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- EIS000210 / 0003
Ground water migration in the area is also well documented and should add to the scientific basis for rejecting this as the final selected site as a high level nuclear repository. Please take some time to review the literature to evaluate the impacts of ‘what if’ scenarios if these waste chambers become flooded and radionuclides are leached into the groundwater. What have past radioecology studies at Nevada Test Site, Chernobyl, Rocky Flats, Project Rio Blanco, Hanford and other hot sites where tritium, etc. have been known to migrate off site taught us? Cannot correlations be drawn for Yucca and its surrounds? Should not the EIS ask these extremely difficult, worst case questions? That way everyone goes into this Waste Priesthood, a clearly defined group of elite individuals who will need to be trained and cultivated to watch over and safeguard this waste for the material’s life some tens of thousands of years, with a full understanding and at least a plan for eventual catastrophic seismic failure.

The possibility of groundwater rising sufficiently in the future to inundate the waste packages is remote. There are no credible mechanisms that can account for such a rise. Szymanski (DIRS 106963-1989) proposed that during the last 10,000 to 1,000,000 years, earthquakes and volcanic activities drove hot mineralized groundwater to the surface, and deposited calcite and opal at Yucca Mountain. This hypothesis goes on to suggest that similar forces could raise the regional groundwater in the future and inundate the repository.

To investigate this hypothesis further, DOE requested the National Academy of Sciences to conduct an independent evaluation. The Academy concluded in its 1992 report (DIRS 105162-National Research Council 1992) that no known mechanism could cause a future inundation of the repository horizon. The geologic evidence indicates that groundwater never reached the repository horizon; in fact, the largest rise seems to have been about 120 meters (390 feet) during the last several million or more years. Based on simulations of earthquake effects, the predicted water table rise could be about 20 meters (66 feet) at most. The 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake raised water levels in some monitoring wells by a maximum of less than 1 meter.

Dublyansky (DIRS 104875-1998) proposed another line of data in support of the warm water upwelling hypothesis. That study involved fluid inclusions in calcite and opal crystals deposited at Yucca Mountain. It concluded that some crystals were formed by rising hydrothermal water and not by percolation of surface water. A group of independent experts, including scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, did not concur with Dublyansky’s conclusions. DOE disagrees with the central conclusions in this report, but has supported continuing research by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. EIS Section contains more information on groundwater at Yucca Mountain.

The comment refers to several other places that might offer insights to processes at Yucca Mountain. DOE recognizes the value of such comparisons, but realizes the need for care in the selection of an appropriate site for comparison to process of interest at Yucca Mountain. An ideal comparison site to long-term radionuclide transport at Yucca Mountain would have to satisfy the following conditions: (1) a known source term, (2) a similar set of radionuclides, (3) well characterized site data, (4) similar geologic conditions, (5) observable long-term conditions, (6) identifiable boundaries of the system, and (7) a clear-cut process that can be separated from other processes.

An example of a comparison site mentioned by the comment is the April 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. After studying this accident, DOE determined that the conditions at Chernobyl and Yucca Mountain are different in several major aspects, such as climate, geologic and tectonic setting, and depth to the water table. The Chernobyl catastrophe was an above-ground explosion accompanied by an atmospheric release of radionuclides, with subsequent contamination of the land surface. Radionuclides that descended from the atmosphere to the land were distributed through surface-water reservoirs, and then entered the unsaturated zone and percolated down through zones of preferential flow toward the water table. In contrast, atmospheric transport at Yucca Mountain would not be a factor, and surface-water transport of radionuclides would be negligible. Furthermore, the suite of radionuclides at Yucca Mountain would be somewhat different from the radionuclides at Chernobyl.

Background conditions and expected modes of contamination for Chernobyl and Yucca Mountain are not directly analogous. What DOE learned from reviewing the more than 13 years of investigations of infiltration and contaminant transport at Chernobyl can provide insight to some of the flow and transport processes at Yucca Mountain. The most important conclusions of this study are as follows:
  1. Spatial and temporal variations of infiltration rates and fast preferential flow in the near-surface zone depend on topography. Near-surface fast infiltration and migration of radionuclides in the unsaturated zone occur in surface depressions. Despite the low level of contamination detected in groundwater, the appearance of Chernobyl radionuclides confirms the presence of localized, preferential, radionuclide transport though the unsaturated zone.
  2. Rapid groundwater contamination around Chernobyl might not be associated directly with the near-surface zones of preferential flow.
  3. Section 13 of the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000) contains a more complete discussion of DOE’s natural analog study. (870)
- EIS000252 / 0004
Sometimes I refer to the Yucca Mountain facility as just the parking lot for this high level waste is that the mountain has been -- in more recent research the mountain is not going to be the primary thing that is going to contain the waste. It is going to be the canister and the containers.

As described in Section 2.1 of the EIS, DOE is relying on both the inherent geologic features of the mountain and manmade barriers to ensure the long-term isolation of the spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste from the human environment. The packaging or container holding the materials when they are emplaced in the repository is a major component of the engineered barriers. (914)
- EIS000089 / 0003
We get a lot of rain one year and then a couple years we don’t get no rain at all, so they average things out. They come up with these working models that don’t work.

We know that for sure right now because, you know, back in the ‘90s when we were setting off the bombs in the ground, we said, "Hey, that’s going to contaminate the groundwater."

They said, "Oh, no. It’s not going to contaminate the groundwater. It’s going to be contained." These bombs are going off, they create these lasts pops underneath and that bomb is so hot, it just melts everything around it. There’s no problems here.

Even if it does get into the groundwater, that groundwater will never move.
Now they’re talking about plumes underwater, underground. I was so disgusted the other way. I know this DOE is putting this information out. You guys are liable to us. You’re going to have to live with yourselves.

So what are we going to do? We’re sitting out here. First they said, "Don’t worry about it, folks. It’s never going to move, the groundwater even if it does get contaminated."

"Well, it’s moved a mile away from the site. We’ve detected the radiation in the groundwater. May be our models weren’t right, so we’re figuring 10,000 years before it reaches Death Valley."

Many of the studies conducted at Yucca Mountain are designed to help DOE make reasonable projections of how and when contaminants in the groundwater might travel from the repository. The explanations in the EIS present the consensus understanding of experts working for DOE, its contractors, other government agencies, academia, and the public sector. The projections consider not only average and worst-case environmental parameters (such as precipitation and infiltration) from measured values in current and historical records, but also geologic-scale evidence to determine what occurred in the past and, therefore, what might occur in the future.

As suggested by the commenter, the amount of water moving through the mountain is one of the key parameters incorporated in the projection of contaminant movement. As described in Sections and I.2.2 of the EIS, the performance assessment includes a large range of water fluxes reflecting wide rainfall variations that could occur over thousands and hundreds of thousands of years, and assumes that the current climate is the driest it will ever be at Yucca Mountain.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials. Section 5.6 of the EIS contains additional information. (949)
- EIS000259 / 0001
Inyo County is very concerned about the long-term threat the repository poses to regional groundwater supplies and to communities east of the Owens Valley. Hydrologic studies conducted by Inyo, Nye and Esmeralda Counties point to the existence of a continuous aquifer running from beneath Yucca Mountain southwards to Tecopa, Shoshone and Death Valley Junction. These studies also support the contention that water flowing beneath Yucca Mountain flows southeast to become surface water flowing into Death Valley. Some of this water is used in Death Valley for commercial and domestic purposes, and of course supports natural habitat under Federal protection.

The two studies I’m referring to are a 1996 publication titled "An Evaluation of the Hydrology at Yucca Mountain: The Lower Carbonate Aquifer and Amargosa River" and the 1998 "Death Valley Springs Geochemical Investigation." These studies were conducted with Federal funding in accordance with USGS quality assurance and quality control measures, and will be submitted to DOE in conjunction with our written comments in January.

Nowhere in the Environmental Impact Statement does DOE address our findings, either to acknowledge or deny the implications of these studies with regard to potential pathways for contaminants to reach human populations or a National Park. These studies have been available to DOE for some time and are absent from the 50,000 pages of technical background material which went into development of the EIS.

This is a critical oversight on the part of DOE, which needs to be corrected by serious consideration of the scientific work sponsored by the County and the placement of our findings in the proper context.

DOE acknowledges in the EIS that the groundwater flowpath from Yucca Mountain includes the locations identified by the commenter, with the exception of the Owens Valley area. Section describes groundwater beneath Yucca Mountain as flowing to Jackass Flats, the Amargosa Desert, and then south to the primary point of discharge at Franklin Lake Playa in Alkali Flat, which is southeast of Death Valley Junction. The EIS states that some groundwater reaching this far might bypass the playa and continue into the Death Valley basin, which would require flow through the Tecopa and Shoshone areas. The EIS recognizes that a small amount of the groundwater beneath the Amargosa Desert might flow through the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains toward springs in the Furnace Creek Wash area of Death Valley.

Chapter 5 of the EIS does not specifically address risks to people and natural resources in Tecopa, Shoshone, or Death Valley National Park as a result of groundwater use and consumption. However, the evaluation in Chapter 5 clearly shows that risks would decrease with increased distance from the repository. Accordingly, impacts to these other areas, because they are farther away along the groundwater flowpath, would be less than those for the farthest distance evaluated in the EIS. Section 5.9 addresses impacts to biological resources as a result of long-term repository performance. As indicated in that section, DOE does not quantify impacts to biological resources as a result of exposures to contaminated groundwater, but relates them to the minimal impacts expected for humans through the use and consumption of the groundwater.

As described in Section 3.1.4 of the EIS, the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system is a terminal hydrologic basin. That is, there is no natural pathway for groundwater or surface water to leave the basin other than by evaporation or transpiration through plants; Death Valley is the lowest part of the basin. With this in mind, impacts to groundwater east of Owens Valley, but outside the Death Valley flow system, would not occur. For areas within the Death Valley flow system, but west of Death Valley, any contaminants reaching Death Valley over thousands of years would have to flow up the hydrologic gradient on the west side of Death Valley to reach areas east of Owens Valley which would not occur.

DOE received the two reports identified in the comment. It did not reference them in the EIS (similar to many other reference sources), because the conclusions they present are not contradictory or inconsistent with the information in the EIS. For example, the primary conclusion of the "Geochemistry" report is as follows: "The water can come from recharge in 1) the area of NTS [Nevada Test Site] and Yucca Mountain; or 2) the Amargosa Basin fill deposits, or 3) the area to the east that includes the Ash Meadows springs, or some combination of all three" (DIRS 147808-King and Bredehoeft 1999). The EIS identifies the apparent link of groundwater from beneath Amargosa Desert to the Furnace Creek springs and suggests that the link could involve groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain by identifying it in the flowpath. The earlier "Lower Carbonate Aquifer" report concludes that (1) groundwater movement beneath Yucca Mountain is upward out of the carbonates into the tuff; (2) if contaminants reach the carbonates, travel times could be relatively short; (3) discharges to springs on the east side of Death Valley appear to be linked to the carbonates; (4) Esmeralda County is not in the groundwater flow path from Yucca Mountain; and (5) there are geohydrologic data gaps for the carbonate aquifer (DIRS 147808-Bredehoeft, King, and Tangborn 1996). These conclusions are consistent with data and analyses in the EIS. (1146)
- EIS000087 / 0003
Furthermore, you heard about volcanism. Well, that translates to volcanic activity nearby. Well, the water comes out of my wells is 70 degrees. That’s warm for subterranean water.

It says there’s current volcanic activity, and my well is not the only well in the valley. In fact, it’s very typical of the temperature of the water comes out of the ground.

And right next to Yucca Mountain, which no one seems to talk about, where the cinder cone mining is, well, the cinder cone where they’re mining, where they’re taking cinders out a recent volcanic upheaval of lava which formed the cinder cone.

You can look at Yucca Mountain and you look slightly to the right or the east and there’s very volcano sitting there.

It’s not something that the average geologist should be able to miss.

The volcanic history of Yucca Mountain and surrounding areas is described in Section 3.1.3 of the EIS. This section describes the location and nature of volcanic eruptions in the Yucca Mountain area (the most recent of which occurred about between 70,000 and 90,000 years ago), as well as the possibility of their recurrence (unlikely). The EIS makes specific mention of the cinder cones that can be seen in the area. In describing current land use at Yucca Mountain, Section mentions the mining of volcanic cinders (at the cone just north of U.S. 95).

Section 5.7.2 of the EIS provides further discussion on evaluations that have been performed on the probability of volcanic activity recurring in the area of Yucca Mountain. This section discusses the affect that such an unlikely event might have were it to occur, including the intrusion of liquid magma or hot gases into the repository.

With regard to the temperature of groundwater, groundwater temperature tends to approach the mean annual temperature of the air. In the Amargosa Desert – Las Vegas area, the mean annual air temperature is about 18º to 19º C (64º to 66º F) (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). A slight elevation in water temperature above the annual average air temperature is probably due to contributions from deeper aquifers where the water is warmer. Some researchers (DIRS 103415-Dudley and Larson 1976) concluded that flow in the lower carbonate aquifer intercepts crustal heat flow and transports it laterally toward discharge areas. As an alternative, it might be the result of deeper warm water rising along the fault line. (1177)
- EIS000111 / 0001
While, when I was out in Ash Meadows, I was reading some literature from the Park Service there and apparently -- oh, quite sometime ago, I can’t remember what. I couldn’t find the article.

Anyway, some divers went down in Devil’s Hole or one of those springs there and disappeared.

Well, a few months later, they found one of the diver’s tanks in it -- what is it Sea of Cortez or the Gulf of California, you know, down in Mexico, and then I’m not sure what government agency did it, but they added some dye to the spring, and within a short time -- and I can’t remember whether it was days or a couple weeks -- it showed up in -- again in the Sea of Cortez or whatever you call that Gulf of California.

Well, this brings an international aspect into contamination of groundwater, and I think this very definitely needs to be addressed, and with our research techniques in looking for oil and so forth, ground penetrating radar and whatever, I’m sure that this deep aquifer, wherever it is, or river or whatever it is, can be found and located and tested.

The surface flow definitely goes down a few hundred feet, goes along the Amargosa River and then on into Death Valley, but the deeper flow apparently goes into Mexico.

There is no connection between Devils Hole or Ash Meadows and the Sea of Cortez. Yucca Mountain is in the Death Valley hydrologic basin, which is part of the larger Great Basin physiographic subprovince. This area is characterized by a very dry climate, limited surface water, and very deep aquifers. The Death Valley basin is a closed hydrologic basin, which means that its surface water and groundwater can leave only by evaporation from the soil and transpiration from plants.

The general path of the groundwater that infiltrates through Yucca Mountain is southward and includes flow in Amargosa Desert near Ash Meadows and Devils Hole. In this area there is a marked decline of about 64 meters (210 feet) in the water table elevation between Ash Meadows and the low axis (Carson Slough) of the Amargosa Desert area to the west and south. This elevation decline indicates that the groundwater flow is from Ash Meadows toward the Amargosa Desert, not the other way around. Therefore, potential contamination from Yucca Mountain could not discharge to the surface at Ash Meadows or Devils Hole. Sections and 5.3 contain more information. (1477)
- EIS001521 / 0011
Page S-41, fifth paragraph--The term "perennial yield" is confusing. Perennial usually refers to surface water (stream) conditions and indicates that water is flowing along the stream course on a continuing basis, but it has no connotation in terms of base-flow quantities and/or volumetric measurements. Ground-water hydrologists usually use the term "safe yield" (which no one really likes or has adequately defined) or the term "optimal yield" (defined by a set of socio-economic objectives associated with ultimate water use). In either case, the concern is to prevent overdraft of an aquifer (water being discharged from an aquifer is greater than recharge water coming into it), but to use a term that supposedly relates to overdraft concerns, and that heretofore has not been used in the hydrological sciences causes confusion (an element of the DEIS that should be eradicated, or at least, limited).

The term "perennial yield," which is equivalent to the term "safe yield," is commonly used by the Nevada State Engineer’s Office in relation to water appropriations. The definition used in the EIS (Summary Section S.4.1.4 and in Section was established by Walker and Eakin (DIRS 103022-1963) as "the maximum amount of water that can be withdrawn from the groundwater system for an indefinite period of time without causing a permanent depletion of the stored water or causing a deterioration of the water." This definition is also used by the Nevada State Engineer’s Office. The term "safe yield" has been added to the EIS in parentheses where appropriate. (1482)
- EIS001521 / 0021
Page 3-22, Figure 3-7--There are many more than the three or four "major" faults shown on this figure (see page 3-23, Figure 3-8, and page 3-27, Figure 3-10), and as such, the figure presents a very unrealistic presentation of the faulting in the repository area.

This figure has been updated and includes additional faults in the repository block area. (1483)
- EIS001521 / 0022
Page 3-23, Figure 3-8--The geology and faulting presented on this cross-section does not correlate well with the B-B’ trace on page 3-22, Figure 3-7. The cross-section should be simplified to accurately represent the trace as shown on the generalized bedrock geology map.

DOE has updated this figure in Section 3.1.3 of the Final EIS. The faults shown on the cross-section now correspond to the faults shown on the updated geologic map. (1491)
- EIS001521 / 0020
Page 3-17, Figure 3-5--(Legend) No ages for the "Caldera volcanic center" and "Other bedrock" units are given, while the others show approximate ranges. Consistency is needed. Also, Qby, Qbo, Typ, and Tyb are not defined here or in the text. Do these units relate to page 3-19, Table 3-6, or page 3-20, Table 3-7?

DOE has added a range of ages for the caldera and bedrock designations to the legend of Figure 3-5 of the EIS, and an explanation to clarify rock designations to the footnote in the figure (such as Qby, Typ, and Tyb). The figure shows the locations of calderas and generalized age groupings of volcanic rocks and does not correspond directly to all the units listed in Tables 3-6 and 3-7 in Section (1493)
- EIS001521 / 0032
Page 3-36, Regional Ground Water, first paragraph--Concerning the "confining unit" statement, see Summary, comment number 7 in this review.

DOE agrees that, technically, a confining unit does not allow movement of considerable quantities of water between aquifers. In some areas of the Death Valley region, the confining units do allow considerable water movement and should more properly be called aquitards. However, these units are sufficiently confining to support artesian conditions over much of their distribution in the regional basin. (1494)
- EIS001521 / 0033
Page 3-37, second paragraph--(Basins) In discussing regional geographic features, a reference to page 3-38, Figure 3-13 should be made (or to another figure that shows the entire Death Valley region). Also, recharge and discharge points would be much easier to visualize with a figure. According to page 3-38, Figure 3-13, ground-water flow is primarily to the south; the only western flow-direction arrow shown is questioned.

DOE agrees that a reference to a figure would be helpful. This section of the Final EIS now includes a reference to a new figure that shows the entire Death Valley regional flow system. The figure that was Figure 3-13 in the Draft EIS continues to be referenced later in the discussion. In addition, in Figure 3-13 the Spector Range section and the Indian Springs Valley section show a groundwater flow to the west, so not just the Funeral Mountain section has a western flow-direction arrow. (1495)
- EIS001521 / 0034
Page 3-37, third paragraph--All of the comments listed in the Summary items numbered 8, 9, and 10 in this review are pertinent to this paragraph and page 3-38, Figure 3-13. Also, were ground-water levels measured in wells that were completed in the same aquifer? If not, this would make the potentiometric-surface map useless (a figure showing this surface would also help). Statement about "other data" should be referenced. Mention in the discussion that flow in the aquifer(s) below Yucca Mountain is addressing primarily the water-table aquifer. Likewise, discharge areas relevant to the aquifer(s) underlying Yucca Mountain are also in reference to the water-table aquifer, or are they? Clarification is needed.

The responses to the referenced comments on the Summary (numbered 8, 9, and 10) identified changes to the Final EIS that have been applied to subsections of Chapter 3.

With respect to the comment about the comparability of wells completed in different aquifers, the Yucca Mountain Site Description, provides interpretations of report data to define regional potentiometric levels and hydraulic gradients (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). Among these interpretations are the following:
  1. Although the consolidated rock commonly has very low permeability, and very low rates of groundwater flow, the entire groundwater system, valley-fill and bedrock, should be treated as one integral system.
  2. Though vertical gradients exist between the valley-fill aquifers and consolidated bedrock aquifers, on a regional scale, the potentiometric levels are similar enough that all water level data, regardless of well construction, can be used to define regional potentiometric levels.
Regarding the validity of the water-level monitoring program and resulting potentiometric maps, the commenter is referred to D’Agnese et al. (DIRS 100131-1997) with respect to the Death Valley region, and to Luckey et al. (DIRS 100465-1996) with respect to the Yucca Mountain vicinity. A figure, showing the potentiometric surface of the Death Valley basin from D’Agnese et al. (DIRS 100131-1997), has been added to the EIS in Section

The statement concerning "other data" is intended to be a simple concession that more than "water levels in wells" has gone into the generation of regional potentiometric surface maps. More detail on the other types of information and interpretations used can be found in the Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000).

The groundwater flow path described in Section is from the volcanic aquifers beneath Yucca Mountain to the alluvial aquifers beneath Amargosa Desert. These are the aquifers in which the water table occurs in these areas, but the DOE is hesitant to introduce additional aquifer terminology to this already complicated discussion. DOE believes that the current description presents an adequate picture of groundwater flow to the average reader. The referenced documents provide additional information. (1496)
- EIS001521 / 0036
Page 3-37, fifth paragraph--Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley ground-water sub-basin includes "all" of Gold Flat and Oasis Valley; southern part of Cactus Flat; and southern part of Kawich Valley (designated a ground-water section, so it must be important). See page 3-38, Figure 3-13, for name locations.

DOE has modified the text to better describe the area included in the Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley groundwater basin. (1497)
- EIS001521 / 0035
Page 3-37, fourth paragraph--Is outflow from the Ash Meadows ground-water sub-basin, in part, to a lower portion of the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch ground-water sub-basin? Is the latter basin composed of upper and lower aquifer units, or is this merely referring to an entry point and the incoming ground water becomes homogenized volumetrically in the Alkali Flats-Furnace Creek Ranch water-table aquifer? Again, a potentiometric-surface map would greatly facilitate the visualization of these concepts. Also, Ash Meadows is the primary discharge point for which sub-basin? Are the springs at Ash Meadows a discharge point for the water-table aquifer (for which the sub-basin designations have been defined), or for a deeper confined aquifer (the lower carbonate aquifer on page 3-45, Figure 3-15)? A reference is needed for the statement "...springs occur in a line along a major fault."

As described in the Basins discussion in Section, groundwater in the Ash Meadows basin that does not discharge at the springs travels to the alluvial aquifers at the south end of the Amargosa Desert (which is in the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek basin), as suggested by most investigators (DIRS 101167-Winograd and Thordarson 1975; DIRS 101125-Claassen 1985; DIRS 103010-Kilroy 1991; DIRS 100131-D’Agnese et al. 1997; DIRS 148866-Laczniak et al. 1999). In addition, most investigators suggest that the alluvial fill of the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek groundwater basin is underlain by the lower carbonate aquifer. However, deep drilling has not verified this, and the lateral continuity and hydrologic properties of the lower carbonate aquifer beneath the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek groundwater basin are unknown. In the alluvial aquifers of the Amargosa Desert, mixing probably occurs as the flow continues toward the south. The Final EIS now contains a regional potentiometric surface map.

Ash Meadows is the primary discharge point for the Ash Meadows Groundwater Basin (as shown in Figure 3-13). The Final EIS applies "basin" and "section" terminology uniformly. As indicated in the last paragraph of the introduction to Section, at least part of the water discharged at the springs in the Ash Meadows area is from the carbonate aquifer.

The reference for the sentence containing "…springs occur in a line along a major fault…," as well as the next sentence, is D’Agnese et al. (DIRS 100131-1997) as well as the Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). (1498)
- EIS001521 / 0037
Page 3-38, Figure 3-13--The Amargosa Desert is not shown on this figure. Again, is it Alkali Flats-Furnace Creek ground-water sub-basin or Alkali Flats-Furnace Creek "Ranch" ground-water sub-basin?

DOE has added "Amargosa Desert" to the groundwater basin figure in Section The correct name is the "Alkali Flat -- Furnace Creek groundwater basin"; "Ranch" has been deleted from the name. (1772)
- EIS000572 / 0004
The ground water, there are no water rights left in Nevada. Las Vegas, everything, they are fighting over the water rights for the Truckee River. Some don’t have irrigation or anything else.

If we lose more water because of radiation leaks, then what are we going to do? I mean, if we have no water because we have messed up, we have put radioactivity into it, just because we decided that there is no other suitable site for it.

DOE recognizes the importance of water to the inhabitation and development of land in southern Nevada. The EIS points out that groundwater availability is a concern in many of the areas that the repository or associated transportation actions could affect. Chapter 3 notes (see Table 3-11) that current water appropriations for the Amargosa Desert are higher than some estimates of perennial yield for that area (though actual withdrawals are much less).

In discussing potential Nevada routes for transporting spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste to the proposed repository, the EIS identifies hydrographic areas crossed by routes that are "Designated Groundwater Basins" (see Tables 3-39, 3-40, and 3-57). The State of Nevada places this designation on hydrographic areas where permitted water rights approach or exceed the estimated perennial yield, and the water resources are being depleted or require additional administration, including State declaration of preferred uses (municipal and industrial, domestic supply, agriculture, etc.). Tables 3-39 and 3-57 indicate that the Las Vegas and Amargosa Desert areas are Designated Groundwater Basins, and that the Jackass Flats area (hydrographic area 227A), from which DOE would withdraw water for the proposed repository, is not. However, Section recognizes that groundwater withdrawn at Jackass Flats would to some extent reduce the amount of underflow that would reach downgradient areas. In addition, it indicates that the Amargosa Desert would be the first area to experience such an impact, and that the amount of water required by the repository would be very small in comparison to the amount already being withdrawn in that area. In summary, water is a critical factor in the region, but the amount of water needed to support the Proposed Action would be minor.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information). (2228)
- EIS000622 / 0012
There’s also a concern about what water will be used in that area. The water in that area that is being discussed for use in making cement and that kind of thing, spraying down the grounds, is already potentially contaminated from testing. Testing took place above, below and actually within the water table at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site.

Section of the EIS addresses groundwater quality. As part of DOE’s effort to characterize Yucca Mountain, DOE has monitored water quality in wells and springs throughout the area. There is no indication that DOE activities at the Nevada Test Site have contaminated the groundwater beneath Yucca Mountain or the water in wells J-12 and J-13, which is used for site characterization activities at Yucca Mountain. The nuclear tests referred to in this comment occurred 30 to 40 kilometers (19 to 25 miles) northeast of the Yucca Mountain site. There is evidence from monitoring at the Nevada Test Site that plutonium has migrated about 1.3 kilometers (0.8 mile) from one underground test (DIRS 101811-DOE 1996). For analytical purposes, Section of the EIS assumed that radioactivity from weapons testing on the Nevada Test Site would eventually be transported by groundwater to the same sites analyzed in the EIS for releases from the repository. The cumulative dose from the repository and the Nevada Test Site 18 kilometers (11 miles) south of the repository after 10,000 years is estimated in the EIS to be 0.42 millirem per year [0.22 millirem from the repository (the mean dose) and 0.2 millirem from weapons testing]. (2267)
- EIS000540 / 0001
DOE studies show the surface water infiltration and the rate of ground water contamination will take place in the Yucca Mountain area much more rapidly than previously thought. As a result of those studies, we believe that there is a potential for radionuclide exposure to residents living nearby in the Amargosa Valley.
Nevada’s largest dairy which serves the Los Angeles commercial market is located in that valley. And I believe the Draft Environmental Impact Statement fails to address this issue.

Ongoing studies suggest that water travels through the unsaturated zone at highly variable rates. Groundwater travel times for contaminants from the repository that enter the accessible environment (specified in 40 CFR Part 197) are on the order of thousands to tens of thousands of years. The natural discharge of groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain probably occurs far to the south at Franklin Lake Playa more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) away and travel times would be even longer. Modeling of long-term performance of the repository shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at the site would keep the radionuclides well below regulatory limits established at 40 CFR Part 197.

In evaluating the potential human health impacts of the repository, DOE considered all exposure pathways, including agricultural and animal products such as milk, for residents of Amargosa Valley. These pathways are included in the dose factors described in Section G.2.4.1 for operations and Section I.4.4.6 for long-term performance. From these analyses, DOE concluded that no latent cancer fatalities would occur in the surrounding populations from exposure to ionizing radiation from the Yucca Mountain Repository during operations and during the 10,000-year postclosure period. The potential exposure to ionizing radiation for anyone outside Amargosa Valley would be negligible. (2301)
- EIS000568 / 0003
I particularly am in disagreement with the ground water situation. First of all, it is really vague in the EIS. You try to look it up, you can’t even find it. It’s in other portions of the text. It’s really scattered. But basically what I understood from it is your solution to the pollution is dilution. That’s so bogus.

So I would like to see that if nothing else corrected.

Groundwater is discussed in many separate sections of the EIS because DOE followed the standard format recommended for EISs by the Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR Part 1502.10). Each of these groundwater sections is listed in the Table of Contents to the EIS.

As described in the EIS, contaminants that may eventually escape from the repository would most likely move in thin vertical plumes through flow tubes beneath the repository. This flow model would tend to reduce the amount of contaminant dispersion and dilution compared to a model in which these contaminants would mix on a large scale with groundwater flow in the saturated zone. Dilution of contaminants is a process that would occur in the natural environment at Yucca Mountain. DOE has incorporated this process into the models of the long-term performance of the repository based on the best understanding of the site. (2386)
- EIS000111 / 0002
We have access throughout through springs in the Amargosa area.

So whether it was USGS or whoever who did the testing felt the water was so deep in the ground that it wouldn’t be economical to pump, and there’s plenty of other groundwater, so they didn’t pursue it any further, but I think this needs to be addressed, because it would be a great resource for southern Nevada, but also it’s something that apparently in some areas is close enough to the surface to be seen, as the springs in Ash Meadows are, and so it would be contaminated, and the general groundwater flow seems to come down that way.

DOE assumes that this comment refers to discussions in Chapter 5 of the EIS on the selection of locations to be evaluated for impacts related to the long-term performance of the proposed repository. In describing impacts from the slow release of contaminants over thousands of years from the repository, Chapter 5 explains that because groundwater would be the primary transport mechanism, the locations of highest impact would be along the groundwater flowpath downgradient of the repository site. It also explains that the highest possible exposure scenario would be to individuals living along the flowpath who would be using and consuming the groundwater and consuming their own crops and livestock watered from the same source.

Section 5.3 of the EIS indicates that the place closest to the repository site where people currently live is about 20 kilometers (12 miles) to the south in the direction of groundwater flow (southeast to south) where groundwater is about 100 meters (330 feet) below the ground surface. (The Draft EIS inappropriately linked the depth to groundwater to the 5-kilometer distance. DOE has corrected this in the Final EIS.) Closer to the repository, the depth increases to more than 200 meters (660 feet), while it decreases farther south (into the Amargosa Desert). As stated in the EIS, groundwater depths much more than 100 meters would impose economic constraints on agricultural uses of the land. Therefore, the hypothetical exposed individuals might never be closer than 18 kilometers (11 miles) from the site, and there are no people in the area now.

The comment is correct that there is groundwater available and that it is currently used in areas such as Amargosa Desert, but the depths to groundwater in these areas are shallower than they are closer to the proposed repository site. The comment is also correct that there are springs in the area, but none has been identified on the specific groundwater flowpath between Yucca Mountain and Alkali Flat. The many springs of the Ash Meadows area are close to this flowpath, but they contribute water to the flow rather than receive water from it (see Section of the EIS). (2498)
- EIS001912 / 0044
Groundwater section needs a map showing different aquifer systems in the region of influence. Groundwater section needs a figure showing all springs in the area and discussion of the relationship of the springs to the various aquifers, if any. There is also a need to describe baseline information on water chemistry in the region of influence.

DOE agrees that an additional figure would help readers understand the relationship of the different aquifer systems in the region and has, therefore, has added a figure to Section 3.1.4 of the EIS showing a generalized hydrogeologic cross-section from Yucca Mountain to the northern portion of the Amargosa Desert. The figure is a simplified representation of groundwater levels, aquifers, and confining units in this area.

DOE believes that Section 3.1.4 of the EIS adequately describes the general location of major springs in the region of influence and that a figure showing these locations is not required. The area of primary interest is the pathway that groundwater travels from beneath Yucca Mountain. As described in Section, this pathway is to Jackass Flats, to Amargosa Desert, and then to Death Valley. Section describes the aquifers involved in this flowpath. The primary point of discharge along this path is Franklin Lake Playa in Alkali Flat, although some of the flow from the Amargosa Desert might travel to the Furnace Creek area of Death Valley. Figures 3-15 and 3-20 both show Alkali Flat and Furnace Creek. There are no other major springs or seeps along the pathway from Yucca Mountain.

A fraction of the groundwater might flow through fractures in the relatively impermeable Precambrian rocks in the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains toward spring-discharge points in the Furnace Creek area of Death Valley. Several large springs (Texas, Travertine, and Nevares) in the Furnace Creek Wash area of Death Valley discharge about 4 million cubic meters (3,250 acre-feet) per year near Furnace Creek Ranch on the east side of Death Valley.

The EIS mentions other well-known springs in the region, even though they are not in the groundwater pathway from Yucca Mountain. The best known are near Beatty, and in Ash Meadows. Section of the EIS discusses the springs in Ash Meadows and Figures 3-15 and 3-20 show the location of Ash Meadows. In addition, Section identifies Saturated Zone Groundwater Quality in two of the sampling points as springs in the Ash Meadows area. These springs are listed in Table 3-19 and shown in Figure 3-20.

The EIS contains several discussions of groundwater chemistry and quality. Section contains a Groundwater Quality discussion that compares regional groundwater sampling and analysis results to national drinking-water standards. Section includes a discussion of Saturated Zone Groundwater Quality that summarizes water chemistry for the volcanic and carbonate aquifers (Table 3-18) and the results of groundwater sampling and analysis for radioactivity (Table 3-19). This information establishes a baseline for the quality and characteristics of area groundwater. (2760)
- EIS000897 / 0001
What scenarios will be used for future groundwater use in the area, and why were they selected?

DOE assumed that this comment is asking about the groundwater-use scenario used to assess impacts related to the long-term performance of the proposed repository, as discussed in Chapter 5 of the EIS. Section 5.4 describes the exposure scenario for an individual having a diet and lifestyle representative of the current residents of Amargosa Valley, at 18 kilometers (11 miles) from the repository. The scenario assumed that this individual would "…grow half of the foods that the individual would consume on the property, irrigate crops and water livestock using groundwater, and would also use groundwater as a drinking water source and to bathe and wash clothes." DOE developed this scenario because it represents the highest exposure that could reasonably be expected for a resident of the Amargosa Desert area.

The analyses described in the Final EIS are based on the individual exposure scenario specified by the Environmental Protection Agency in their regulations at 40 CFR Part 197, Public Health and Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada. In this case, the regulation calls the hypothetical individual the "reasonably maximally exposed individual" and describes this individual as a person who would live at a point of maximum contaminant concentration about 18 kilometers (11 miles) from the repository site. This person would have a diet and living style representative of people now living in Amargosa Valley and would drink 2 liters (0.5 gallon) of water per day from wells tapping the groundwater at the person’s residence. The EIS also addresses the scenario for a groundwater protection standard, which is another requirement established in 40 CFR Part 197. In this case though, specific water standards would be met by a segment of groundwater that the regulation identifies by volume (that would be used annually by a hypothetical community) and location (with respect to the groundwater flow path from Yucca Mountain). (3281)
- EIS001107 / 0002
The Draft EIS is deficient in its analysis of the potential impact of a release of radioactive materials into the groundwater. The Draft EIS states "[t]he groundwater flow system of the Death Valley region is very complex, involving many aquifers and confining units. Over distance, these layers vary in their characteristics or even their presence. In some areas confining units allow considerable movement between aquifers..." Draft EIS, The Draft EIS continues to discuss scientific disagreements over the groundwater flow around Yucca Mountain, and to state that "additional research is needed to resolve the issues." Draft EIS, The Draft EIS concludes that "[n]atural discharge of groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain probably occurs farther south at Franklin Lake Playa, and spring discharge in Death Valley is a possibility." Draft EIS, 5.3 (emphasis added). The geologic repository proposed will contain the majority of the United States’ radioactive waste, basic questions regarding where groundwater from the site will travel should not be couched in uncertainties.

DOE believes there is little uncertainty about the southerly flow of groundwater from Yucca Mountain to the Amargosa Desert, then to the primary discharge point at Alkali Flat (Franklin Lake Playa). The EIS description of this flowpath often includes words such as "general," "most," and "primary" because not all of the flow discharges at Alkali Flat. For example, a small amount of the groundwater from Yucca Mountain that mixes with the large groundwater reservoir in the Amargosa Desert might move to the southwest through fractures in relatively impermeable Precambrian rocks at the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains. In addition, a small amount of the flow reaching Alkali Flat remains as groundwater and provides underflow to southern Death Valley. The component of flow to the southwest would either discharge in springs near Furnace Creek Ranch or continue to move as groundwater toward the Death Valley saltpan. With regard to the main flow to the south, groundwater moving past Alkali Flat moves toward discharge and evapotranspiration locations in the Shoshone-Tecopa area. Chapter 5 summarizes the proposed repository’s long-term performance, which includes projected effects at several distances from the Yucca Mountain site along the primary groundwater flowpath (Yucca Mountain to Amargosa Desert to Alkali Flat). There is no reason to suspect that any of the possible branches to this flowpath could experience greater impacts. (3499)
- EIS001521 / 0010
Page S-41, second paragraph--Again, the three ground-water sub-basins are not part of the Death Valley ground-water basin but are divisions of a subset of that basin, the Central Death Valley ground-water subregion.

