Last Updated: March 27, 2004

Research on Animal Models and Phenotypes

 Animal Model

 Participating PGA
Transgenic and knockout mice to study regulation of Apoa1, Apo(a), ApoE, Abca1, Abcg5, Abcg8, Ldlr, Nkx2.5, Gata4, and Sost1 have been and are being generated

 Lipid metabolism

Cardiac development

knockout mice to study lipid metabolism or susceptibility to atherosclerosis including Ptdss2, Lmnb1, Vsp4b, Slc25a17, ATP citrate lyase, Choline kinase, alpha-chain, Srebf1, Srebf2, Agpat4, Agpat6, pon2, Nmt1, Man1, Prmt1, Scg10, FA binding protein 3, Dual secificity phosphatase, Splicing factor YT521-B.  lipid metabolism or susceptibility to atherosclerosis  BayGenomics
FVB mice Benchmark set of cardiac development, maturation, aging, and sex comparison  CardioGenomics
FVB mouse model of hypertrophy Pressure-overload induced cardiac
(aortic banding)
Exercise Induced Hypertrophy 
Cardiac hypertrophy related to the
PI3 kinase signaling pathway
Hypertrophy induced by the IGF1 receptor
Rat model (Dahl salt-sensitive rats) of hypertrophy

Physiologic Cardiac Hypertrophy (vigorous daily exercise)

Pathologic Cardiac Hypertrophy (6% NaCl diet)

LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery ligation in FVB wildtype mice Myocardial infarction
Mice over-express dn-p21ras Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Csx/Nkx2.5 Mutant Embryos Congential Heart Disease
Deletion of the Nk2 specific domain of the Nkx2.5 Multiple heart defects
BALB/CJ Mice Allegen Sensitization HopGene
Long-Evans Rat Seoul Virus
C57BL/6J Mice Hypoxia-induced Hypertophy and Hyperplasia
C57BL/6J Mice Isolated Lung Perfusion with High Tidal Volume
Sprague Dawley Rat Simvastatin effect in Hypoxic rats
C57BL/6J Mice LPS-induced Acute Lung Injury
C57BL/6J Mice Mechanical Ventilation-induced Kidney Injury
C3H/HeJ Mice Mechanical Ventilation on LPS Hypersensitive Strain
DBA/2 Mice Mechanical Ventilation on LPS Hypersensitive Strain
C57BL/6J Mice Mechanical Ventilation on LPS Hypersensitive Strain

PVG.1U Rat


Lung Transplant
Hilltop Sprague-Dawley Rat Pulmonary Hypersensitive Response to Hypoxia
Madison Sprague-Dawley Rat Pulmonary Hypersensitive Response to Hypoxia
BALB/CJ Mice Bleomycin Resistant
C57BL/6J Mice Bleomycin Sensitive
Gelsolin KO BALB/C Mice Pulmonary Artery Ligation
Winston Rats Mechanical Ventilation and Hyperoxia
Canine Regional Lung Stress
C57BL/6J Mice S1P Effect on LPS-induced Acute Lung Injury
Mongrel Canine Ventricular Pacing-induced Heart Failure
C3H/HeJ(Tlr4-), C3H/HeOuJ Mice Ozone and Residual Oil Fly
C57BL/6(IL4-/-) Mice Parasite (Brugia Malayi)
C57BL/6J Mice Circardium rhythm
Mg delta Murine (fibrillin-1 deficient) Septation
C57BL/6J Mice Sleep Fragmentation and Hypoxia
A/J Mice Cytokine (IL-13)
CD1/BALBC (Nrf2-) Mice Hyperoxia
C57BL/6J Mice All trans-retinoic acid and dexamethasome
C57BL/6J & B6129SF2/J Mice (eNOS-/-, nNOS-/-) Cardiac Hypertrophy
Mutant mice derived from N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) treated C57BL/6J mice

Available mutants (confirmed heritability): hypertension (16), leukocytosis (1), thrombocytopenia (1), hypercholesterolemia with low HDL (1), obesity (2), neutrophilia (1), and leukopenia with neutrophilia (1)

Strains in development (established heritability):


Cholesterol Disorders: high HDL, high HDL with hypercholesterolemia, low HDL, hypocholesterolemia with Low HDL, change in cholesterol on atherogenic diet

Blood Disorders: leukocytosis, leukopenia with neutrophilia, thrombocytopenia, macrocytic anemia

Glucose Disorders: hyperglycemia

Lung Function Disorders: airway hyper-response


Sleep Disorders: fragmented overall sleep pattern with craniofacial defect


 42-Inbred mouse strains

Genotyping of inbred strains with 550 Mit markers (Click here to retrieve data based on strains and chromosomes)

Diet-induced disease: Gallstones, atherosclerosis, and plasma lipids |

Diet effects on plasma lipids and susceptibility to atherosclerosis

Diet effects on blood pressure, and heart rate |

Diet effects on body composition, plasma glucose, leptin, and insulin levels |

Hematology, clotting, and thrombosis |

Lung response to environmental stress | Lung function

Metabolic characterization |

Diet effects on plasma phospholipid transfer protein activity, lipids, and lipoproteins |

Cardiac characterization |

 RI strains: characterize the BXD and AXB, BXA sets of RI strains  Same as above
 50 mutants/yr from ENU mutagenized mice screened for above list of phenotypes Anemia, thrombosis, lipid metabolism, blood pressure, plasma glucose, obesity

CD14-Deficient Mice

CD14/ Apo E double knock-outs

CD36-deficient mice

Scavenger receptor A (SR-A)-deficient mice

CD14/SR-A double knock-outs

CD36/SR-A double knock-outs

16 consomic rat strains
6 inbred, 2 outbred, and 3 parental rat strains
3 congenic rat strains

Phenotype Data Status

210 physiological measurements of heart, lung, vascular, and blood function such as airway responsiveness, blood pressure regulation, lung function and renal function in response to acute and chronic hypoxia, exercise, and chronic changes in salt diet. The data will provide the functional information required to link each of the 21 rats chromosomes to cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal and blood function. Histological images are also provided.

23 Cardiac phenotypes |

15 Vascular responses |

11 Lung physiological parameters |

82 Respiratory functions |

29 Biochemical measurements in plasma |

41 Renal functions |

9 Renal functions (re-evaluation statement) |

Histological images of heart, aorta, and kidney |

 C57BL/6J wt + ApoE KO  Hyperlipidemia
cardiac hypertrophy (aortic banding)
cardiac hypertrophy (isoproterenol response
inflammation (LPS responses)

In collaboration with JAX, TREX has examined the difference in gene expression in the following mouse models:

BrainSexStrain | KidneySexStrain | LungSexStrain | Asbestos | LPS | HypertensionTissueStrain | Hypertension Acute Angiotensin Treatment HypertensionMutant | Hypoxia | SleepWake | TimedCholesterol | Trypanosoma | Tissue-Tissue | Ovalbumin

 The experimental designs, phenotyping protocols, and microarray data are posted here  TREX

In collaboration with PhysGen, TREX has examined the difference in heart, lung, kidney, and liver gene expression in the following rat consomic strains under hypoxia condition:

SS.2BN, SS.6BN, SS.8BN, SS.9BN, SS.13BN, SS.16BN, SS.20BN, SS.YBN, BN vs SS, FHH.1BN

 The experimental designs, phenotyping protocols, and microarray data are posted here