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                          THE JAMES WADSWORTH FAMILY
                        A REGISTER OF ITS PAPERS IN THE
                              LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

                                  Prepared by
                 Russell Smith, 1961, and David Mathisen, 1985

                        Revised by Connie L. Cartledge

                              Manuscript Division
                              Library of Congress

                            Washington, D.C.  1997


                          ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION

      The papers of the James Wadsworth Family were given to the
Library of Congress by James W. Symington, Evelyn W. Symington,
James J. Wadsworth, and Reverdy Wadsworth between 1960 and 1983.

      Copyright in the unpublished writings of the James Wadsworth
Family in this collection and in other collections of papers in
the custody of the Library has been dedicated to the public.

      A description of the James Wadsworth Family Papers appears
in the Library of Congress _Quarterly Journal of Current
Acquisitions_, vol. 18, no. 3 (May 1961), pp. 129-130.

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    Many processed and nearly all unprocessed collections are    
    stored off site, and advance notice is needed to retrieve    
    these items for research use.                                
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                    Linear feet of shelf space occupied: 22
                    Approximate number of items:      7,000


                               BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE

James Wadsworth

1768, Apr. 20    Born, Durham, Conn.

1787             Graduated, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

1796-98          Acquired property with William Wadsworth on the
                    bank of the Genesee River, New York state
                 Traveled to Europe with the help of Robert Morris,
                    Aaron Burr, and DeWitt Clinton to interest
                    foreign capitalists in American investments

ca. 1800-        Urged establishment of county academies;
ca. 1844            instrumental in securing the enactment of
                    legislation authorizing sending the public
                    _Lectures on School-Keeping_ to each school
                    district; responsible for establishment of
                    school district library system in New York; and
                    built and endowed a public library in Geneseo,

1804             Married Naomi Wolcott

1844, June 7     Died, Geneseo, N.Y.

James S. Wadsworth

1807, Oct. 30    Born, Geneseo, N.Y.

1834             Married Mary Craig Wharton

1861             Commissioned brigadier general, U.S. Army

1864             Commissioned brevet major general in the field for
                    gallantry at the battles of Gettysburg, Pa., and
                    The Wilderness, Va.

1864, May 8      Died of wounds received at The Wilderness, Va.

James Wolcott Wadsworth, Sr.

1846, Oct. 12    Born, Philadelphia, Pa., son of James S. Wadsworth

1864-65          Volunteer aide on staff of Major General G. K.
                    Warren, U.S. Army

1865, Jan. 24    Commissioned and appointed captain, aide-de-camp

1865, May 25     Brevetted major for gallant and meritorious
                    service at Five Forks and Petersburg, Va.

1865, June 26    Mustered out of U.S. Army

1875-77          Supervisor, Geneseo, N.Y.

1876             Married Louise Travers

1878-79          Member, New York general assembly

1880-81          Comptroller of New York

1881-85          United States representative from New York

1898             Honorary A.M., Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

1901-07          United States representative from New York

1926, Dec. 24    Died, Geneseo, N.Y.

James Wolcott Wadsworth, Jr.

1877, Aug. 12    Born, Geneseo, N.Y., son of James Wolcott
                    Wadsworth, Sr.

1898             B.A., Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

1899             Entered stock and farming business

1902, Sept. 30   Married Alice Hay, daughter of John Hay

1905-10          Director, Genesee Valley National Bank and Trust
                 Member, New York general assembly; speaker,

1908-1928        Delegate, Republican national conventions

1911-15          Managed large ranch, Paloduro, Tex.

1915-27          United States senator from New York

1933-51          United States representative from New York

1951-52          Chairman, National Security Training Commission

1952, June 21    Died, Geneseo, N.Y.

John Hay

1838, Oct. 8     Born, Salem, Ind.