DOE agrees that the subregion, basin, and section labels are not clear, and has changed them to be consistent with Hydrogeologic Evaluation and Numerical Simulation of the Death Valley Regional Ground-Water Flow System, Nevada and California (DIRS 100131-D’Agnese et al. 1997), which is the main source for this information in Section S.4.1.4 and Section in the EIS. (3502)
- EIS001521 / 0009
Page S-40, Figure S-19--(Legend) "Subregion boundary" should be labeled as the "Central Death Valley Subregion boundary" and the subregion should be defined in the text; "Ground-water basins and sections" should be labeled "Ground-water sub-basins and sections" and defined hydrogeologically in the text; Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley Ground-Water Basin should be designated as a sub-basin (as well as the other two sub-basins); and Jackass Flats appears to be part of the Specter Range section and not part of the Fortymile Canyon section. What is a ground-water section? The term is not defined in the Summary text, or anywhere else in the DEIS for that matter. Do sections equate to the State of Nevada’s hydrographic areas? According to the referral to the Jackass Flats area (page S-41, fifth paragraph), they do not equate.

DOE agrees that the subregion, basin, and section labels are not clear, and has changed them to be consistent with Hydrogeologic Evaluation and Numerical Simulation of the Death Valley Regional Ground-Water Flow System, Nevada and California (DIRS 100131-D’Agnese et al. 1997), which is the main source for this information in Sections S.4.1.4 and in the EIS. The flow in each subregion has clearly defined paths; for convenience, the subregions were subdivided into basins and sections. These boundaries are for descriptive purposes only and do not define discrete independent flow systems (DIRS 100131-D’Agnese et al. 1997). The groundwater flow subregion, basin, and section terminology used in D’Agnese et al. (DIRS 100131-1997) is not the same as that used in State of Nevada water appropriations, which is based on topographic divides. DOE has clarified that distinction in Section A new figure shows the relationship between the Death Valley region and subregions. (3522)
- EIS001150 / 0002
Possible ground water contamination in the event of an earthquake, corrosion of casks, etc.

DOE has conducted an extensive site characterization program at Yucca Mountain to evaluate the effects of existing faults and additional faulting on the groundwater flow and transport system. In addition, DOE has performed extensive analyses on the design of the waste packages.

The waste-emplacement areas would be away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide releases. Additional fault displacements from post-emplacement seismic activity probably would be on existing fault planes. Calculations show that there would be almost no effect on repository performance from rockfalls.

A fault-fracture flow system is the basis for the hydrology models. This model is derived from extensive studies conducted at Yucca Mountain. The addition of new faults and associated seismic events would have very minor or no effect on the current fault- and fracture-flow pathways and, therefore, would be unlikely to alter repository performance. Analysis of long-term repository performance shows that the combination of the site’s natural and engineered barriers would keep radionuclides well below the regulatory limits established at 40 CFR Part 197. EIS Sections 3.1.3 and contain more information.

Because the repository would be above the water table in the unsaturated zone, the most important process controlling waste package corrosion would be whether water would drip from seeps onto the waste packages. Field and laboratory testing indicate that seepage would be limited and the locations of the seeps would depend on fracture-matrix and drift-wall interactions. Under the present design, radioactive waste in the repository would be enclosed in a two-layer waste package and covered by a titanium drip shield. The waste package would have a chromium-nickel-alloy (Alloy-22) outer layer and a stainless-steel inner layer. These materials have extremely low corrosion rates and would be unlikely to fail for thousands of years. Section I.2.4 contains more information. (4038)
- EIS001513 / 0001
There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the future of Yucca Mountain. So many questions remain about its geology. There is known seismic activity in the area. Recent studies reveal that groundwater may move faster than previously thought. There may also be more volcanic activity than previously thought. Many questions remain about Yucca Mountain. Before we store 70,000 tons of nuclear waste, we must give all of these issues more attention.

Regarding the inherent uncertainty associated with geologic and hydrologic data, analyses, and models, and the confidence in estimates of long-term repository performance, Section 5.2.4 of the Draft EIS explains how DOE dealt with these issues.

Briefly, DOE acknowledges that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (see 40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:
  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.

  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.

  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.

  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.

  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.

  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.

  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.

  8. Use of peer review and oversight.

DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years.

Section 3.1.3 of the EIS describes the geologic setting of Yucca Mountain and the surrounding region in great detail, including faults, seismicity, and the volcanic history of the region. Section 4.1.8 of the Draft EIS describes the impacts from accident scenarios associated with earthquakes during operation of the repository. Several sections in Chapter 5 of the Draft EIS consider earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and their effects on the long-term performance of the repository. Except for some factual changes and clarifications that have been included in the Final EIS, DOE believes that the information in the Draft EIS on geology, geologic hazards, and the effects of these hazards on the repository, have been adequately described and analyzed in the EIS.

As part of its site characterization program, DOE has used a variety of naturally occurring isotopic indicators, one of which is chlorine-36, to investigate the nature of infiltration and deep percolation of water at the site. Results from this program indicate elevated amounts (values above normal background measurements) of "bomb-pulse" chlorine-36 from nuclear testing during the 1950s and 1960s. Detection of this "bomb-pulse" chlorine-36 in the subsurface at Yucca Mountain generally associated with faults and well-developed fracture systems close to these faults. Detection of elevated levels of chlorine-36 could be evidence of a connected pathway through which surface precipitation has percolated to depth within the last 50 years.

These results, however, must be viewed in their proper context regarding the question of whether waste can be stored safely at Yucca Mountain. Overall, most of the water that infiltrates into Yucca Mountain moves much more slowly through the matrix and fracture network of the rock. Only a small fraction has moved through the connected portion of the fracture network with relatively fast travel times. Carbon isotope data from water extracted from the matrix correspond to residence times as long as 10,000 years.

The elevated values of bomb-pulse chlorine-36 detected in the subsurface correspond to increases of between about two to eight times the amount of naturally occurring background chlorine-36. This background signal is the amount observed in the regional aquifers and the matrix waters of rocks in the unsaturated zone. Furthermore, even elevated bomb-pulse values represent exceedingly minute increases in the amount of chlorine-36. Naturally occurring ratios of radioactive chlorine-36 to the other isotopes of chlorine (chlorine-35 and -37) are on the order of one chlorine-36 atom to approximately 2 trillion other chlorine atoms. Their detection is more a tribute to the precision of the analytical methods used in this study (accelerator mass-spectrometry) than it is an indication of an unsuitable environment for the emplacement of high-level radioactive waste. To ensure the correct interpretation of this subtle chemical signal, studies are under way to determine if independent laboratories and related isotopic studies can corroborate this detection of elevated amounts of chlorine-36.

Another important factor regarding the safety of emplaced waste concerns whether percolating water would actually come in contact with waste packages. The process of drift excavation creates a capillary barrier that would cause the diversion of percolating water around the drift opening, further reducing the amount of water potentially capable of contacting waste packages. DOE is conducting a series of experiments to determine the seepage threshold, which is the amount of water necessary to overcome the capillary barrier caused by excavation. Results to date suggest that the amounts of percolating water at the waste-emplacement level could be insufficient to exceed the existing capillary barrier.

Additional evidence to the overall lack of observable fluid flow in the subsurface is the fact that throughout the excavation of more than 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) of tunnels (Exploratory Studies Facility and cross drifts) and testing alcoves, only one fracture was moist. No active flow of water was observed. Further observations from testing alcoves that are isolated from the effects of tunnel ventilation for several years confirm the lack of observable natural seepage at the repository level. In summary, despite encountering millions of fractures in the course of excavation activities, there is scant evidence that even modest quantities of water penetrate to the depth of the waste-emplacement horizon. (4044)
- EIS001524 / 0004
The DEIS is inconsistent when it states that water flows at highly variable rates through the saturated zone of Yucca Mountain because it states earlier that the amount of water affected would be minimal due to low rate of flow (Section By assuming a low flow rate (despite mentioning later that rates were variable), the DEIS underestimated the potential amount of seepage that could occur into the repository (DEIS, p. 5-10).

DOE agrees that the discussion in the Draft EIS may be confusing and warrants clarification. The first part of the paragraph is intended to describe how the number of seeps that flow into drifts, and the amount of water that they would carry, are limited by the small amount of water moving through the mountain. That is, the only source of the seepage is infiltration from surface precipitation and Yucca Mountain is in a warm, semiarid climate. The statement at the end of the paragraph describes how the time it takes for percolating water to move through the unsaturated zone is highly variable ("...less than 100 years to thousands of years…"). Use of the terminology "rate at which water flows" in the first statement did not provide a clear enough description of a quantity rate (amount per time) as intended. Accordingly, it has been changed to indicate the "small quantity of water flowing through". DOE believes that the amount of water included in modeling efforts as moving through the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain is consistent with results of numerous field measurements and studies and the portion of that water predicted to actually seep into the drifts is conservatively high. The commenter is referred to the Total System Performance Assessment – Viability Assessment (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998, Vol. 3) for a more detailed discussion on infiltration and seepage into drifts. (4145)
- EIS001199 / 0003
As evidenced in the experimental boreholes made for possible use in deep in ground storage, radioactive material from the above ground nuclear testing was found. The highly radioactive nuclear materials do not have to be water soluble, for even very, small radioactive particles can be transported in the flow of water in the underground water table.

What may be worse is that an earthquake at Yucca Mountain could cause groundwater to surge into the storage area, forcing dangerous amounts of plutonium into the atmosphere and contaminating the water supply. This is not an unlikely scenario, given that the area is a seismic minefield. Over the last 20 years, more than 621 earthquakes have been recorded in the area, at a magnitude of 2.5 or higher.

According to an article in a recent Chemical & Engineering News, where it was previously believed that plutonium in the stable oxide is exclusively Pu(IV), the present work shows that Pu02 can exist in a much higher oxidative state. It is suggested that more than 25% of plutonium atoms are actually in the Pu(VI) state.

A key factor in favor of burying plutonium waste was supposedly the highly insoluble nature of Pu(IV) compounds. In light of the fact that the Pu(VI) species does exist, and is more soluble in water, it will therefore be more mobile in geological environments. Thus, the safety of this storage plan needs to be reconsidered.

DOE agrees with this comment that nuclear-bomb era (post-1952) radionuclides appear to have reached the waste emplacement horizon at Yucca Mountain, as described in Section of the EIS. With respect to the transport of insoluble contaminants in groundwater as colloidal particles, this phenomenon is described in Section for the colloidal transport of plutonium from an underground detonation site on Pahute Mesa at the Nevada Test Site.

Additional research is addressing the relative magnitude of radionuclide migration by colloidal versus dissolved transport (particularly for plutonium) and definition of the effect of variation in the geochemical environment on colloid stability and transport. In addition, the reversibility of colloid sorption (the conditions in which colloids can bind or release radionuclides) is being analyzed. (4264)
- EIS001521 / 0013
Page S-66, Table S-1--Water demand values listed under Hydrology (ground water and surface water), of 250 to 480 acre-feet per year, are not the same as those listed for the Jackass Flats hydrographic area on page 3-40, Table 3-11, footnote f, of Volume 1 (300 acre-feet for the eastern third of the area and 580 acre-feet for the western two-thirds). Where did the 250 to 480 acre-feet values come from? Revise for consistency.

The information in Table S-1 of the Draft EIS is misleading. DOE has revised the short-term impact entry for Hydrology. Tables 2-7 and 8-5 reflect this change.

The "250 to 480 acre-feet values" from the Draft EIS represent the range of expected water demand for the repository during the operational period, and not the perennial yield values. Section of the EIS discusses the projected water demand. (4344)
- EIS001191 / 0007
DOE’s own data shows that Yucca Mountain will fail to contain the waste.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, which considered the effects of future seismic and volcanic activity, changes in the climate, and fast-path fractures extending from the surface to the water table, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information).

DOE agrees that evidence of nuclear-age water reaching the level of the proposed repository, along with other data collected at the site, has shown that water movement through rock fractures and faults is an important component of the site’s long-term performance. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository shows that the rate of radionuclide travel from the repository would be in compliance with the radiation protection standards in 40 CFR Part 197. Accordingly, DOE believes that the predicted releases of radionuclide from the repository would not be considered significant.

DOE recognizes there is a significant seismic hazard at Yucca Mountain, but with proper design, a repository can operate safely over the long term. The possibility of groundwater rise and repository inundation is remote because no credible mechanism is known that can account for such a rise in groundwater to the elevation of the emplaced waste. Szymanski (DIRS 106963-1989) proposed that during the last 10,000 to 1 million years, hot mineralized groundwater was driven to the surface by earthquakes and volcanic activities and deposited calcite and opal at Yucca Mountain. This hypothesis goes on to suggest that similar forces could raise the regional groundwater in the future and inundate the emplacement horizon.

To investigate this hypothesis further, DOE requested that the National Academy of Sciences conduct an independent evaluation. The Academy concluded in National Research Council (DIRS 105162-1992) that no known mechanism could cause a future inundation of the repository horizon. The geologic evidence indicates that groundwater never reached the repository horizon; in fact, the largest rise seems to have been about 120 meters (390 feet) during the last several million or more years. Based on simulations of earthquake effects, the predicted water table rise could be about 20 meters (66 feet) at most. The 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake raised water levels in some monitoring wells by a maximum of less than 1 meter.

Dublyansky (DIRS 104875-1998) proposed another line of data in support of the warm water upwelling hypothesis. That study involved fluid inclusions in calcite and opal crystals deposited at Yucca Mountain. It concluded that some crystals were formed by rising hydrothermal water and not by percolation of surface water. A group of independent experts, including scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, did not concur with Dublyansky’s conclusions. DOE disagrees with the central conclusions in Dublyansky’s report, but has supported continuing research by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. See Section of the EIS for more information. (4503)
- EIS001455 / 0004
By now, everyone knows that under the site at Ward Valley, where the government wanted to dump "low level" radioactive waste, is the largest groundwater aquifer in the state, containing an estimated thirty million acre feet of water. But how did that water get there? The Native Americans, who have been there for thousands of years, say the Amargosa River, which the E.I.S. sloughs off as if it is meaningless because it is mostly a dry river bed, used to be above ground. It went underground during a massive earthquake, which made a big crevasse, and caused the river to sink, and water to be trapped in the rock formations beneath the ground. And the report is correct—the groundwater flow system is very complex, and there is scientific uncertainty about the groundwater flow boundaries. To put it correctly, they don’t have a clue where that water runs underground, and how the emissions from the buried nuclear waste is going to migrate underground.

Forked-tongued talk, like "the depth to groundwater and the arid environment would combine to reduce the potential for meaningful contaminant migration" (at P. S-41) is meaningless and deceitful. What is a meaningful contaminant migration?

The geology/hydrology of Ward Valley is outside the scope of the Yucca Mountain EIS. However, the commenter should compare information on Ward Valley to available information on the Central Valley of California.

The Native American oral history cited by the commenter might reflect an ancient seismic event that affected the Amargosa River. However, the groundwater that occurs in the aquifers beneath the Yucca Mountain site originated as precipitation, recharge, and infiltration in areas (see Section of the EIS). The groundwater modeling technique utilizes probabilistic methods to account for the complexities of the groundwater system and uncertainties in both data and processes.

The EIS does not say there would be no groundwater contamination under the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain. Chapter 5 of the EIS describes the long-term performance of the proposed repository, and predictions of impacts from radioactive and nonradioactive materials released to the environment during the first 10,000 years after repository closure. The primary means, or pathways, by which these materials would become available, over time, to humans and the environment include gradual container failure and leaching of contaminants through the unsaturated zone beneath the repository, then to the groundwater. DOE believes it has learned about contaminant migration as a result of its experience at other waste-management facilities. In addition, the Yucca Mountain characterization effort has centered (and continues to center) around learning enough about the site to make reasonable projections about how and when contaminants would move should the proposed repository action take place.

Section 5.7 of the EIS presents results of analyses performed for "what-if" scenarios. These evaluations include looking at potential impacts from disruptive events such as human intrusion (by drilling) and volcanic and seismic disturbances. The long-term performance analysis includes looking at much wetter climates than exist today at Yucca Mountain and the potential effects on radionuclide transport.

DOE uses the term "meaningful contaminant migration" to indicate a level of radionuclide release and transport that would result in adverse health effects to the individual receptor (see Chapter 5 of the EIS). (4523)
- EIS001521 / 0007
Page S-39, sixth paragraph--(Ground Water) By definition, confining units "do not" allow considerable (ground-water) movement between aquifers. If they do, they are not confining units. The term "aquitards" should be used when and where ground water moves through lowly-permeable units.

DOE agrees that, technically, a confining unit does not allow "considerable movement" between aquifers. In some areas in the Death Valley region these units allow considerable water movement, and normally would be called aquitards. However, these units are sufficiently confining to support artesian conditions over much of their distribution in the regional basin. (4524)
- EIS001521 / 0008
Page S-39, seventh paragraph, and page S-41, first paragraph--The Amargosa Desert is not shown on page S-40, Figure S-19. Also, the relationship between the Death Valley ground-water basin, the Central Death Valley Subregion, and the three sub-basins should be clarified. Is it the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek "Ranch" ground-water sub-basin or the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek ground-water sub-basin (page S-40, Figure S-19)?

In Summary Section S.4.1.4 and in Section of the EIS, DOE has added "Amargosa Desert" to the groundwater basin figure and has added a new figure to show the Death Valley Regional Groundwater System and the three subregion boundaries. The correct title is "Alkali Flat - Furnace Creek groundwater sub-basin"; "Ranch" has been deleted. (4525)
- EIS001521 / 0038
Page 3-39, second paragraph--According to page 3-38, Figure 3-13, Fortymile Canyon lies within the Alkali Flats-Furnace Creek Ranch ground-water sub-basin, yet it is not mentioned here. This is a very important hydrogeologic feature and should be emphasized.

The comment is correct. DOE has added the Fortymile Canyon Section to the text in Section (4526)
- EIS001521 / 0039
Page 3-39, third paragraph--Reference the "one numerical model for infiltration" statement and justify the use of an average rate versus analyzing end members of a range of values. Also, the "in comparison" sentence should provide referenced values, or there is nothing to compare.

The statement was attributed to one of the two references listed at the beginning of Section 3.1.4 of the Draft EIS. Since publication of the Draft EIS, DOE has updated the reference materials for this discussion. The reference for the statement identified in the comment is the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000, Table 8.2-9). In response to this and other comments, DOE has added specific citations to Section 3.1.4.

The paragraph in question states that recharge in the local Yucca Mountain area is small in relation to other areas contributing to the same groundwater flow, and provides a simple basis for that statement. That is, other areas in the vicinity have both higher precipitation and higher infiltration rates. DOE believes more detail (such as ranges of infiltration estimates and precipitation for Yucca Mountain and for other areas in the vicinity, as well as comparative surface areas) is not necessary to justify the statement. Such detail would, in fact, make the explanation more complicated than necessary. In addition, Section contains a more detailed discussion of infiltration rates at Yucca Mountain. (4529)
- EIS001521 / 0042
Page 3-39, sixth paragraph--Again, the "Central Death Valley" designation is for a ground-water sub-region, not a ground-water basin.

DOE agrees that the subregion, basin, and section labels are not clear, and has changed them to be consistent with Hydrogeologic Evaluation and Numerical Simulation of the Death Valley Regional Ground-Water Flow System, Nevada and California (DIRS 100131-D’Agnese et al. 1997), which is the main source for this information in Sections S.4.1.4 and in the EIS. The flow in each subregion has clearly defined paths; for convenience, the subregions were subdivided into basins and sections. These boundaries are for descriptive purposes only and do not define discrete independent flow systems (DIRS 100131-D’Agnese et al. 1997). The groundwater flow subregion, basin, and section terminology used in D’Agnese et al. (DIRS 100131-1997) is not the same as that used in State of Nevada water appropriations, which are based on topographic divides. DOE has clarified that distinction in Section A new figure shows the relationship between the Death Valley region and subregions. (4530)
- EIS001521 / 0043
Page 3-40, first paragraph--If hydrographic areas are finer divisions of basins and/or sub-basins, define them hydrologically. Also, the hydrographic areas are not consistent with locations shown on page 3-38, Figure 3-13, because they are not even shown on the figure. Reference water-use withdrawal amounts listed throughout the paragraph. Define Devil’s Hole and why it is important.

DOE agrees that the subregion, basin, and section labels are not clear, and has changed them to be consistent with Hydrogeologic Evaluation and Numerical Simulation of the Death Valley Regional Ground-Water Flow System, Nevada and California (DIRS 100131-D’Agnese et al. 1997), which is the main source for this information in Summary Section S.4.1.4 and Section in the EIS. The flow in each subregion has clearly defined paths; for convenience, the subregions were subdivided into basins and sections. These boundaries are for descriptive purposes only and do not define discrete independent flow systems (DIRS 100131-D’Agnese et al. 1997). The groundwater flow subregion, basin, and section terminology used in D’Agnese et al. (DIRS 100131-1997) is not the same as that used in State of Nevada water appropriations, which are based on topographic divides. DOE has clarified that distinction in Section A new figure shows the relationship between the Death Valley region and subregions.

DOE has added the Devils Hole Protective Withdrawal to the EIS text. Section describes the special status species in the Ash Meadows/Devils Hole Protective Withdrawal. (4531)
- EIS001521 / 0044
Page 3-49, Table 3-11--The low end of the Jackass Flats hydrographic area "perennial" yield estimate is 880 acre-feet per year; yet on page S-41, Section S.4.1.4 Hydrology, of the Summary, fifth paragraph, that number is given as 890 acre-feet--which is correct?

The correct Jackass Flats hydrographic area perennial yield estimate is 880 acre-feet (1,085,000 cubic meters) per year. DOE has changed the number in Summary Section S.4.1.4. (4532)
- EIS001521 / 0045
Page 3-41, first paragraph--The comment about the usage of acre-feet should have come earlier in the chapter as it has already been used several times (on page 3-37, for example).

It is standard practice in DOE EISs to present numerical values in metric units with corresponding English unit conversions in parentheses. The paragraph in question, which is immediately after Table 3-11, describes the use of acre-feet in that table because it is the first instance in that section to present water quantities in English units only (because it is the commonly understood term to describe such quantities). DOE believes that this deviation from the standard practice warranted an explanation. "Acre-feet" is defined in the Glossary and in standard dictionaries, so there should be little confusion. (4533)
- EIS001521 / 0046
Page 3-41, second paragraph--(Ground-Water Quality) Programs that sample ground water for water-quality purposes are mentioned but no generalized information about the results are listed. Even though more detailed results concerning the subject are given in subsequent sections of Chapter 3 for the Yucca Mountain area, because this discussion is about regional hydrological aspects, generalized water-quality descriptions of the ground-water sub-basins should be listed, if available.

The second paragraph of the Groundwater Quality discussion in Section of the EIS (which follows the paragraph identified in the comment) presents generalized water quality descriptions for the Yucca Mountain region. It focuses on the water quality of the area downgradient from Yucca Mountain (that is, the Amargosa Desert area). Because this is the regional groundwater that the repository could eventually affect, the EIS describes the baseline water quality by comparing the analytical results of sampling groundwater and springs in this region to the most widely recognized standards for water quality: the Environmental Protection Agency’s drinking-water standards. To be brief, the discussion states that the sampled locations "...met primary drinking water standards, but that a few sources exceeded secondary and proposed standards." Then it identifies the specific parameters exceeded. The source of the information (DIRS 104828-Covay 1997) contains additional detail. In addition, Section of the EIS discusses radiological parameters in groundwater samples. (4534)
- EIS001521 / 0047
Page 3-41, Ground Water at Yucca Mountain; Unsaturated Zone, first paragraph--(Water Occurrence) Given that the perched-water bodies contain young water, as compared to pore-space water, and the attitude of the geologic units is dipping downward into a fault plane, could it be that the perched water exists merely by the fact that faulting off-set of a somewhat incompetent unit (like the Calico Hills nonwelded unit) creates a lowly-permeable fault "gouge" (or fill) that prevents further movement of water down that fault plane? In time, the Calico Hills nonwelded unit underlying the perched-water body will become saturated and drain off the perched water down-dip toward the fault plane (unless there is substantial and constant source of recharge to sustain the perched-water body). Therefore, the presence of the perched water indicates that there may be significant amount of lowly-permeable fault gouge associated with this faulted system. Perhaps too much importance is being placed on the perching unit (layer).

The scenario for the origin of the perched water described in the comment is reasonable and consistent with the general scenario identified under the Yucca Mountain project. The description is also very similar to the scenario described in the last paragraph of the Water Source and Movement discussion under Section of the EIS. See Striffler et al. (DIRS 104951-1996) for additional information on the several different scenarios that could result in the accumulation of perched water in the subsurface formations at Yucca Mountain.

The discussion of perched water in the EIS reflects the emphasis placed on this phenomenon in the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000) from which the description in the EIS was abstracted. The Site Description places considerable importance on perched water in conceptual models of flow in the unsaturated zone.

Section of the EIS does not judge the importance of the perched water that has been found at Yucca Mountain. But DOE does believe that it is important from the standpoint of full disclosure to describe these water bodies. Also, as identified in the EIS, dating of perched water has aided DOE’s understanding of water movement along faults and fractures in the subsurface. (4536)
- EIS001521 / 0049
Page 3-44, Table 3-12--Provide permeability information for all described hydrogeologic units to coincide with hydrologic discussion on previous pages. Also, only effective-porosity values are meaningful in determining water movement through sub-surface units--are these effective-porosity estimates? If not, they should be replaced with the appropriate estimates. The description of the Calico Hills nonwelded unit should include the basal vitrophyre and nonwelded tuffs of the Topopah Spring Tuff (as shown on page 3-45, Figure 3-15). This is important because later discussions (page 3-47, third paragraph) suggest that the basal vitrophyre and nonwelded tuffs of the Topopah Spring Tuff may or may not be the perching layer.

Table 3-12 pertains to the unsaturated zone, in which water flow is vertical and mainly through fractures. Permeability data on the unsaturated zone consist mainly of tests of saturated permeability measurements for cores, which would provide little information on water flow in the unsaturated zone. The more significant data with respect to movement of water in the unsaturated zone includes matrix saturation and hydraulic potential for which a large database exists, and is used in modeling unsaturated flow. Matrix saturation is included in Table 3-12 of the Draft EIS (Table 3-13 in the Final EIS), but hydraulic potential does not lend itself to simple tabulation. Effective porosity was not measured in the U.S. Geological Survey testing of some 4,900 core samples from the unsaturated zone (see DIRS 100033-Flint 1998).

The last part of this comment suggests that the "basal vitrophyre and nonwelded tuffs" of the Topopah Spring Tuff be specifically identified as part of the Calico Hills nonwelded unit in Table 3-12 of the Draft EIS. The primary sources of information for this table are Flint (DIRS 100033-1998) and Montazer and Wilson (DIRS 100161-1984). The description of the Calico Hills nonwelded unit in Table 3-12 of the Draft EIS identifies four subunits and notes that zeolites occur in the lower three subunits. Tracing the information back to the primary sources, the top subunit of the four is the basal portion of the Topopah Spring Tuff. To simplify the presentation, this level of detail is not included in the table. Moreover, Figure 3-15 of the Draft EIS (Figure 3-17 in the Final EIS) shows the vitrophyre and nonwelded tuffs at the base of the Topopah Spring Tuff as included in the upper volcanic confining unit. Flint (DIRS 100033-1998) and Montazer and Wilson (DIRS 100161-1984) provide more detail on the hydrogeologic units at Yucca Mountain. (4537)
- EIS001521 / 0050

Page 3-44, second paragraph--(Water Source and Movement) Range values should be used as well as the average. Using the high-end of the infiltration range of 3 inches per year would have an order of magnitude difference (when considering the resultant consequences on the stability of waste in the repository) as compared to an average of 0.3 inch. Water volumes would be much greater, and the amount of time to reach a relevant sub-surface horizon much less.

DOE used numerical data from the reference cited in the subsection (DIRS 100147-Flint, Hevesi, and Flint 1996) to illustrate the temporal and spatial variability of net infiltration in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain. Flint, Hevesi, and Flint (DIRS 100147-1996) developed conceptual and numerical models of net infiltration on the basis of analyses of field-moisture profile measurements at 99 neutron boreholes over an 11-year period (1984 to 1995). Thus, the infiltration models, which serve as inputs to models of recharge to the saturated zone, are based on qualitative and detailed quantitative measurements in different topographic/geologic terrains. The ranges and average values of net infiltration cited in the EIS summarize the results of this numerical modeling.

DOE believes that Flint, Hevesi, and Flint (DIRS 100147-1996) and the Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000), which is now also referenced in this discussion, explain the data in sufficient detail and that the EIS does not require additional explanation. (4538)
- EIS001521 / 0051
Page 3-45, Figure 3-15--There is no mention of the areal extent of the hydrogeological unit QTc, valley-fill confining unit. Does it underlie QTa, valley-fill aquifer, in many, most, or all places? Also, "uva, Upper volcanic" should have "aquifer" added to the name.

The subsurface extent of the QTc unit is not well established, and DOE has modified the "Comments" column in Figure 3-15 of the EIS accordingly. In addition, DOE has changed the heading for the "uva" unit in Figure 3-15 to "Upper volcanic aquifer." (4539)
- EIS001521 / 0052
Page 3-46, first and second paragraphs--The discussion of water movement through the unsaturated zone via fault-plane pathways is the over-riding reason for including the high-end range value for infiltration, and the possible movement of water to and through a proposed repository block (see Volume I, comments number 36 in this review). Yucca Mountain is resident to many prominent faults (especially for the expanded area of the l-t-l build-out blocks), and an assessment of the Mountain’s appropriateness for use as a viable site for radioactive-waste disposal must include a probable high-end analysis.

Chapter 3 of the EIS describes the nature of the environment that would be affected by the Proposed Action. Using average values in Chapter 3 to describe characteristics such as infiltration does not exclude using a range of values to describe impacts in other parts of the EIS. Chapter 5 of the EIS discusses the specific manner in which modeling was conducted and the parameters that were used. Section 5.2.3 is of particular relevance to this comment as it describes the analyses performed to model infiltrating water through the unsaturated and saturated zones. This section also describes how wetter climates were considered in modeling long-term performance of the repository. (4540)
- EIS001521 / 0053
Page 3-47, second paragraph, third bullet--Explain why the 10-foot soil depth over a fracture is important. If the soil horizon is already saturated prior to a precipitation event, the residence time of infiltrating water in that soil horizon may be minimal before a fault plane is encountered. In addition, a 10-foot thick soil in this environment would be somewhat unusual; or are we discussing alluvial, colluvial, or other surficial deposits here?

Where soil thickness exceeds 3 meters (10 feet), infiltration of surface water and nuclear-age chlorine-36 at Yucca Mountain is negligible. This is because soil zones thicker than 3 meters (10 feet) retain infiltrating moisture sufficiently long so that evapotranspiration recycles it to the atmosphere. In this context, DOE used the term "soil" to include alluvial, colluvial, and eolian deposits (DIRS 100147-Flint, Hevesi, and Flint 1996).

The source of the 3-meter (10-foot) soil-depth criterion is CRWMS M&O (DIRS 104878-1998). That report cites an earlier report (DIRS 100144-Fabryka-Martin et al. 1997) as the basis for the three criteria, including soil depth.

DOE does not believe that the EIS requires more information. (4541)
- EIS001521 / 0054
Page 3-47, third paragraph--The statement, "...low-permeability zeolite zones impede the vertical flow of water near (the base of) the Topopah Spring welded unit and its contact with the underlying Calico Hills nonwelded unit, forming perched-water bodies," suggests that the perching-zeolitic zone is within the basal part of the Topopah Spring welded unit, and not the basal vitrophyre and nonwelded tuffs of the Topopah Spring Tuff (which is the upper part of the Calico Hills nonwelded hydrogeologic unit, see page 3-45, Figure 3-15). Please clarify the sub-surface location of the perching unit. Also, after clarification, this statement should come earlier in Chapter 3 where perched-water bodies are first mentioned (see the Unsaturated Zone, Water Occurrence discussion on pages 3-41 and 3-42).

The comment refers to a statement in the subsection on Water Source and Movement in Section regarding the occurrence of perched, saturated water bodies within the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain.

As explained in the Yucca Mountain Site Description (see reference in Section 8.5.2), the majority of perched water bodies were found in formations overlying relatively impermeable matrix material, such as the Topopah Spring basal vitrophyre. Although the vitrophyre is extensively fractured, in many locations the fractures have been filled with clays and zeolitic materials that impede vertical flow. At borehole SD-7, and possibly elsewhere, portions of the Calico Hills unit have been extensively altered to zeolites to create perched water bodies. Thus, either the basal vitrophyre of the Topopah Springs Tuff or the underlying Calico Hills Formation can cause perching depending upon the local degree of alteration. As both stratigraphic units may be of very low permeability, it is not always clear which forms the perching horizon, and the issue may not be of great importance.

In order to avoid confusion, the cited statement in the EIS has been revised.

Regarding the suggestion to move text on p. 3-47 forward to p. 3-42, DOE does not believe this would be appropriate. (4542)
- EIS001521 / 0055
Page 3-48, Table 3-13--From which hydrogeologic unit was the analyzed pore water collected? This water-quality comparison is meaningful for only those units near and connected with the perched-water bodies. Was pore water collected from the Calico Hills nonwelded unit, beneath a perched-water body (if doable)? This would help determine if the perched water is moving down through the unit and "down dip" towards the fault plane where a higher degree of remobilization may occur.

According to the source of Table 3-13 (DIRS 104951-Striffler et al. 1996), the perched water samples came from boreholes NRG-7A, SD-9, UZ-14, SD-7, and UZ-1; the pore water samples came from four zones of UZ-14 between depths of 383.7 and 464.7 meters (1258.8 and 1,524.6 feet). Striffler et al. (DIRS 104951-1996) reports that perched water was found at a depth of 381 meters (1,250 feet) in UZ-14 and limited flow was observed to about 465 meters (1,526 feet). Thus, the top three pore-water samples (from cores) in Table 3-13 of the Draft EIS were from the same depth zone as the perched water and the fourth was from near its base. Striffler et al. (1996) also includes analysis of saturated zone waters from boreholes G-2 and H-1. However, Table 3-13 of the Draft EIS does not include these results. Yang, Rattray, and Yu (DIRS 100194-1996) present several chemical analyses of pore waters from below the perched zone in UZ-14. However, there is little variability among common ions (see DIRS 100194-Yang, Rattray, and Yu 1996). (4543)
- EIS001521 / 0056
Page 3-48, Saturated Zone, first paragraph--(Water Occurrence) Again, the upper confining unit description does not include the basal vitrophyre and nonwelded tuffs of the Topopah Spring Tuff (see page 3-45, Figure 3-15). Also, why change the names of the hydrologic units as they are listed for the Yucca Mountain vicinity on page 3-45, Figure 3-15, when discussing the hydrogeologic sequence immediately below the Mountain (middle volcanic aquifer on the figure is referred to as the lower volcanic aquifer in the text)? This causes confusion and is incorrect nomenclature when looking at the hydrogeology of the Yucca Mountain vicinity/area.

DOE agrees with the first portion of this comment and, to be consistent, "the vitrophyre and nonwelded tuffs at the base of the Topopah Spring Tuff" has been added to the description of the upper volcanic confining unit.

With respect to the second part of the comment, a problem faced by the EIS in presenting a simplified picture of the groundwater hydrology at Yucca Mountain is that the multiple studies involved and referenced have not been totally consistent in their nomenclature. As a result, the text in the referenced paragraph of the EIS attempts to use a simple terminology that is frequently used and recognizes that the terminology is slightly different in some studies.

The confusion regarding nomenclature of hydrogeologic units in the saturated zone noted by the reviewer is regrettable and the result of changes triggered by varying U.S. Geological Survey reports. Luckey et al. (DIRS 100465-1996) presented a table correlating geologic thermomechanical and hydrogeologic units for the Yucca Mountain area (in which, incidentally, the lowermost part of the Topopah Spring Tuff is included in the Upper Volcanic Confining unit). D’Agnese et al. (DIRS 100131-1997) used different hydrogeologic units in describing the groundwater flow system of the Death Valley region. Then, in the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 137917-CRWMS M&O 2000), the U.S. Geological Survey introduced the nomenclature shown in Figure 3-15 of the Draft EIS, which used the new terms Middle Volcanic Aquifer and Middle Volcanic Confining Unit, and redesignated the Lower Volcanic Aquifer and Lower Volcanic Confining Unit to apply to older materials. (4544)
- EIS001521 / 0057
Page 3-48, Saturated Zone, second paragraph--"Downstream" is a surface-water term, and is not used for discussing ground-water movement. Down gradient is appropriate. Also, there are many flowpaths beneath Yucca Mountain, not one, as the discussion seems to indicate. Relate the first sentence of this paragraph to page 3-38, Figure 3-13, for clarity.

DOE agrees that downgradient is more accurate, and the Final EIS now uses it, rather than downstream. In addition, DOE agrees that the description of the flowpath in this paragraph is a simplification. However, the attempt here is to describe how the transition is made from the volcanic aquifers being the primary source of groundwater at Yucca Mountain to the valley-fill aquifer being the primary source of groundwater in Amargosa Desert. DOE believes that the paragraph accomplishes this without being overly complex for the average reader. The wording regarding the groundwater flow path is consistent with the Total System Performance Assessment – Viability Assessment (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998). DOE has added a figure to Section that depicts a generalized hydrogeologic cross section of the area that helps clarify this discussion. (4545)
- EIS001521 / 0058
Page 3-48, Saturated Zone, third paragraph--"Evidence" for water ages should be given, or at least an example, with statements and values referenced. In fact, nearly every sentence in this paragraph (continued at the top of page 3-49) requires a reference. "Limited data" do not show anything unless they are shown. And referenced.

Evidence for the age of the water is contained in Sections 5.3 and 9.2 of the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000, Table 8.2-9). In response to this and other comments, DOE has added specific citations to Section 3.1.4. (4546)
- EIS001521 / 0059
Page 3-49, first paragraph--(top of page) The statement, "This indicates that, in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain, water from the lower carbonate aquifer is pushing up against a confining layer with more force than the water in the upper aquifers is pushing down" which defines the relationship of confining pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and related overburden "weight" is totally misleading. Recharge areas were not mentioned (altitude relationships), and many confined aquifers are not overlain by other aquifers but by very thick sequences of confining materials that contain little or no extractable ground water. I suggest using a referenced definition from a book on hydrogeology to define the pressure relationships between confined versus non-confined aquifers.

