Astronomical Data Center

ADCADC/CDS Standard Document for Catalog:

The following is the "ReadMe" document that describes this ADC catalog. You can access the files described here in three ways:

1. Use the ADC Data Viewer Suite to visualize the data. [preview
2. Get the data files via anonymous FTP. (See Note.) [ftp

V/15        SAO and Supplementary Data             (Ochsenbein 1980)
SAO and Supplementary Data
     Ochsenbein F.
    <Bull. Inf. CDS 19, 74 (1980)>
ADC_Keywords: Radial velocities ; Combined data ; Photometry, UBV ;
    MK spectral classification

    This SAO catalogue (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalogue of
    258,997 stars, 1966; see catalog <I/131>), connected to the CSI
    (Catalogue of Stellar Identifications, see Ochsenbein et al. 1981),
    enables researchers to retrieve reliable astrophysical data for about
    20,000 stars. This includes SAO identifications, CSI identifications,
    equatorial coordinates (B1950), Galactic coordinates, proper motions,
    photometric data, spectral classifications, radial velocity, etc. The
    SAO/HD cross index for about 188,000 stars allows users to find (or
    enter) the catalog with the HD number of the star. The notes
    contain detected errors, the value of the trigonometric parallax taken
    from the Jenkins' (1952, 1963) catalogues, the double star designation
    ADS or IDS, and the name of the star.

File Summary:
 FileName     Lrecl     Records     Explanations
ReadMe           80           .     This file
catalog.dat     134      258942     The catalog
hdsao.dat        18      187594     Cross index of SAO numbers in HD order
notes.dat        78       37500     Remarks for SAO 1 - 99999