1858             A.M., LL.D., Brown University, Providence, R.I.
                 LL.D., Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.
                 LL.D., Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
                 LL.D., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
                 LL.D., Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

1861-65          Private secretary, with John George Nicolay, to
                    Abraham Lincoln
                 Brevet colonel, United States volunteers

1865-70          Secretary of legation, Paris, France; Madrid,
                    Spain; Vienna, Austria
                 Charge d'affaires, Vienna, Austria

1874             Married Clara Stone

1879-81          President, International Sanitary Conference

1890             Published with John George Nicolay _Abraham
                    Lincoln, a History_ (New York: Century Co. 
                    10 vols.)

1897-98          Ambassador to England

1898-1905        Secretary of state

1905, July 1     Died, Washington, D.C.


                            SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE

      The papers of the James Wadsworth Family of Geneseo, New
York, span the period 1730-1959 and describe the activities of
four generations of the family in both regional and national
affairs.  The collection consists chiefly of the correspondence
of James and William Wadsworth, who founded the Geneseo branch of
the family and occupied land there in 1790; James S. Wadsworth,
Civil War general who commanded the First Division, I Corps, at
Gettysburg and was later killed in the Battle of the Wilderness;
James Wolcott Wadsworth, United States representative from 1881
to 1885 and 1891 to 1906; and James Wolcott Wadsworth, Jr., who
represented New York in the United States Senate from 1915 to
1927 and in the House of Representatives from 1933 to 1951. 
Consisting primarily of personal correspondence, the papers
reflect the changing problems of the nation in the careers of
succeeding generations.

      Included in the collection is correspondence of John Hay,
whose daughter Alice married James Wolcott Wadsworth, Jr., and
whose letters, chiefly in the years 1882-1903, comment on life in
London and Washington, D.C., in the late nineteenth century.

      Also in the collection are a letter from Abraham Lincoln to
Horace Greeley, 9 July 1864, in which he promises safe conduct
for any person or persons "professing to have any proposition of
Jefferson Davis in writing for peace embracing the restoration of
the Union and abandonment of slavery," and an album containing
autographed photographs of scores of the nation's leaders during
the Lincoln administrations.  Letters of Theodore Roosevelt are
also among the correspondence.


                             DESCRIPTION OF SERIES

Container Nos.   Contents

1-8              Family Papers, 1730-1959, n.d.
                    Correspondence, primarily incoming, of various
                 members of the Wadsworth family.  Also included in
                 the papers are a diary, legal papers, and other
                 miscellaneous papers.  Arranged chronologically
                 with an index of James S. Wadsworth's Papers filed
                 at the end of the papers.

9                Family Financial Papers, 1835-51.
                    Arranged chronologically.

10               Family Miscellany, 1730-1952.
                    Correspondence, photographs, clippings,
                 pamphlets and maps, genealogical information,
                 writings, and other material.  Arranged
                 alphabetically by name of person, topic, or type
                 of material.

11-14            John Hay Papers, 1861-1959.
                    Correspondence, pamphlets and programs, poetry,
                 writings, memorabilia, photograph album, will, and
                 other material pertaining to John Hay and his
                 family.  Arranged alphabetically by name of
                 person, topic, or type of material, except for the
                 photograph album which is filed at the end of the

15-50            James Wolcott Wadsworth, Jr., Papers, 1723-1957,
                    Diaries, correspondence, memoranda, speeches,
                 writings, clippings, printed matter, scrapbooks,
                 and other material.  Arranged in subseries
                 designated Diaries, Senate Papers, House of
                 Representatives, Personal, Miscellaneous, and
                 Scrapbooks and therein alphabetically by name of
                 person or organization, topic, or type of

OV 1             Oversize, 1884-1952.
                    Oversize certificates, degrees, and
                 recognitions.  Arranged chronologically.


                                CONTAINER LIST

Container Nos.   Contents

FAMILY PAPERS, 1730-1959, n.d.

