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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 100170  
Title: Report on the Justice Assistance and Victims of Crime Acts of 1984
Corporate Author: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
United States
Sale: National Institute of Justice/
NCJRS paper reproduction
Box 6000, Dept F
Rockville, MD 20849
United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849-6000
United States
Publication Date: 1985
Pages: 45
Type: Legislation/policy descriptions
Origin: United States
Language: English
Annotation: This report describes the progress of Illinois as of April 1985 in implementing the Federal Justice Assistance Act (JAA) and the Federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). Recommendations are offered for the continued implementation of the acts in Illinois.
Abstract: Responsibility for administering the JAA and VOCA programs in Illinois has been given to the Criminal Justice Information Authority (CJIA). The report contains (1) CJIA resolutions regarding program areas targeted for fiscal year 1985 under the JAA and the VOCA and (2) detailed descriptions of features of the JAA and VOCA. Testimony before the public hearings, which were held to identify local needs relevant to the acts, is summarized. Among the JAA issues considered were community crime prevention, combating arson, prosecuting white-collar crime, identifying and prosecuting career criminals, and providing alternatives to pretrial detention. VOCA issues pertained to various victim services. CJIA recommendations under the JAA are to (1) initiate police-citizen neighborhood crime prevention programs, (2) provide for information system and workload management systems that improve the effectiveness of criminal justice agencies, and (3) provide training and technical assistance to criminal justice personnel. Recommendations pertaining to VOCA are to mount public education about victims rights and services, develop model comprehensive victim programs, and provide victim advocates. Appendixes contain sections of the two acts and a list of hearing witnesses.
Main Term(s): Federal aid
Index Term(s): White collar crimes ; Arson ; Community crime prevention programs ; Victim services ; Career criminal programs ; Illinois
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