DOE does not believe that the EIS is misleading. The intent of the cited description is to present in simple terms the conditions observed in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain. DOE did not attempt to describe the reasons (higher recharge areas, overburden weight, etc.) behind the artesian condition, only that the condition was present. The comment is correct that many confined aquifers are not overlain by other aquifers, but at Yucca Mountain the volcanic aquifers do overlie the confined lower carbonate aquifer. DOE believes the EIS description appropriately states that water in the lower carbonate aquifer is at higher pressure than water at the bottom of the volcanic aquifer, and that the direction of leakage through the confining unit, if any, would be upward. Luckey et al. (DIRS 100465-1996) contains a more detailed discussion of this topic. (4547)
- EIS001521 / 0060
Page 3-49, second paragraph--During wetter periods, I doubt that the "saturated zone" was as much as 100 meters higher than it is today because the climatic conditions have nothing to do with tectonism; perhaps a clarification, that the water-table altitude (or another referenced aquifer water level) may be 100 meters higher today than during wetter periods, is needed.

DOE has revised the subject paragraph to provide the clarification. (4548)
- EIS001521 / 0061
Page 3-50, second paragraph--(Hydrologic Properties of Rock) Define hydraulic conductivity, as other parameters are defined.

DOE agrees with this comment and has defined "hydraulic conductivity." (4549)
- EIS001521 / 0062
Page 3-51, Table 3-14--Transmissivity (T) and hydraulic conductivity (K) numbers are not comparable, and of little use, since T values are given in units per day and K values are in units per year. Why make it so difficult to spot check the calculated T values by constantly requiring chronological versions of the K values? Also, more detail is needed about the calculated T values as shown in the table. On quick inspection, using the given unit thickness (or thickness range) and the given K-value range, the T-value range for the upper volcanic aquifer is 38.6 to 5,671 square meters per day (not 120 to 1,600); for the upper volcanic confining unit the range is 1.8 to 85.9 (not 2.0 to 26); for the lower volcanic aquifer it is <1.4 to 9,014 (not 1.1 to 3,200); and the T-value range for the lower volcanic confining unit is 0.002 to >82.6 square feet per day (not 0.003 to 23). Of course, these values need to be "rounded" using significant-figure protocol. The higher end members of the estimated T-value ranges would have a significant impact on the potential movement of contaminants through this hydrogeologic system, so the T values in Table 3-14 need to be substantiated.

The apparent hydraulic conductivity values have been changed to values in meters per day from values in meters per year for ease of comparison with transmissivity values presented for those units in Table 3-14 of the Draft EIS. The transmissivity (T) and "apparent" hydraulic conductivity (K) values are all from Luckey et al. (DIRS 100465-1996). As explained in that reference, the hydraulic conductivity values were calculated by dividing the reported transmissivity of the tested interval by the thickness of that interval in the borehole, which Luckey et al. (DIRS 100465-1996) recognized might be misleading and therefore used the term "apparent hydraulic conductivity" in the table. Because Table 3-14 of the Draft EIS lists "typical thickness" of the hydrogeologic units (also derived from DIRS 100465-Luckey et al. 1996), it is not surprising that the back calculation of T values from "apparent" hydraulic conductivity and "typical" thickness as described in the comment does not agree with tabulated T values. The text introducing Table 3-14 points out some of the problems in applying single borehole test data to hydrogeologic units, but the more detailed discussions in Luckey et al. (DIRS 100465-1996) are especially pertinent to this comment. (4550)
- EIS001521 / 0064
Page 3-53, first paragraph--Reference age-date values and climatic discussion.

Section 3.1.4 of the Final EIS now references the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000), and specific citations have been added to the text. Age-dating information and discussion of climates is from CRWMS M&O (DIRS 151945-2000). (4551)
- EIS001521 / 0065
Page 3-53, second paragraph--Again, Fortymile Canyon or Wash? Also, define "substantial" recharge. The connotation is that 3,400 acre-feet of recharge along the course of Fortymile Canyon are "not" substantial, true or not? To most hydrogeologists this amount of recharge, in an arid environment, is indeed substantial.

"Fortymile Wash" is the intended terminology in this case. The Fortymile Wash recharge discussion in the EIS has been revised to reflect the results of a more recent study. As described in the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000), the more recent study (DIRS 102213-Savard 1998) incorporated a loss factor not considered in the previously cited study (DIRS 100602-Osterkamp, Lane, and Savard 1994) and, accordingly, is believed to result in a more appropriate estimate of infiltration actually reaching groundwater. The newer estimates of recharge through Fortymile Wash are notably decreased from those presented in the Draft EIS. The EIS now presents a recharge estimate for only a 42-kilometer (26-mile) section of the wash that is in the area of Yucca Mountain as compared to the entire 150-kilometer (93-mile) length described in the Draft EIS. This further reduces the average annual recharge value now identified in the EIS as 110,000 cubic meters (88 acre-feet). (4552)
- EIS001521 / 0066
Page 3-53, sixth paragraph--(Outflow from Volcanic Aquifers at and Near Yucca Mountain) Again, a potentiometric-surface map would greatly clarify the discussion of the configuration of the ground-water surface. A lot is left to "faith" in these discussions (are descriptions accurate?). Also, again, page 3-38, Figure 3-13, does not show ground-water movement to and discharge occurring in Death Valley; it is questioned.

DOE has added a figure to Chapter 3 of the Final EIS to show the estimated potentiometric surface of the Death Valley region. As noted in the legend to Figure 3-15 in the Draft EIS, the question mark on the figure indicated uncertainty concerning a component of the groundwater flow path from the Amargosa Desert to the Furnace Creek area. To avoid confusion, DOE has removed the question mark and the legend note from the figure.

The natural discharge point for groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain is Franklin Lake Playa. A small amount of groundwater might flow through fractures in the relatively impermeable rocks in the Funeral Mountains toward discharge points in Death Valley. (4553)
- EIS001521 / 0067
Page 3-55, Figure 3-17--Are the legend designations rock types or aquifers (for example, carbonate rock)? If they are rock types, hydrologic and water-quality information collected from relevant wells are not correlative, and thus useless.

The legend indicates the aquifer from which DOE has drawn water samples. DOE has changed the legend from "contributing unit" to "contributing unit (aquifer)." (4554)
- EIS001521 / 0068
Page 3-56, Table 3-16--This is a very difficult table to analyze. What is a median water level? Water levels are usually established as an annual average or more often, measurements are made on given dates and are compared on a year-to-year basis. What was the period of measurement for the study? Was it 1992 through 1997? Is "Average deviation about the median" an annual average fluctuation or a fluctuation from year-to-year on a given date? Also, for "Difference (from the) baseline," are median and baseline equal terms? Water levels measured in production wells (J-12 and J-13) are meaningless.

Table 3-17 summarizes water-level changes in seven wells in Jackass Flats that have been monitored for several years. Results of the monitoring have been published by the USGS in annual reports, the latest of which, is cited as the source of Table 3-17. Explanations of the monitoring program and the data presentation given in the cited source answer the questions raised by the commenter.

Regarding median water levels, "median" is used in the usual statistical sense of the mid-point value of a ranking of several values, such as an annual median water level. As explained in La Camera, Locke, and Munson (DIRS 103283-1999), the median water level is used because the calculated median is less affected by a few high or low values than the arithmetic mean.

Regarding the period of record, as shown in hydrographs for all seven wells, the period of record ranges from 1983 to the present for most wells, although the record for well J-11 began in 1990, and for well JF-3 in 1992.

"Average deviation about the median" is explained in the text and graphically in La Camera, Locke, and Munson (DIRS 103283-1999). For each well, an average median water level was calculated for a baseline period, depending upon the available records. This baseline period was 1985-91 for JF-1, JF-2, and JF-2a; 1989-91 for J-13; 1990-91 for J-11 and J-12; and 1992-93 for JF-3. This baseline median (column 2 in Table 3-17) then serves as a standard for comparison for each well. For each well, a median water level is calculated and the yearly difference of this value from the baseline median is shown in columns 4 through 9 of Table 3-17. Thus, a consistent downward water-level trend is represented by a series of negative values in columns 4-9, as in the case of wells J-12, J-13, and JF-3. Conversely, a rising trend is indicated by a series of positive values, as in the case of J-11 and JF-2a. The U.S. Geological Survey has used this particular style of data presentation for many years in annual reports on groundwater data for the Yucca Mountain Region.

With regard to the observation that water level in production wells J-12 and J-13 are meaningless, DOE assumed that the comment indicates a belief that these represent pumping levels. This is not the case. As explained in La Camera, Locke and Munson (DIRS 103283-1999), water levels in wells J-12, J-13, and nearby JF-3 that might have been affected by pumping or recent pumping of the wells are not in the database.

DOE does not believe that further explanation is needed for Table 3-17 in the EIS because most of the questions relate to standard data presentation by the U.S. Geological Survey, which is explained in the reference cited as the source of the data. (4556)
- EIS001521 / 0069
Page 3-57, first paragraph --The nearness to or distance from Fortymile Canyon (or Wash) has little, if anything, to do with water levels measured in the wells. The key is, in which aquifer is each well completed? According to page 3-56, Table 3-16, the two wells with largest positive variations in water level were JF-2a and J-11. Well JF-2a is completed in carbonate-rock (aquifer) and well J-11 is completed in volcanic-rock (aquifer)(see page 3-55, Figure 3-17), the latter being located some six miles east of the other five wells completed in a north-south line near Fortymile Canyon (which are also completed in volcanic rock). Well JF-2a water levels are obviously not connected to like measurements made in the Fortymile Canyon well array. Well J-11 is located down-dip geologically (see page 3-43, Figure 3-14, for the general geological attitude of units) from the north-south Fortymile Canyon well array, and is probably completed in a differing volcanic aquifer than wells JF-1, JF-2, JF-13, JF-12, and JF-3. Well-completion data, constructed hydrogeologic cross-sections, and water-quality data would help resolve this issue and more clearly define the hydrogeologic system.

The comment is correct that distance from Fortymile Wash has little bearing on water level changes in wells JF-2a (UE 25 p#1) or J-11. DOE has revised the paragraph referred to in the comment, noting that well JF-2a taps the lower carbonate aquifer and, therefore, pumping from the volcanic aquifers would be unlikely to affect that well, and that well J-11 is a long distance from and up the hydraulic gradient from active production wells J-12 and J-13. (4557)
- EIS001521 / 0070
Page 3-57, Table 3-17--Composite water-quality data are presented for 12 volcanic-aquifer wells (footnote b), but page 3-55, Figure 3-17, shows only eight (by my count) wells completed in volcanic rock. Why the discrepancy? Also, are all 12 of these volcanic-aquifer wells completed in the same aquifer? Is there a water-quality variation from the upper-volcanic aquifer to the lower-volcanic aquifer? Correlate tabular water-quality data with well-completion data and show an appropriate location map.

Figure 3-17 is not related to Table 3-18. The figure is a map of sites in the Yucca Mountain region where water-level measurements are made, whereas Table 3-18 presents data on water chemistry from aquifers at Yucca Mountain. Table 3-18 now cites Benson and McKinley (DIRS 101036-1985) as the source of the analyses and the wells sampled that are identified in that table.

Fourteen wells were sampled to generate the volcanic-aquifer data presented in Table 3-18. Footnote b has been changed accordingly. (The original count considered the C-well complex as one well rather than three separate wells.)

The intent of Table 3-18 of the Draft EIS is to show a general difference between water from the volcanic aquifers and water from the carbonate aquifer. The DOE believes this is achieved in the table without providing more complicated detail. Although lateral differences in chemical quality of water in the volcanic aquifers at Yucca Mountain are observed, other than the pronounced difference from water in the carbonate aquifer noted in the EIS, little difference in chemical or isotopic character has been noted relating to stratigraphy of the volcanic rocks. (4558)
- EIS001521 / 0071
Page 3-58, Table 3-18--Separate the two volcanic aquifers (upper and lower) in the "Contributing aquifer" column, if possible. Also, footnote b reference to Figure 3-18 should be to Figure 3-17.

The source document for the data listed in Table 3-18 of the Draft EIS does not distinguish or identify the aquifer that the "volcanic" wells tap, only that they are intended to be representative of water from the volcanic sequence. Separating the volcanic aquifers in the table would not be practicable, because well J-13 taps the upper volcanic aquifer, the upper volcanic confining unit, the lower volcanic aquifer, and the lower volcanic confining unit, whereas the C wells tap the upper volcanic confining unit and the lower volcanic aquifer (see DIRS 100465-Luckey et al. 1996).

DOE has changed footnote b to refer to what was Figure 3-17 in the Draft EIS. (4559)
- EIS001521 / 0072
Page 3-58, first paragraph--(sentence immediately following Table 3-18). Will monitoring for comparisons between the differing contributing aquifers continue throughout the operation of the proposed repository and well into the post-closure period? It would be reassuring, if true.

DOE has supported Nye County with it's program (called the Early Warning Drilling Program) to characterize further the saturated zone along possible groundwater pathways from Yucca Mountain, as well as the relationships among the volcanic, alluvial, and carbonate aquifers. Information from the performance confirmation program (if Yucca Mountain is approved for a repository), could be used in conjunction with that of the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the Department’s understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information was available from the Early Warning Drilling Program. Since then this program has gathered more information (see Section of the EIS).

Monitoring requirements directly associated with proposed repository operations could be specified in a Nuclear Regulatory Commission license. DOE would develop this monitoring program based on data collected from the performance confirmation program, the Early Warning Drilling Program, and future regulatory requirements. The purpose of the performance confirmation program would be to determine if the repository was performing as predicted.

DOE would design and implement a postclosure monitoring program in compliance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations (10 CFR Part 63). Before closure, DOE would submit an application for a license amendment to the Commission for review and approval. The application would include, among other items:

  1. An update of the assessment of the performance of the repository for the period after closure
  2. A description of the postclosure monitoring program
  3. A detailed description of measures to regulate or prevent activities that could impair the long-term isolation of the waste, and to preserve relevant information for use by future generations
The application also would describe the DOE proposal for continued oversight to prevent any activity at the site that would pose an unreasonable risk of breaching the repository’s engineered barriers, or increase the exposure of individual members of the public to radiation beyond limits allowed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. DOE has modified Chapter 9 of the EIS to include the types of monitoring and other institutional controls that would be contemplated. The Department would develop the details of this program during the consideration of the license amendment for closure. This would allow DOE to take advantage of new technological information, as appropriate. (4566)
- EIS001521 / 0080
Page 5-24, Figure 5-3--The flow-direction arrow in the lower southeast corner of the figure (near and pointing towards the California-Nevada border) is not within the Central Death Valley (hydrologic) Subregion, as shown on page 3-38, Figure 3-13. Why is it shown and is it important? Also, again, the community of Lathrop Wells is now known as Amargosa Valley.

This comment is correct. Figure 5-3 no longer shows the flow arrow. In addition, DOE has changed "Lathrop Wells" to "Amargosa Valley" in the figure and text in Section 5.3. (4583)
- EIS001521 / 0095
Also during the discussion of geology, hydrogeology, and hydrology in Chapter 3 there is great confusion from one section to another when trying to determine the differences between (or similarities among) designations for, physical and chemical characteristics of, structural controls on, and areal and sub-surface extents of discussed units.

The subject comment is not sufficiently specific for a direct response. However, it should be noted that all comments received are considered in revisions to the EIS, and insofar as feasible, confusion between sections will be eliminated. (4763)
- 010447 / 0002
Scientists from Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories have reported that plutonium from an underground nuclear weapons test at Pahute Mesa on the Nevada Test Site had migrated almost a mile from the where the test had occurred. This finding contradicts DOE predictions about how fast plutonium moves through groundwater pathways. Until now, DOE had contended that plutonium movement is slow, several inches or feet over hundreds of years. This major discovery that plutonium has moved almost a mile in less than 30 years has great implications for DOE’s plans to isolate spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain.

Section of the EIS describes recent findings on the Nevada Test Site concerning the migration of plutonium. The small amount of plutonium detected in groundwater farther than expected from its source (a 1968 underground nuclear test) was apparently associated with the movement of colloids (very small particles). These findings suggest that radionuclides that are attached to colloids move faster than dissolved radionuclides because the colloids can travel in the faster parts of the flow paths, and sorb less onto host rocks than do dissolved radionuclides. Thus, the potential for faster movement of colloids becomes particularly important for radionuclides with high sorbtion, such as plutonium. Analysis of the long-term performance of the proposed repository incorporates the potential for plutonium to move with colloids (see Chapter 5 and Appendix I of the EIS). As described in Section I.3.1, DOE left plutonium species (specifically plutonium-239 and -242) in the model in spite of high sorbtion rates because of the large inventory that would be in the repository and the potential for colloidal transport. Consistent with this, the summary of modeling results in Section 5.4.2 attributes projected impacts from plutonium migration to colloidal transport, not transport as a dissolved element. The modeling of plutonium transport on colloids began with parameters derived from data obtained on the Nevada Test Site. The modeling, however, included input parameters that were above and below those derived from the Test Site data because the specifics of colloid properties and transport are not well known. (4778)
- EIS001519 / 0004
Statements about the unlikelihood of nuclear waste contaminating groundwater because of the dry, dusty climate in the Yucca Mountain are incorrect when the effects of a climate change are taken into consideration. Since the 1970s the global temperature has continued to increase, and the 1990s has been the hottest decade ever. Should this increase continue, the possibility of polar ice melting also increases, which would raise the water level, possibly into the level of the repository where contamination would occur. In addition, a sudden, rapid climate change even within the next ten years could raise the water table within dangerous proximity of the repository.

Several phenomena affect the energy budget of the atmosphere on short time scales, ranging from decades to centuries. These events include perturbations such as solar variability, volcanism, variation in carbon-dioxide content, and the El Niño southern oscillation. Human-caused increases in carbon dioxide have generated much scientific and public concern, because higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide trap outbound long-wave radiation, thus warming the Earth.

The consequences of a warmer Earth would almost certainly result in greater amounts of water vapor entering the atmosphere, which would increase precipitation in some areas. However, it is not known if climate changes affect carbon dioxide levels or vice versa. The Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000) describes the timing, magnitude, and character of past climate changes in the Yucca Mountain area and establishes the rationale for projecting such changes into the future. Based on this information, a model of climate change has been developed in which the modern-day climate at Yucca Mountain would persist for another 400 to 600 years, followed by a warmer and much wetter monsoon climate for 900 to 1,400 years, followed by a cooler and wetter glacial-transition climate for 8,000 to 8,700 years.

Inundation of the repository by rising groundwater during any of these climate changes would be highly improbable because no credible mechanism can account for such a rise. Szymanski (DIRS 106963-1989) proposed that during the last 10,000 to 1 million years, earthquakes and volcanic activities drove hot mineralized groundwater to the surface at Yucca Mountain and deposited calcite and opal. This hypothesis goes on to suggest that similar forces could raise regional groundwater in the future and inundate the repository horizon.

DOE requested the National Academy of Sciences to conduct an independent evaluation. The Academy concluded in its 1992 report (DIRS 105162-National Research Council 1992) that no known mechanism could cause a future inundation of the repository horizon. The geologic evidence indicates that groundwater never reached the repository horizon; in fact, the largest rise might have been about 115 to 120 meters (380 to 390 feet) during the last several million years. Earthquakes could raise the water table by at most 20 meters (66 feet). The 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake raised water levels in some monitoring wells by a maximum of less than 1 meter (3 feet).

Dublyansky (DIRS 104875-1998) proposed another line of data in support of the warm water upwelling hypothesis. That study involved fluid inclusions in calcite and opal crystals deposited at Yucca Mountain. It concluded that some crystals were formed by rising hydrothermal water and not by percolation of surface water. A group of independent experts, including scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, did not concur with Dublyansky’s conclusions. DOE disagrees with the central conclusions in this report, but has supported continuing research by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. See Section of the EIS for information on groundwater at Yucca Mountain. (5161)
- EIS001444 / 0014
Water Resources
There is no specific reference to any model that was used, other than modeling was done for the unsaturated zone or a 3-D model was developed for the saturated zone. What are the names of the models used?

Appendix I of the Draft EIS contains details on the models used. In particular, Figure I-1 shows the interrelations of models used in the total system performance assessment. The regional model was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and was built using the MODFLOWP computer program. (5199)
- EIS001443 / 0024
The DEIS recognizes uncertainties about groundwater flow boundaries among sub-basins within the Death Valley groundwater basin. Contamination of the deep regional aquifer which appears to underlie both Yucca Mountain and the Tecopa-Shoshone-Death Valley Junction area, poses the most significant long-term threat to the citizens and economy of Inyo County. Inyo County, in conjunction with Nye and Esmeralda Counties (Nevada) and the USGS, have engaged in groundwater research which points to a direct connection between water in the deep ‘Lower Carbonate Aquifer’ beneath Yucca Mountain and surface discharges (springs) in Death Valley National Park ("An Evaluation of the Hydrology at Yucca Mountain: The Lower Carbonate Aquifer and Amargosa River," Inyo & Esmeralda Counties, 1996, and "Death Valley Springs Geochemical Investigation," Inyo County, 1998, provided as Attachments A & B). These studies were funded with DOE grant money and done to a high standard of scientific accuracy, being subject to Federal (USGS) quality assurance and quality control measures.

The 1996 study of the Lower Carbonate Aquifer suggests a significant degree of hydrologic connectivity between the Lower Carbonate Aquifer lying beneath the proposed repository and surface manifestations of the same formation within Death Valley National Park. The study also indicated that populations in Amargosa Valley (including the California towns of Death Valley Junction, Shoshone, and Tecopa) utilize groundwater that may be hydrologically contiguous to a southward extension of the Lower Carbonate Aquifer.

The 1998 investigation of the geochemistry of spring waters in the mountains east of Death Valley (some of which are developed to serve domestic and commercial uses in Death Valley) gave indications that these spring waters may be dominated by input from the Lower Carbonate Aquifer, perhaps via relatively fast pathways through fractures in the formation. It should be noted that these same springs also sustain populations of a number of threatened and endangered species.

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement does not address our findings, either to acknowledge or deny the implications of these studies with regard to potential pathways for contaminants to reach human populations or a National Park. Our studies, which have been available to DOE for some time, are absent from the estimated 50,000 pages of technical background material which went into development of the DEIS. We are formally including, by reference, these studies into our comments on the DEIS.

The County considers this a critical oversight on the part of DOE, which should be rectified by serious consideration of our scientific work and placement of our findings in the proper context.

The entire range of available scientific studies on groundwater flow in the Amargosa Valley, including applicable groundwater dating methodologies and flow velocity measurements, should be discussed. Competing models and methods and their results should be compared by the DEIS to provide a clear view of the current state of knowledge on the region’s hydrology. The discussion of subsurface transport mechanisms of radionuclides needs further development, comparing the potential roles of colloidal, suspended particulate, and solution transport of contaminants under a range of assumptions about climate and subsurface conditions.

Specific Recommendation: DOE should review the above-cited research products for merit, incorporating the information into the hydrology database compiled for purposes of evaluating potential impacts to regional aquifers. If our reports have been submitted using a format or methodology not acceptable to DOE, Inyo County should be informed immediately to allow the County to redirect our research and reporting efforts. The DEIS should utilize the entire range of available hydrologic models and methods to bound projections of groundwater flow, contaminant transport concentrations, and velocity in the region potentially impacted by release of radioactive contaminants from the repository.

Section of the EIS acknowledges that the groundwater flow path from Yucca Mountain extends to Jackass Flats, the Amargosa Desert, and then southward to the primary point of discharge at Franklin Lake Playa in Alkali Flat southeast of Death Valley Junction. Some of the groundwater that reaches Franklin Lake Playa might bypass the playa and continue on to Death Valley via Tecopa and Shoshone. The EIS also acknowledges that a fraction of the groundwater beneath the Amargosa Desert might flow through the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains toward springs in the Furnace Creek Wash area of Death Valley.

Chapter 5 of the EIS does not specifically address risks to people and natural resources in the areas of Tecopa, Shoshone, or Death Valley National Park from groundwater use and consumption. However, it can be clearly seen in the evaluations in Chapter 5 that risks would decrease with increasing distance from the repository. Accordingly, impacts to these other areas, because they are farther away on the groundwater flow path, would be less than those for the furthest distance evaluated in the EIS. Section 5.9 of the EIS addresses impacts to biological resources as a result of the long-term performance of the repository. As indicated in this section, DOE does not quantify impacts to biological resources from exposures to contaminated groundwater. Rather, DOE equates impacts to biological resources to the negligible impacts expected to humans from the use and consumption of this groundwater.

Regarding the comment’s discussion of the referenced geochemistry report, the conclusion stated in the comment is not consistent with the conclusion of the report. The comment states that the investigation documented in the report "… gave indications that these spring waters may be dominated by input from the Lower Carbonate Aquifer." However, in describing the source of the Death Valley springs, the report’s conclusion states that it remains unanswered. The report further concludes, "The water can come from recharge in 1) the area of the NTS [Nevada Test Site] and Yucca Mountain; or 2) the Amargosa Basin fill deposits, or 3) the area to the east that includes the Ash Meadows springs, or some combination of all three" (DIRS 147808-King and Bredehoeft 1999).

DOE acknowledges receipt of the two reports identified by the comment. These reports are not specifically referenced in the EIS (similar to numerous other source materials that are not specifically referenced), because their conclusions are not contradictory or inconsistent with the information already in the EIS. With respect to the conclusion discussed in the preceding paragraph, for example, the EIS identifies the possible link between groundwater beneath the Amargosa Desert and the springs in the Furnace Creek area, and suggested that some of this spring discharge could involve groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain. The second report cited by the comment ("Lower Carbonate Aquifer") concludes that: (1) groundwater movement beneath Yucca Mountain is upward out of the carbonates into the tuff; (2) if contaminants reach the carbonates, travel times could be relatively short; (3) discharges to springs on the east side of Death Valley appear to be linked to the carbonates; (4) Esmeralda County is not in the groundwater flow path from Yucca Mountain; and (5) there are geohydrologic data gaps with respect to the carbonate aquifer (DIRS 147808-Bredehoeft, King, and Tangborn 1996). DOE believes that these conclusions are consistent with information in the EIS.

Chapter 5 of the EIS describes how the movement of contaminants, released from the slow degradation of the waste packages within the repository, has been modeled. The model factored in the slow movement of water through the rock matrix and the relatively fast movement of water along rock fractures and faults. Although the rate at which groundwater moves is very important to the model, it is not the only factor that controls the movement of contaminants. Section I.2.4 of the EIS describes how the waste package degradation has been modeled and how the cladding and waste form degradation models come into play before the contaminants would become available for transport through the unsaturated and saturated zones. Section I.2.4 also describes the various mechanisms that would affect how these materials move through these zones, including movement with colloids and the sorption and desorption that would take place as individual radionuclide or chemical species interacted with the rock through which they were moving. These and other parameters have been integrated into the performance assessment model to present a defendable and conservative estimate of impacts to groundwater and downgradient users of that groundwater.

The site characterization program at Yucca Mountain has gained valuable knowledge about the groundwater flow system, but it is recognized that collecting additional data would reduce several uncertainties regarding the long-term performance of the repository. It is recognized, however, that some uncertainty is inherent to the process. The approach taken in the long-term performance assessment was to recognize the uncertainties that are important to the evaluation, and then identify which uncertainties could be reduced by additional data and which ones would not. With respect to uncertainties due to data gaps, the approach is to use conservative assumptions where necessary, with the understanding that the information gained from ongoing studies may eventually support less conservative assumptions and less conservative estimates of impact. These and other types of uncertainties are discussed further in Section 5.2.4 of the EIS. Section 5.2.4 also addresses issues of variability (as opposed to uncertainties) associated with the natural features of the system being modeled. It then goes on to describe the various techniques, such as sensitivity analysis, used in the modeling effort to analyze uncertainties and variabilities and to gauge their affects on the modeling results.

In summary, DOE acknowledges that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:
  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.
  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.
  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.
  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.
  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.
  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.
  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.
  8. Use of peer review and oversight.

DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years. (5270)
- EIS001887 / 0024
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) for the Yucca Mountain high-level waste project includes an evaluation of environmental consequences (in terms of dose) of alternative repository design concepts and alternatives. The conclusion drawn from the results of these evaluations is that compliance is achieved.

There is, however, strong evidence that casts doubt on the validity of the conclusions and these compliance assessments in light of NWPA and NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] requirements. This evidence is related to the choice of groundwater pathways selected for the analyses.

At Yucca Mountain, the primary human exposure pathway is through ingestion of groundwater. In conducting a performance assessment for Yucca Mountain, an accurate view of the groundwater flow field is essential. The velocity of the groundwater is one of the most sensitive parameters in the transport equation and, therefore, strongly influences dose calculations. The direction of the groundwater pathway is important as it dictates the hydrologic and geochemical character of the rock encountered along the pathway. Direction, along with velocity, strongly influences sorption and other important variables such as dilution and effective porosity in the saturated zone.

There has been considerable debate over the actual flow paths that would be followed by radionuclides released from the repository. Modeling results performed by the State of Nevada (Lehman and Brown, 1994, Lehman and Brown, 1995) indicate major differences may exist in flow path direction, velocity, and sorptive capability compared to that used in the latest assessments by DOE, including the Draft EIS, if all available data sets are utilized.

By failing to evaluate credible alternative models or opposing views of the saturated zone, DOE is not in compliance with NEPA. Being out of compliance with NEPA means automatic noncompliance with the NWPA. DOE is specifically out of compliance with NEPA Section 1502 for not summarizing, discussing or using important data sets; failure to evaluate credible opposing viewpoints; and not proposing testing to reduce uncertainty in the choice between alternative conceptual flow paths.

DOE believes that the evaluation of potential environmental consequences documented in the EIS does present a sound case for compliance. This comment mentions that the choice of groundwater pathways selected for the analysis of compliance in the EIS is flawed due to the omission of unspecified data sets. Without identification of these data sets it is not possible to address this issue specifically. Therefore, the following discussion addresses pathway selection from the standpoint of an overall assessment of the present state of knowledge of saturated zone flow in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain.

The comment makes several references to the modeling performed by Lehman and Brown, particularly the evaluation of alternative saturated zone flowpaths that their work suggests. DOE scientists performed an assessment of their modeling efforts and concluded that, due to weaknesses in the model and the results of more recent hydrologic and chemical investigations, there is insufficient support for the suggested alternative flowpaths. Specific model deficiencies include model documentation, lack of data supporting wide, permeable northwest-oriented fault zones, poor agreement to observed temperatures (Solitario Canyon and Paintbrush faults), permeabilities much larger than documented in some areas, and over-constrained boundary conditions (DIRS 151948-CRWMS M&O 2000).

Key features of the saturated zone conceptual model suggested by Lehman and Brown (DIRS 149173-1996) require water movement across the repository block from west to east via discrete northwest-trending fracture zones. The proposed model suggests that another fault zone exists just to the south of the repository footprint. The following paragraphs contain specific examples of field data and hydrochemical investigations that contrast with the conclusions of the State’s investigators.

Immediately to the west of Yucca Mountain the elevation of the water table increases abruptly approximately 45 meters (148 feet) as you cross the Solitario Canyon Fault going from east to west. This change in water table elevation is presumably due to a strong permeability contrast caused by juxtaposition of lithologic units and gouge along this fault. The net effect is to produce a geologic barrier that inhibits hydrologic communication across the fault. Evidence of this barrier is seen in the different chemical and isotopic signature of water collected from the east and west sides of the fault. A similar barrier to north-south flow may exist along Yucca Wash to the north of Yucca Mountain.

Additional evidence of the isolation of the flow regime near Yucca Mountain comes from analyses of uranium-234:uranium-238 ratios. Anomalously high ratio values initially established in the unsaturated zone are preserved in the upper saturated zone beneath Yucca Mountain, a condition which would not be expected if sufficient throughflow of water (moving either north to south, or west to east) was passing beneath Yucca Mountain. Reducing chemical conditions have been observed in the upper saturated zone near the site east of the fault (borehole WT-17), indicating a lack of dissolved oxygen and restricted circulation. This is in sharp contrast to values recorded in the channel of Fortymile Wash at the latitude of Yucca Mountain where moderate uranium-234:uranium-238 ratios, oxidizing conditions, and younger water is observed. Simply put, the water that underlies Yucca Mountain appears to lie within a backwater that experiences limited throughflow and sluggish circulation. All of these findings argue against the high-permeability flow paths suggested by the Lehman and Brown (DIRS 149173-1996) model.

The comment states correctly that groundwater velocity is one of the most sensitive parameters in the transport equation. The preceding paragraph offers several lines of evidence that argue against rapid flow in the saturated zone beneath Yucca Mountain.

In addition, mapping recently conducted to refine the geologic model of Yucca Mountain did not find any evidence to support the State’s contention regarding the existence of an undiscovered high-permeability fault zone south of the site. In conclusion, consideration of the available data from field studies and analytical laboratory determinations do not support the alternative model proposed by Lehman and Brown (DIRS 149173-1996). (5496)
- EIS001887 / 0164
Page 3-38; Section - Regional Groundwater

Figure 3-13 should depict the entire Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, not just a portion of the system, and include the associated groundwater flow paths. The Draft EIS states that the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System is a closed system with groundwater not leaving the system except by evapotranspiration. Figure 3-13 should graphically show this.

A figure has been added to show the entire Death Valley regional groundwater system and the subregion divisions. (5498)
- EIS001887 / 0166
Page 3-39; Section - Regional Groundwater

Only the water quantity for the low thermal load is given here. What is the quantity for the intermediate and high thermal loads, and why were the data not given?

In the Draft EIS, DOE used the water quantity for the low thermal-load because it represented the repository layout with the largest area, potentially intercepting the largest amount of infiltration from the surface, and therefore representing the most conservative estimate. Therefore, the water quantities for the intermediate and high thermal-loads were not provided. In Section of the Final EIS, it is stated that the quantity of water that might move through a repository area of 10 square kilometers (2,500 acres) under one of the operating modes, assuming 4.7 millimeters (0.2 inch) of infiltration per year, would be about 0.2 percent of the estimated 23.4 million cubic meters (19,000 acre-feet) that moves from the Amargosa Desert to Death Valley on an annual basis. (5503)
- EIS001887 / 0167
Page 3-41; Section - Groundwater at Yucca Mountain

What would be "sufficient quantities of water" for DOE to collect? There are more than a few places in the ESF that dripped water.

DOE has clarified this statement in Section of the EIS. Researchers working in the Exploratory Studies Facility have encountered a few moist areas in the rock, but there no dripping water or water has accumulated or collected in the drift. (5504)
- EIS001887 / 0168
Page 3-42; Section - Groundwater at Yucca Mountain

Is perched water found only below the proposed repository horizon?

Why wasn’t Chlorine 36 also used here, along with tritium?

Within the proposed repository boundary, perched water bodies have been detected only below the waste-emplacement level. Hydrochemical analyses of samples from these perched water bodies show no detectable amounts of tritium and yield values of chlorine-36 only slightly above background levels. There is no evidence of recharge from recent infiltration of waters containing "bomb-pulse" isotopic indicators in any of the sampled perched water bodies.

The presence of perched water beneath the waste-emplacement level (above the regional water table) is a positive factor in relation to the potential transport of radionuclides for the following reasons:
  1. The fact that the water is perched between the repository horizon and the water table indicates a barrier to flow. In this case, the perching layer possesses less matrix permeability and has a smaller fracture density than the overlying rocks
  2. The age of the perched water is thousands of years. The perching layer appears to impede the downward flow of water so that the water has aged substantially (thousands of years) in its current location. This increased residence time provides greater potential for diffusion and sorption of radionuclides released from a breached repository. (5506)
- EIS001887 / 0170
Page 3-46; Section - Groundwater at Yucca Mountain

Define and quantify "relatively rapid water movement."

Section of the EIS indicates that water infiltration in the rock above the waste emplacement horizon slows substantially once it reaches the high porosity and low-density fracture zone of the Paintbrush nonwelded unit. Studies have shown residence times on the order of 10,000 years in the matrix of this unit (DIRS 104983-CRWMS M&O 1999). Also described in this section is the finding of "bomb-pulse" or "nuclear age" water at the waste-emplacement level. This finding indicates that some water has moved from the surface along isolated fracture pathways in the Paintbrush unit to the waste emplacement level within 50 years. (5508)
- EIS001887 / 0171
Page 3-46; Section - Groundwater at Yucca Mountain

Define and quantify "very small amounts" of fallout. What is the basis for the assumption of "very small amounts" of fallout?

As indicated in the "Chlorine-36 Studies" text box in Section of the EIS, chlorine-36 occurs naturally in the atmosphere. That is, it is part of the nonradioactive chlorine in the atmosphere that settles on the Earth’s surface. Without a nuclear fallout contribution, the natural or background ratio of chlorine-36 to chlorine is about 500 ´ 10-15 (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). That is 1 part per 2 trillion (one chlorine-36 atom in 2 trillion chlorine atoms).

Global fallout from thermonuclear testing, primarily from tests in the Pacific Proving Ground, resulted in maximum meteoric chlorine-36-to-chlorine ratios of about 400 times background or 200,000 ´ 10-15. Present day chlorine-36-to-chlorine ratios in surface soils at Yucca Mountain are generally in the range of 1,500 ´ 10-15 to 3,000 ´ 10-15 (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000).

This is a simplification of the variables DOE considered in the chlorine-36 studies. However, it indicates the very small quantities of chlorine-36, with or without contributions from fallout that DOE is investigating. The Department did not intend the EIS text in question to be a statement on the importance of the fallout; but to indicate that the numbers are extremely small. The Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000) and Evaluation of Flow and Transport Models of Yucca Mountain, Based on Chlorine-36 and Chloride Studies for FY98 (DIRS 104878-CRWMS M&O 1998) contain more information. (5509)
- EIS001887 / 0172
Page 3-47; Section - Groundwater at Yucca Mountain

Give the best estimate of groundwater travel time, not just less than 10,000 years.

The analyses of groundwater travel times, which were reported in the Draft EIS, were originally prepared for the Total System Performance Assessment -- Viability Assessment (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998, Volume 3). These analyses used a conservative approach with respect to some aspects of the natural system; that is, the analyses incorporated parameter values that were meant to ensure that Total System Performance Assessment results would have little chance of being criticized as optimistic.