See also:
    I/131 : SAO Star Catalog J2000 (SAO Staff 1966; USNO, ADC 1990)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: catalog.dat
   Bytes Format   Units    Label     Explanations
   1-  6   I6      ---      SAO       [1,258997]+ SAO number
       7   A1      ---      n_SAO     [R] a note is detailed in file "notes.dat"
   9- 14   I6      ---      HD        [1,359083]? HD number
      15   A1      ---      m_HD      [/A-C] component; / indicates
                                        consecutive BD numbers
  17- 25   A9      ---      DM       *DM designation
  27- 28   I2      ---      DMcode   *[0-43] DM catalog
  30- 31   I2      h        RAh       Right ascension - hours   (1950.0)
  33- 34   I2      min      RAm       Right ascension - minutes (1950.0)
  36- 41   F6.3    s        RAs       Right ascension - seconds (1950.0)
      43   A1      ---      DE-       Declination sign
  44- 45   I2      deg      DEd       Declination degrees (1950.0)
  47- 48   I2      arcmin   DEm       Declination minutes (1950.0)
  50- 54   F5.2    arcsec   DEs       Declination seconds (1950.0)
  56- 61   F6.2    deg      GLON      Galactic longitude
  63- 68   F6.2    deg      GLAT      Galactic latitude
  70- 76   F7.3  arcsec/a   pmRA      Proper motion in RA
      77   A1      ---      q_pmRA   *[A-E] Quality of proper motion in RA
  79- 84   F6.3  arcsec/a   pmDE      Proper motion in DE
      85   A1      ---      q_pmDE   *[A-E] Quality of proper motion in DE
  87- 91   F5.2    mag      Mag      *? Generally V magnitude, sometimes B
  92- 93   A2      ---      q_Mag    *[A-E:* ] Quality of/note on magnitude
  94- 99   F6.3    mag      B-V       ?B-V color
     101   A1      ---      q_B-V    *[A-E:] Quality of B-V
 103-108   F6.3    mag      U-B       ?U-B color
     109   A1      ---      q_U-B    *[A-E:] Quality of U-B
     111   A1      ---      q_Sp     *[1-4J] Quality of spectral type
     112   A1      ---      per       Period (punctuation)
 113-126   A14     ---      Sp        Spectral type
 128-133   F6.1    km/s     RV       *?Radial Velocity
     134   A1      ---      q_RV     *[A-F] Quality on radial velocity
Note on DM, DMcode: DM covers the Bonner, Cordoba and Cape
     Durchmusterungen designations: when byte 18 blank,
     DMcode specifies which DM:
       0 .. 19 = BD
      20 .. 39 = CoD
      40 .. 59 = CPD
     When byte 18 is not blank (contains a dash), the star is not
     in any Durchmusterung, and DMcode is non-zero for components of
     multiple systems.
Note on q_pmRA and q_pmDE:
     A = me. <= 0.01"/a
     B = me. <= 0.02"/a
     C = me. <= 0.03"/a
     D = me. <= 0.04"/a
     E = me. >  0.04"/a
Note on Mag:
     From Nicolet if available (1978a); otherwise from Blanco et al.
        (1968) improved by Ochsenbein (1974)
Note on q_Mag:
     :  only a CSI magnitude with 0.1 magnitude precision
     ** indicates that Mag contains a blue magnitude
     Quality index from compilation of UBV by Nicolet:
      A = very good (4 in original catalog) to D = poor (1 in original catalog)
Note on q_B-V and q_U-B: Quality index from Nicolet compilation:
      A = very good (4 in original catalog) to D = poor (1 in original catalog)
Note on q_Sp:
     J = from Jaschek (1978, see catalog <III/42>)
     1 to 4 = Quality from Michigan Catalog (N. Houk, 1975, 1978.
              see catalogues <III/31> and <III/51>) where 1 is optimum
              and 4 is very poor
     blank  = from CSI
Note on RV:
   Taken, as available in the following order:
      the "Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities" by Evans (1967 )
          (see catalog <III/47>)
      the "General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities" by Wilson (1953)
          (catalog <III/21>)
      the "Bibliographic Catalogue of Radial Velocities" by Barbier (1975)
      the "Bibliography of Stellar Radial Velocities" by Abt et al. (1972)
          (catalog <III/4>)
Note on q_RV:
    Quality index as in Wilson (catalog <III/21>), i.e.
        A good (p.e. <= 0.9km/s)
        B      (p.e. <=  2km/s)
        C      (p.e. <=  5km/s)
        D poor (p.e. <= 10km/s)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: hdsao.dat
   Bytes  Format  Units   Label     Explanations
   1-  2   A2     ---     HD_cat    [HD] Catalog acronym
   3-  8   I6     ---     HD        HD number
       9   A1     ---   m_HD        HD component (in multiple systems)
  10- 12   A3     ---     SAO_cat   [SAO] Catalog acronym
  13- 18   I6     ---     SAO       SAO number

Byte-by-byte Description of file: notes.dat
   Bytes  Format  Units   Label     Explanations
   1-  6   I6     ---     SAO       [1/258997] SAO number
   8- 78   A71    ---     Text      Text of remark

Missing stars:
    Fifty four stars have been deleted because they are duplicates of other
    entries. (Normally, this resulted from the fact that more than one
    Durchmusterung cover the same declination zone.)  These are the following:
    24671   100161   186717   215182   222287   228851   235959   241172
    31219   106477   192426   216112   224194   229057   235973   242603
    58906   133461   193858   217746   225134   229832   236668   242964
    62238   142403   193896   218092   225327   231638   238176   246009
    67452   172631   201604   218513   226939   231702   238511   251306
    92316   180619   210293   219513   227039   232934   240305
    96663   181584   210294   222077   228025   234391   241167

  Ochsenbein, F., Bischoff, M., Egret, D.: 1981, A&AS 43, 265
  Jenkins, L.F.: 1952, "General Catalogue of Stellar Trigonometric
    Parallaxes", Yale Univ. Obs. (see catalog <I/10>)
  Jenkins, L.F.: 1963, "Supplement to the General Catalogue of Stellar
    Trigonometric Parallaxes", Yale Univ. Obs. (see catalog <I/81>)
(End)           N. G. Roman        [ADC/SSDOO]                       12-Sep-1997

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