A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Field-Initiated Studies (FIS)

The National Institute on Educational Governance, Finance, Policymaking and Management supports a variety of research projects through the Field-Initiated Studies (FIS) Grants program.

About FIS Grants

What is a Field-Initiated Studies Grant?

The FIS grants are grants for education research projects, including basic and applied research, inquiry with the purpose of applying tested knowledge gained to specific educational settings and problems, development, planning, surveys, assessments, evaluations, investigations, experiments, and demonstrations in the field of education and other fields related to education. Topics and methods of study are generated by the investigators, including teachers and other practitioners. Investigators are encouraged to disseminate information from their work through a wide variety of means, including research and practitioner journals, conference presentations, newspapers and magazines, and newsletters, as appropriate.

Who Can Apply for a Field-Initiated Studies Grant?

Institutions of higher education, state and local education agencies, public and private organizations and agencies, and individuals may apply for a FIS grant.

What Kind of Research Projects are Funded?

The Field-initiated Studies Program (FIS) provides grants for education research projects, including basic and applied research. Topics and methods of study are generated by the investigators. For a complete description of the legislative mandate, consult the Educational Research, Development, Dissemination, and Improvement Act of 1994, P.L. 103-227.

How to Apply

FIS program applications compete under one general competition. Applicants apply to the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education. When the peer review process is completed and grants are awarded, each grant will be assigned to, and monitored by, one of the OERI's five National Research Institutes, including this Institute (GFI).

We are accepting applications for the FY 2000 Field-Initiated Studies (FIS) Research program. The deadline for filing applications is February 16, 2000. Application packages are available by mail or downloading from Internet. For a printed copy of the of the application, contact href="mailto:patricia.murray@ed.gov">Patricia Murray (E-mail: patricia_murray@ed.gov; Phone: 202-219-1318). The application materials are also available electronically, online at the OERI Field-Initiated Studies web site.

Current FIS Projects

For abstracts and further information on the Institute's Field-Initiated Studies, please visit:

GFI Home
Last update January 26, 2000 (glc).