In general, the value of a conservative description of the natural system is to provide a more easily defensible Total System Performance Assessment for consideration by regulatory bodies. However, due to the compounding effects of such conservatisms, the model results presented in the Draft EIS are not suitable for evaluating groundwater travel time or examining the anticipated performance of the natural system because they present a somewhat unrealistic "worst case" scenario. Efforts are underway to produce a more realistic assessment of the performance of the natural system that is more suited to evaluation of anticipated transport and groundwater flow issues.

As part of its site characterization activities, DOE has undertaken various studies to identify and consider characteristics of the unsaturated (above water table) and saturated (water table) zones, such as the flow of water and transport of radionuclides, that are relevant to analyzing groundwater travel times. DOE also has considered physical evidence such as the chemistries and ages of water samples from these zones. Because of the inherent uncertainties in understanding such natural processes as groundwater flow, DOE has developed numerical models to represent an approximation of these processes and to bound the associated uncertainties.

Based on these models, which incorporate the results of these studies and available corroborating physical evidence, DOE estimates that the median groundwater travel times would be about 8,000 years (from the repository down through the unsaturated zone into the saturated zone and out to the accessible environment), and average groundwater travel times would be longer. These models indicate that small amounts of water potentially moving in "fast paths" from the repository to the accessible environment could do so in fewer than 1,000 years. However, the models and corroborating physical evidence indicate that most water would take much more than 1,000 years to reach the accessible environment. The long-term performance of the repository shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at the site would keep radionuclides well below the regulatory limits established at 40 CFR Part 197. See Sections 3.1.3, Section, and Section 5.4 of the EIS for additional information. (5512)
- EIS001887 / 0173
Page 3-49; Section - Groundwater at Yucca Mountain

The Draft EIS should discuss more fully the fluid inclusion work on the calcite and opal veins and coatings underway at UNLV. The Draft EIS contains a brief discussion of the controversy over evidence that hydrothermal activity may have occurred at Yucca Mountain in the past and could reoccur during the lifetime of the repository. The text gives the misleading impression that this matter has been resolved in DOE’s favor as a result of a NAS review of the issue. In fact, the issue is the subject of an ongoing joint study being implemented by the University of Nevada Las Vegas, DOE, and the State of Nevada. Preliminary indications from data and analysis emerging from this study indicate that fluid inclusions found in calcite-silica deposits at depth within the exploratory tunnel at Yucca Mountain are of hydrothermal origin. Work is ongoing to confirm this finding and to discover the age of the fluid inclusions. The outcome of this study has significant implications for the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a repository site and for the viability of the Proposed Action as described in the Draft EIS.

Based on the results of the analyses in Section of the EIS, DOE does not believe that a credible rise of the water table would inundate the waste emplacement areas. However, that section does discuss evidence that the elevation of the water table at Yucca Mountain has fluctuated over time, due largely to changes in the climate. In addition, DOE examined the cumulative effects on the elevation of the water table from a wetter climate, earthquakes, and a volcanic eruption. Based on the evidence at hand, no reasonable combination of wetter climates, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions could raise the elevation of the water table sufficiently to inundate the waste emplacement areas at Yucca Mountain.

Section of the EIS discusses several opposing views on fluctuations in the elevation of the water table at Yucca Mountain. These investigators believe that the water table has risen in the past to elevations that are higher than the proposed waste emplacement areas. DOE does not concur with these views, nor did an expert panel that the National Academy of Sciences convened to examine this issue (as described further in Section DOE believes that the geologic evidence strongly indicates that over the past several million years, water levels at Yucca Mountain have not been more than 120 meters (390 feet) higher than the present level. Although DOE has disagreed with the central scientific conclusions in this report (DIRS 104875-Dublyansky 1998), it continues to support independent research in this area, as well as on other aspects of the geology and hydrology that enhances an understanding of the site. The Department considers the fluid inclusion study being conducted at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, as a supplemental confirmatory research effort. The EIS includes an update on the status of the University’s study. (5514)
- EIS001887 / 0175
Page 3-52; Section - Groundwater at Yucca Mountain

Provide the actual feet/mile or meters/kilometer for the slope of the water table east of the Solitario Canyon fault.

DOE has added text to Section of the EIS to quantify the gentle slope of the water table in this area. (5515)
- EIS001887 / 0176
Page 3-53; Section - Groundwater at Yucca Mountain

The use of the word "probably" in the third paragraph on this page does nothing but cause one to doubt the veracity of the statement.

Why is the average net infiltration rate on this page given as 4.5 millimeters over 220 square kilometers but on page 3-44, it is given as 4.5 millimeters over 230 square kilometers? Also, why wasn’t the infiltration rate for the repository area used instead of the rate from the larger study area?

The statement that the groundwater pathway beneath Yucca Mountain is southerly conflicts with Figure 3-13 and other figures used in various DOE presentations that show an initial eastward flow of the groundwater, then down Fortymile Wash.

DOE has deleted the word "probably" from the paragraph cited by the commenter. In the Draft EIS, the correct area is 220 square kilometers (89 square miles). It should be noted that estimates of net infiltration now presented in the EIS are from a more recent infiltration study and differ slightly from those presented in the Draft EIS. Also, the analysis in question now uses the net infiltration rate estimated for the 4.7 square kilometer (1.8 square mile) repository area. The overall direction of groundwater flow in the basin is to the south and the initial eastward flow of the groundwater at Yucca Mountain is a local phenomenon, so DOE does not find a conflict between the statement and Figure 3-13 of the Draft EIS. (5517)
- EIS001887 / 0177
Page 3-54; Section - Groundwater at Yucca Mountain

Define and quantify the term "small" as used in the sentence regarding the volume of water pumped from USW VH-1.

According to records supplied by the Yucca Mountain Project to the Nevada State Engineer, DOE has pumped less than 800 cubic meters (0.65 acre-foot) of water from borehole USW VH-1 since 1992. The Department considers this to be a comparatively small amount of water. (5602)
- EIS001887 / 0228
Page 4-25; Section - Impacts to Groundwater from Construction, Operation and Monitoring, and Closure.

This section discusses the potential for contaminant migration to the groundwater and does not state whether any impacts to groundwater quality are predicted. It appears that DOE did not analyze potential water quality impacts of the repository project, especially consequences of long-term repository performance. The Draft EIS should indicate what analysis was used to determine impacts to water quality, if any, and show any impacts to water quality that might occur.

As stated in Section of the EIS, the depth to groundwater, the thickness of alluvium in the area, and the arid environment at Yucca Mountain would combine to reduce the potential for surface contaminants to reach groundwater during the preclosure period. Hence, DOE does not predict that contaminants from materials inadvertently released at the surface (or in the waste emplacement areas) would reach groundwater during the preclosure period. If such a release were to occur, however, DOE would remediate the site of the release according to procedures in applicable plans, such as a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan.

Based on the results of extensive analyses reported in Chapter 5 of the EIS, DOE believes that a repository at Yucca Mountain would operate safely during the postclosure period. DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information). (5603)
- EIS001887 / 0229
Page 4-29; Section - Impacts to Groundwater from Construction, Operation and Monitoring, and Closure

What type of general groundwater flow patterns changes would be expected from pumping more than 0.72 million cubic meters from the western portion of Jackass Flats? Although the Draft EIS states that the changes would be "small," the changes expected and any impacts from these changes should be discussed here.

Since issuance of the Draft EIS, two efforts have been completed to model groundwater flow and estimate impacts associated with water use for the repository and are described in Section of the Final EIS. The results of one effort, which assumed a conservatively high water demand for the repository over a period of 100 years, indicated a small [about 0.3 meter (1 foot)] drawdown from project pumping as far away as the community of Amargosa Valley after 100 years. It also indicated that the additional drawdown would be minor compared to drawdown from ongoing groundwater withdrawals in the region. The other effort compared two steady-state simulations (baseline and predictive future) and estimated a drawdown of less than 1.2 meters (4 feet) at Amargosa Valley as a result of the proposed action’s water demand. (5651)
- EIS001887 / 0271
Page 5-11; Section - Limited Water Contacting Waste Package

The last sentence of this section should state that the rate of water movement through the unsaturated zone can be from 50 years to thousands of year, not less than 100 years to thousands of years, as stated in this section.

The commenter’s suggested change would not alter the meaning of the sentence. DOE has therefore retained the original sentence in the Final EIS. (5767)
- 010027 / 0012
On Page 2-20 a number of repository layouts are illustrated. The "Flexible Design" and "Low Thermal Load" layout options extend further north than the proposed design. These, therefore, appear to extend closer to a location where, in previous analyses, the groundwater level would be closer to the repository horizon. This is not discussed or described, however, in the SEIS.

Figure 2-7, on page 2-20 of the Supplement to the Draft EIS shows three repository layouts from the Draft EIS, with the fourth layout for the flexible design which is the current proposed design. This comment is correct in noting that the flexible design layout extends farther north than the layouts described in the Draft EIS. The comment is also correct that this is the area where the groundwater would be closest to the repository level. The Supplement does not go into detail on this change because it would be unlikely to make a notable change in the impacts of the Proposed Action.

The reported depth of groundwater from the level of the repository has been revised slightly in the Final EIS to account for new data and the small change in repository layout. As noted in Section, the repository block would be at least 160 meters (520 feet) and as much as 400 meters (1,300 feet) above the present water table. [The depth range described in the Draft EIS was 175 to 365 meters (570 to 1,200 feet).] These are conservative estimates of the depth from the repository to the water table taken from the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). A more recent document, the Yucca Mountain Science and Engineering Report (DIRS 153849-DOE 2001), presents a similar repository layout figure for the flexible design, but it is superimposed with groundwater elevation contours. In Figure 1-13 of that report, and as described in the associated text, the depth from the primary block’s northern most emplacement drift to the groundwater table would be about 210 meters (690 feet). The north main access drift loops a little farther to the north where groundwater would be higher, but it would not be a location of waste emplacement. Groundwater elevation contours that cover large areas, as shown in the figure in the Science and Engineering Report, must be based on a limited number of observation wells at which the depth to groundwater can be measured. As a result, there are uncertainties associated with the exact locations of contour lines between wells. However, in this case there is an observation well approximately 120 meters (390 feet) north of where the northernmost drift would lie. Accordingly, there is high confidence in the groundwater elevation contours in this immediate area. (5809)
Comment - EIS001887 / 0441
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act requires that an EIS, consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act, be prepared and accompany a recommendation for site approval. The amended NWPA (1987) still requires consistency with NEPA, but does not require the DOE to consider:

  1. The need for the repository

  2. Alternative sites to Yucca Mountain, or

  3. Non-geological alternatives
NWPA Section 114(f) specifically states that all other provisions of NEPA apply. NEPA Section 1502.22 relates to incomplete or unavailable information. NEPA regulations require that, if information is available that would aid in evaluating uncertain effects, it must be obtained and analyzed unless it is too expensive to do so. If costs are prohibitive, then it must be disclosed as incomplete or unavailable information. Specifically, regulations require that if information cannot be obtained, the EIS must include:
  1. A statement that such information is incomplete or unavailable.
  2. A statement of the relevance of the incomplete or unavailable information to evaluating reasonably foreseeable significant adverse impacts on the human environment.
  3. A summary of existing credible scientific evidence that is relevant to evaluating reasonably foreseeable significant adverse impacts on the human environment.
  4. The agency’s evaluation of such impacts based upon theoretical approaches or research methods generally accepted in the scientific community.
The Yucca Mountain Draft EIS is not in compliance with numbers 2, 3, or 4 above. While DOE has stated that information used in determining the groundwater flow model is incomplete or unavailable, the existing credible scientific evidence relevant to evaluating reasonably foreseeable significant adverse impacts has not been summarized nor has it all been utilized in developing flowpaths.

To be in compliance with NEPA, DOE is required to consider effects of credible alternative models in the Draft EIS. While the Draft EIS recognizes differing viewpoints regarding groundwater flow and references the State of Nevada-funded studies of Lehman and Brown, 1995, there has been no evaluation of the impacts. (See Attachment U to these comments for an expanded discussion of this topic.)

DOE believes that the EIS is consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), and with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 10101 et seq.). DOE acknowledges in several places in the EIS that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (see 40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:
  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.
  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.
  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.
  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.
  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.
  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.
  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.
  8. Use of peer review and oversight.
DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, including incomplete or unavailable information, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years.

Sections and discuss opposing views on groundwater conditions and groundwater boundaries. Although DOE disagrees with the central scientific conclusions of these opposing views, it continues to support research in several areas and on other aspects of the geology and hydrology of the region to enhance the Department’s understanding of the site. (5858)
- 010422 / 0002
[Have full disclosure of] what the specific geology of the proposed storage area as well as expert opinion on the suitability of the property for storage.

Section 3.1.3 of the EIS describes the geologic setting of Yucca Mountain and the surrounding region in great detail, including faults, seismicity, and the volcanic history of the region. This description includes the opinions of many experts who have reviewed and provided input to the site characterization process. Based on the results of analyses reported in Chapter 5 of the EIS concerning the long-term performance of the repository, DOE believes that a repository at Yucca Mountain would operate safely; that is, in compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Public Health and Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada, at 40 CFR Part 197. Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, it is the Secretary of Energy’s responsibility to either recommend or not recommend the Yucca Mountain site to the President for construction of a repository. The Secretary will base the decision on the vast amount of information collected by DOE and other agencies during the past several decades. (5874)
- EIS001622 / 0018
Need for More Thorough Evaluation of Potential Groundwater Impacts in California

Inyo County, California testified before DOE on the long-term threat that the Yucca Mountain repository poses to regional groundwater supplies and to communities east of Owens Valley. Studies conducted by Inyo County and Nye and Esmeralda Counties in Nevada point to the existence of a continuous aquifer running from beneath Yucca Mountain south to Tecopa, Shoshone and Death Valley Junction. These studies indicate that water flowing beneath Yucca Mountain flows generally south to become surface water and groundwater flowing into Death Valley that is used for commercial and domestic purposes and supports natural habitats. Some of these springs also support populations of a number of threatened or endangered species.

In addition to determining potential pathways for radionuclides, the DEIS should evaluate the effect of DOE’s proposed groundwater extraction in Jackass Flats on the flux or rate of flow of groundwater to discharge areas of the regional aquifer in California. The groundwater extraction proposed at Jackass Flats will eventually exceed the perennial yield that has been defined in the DEIS. All extraction, even that which does not exceed perennial yield, will decrease the amount of water that flows through the aquifer and is discharged at down-gradient springs and wetlands. This decrease would almost certainly affect such habitat deleteriously.

The source of water at Jackass Flats will be supplied by (1) more water entering the groundwater system (increased recharge), (2) less water leaving the system (decreased discharge, and/or (3) removal of water that was stored in the system, or some combination of these three. It is unlikely that recharge will increase. Since recharge will probably not increase, we are left with the conclusion that less water will be discharged from the aquifer, and the amount of groundwater in storage will be decreased. Both of these results will decrease the down-gradient groundwater supply from the regional aquifer to springs and wetlands.

Recommendation: The DEIS should more fully evaluate potential pathways for radionuclides reaching regional groundwater supplies in eastern California, such as in the Death Valley region. The DEIS should evaluate the above-referenced studies and include them in their analyses of the potential migration of radionuclide contaminants to regional groundwater supplies. The DEIS should also include a discussion of proposed methods, including monitoring wells and water resource studies, to determine the amount of change in flux that can be expected, the potential effects of that change on aquatic and riparian habitat and water supply, and proposed mitigation procedures.

The EIS recognizes that the region’s groundwater flowpath includes the locations identified in this comment, with the exception of the Owens Valley area. Section describes the flowpath for groundwater beneath Yucca Mountain to be to Jackass Flats to the Amargosa Desert, and then south to the primary point of discharge at Alkali Flat (Franklin Lake Playa) southeast of Death Valley Junction. The EIS also recognizes that some groundwater reaching this far might bypass this playa area and continue into the Death Valley basin, which would require moving through the Tecopa and Shoshone areas. The EIS recognizes that a small fraction of the groundwater flow beneath the Amargosa Desert might flow through fractures in the relatively impermeable Precambrian rocks in the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains toward spring discharge points in the Furnace Creek Wash area of Death Valley.

Chapter 5 of the EIS does not specifically address risks to people and natural resources that might be experienced in the Tecopa, Shoshone, or Death Valley National Park areas as a result of groundwater use and consumption. However, the evaluation presented in Chapter 5 shows that risks would decrease with increased distance from the repository site. Accordingly, impacts to these other areas, because they are farther away on the groundwater flowpath, would be less than those for the furthest distance evaluated in the EIS. Section 5.9 addresses impacts to biological resources as a result of the long-term performance of the repository. As indicated in this section, DOE did not quantify impacts to biological resources as a result of exposures to contaminated groundwater, but did relate them to the minimal impacts expected for humans through the use and consumption of the groundwater.

As described in Section 3.1.4 of the EIS, the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system is a terminal hydrologic basin. That is, there is no natural pathway for water (groundwater or surface water) to leave the basin other than by evaporation or transpiration through plants, and Death Valley is the low area for the basin. With this in mind, impacts to groundwater of the area east of Owens Valley would be unlikely as a result of the Proposed Action. Depending on the specific location of concern, it would be outside the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system (DIRS 100131-D’Agnese et al. 1997) or its groundwater flows toward the same basin in Death Valley National Park. (That is, groundwater from Yucca Mountain would have to flow down to the Death Valley basin and back up-gradient to reach areas east of Owens Valley that are outside of the Park.)

Section 4.1.3 of the EIS addresses the relatively short-term impacts associated with the extraction of groundwater to support the operational phases (that is, construction, operations and monitoring, closure) of the proposed repository. (These are considered short-term in comparison to those dealing with the long-term performance of the proposed repository that are discussed in Chapter 5.) As identified in Section, the peak projected annual water demand for the repository action [360,000 cubic meters (290 acre-feet)], when combined with projected demand from the Nevada Test Site [350,000 cubic meters (280 acre-feet)], would approach, but would not exceed, the lowest estimate of perennial yield for the western two-thirds of the Jackass Flats hydrographic area [720,000 cubic meters (580 acre-feet)]. This combined withdrawal rate would be well below the highest estimates of the perennial yield of this area. Section recognizes that groundwater withdrawal at Jackass Flats would, to some extent, reduce the amount of underflow that would reach down-gradient areas. However, it also discusses that the first area to experience an impact would be the area of the Amargosa Desert, and that the amount of water required by the repository action is very small in comparison to the amount of groundwater already being withdrawn in that area.

Since the publication of the Draft EIS, additional efforts have taken place to model the impacts of the proposed repository’s groundwater withdrawals on the regional groundwater. Results of these efforts, which predict relatively minor changes in both water elevation outside of the Yucca Mountain area and in the amount groundwater flux into Amargosa Desert, are now described in Section of the EIS. (5887)
- EIS001622 / 0020
Need for Hydrogeologic Cross-Section and Water Level Maps

The DEIS does not contain a hydrogeologic cross-section--a basic tool for evaluating the potential impact of contaminates on groundwater--to help evaluate potential groundwater migration from the proposed repository into the Amargosa and Death Valleys. The EIS should include the cross-section as well as maps showing water level isocontours. Without this information, potential environmental impacts to groundwater in California cannot be reasonably assessed. In addition, the DEIS’ characterization of the carbonate aquifer in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain is insufficient. It appears that only a single well completed in this aquifer was tested. This method does not provide reliable data on groundwater flow direction or aquifer hydraulic conductivity. More field data are needed to enhance the computer-modeling effort. Without the actual parameters of the aquifer, it is difficult to judge the model’s reliability for predicting the fate and transport of radionuclides 10,000 years into the future.

Recommendation: The DEIS should include a hydrogeologic cross-section and maps showing water-level isocontours to help evaluate potential groundwater migration from the proposed repository into the Amargosa and Death Valley regions. More field data on groundwater flow direction or aquifer hydraulic conductivity are needed to enhance the computer modeling effort.

DOE agrees with this comment on the importance of developing hydrogeologic cross sections and water-level isocontour (or potentiometric surface) maps. The Department did not include more of this type of information in the Draft EIS to keep the discussion as simple and brief as possible. However, as a result of this comment and others, Section 3.1.4 of the Final EIS contains a potentiometric surface map of the region and a hydrogeologic cross section simplified from the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). DOE believes that the EIS text provides a simplified description consistent with those in the hydrogeologic cross sections.

With respect to the second part of the comment, DOE plans to acquire additional characterization data for the carbonate aquifer. The Nye County Nuclear Waste Repository Project Office has embarked on an independent verification, testing, and oversight drilling program that includes the Early Warning Drilling Program. Information from the ongoing site characterization program and from the performance confirmation program (if Yucca Mountain is approved for a repository), would be used in conjunction with that of the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the Department’s understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information from the Early Warning Drilling Program was available. Since then, however, this program has gathered additional information (see Section of the EIS). (5932)
- EIS001622 / 0036
Section DOE correctly notes that precipitation is not uniform either spatially or temporarily at the site; e.g., most recharge occurs during the winter months. However, DOE never provides an estimate of the volume of water flux through the mountain, nor, is enough data available to determine what part of the mountain will be affected by the so-called "fast paths" through the mountain. DOE needs to provide information on the water flux through Yucca Mountain and the most probable areas affected by the "fast paths" in the unsaturated zone.

Section discusses volume of water flux through Yucca Mountain. With regard to possible "fast-flow" pathways through the mountain, DOE has used a variety of naturally occurring isotopes (for example, chlorine-36) to investigate this process. Results to date have detected elevated amounts (values above normal background measurements) of "bomb-pulse" chlorine-36 in several places in the Exploratory Studies Facility from nuclear testing conducted during the 1950s and 1960s, principally in the Pacific. The locations where this bomb-pulse chlorine-36 has been detected in the Exploratory Studies Facility are associated generally with known through-going faults and well-developed fracture systems close to those faults. This suggests that connected pathways exist through which surface precipitation has percolated to the repository horizon within the last 50 years.

DOE based the selection of the proposed repository block in large part on the lack of mapped surface faults in this part of Yucca Mountain. In light of the close association of the detection of chlorine-36 with mapped surface faults, DOE does not anticipate the presence of many undiscovered fast paths. Continued chlorine-36 sampling in the cross drift that would extend above the repository has not identified additional fast paths. The fast paths identified to date have been factored into the Total System Performance Assessment for the repository. (5935)
- EIS001622 / 0039
Section It is significant that the character of the pore water from the rock matrix is chemically distinct from water found in fractures. It is also significant that water in the perched zones does not appear to receive a large contribution from the rock matrix; indicating all significant flow, both in terms of volume and velocity, is via fracture flow through the mountain. DOE should estimate at what level of precipitation (infiltration) fracture flow becomes the dominant flow path.

The characteristics of the pore water and perched water have been very helpful in determining how water moves through the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain. However, DOE believes that the comment that "all significant flow, both in terms of volume and velocity, is via fracture flow through the mountain" is an over simplification. Water movement in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain is controlled by the structure and characteristics of each geological formation, or layer, it encounters. In some layers, fracture flow is the predominant mechanism; in at least one layer, however, matrix flow is much more important, even dominant.

Infiltration and percolation have been studied extensively at Yucca Mountain. The Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000) discusses field investigations and model development in this area. These studies are difficult to conduct at Yucca Mountain because the low precipitation and high evapotranspiration rates are not conducive to direct measurements of infiltration, but they have shown that infiltration at the surface is highly variable, both temporally and spatially. They have enabled DOE to develop a conceptual model of how water moves through the unsaturated zone if it gets deep enough to avoid surface, or near-surface, evapotranspiration. The conceptual model, supported by field data as well as numerical models, indicates that water moves through the Tiva Canyon welded unit and Topopah Springs welded unit (where the underground repository would be located) is predominantly through fractures and faults. Lying in between these two units is the Paintbrush nonwelded unit. Matrix flow is the dominant flow mechanism through the Paintbrush nonwelded unit because of its relatively high matrix permeability and porosity and low fracture density (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). Matrix flow through this unit substantially attenuates the downward movement of percolating water. The chlorine-36 studies, discussed in Section of the EIS, suggest that quick pathways (less than 50 years) extending to the underground repository are associated with fractures or faults cutting through the Paintbrush nonwelded unit. Data collected also indicate that the lateral movement of water at the top of this unit is minor and, accordingly, the amount of water moving down through faults and fractures is small compared to that moving through the matrix.

This conceptual model of water percolation is supported by data gathered during efforts to determine the age of the perched water that lies below the level of the proposed repository. The age of this water is estimated to be thousands of years; too young for water moving solely through the matrix and too old for water moving predominantly via fractures and faults. The conceptual model for water percolation at Yucca Mountain would indicate that the perched water is a mixture of water of different ages. Some of the water has had its travel time attenuated as a result of matrix flow, whereas some water has traveled relatively fast through faults and fractures. (5937)
- EIS001622 / 0040
Table 3-14. Calling the basal vitrophyre and the Tram Tuff confining units seems to be little more than wishful thinking. Apparent hydraulic conductivities up to 40 m/yr. in the Tram Tuff are not that much different than the underlying carbonate aquifer ("described as a "a regionally extensive aquifer system through which large amounts of groundwater flow") displaying a permeability of 69 m/yr. Water percolating through the mountain will take the path of least resistance; therefore, the higher permeability value for the Tram Tuff is probably more indicative of its "typical" permeability.

The apparent hydraulic conductivity of up to 40 meters per year cited by the commenter refers to those bedded tuffs, lava flows, and flow breccias beneath the Tram Tuff, not to the Tram Tuff itself (EIS Table 3-14). Evidence supporting the view that these hydrogeologic units act as a confining layer comes from pressure and temperature measurements conducted in borehole UE-25 p#1. This 1,800-meter (6,000-foot)-deep borehole penetrates the deep Paleozoic carbonate aquifer, exhibits excess pressure head [approximately 17 meters (56 feet)] and elevated temperature compared to measurements of these parameters in virtually all other boreholes in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain. In addition, the chemistry of water from this borehole unambiguously identifies the water as coming from the regional carbonate aquifer. All other water samples taken from boreholes that bottom in the lower volcanic aquifer and lower volcanic confining unit exhibit a chemical signature distinctly volcanic. Isolation of these two chemical systems is strong evidence for the bedded tuffs, lava flows, and flow breccias acting as an effective confining unit.

Similarly, aquifer pumping tests conducted in that part of the lithologic section that includes the basal vitrophyre of the Topopah Spring Tuff and the Calico Hills-Prow Pass nonwelded tuffs (collectively, the upper volcanic confining unit) produce only modest amounts of water compared to the overlying and underlying hydrogeologic units (considered to be aquifers). Additional evidence of the resistance to flow that these units possess is in the unsaturated zone, where the basal vitrophyre and portions of the Calico Hills serve as layers upon which perched water has accumulated. (5938)
- EIS001622 / 0041
Section, Page 3-52. DOE states that "the actual and relative amounts of inflow [into the volcanic aquifers below Yucca Mountain] from each (of the four potential) sources are not known." This is an essential piece of information necessary for any effective modeling of groundwater flow from beneath the mountain and toward Franklin Playa. Any model lacking this information would not provide a meaningful or reliable characterization of groundwater flow.

DOE has conducted an extensive site characterization program to evaluate the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain. During site characterization the Department has performed tests to develop a defensible site-scale saturated-zone flow and transport model. The Saturated Zone Flow and Transport Process Model Report (DIRS 145738-CRWMS M&O 2000) and subsequent updates summarize this model. Chapter 2 of that report discusses the evolution of the saturated-zone process model. In particular, Section 2.5 summarizes the current saturated-zone flow and transport model. Chapter 3 of the report describes model development and Section 3.2.2 presents boundary conditions. The site-scale flow and transport model is compatible with the regional-scale model described by D’Agnese et al. (DIRS 100131-1997), the Hydrogeologic Framework Model, and available data on recharge within the site-scale model area. Most of the inflows and outflows from the site-scale saturated-zone model occur as flow across the lateral boundaries. The best available estimates of flow rates are cell-by-cell fluxes calculated by the regional-scale model for the site-scale model, then calibrated against known data points in the model domain. The text in question has been revised to better reflect new data from individual locations have been integrated into models to development estimates of the saturated zone water balance. (5939)
- EIS001622 / 0042
Section, Page 3-56. The data from Well JF-2a are troublesome. Why would this well exhibit a 27cm increase in elevation when all the other wells in the area exhibit 3- to 9-cm decreases? This apparent contradiction is glossed over in the text and not discussed except to relate the well locations to the proximity of Fortymile Wash. If wells JF-12, JF-13, and JF-3 were not pumped would their static levels also increase? By not providing an explanation of these static water levels, DOE indicates that the hydrogeology below and directly downgradient of Yucca Mountain is poorly understood. More data is necessary to both understand the down gradient hydrogeology and as input to more meaningful groundwater modeling.

The comment is correct that the Draft EIS did not highlight a potentially key piece of information about well JF-2a. As shown in Figure 3-17, this well is in the carbonate aquifer. There is a possibility that the water elevation in the well has not yet reached an equilibrium condition. DOE has added a sentence to the text to describe this possibility. The primary intent of Section, however, is to state the findings to date from the applicable reference, which is a recommendation for additional monitoring to determine if the water levels are correlated to a causative action or condition.

The reference material that DOE used did not correlate water level fluctuations with proximity to Fortymile Wash. The Draft EIS mentioned Fortymile Wash in this context only because it had been identified as an area of periodic recharge (see the Inflow to Volcanic Aquifers at Yucca Mountain discussion in Section The reference to the wells’ proximity to Fortymile Wash has been removed. (5940)
- EIS001622 / 0043
Section There is some discussion here that water percolating into the repository drifts [if any] would be pumped to the surface. What is the maximum volume of water expected to percolate into the drifts?

The average percolation flux under present conditions is about 5 millimeters (0.2 inch) per year and the capillary-barrier effect of the excavation of the drifts should cause a diversion of this percolating water around the excavated drifts. Therefore, it is uncertain if any water would seep into the drifts that would require pumping to the surface. Additional evidence of the overall lack of fluid flow in the subsurface is that throughout the excavation of more than 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) of tunnels for the Exploratory Studies Facility, only one fracture was moist. Further observations in testing alcoves that have been isolated from the effects of tunnel ventilation for several years confirm the lack of natural seepage at the waste-emplacement level. In summary, despite finding millions of fractures in the course of excavation at Yucca Mountain, there is scant evidence that even modest quantities of water penetrate to waste-emplacement depths. (5943)
- EIS001622 / 0047
In summary, the hydrogeologic and geochemical characterization of Yucca Mountain and vicinity is not complete. Major uncertainties remain about the "fast paths" through the mountain and the flow paths from the underlying volcanic and carbonate aquifers to the alluvial aquifer in Amargosa Valley and possibly on to Death Valley. It is also unclear what effect the Ghost Dance fault (and other faults) east of the proposed facility could have on ground water flow. Currently, the ground water modeling performed on these flow paths, based on little or no information, is little more than conjecture.

DOE continues to evaluate the "fast paths" through the mountain by experimentation and verification of chlorine-36 sampling, as described in Section of the EIS. Results of the verification sampling and continued experimentation, if available, are presented in the Final EIS and supporting documents.

The Draft EIS was developed using the best available information for hydrochemical and geochemical characterization. Many experiments are ongoing and some of the resulting data are included in the EIS. DOE recognized that the saturated zone requires additional characterization in order to fully evaluate the effects of faults on flowpaths and the relationships between the alluvial/valley fill aquifer, volcanic aquifer, and carbonate aquifer systems. DOE initiated a Cooperative Agreement with Nye County to address a number of the characterization uncertainties mentioned in this comment and has included the available data into the Final EIS. The Nye County program is described below.

DOE has supported Nye County with it’s program (called the Early Warning Drilling Program) to characterize further the saturated zone along possible groundwater pathways from Yucca Mountain, as well as the relationships among the volcanic, alluvial, and carbonate aquifers. Information from the performance confirmation program (if Yucca Mountain was recommended and approved for a repository) could be used in conjunction with that of the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the Department’s understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information from the Early Warning Drilling Program was available. Since then, however, this program has gathered additional information (see Section of the EIS).

In addition, DOE has installed a series of test wells along the groundwater flow path between the Yucca Mountain site and the Town of Amargosa Valley as part of an alluvial testing complex. The objective of this program is to better characterize the alluvial deposits beneath Fortymile Wash along the east side of Yucca Mountain. Single- and multiwell tracer tests have begun and the results thus far have strengthened the basis of the site-scale saturated flow and transport model. Information from this program has been incorporated in the EIS.

DOE realizes that the data obtained from the Nye County Cooperative Agreement Early Warning Drilling Program are critical to understanding the saturated zone system and performance assessment calculations south of Yucca Mountain. All data obtained from the Nye County Early Warning Drilling Program would be utilized to the extent possible for the enhancement of the saturated zone models. DOE scientists would perform sorption studies on lithologic material extracted from Nye County boreholes for incorporation into the saturated zone transport model and abstraction into the performance assessment calculations. DOE would use chemical data to enhance current studies on the understanding of saturated flow systems and various hydrochemical facies. Groundwater elevation data would continue to be determined from all wells and would be used to define flow and transport paths, calibration of models, and support the geologic framework model. (5944)
- EIS001622 / 0046
It is amazing that, in a project that is to completely characterize the subsurface in and around Yucca Mountain, there has been no high-resolution geophysical surveys conducted to further delineate the geologic structures below Yucca Mountain that may enhance (of hinder) ground water flow. We recommend that such surveys be conducted as a very cost-effective way of gathering useful subsurface geologic information.

DOE used several geophysical methods, including seismic reflection, gravity, and magnetic surveys, to characterize the subsurface geologic structure of Yucca Mountain at and near the repository. A single magnetotelluric line and several vertical seismic profiles provided supplementary information.

In the Yucca Mountain area, DOE conducted a 32-kilometer- (20-mile)-long seismic reflection survey across Bare Mountain, Crater Flat, Yucca Mountain, Midway Valley, and Fortymile Wash. Where this regional profile crosses the repository site, the reflection data show a series of west-dipping normal faults that displace volcanic rocks and the Tertiary/pre-Tertiary contact at depth. DOE collected gravity data from geophysical surveys and used these data to interpret regional structure and to aid in the interpretation of shallow structures at Yucca Mountain, such as the location of and displacement along faults. The Department conducted ground magnetic surveys at Yucca Mountain to estimate the location of faults and the displacement along these faults. Because buried faults and geologic heterogeneities at Yucca Mountain could affect the long-term performance of the repository, DOE used magnetotelluric methods to detect and characterize these features.

DOE combined the information from these geophysical studies with the results of other field studies, including detailed geologic mapping of the surface and in the Exploratory Studies Facility. In addition, boreholes drilled at the site supplied information on the vertical and lateral distribution of hydrogeologic units, hydrologic properties of the rocks, thermal and other geophysical conditions and properties, chemistry of the contained fluids, pneumatic pressure, and water content and potential. Additional data for some of these parameters came from excavations for the Exploratory Studies Facility and from boreholes drilled in drifts and alcoves of the Exploratory Studies Facility.

Using this combined data set, DOE derived detailed geologic and hydrologic models that describe the spatial models of rock layers, faults, rock properties, and mineral distributions in the subsurface and to simulate three-dimensional fluid flow and support site-performance models of Yucca Mountain. For a more complete discussion of site scale geophysical studies, see Section 4.6.5 of the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). (5955)
- EIS001622 / 0056
The DEIS is not consistent in its evaluation of environmental consequences over long time intervals. It takes current predictions and projects them into the future to be used in the long-term analysis. For example, in the last paragraph p. 5-23 the DEIS concludes that no contamination of the carbonate aquifer is possible because there is currently an apparent hydraulic head of 120 feet in this aquifer forcing water up into the volcanic aquifers, therefore no contamination of surface springs in California would occur. This does not consider the potential for a future change in hydraulic gradients due to climate change, seismicity, etc., over very long periods of time. The potential of surface water contamination from groundwater should be more rigorously evaluated and potential impacts described.

A discussion was added to Section 5.3 to address your concerns. In particular, the "Saturated Zone Process Model Report" dedicates a chapter to changes in the saturated zone flow system (DIRS 145738-CRWMS M&O 2000). In that chapter the changes in climate, tectonics, water table elevation, groundwater flux, recharge, and discharge are addressed. These changes are considered for a time period of 10,000 years. Under these scenarios, the conclusion remains the same; no contamination would occur in the discharge areas of the carbonate aquifer system. (5956)
- EIS001622 / 0063
The risk assessment indicates that Amargosa and Death Valleys are the points of discharge of volcanic and carbonate aquifers into the alluvial aquifer used as a water source by the local population. However, according to some publications (e.g., USGS OFR 83-542) most of the water recharged into Amargosa Valley alluvial aquifer is from snow melt and rainfall from the surrounding mountains. The EIS should provide support for either of these two cases: that the majority of recharge is from surface recharge or that it is from underflow from the volcanic and/or carbonate aquifers.

DOE recognizes that precipitation falling at higher elevations in the surrounding mountains is often cited as the primary source of the water in the Amargosa Desert alluvial aquifer. In addition, surface waters in the area are described as ephemeral, with flowing water only in response to heavy precipitation or in localized areas supplied by springs. Some might consider this a contradiction, but the primary source of the water in the alluvial aquifer is from water recharged at higher locations. Groundwater recharged at higher elevations reaches the Amargosa Desert as underflow by the pathways, or aquifers, described in Section 3.1.4 of the EIS.