Box 1            1730, 1755, 1764-1825 (28 folders)

Box 2            1826-29 (26 folders)

Box 3            1830-31 (27 folders)

Box 4            1832-39 (24 folders)

Box 5            1840-62 (29 folders)

Box 6            1863-70 (19 folders)

Box 7            1871-82, 1894-1941  (24 folders)

Box 8            1942-59, n.d. (15 folders)
                 Index of James S. Wadsworth's Papers, University
                    of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., typescript volume


Box 9            1835-51 (48 folders)


Box 10           Clippings (2 folders)
                 Memorial books
                 Pamphlets and maps
                 Photographs (5 folders)
                 Suffrage letters
                 Wadsworth, Jeremiah, typescript volume of his
                 World War I narrative

JOHN HAY PAPERS, 1861-1959, n.d.

Box 11           Family correspondence
                    1861-96 (24 folders)
                       Jan.-Aug. (4 folders)

Box 12                 Sept.-Dec. (4 folders)
                    1898-1906, 1919, 1959, n.d. (19 folders)

Box 13           Fink, Joseph L., address, "A Tribute to a Great
                    American," 1938
                 Index to letters and diaries
                 Last will and testament, 1905
                 Lincoln, Abraham, and Mary Todd Lincoln, letters,
                 Memorabilia and Lincolniana
                 Miscellany and autographs
                 Pamphlets and programs
                    Hay, Clara Stone (wife)
                    Hay, John
                       Index note cards
                       "The Money Makers"
                       School writing book

Box 14           Photograph album


Box 15           Diaries and autobiography
                    Autobiography, n.d.

Box 16              Diaries and summary of engagements, 1915-52

Box 17           Senate papers
                    Antilynching bill (Dyer), 1923-26
                    Bonus, 1923-26
                    Civil Service, 1824-1926 (4 folders)
                    Congress of the United States, bills,
                       committees, and workings, 1919-27 (5 folders)
                    Constitution, amendments to, 1923-25
                    Crowell, Benjamin, 1923-25 (2 folders)
                    Farm policy, 1924-25
                    Foreign policy, 1922-26 (6 folders)
                    Harding, Warren G., nomination as president,
                       correspondence, 1935
                    Immigration Service, 1923-26 (18 folders)

Box 18              Labor, 1924-26 (2 folders)
                    Local self-government versus federal power,
                       1924-26 (2 folders)
                    Mexico, 1926-27
                    Military (Troop M), 1916
                    Military policy, 1921-27 (20 folders)
                    New York state politics, 1908-27 (11 folders)

Box 19              Politics, 1916-27 (17 folders)
                    Prohibition, 1923-27 (23 folders)

Box 20              Public works, 1921-26
                    Retirement, 1927
                    Senatorial campaign, 1925-26 (4 folders)
                    Social legislation, 1925-26 (2 folders)
                    Teapot Dome scandal, 1924
                    World War I, 1916-25 (3 folders)

Box 21           House of Representatives
                    Antilynching bill, 1937-50 (5 folders)
                    Austin-Wadsworth bill, 1942-45 (9 folders)
                    Burke-Wadsworth draft bill, 1940-45 (7 folders)
                    Conduct of World War II
                       1935-41 (13 folders)

Box 22                 1942-48 (28 folders)
                    Congressional reorganization, 1946
                    Constitutional amendment, 1935-50 (6 folders)

Box 23              Demobilization, 1943-46 (11 folders)
                    Draft in operation, extension, 1940-46
                       (27 folders)

Box 24              Economy in government, 1937-50 (12 folders)
                    Equal rights amendment, 1944-50 (3 folders)
                    Farm policy, 1933-50 (24 folders)
                    Federal aid, 1939-50 (2 folders)
                    Federal power, 1934-49 (12 folders)

Box 25              Foreign policy, 1937-50 (23 folders)
                    Immigration, 1939-48
                    Labor, 1934-50 (17 folders)
                    Lend Lease, 1941-51 (5 folders)

Box 26              Liberty League, 1935-38 (3 folders)
                    Library of Congress, 1951-53 (3 folders)
                    Miscellaneous, 1927-50 (43 folders)

Box 27              National Security Training Commission, 1951
                    Neutrality embargoes, 1933-50 (17 folders)
                    New Deal, 1933-50 (11 folders)
                    Office of the Clerk, 1941
                    Office of Price Administration, 1941-46
                       (6 folders)
                    Peacetime draft, 1946-50 (2 folders)

