841:   PetscInt       *matidxm, *matidxn;
842:   PetscInt       *x, d;
843:   PetscInt       idx;

846:   /* find correct multiplying factors */
847:   PetscMalloc(addam->dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &nodemult);
848:   nodemult[addam->dim-1] = 1;
849:   for(j=addam->dim-2; j>=0; j--) {
850:     nodemult[j] = nodemult[j+1]*(addam->nodes[j+1]);
851:   }
852:   /* convert each coordinate in idxm to the matrix row index */
853:   PetscMalloc(m*sizeof(PetscInt), &matidxm);
854:   for(i=0; i<m; i++) {
855:     x = idxm[i].x; d = idxm[i].d;
856:     idx = 0;
857:     for(j=addam->dim-1; j>=0; j--) {
858:       if( x[j] < 0 ) { /* "left", "below", etc. of boundary */
859:         if( addam->periodic[j] ) { /* periodic wraps around */
860:           x[j] += addam->nodes[j];
861:         } else { /* non-periodic get discarded */
862:           matidxm[i] = -1; /* entries with -1 are ignored by MatSetValues() */
863:           goto endofloop_m;
864:         }
865:       }
866:       if( x[j] >= addam->nodes[j] ) { /* "right", "above", etc. of boundary */
867:         if( addam->periodic[j] ) { /* periodic wraps around */
868:           x[j] -= addam->nodes[j];
869:         } else { /* non-periodic get discarded */
870:           matidxm[i] = -1; /* entries with -1 are ignored by MatSetValues() */
871:           goto endofloop_m;
872:         }
873:       }
874:       idx += x[j]*nodemult[j];
875:     }
876:     matidxm[i] = idx*(addam->dof) + d;
877:   endofloop_m:
878:     ;
879:   }
880:   PetscFree(nodemult);

882:   /* find correct multiplying factors */
883:   PetscMalloc(addan->dim*sizeof(PetscInt), &nodemult);
884:   nodemult[addan->dim-1] = 1;
885:   for(j=addan->dim-2; j>=0; j--) {
886:     nodemult[j] = nodemult[j+1]*(addan->nodes[j+1]);
887:   }
888:   /* convert each coordinate in idxn to the matrix colum index */
889:   PetscMalloc(n*sizeof(PetscInt), &matidxn);
890:   for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
891:     x = idxn[i].x; d = idxn[i].d;
892:     idx = 0;
893:     for(j=addan->dim-1; j>=0; j--) {
894:       if( x[j] < 0 ) { /* "left", "below", etc. of boundary */
895:         if( addan->periodic[j] ) { /* periodic wraps around */
896:           x[j] += addan->nodes[j];
897:         } else { /* non-periodic get discarded */
898:           matidxn[i] = -1; /* entries with -1 are ignored by MatSetValues() */
899:           goto endofloop_n;
900:         }
901:       }
902:       if( x[j] >= addan->nodes[j] ) { /* "right", "above", etc. of boundary */
903:         if( addan->periodic[j] ) { /* periodic wraps around */
904:           x[j] -= addan->nodes[j];
905:         } else { /* non-periodic get discarded */
906:           matidxn[i] = -1; /* entries with -1 are ignored by MatSetValues() */
907:           goto endofloop_n;
908:         }
909:       }
910:       idx += x[j]*nodemult[j];
911:     }
912:     matidxn[i] = idx*(addan->dof) + d;
913:   endofloop_n:
914:     ;
915:   }
916:   /* call original MatSetValues() */
917:   MatSetValues(mat, m, matidxm, n, matidxn, v, addv);
918:   /* clean up */
919:   PetscFree(nodemult);
920:   PetscFree(matidxm);
921:   PetscFree(matidxn);
922:   return(0);
923: }