The report Water for Nevada (DIRS 103016-State of Nevada 1971) identifies and quantifies estimates of surface water and groundwater resources for each hydrographic area in the state. For the Amargosa Desert (Hydrographic Area Number 230), the report identifies sources of surface water as being less than 50 acre-feet (about 61,700 cubic meters) per year as runoff from mountains and "some" (unquantified) surface-water inflow from other hydrographic areas. The report identifies sources of groundwater for this area as 600 acre-feet (about 740,000 cubic meters) per year from direct precipitation and 44,000 acre-feet (about 54.3 million cubic meters) per year as groundwater inflow from other hydrographic areas, particularly Mercury Valley, Rock Valley, Jackass Flats, and Crater Flat. These areas are at relatively high elevations and are groundwater conduits for recharge at even higher elevations farther away. All the studies and reports of which DOE is aware indicate that groundwater that originates in adjacent hydrographic areas is the primary source for the groundwater of the Amargosa Desert. (5961)
- EIS001622 / 0060
The draft EIS’s risk assessment related to groundwater consumption is based on groundwater migration from the proposed Yucca Mountain repository into the Amargosa and Death Valleys. The draft EIS does contain some information on the regional geology of the Yucca Mountain area. However, the draft EIS does not contain a hydrogeologic cross-section, a basic tool for evaluation of potential impact of contaminants on groundwater. It appears that there is enough information about the area to prepare such a cross-section. Therefore, the EIS should be modified to include: a single, regional, hydrogeological cross section showing the piezometric surface along the potential pathway of groundwater flow; geological formations; the relationships among the volcanic, alluvial and carbonate aquifers; and the outflow locations of carbonate aquifer springs down-gradient from the site. The EIS should also include maps showing water level isocontours. Together, these maps and the cross-section would convey a conceptual model of the site hydrogeologic conditions. Without such maps and cross-sections potential environmental impacts cannot be reasonably assessed.

DOE agrees with the commenter. Section 3.1.4 of the Final EIS includes a potentiometric surface map of the region and a simplified hydrogeologic cross-section. (5962)
- EIS001622 / 0061
The draft EIS appears to contain contradictions regarding which aquifer is present at the actual repository site. For example on page 3-48, the draft EIS states that the saturated zone at Yucca Mountain has three aquifers: upper volcanic, lower volcanic, and lower carbonate aquifer. However, the last two sentences of this paragraph indicate that only two aquifers are present as follow: "The lower volcanic aquifer discussed here corresponds to the middle volcanic aquifer shown in Figure 3-15. The lower volcanic aquifer shown in Figure 3-15 has not been identified in the area of the proposed repository."

The upper volcanic aquifer shown in Figure 3-15 does not occur at the site (Topopah Spring Welded Unit - host rock for the repository). However, because the upper volcanic aquifer occurs down-gradient of the site, the EIS should address the potential pathway of contaminated plume across different hydrogeologic units, including aquicludes and faults.

DOE faced a problem in presenting a simplified picture of the groundwater hydrology at Yucca Mountain because previous studies have not been consistent in their nomenclature. The Department nevertheless believes that the EIS description of aquifers at Yucca Mountain is not contradictory, although it does try to explain one inconsistency in aquifer designations. The paragraph referred to in the comment describes three aquifers, two in the volcanic sequences and one in the carbonate formation. It then indicates that at the repository site the rock unit making up the upper volcanic aquifer is above the saturated zone due to its tilt. Two sentences at the end of the paragraph explain that the sequence forming the lower volcanic aquifer in Figure 3-15 of the Draft EIS has not been found at Yucca Mountain (that is, the middle volcanic aquifer in Figure 3-15 is the lower volcanic aquifer described in the text, and the lower volcanic aquifer described in Figure 3-15 is not present at Yucca Mountain).

Chapter 5 of the EIS summarizes long-term repository performance including contaminant modeling efforts. In addition, the Viability Assessment of a Repository at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998) contains more detail on the contaminant pathways included in the model. With respect to the specific comment, Section of the Viability Assessment indicates that DOE believes the flow in the saturated zone is primarily through the fractured tuffs of the middle volcanic aquifer (the lower volcanic aquifer described in the EIS) and the valley fill alluvium. (6063)
- EIS001898 / 0009
DOE should correct areas of discrepancy in water use data and provide clarifying information regarding the potential for and impacts from overdrafts of groundwater in the FEIS.


Table 3-11 notes that the figures for current water appropriations do not include Federal reserved water rights (FRRs) for the NTS and Nellis AFR. These FRRs should be added to the total appropriations for a more accurate measure of committed resources.

Table 3-11 and DEIS Section (Affected Environment - Regional Groundwater) suggest that ample water is available for new appropriations to support the Proposed Action because average annual withdrawals (actual use) are well below the appropriation limits. Although the use of average withdrawals may be appropriate, it is possible that this could be misleading because users are entitled to withdraw or sell their full appropriations.

When discussing the water demands expected during performance confirmation in Section (Environmental Consequences of Repository Construction, Operation and Monitoring, and Closure -- Impacts to Hydrology from Performance Confirmation) the DEIS omits mention of NTS and Nellis AFR wells in the area. The pumpage from those wells should be added to that from J-11 and J-12 and the C-well complex in the proposed land withdrawal area for an improved estimate of the water demand. The wide range in the perennial yield figures (880 to 4000 acre-feet for Area 227a) should be explained. The perennial yield and committed resources figures for Area 227a in Nevada Division of Water Planning (1992) do not agree with Table 3-11. DOE should provide additional justification for the perennial yield figures, considering the variance from information in other sources, to support its assessment of potential overdraft in the region.

The discussion of water demand during construction, operation and monitoring, and closure in Section (Environmental Consequences of Repository Construction, Operation and Monitoring, and Closure -- Impacts to Groundwater from Construction, Operation and Monitoring, and Closure) of the DEIS also should be clarified. This discussion should make clear where the water will be obtained to meet the combined water demand for the repository, the NTS, and Nellis AFR. Under one scenario, the perennial yield of Area 227a would be exceeded. The text should be clarified to explain the impacts of any possible overdraft.

The discussion in DEIS Section (Environmental Consequences of Repository Construction, Operation and Monitoring, and Closure -- Impacts to Groundwater from Construction, Operation and Monitoring, and Closure) includes at least one scenario where the Jackass Flats basin would be in overdraft status. In addition, Table 3-11 presents the Amargosa Desert Area 230 in a potential overdraft situation. DOE (1996) confirms that historic data show that DOE withdrawals at Yucca Flats have annually exceeded the perennial yield. The potential impacts of these overdrafts should be discussed.

DOE should correct discrepancies in water-use discussions and data in the FEIS. The evaluation of groundwater use during construction, operation, and monitoring should include a discussion of the potential for overdrafts.


Nevada Division of Water Planning. Nevada Water Facts, 1992. 241353. Carson City, NV: Nevada Division of Water Planning. 1992.

U.S. Department of Energy, Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Nevada Test Site and Off-Site Location sin the State of Nevada. DOE/EIS-0243-F,239895. Las Vegas, NV: U.S. Department of Energy. 1996.

Federal Reserve Water Rights are noted in the footnote to Table 3-11, but are not quantified because they are not directly comparable to water appropriations authorized by the State of Nevada. As stated in the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Nevada Test Site and Off-Site Locations in the State of Nevada (DIRS 101811-DOE 1996), the Federal Reserve Water Rights position is that the Nevada Test Site is "…entitled to withdraw the quantity of water necessary to support the NTS missions." The Nevada Test Site EIS does not quantify or limit these rights, except for their purpose, and the repository EIS concurs with this view. With respect to identifying committed water resources, the repository EIS is obligated to identify cumulative impacts of other Federal and non-Federal actions. Chapter 8 discusses the past, present, and foreseeable future actions and associated water demands. In this manner, the EIS does indirectly identify quantities of water expected to be associated with reserved water rights (that is, if their impacts would be cumulative with those of the Proposed Action).

The purpose of Table 3-11 of the Draft EIS and its associated text is not to suggest that ample water is available. The intent is only to describe existing groundwater resources and use in the region of Yucca Mountain. DOE agrees that average withdrawals do not tell the entire story when looking at groundwater resources and their availability. This is the reason that both water appropriations and estimates of perennial yield are also shown in the table. In addition, DOE understands, though not expressed in the EIS, that the State Engineer must consider factors in addition to those shown in the table when considering requests for water appropriations.

Chapter 8 of the EIS describes the cumulative impacts of groundwater use by the Nevada Test Site, Nellis Air Force Range, and the proposed repository. Additional text has been added to Section to better address other uses of groundwater in the area. As identified in Section, the peak projected annual water demand for the proposed action [360,000 cubic meters (290 acre-feet)], when combined with projected demand from the Nevada Test Site [350,000 cubic meters (280 acre-feet)], would approach, but would not exceed, the lowest estimate of perennial yield for the western two-thirds of the Jackass Flats hydrographic area [720,000 cubic meters (580 acre-feet)]. The corresponding discussion in Section of the EIS (impacts from performance confirmation) is intentionally brief because of the relatively small annual water demand projected for that phase of the project. The evaluation in this section compares projected water demand to the perennial yield estimates and shows them to be minor. The addition of the Nevada Test Site demand would still put projected water withdrawals well below the lowest estimates of perennial yield, which were not mentioned.

With respect to the wide range of perennial yield figures identified for hydrographic area 227a, an explanation of the origin and basis for each of these numbers is beyond the scope of the EIS. A partial answer is that estimates of recharge are difficult and vary widely in this area where evapotranspiration is high and quantities of surface water are low. An order of magnitude difference between recharge estimates for the same study area is not unusual in the literature. The source of the perennial yield information presented in Table 3-11 of the Draft EIS is in a footnote to the table. The cited source identifies the studies from which the perennial yield values are taken and discusses those studies. The EIS recognizes that the Nevada Division of Water Planning uses an estimate of perennial yield that is not totally consistent with those listed in Table 3-11. Tables 3-35 and 3-43 of the Draft EIS both include a footnote indicating that the Nevada Division of Water Planning uses a combined perennial yield of 30 million cubic meters (24,000 acre-feet) for hydrographic areas 225 through 230. This estimate was not used in the tables because it has not been divided into the individual areas. DOE thought it important to give estimates and discuss perennial yield based on these smaller areas, so it used the best available data (on an individual hydrographic area basis). DOE believes that the EIS considers a wide range of perennial yield values, particularly for hydrographic area 227a (Jackass Flats), and that this is appropriate and conservative. The fact that the Nevada Division of Water Planing uses different values for some of the committed resources is due to the use of a more recent reference in the EIS (DIRS 103406-NDWP 1992).

As indicated above, Chapter 8 of the EIS discusses other (nonrepository) water demands in the Yucca Mountain region. However, Section does clearly indicate that there would be an ongoing Nevada Test Site water demand from the same hydrographic area from which the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project would be withdrawing water. This section does not mention water demands for the Nellis Air Force Range because there are no demands in this hydrographic area. It does discuss the potential for overdraft of this hydrographic area. This hydrographic area (227a – Jackass Flats) is not an isolated basin. It receives water both from the surface (recharge from precipitation) and as underflow from upgradient areas. It also loses water as underflow to downgradient areas. As described in the EIS, withdrawing only slightly more water than the low estimate of perennial yield (which is based solely on recharge from local precipitation) would be unlikely to cause a depletion of the reservoir because of the higher quantities estimated to be moving through as underflow. However, it would probably result in a minor shifting of the general groundwater flow patterns to compensate. Since the publication of the Draft EIS, two groundwater modeling efforts have been completed to simulate the effects of the projected water demands by the repository on the groundwater flow system. The Final EIS has been modified to discuss the results of these efforts, which are consistent with the general impacts discussed above.

As indicated above, effects of overdrafting within Jackass Flats are discussed in this EIS and modifications have been added to the Final EIS to address the results of applicable modeling efforts. With respect to the Amargosa Desert, Section of the EIS states that water demand associated with the proposed repository would have only a small impact on water availability in Amargosa Desert. That is, actual or potential overdrafting of groundwater in the Amargosa Desert would be attributed predominantly to pumping in that area and would not be substantially affected by the amount of water needed to support the repository. Accordingly, possible impacts from overdrafting in Amargosa Desert are not discussed in the EIS. Overdrafting at Yucca Flat is not described in the EIS because it does not have a direct connection to the Proposed Action. Figure 3-13 of the Draft EIS shows that Yucca Flat is within the Ash Meadows Groundwater Basin and the direction of groundwater flow from there is toward Frenchman Flat and eventually to the Ash Meadows area and, if remaining as underflow, to the Amargosa Desert. This is consistent with the State of Nevada report Water for Nevada (DIRS 103016-State of Nevada 1971), which shows no groundwater inflow to this hydrographic area (area 159 – Yucca Flat), but does show its groundwater outflow going to Frenchman Flat, which also receives underflow from adjacent areas. The Nevada Test Site withdraws water from Frenchman Flat (hydrographic area 160), but at quantities far below its perennial yield (DIRS 101811-DOE 1996). Based on this picture of groundwater flow conditions, overdrafting at Yucca Flat would be expected to result in very localized conditions, probably not even extending far into Frenchman Flat because the combined water use for these two areas (Yucca and Frenchman Flats) is only a small fraction of their combined perennial yield [1.8 million cubic meters (1,400 acre-feet) of peak annual water demand versus 16,350 acre-feet of perennial yield (DIRS 101811-DOE 1996)]. Any affects on the groundwater flow from Yucca Flat overdrafting would surely be lost by the time groundwater flow reaches the southern end of the Amargosa Desert where impacts could be cumulative with those of the Proposed Action. Accordingly, Chapter 8 discusses impacts of the total water demand and cumulative impacts from the Nevada Test Site and the Proposed Action and does not address noncumulative issues that are internal to the Test Site. (6135)
- EIS001654 / 0020
Page S-39. What is the Groundwater Risk?

The discussion about groundwater admits to uncertainties about the groundwater flow system in the region of the repository. The text does not address the on-going work being conducted by Nye County that will presumably reduce some of that uncertainty.

The wording of section S.4.1.4 is a little too opaque, it seems to us. In describing what would pose a threat to groundwater, the text says a "contaminant" would have to be spilled or released and then carried down by its own weight or by infiltrating water. Then it says the arid climate and depth to groundwater combine to reduce the potential contaminant migration. This section should be expanded and linked to discussions elsewhere about the specific (and only?) "contaminant" that is the dominant long-term concern for this repository: the contaminants of concern are radionuclides.

We have heard testimony at the various public hearings about risks to groundwater contamination due to theorized release projections of radionuclides. We have seen opinions expressed but we are unable to judge what factual basis there is for what seems like a branch of science in which uncertainty continues even as more data becomes available. Maybe better answers won’t be available until the testing program results are analyzed or during the licensing application review process. Until then, it would seem that the section on groundwater could be improved to better educate the public than the current wording does.

The commenter is correct about the work that Nye County will conduct. DOE has supported Nye County with it’s program (called the Early Warning Drilling Program) to characterize further the saturated zone along possible groundwater pathways from Yucca Mountain, as well as the relationships among the volcanic, alluvial, and carbonate aquifers. Information from the performance confirmation program (if Yucca Mountain is approved for a repository), could be used in conjunction with that of the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the Department’s understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information from the Early Warning Drilling Program was available. Since then, however, this program has gathered additional information (see Section of the EIS).

DOE agrees that additional clarification is appropriate for the contaminant migration. Section S.4.1.4 is intended to summarize discussions in Section 4.1.3 of the EIS that cover potential impacts associated with the active phases of the proposed repository action (that is, construction, operation and monitoring, and closure). Chapter 5 of the EIS discusses long-term, postclosure impacts, including the potential for radionuclide migration. DOE has modified the text in the Summary. (6182)
- EIS000929 / 0004
The Draft EIS states, "There is scientific uncertainty about the exact locations of the groundwater flow boundaries." In the next paragraph, it states, "The depth to groundwater and the arid environment [of the Yucca Mountain site] would combine to reduce the potential for meaningful contaminant migration." I’m not following this logic: "We really don’t know where the groundwater is going, but we’re sure it won’t be contaminated...much." In addition, the Nye County Department of Natural Resources indicates that radioactivity from the US Ecology commercial low-level waste disposal facility has been detected off-site. If this is happening at a low-level waste facility, how can we be assured it will not happen at the Yucca Mountain site?

DOE has conducted an extensive site characterization program to evaluate the suitability of Yucca Mountain for a repository. During site characterization, the Department has performed numerous tests to develop a reasonable model of site-scale saturated-zone flow and transport. The latest version of the model is summarized in the Saturated Zone Flow and Transport Process Model Report (DIRS 151948-CRWMS M&O 2000) and subsequent technical updates. Chapter 2 of that report discusses the evolution of the saturated zone process model. In particular, Section 2.5 summarizes the current saturated zone flow and transport model. Section 3 of the report presents the details of the model development in which the boundary conditions are presented in Section 3.2.3. The site-scale flow and transport model is designed to be compatible with the regional-scale model described by D’Agnese et al. (DIRS 100131-1997), to use the Hydrogeologic Framework Model, and to use available data on recharge within the site-scale model area. Most of the inflows to and outflows from the site-scale saturated zone flow model occur as flow across its lateral boundaries. The best available estimates of flow rates are cell-by-cell fluxes calculated by the regional-scale model for the site-scale model, then calibrated against known data points in the model domain.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information). The EIS based its analysis of impacts on a state-of-the-art modeling technique that is internationally recognized as an adequate and proper approach. The results of this analysis, described in Chapter 5 of the EIS, indicate that impacts would be low. Appendix I of the EIS and supporting documents contain details of the analysis methodology. See Sections and 5.4 of the EIS for additional information. (6282)
- EIS001639 / 0007
The EIS makes use of "bulk permeabilities" in their analysis of groundwater flow and contaminant transport. The use "bulk" or average transport times tends to reduce the real effects of groundwater contamination. The study ignores the fact that groundwater flow will predominate through preferential pathways that exhibit the fastest not the "bulk" permeabilities. Thus the report tends to elucidate the average rather than the worst case scenario.

The EIS does not describe the use of bulk permeabilities in its analysis of groundwater flow and contaminant transport. The only use of this terminology that could be found was in Section, Geology, where it is stated that the joints and fractures common in welded tuffs result in "greater bulk permeabilities than those of the nonwelded and bedded tuffs." That is, the rate of water movement in the welded tuffs is increased by the presence of joints and fractures.

The EIS does, however, describe the importance of groundwater flow through fractures (the fast pathway described in the comment) in developing models of flow and contaminant transport. These discussions are in Chapter 5 of the EIS. Specifically, Section I.2.2 describes how modeling of the long-term performance of the repository had to account for water movement in the unsaturated zone being through both the rock matrix and rock fractures, with the latter flow being much more rapid. Section I.2.2 of the EIS contains additional information on how these two flow mechanisms were accommodated by use of a dual-permeability model. Refer to Volume 3, Section 3.1.1, of the Viability Assessment of a Repository at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998) for a more detailed description of the dual-permeability model and its flexibility to represent a wide range of matrix-versus-fracture flow behavior. In addition, the Viability Assessment contains a detailed description of how flow in the saturated zone was modeled. Again, the discussion describes how the saturated zone model had to account for movement through fractured media where flow and contaminant movement would occur primarily through fractures. (6456)
- EIS001632 / 0020
Section 3 of the draft EIS provides information about the hydrogeologic conditions in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain. The certainty of this information varies considerably, and it is difficult for the reader to understand how uncertainties will be resolved and how the data still being gathered will affect the design of the repository and the projections for ground water contamination. EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]suggests that the final EIS summarize ongoing studies and their expected impact on design and on ground water quality projections.

DOE believes that it has sufficient information and understanding of the hydrologic setting to adequately determine the potential environmental impacts from the Proposed Action. DOE and others have been evaluating and assessing the hydrologic setting and associated characteristics at the Yucca Mountain site and nearby region for many years. DOE’s site characterization program has been redirected from time-to-time to reflect and accommodate reviews by independent parties, both internal and external to the Department. Nevertheless, it is clear that the regional and site-specific hydrologic setting is complex and uncertainties remain. Additional information would refine DOE’s understanding of, for instance, the regional groundwater flow system, and would further reduce uncertainties associated with flow and transport in the alluvial, volcanic and carbonate aquifers.

In recognition of these uncertainties, DOE has supported Nye County with its program (called the Early Warning Drilling Program) to characterize further the saturated zone along possible groundwater pathways from Yucca Mountain, as well as the relationships among the volcanic, alluvial, and carbonate aquifers. Information from the performance confirmation program (if Yucca Mountain is approved for a repository) could be used in conjunction with that of the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the Department’s understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information from the Early Warning Drilling Program was available. Since then, however, this program has gathered additional information (see Section of the EIS).

In addition, DOE has installed a series of test wells along the groundwater flow path between the Yucca Mountain site and the Town of Amargosa Valley as part of an alluvial testing complex. The objective of this program is to better characterize the alluvial deposits beneath Fortymile Wash along the east side of Yucca Mountain. Single- and multi-well tracer tests have begun and the results thus far have strengthened the basis of the site-scale saturated flow and transport model. This program is described in Section of the EIS.

Although DOE has improved its understanding of the hydrologic system, uncertainties would remain given the time frame of concern (waste isolation for thousands of years). If the site was approved, DOE would institute a performance confirmation and testing program, elements of which would address the hydrologic system. The purpose of this program would be to evaluate the accuracy and adequacy of the information used to determine whether the repository would be expected to meet long-term performance objectives. The performance confirmation program, which would continue through closure of the repository (possibly as long as 300 years), would offer a means to further understanding of the hydrologic system and reduce uncertainties. (6457)
- EIS001632 / 0021
Most of the ground water studies described in Section 3 were done on a regional scale and may not provide accurate site-specific data for the saturated zone beneath the proposed repository. Section 3 provides general statements about ground water data, but fails to inform the reader about aquifer-specific data, such as the length of time data have been collected on the carbonate aquifer and the number of wells sampled over various periods of time. This information is particularly important for modeling the transport of radionuclides in the saturated zone.

DOE has initiated a program to evaluate the hydrologic processes in the saturated zone, particularly the hydrogeologic relationship between the volcanic aquifer, alluvial aquifer, and carbonate aquifer. This is currently being addressed through a cooperative agreement between Nye County and DOE, referred to as the Early Warning Drilling Program. Recent results from this program have been incorporated into this Section of the EIS.

Section of the EIS refers to large hydraulic gradient north of the site. Specific information related to the saturated zone and carbonate aquifer can be found in the cited references in Section 12 of the EIS. With regard to the saturated zone and the carbonate aquifer, one well (UE 25p #1) penetrated the carbonate aquifer at Yucca Mountain, another well (NC-EWDP-2DB), along the potential flow path in Fortymile Wash, has penetrated the carbonate aquifer and an upward hydraulic gradient was present. Well NC-EWDP-2DP, along with six additional planned wells, will help characterize the carbonate aquifer system near Yucca Mountain as part of the Nye County Early Warning Drilling Program. Four other wells at Yucca Mountain, as reported by Luckey et al (DIRS 100465-1996), are believed to indicate the potentiometric level in the carbonate aquifer. Elsewhere in the general area, particularly at the southern end of the Nevada Test Site and eastward from the springs in Ash Meadows, the hydraulic relationship between the lower carbonate aquifer and overlying units is well understood (DIRS 101167-Winograd and Thordarson 1975). The very presence of the springs in Ash Meadows demonstrates the fact of an upward hydraulic gradient in the lower carbonate aquifer. Because the lower carbonate aquifer is buried by some 6,000 feet of unconsolidated deposits in the Amargosa Desert west of the springs in Ash Meadows, no wells have been drilled into this aquifer. Claassen (DIRS 101125-1985) presents the hydraulic and hydrochemical evidence of subsurface discharge from the lower carbonate aquifer to the alluvial fill of the Amargosa Desert to the west of Rock Valley Wash. In addition, several investigations have concluded from hydrologic, chemical, and isotopic evidence that the lower carbonate aquifer is the source of the large springs in Furnace Creek Wash (Death Valley). Thus, the understanding of the flow system and hydraulic relationships of the lower carbonate aquifer are based not only on data from well UE 25p #1 at Yucca Mountain, but on a large body of regional hydrologic and chemical evidence collected over the past 40 years. (6459)
- EIS001632 / 0023
Page 3-41, Section This section describes the Topopah Spring tuff unit, in which repository will be built, as fractured, very permeable, and extensively interconnected; and, perched water forms at its contact with the underlying Calico Hills non-welded unit. Page 3-48 states that water chemistry analysis has found that "perched water reached its current depth with little interaction with rock. This, in turn, provides strong evidence that flow through faults and fractures is the primary source of perched water." The final EIS should address this concern: if seismic activity occurred at these fault zones, water could move faster (or slower) through the faults and fractures, possibly increasing the mounding of perched water. This is different than the "upwelling" referred to on page 3-49.

Section of the EIS indicates that perched water is formed when water percolating down through the subsurface encounters a zone of lower permeability and, as a result, accumulates. Vertical movement of water probably stills occurs, but at a slower rate below the perched water than above. In the tilted strata at Yucca Mountain, the accumulation of perched water must be accompanied by a feature such as a fault to restrict the lateral movement of water. The surface of the perched water then remains at a fairly stable elevation once the inflow and outflow rates are balanced. At Yucca Mountain this is attributed to less infiltration (a drier climate than when most of the perched water accumulated) and/or the elevation of the perched water reaching a point where the lateral restriction changes and the water "spills" out, or it could just reflect a long-term, steady-state condition.

The commenter is correct that seismic activity could change the rate at which water moves in the unsaturated zone, but it would be much less likely to change the quantity of water moving through the unsaturated zone because quantity is related chiefly to climate. That is, the rate at which water would reach the perched zone might increase for a short period of time as water above it "drained" from the system as a result of increased permeability. But eventually the amount of water reaching the perched water would again be controlled by the amount of water entering the system (that is, infiltration). For either the short-term increase in flux or the long-term climate-driven flux to cause significant "mounding" of the perched water, the seismic activity would have to result in a decreased permeability below the perched zone and/or an extension (lengthening) of the lateral restriction to flow. A scenario of increased perched water elevation is not addressed in the EIS because neither of these conditions would be expected to occur to any significant extent as a result of seismic activity. Compared to the overlying Topopah Spring welded unit, seismic activity might cause less fracturing in the Calico Hills nonwelded unit (the unit causing the perching condition), but it would not be expected to decrease the latter’s permeability. The barrier to lateral flow at faults is believed to be the result of the juxtaposition of a more permeable layer against a less permeable layer caused by the fault displacement. Therefore, to lengthen the barrier, the offset would have to be lengthened. This is an obvious result of displacement, but the greatest displacement in the Yucca Mountain area [32-centimeter (13-inch); Section of the EIS] would be exceeded less than once in 100,000 years. Correspondingly, fault displacement would not be expected to significantly increase the depth of perched water.

DOE has considered hundreds of "what if" scenarios involving features, events, and processes (FEPs) and how they might affect the long-term performance of the repository. Those scenarios not excluded because of low probability or low consequences or for other reasons were subjected to more detailed analysis and included in long-term performance modeling. This process is documented in DOE’s FEP database and associated documentation. The FEP process does not specifically address "mounding" of the perched water, but it does cover what is believed to be a more realistic scenario; the relatively rapid draining of the perched water due to seismic activity. In this case, were such an event to take place after containers in the repository had begun to degrade, it could result in a fast pulse of contamination reaching the saturated zone. This scenario was excluded from analysis in the long-term performance modeling because it was reasoned that the volume of water associated with the perched system is not great enough to cause a significant "pulse" to the saturated zone. (6461)
- EIS001632 / 0024
Page 3-46: The final EIS should provide an up-to-date analysis of the chlorine-36 transport data.

As part of its site characterization activities, DOE has conducted a variety of investigations into the nature of water falling as precipitation on Yucca Mountain and passing through the unsaturated zone to the groundwater beneath. One such study has been to quantify the concentrations of certain radioisotopes in the Exploratory Studies Facility. Isotopes, such as chlorine-36 and tritium, which occur naturally and as a byproduct of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, serve as indicators of the rate of flow through the unsaturated zone (see Section of the EIS for details).

Results from preliminary studies have identified these isotopes in concentrations that tend to suggest that there are connected pathways through which surface precipitation has percolated to the repository horizon within the last 50 years. However, these isotopes have been found at locations that are generally associated with known, through-going faults and well-developed fracture systems close to the faults at the proposed repository horizon.

To ensure the correct interpretation of this chemical signal, DOE instituted additional studies to determine if independent laboratories and related isotopic studies can corroborate the detection of elevated concentrations of these radioisotopes. Results of the validation studies to this point have not allowed firm conclusions and, thus, the evaluations continue.

DOE believes that these findings do not indicate that the Yucca Mountain site should be declared unsuitable for development as a repository. Most of the water that infiltrates Yucca Mountain moves slowly through the matrix and fracture network of the rock, and isotopic data from water extracted from the rock matrix indicates that residence times might be as long as 10,000 years. Furthermore, after excavating more than 11 kilometers (8.4 miles) of tunnels at Yucca Mountain for the Exploratory Studies Facility, DOE determined that only one fracture was moist (there was no active flow of water). This observation has been confirmed in test alcoves that are not subject to the effects of drying from active ventilation.

Nevertheless, the total system performance assessment incorporates the more conservative water movement data as well as information from other water infiltration and associated hydrogeological studies. As a result of this evaluation, DOE would not expect the repository (combination of natural and engineered barriers) to exceed the prescribed radiation exposure limits during the first 10,000 years after closure. (6462)
- EIS001632 / 0025
Page 3-49: Lower carbonate aquifer. Since data are limited, the EIS should not conclude that the lower carbonate aquifer has an upward gradient. Page 3-51 states that there is only one transmissivity value based on tests from a single well. Also, on page 3-52, it seems preliminary to count this aquifer as a possible source of inflow to the volcanic aquifers. The final EIS should acknowledge the limited confidence that can be placed on the gradient interpretation with the data currently available.

DOE has started a program to evaluate the hydrologic processes in the saturated zone, particularly the hydrogeologic relationship between the volcanic aquifer, alluvial aquifer, and carbonate aquifer. This is currently being addressed through a cooperative agreement between Nye County and DOE, referred to as the Early Warning Drilling Program. Recent results from this program have been incorporated into this Section of the EIS.

With regard to the saturated zone and the carbonate aquifer, one well (UE 25p #1) penetrated the carbonate aquifer at Yucca Mountain, another well (NC-EWDP-2DB) along the potential flow path in Fortymile Wash penetrated the carbonate aquifer and an upward hydraulic gradient was present. Well NC-EWDP-2DP, along with six additional planned wells, will help characterize the carbonate aquifer system near Yucca Mountain as part of the Nye County Early Warning Drilling Program. Four other wells at Yucca Mountain, as reported by Luckey et al (DIRS 100465-1996), are believed to indicate the potentiometric level in the carbonate aquifer. Elsewhere in the general area, particularly at the southern end of the Nevada Test Site and eastward from the springs in Ash Meadows, the hydraulic relationship between the lower carbonate aquifer and overlying units is well understood (DIRS 101167-Winograd and Thordarson 1975). The very presence of the springs in Ash Meadows demonstrates the fact of an upward hydraulic gradient in the lower carbonate aquifer. Because the lower carbonate aquifer is buried by some 6,000 feet of unconsolidated deposits in the Amargosa Desert west of the springs in Ash Meadows, no wells have been drilled into this aquifer. Claassen (DIRS 101125-1985) presents the hydraulic and hydrochemical evidence of subsurface discharge from the lower carbonate aquifer to the alluvial fill of the Amargosa Desert to the west of Rock Valley Wash. In addition, several investigations have concluded from hydrologic, chemical, and isotopic evidence that the lower carbonate aquifer is the source of the large springs in Furnace Creek Wash (Death Valley). Thus, the understanding of the flow system and hydraulic relationships of the lower carbonate aquifer are based not only on data from well UE 25p #1 at Yucca Mountain, but on a large body of regional hydrologic and chemical evidence collected over the past 40 years. (6463)
- EIS001916 / 0003
[Section] (S.4.1.4) Hydrology. The groundwater travel time is too rapid to isolate radioactive particles leading to groundwater contamination due to the fractured nature of Yucca Mountain.

As part of its site characterization program, DOE has used a variety of naturally occurring isotopic indicators, one of which is chlorine-36, to investigate the nature of infiltration and deep percolation of water at the site. Results from this program detected elevated amounts (values above normal background measurements) of "bomb-pulse" chlorine-36 in several places in the Exploratory Studies Facility from nuclear testing conducted during the 1950s and 1960s. The locations where this bomb-pulse chlorine-36 has been detected in the Exploratory Studies Facility are associated generally with known through-going faults and well-developed fracture systems close to those faults. This suggests that there are connected pathways through which surface precipitation has percolated to the repository horizon within the last 50 years. These findings, however, must be viewed in the context of whether waste can be stored safely at Yucca Mountain. Overall, most of the water that infiltrates into Yucca Mountain moves much more slowly through the matrix and fracture network of the rock. Only a small fraction has moved quickly through the connected portion of the fracture network. Carbon isotope data from water extracted from the matrix correspond to residence times as long as 10,000 years.

The elevated values of bomb-pulse chlorine-36 detected in the subsurface correspond to increases of between about two to eight times the amount of naturally occurring "background" chlorine-36. This background signal is the amount measured in the regional aquifers and in the matrix water of rocks in the unsaturated zone. Furthermore, even elevated bomb-pulse values represent exceedingly minute increases in the amount of chlorine-36. Naturally occurring ratios of radioactive chlorine-36 to the other isotopes of chlorine (chlorine-35 and -37) are about one chlorine-36 atom to approximately 2 trillion other chlorine atoms. Their detection is more a mark of the incredible precision of the analytical methods employed in this study (accelerator mass spectrometry) than it is an indication of an unsuitable environment for the emplacement of high-level radioactive waste. To ensure the correct interpretation of this subtle chemical signal, studies are under way to determine if independent laboratories and related isotopic studies can corroborate this detection of elevated amounts of chlorine.

Another important factor regarding the safety of the emplaced waste is whether percolating water would come in contact with waste packages. The process of drift excavation creates a capillary barrier that could cause percolating water to be diverted around the drift opening, further reducing the amount of water potentially capable of contacting the packages. DOE has been conducting a series of experiments to determine the seepage threshold, which is the amount of water needed to overcome the capillary barrier created due to excavation. Results obtained to date suggest that the expected amounts of percolating water in the repository horizon under the present climate would be too small to exceed the existing capillary barrier.

Additional evidence that attests to the overall lack of observable fluid flow in the subsurface is the fact that throughout the excavation of more than 11 kilometers (8.4 miles) of tunnels and testing alcoves, only one fracture was moist (there was no active flow of water). After collecting and analyzing the moisture from this fracture, DOE detected no bomb-pulse chlorine-36. Only background levels of chlorine-36 were evident, indicating old water. Further observations from test alcoves that have been isolated from the effects of tunnel ventilation for several years, confirm the lack of observable water seepage in the repository horizon. In summary, despite encountering millions of fractures in the course of excavations, there is scant evidence that even modest quantities of water penetrate to repository depths.

DOE’s original 1984 site suitability guidelines (10 CFR Part 960) have been superseded by Yucca Mountain-specific guidelines (10 CFR Part 963) promulgated by DOE in 2001. Even though 10 CFR Part 960 no longer applies to Yucca Mountain, DOE believes that information and analyses do not support a finding that the site would have been disqualified under the groundwater travel time disqualifying condition at 10 CFR 960.4-2-1(d). Under that condition, a site would be disqualified if the expected groundwater travel time from the disturbed zone (the area in which properties would change from construction or heat) to the accessible environment would be less than 1,000 years along any pathway of likely and significant radionuclide travel. The definition of groundwater travel time in 10 CFR 960.2 specifies that the calculation of travel time is to be based on the average groundwater flux (rate of groundwater flow) as a summation of travel times for groundwater flow in discrete segments of the system. (In this case, the geologic and hydrologic subunits comprising the unsaturated and saturated zones.) As a practical matter, this definition provides for the consideration of the rate at which most of the water moves through the natural system to the accessible environment.

As part of its site characterization activities, DOE has undertaken various studies to identify and consider characteristics of the unsaturated (above water table) and saturated (water table) zones, such as the flow of water and transport of radionuclides, that are relevant to analyzing groundwater travel times. DOE also has considered physical evidence such as the chemistries and ages of water samples from these zones. Because of the inherent uncertainties in understanding such natural processes as groundwater flow, DOE has developed numerical models to represent an approximation of these processes and to bound the associated uncertainties.

Based on these models, which incorporate the results of these studies and available corroborating physical evidence, DOE estimates that the median groundwater travel times would be about 8,000 years, and average groundwater travel times would be longer. These models indicate that small amounts of water potentially moving in "fast paths" from the repository to the accessible environment could do so in fewer than 1,000 years. However, the models and corroborating physical evidence indicate that most water would take more than 1,000 years to reach the accessible environment. Given this, DOE believes that the site would not have been disqualified under the groundwater travel condition at 10 CFR 960.4-2-1.

The natural discharge of groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain probably occurs farther south at Franklin Lake Playa more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) away and travel times to this point would be even longer. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep doses resulting from any releases within the regulatory limits established at 40 CFR Part 197. (6464)
- EIS001632 / 0026
Page 3-52: The final EIS should provide data from the ongoing investigations on the cause of the potentiometric difference north and south of the site, and it should describe what these data suggest about the potential for water from the north to flood the repository.

Section of the EIS refers to the large hydraulic gradient north of the Site. An expert elicitation panel addressed this feature and narrowed its likely cause to two theories: (1) flow through the upper volcanic confining unit or (2) semi-perched water. The consensus of the panel favored the perched-water theory. Whatever the cause, the experts were in agreement that the probability of any large transient change in the configuration of this gradient is extremely low (DIRS 100353-CRWMS M&O 1998). DOE has initiated a program to evaluate the hydrologic processes in the saturated zone, particularly the hydrogeologic relationship between the volcanic aquifer, alluvial aquifer, and carbonate aquifer. This is currently being addressed through a cooperative agreement between Nye County and DOE, referred to as the Early Warning Drilling Program. Recent results from this program have been incorporated into Section of the Final EIS. (6465)
- EIS001632 / 0027
Page 3-57: In the discussion about water levels in the 7 wells, the significance of their proximity or distance to Fortymile Wash is unclear.

