JHQ and Training Quick Reference Guide

Following is a summary of JHQ, GERT, EHS-10, and other training requirements. Further details can be found in PUB-3000, Chap. 24, or in the EETD Training Policy.

All employees (including guests, students, faculty, and contractors issued LBNL badges) must complete the JHQ (Job Hazards Questionnaire) within 30 days of appointment. The JHQ must be updated annually and whenever the scope of work significantly changes. It only takes about 10 minutes to fill out or update the JHQ at http://training.lbl.gov (no LDAP account required). After filling out the JHQ, the employee should check their training requirements and completion status by clicking on the Training Profile link on the training.lbl.gov website.
All employees (including guests, students, faculty, and contractors issued LBNL badges) must take GERT (General Employee Radiation Training) before working onsite without an escort. Retraining is required every 2 years. It only takes about 15 minutes to satisfy this requirement by reading the GERT information and taking the quiz online. (A waiver is strongly discouraged, but can be issued if the employee never comes onsite or is escorted all the time while onsite.)
Note: GERT was revised on 8/17/06 to meet new DOE requirements. All employees who took GERT before this date are required to retake the training, even if it is less than 2 years since they last took the course.
As specified in JHQ question A1, the EHS-10 training course (Introduction to ES&H at LBNL) is required for anyone working on the main site, PGF, Donner, Calvin, 903, 937, 941, 943, or 977. EHS-10 training must be completed within 30 days of appointment. Those who never come onsite or who only occasionally come onsite for meetings or seminars can answer JHQ question A1 "no" and they don't have to take EHS-10.
Other Training:
With the exception of GERT and EHS0010 training discussed above, any other required training (as determined by the JHQ) must be completed within 90 days of appointment.
Course Schedules & Registering:
Employees can find course schedules and register for training courses by clicking on the "Register for Training" link at the LBNL EH&S Training website.
Contact Guy Kelley, EETD Safety Coordinator, x4703

Last update: 1/23/07