Comment Number: OL-100147
Received: 3/14/2004 11:41:12 AM
Commenter: Gerald Gordy
State: IL
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


Unsolicited mail has greatly increased since December, 03. Now nearly 70% of my mail is clearly SPAM. Please do something to put some teeth in the act. I hesitate to send this for fear that I will only place my email address in public fiew for more SOAM. As you know SPAM is costing the US to much in time, expense, and in effect tieing up legal and good commercial and personal electrocic communications. I have no problem with actual business notifications. My complaint is the juck for porn, drugs, credit, etc. sent by individual spammers where no current business relationships exists. Thanks