The reference from which DOE extracted this information does not correlate water-level fluctuations with proximity to Fortymile Wash. The Draft EIS mentioned this only because Fortymile Wash is an area of periodic recharge, which could have a local, temporary affect on the elevation of groundwater (see Section of the EIS). The reference to the wells’ proximity to Fortymile Wash has been removed. (6468)
- EIS001632 / 0029
Page 3-31: We are confused about the discussion of the Amargosa River system and the statement that there is a ground water discharge near Beatty, NV. The final EIS should clarify the direction of the ground water flow which, according to Figure 3-13 (page 3-38), does not appear to be in the direction of Beatty.

Section of the EIS discusses surface water in the region of Yucca Mountain and indicates that groundwater discharges to the channel of the Amargosa River near the community of Beatty, Nevada. The purpose of this discussion is only to identify areas along the river channel where surface water exists on a regular basis. It is not to identify the source of the groundwater that supplies the flow; this information is included in the discussion of regional groundwater in Section of the EIS (which includes Figure 3-13). In the discussion of Basins in Section, the description of the Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley groundwater basin indicates groundwater outflow is southward to the Amargosa Desert. The flow arrow shown in Figure 3-13 of the Draft EIS at the south end of the Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley basin points southward toward Amargosa Desert and shows the groundwater pathway to be beneath the community of Beatty. Accordingly, groundwater discharged in the area of Beatty comes from the Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley basin. (6479)
- EIS001774 / 0002
The Yucca Mountain site which is supposed to be isolated from the water aquifer theoretically for thousands of years has been found with rainwater that contains contaminants that are man-made and date from the last 40 years. The movement of rain water through the Yucca Mountain site should, according to federal officials, disqualify it as a site. The 1992 earthquake destroyed the Yucca Mountain press center. This should give you a clue that the site is much more than a public relations disaster, it is an environmental disaster waiting to happen.

As part of its site characterization activities, DOE has conducted a variety of investigations into the nature of water falling as precipitation on Yucca Mountain and passing through the unsaturated zone to the groundwater beneath. One such study has been to quantify the concentrations of certain radioisotopes in the Exploratory Studies Facility. Isotopes, such as chlorine-36 and tritium, which occur naturally and as a byproduct of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, serve as indicators of the rate of flow through the unsaturated zone (see Section of the EIS for details).

Results from preliminary studies have identified these isotopes in concentrations that tend to suggest that there are connected pathways through which surface precipitation has percolated to the repository horizon within the last 50 years. However, these isotopes have been found at locations that are generally associated with known, through-going faults and well-developed fracture systems close to the faults at the proposed repository horizon.

To ensure the correct interpretation of this chemical signal, DOE instituted additional studies to determine if independent laboratories and related isotopic studies can corroborate the detection of elevated concentrations of these radioisotopes. Results of the validation studies to this point have not allowed firm conclusions and, thus, the evaluations continue.

DOE’s original 1984 site suitability guidelines (10 CFR Part 960) have been superseded by Yucca Mountain-specific guidelines (10 CFR Part 963) promulgated by DOE in 2001. Even though 10 CFR Part 960 no longer applies to Yucca Mountain, DOE believes that information and analyses do not support a finding that the site would have been disqualified under the groundwater travel time disqualifying condition at 10 CFR 960.4-2-1(d). Under that condition, a site would be disqualified if the expected groundwater travel time from the disturbed zone (the area in which properties would change from construction or heat) to the accessible environment would be less than 1,000 years along any pathway of likely and significant radionuclide travel. The definition of groundwater travel time in 10 CFR 960.2 specifies that the calculation of travel time is to be based on the average groundwater flux (rate of groundwater flow) as a summation of travel times for groundwater flow in discrete segments of the system. (In this case, the geologic and hydrologic subunits comprising the unsaturated and saturated zones.) As a practical matter, this definition provides for the consideration of the rate at which most of the water moves through the natural system to the accessible environment.

As part of its site characterization activities, DOE has undertaken various studies to identify and consider characteristics of the unsaturated (above water table) and saturated (water table) zones, such as the flow of water and transport of radionuclides, that are relevant to analyzing groundwater travel times. DOE also has considered physical evidence such as the chemistries and ages of water samples from these zones. Because of the inherent uncertainties in understanding such natural processes as groundwater flow, DOE has developed numerical models to represent an approximation of these processes and to bound the associated uncertainties.

Based on these models, which incorporate the results of these studies and available corroborating physical evidence, DOE estimates that the median groundwater travel times would be about 8,000 years, and average groundwater travel times would be longer. These models indicate that small amounts of water potentially moving in "fast paths" from the repository to the accessible environment could do so in fewer than 1,000 years. However, the models and corroborating physical evidence indicate that most water would take more than 1,000 years to reach the accessible environment. Given this, DOE believes that the site would not have been disqualified under the groundwater travel condition at 10 CFR 960.4-2-1.

Furthermore, after excavating more than 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) of tunnels at Yucca Mountain, DOE determined that only one fracture was moist (there was no active flow of water). Further observations from testing alcoves isolated from effects of tunnel ventilation for several years confirm the lack of observable natural seepage at the repository level.

Nevertheless, the total system performance assessment incorporates the more conservative water movement data as well as information from other water infiltration and associated hydrogeological studies. As a result of this evaluation, DOE would not expect the repository (combination of natural and engineered barriers) to exceed the prescribed radiation exposure limits during the first 10,000 years after closure.

Another important factor regarding the safety of emplaced waste is whether percolating water would actually come in contact with waste packages. The process of drift excavation creates a capillary barrier that causes a diversion of percolating water around the drift opening, further reducing the amount of water potentially capable of contacting waste packages. DOE has been conducting a series of experiments to determine the seepage threshold, the amount of water necessary to overcome the capillary barrier created due to excavation. Results to date suggest that the expected amounts of percolating water at the repository level might be insufficient to exceed the existing capillary barrier.

The Little Skull Mountain earthquake of 1992, which is the largest recorded earthquake within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of Yucca Mountain (Richter magnitude 5.6), caused no damage at Yucca Mountain. It did damage the Yucca Mountain Field Operations Center in Jackass Flat, approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the epicenter (about 4 miles from the Exploratory Studies Facility), but this facility was not built to the seismic-design specifications planned for the facilities at Yucca Mountain. DOE is designing surface facilities associated with the proposed repository with extremely conservative margins of safety to ensure safe operation regardless of the potential for strong seismic occurrences. (6484)
- EIS001632 / 0035
Page 4-25, Section The assessment of impacts to ground water should reference the discussion on radionuclide transport in ground water in Section 5.2. Readers may be confused by the page 4-25 discussion which focuses on the impact from spills and the potential for a contaminant to infiltrate and percolate through the unsaturated zone, rather than on the full range of ground water contamination.

DOE concurs with this suggestion. Cross-references to Chapter 5 have been added to Section to avoid confusion between short-term preclosure effects and long-term performance after closure. (6521)
- EIS001813 / 0004
The DOE has failed to take into consideration the potential for severe health related consequences related to possible groundwater contamination. Simply denying that the groundwater will not become contaminated and that the population will not grow is not acceptable and renders the current DEIS unacceptable. Therefore, the DOE must not recommend the development of a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain.

Appendix F describes the health effects from radiation. DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information). (6553)
- EIS001632 / 0047
Page 5-13: Section discusses the different paths radionuclides can take, but should discuss pathways through the alluvial, volcanic and carbonate aquifers.

The intent of Section of the Draft EIS (Sections I.2.2 and I.2.8 of the Final EIS) is to describe the process models and radionuclide movement tendencies. Section provides aquifer and pathway information. (6555)
- EIS001632 / 0048
Page 5-23: This section states "Because of this pressure difference, water from the volcanic aquifer does not flow into the carbonate aquifer; rather the reverse occurs." This statement relies on just one data point in the carbonate aquifer. In Chapter 3, this uncertainty was noted. One data point does not provide certainty, and the EIS should not assume that the entire carbonate aquifer has an upward gradient, given the amount of fracturing and faulting involved. Nor should the EIS state that no contamination will occur at Ash Meadows, since Chapter 3 noted that it was a discharge point.

DOE recognizes that additional data would further define the flow system and reduce uncertainties about the interactions among the alluvial, volcanic, and carbonate aquifers in the saturated zone. DOE has initiated a program to evaluate the hydrologic processes in the saturated zone, particularly the hydrologic relationships between the volcanic aquifer, alluvial aquifer, and carbonate aquifer. This is currently being addressed through a cooperative agreement between Nye County and DOE, referred to as the Early Warning Drilling Program. Recent results from this program have been incorporated into Section of the Final EIS.

It is correct that only one well penetrates the lower carbonate aquifer at Yucca Mountain. Four other wells at Yucca Mountain, as reported by Luckey et al (DIRS 100465-1996), are believed to indicate the potentiometric level in the carbonate aquifer. Additional wells are being drilled to characterize the carbonate aquifer system near Yucca Mountain as part of the Early Warning Drilling Program. One of the wells drilled under this program, which is about 19 kilometers (12 miles) south of the repository site, also penetrated the carbonate aquifer and shows an upward gradient at that location.

With regard to the comment on Ash Meadows, groundwater that infiltrates through Yucca Mountain does not discharge at the Devils Hole Protective Withdrawal or in Ash Meadows. The elevation of the water table in the Devils Hole/Ash Meadows area is about 64 meters (210 feet) higher than the water table in the Amargosa Desert to the west and south. This east-to-west decline in the elevation of the water table indicates that groundwater from the carbonate rocks beneath the Devils Hole Hills flows westward across Ash Meadows toward Amargosa Desert--not the other way around. Therefore, contaminants from Yucca Mountain could not discharge at springs in Devils Hole and Ash Meadows nor contaminate the aquifer. (6557)
- EIS001632 / 0049
Page 5-27, second paragraph and Page 5-31, bottom paragraph: Page 5-27 states that 22 acre-feet of water per year infiltrate through the repository, while page 5-31 cites 25 acre-feet. Which value is correct?

This comment identifies the infiltration rates for the high and intermediate thermal loads. The amount of infiltration, or flux, that would go through the proposed repository would vary based on the thermal loads being considered. Sections 5.4.1, 5.4.2, and 5.4.3 of the Draft EIS address the high, intermediate, and low thermal load scenarios, respectively. For each scenario, the footprint of the repository (that is, the size of the repository perpendicular to downward moving infiltration) expands to a larger size to support the lower waste loading. With the high thermal load scenario, the waste would be tightly packed and an estimated 27,000 cubic meters (22 acre-feet) of water would infiltrate through the repository. An estimated 31,000 cubic meters (25 acre-feet) of water would go through the repository under the intermediate thermal load scenario. With a low thermal load repository, the waste would be spread out and an estimated 57,000 cubic meters (46 acre-feet) of water would infiltrate through the repository. The same concept is applicable to the higher-and lower-temperature operating modes, which influence the size of the underground emplacement and, therefore, the estimated quantity of water that would infiltrate. (6725)
- EIS001522 / 0003
Another reason that it is problematic for the DOE to assert that the environmental impacts of a permanent, high-level nuclear waste repository will be small is that the DOE admits that repository flooding would be catastrophic, and yet that Yucca Mountain experienced a wetter and cooler period 10,000 to 50,000 years ago (DEIS, 1999, 3-49); if the repository area was flooded 10,000 years ago, then it is reasonable to believe it could be flooded again, in the future, especially because the climate changes appear to be cyclic. Even the DOE admits that climate change at Yucca Mountain is uncertain, and that "the record shows continual variation, often with very rapid jumps, between cold glacial … and warm interglacial climates" (DEIS, 1999, 5-17).

DOE’s alleging that the impacts of Yucca Mountain will be small also is inconsistent with its own statements when it reported the findings of Dublyansky (1998) that warm upwelling water has infiltrated the Yucca repository site (DEIS, 1999, 3-49). In response to these findings, the DOE notes that "both parties [the DOE, which supports the repository, and the state of Nevada, which opposes it] have agreed that additional research is needed to resolve the issues [surrounding this upwelling finding] (DEIS, 1999, 3-50). If the DOE thus admits that the upwelling data need to be resolved, and if such repository flooding would be catastrophic, then the DOE cannot consistently claim that effects of Yucca Mountain will be minor. In addition, the DOE admits that the data on Yucca Mountain are sparse and contradictory; for example, the DOE says that "there are a number of published estimates of perennial yield for many of the hydrographic areas in Nevada, and they often differ from one another by large amounts" (DEIS, 1999, 3-127). Given such discrepancies, it is inconsistent, controversial, and therefore premature to say that building a repository in such an area will cause few environmental impacts.

On the issue of repository flooding, it is interesting to note that the DOE itself claims that "The potential for flooding at the repository site is extremely small" (DEIS, 1999, 4-19), even though its own claims in the preceding paragraph cast doubt on this issue. In particular, if the claims are correct, then it is impossible to know whether the potential for flooding is small or great until the upwelling data are resolved.

This comment deals with two widely different phenomena under the single term "flooding," namely (1) surface flooding by streams and (2) inundation of the proposed repository due to a rise of the water table. To avoid confusion, this response uses "flooding" to represent that due to stream flow, and "inundation" to represent the effect of a rising water table.

DOE agrees that the Yucca Mountain area has experienced several wetter periods over the past 500,000 years. However, it does not agree with the assertion that the proposed waste-emplacement areas were inundated 10,000 years ago. To investigate this hypothesis further, DOE requested the National Academy of Sciences conduct an independent evaluation. The Academy concluded in its 1992 report (DIRS 105162-National Research Council 1992) that no known mechanism could cause a future inundation of the waste-emplacement areas.

DIRS 106963-Szymanski (1989) proposed that during the last 10,000 to 1,000,000 years, hot mineralized groundwater was driven to the surface by earthquakes and volcanic activities. This hypothesis goes on to suggest that similar forces could raise the regional groundwater in the future and inundate the waste-emplacement areas. The features cited by Szymanski as proof of groundwater upwelling in and around Yucca Mountain are related to the much older (13-10 million years old) volcanic process that formed Yucca Mountain and the underlying volcanic rocks.

Significant water-table excursions (exceeding tens of meters) to the waste emplacement areas from earthquakes would be unlikely. As discussed in EIS Section, the likelihood of volcanic activity in the area is low (one chance in 70 million annually), and would raise the water table a few tens of meters, at most.

DOE scientists have estimated that the water table could rise by 50 to 130 meters (160 to 430 feet) under extremely wet climatic conditions. The regional aquifer has been estimated to have been a maximum of 120 meters (390 feet) above the present level beneath Yucca Mountain during the past million or more years based on mineralogic data, isotopic data, discharge deposit data, and hydrologic modeling. An earthquake under these extreme climatic conditions could cause an additional rise in the water table of less than 20 meters (66 feet), still leaving a safety margin of 20 meters (66 feet) or more between the water table and the level of the waste emplacement areas. The 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake (magnitude 5.6), raised water levels in monitoring wells at Yucca Mountain a maximum of less than 1 meter (3.3 feet) (DIRS 101276-O’Brien 1993). Water level and fluid pressure in continuously monitored wells rose sharply and then receded over several hours to pre-earthquake levels. The water level rise in hourly monitored wells was on the order of centimeters and indistinguishable after 2 hours (DIRS 101276-O’Brien 1993).

Regarding Dr. Dublyansky’s alternative interpretation (DIRS 104875-Dublyansky 1998), the fact that the EIS cites his report is not a DOE endorsement of his theory. As explained in Section, DOE arranged a review of Dr. Dublyansky’s work by a group of experts, who disagreed with his theory. However, DOE is not opposed to further research on the topic of fluid inclusions, and is providing financial support to independent research on fluid inclusions by Professor Jean Cline of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas.

The final paragraph of the comment refers to the statement, "The potential for flooding at the repository site is extremely small," in Section 4.1.3 of the EIS. As explained in the introduction to Chapter 4, this analysis deals with a period of 50 to 300 years after receipt of the first radioactive waste. Chapters 5 and 6 deal with the time after closure. The context of the statement is related to flooding by small intermittent streams in the vicinity of the proposed repository, namely Drill Hole Wash and its tributaries, where DOE would build the repository surface facilities. As described in Section, DOE has analyzed and mapped the potential for flooding. Even the largest floods would not affect the underground repository because the portals would be above potential flood levels. DOE would design surface facilities to accommodate predicted flood levels, so flooding impacts would be limited to temporary interruption of vehicle traffic during the short periods of stream flow. (6735)
- EIS001522 / 0004
The DEIS likewise is scientifically questionable because it substitutes scientific judgment or opinion in areas, like groundwater migration, in which there already is confirmed scientific evidence to the contrary. In the case of groundwater migration, the primary means whereby radionuclides would migrate offsite, the DEIS alleges that, given the groundwater at Yucca Mountain, there would be "minimal potential to involve substantial contaminant releases" (DEIS, 1999, 8-33). This opinion, however, is doubtful because even the DEIS (1999, 3-42) admits that the perched groundwater at Yucca Mountain is very young (and therefore that rapid groundwater migration has occurred): "The apparent age of the perched water based on carbon-14 dating indicates this recharge occurred during the past 6,000 years." If the Yucca Mountain groundwater was recharged during the last 6,000 years, and if the waste is above the groundwater, then it is reasonable to assert that groundwater, migrating through the waste, may recharge the groundwater in the next several thousand years, just as it did in the past. On a related point, the DEIS also admits that

Chlorine-36 analyses at Yucca Mountain have identified locations where water has moved fairly rapidly (in several decades) from the surface to the depth of the proposed repository. About 13 percent of the samples (31 samples) had high enough chlorine-31-to-total-chlorine ratios to indicate the water originated from precipitation occurring in the past 50 years (that is, nuclear age precipitation) (DOE, 1999, 3-47 and 3-48).

After thus noting that much of the groundwater, below the proposed repository, was 50 years old or less, the DEIS admitted that a continuous fracture path in the rock most likely caused this fast transit time (DOE, 1999,3-47). The DOE also noted that, because of the mineral concentrations in the groundwater, there was "strong evidence that flow through faults and fractures is the primary source of the perched water [at Yucca mountain]" (DOE, 1999, 3-48). It is interesting to note that a decade earlier, the DOE (1986, 6-32, 257, 298, 299) was maintaining, contrary to other geological reports, that the transit time from the surface to repository depths would be greater than 10,000 years and that fracture flow was virtually nonexistent. If a mere ten years of research have changed the DOE position on a crucial determinant of repository safety, one can only argue that more research is needed prior to building the repository and that, for now, no action is the best alternative.

It also is interesting to note that the DEIS concludes that, because of slow groundwater migration time, the radionuclides migrating from the Nevada Test Site would result in an individual’s receiving only a maximum annual dose of about 0.2 rem, or less than .0l of normal annual background exposure. However, after drawing such a conclusion about minimal impact, the DEIS notes that "there is a high degree of uncertainty associated with this estimate" (DOE, 1999, 8-76). If there is so much uncertainty, then one wonders why the DEIS bothered to give a number that was virtually meaningless. In the same discussion, the DEIS admitted that "the underground tests are based on one data set from one well over a very short time (fewer than 50 years) and then extrapolated to 10,000 years" (DOE, 1999, 8-76). One wonders why the DOE bothered to use such a misleading number, based on one sample, and then extrapolated from less than 50 years to 10,000 years. Such one-well tests and extrapolations are contrary to all good practice in the science of geology (see Shrader-Frechette 1993, 42-50).

As part of its site characterization program, DOE has used a variety of naturally occurring isotopic indicators, one of which is chlorine-36, to investigate the nature of infiltration and deep percolation of water at the site. Results from this program indicate elevated amounts of "bomb-pulse" chlorine-36 associated with nuclear testing during the 1950s and 1960s at a number of underground locations in the Exploratory Studies Facility. These locations are generally associated with known, through-going faults and well-developed fracture systems close to these faults. Detection of elevated levels of chlorine-36 in association with these features could be evidence of a connected pathway through which surface precipitation has percolated to depth within the last 50 years.

These results, however, must be viewed in their proper context regarding the question of whether waste can be stored safely at Yucca Mountain. Overall, most of the water that infiltrates into Yucca Mountain moves much more slowly through the matrix and fracture network of the rock. Only a small fraction has moved through the connected portion of the fracture network with relatively fast travel times. Carbon isotope data from water extracted from the matrix indicate residence times as long as 10,000 years.

The elevated values of bomb-pulse chlorine-36 detected in the subsurface correspond to increases of between about two to eight times the amount of naturally occurring background chlorine-36. This background signal is the amount observed in the regional aquifers and the matrix waters of rocks in the unsaturated zone. Furthermore, even elevated bomb-pulse values represent exceedingly minute increases in the amount of chlorine-36. Naturally occurring ratios of radioactive chlorine-36 to the other isotopes of chlorine (chlorine-35 and -37) are on the order of one chlorine-36 atom to approximately 2 trillion other chlorine atoms. Their detection is more a tribute to the precision of the analytical methods used in this study (accelerator mass-spectrometry) than it is an indication of an unsuitable environment for the emplacement of high-level radioactive waste. To ensure the correct interpretation of this subtle chemical signal, studies are under way to determine if independent laboratories and related isotopic studies can corroborate this detection of elevated amounts of chlorine-36.

Another important factor regarding the safety of emplaced waste concerns whether percolating water would actually come in contact with waste packages. The process of drift excavation creates a capillary barrier that would divert percolating water around the drift opening, further reducing the amount of water potentially capable of contacting waste packages. DOE is conducting experiments to determine the seepage threshold, which is the amount of water necessary to overcome the capillary barrier caused by excavation. Results to date suggest that the amounts of percolating water at the waste-emplacement level are insufficient to exceed the existing capillary barrier.

Additional evidence to the overall lack of observable fluid flow in the subsurface is the fact that throughout the excavation of more than 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) of tunnels and alcoves for the Exploratory Studies Facility, only one fracture was moist. No active flow of water was observed. Further observations from testing alcoves that have been isolated from the effects of tunnel ventilation for several years confirm the lack of seepage at the repository level. In summary, despite encountering millions of fractures in the course of excavation activities, there is scant evidence that even modest quantities of water penetrate to repository depths.

The presence of perched water above the regional water table is a positive factor in relation to the potential transport of radionuclides for the following reasons:
  1. The fact that water is perched between the repository horizon and the water table indicates a barrier to flow. In this case, the perching layer possesses less matrix permeability and has a smaller fracture density than the overlying rocks.
  2. The age of the perched water is thousands of years despite exhibiting a geochemical and isotopic signature that supports an interpretation of relatively rapid surface-to-depth recharge (tens to hundreds of years). In other words, the perching layer is so effective in impeding the downward flow of water that the water has aged substantially (thousands of years) in its current location. This increased residence time affords greater opportunity for diffusion and sorption of radionuclides that are potentially released from a breached repository.
The change from the 1986 DOE position on the time it takes water to infiltrate from the surface to depth reflects the increased knowledge gained from more than a decade of surface and subsurface hydrogeologic investigations and associated flow and transport modeling.

The EIS includes an estimate of maximum annual dose from radionuclides migrating from the Nevada Test Site because this dose, even though it is small, contributes to the total dose. In addition, the apparent travel time associated with radionuclides from one nuclear test for which there are travel time data does not consider any effects from "prompt injection" attendant to the detonation of a massive nuclear device. Estimates of groundwater travel times based on isotopic evidence (carbon-14, stable isotopes of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen) yield much greater travel times.

Although this estimate is based on sparse data, the intent of the effort is to produce a conservative calculation for potential effects due to activities at the Nevada Test Site. (6860)
- EIS001466 / 0006
About the Yucca Mountain site, I do want to say some things about my experience yesterday. I did see the water. It was at the test where the giant heater was heating the rock, and there was water on the floor, water on the walls. This is water in Yucca Mountain that’s been driven out of the rock by the heat.

The commenter describes an experience during a visit to the Exploratory Studies Facility Drift Scale Test and reports the presence of water that scientists expected to see during this test. The primary objective of the Drift Scale Test was to develop a more in-depth understanding of coupled thermal-mechanical-hydrological-chemical processes anticipated in the rock mass surrounding the proposed repository. As described in Section I.2.3 of the EIS, the heat generated by the decay of the radioactive materials in the repository would cause the temperature of the surrounding rock to rise. The water in the heated rock would be driven away as vapor from the repository during this period and condense back into water in cooler regions. The thermal output of the waste materials would decrease with time. Eventually, the rock would return to its original temperature, and the water and gas distribution would reach equilibrium with the ambient rock temperature.

The simulated waste packages of the Drift Scale Test in the Exploratory Studies Facility produce a rise in temperature to the surrounding rocks depicting the similar rise in temperature that the decay of radioactive material would cause in the repository. As described above, the commenter observed the condensation of water vapor back to water in the cooler region of the Exploratory Studies Facility. (7277)
- EIS001957 / 0002
Staff at Death Valley National Park have been informed that ongoing studies of the regional groundwater aquifer systems will be terminated with the completion of a steady state model of the Death Valley Groundwater Flow System (coincidental with permitting of the repository, if that results). Should this occur, we are alarmed that the benefit of a basic long-term baseline for continuing to understand environmental effects will be lost. We firmly believe the model studies not only should be maintained, but expanded to include several transient model analyses to enhance our knowledge of the regional groundwater flow system.

DOE believes that a comprehensive steady-state model of the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system is necessary to understand and describe the hydrologic flow system at Yucca Mountain, as part of the repository licensing process. DOE also is aware of the benefits and desired uses of a transient regional groundwater flow model. DOE has supported the development of the steady-state model for use in the License Application, and supports the continued development of the transient model for use in the future. (7296)
- EIS001683 / 0003
There are so many reasons why nuclear waste should not be stored at Yucca Mountain. Groundwater travel time at Yucca Mountain is so short that the site cannot be considered.

Extensive studies show that infiltration and percolation rates at Yucca Mountain are very low, groundwater-residence times are very long, and the waste emplacement horizon has been hydrologically stable for long periods.

DOE’s original 1984 site suitability guidelines (10 CFR Part 960) have been superseded by Yucca Mountain-specific guidelines (10 CFR Part 963) promulgated by DOE in 2001. Even though 10 CFR Part 960 no longer applies to Yucca Mountain, DOE believes that information and analyses do not support a finding that the site would have been disqualified under the groundwater travel time disqualifying condition at 10 CFR 960.4-2-1(d). Under that condition, a site would be disqualified if the expected groundwater travel time from the disturbed zone (the area in which properties would change from construction or heat) to the accessible environment would be less than 1,000 years along any pathway of likely and significant radionuclide travel. The definition of groundwater travel time in 10 CFR 960.2 specifies that the calculation of travel time is to be based on the average groundwater flux (rate of groundwater flow) as a summation of travel times for groundwater flow in discrete segments of the system. (In this case, the geologic and hydrologic subunits comprising the unsaturated and saturated zones.) As a practical matter, this definition provides for the consideration of the rate at which most of the water moves through the natural system to the accessible environment.

As part of its site characterization activities, DOE has undertaken various studies to identify and consider characteristics of the unsaturated (above water table) and saturated (water table) zones, such as the flow of water and transport of radionuclides, that are relevant to analyzing groundwater travel times. DOE also has considered physical evidence such as the chemistries and ages of water samples from these zones. Because of the inherent uncertainties in understanding such natural processes as groundwater flow, DOE has developed numerical models to represent an approximation of these processes and to bound the associated uncertainties.

Based on these models, which incorporate the results of these studies and available corroborating physical evidence, DOE estimates that the median groundwater travel times would be about 8,000 years, and average groundwater travel times would be longer. These models indicate that small amounts of water potentially moving in "fast paths" from the repository to the accessible environment could do so in fewer than 1,000 years. However, the models and corroborating physical evidence indicate that most water would take more than 1,000 years to reach the accessible environment. Given this, DOE believes that the site would not have been disqualified under the groundwater travel condition at 10 CFR 960.4-2-1.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information). (7306)
- EIS001653 / 0041
Groundwater section [] needs a figure showing all springs in the area and a discussion of the relationship of the springs to the various aquifers, if any. There is also a need to describe baseline information on water chemistry in the region of influence.

DOE believes that Section 3.1.4 of the EIS adequately describes the major springs in the region of influence and, although not shown specifically on figures, their general locations. The area of primary interest is the pathway that groundwater travels from beneath Yucca Mountain. As described in Section, this pathway is to Jackass Flats, to Amargosa Desert, and then to Death Valley. Section describes the aquifers involved in this flowpath. The primary point of discharge along this path is Franklin Lake Playa in Alkali Flat, although some of the flow from the Amargosa Desert might go to the Furnace Creek area of Death Valley. Figures 3-15 and 3-20 both show Alkali Flat and Furnace Creek. There are no other major springs or seeps along the pathway from Yucca Mountain.

The EIS mentions other well-known springs in the region, even though they are not in the groundwater pathway from Yucca Mountain. The most significant are in the Ash Meadows area. Section describes these springs and Figures 3-15 and 3-20 show the location of Ash Meadows. In addition, the Saturated Zone Groundwater Quality discussion in Section identifies two of the sampling points as springs in the Ash Meadows area. These springs are listed in Table 3-19 and shown in Figure 3-20 of the EIS.

The EIS contains several discussions of groundwater chemistry and quality. Section discusses groundwater quality with regard to Drinking Water Standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency. Section summarizes groundwater chemistry in the volcanic and carbonate aquifers in the saturated zone (Table 3-17) and the results of groundwater sampling and analysis for radioactivity (Table 3-18). This information establishes a baseline of groundwater quality and characteristics. (7349)
- EIS001957 / 0008
The proposed waste repository site is located in a volcanic rock sequence directly overlying carbonate rocks that comprise a regionally significant, deep Carbonate Rock Aquifer, and is also contained in the Death Valley Ground-Water Flow System. These are both known to discharge at Death Valley National Park. Ground-water discharge at park springs is the sole source of water for critical park water and water related resources and provides domestic water resources for park visitors and staff, the Furnace Creek Resort complex, state and county staff, and Tribal groups and areas.

The draft EIS inadequately addresses radionuclides leaking from the proposed repository, which will migrate to the water table and contaminate regional ground-water flow systems that ultimately discharge at springs in Death Valley National Park and at Devils Hole. The NPS [National Park Service] is mandated to protect resources entrusted to its care in perpetuity. Dangerous levels of radiation may exist long after the predicted 10,000-year life of the repository.

For example, Neptunium-237, which constitutes an important human health risk, is listed as a constituent of the waste packages that are planned to be disposed of in the Yucca Mountain repository. Neptunium-237 has a half-life of 2.1 million years. Leakages involving this element alone could result in serious contamination of park water resources.

DOE disagrees with the National Park Service’s contention that the EIS provided an inadequate evaluation of radionuclide migration in groundwater or that "dangerous levels of radiation" would exist long after 10,000 years. The calculations that the Department used to estimate the impacts described in Chapter 5 of the EIS are comprehensive. The analysis indicated that the predicted long-term levels of radioactive concentrations in groundwater and the resulting dose levels would be low, not "dangerous."

The long-term performance assessment calculations in Chapter 5 include neptunium-237. As the comment says, this is the most significant radionuclide, in terms of dose, in the 10,000- to 1-million-year period. Expected human health impacts in Chapter 5 (which include the contribution to dose from neptunium-237) for the first million years after repository closure would decline with distance from the repository (for example, see Section 5.4.2). Chapter 3 acknowledges that a small amount of groundwater might move beyond the primary groundwater discharge point at Alkali Flat (Franklin Lake Playa) to discharge in the Furnace Creek area of Death Valley. Even if this was the case, impacts in the Furnace Creek area would be less than the low impacts described in Chapter 5 for Franklin Lake Playa because impacts would decline with distance from the repository.

DOE is cooperating with the National Park Service and other Federal, state, and local agencies in a continuing effort to improve the regional groundwater modeling that supports the activities of these agencies as well as the Yucca Mountain performance assessments. This work is comprehensive, and has led to important refinements in modeling the regional groundwater system. However, nothing in this work has produced any change in the basic understanding of the regional groundwater flow regime. (7353)
- EIS001957 / 0010
Conclusions presented in the draft EIS and state of knowledge concerning the groundwater flow system are based on prevailing hydrologic conditions affecting the operation of the regional flow system. Additional transient modeling studies employing logical and predictable changes to significant parameters affecting the model outcome are necessary to determine the response of the flow system to continued development and increased groundwater withdrawals.

Such analyses utilizing variations in precipitation and groundwater recharge are essential to achieve anything approaching a reasonable understanding of response the flow system will have to those changes. Absent that data no reasonable conclusions can be derived concerning potential impacts associated with groundwater movement in the area of Yucca Mountain and the proposed repository. The NPS [National Park Service] recommends that conservation planning concluded thus far be modified to include the logical and necessary completion of these absolutely essential groundwater studies through full analysis via transient model studies.

DOE (at both Yucca Mountain and the Nevada Test Site) has been supporting the development of a comprehensive regional flow model of the Death Valley groundwater system in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Park Service, Nye County, Inyo County, the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and other entities for the last several years. Development of an updated, comprehensive steady-state model is nearing completion. The development of model capabilities to perform transient analyses on various aspects of the flow system has long been a desired objective. As long as the required level of funding is available, the Department’s intent is to continue development on the regional model to achieve this capability (see Section for more information). (7396)
- EIS001957 / 0018
Section Groundwater, Regional Groundwater -- This section states:

"DOE has collected groundwater–level data from wells at Yucca Mountain and in neighboring areas on a routine basis since 1983, and has used the levels to which water rises in wells—called the potentiometric surface—to map the slope of the groundwater surface and to determine the direction of flow. Based on these and other data, groundwater in aquifers below Yucca Mountain and in the surrounding region flows generally south toward discharge areas in the Amargosa Desert and Death Valley (Figure 3-13)."

However, Figure 3-13 (p.3-38), which is modified from D’Agnese, et al., shows a question mark on the groundwater flow arrow from the Amargosa Desert area towards Death Valley NP [National Park]. Figure 32 in the referenced D’Agnese, et al. report (1997) is essentially identical to Figure 3-13 in the draft EIS, except that D’Agnese’s Figure 32 does not have the question mark on the subject groundwater flow arrow.

Further, Figure 27 (p.60), in this same D’Agnese, et al. report, clearly shows, as the statement from the draft EIS above indicates, that the potentiometric surface indicates that the direction of flow in the regional ground-water flow system is from the Yucca Mountain area toward the Furnace Creek Wash area in particular, and to Death Valley NP [National Park] in general. This evidence of groundwater flow from the Yucca Mountain to the Furnace Creek Wash in Death Valley NP [National Park] is corroborated by other potentiometric-surface maps and ground-water flow direction maps published by other scientists, including: Thomas and others (1986), Plates 1 and 2; Harrill and others (1988), Plate 2; Dettinger, (1989), Figure 6; Dettinger and others (1991), Plate 2; Laczniak and others (1996), Plate 1; and Harrill and Prudic (1998), Figure 14.

DOE has added a figure to Chapter 3 of the Final EIS to show the estimated potentiometric surface of the Death Valley region. As noted in the legend to Figure 3-13 in the Draft EIS, the question mark on the figure indicated uncertainty concerning a component of the groundwater flow path from the Amargosa Desert to the Furnace Creek area. To avoid confusion, DOE has removed the question mark and the legend note from the figure.

The natural discharge point for groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain is Franklin Lake Playa. A small amount of groundwater might flow through fractures in the relatively impermeable rocks in the Funeral Mountains toward discharge points in Death Valley. (7399)
- EIS001957 / 0019
Figure 29 [of D’Agnese et al. 1997], "The three subregions of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system that encompass the area modeled in the study" of the D’Agnese, et al., report indicates that there is ground-water flow out of the Central Death Valley Subregion into the Southern Death Valley Subregion, and thence northwestward into Death Valley NP [National Park], along the path of the Amargosa River; presumably in the alluvial aquifer of the Amargosa River drainage. This ground-water pathway for the migration of nuclear contamination is not considered in the draft EIS, which is a significant omission handicapping the adequacy of the preliminary environmental impact analysis with respect to environmental consequences within Death Valley NP.

Section of the EIS indicates that the primary discharge point for groundwater flowing beneath Yucca Mountain is Alkali Flat (Franklin Lake Playa) to the south (through the Amargosa Desert), but recognizes that some groundwater reaching this far might bypass the playa. The general path of the water that percolates through Yucca Mountain is south toward Amargosa Valley, into and through the area around Death Valley Junction in the lower Amargosa Desert. Groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain would merge and mix with underflow from Fortymile Wash and then flow and mix into the very large groundwater reservoir in the Amargosa Desert, where it would move slowly due to the high effective porosity of basin deposits. Natural discharge of groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain probably occurs farther south at Franklin Lake Playa, an area of extensive evapotranspiration, although a minor volume might flow south toward Tecopa in the Southern Death Valley subregion. In addition, a fraction of the groundwater might flow through fractures in the relatively impermeable Precambrian rocks in the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains toward spring discharge points in the Furnace Creek area of Death Valley.

Several large springs (Texas, Travertine, and Nevares) in the Furnace Creek Wash area of Death Valley discharge about 3,250 acre-feet (4 million cubic meters) per year near Furnace Creek Ranch on the east side of Death Valley. This spring flow exceeds the potential local recharge, and the water from beneath the Amargosa Desert contributes to the flow.

Sparse potentiometric data indicate that a divide could exist in the Funeral Mountains between the Amargosa Desert and Death Valley. Such a divide would limit discharge from the shallow flow system, but would not necessarily affect the deeper carbonate flow system that could contribute discharge to the Furnace Creek area (DIRS 100465-Luckey et al. 1996). Geochemical, isotopic, and temperature data indicate that water discharging from springs in the Furnace Creek area is a mixture of water from basin-fill aquifers in the northwestern Amargosa Desert and the deeper flow in the regional carbonate aquifer (DIRS 101167-Winograd and Thordarson, 1975). The groundwater in the northwestern part of the Amargosa Desert originates in the Amargosa River drainage in Oasis Valley and from the eastern slope of the Funeral Mountains, both of which are west of the flow paths that extend south from Yucca Mountain. Even if part of the flow from Yucca Mountain mixed into the carbonate pathway that supplies the Furnace Creek springs, it would be too little to affect the springflow chemistry noticeably. Considering the small fraction of water that would infiltrate though the repository footprint (approximately 0.2 percent or less) compared to the total amount of water flowing through the basin and the large distances involved [more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the source], any component from Yucca Mountain in this very long and complicated flow path would be diluted to such an extent that it would be undetectable.