Box 28              Politics, 1924-50 (63 folders)

Box 29              Postwar military policy, Woodrum Committee,
                       1942-50 (14 folders)
                    Prewar military policy, 1920-47 (7 folders)
                    Prohibition, 1933-44 (6 folders)
                    Public housing, rent control, 1946-50
                       (2 folders)
                    Reorganization of House committees, 1946
                    Retirement from Congress, 1950-51 (22 folders)

Box 30              Retirement, Rochester, N.Y., dinner, 1950
                       (8 folders)
                    Supreme Court, 1937 (3 folders)
                    Taxation, 1935-50 (17 folders)
                    Un-American activities, radicals, 1934-47
                       (3 folders)
                    Unification of armed forces, 1946-49 (5 folders)

Box 31              Universal military training, 1935-52
                       (43 folders)
                    Veterans bonus, pensions, 1934-52 (4 folders)

Box 32           Personal
                    American Military Mission to Armenia, 1919
                    Atlantic Union, 1950-52 (4 folders)
                    Bank matters, 1916-44 (3 folders)
                    Campaign contributions, 1926-52
                    Degrees and other honors, 1942-52 (3 folders)
                    Family history, 1813-1952 (9 folders)
                    Farm business matters, 1915-51 (8 folders)
                    Federal Security Agency, 1951
                    Freedom on the March, 1950-51 (4 folders)
                    Friends, letters
                       1914-50 (13 folders)

Box 33                 1951, n.d. (3 folders)
                    Frontier Mortgage Co., 1916-52 (2 folders)
                    Geneseo, N.Y., and environs, 1916-52 (4 folders)
                    Hay, Clarence, 1938-50 (2 folders)
                    Historical documents and books, 1862, 1925-40
                    International Stock Yards, 1936-52 (5 folders)
                    Land, 1920-49
                    Letters received during illness, 1950-57
                       (9 folders)
                    Miscellaneous, 1951
                    Ostertag, Harold, 1951 (2 folders)
                    Press, relations with, 1924-50 (3 folders)
                    Ranch, J. A., and Richie family, 1915-51
                       (13 folders)
                    Requests for information, assistance, 1926-51
                       (5 folders)
                    Requests to speak, attend meetings, 1923-51
                       (10 folders)

Box 34              Roosevelt, Nicholas, 1950-51
                    Roosevelt, Theodore, 1906 (3 folders)
                    Senate friends, 1950 (3 folders)
                    Sons of the American Revolution, 1950-51
                       (3 folders)
                    Summary of James W. Wadsworth Papers, 1953
                    Symington, Tim and James, 1942-51 (2 folders)
                    Symington, W. Stuart, 1923-51 (5 folders)
                    Wadsworth, Craig, 1927-43
                    Wadsworth, James J. ("Jerry"), correspondence,
                       1917-50 (16 folders)
                    Wadsworth, James Wolcott, Sr., 1898-1926
                    Wadsworth, Reverdy, and family, 1951
                    Whitney, John Hay, 1951
                    Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1951-52

Box 35           Miscellaneous
                    Speeches and articles
                       1900-1939 (27 folders)

Box 36                 1940-51, n.d. (19 folders)

Box 37              Clippings and political photos, 1910-52
                       (12 folders)

Box 38              Printed matter, 1900-1952 (11 folders)

Box 39           Scrapbooks

Box 40              1878-1881
                    1902-14, letterbook of James Wolcott Wadsworth,

Box 41              1817-1940

Box 42              1898-1935

Box 43              1899-1943

Box 44              1922-27, 1952

Box 45              1926

Box 46              1933-50

Box 47              1943-47

Box 48              1947-49

Box 49              1950

Box 50              1952

OVERSIZE, 1884-1952

Box OV 1         Certificates, degrees, and recognitions, 1884-1952

*** Last updated 03/13/98 (mal) ***
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