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Area Summary - North Pacific

Results of search on the Marine Trackline Geophysics Database - Gravity

87.208 149.989
20.235 105.280
10.018 105.734
0.029 109.592
-0.198 -75.204
8.202 -77.474
8.883 -79.062
7.975 -80.878
9.791 -84.736
13.878 -87.686
19.553 -101.303
62.235 -129.672
85.164 -129.445

Geophysical data summary in nautical miles

Source Surveys Nav Bath Mag Grav Seis ss/ref dig grav
LAMONT (LDEO) 130 438240 423919 406874 406872 0 0 552834
WOODS HOLE O.I. 1 915 915 888 888 0 0 1012
NOAA 44 371213 363498 346147 229295 0 0 241531
US GEOL. SURVEY 88 264706 181728 172342 220751 41791 0 1392394
OREGON ST. UNIV 46 93067 84259 68007 82299 0 0 83123
U.HAWAII SOEST 90 314567 308080 232144 278932 0 0 923508
US NAVY 19 25965 759 203 25289 0 0 115593
CANADA 1 1181 1180 1143 1173 0 0 13745
UNIV OF CONN. 4 4522 3884 0 4522 0 0 2906
SCRIPPS INST.OC 42 146675 140866 112368 121249 2241 0 679134
CHINA 6 20693 20327 14750 20424 0 0 11376
UNITED KINGDOM 5 14417 13459 11828 13185 0 0 46872
RUSSIA 17 101890 91675 0 101890 0 0 51792
FRANCE 20 66108 58177 47452 59923 0 0 413382
INT. GRAV. BUR 4 11453 11311 0 11453 0 0 5018
HYDR DEPT JAPAN 137 374758 348169 272524 365370 0 0 500735
GEOL SRVY JAPAN 39 183994 158358 147120 182946 0 0 393604
UNIV TOKYO 31 184455 181000 50267 169771 0 0 153917
INST.POLAR RES. 10 24600 20235 0 24600 0 0 86600
Grand Totals 734 2643420 2411797 1884057 2320833 44033 0 5669076

686.0 Megabytes needed to store standard MGD77 data from this SEARCH

The North Pacific has an extremely large amount of data so there are two (2) directories npac1 and npac2. More detailed organizational information is available in text format in the above directories.

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