Chapter 5 of the EIS does not specifically address impacts that could occur in Death Valley National Park from consumption of groundwater that flowed beneath the proposed repository. However, Chapter 5 clearly indicates that impacts would decrease with increased distance from the repository site. The assessment of long-term repository performance shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at the site would keep the doses resulting from releases of radionuclides well below the regulatory limits established by the Environmental Protection Agency in 40 CFR Part 197 and would keep any release small enough to pose no significant impact on the health and safety of people or the environment. If a small fraction of the water that percolated through the repository footprint flowed into the Furnace Creek area in Death Valley, the mean peak dose would be less than the dose calculated for Franklin Lake Playa. Sections,, and 5.4 of the EIS contain additional information. (7400)
- EIS001957 / 0020
Section Groundwater at Yucca Mountain, Hydrologic Properties of Rock -- This section provides an overview of the hydrologic properties of various types of rock including their transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity. The discussion leads the reader to conclude groundwater moves extremely slowly in the area of Yucca Mountain; and leaves the reader to conclude little impact may arise from the relative movement of groundwater.

Dettinger in his 1989 report (p.16) states:

"Some zones within the central corridor (of the Regional Carbonate Aquifer) are highly transmissive, as indicated by large spring discharges that are fed by parts of the aquifers having imperceptibly sloping water tables, and by geologic mapping of ancestral flow paths. The highly transmissive zones may act as large-scale drains, collecting water from adjacent, less transmissive rock that underlies most of the study area."

He goes on to state:

"Results from tests of carbonate-rock aquifers throughout eastern and southern Nevada indicate that within 10 miles of regional springs, aquifers are an average 25 times more transmissive than they are further away."

The springs at Ash Meadows and Death Valley are high volume, constant discharge springs known to be supported by the regional aquifers. If Dettinger’s observations are correct, then the areas surrounding them are typified by accelerated groundwater transmissivities. This occurrence is further supported by the recent discovery of subterranean amphipods being discharged from the groundwater aquifers at Death Valley. The presence of these organisms necessitates the occurrence of open space fractures or voids at some considerable distance from the springs. These fractures would result in enhanced groundwater flow.

These data indicate the rapid movement of groundwater surrounding the springs. If that area is of the magnitude theorized by Dettinger, any contamination originating at the Yucca Mountain site would be rapidly transported to Death Valley NP [National Park] and Ash Meadows springs. The environmental consequences of such an occurrence are not discussed in the draft EIS.

DOE has conducted an extensive site characterization program to evaluate the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain. The general path of the water that percolates through Yucca Mountain is south toward the Amargosa Valley, into and through the area around Death Valley Junction in the lower Amargosa Valley. Groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain would merge and mix with underflow from Fortymile Wash and then flow and mix into the very large groundwater reservoir in the Amargosa Desert, where it would move slowly due to the high effective porosity of basin deposits. Natural discharge of groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain probably occurs farther south at Franklin Lake Playa, an area of extensive evapotranspiration, although a minor volume might flow south toward Tecopa in the Southern Death Valley subregion. In addition, a fraction of the groundwater might flow through fractures in the relatively impermeable Precambrian rocks in the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains toward spring discharge points in the Furnace Creek area of Death Valley.

Sparse potentiometric data indicate that a divide could exist in the Funeral Mountains between the Amargosa Desert and Death Valley. Such a divide would limit discharge from the shallow flow system, but would not necessarily affect the deeper carbonate flow system that could contribute discharge to the Furnace Creek area (DIRS 100465-Luckey et al. 1996). Geochemical, isotopic, and temperature data indicate that water discharging from springs in the Furnace Creek area is a mixture of water from basin-fill aquifers in the northwestern Amargosa Desert and the deeper flow in the regional carbonate aquifer (DIRS 101167-Winograd and Thordarson 1975). The groundwater in the northwestern part of the Amargosa Desert originates in the Amargosa River drainage in Oasis Valley and from the eastern slope of the Funeral Mountains, both of which are west of the flow paths that extend south from Yucca Mountain. Even if part of the flow from Yucca Mountain mixed into the carbonate pathway that supplies the Furnace Creek springs, it would be too little to affect the springflow chemistry noticeably. Considering the small fraction of water that would infiltrate though the repository footprint (approximately 0.2 percent or less) compared to the total amount of water flowing through the basin and the large distances involved [more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the source], any component from Yucca Mountain in this very long and complicated flow path would be diluted to such an extent that it would be undetectable.

The Dettinger (DIRS 105384-1989) report mentioned in the comment focuses on flow in the carbonate aquifer system. As discussed in Section of the EIS, groundwater beneath the repository is in the upper portion of the volcanic aquifer and the alluvial aquifer systems; it is confined from interaction with the lower carbonate aquifer, which is deep below Yucca Mountain. The solution cavities discussed by Dettinger (1989) are only in the lower carbonate aquifer and the velocity changes are limited to this aquifer. These solution cavities are unlikely to affect flow in the volcanic and alluvial aquifers.

The assessment of long-term repository performance shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at the site would keep the doses resulting from releases of radionuclides well below the regulatory limits established by the Environmental Protection Agency in 40 CFR Part 197 and would keep any release small enough to pose no significant impact on the health and safety of people or the environment. If a small fraction of the water that percolated through the repository footprint flowed into the Furnace Creek area in Death Valley, the mean peak dose would be less than the dose calculated for Franklin Lake Playa. Sections,, and 5.4 of the EIS contain additional information. (7439)
- EIS001969 / 0002
The NWPA requires DOE to provide reasonable assurance that the environment will be protected from the hazards posed by the Yucca Mountain repository. In order to meet this requirement, DOE has conducted numerous detailed analyses of Yucca Mountain’s geology and hydrology for the past 15 years. Through these and other activities associated with site characterization, DOE has amassed a large body of evidence to support the likely determination that Yucca Mountain is the most suitable site to store the nation’s high-level nuclear waste. Despite the fact that the most advanced technology is being utilized to design a foolproof waste barrier system for the repository and given the fact that the waste would remain radioactive for many thousands of years, we continue to be concerned that a facility of this nature inherently poses some degree of risk to wildlife resources. Our primary concerns are as follows:

Groundwater flows in aquifers below Yucca Mountain are generally to the south. Therefore, radionuclides and toxic chemicals, if introduced to the groundwater either by a short-term catastrophic event (e.g., earthquake, flood) or through long-term (i.e., more than 1,000 years) degradation of the waste storage containers, could eventually migrate to environmentally sensitive areas such as Ash Meadows NWR [National Wildlife Refuge]. A recent study found that the plutonium compound PuO2, once thought to be the most stable form of plutonium waste, can be oxidized by water making it more soluble and increasing the risk of groundwater contamination from storage facilities (Haschke et al. 2000).

We find these and other uncertainties with containment of high level radioactive waste to be cause for concern.

DOE believes that the comments expressed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service concerning risks to wildlife resources are addressed in the EIS. Section 4.1.8 of the EIS discusses the potential for catastrophic events (including earthquakes) occurring at the Yucca Mountain Repository during construction, operation and monitoring, and closure of the repository, and the consequences of these events. As described in Section 4.1.3, flooding would be unlikely to release contaminants because the design of critical surface facilities would withstand the most severe reasonably possible floods. Chapter 5 discusses impacts from the long-term performance of the repository. The evaluations included impacts from volcanic (Section 5.7.2) and seismic disturbances, as well as impacts from the slow degradation of waste packages over thousands of years. This slow degradation has the highest potential to spread contaminants as they are leached into the groundwater beneath Yucca Mountain.

Section of the EIS shows that the flow path of groundwater from Yucca Mountain extends to Jackass Flats and the Amargosa Desert, and continues southward to the primary point of discharge at Franklin Lake Playa in Alkali Flat. The EIS recognizes that some groundwater reaching this far might bypass Franklin Lake Playa and continue into Death Valley. The EIS also recognizes that a fraction of the groundwater that reaches the Amargosa Desert might flow through the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains to springs in the Furnace Creek Wash in Death Valley National Park. The springs in Ash Meadows (including Devils Hole) are not along the groundwater flow path from Yucca Mountain. As described in Section, groundwater beneath Yucca Mountain flows to the Amargosa Desert but does not discharge in Ash Meadows. From Ash Meadows to the low axis (Carson Slough) of the Amargosa Desert, the groundwater table declines about 64 meters (210 feet), indicating that the groundwater flows from Ash Meadows toward the Amargosa Desert, not the other way around.

Chapter 5 of the EIS does not specifically address the risks to people and natural resources in Death Valley National Park from the use and consumption of groundwater. However, it clearly indicates that risks would decrease with increased distance from the repository. Accordingly, impacts to the Park, because it is far from Yucca Mountain, would be negligible.

In Section 5.3 of the EIS, DOE concluded that the predicted long-term levels of radionuclide concentrations in groundwater and the resulting dose levels at the predicted discharge area in Amargosa Valley would be low. As a consequence, DOE does not expect that the dose rates to plants and animals would cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of any species because the rates would be less than 100 millirad per day. The International Atomic Energy Agency concluded that chronic dose rates of much less than 100 millirad per day are unlikely to cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of even the more radiosensitive species in terrestrial ecosystems (DIRS 103277-IAEA 1992). The DOE interim technical standard, A Graded Approach for Evaluating Dose to Aquatic and Terrestrial Biota, which the Department made available for interim use on July 20, 2000, contains more information about potential effects of radiation on biota.

The comment also refers to a recent laboratory finding that a species of plutonium oxide has a higher solubility than the species most often considered to be the normal oxidized form of the metal (plutonium dioxide) (DIRS 150367-Haschke, Allen, and Morales 2000). Scientists working on the Yucca Mountain Project are aware of this finding. DOE believes that the finding is within the range of conservatisms built into the plutonium solubility model used to model the long-term performance of the repository. (7578)
- EIS001969 / 0034
Page 3-36, Section Regional Groundwater.

There is insufficient data to fully characterize the site-scale hydrology of the area. Because of the complexity of the geology and inconsistencies between the Large Hydraulic Gradient and thermal data, additional boreholes, appropriately configured, that penetrate to the Paleozoic carbonates beneath the Tertiary tuffs should be considered.

There is a lack of data on the hydrologic interaction between the Tertiary tufts and the underlying Paleozoic carbonate aquifers.

DOE, in cooperation with Nye County, has initiated a program (called the Early Warning Drilling Program) to characterize further the saturated zone along possible groundwater pathways from Yucca Mountain, as well as the relationships among the volcanic, alluvial, and carbonate aquifers. Information from the ongoing site characterization program and from the performance confirmation program (if Yucca Mountain is approved for a repository), would be used in conjunction with that of the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the Department’s understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information from the Early Warning Drilling Program was available. Since then, however, this program has gathered additional information (see Section of the Final EIS). (7581)
- EIS001969 / 0035
Page 3-39 and Page 3-51, Section Groundwater.

The range of infiltration rates, hydraulic conductivities, etc. should be used rather than the average, especially in the case where the range is large. For example, apparent hydraulic conductivities range over 3 orders of magnitude (page 3-5 1). Also, the average infiltration rate of 6.5 mm/yr [millimeter per year] on page 3-39 is misleading because fracture systems allow much more rapid flow locally. The difficulty of Yucca Mountain hydrology is in the inability to predict which fractures or faults will act as highly transmissive zones. Care must be taken to show ranges of behavior so that best and worst case scenarios can both be evaluated.

The EIS describes why the quantity of water moving through the proposed repository would be small compared to other sources of recharge in the region and to the amount of groundwater moving through the area. DOE believes that presenting ranges of infiltration rates in this case would add unnecessary complexity. More information, including temporal and spatial ranges of net infiltration, is in the Water Source and Movement discussion in Section of the EIS.

DOE disagrees that description of an average net infiltration over the area of the repository is misleading. (It should be noted that the EIS now presents a different infiltration estimate due to the results of an updated infiltration study.) The EIS also considers smaller areas of higher and lower infiltration. Section identifies infiltration rates over an order of magnitude higher in areas where thin alluvium overlies highly permeable rock. It would be misleading to imply that these higher infiltration rates occur over large areas.

DOE agrees that it is difficult to predict which fractures or faults would act as highly transmissive zones. However, much has been learned from studies, particularly chlorine-36 studies, that have suggested a correlation between subsurface locations where there is evidence of "fast pathways" (less than 50 years) and physical conditions in the mountain and on the surface. The Water Source and Movement discussion in Section describes these correlations. (7733)
- EIS000817 / 0023
You also need to know how much water you are going to need for any of these operations -- for decontamination, etc. Your evaluation shows that demands (along with Nevada Test Site activities) would exceed lowest perennial yield estimates under the low thermal load for packaging scenarios. What about in retrieval? And have you evaluated how pumping that water out of the local supply affects that geological formation? Say you really deplete most of it, can areas of the aquifer dry out and cave in? Will air movement replace areas where water flowed before? What effect would this have on emissions and doses? Everything you could possibly have to do at the repository will affect everything else. You need to examine the scenarios of the unexpected and cask handling so far shows that the unexpected happens frequently. The track record is bad.

Section of the EIS discusses projected water needs for the repository. Table 4-11 lists the estimated annual water demand for each phase of the project (construction, operation and monitoring, and closure). These estimates include all the project’s water needs and include water for the decontamination of surface facilities, which is part of the monitoring period.

Section of the EIS discusses impacts to groundwater if DOE undertook a retrieval action. The peak annual water demand for the retrieval option would be much less than the demand forecasted for the repository’s operational period when the emplacement of waste packages and the simultaneous development of new drifts would occur. (This would be the period with the highest annual water demand listed in Table 4-10.)

Land subsidence can accompany large withdrawals of groundwater that lower the water table. Where subsidence occurs, it is usually associated with fine-grained sediments, particularly silts and clays. Land subsidence above volcanic-rock aquifers, from which the repository would withdraw water, is not expected. In addition, significant lowering of the water table would require that substantial amounts of groundwater be pumped at a rate greater than the recharge rate. DOE compared water demands to the perennial yield of the area, and demonstrated that this would not occur. That is, there is no reason to believe that water demands for the repository would deplete the aquifer.

Chapter 5 of the EIS addresses the long-term performance of the repository, and includes estimates of doses from the slow release of radiological contaminants to both the atmosphere and groundwater. As indicated in Section 5.5, the repository rock is porous and allows gas to flow, establishing the need to evaluate the release of radionuclides with the potential for gas transport. As suggested by this comment, a temporary localized lowering of the groundwater table from pumping could aid air movement by causing air to move in as water moved out of an area. However, air movement in the rock is also driven by normal changes in barometric pressure caused by weather fronts moving in and out of the region.

With respect to the comment’s concern for unexpected scenarios, the Yucca Mountain Project includes a major effort to identify, develop, and evaluate disruptive-event scenarios that could affect long-term repository performance. Section 5.7 of the EIS summarizes the results of this effort, and the Viability Assessment of a Repository at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998) contains a more detailed description. (7854)
- EIS001653 / 0037
Pg. 3-52 and Pg. 3-53 needs a figure showing ground water flow directions, depths, and aquifers. A figure should also show other groundwater wells used in the area.

The Final EIS includes additional figures to support the groundwater hydrology discussions in Sections and A potentiometric surface map has been added that shows groundwater elevations of the Death Valley region. A figure has also been added showing a generalized hydrogeologic cross-section from Yucca Mountain to the northern portion of the Amargosa Desert. This figure shows a simplified representation of the groundwater level, aquifers, and confining units in this area.

A figure showing additional groundwater wells has not been included in the Final EIS. The current figure of well locations (Figure 3-17 of the EIS) depicts the primary wells as discussed, and DOE believes that it adequately represents the size of the area covered by monitoring and investigation wells. It is also recognized that it does not represent the number of wells in the area. It does not show all of the wells installed and monitored as part of the Yucca Mountain characterization work and it certainly does not show all of the water-extraction wells in the Amargosa Desert. A new figure showing more wells in Figure 3-17 would simply be too busy and would not add significant information. (7861)
- EIS001653 / 0040
Groundwater section [] needs a map showing different aquifer systems in the region of influence.

DOE agrees with the commenter. Section of the Final EIS includes a simplified hydrogeologic cross-section from the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). This figure shows a generalized representation of the relative positions of the volcanic, lower carbonate, and alluvium (or valley/basin-fill) aquifers in the area between Yucca Mountain and the Amargosa Desert. Figure 9.3-1 of the Yucca Mountain Site Description contains a more detailed hydrogeologic cross section across the Yucca Mountain site. (8169)
- EIS000817 / 0087
The "perched water" does not sound good. Have you ever watched water come out of a spring? We have a piece of land in a valley full of springs. I often watch the water flow down the valley sides and streamlets and springs and rockfall areas, and bluff areas uncovered, and think about how and where the water is going inside the rocky valley walls. You can picture it in your mind -- those fractures and faults and cavities holding the runoff until it comes out below. And it’s obvious that over time, small passages become larger and fractures connect to form continuous pathways. The few tests you do now, and the limited sampling, can in no way predict when those passages will connect in the future. Continuous pathways will lead to disaster eventually and you do not know when this will happen.

The discovery and investigation of perched water bodies beneath the proposed repository horizon has provided a great deal of information on the movement of water in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain. Data from these analyses represent primary pieces of evidence indicating faults and fractures in the rock that provide a relatively fast path for the vertical movement of some infiltrating water compared to the rate by which water travels through the rock matrix. Section of the EIS discusses carbon-14 dating of the perched water, which indicates its age to be several thousand years. Water movement through the unsaturated zone probably is episodic, and very slow in the dry climate of the Yucca Mountain site in comparison to flowing surface water. (8198)
- EIS000817 / 0092
You think groundwater will dilute the radioactive waste in the end -- but will it? Is "dilution the solution"? Often not -- it causes more problems.

DOE is not advocating dilution as the solution to managing spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. However, the Department has to predict what would happen to these materials during the thousands of years following placement in a repository, during which its radiological hazards would still be of concern. The long-term performance of the repository described in Chapter 5 of the EIS is based on the premise that it is not reasonable to assume that the waste would stay contained and isolated forever. DOE believes it is reasonable that some dilution would occur as this material slowly entered the natural environment. The logic behind this belief is as follows: The presence of water, dripping or seeping on the waste packages, would be the most important factor controlling the longevity of the waste package. Even if packages were breached through other mechanisms, such as rockfalls, water would have to be present to carry contaminants any distance from the package. (The air pathway is of concern for the few radionuclides that might be available for gas transport, but the analysis shows this pathway to be of minor importance.) The contaminants would have to be soluble or in very small particles to move with the small-quantity, low-velocity water migrating through the unsaturated zone. As long as there was a saturated zone to receive the water moving down through the unsaturated zone, some mixing would occur when they joined, and there would be more opportunity for mixing the farther the water traveled in the saturated zone. Each of these steps involves the contaminants becoming part of a larger mass or volume of water (that is, dilution). (8392)
- EIS001023 / 0005
In its Draft Environmental Impact Statement, the Department of Energy admits that there could be low levels of contamination in the ground water in the Amargosa Desert for a long period. Do they mean for 10,000 years? The data presented by the Department of Energy in their 1998 "Viability Assessment" shows that water moves quickly through the rocks at Yucca Mountain. As a result when the containers begin to fail, radioactivity will also move quickly to contaminate the ground water in the region through the same fractures in the rock which allow carbon-14 to escape.

Extensive studies at Yucca Mountain show evidence of low rates of infiltration and percolation, long groundwater-residence times, and a repository horizon that has been hydrologically stable for long periods. The proposed repository emplacement areas would be away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide release.

Ongoing hydrogeochemical studies suggest that groundwater travel times for contaminants from the repository to the accessible environment (specified in 40 CFR Part 197) would be thousands to tens of thousands of years. The natural discharge of groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain probably occurs farther south at Franklin Lake Playa, more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) away, and travel times would be even longer.

After closure of the repository, there would be limited potential for releases to the atmosphere because the waste would be isolated far below the ground surface. DOE analyzed the potential for gas transport of carbon-14 because the repository host rocks are porous. Modeling analyses show negligible human health impacts due to releases of gas-phase carbon-14. Section 5.5 of the EIS contains more information on atmospheric radiological consequences.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information).

The EIS addresses long-term performance of the repository for both the 10,000-year regulatory period and for 1 million years. Results reported in the EIS are based on a state-of-the-art modeling technique that is internationally recognized as an adequate and proper approach. These results, as described in Chapter 5 of the EIS, indicate that impacts would be minor and that health effects would be thousands of times less than natural incidences of health problems in the population. Sections and 5.4 contain more information. (8410)
- EIS000817 / 0126
P. 5-14. You say radionuclides would be more dispersed and the concentration of the nuclides in any volume of water would decrease. That is a big question, though. I wonder how concentrated the water really would be that carries this finally out into the public domain. Is there a scenario where the groundwater would be so little, but enough to flow out, that the concentration would be a lot more than predicted? How do we know how diluted it will really be long-term? Groundwater and aquifers will change over time.

This comment is correct in identifying dispersion as one of the key elements in the effort to project (model) how contaminants might move in the environment. There was past concern over the amount of dispersion that would occur by the time water had infiltrated to the depth of the saturated zone and again as the water moved through the saturated zone. As a result of this concern, the DOE initiated an expert elicitation process, bringing together a number of experts in the field to determine what they felt would be appropriate dispersion and factors to use in projecting impacts from the proposed repository action. As described in the paragraph following the one identified in the comment, the factors recommended by the experts were used in the long-term performance modeling efforts described in the EIS. This process is further described in Section I.4 of the Draft EIS. Use of these dilution factors represented a significant departure from earlier modeling efforts for Yucca Mountain in which effective values of dilution were typically orders of magnitude higher. It should be noted that the long-term performance analysis in the Final EIS is somewhat different than that described in the Draft EIS. The analysis has been modified to conform to new requirements specified in 40 CFR Part 197, Public Health and Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada. (8417)
- EIS000817 / 0129
P. 5-15. I do not agree that Lehman and Brown’s theory of flow paths will not come into effect because of the "long lived" waste packages. Don’t depend on this. Work on the theory that the packages will not last as long as expected. Be prepared for that and know what to expect in that case.

The comment refers to a statement in Section of the Draft EIS. The EIS cites Lehman and Brown (DIRS 149173-1996), who propose an alternate conceptual model of saturated flow downgradient from Yucca Mountain, which could have some unquantified effect on dose estimates at a compliance point near the community of Amargosa Valley. The EIS maintains that such effects of alternative flow modeling would be relatively small, because dose rates are much more controlled by waste package failures than by rates of flow in the saturated zone.

The commenter argues that DOE should not place reliance on the long-lived waste packages. As discussed in Draft EIS Section 5.2.3, adequate performance of the repository is based on four key attributes: (1) limited water contacting waste packages, (2) long waste package lifetimes, (3) slow release of radionuclides from waste packages, and (4) reduction in the concentration of contaminants during transport to the point of human exposure. Each of these attributes is simulated in the Total System Performance Assessment that calculates dose rates at different times in the future. DOE recognizes that a great deal of uncertainty exists in the Total System Performance Assessment process as discussed in Section 5.2.4 of the Draft EIS, and uses alternative conceptual models and probability theory to deal with uncertainty and variability as described in Section of the Draft EIS. While uncertainty exists in all aspects of performance assessment, it is important to realize what types of uncertainty will most influence overall results. Assessing this relative importance, termed sensitivity analysis, is described in Section of the Draft EIS. Lehman and Brown’s alternative model, and its potential effect on dose rates, cannot be analyzed quantitatively because their presentation is merely a brief summary of their work and does not provide a basis for judging its validity (DIRS 149173-Lehaman and Brown 1996).

DOE believes the issues related to uncertainty of the performance of the repository are treated adequately in Section 5.2.3 of the Draft EIS. (8418)
- EIS000817 / 0130
I’m thinking of something from "Civil Action" (book by Jonathan Harr), something about that the flow of the contaminated water could go under the river. I found that fascinating. This Darcy’s Law about the quantity of water flowing through a given area is equal to the hydraulic conductivity of the material [through] which it flows multiplied by the size of the opening, multiplied again by the gradient or angle of incline. How does this fit in with the repository site, climate changes in rainfall rate, changes in size of continuous cracks and fissures in the surrounding rock by heat from the casks making them larger and connecting them, and the pressure changes and temperature changes affecting flow directions and the incline. All this, and where does the water really go? How much? When? How could you possibly predict all this? I don’t think you can. What if the runoff flowed off laterally before it got to groundwater in the saturated zone and got out in surrounding land and air? Is this at all possible? Or could it get past the groundwater somehow without being diluted and flow out? In other words, is the groundwater level beneath the repository like a lake under there? No islands or peninsulas in it? I’m trying to picture just how it is under there. Don’t assume it’s one big flow and covers the whole space. Ever try to drill a well by hand and not hit water where it was supposed to be? We did this summer. It’s a surprise. Could this be the case at Yucca in some areas and throw all your calculations off? Computers like to deal with "idealized" situations where sameness fits the calculations to make them "work" -- but nature is full of variation and diversity, so don’t expect your neat little projections to be what is really there. It probably won’t be the case. Water (and gases) seek any opening of escape they can find, and water tends to make its avenues of escape larger and more continuous as it goes along over time. Don’t forget that. And -- water is a thief. It takes whatever it can along with it. Don’t forget that, either. Sometimes I think scientists get so involved in their intricate computer models that they forget to look at the real thing, the total picture of how all of it works together. Often studies are so segmented that nobody puts them together to see if they really work together. That has happened in cask fabrication and can happen in water flow studies.

This comment describes some of the complex issues and problems facing DOE scientists and engineers working to model the movement of water and contaminants in the subsurface environment. The conceptual model of water flow in Section of the EIS shows both lateral and vertical flow in the unsaturated zone as water moves from the ground surface to the water table. The groundwater can be viewed simplistically as a lake (or very slow moving river) sitting underground in saturated rock. There could be islands or peninsulas where the water does not flow (or moves so slowly that it cannot be easily extracted from a well) due to faults and changes in rock characteristics. These would be areas of less permeable materials rather than areas where water might slip through from above.

The long-term performance assessment of the repository, as described in Chapter 5, includes evaluations of impacts from radioactive and nonradioactive materials released to the environment during the first 10,000 years after closure. The principal means by which these materials could be exposed over time to humans and the environment include movement through the unsaturated zone and then the groundwater (saturated zone). The Yucca Mountain site characterization effort is centered around learning enough about the site to make reasonable projections on how and when contaminants would move if the repository were to be constructed.

The long-term impact projections in the EIS are based in part on forecasts involving what the future environment will be like and how natural subsurface features vary over distance. These types of forecasts are associated with some uncertainty, particularly when they must consider thousands of years and long distances. Section 5.2.4 of the EIS addresses uncertainties associated with the analysis of the repository’s long-term performance. This section also addresses the possible effects that uncertainties might have on the reported impact estimates. In the summary of the uncertainty discussion, DOE describes the current results of performance assessment as a "snapshot in time" that it will continue to refine with ongoing work. The Department believes the performance results presented in the EIS are conservative estimates and that ongoing work will increase confidence in those estimates. (8454)
- EIS000817 / 0134
P. 5-23, 5.3. You describe the general direction of groundwater movement NOW. But this could change. An earthquake or seismic event could remap this whole system. You have springs, alluvial aquifers -- connections between these and pressure differences that direct the flow. This could all change if land lifts or drops and pressures change. Rocks do strange things when they crack up or fracture. You can’t predict what will happen. What if the volcanic aquifer ends up flowing into the carbonate aquifer??? What happens to Ash Meadows or Devils Hole then? And the Devils Hole pupfish?

DOE shares the commenter’s concern that it is not possible to predict precisely what would happen after significant seismic event at Yucca Mountain. Experts have studied records of historic seismic events and geologic evidence of ancient seismic events to help understand the possible size and frequency of future seismic events at and near Yucca Mountain. DOE has also examined the impacts to the long-term performance of the repository as from seismic activity. These analyses included possible changes to groundwater flow caused by seismic events. The results indicate that there would be little change in the pattern of groundwater flow from the creation of a permeable fault (a fault zone across which water can flow) and no effects if the fault was a barrier to water flow. Section 5.7.3 of the EIS and Section 4.4.3 of the Viability Assessment of a Repository at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998) describe the results of these analyses. (8606)
- EIS001256 / 0006
We would expect that your reply to our hydrologic and geologic concerns will include descriptions of the engineering barriers that have been designed, the most recent of which is a system of water shields to be placed over the storage casks. This presents a fundamental problem in itself. Yucca Mountain, or whatever site selected for long term storage, was supposed to offer a stable geologic barrier to protect people and the environment from high level nuclear waste. Instead, you are designing engineering barriers to provide the required protection. Why can’t these engineering barriers be built at the point of origin of the waste? Why does the nuclear waste have to be transported thousands of miles, contaminating handling materials and jeopardizing health and safety all along the transportation routes?

The NWPA (Section 114(f)(2) and (3)) provides that DOE need not consider in the EIS the need for a geologic repository or alternatives to geologic disposal. In addition, the EIS does not have to consider any site other than Yucca Mountain for development as a repository. For these reasons, this EIS did not consider constructing engineered barriers at existing waste sites similar in function to those proposed for the repository.

In the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Management of Commercially Generated Radioactive Waste (DIRS 104832-DOE 1980), DOE evaluated alternatives to mined geologic disposal including very deep borehole disposal, disposal in a mined cavity that resulted from rock melting, island-based geologic disposal, subseabed disposal, ice sheet disposal, well injection disposal, transmutation, space disposal, and no action. In a 1981 Record of Decision on that EIS, DOE decided to develop mined geologic repositories for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. (8678)
- EIS001816 / 0002
Section 3.1.4 Hydrology (page 3-58): the statement about, "there is no reason to believe that radionuclides from nuclear tests could migrate as far as YM during the active life of the repository." This statement is a belief and not a fact yet. Although there is a sizeable amount of data from the NTS testing program and more being collected simultaneous to YM, the Underground Test Area (UGTA) project has not established with credibility and acceptability that radionuclide contamination would reach the repository during its active life. The Tritium Transport Modeling (1997) by DOE on Pahute Mesa gave a range of arrival times for tritium to reach the Oasis Valley area from the present date to as little as 40 years from now. Possibly with the collection of more data from the data-sparse area between YM and Pahute Mesa, the DOE UGTA program will more confidently establish tritium transport times and pathways beneath YM. The Yucca Mountain Project and Underground Test Area Subproject must cooperate m [sentence incomplete]

For the last several years, DOE, in close cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Park Service, Nye County, Inyo County, and other entities, has supported the development of a regional model of groundwater flow that combines the data acquired by the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project and the Nevada Test Site (NTS). DOE (DIRS 103021-1997) used very conservative assumptions to show that tritium from nuclear testing moving in the groundwater could reach the boundaries of the Nevada Test Site and Nellis Air Force Range in a matter of decades. It should be noted that the flowpaths predicted in this study do not include paths from underground testing areas, including Pahute Mesa, to Yucca Mountain. Additionally, the Nevada Test Site study concluded that the results of groundwater sampling and analysis have shown that "…the conservative assumptions used to predict transport to Oasis Valley do not appear to be likely in reality" (DIRS 103021–DOE 1997). That is, monitoring has not shown tritium to be moving as rapidly as predicted even when using the conservative assumptions of the model. As additional data become available, the model will continue to be updated to analyze a variety of groundwater issues that are relevant to the Death Valley flow system and the performance of the repository.

DOE has modified Section 3.1.4 of the EIS to identify the tritium-transport study. This study recognizes that tritium from weapons testing could travel in the groundwater to locations at or near the boundary of the Nevada Test Site in tens of years, but that the predicted flowpaths would not pass beneath Yucca Mountain. (8744)
- EIS001816 / 0012
Section (page 3-49): The study of fluid inclusions by Dublyansky (1998), and the conclusion that they were caused by warm upwelling of water and not percolation downward by surface water merits more questions. What relationship does the ongoing study by Dr. Jean Cline (UNLV) have to Dublyansky’s theory? Since YM is funding the investigation, the DEIS must define how and where the fluid inclusion study will be utilized as a contribution that is technically verifiable and reproducible, and that is in full transparent view of and inspection by the public.

Based on the results of the analyses in Section of the EIS, DOE does not believe that a credible rise of the water table would inundate the waste-emplacement areas. However, Section does discuss evidence that the elevation of the water table at Yucca Mountain has fluctuated over time, due largely to changes in the climate. In addition, DOE examined the cumulative effects on the elevation of the water table from a wetter climate, earthquakes, and a volcanic eruption. Based on the evidence at hand, no reasonable combination of wetter climates, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions could raise the elevation of the water table sufficiently to inundate the waste emplacement areas at Yucca Mountain.

Section of the EIS discusses several opposing views on fluctuations in the elevation of the water table at Yucca Mountain. Some investigators believe that the water table has risen in the past to elevations that are higher than the proposed waste emplacement areas. DOE does not concur with these views, nor did an expert panel that the National Academy of Sciences convened to examine this issue specifically (as described in Section DOE believes that the geologic evidence strongly indicates that over the past several million years, water levels at Yucca Mountain have not been more than about 120 meters (390 feet) higher than the present level. Although DOE disagrees with the central scientific conclusions in Dr. Dublyansky’s report (DIRS 104875-1998), it continues to support research in this area, as well as on other aspects of the geology and hydrology that enhances our understanding of the site. Dr. Cline’s fluid inclusion study is viewed as a supplemental confirmatory research effort. (8807)
- EIS001907 / 0029
Groundwater contamination would deliver the worst doses of radioactivity to nearby residents, and because of this water quality must be protected to the fullest extent of the law, which this proposition fails to do. Yucca Mountain must have the most stringent of standards, for leakage will only increase over time, yet these standards are being lowered.

The only bulk source of Chlorine-36 in our atmosphere is from above ground nuclear weapons tests done in the Pacific, salt in the seawater was activated which formed the radioactive chlorine isotope. Its presence at repository depth proves that water has traveled there within the past 50 years, and proves a "fast flow" path for groundwater travel. The science has shown that water moves too fast through Yucca Mt. for it to qualify under 10 CFR 960.4-2-1. Now there is an attempt to change these standards. This act of trying to change the rules in the middle of the games is shameful.

Section of the EIS explains the legislative history of the repository program and the rationale for modifying the initial regulations that were applicable to a generic repository to the new regulations that are applicable only to Yucca Mountain. As reported in Chapter 5 of the EIS, modeling of the long-term performance of the repository shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep doses resulting from any releases of radioactive contaminants well within the regulatory limits established by 40 CFR Part 197.

As part of its site characterization program, DOE has used a variety of naturally occurring isotopic indicators, one of which is chlorine-36, to investigate the nature of infiltration and deep percolation of water at the site. Results from this program detected elevated amounts (values above normal background measurements) of "bomb-pulse" chlorine-36 in several places in the Exploratory Studies Facility from nuclear testing conducted during the 1950s and 1960s. The locations where this bomb-pulse chlorine-36 has been detected in the Exploratory Studies Facility are associated generally with known through-going faults and well-developed fracture systems close to those faults. This suggests that there are connected pathways through which surface precipitation has percolated to the repository horizon within the last 50 years. These findings, however, must be viewed in the context of whether waste can be stored safely at Yucca Mountain. Overall, most of the water that infiltrates into Yucca Mountain moves much more slowly through the matrix and fracture network of the rock. Only a small fraction has moved quickly through the connected portion of the fracture network. Carbon isotope data from water extracted from the matrix correspond to residence times as long as 10,000 years. (8927)
- EIS001922 / 0004
Hydrology of the Site

A tremendous amount of scientific uncertainty currently surrounds hydrothermal incursions of groundwater at the site. It is unclear whether flooding has previously occurred, and if it has, how recently it occurred. The DEIS makes the assumption that the repository will remain unsaturated and its estimates of how long the container packages will last are based on that assumption. If the EIS [is] incorrect regarding hydrothermal incursions and the project continues, the consequences could be astronomical in terms of groundwater contamination and damage to the public and environment. The EIS should address the potential effects of water incursion on container packages.

The groundwater at the site currently is used for agriculture. The Amargosa Valley farming community relies directly upon the groundwater from the site for its livelihood and drinking water. The DEIS does not fully address the consequences of contamination of the groundwater and its impact on regional uses. It incorrectly assumes dilution will reduce concentrations of radiation to acceptable levels. Given that the longevity of the container and the mountain barrier have not been determined, this assumption is premature at best, woefully underestimated at worst.

The alarming and potentially devastating effects of upwelling and associated surface and groundwater contamination [were] not dealt with in the DEIS and should be addressed. An upwelling of contaminated water could impact a large land area and significantly alter the pathway and the maximum individual dose assumptions.

Based on the results of analyses reported in Section of the EIS, DOE does not believe that the waste emplacement areas would be inundated by a credible rise of the water table. This section does discuss evidence, however, that the elevation of the water table at Yucca Mountain has fluctuated over time. These fluctuations have been due largely to changes in the climate. DOE also examined the cumulative effects on the elevation of the water table from a wetter climate, earthquakes, and a volcanic eruption. Based on the evidence at hand, no reasonable combination of wetter climates, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions could raise the elevation of the water table sufficiently to inundate the waste emplacement areas at Yucca Mountain.

Section also discusses several opposing views concerning fluctuations in the elevation of the water table at Yucca Mountain. These investigators believe that the water table at Yucca Mountain has risen in the past to elevations that are higher than the waste-emplacement areas. DOE does not concur with these opposing views, nor did an expert panel that was convened by the National Academy of Sciences to examine this issue. DOE believes that the geologic evidence strongly indicates that over the past several million years, water levels at Yucca Mountain have not been more than about 120 meters (390 feet) higher than the present level. Because DOE believes that this scenario is not credible and therefore not significant, DOE did not evaluate the impacts of groundwater inundation of the waste emplacement areas. This approach is consistent with regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality [40 CFR Part 1501.7(a)(3)], which directs agencies to identify and eliminate from detailed study those issues which are not significant. DOE believes that Section of the EIS, which discusses dilution, adequately addresses the consequences of radionuclides in the regional groundwater system. As reported in Chapter 5 of the EIS, modeling of the long-term performance of the repository shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep such releases within the regulatory limits established at 40 CFR Part 197. (8941)
- EIS001030 / 0003
Yucca Mt. is not adequate because of geological risks. Studies of the fissures in the rocks of the area indicate that both radioactive water and gas may escape. Heat from the waste itself may generate problems. Hot water from below the site associated with volcanic activity poses a risk. The site is riddled with seismic faults. The DEIS has not dealt adequately with these risks.

Extensive studies conducted at Yucca Mountain show evidence of low rates of infiltration and percolation, long groundwater-residence times, and a repository horizon that has been hydrologically stable for long periods of time. The proposed waste-emplacement areas are located in areas away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide releases.

After closure of the repository, there would be a limited potential for releases to the atmosphere because the waste would be isolated far below the ground surface. The potential for gas transport of carbon-14 was analyzed because the repository host rocks are porous. Modeling shows negligible human-health impacts due to releases of gas-phase carbon-14. See Section 5.5 of the EIS for additional information on atmospheric radiological consequences.

The heat generated by the waste packages can be managed by using various options (e.g., blending, aging, waste package spacing, and ventilation). Under the higher-temperature operating mode flexible repository design, heat generated by the waste packages may add some increased uncertainty to possible effects of the repository on the hydrologic system. The heat generated by the waste packages may, however, be beneficial by driving water away from the drift wall rock for a period of about 1,500 years.

Intensive investigations by DOE identified no evidence or credible mechanism to account for a rise in groundwater to flood the potential repository horizon in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain. Szymanski (DIRS 106963-1989) proposed that during the last 10,000 to 1,000,000 years, hot mineralized groundwater was driven to the surface by earthquakes and volcanic activities. This hypothesis goes on to suggest that similar forces could raise the regional groundwater in the future and inundate the repository horizon.

DOE requested the National Academy of Science’s National Research Council (NAS/NRC) render an independent evaluation of the issue. After reviewing available information, the NAS/NRC concluded in their 1992 report that no mechanism was known that could cause a future inundation of the repository horizon. The features cited by Szymanski (DIRS 106963-1989) as proof of groundwater upwelling in and around Yucca Mountain are related to the much older (13 to 10 million years old) volcanic process that formed Yucca Mountain and the underlying volcanic rocks. Significant water table excursions (exceeding tens of meters) to the design level of the repository due to earthquakes are unlikely. As discussed in EIS Section, the likelihood of volcanic activity in the area is low (one chance in 70 million annually), and it would raise the water table a few tens of meters, at most.

DOE scientists have estimated that the water table could rise by 50 to 130 meters (160 to 430 feet) under extremely wet climatic conditions. The regional aquifer has been estimated to have been a maximum of 120 meters (390 feet) above present levels based on mineralogic data, isotopic data, discharge deposit data, and hydrologic modeling analysis. The occurrence of an earthquake under these extreme climatic conditions might cause an additional rise in the water table of less than 20 meters (66 feet), still leaving a safety margin of 20 meters (66 meters) or more between the water table and the level of the waste-emplacement drifts. The 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake (magnitude 5.6) raised water levels in monitoring wells at Yucca Mountain a maximum of less than 1 meter (3.3 feet) (DIRS 101276-O’Brien 1993). Water level and fluid pressure in continuously monitored wells rose sharply and then receded, over a period of several hours, to pre-earthquake levels. The water-level rise in hourly monitored wells was on the order of centimeters and indistinguishable after 2 hours (DIRS 101276-O’Brien 1993).

Dublyansky (DIRS 104875-1998) proposed another line of data in support of the warm-water upwelling hypothesis. This study involved fluid inclusions in calcite and opal crystals deposited at Yucca Mountain. The report concludes that some of these crystals were formed by rising hydrothermal water and not by percolation of surface water. A group of scientists with expertise in hydrology, geology, isotope geochemistry, and climatology did not concur with the conclusions in the report (DIRS 100086-Stuckless et al. 1998). Although the DOE has disagreed with the central scientific conclusions in this report, the DOE agreed to support continuing research. An independent Investigation by Jean Cline, at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is scheduled for completion in 2001. See Section of the EIS for additional information.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information).

DOE based its analysis of impacts on a state-of-the-art modeling technique that has been reviewed by many oversight groups. The results of this analysis, described in Chapter 5 of the EIS, indicate that impacts would be low and that health effects would be thousands of times less than natural incidences of health problems in the population. Sections and 5.4 provide additional information. (8944)
- EIS001030 / 0004
It is clear from research at Yucca Mt. and surrounding areas that we do not have a clear understanding of underground water dynamics. Further new information from other sites on the heretofore unknown rapidity at which radioactive substances can move in groundwater makes this issue even more troubling.

Ongoing hydrogeochemical studies suggest that groundwater travel times for contaminants from the repository to the accessible environment, about 18 kilometers (11 miles) away, are from thousands to tens of thousands of years. The natural discharge of groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain probably occurs farther south at Franklin Lake Playa, more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) away, and travel times would be even greater.

At the Benham nuclear test site on the Nevada Test Site, testing has indicated rapid transport of colloidal-associated plutonium. The results of groundwater monitoring indicate that a small fraction of plutonium has migrated 1.3 kilometer (0.8 mile) from the blast site in 30 years. In fracture systems, colloids that are repelled from the wall rock can move faster than nonsorbing dissolved species because they remain in the faster flowing portions of the flow paths. DOE has included plutonium colloidal transport in the EIS analysis, and it will be the subject of continuing work.

Analysis of long-term repository performance shows that the combination of natural barriers and engineered barriers at the Yucca Mountain site would keep such a release small enough to pose no significant impact to the health and safety of people or the environment. See EIS Sections and 5.4 for more information. (9076)
- EIS001887 / 0427
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act requires that an EIS, consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) be prepared and accompany a recommendation for site approval. The amended NWPA (1987) still requires consistency with NEPA, but does not require the DOE to consider:
  1. The need for the repository

  2. Alternatives sites to Yucca Mountain, or

  3. Non-geological alternatives

NWPA Section 114(f) specifically states that all other provisions of NEPA apply. NEPA Section 1502.22 relates to incomplete or unavailable information. This section was developed as a result of dropping the "Worst case analysis" from previous NEPA provisions. NEPA regulations amended in 1986 now require that if information is available that would aid in evaluating uncertain effects, it must be obtained and analyzed unless it is too expensive to do so. If costs are prohibitive, then it must be disclosed as incomplete or unavailable information. Specifically, regulations require that if information cannot be obtained, the EIS must include:
  1. A statement that such information is incomplete or unavailable.
  2. A statement of the relevance of the incomplete or unavailable information to evaluating reasonably foreseeable significant adverse impacts on the human environment.
  3. A summary of existing credible scientific evidence which is relevant to evaluating reasonably foreseeable significant adverse impacts on the human environment.
  4. The agency’s evaluation of such impacts based upon theoretical approaches or research methods generally accepted in the scientific community.
The Yucca Mountain DEIS is not in compliance with numbers 2, 3 or 4 above. While the DOE has stated that information used in determining the groundwater flow model is incomplete or unavailable, the existing credible scientific evidence which is relevant to evaluating reasonably foreseeable significant adverse impacts has not been summarized nor has it all been utilized in developing flowpaths.

Also, the impacts evaluation assumed the same groundwater flowpaths and characteristics which were used in the DOE Viability Assessment and Total System Performance Assessment documents; i.e., a matrix type flow evaluation utilizing only 2D flow and 1D transport calculations. While these are generally accepted methods, they may not be representative of the saturated zone flow field that exists at Yucca Mountain today.

The DOE has not utilized all available and relevant data in their pathway identification or characterization. Because of this, the impacts in terms of dose to the Critical Group(s) or receptors may be misrepresented. While recognizing differing view points regarding groundwater flow, the DEIS fails to analyze flowpaths from a full data set that considers this information. Because all data that have been generated are not considered in the impacts evaluation, there may be significant differences in the groundwater impacts projected in the DEIS. Unless these analyses are considered, impacts projected in the DEIS are inadequate for NEPA compliance and their credibility questionable.

In addition, the requirement to disclose all credible scientific evidence extends to responsible opposing views provided these are supported by theoretical approaches or research methods generally accepted in the scientific community.

The Yucca Mountain DEIS recognizes differing viewpoints regarding groundwater flow (Section and Section and references the State of Nevada study of Lehman and Brown, but it fails to evaluate the impacts and actually gives little credibility to this alternative flowpath model. The DEIS admits that the alternative flowpath could produce different results, however, it states the extent to which the different viewpoint would affect the impacts is unknown but speculates the effects would be minimal (due to long canister lifetimes). This may not be the case, and in terms of doses to populations of the State of Nevada, any credible alternative must be evaluated.

DOE believes that the EIS is consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), and with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 10101 et seq.). DOE acknowledges in several places in the EIS that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (see 40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:
  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.
  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.
  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.
  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.
  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.
  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.
  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.
  8. Use of peer review and oversight.
DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, including incomplete or unavailable information, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years.

Sections and discuss opposing views on groundwater conditions and groundwater boundaries. Although DOE disagrees with the central scientific conclusions of these opposing views, it continues to support research in several areas and on other aspects of the geology and hydrology of the region to enhance the Department’s understanding of the site. (9213)
- EIS001938 / 0002
The DEIS completely fails to address potential impacts of the Yucca Mountain storage project on the water resources of Death Valley National Park and surrounding wildlands. It is clear that the repository may still constitute a dangerous source of radiation even after its projected 10,000 year life-span. The radionuclides in the proposed waste packages have half-lives ranging from 24,000 years (Plutonium 239) to 2,100,000 years (Iodine 129). Neptunium 237, which is projected to pose a serious health threat, has a half-life of 2.1 million years. The potential of this project, over time, to destroy the ecological integrity of DVNP and other wildlands must be addressed.

The DEIS does not address the fundamental question of overall risks of contamination of groundwater or downgradient natural resources from the repository site. Should a leak occur from the proposed repository site, it will likely migrate and contaminate groundwater and springs within Death Valley National Park, the Devils Hole Detached Management Unit of DVNP, the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, designated Wilderness areas, and the many natural resources contained in these specially-designated areas.

The DEIS admits there exists significant uncertainty over the actual risk of leakage of radioactive material into the groundwater aquifer that contains the Amargosa River system and which underlies portions of DVNP. Numerous studies demonstrate that the regional groundwater flow system runs from the Yucca Mountain area toward the Furnace Creek wash area in Death Valley National Park. This obvious pathway for groundwater contamination is not adequately considered in the DEIS; in fact the DEIS flatly and unjustifiably ignores the information contained in hydrological studies other than its own. Of particular note, studies conducted by Inyo, Esmeralda and Nye Counties have established a direct connection between the aquifer underlying Yucca Mountain and surface springs in Death Valley National Park. See, e.g., "An Evaluation of the Hydrology at Yucca Mountain The Lower Carbonate Aquifer and Amargosa River" (Inyo and Esmeralda Counties 1996), and "Death Valley Springs Geochemical Investigation" (Inyo County 1998). These same studies indicate that communities in Amargosa Valley utilize groundwater that may be hydrologically contiguous to the Yucca Mountain aquifer.

Additional study will clearly be necessary to fully understand the nature of the groundwater flow system. This basic knowledge will be required to accurately determine the potential environmental impacts of the Yucca Mountain repository project. Effective modeling must also consider a response of the flow system to a number of likely variables, including continued development, increased groundwater withdrawals, variations in precipitation, and groundwater recharge. Absent that kind of data and analysis, the DEIS will not be able to conclusively determine potential environmental impacts of the proposed project, and is therefore incomplete.

The DEIS implies that groundwater moves very slowly in the Yucca Mountain area, giving the false impression that impacts to the environment from groundwater movement will be negligible. Numerous studies, however, indicate that zones in this regional aquifer are highly transmissive. The constant discharge, high volume springs at Ash Meadows and Death Valley further indicate that the area around these springs may be surrounded by accelerated groundwater transmissivities. Any contamination originating at the Yucca Mountain Site could thus quickly be transported to Death Valley and Ash Meadows contrary to the claims of the DEIS.

The DEIS also fails to assess the impacts of expected climate change over the next 10,000 years on the transport of groundwater between the repository site and Death Valley National Park. In the past 10,000 years, there have been significant climatic changes, including periods much wetter than today. Studies that have reviewed the effects of increased filtration that may result from a wetter climate (e.g., global warming, as predicted by scientists) have direct bearing on the repository proposal. A wetter climatic regime could both increase the rate of corrosion of waste canisters and speed the travel of groundwater, which would result in greater and more rapid dispersal of radionuclides to the environment.

In addition to groundwater impacts, the project also poses a very real threat to surface water resources. The document fails to consider the potential impacts from radioactive leaks from the repository manifesting in surface-water springs, or from transportation-related accidents of shipments containing high-level radioactive waste, to the surface-water resources of Death Valley National Park, Ash Meadows NWR, designated Wilderness areas, and the Amargosa River. Nor have the impacts of such contamination of surface water on the wildlife, vegetative and human communities dependent on those surface waters been adequately assessed.

Section of the EIS shows that the flow path of groundwater from Yucca Mountain extends to Jackass Flats and the Amargosa Desert, and continues southward to the primary point of discharge at Franklin Lake Playa in Alkali Flat. The EIS recognizes that some groundwater reaching this far might bypass Franklin Lake Playa and continue into Death Valley. The EIS also recognizes that a fraction of the groundwater that reaches the Amargosa Desert might flow through the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains to springs in the Furnace Creek Wash in Death Valley National Park.

Chapter 5 of the EIS does not specifically address the risks to people and natural resources in Death Valley National Park from the use and consumption of groundwater. However, it clearly indicates that risks would decrease with increased distance from the repository. Accordingly, impacts to the Park, because it is far from Yucca Mountain, would be negligible.

Section 5.9 of the EIS discusses the impacts to biological resources from the long-term performance of the repository. DOE did not quantify impacts to biological resources, but related them to the negligible impacts expected to humans from the use and consumption of groundwater.

The springs in Ash Meadows (including Devils Hole) are not along the groundwater flow path from Yucca Mountain. As described in Section of the EIS, groundwater beneath Yucca Mountain flows to the Amargosa Desert but does not discharge in Ash Meadows. From Ash Meadows to the low axis (Carson Slough) of the Amargosa Desert, the groundwater table declines about 64 meters (210 feet), indicating that the groundwater flows from Ash Meadows toward the Amargosa Desert, not the other way around.

The EIS acknowledges that some of the groundwater beneath Yucca Mountain might flow to Furnace Creek Wash in Death Valley National Park. DOE is not aware of any evidence to indicate that this represents the regional groundwater flow system, as the commenter suggests. The studies by Inyo, Esmeralda, and Nye Counties cited by the commenter do not make this claim. The Death Valley Springs Geochemical Investigation (DIRS 147808-King and Bredehoeft 1999) cites evidence that a portion of the flow from the Furnace Creek springs must originate from the area of the Amargosa Desert. Based on the evidence, the study was unable to identify a specific source. Its conclusion states, "The water can come from recharge in 1) the area of NTS [Nevada Test Site] and Yucca Mountain; or 2) the Amargosa Basin fill deposits; or 3) the area to the east that includes the Ash Meadows springs, or some combination of all three." The study identifies the quantity of water discharging at the springs in Furnace Creek, which is smaller than the estimates of water moving through the Amargosa Desert toward the discharge area at Alkali Flat. That is, the quantity of water moving toward Furnace Creek would not be the regional groundwater flow system; rather, it would be only a portion of the regional system. Finally, the EIS identifies Amargosa Valley and other parts of Amargosa Desert to the south as being over the primary groundwater flowpath from the area of Yucca Mountain. DOE believes that the information and conclusions in the cited studies are consistent (or at least are not inconsistent) with the model of groundwater flow described in the EIS.

DOE recognizes that the acquisition of additional data would reduce the uncertainty regarding some aspects of the long-term performance of the repository. But DOE also recognizes that some uncertainty is inherent to the process. The approach used by the Department to assess the long-term performance of the repository (summarized in Chapter 5 of the EIS) was to recognize the uncertainties that are important to the assessment and to identify which of these uncertainties could be minimized with additional data and which could not. With respect to those uncertainties that are the result of a data gap, the approach was to make conservative assumptions where necessary, realizing that information gained from ongoing studies may eventually support less conservative assumptions and less conservative estimates of impacts. The approach used by DOE to account for uncertainties associated with the long-term performance of the repository is discussed more fully in Section 5.2.4 of the EIS.

In summary, DOE acknowledges that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (see 40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:
  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.
  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.
  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.
  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.
  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.
  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.
  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.
  8. Use of peer review and oversight.
DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years.

Chapter 5 of the EIS describes how DOE modeled the movement of contaminants from the slow degradation of waste packages in the repository. The model included both the slow movement of water through the rock matrix and the relatively fast movement of water along rock fractures and faults. Although the rate at which groundwater moves is important to the model, it is not the only factor that would control the movement of contaminants. Section I.2.4 describes how DOE modeled waste package degradation and how the cladding and waste form degradation models would come into play before contaminants would actually become available for transport through the unsaturated and saturated zones. It also describes the various mechanisms that would affect how materials move through these zones, including movement with colloids and the sorption and desorption that would occur as individual radionuclides or chemicals interacted with the rock through which they were moving. These and other parameters used by DOE in the performance assessment model are conservative estimates, thereby tending to increase impacts to groundwater and downgradient users. As described above, some of the groundwater flow beneath Yucca Mountain could reach the Death Valley area (either as spring discharge in the Furnace Creek area or as underflow moving past the Alkali Flat area), but most of the flow goes no farther than Alkali Flat. The Ash Meadows area is not in this groundwater flowpath.

With respect to the commenter’s concerns about changes in the climate and the rate of infiltration, the amount of water moving through the mountain is one of the key parameters in the projection of contaminant movement. As described in Section of the EIS, modeling the performance of the repository included a range of water fluxes corresponding to variations in rainfall over thousands to hundreds of thousands of years due to climate changes. Moreover, it was assumed that the current climate is the driest it will ever be at Yucca Mountain.

With respect to surface water, Section 4.1.3 of the EIS addresses potential impacts during the construction, operation and monitoring, and closure phases of the proposed repository. Sections 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 address potential impacts of transporting spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste on branch rail lines and heavy-haul truck routes in Nevada, respectively. These sections discuss potential impacts to both surface water and groundwater along the routes DOE evaluated. In all cases, DOE believes that there would be very little potential for release of radioactive constituents. Sections 4.1.8 and 6.2.4 address potential impacts at the repository and from transportation activities, respectively, from accidents. Such impacts would be in the form of exposures to people, which DOE believes would be the primary concern before the completion of response and cleanup actions. Consistent with this position, DOE assumed that transportation accidents would occur in an urban area where impacts would be greatest. It did not evaluate specific impacts to Death Valley National Park, Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Wilderness Areas, or the Amargosa River as a result of accidents. None of the transportation routes would go through the Death Valley National Park.

Addressing the commenter’s concerns about radioactive leaks from the repository affecting surface-water springs, the assessment of long-term repository performance described in Chapter 5 does not address such a scenario primarily because there are no springs along the groundwater flow path between Yucca Mountain and Alkali Flat, which is the area farthest from the repository for which DOE estimated impacts. In addition, the use of spring water would not represent a higher risk to water users than that assumed for the groundwater exposure scenario examined by DOE. That scenario includes residents using and consuming groundwater and consuming crops and livestock watered with groundwater. Finally, springs in Death Valley that may discharge some water from the Yucca Mountain area are farther from the repository than Alkali Flat. As a consequence, potential contaminant levels and exposure impacts in Death Valley would be lower than those estimated at Alkali Flat (modeling shows that doses resulting from contaminant releases would be within the regulatory limits established by EPA in 40 CFR Part 197). (9398)
- EIS001653 / 0038
Groundwater section [Section]-There appears to be no discussion of baseline conditions associated with underground weapons testing program. This needs to be included in the DEIS. The DEIS does not account for all sources of chemically toxic constituents in groundwater, including documented background conditions (e.g. barium, manganese), and contributions from the Nevada Test Site.

The last paragraph of Section of the EIS describes the relationship between activities on the Nevada Test Site and groundwater conditions at Yucca Mountain. As indicated, there are no impacts to groundwater at Yucca Mountain from activities on the Test Site. In addition, Section discusses the cumulative impacts of underground weapons testing at the Nevada Test Site. Section, which cites DOE (DIRS 101811-1996), addresses the transport of contaminants in groundwater and DOE (DIRS 101811-1996) contains a detailed discussion of underground weapons testing.

Regarding the assertion that the EIS does not account for all sources of chemically toxic constituents in groundwater, including background conditions, Sections and of the EIS discuss existing groundwater quality on a regional scale and at Yucca Mountain, respectively. Section I.6 addresses the potential for the repository to add toxic materials to the groundwater. As described in that section, DOE did a screening analysis to focus on realistic human health hazards from waterborne toxic chemicals. The repository would contain many materials that could result in impacts to human health. However, most of those materials would not be present in large enough quantities or would not dissolve readily enough in water to pose a risk. To evaluate the potential risk posed by these materials, an analysis could rigorously evaluate every material (at great cost), or could apply a screening analysis to identify materials with too little inventory or too little solubility to be of concern. The screening analysis that DOE applied was a simplified scoping calculation, which resulted in a short list of materials that merited further consideration. It treated preliminary concentrations predicted under the simplified assumptions as conservative estimates used only to determine if DOE should rigorously model the material again using the performance assessment model. For materials that the screening analysis indicated must receive further evaluation, DOE computed more realistic concentrations and impacts with the performance assessment model, as reported in Sections I.5 and I.6. (9715)
- EIS002151 / 0005
Scientific evidence confirms what the Shoshone Nation have taught all along, Yucca Mountain is moving. It’s extremely unstable with thirty-three fault lines, a nearby active volcano, geothermal activity and fissures throughout the mountain. I’ve heard from scientists and watched the water from the rain go right through the mountain and this water will definitely reach where the nuclear waste is stored, and that’s something that those openings at the downpours can travel through, it shows how unstable that mountain is. It’s not a safe place for nuclear waste. It’s not a sane place for nuclear waste. It’s a political place for nuclear waste.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, which considered faults, earthquakes, volcanism, and fast-flow movement of water through the mountain, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information).

In 1987, Congress selected Yucca Mountain as a proposed location for a monitored geologic repository, and directed DOE to determine whether the site is suitable (Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1987). Some of the reasons that Congress selected Yucca Mountain for study included a deep water table; favorable geology; a desert environment; and the fact that the Nevada Test Site was already a controlled area. Another reason for the decision to study only one site was the rising costs of the overall program. Congress recognized that costs could be reduced by selecting and studying the best site, rather than studying several sites simultaneously.

The Secretary of Energy will consider the results of site characterization, the Final EIS, and other project documents in determining whether to recommend to the President that Yucca Mountain be developed as a repository. (9787)
- EIS001888 / 0373
[Clark County summary of a comment it received from a member of the public.]

One commenter asked if the EIS will discuss monitoring of potential subsidence at the surface caused by underground excavations, and if numerical modeling of underground stresses will be conducted.

DOE agrees that the potential effects of in-place stresses and of mining the underground waste emplacement openings are important aspects of the repository program. The design of the proposed repository requires knowledge of the magnitude, direction, and variability of preconstruction in-place stress. DOE needs this information to analyze and design stable underground openings and to predict short- and long-term rock-mass deformation. DOE has been modeling in-place stress and the potential effects of thermal loading on the waste isolation properties of Yucca Mountain since the early 1980s (DIRS 101314-DOE 1986). At that time, data indicated that the repository host rock "can accommodate expected mechanical and thermal stresses after closure" (DIRS 101314-DOE 1986). Analyses also indicated that the heat load "can be adjusted to account for unforeseen problems."

The Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000) cites reports that contain the results of in-place stress tests at and near Yucca Mountain. That document also summarizes estimated in-place stress at the repository level and the results of more recent testing in the Drift Scale Test block. Section 11 of the Site Description describes the integrated system response to the heat generated by emplaced waste. That section considers the part of the natural system, the near-field environment zone, that thermal effects would permanently alter. Although the far-field environment could have slightly elevated temperatures, it would remain essentially unaltered (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000).

DOE would continue to monitor and analyze rock-mass response and deformation around the emplacement drifts as part of the performance confirmation program. Specifically, instrumentation at the surface over the repository would monitor uplift caused by thermal loading (DIRS 150657-CRWMS M&O 2000). Because the stresses at Yucca Mountain are so low, DOE would measure deformation around the emplacement drifts using stress-change gauges (DIRS 150657-CRWMS M&O 2000). (9791)
- EIS001888 / 0376
[Clark County summary of comments it has received from the public.]

Three commenters stated that the subsurface rock at Yucca Mountain is rotten (crumbles easily during tunneling), or has been fractured from underground testing of nuclear weapons, and that radioactive releases into this rock must to be evaluated.

Although the rock at Yucca Mountain is fractured, experience gained during the excavation of the Exploratory Studies Facility indicates that tunnel openings remain relatively stable. DOE used extra support at several locations in the Exploratory Studies Facility (particularly along portions of the north and south ramps), but found no zones of crumbly rock in the 8-kilometer-long (5-mile-long) tunnel.

Rock fractures at the Yucca Mountain site are primarily natural features created by cooling of volcanic ash-flow deposits, crustal stresses in the Earth’s crust, and near-surface stress release caused by erosion. DOE also noted that drilling induced some fracturing of the rock during rock-core recovery and logging. Rubble zones in several boreholes might be due to closely spaced fractures in the relatively brittle welded tuffs. Sections 4.6.6 and 4.7.3 of the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000) discuss fractures in greater detail.

There is no evidence that past underground detonations of nuclear weapons on the Nevada Test Site have fractured the rock at Yucca Mountain or that radioactive releases from weapons testing have migrated outside the Nevada Test Site. (9796)
- EIS001888 / 0381
[Clark County summary of comments it has received from the public.]

Commenters requested that the EIS evaluate the impacts from reasonable changes in the level, and the potential for elevated temperatures, of the water table at Yucca Mountain. To support this issue, commenters cited the presence of "calcite opal mineral formations" along fractures as evidence of upwelling hot water, which could leach radionuclides into the environment, flash to corrosive steam in an already hot repository, and increase the risks of criticality. Another commenter noted the groundwater temperature of the Amargosa River as evidence of high temperature groundwater.

Based on the results of analyses reported in Section of the EIS, DOE does not believe that the waste emplacement drifts would be inundated by a credible rise of the water table. However, this section discusses evidence that the elevation of the water table at Yucca Mountain has fluctuated over time. The fluctuations have been due largely to changes in the climate. DOE examined the cumulative effects from a wetter climate, earthquakes, and a volcanic eruption on the elevation of the water table. Based on the evidence, no reasonable combination of these conditions could raise the elevation of the water table sufficiently to inundate the emplacement drifts at Yucca Mountain.

Section of the EIS discusses several opposing views on fluctuations in the elevation of the water table at Yucca Mountain. Some investigators believe that the water table has risen in the past to elevations higher than the waste emplacement horizon. DOE does not concur with these views, nor did an expert panel that the National Academy of Sciences convened specifically to examine this issue (as described in Section DOE believes that the geologic evidence strongly indicates that over the past several million years, water levels at Yucca Mountain have not been more than about 120 meters (390 feet) higher than the present level. Although DOE disagrees with the central conclusions in this report (DIRS 104875-Dublyansky 1998), it continues to support research in this area and other aspects of geology and hydrology that enhances the understanding of the site. DOE considers this additional research on fluid inclusions to be supplemental confirmatory research.

The temperature of groundwater generally varies with depth; deeper groundwater is usually warmer than shallow groundwater throughout the world. The temperature of the Amargosa River in the few areas where groundwater discharges to the surface does not indicate a deep subsurface source of geothermal energy or magma, but rather reflects the ambient temperature of the groundwater. (9882)
- EIS001888 / 0428
[Clark County summary of comments it has received from the public.]

Commenters requested that the EIS describe the seismic design and its basis, including deterministic evaluation of maximum credible seismic events based on ground motion, as well as resulting secondary effects such as transient or long-term changes to the water table.

DOE is designing the surface and underground facilities at Yucca Mountain to withstand ground motion from earthquakes that were identified in the seismic hazard analysis. The analysis determined that for the 10,000-year earthquake, facilities would be designed to withstand ground motions from a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain and a magnitude 7.5 or greater earthquake in Death Valley 50 kilometers (31 miles) away. DOE regards this annual frequency to be appropriate and conservative because it reflects the annual probabilities of ground motions for nuclear powerplants in the western United States, and the surface facilities at Yucca Mountain pose less risk compared to nuclear powerplants.

Table 4-36 of the EIS describes earthquake accident scenarios with a recurrence frequency of once in 50,000 years. This is roughly equivalent to a magnitude 7 earthquake occurring within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain with a mean peak ground acceleration of approximately 1.1g at the repository level (not the surface). DOE considers these to be very conservative calculations that indicate the maximum impact of such an event.

The waste emplacement areas would be away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide releases. Additional fault displacements from post-emplacement seismic activity would probably be along existing faults. DOE developed its hydrologic models of Yucca Mountain on a fault-fracture dominant flow system. The generation of new faults and associated earthquakes would have minor or no effects on fault and fracture pathways, and therefore would be unlikely to alter repository performance. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep doses resulting from any contaminant releases well below the regulatory limits established by 40 CFR Part 197.

DOE has maintained a network of boreholes to monitor water levels at and near Yucca Mountain over the past two decades. Measurements of water-level elevations under normal conditions show only minor annual changes (a few tenths of a meter) due to seasonal variations in precipitation. Several boreholes record water levels continuously or for short intervals (several times an hour). These boreholes have recorded the response of the water table to both local earthquakes (including the magnitude-5.6 Little Skull Mountain earthquake in 1992) and regional earthquakes (some as large as magnitude 7.3, such as the Landers, California, earthquake, on June 28, 1992). In general, departures from long-term average water-table elevations are minor, usually limited to a few centimeters to about 1 meter. These changes are generally short-lived, with most monitored boreholes showing a return to pre-earthquake water levels within a few hours to a few days. In no instance has the network recorded any large permanent departures from pre-earthquake water levels. (10082)
- EIS001465 / 0008
When they got down in Yucca Mountain, my friend saw that there was water dripping from cracks in the ceiling and that there were puddles of water on the ground. And the Department of Energy tells us that Yucca Mountain is completely dry, that there’s no water that moves through it, and yet they found contamination from above ground testing 500 feet below the surface of Yucca Mountain. How does this contamination get there from above ground testing if it’s not carried there by the water? The Department of Energy is lying to us.

Without knowing where in the exploratory studies facility the water was observed, DOE cannot respond with precision. However, water is used to wash the tunnel walls before sampling and testing, and for dust control. The water observed may have been from such activities. It seems more likely, however, that the dripping water was in Alcove 5 where the Drift Scale Heater Test is being conducted. One of the main objectives of the heater test is to monitor the response of the repository host rock to heat from simulated waste packages. An important and expected result of the heater test is that water in the pores of the rock is converted to water vapor. The water vapor then migrates through connected fractures in the rock until it finds an outlet in more remote, cooler portions of the rock mass. Encountering cooler rock causes the water vapor to condense into water. In the vicinity of the heater test, the most accessible location in which this recondensed water can accumulate is the air-conditioned visitors’ gallery adjacent to the heater drift. Any water observed dripping into the visitors’ gallery does not originate from percolating surface infiltration; it is entirely the result of this anticipated response of the rock pore water to the imposed heat load.

Regarding the infiltration of surface water to the depth of the waste emplacement area, DOE specifically acknowledges in Section that post-1952 infiltration of surface water has reached the waste emplacement area. The Department believes that such rapid movement of water occurs along faults and fracture zones. This phenomenon has been factored into modeling of fluid flow in the unsaturated zone and total system performance analysis. (10083)
- EIS001465 / 0009
One of my friends reached out and touched the wall of Yucca Mountain, the tunnel, and with his hand he took off a big chunk of rock and crumbled it. That’s not a solid rock. That’s like sandstone or something. There’s no way that Yucca Mountain can contain the nuclear waste [that] is going to be contained for a lot more than 10,000 years, and under this process DOE is only looking at 10,000 years.

The Exploratory Studies Facility at Yucca Mountain extends from the surface to the waste-emplacement area. The rock between the surface and the waste-emplacement area consists of layers of welded and nonwelded tuff. Without knowing the particular rock layer or depth at which the rock from the wall was handled, it is difficult to specifically address this comment. However, the rock layers above the waste-emplacement area could be considerably different. Moreover, a rock’s resistance to crumbling might indicate little about its ability to isolate waste. For example, the salt in which the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico was constructed can be crumbled by hand, but the formation has been stable for an exceptionally long period of time. DOE has studied the physical characteristics of many rock samples at Yucca Mountain, as well as how the entire mountain responds to large-scale processes and events, including precipitation and infiltration, erosion, earthquakes, and heat build-up.

Chapter 5 of the EIS describes impacts to human health from radioactive and nonradioactive materials released to the environment during the first 10,000 years after closure. This chapter also describes the peak radiation dose during the first 1 million years after closure. (10123)
- EIS002076 / 0001
I believe the draft EIS does not sufficiently address the geology and water issues. Therefore, my concerns are the stability of the geological structure of Yucca Mountain and the potential contamination of ground water by any type of contamination, including and especially nuclear waste. In the event of a major earthquake and possible damage to and leakage of waste, which could contaminate the underground water, is my greatest concern. Contamination of underground water which eventually through underground rivers, streams, or connecting aquifers could end up in the Colorado River, thus contaminating the waters of Havasu Lake and reservations.

DOE has conducted an extensive site characterization program to evaluate the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain. Yucca Mountain is in the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system. This basin is a closed hydrologic basin, which means its surface water and groundwater can leave only by evaporation from the soil and transpiration from plants. This area is characterized by a very dry climate, limited surface water, and very deep aquifers. The regional slope of the water table (potentiometric surface) indicates that the groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain flows southward toward Amargosa Valley. The central Death Valley subregion is comprised of three groundwater basins that are divided into smaller sections.

Yucca Mountain is in the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek groundwater basin. In this basin, only a small potion of total basin recharge actually infiltrates through Yucca Mountain. The small fraction of water that does infiltrate through Yucca Mountain eventually recharges the groundwater, then flows towards Fortymile Wash and merges with the rest of the groundwater in the Fortymile Canyon section of the groundwater basin. Flow then continues south toward Amargosa Valley and mixes into the very large groundwater reservoir in the Amargosa River section, as shown in Figure 3-15 of the EIS. The natural discharge of groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain probably occurs farther south at Franklin Lake Playa, 60 kilometers (37 miles) away. None of the groundwater in the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system enters the Colorado River or Lake Havasu.

Extensive studies conducted at Yucca Mountain show evidence of low infiltration and percolation rates, long groundwater residence times, and a repository horizon that has been hydrologically stable for long periods. The proposed waste-emplacement areas would be in areas away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide release. Additional fault movements and associated seismic activity would probably be along existing fault planes.

Hydrology models, derived from studies conducted at Yucca Mountain, are based on a fault-fracture dominant flow system. The addition of a few new faults by earthquakes would have negligible effects on the current fault- and fracture-flow pathways, and would not be likely to alter the long-term performance of the repository. DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 for more information). (10264)
- EIS002204 / 0001
Just a few years ago at Yucca Mountain itself, they found contaminated tritium from above-ground testing 500 feet below the surface of Yucca Mountain.

This contaminated tritium was from the nuclear explosions that would explode into the air, the contamination would come down, fall on the surface and then with the rain water that was falling on the mountain would be carried 500 feet below the surface of the ground. The water is moving through Yucca Mountain. Friends of mine went out to Yucca Mountain just a couple weeks ago, about a month ago, actually, and took a tour of the Yucca Mountain, and where the gentleman was talking about where they’re heating up the rocks, there is water pouring out of those rocks.

There are puddles of water on the floor, condensation all over the tunnel, and the people at Yucca Mountain were trying to shield it, trying to put up these aluminum shields to hide that water so that it would go around these shields and underneath the walkway so that the people walking through there couldn’t see the water.

One of the main objectives of the heater test is to monitor the response of the host rock at Yucca Mountain to the effects of heat imposed on the rock from simulated waste packages. An important and expected result of the imposed heat is to cause the water in the pores of the rock to be converted into water vapor. The mobilized water vapor then migrates through the connected portion of the rock fracture network until it finds an outlet in more remote, cooler portions of the rock mass. Encountering cooler rock causes the water vapor to recondense into liquid. In the area of the heater test, the most accessible location for this recondensed water to accumulate is the air-conditioned visitors gallery adjacent to the heater drift. Water seen dripping into the visitors gallery originates from this process.

The purpose of the aluminum shielding is not to hide the water that becomes mobilized. The aluminum shielding, along with insulation behind the shielding, creates an acceptably cool environment that allows visitors and scientists alike, to be in the immediate vicinity of the heater test.

As part of its site characterization activities, DOE has conducted a variety of investigations into the nature of water falling as precipitation on Yucca Mountain and passing through the unsaturated zone to the groundwater beneath. One such study has been to quantify the concentrations of certain radioisotopes in the Exploratory Studies Facility. Isotopes, such as chlorine-36 and tritium, which occur naturally and as a byproduct of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, serve as indicators of the rate of flow through the unsaturated zone (see Section of the EIS for details).

Results from preliminary studies have identified these isotopes in concentrations that tend to suggest that there are connected pathways through which surface precipitation has percolated to the repository horizon within the last 50 years. However, these isotopes have been found at locations that are almost exclusively associated with known, through-going faults and well-developed fracture systems close to the faults at the proposed repository horizon.

To ensure the correct interpretation of this chemical signal, DOE instituted additional studies to determine if independent laboratories and related isotopic studies can corroborate the detection of elevated concentrations of these radioisotopes. Results of the validation studies to this point have not allowed firm conclusions and, thus, the evaluations continue.

DOE believes that these findings do not indicate that the Yucca Mountain site should be declared unsuitable for development as a repository. Most of the water that infiltrates Yucca Mountain moves slowly through the matrix and fracture network of the rock, and isotopic data from water extracted from the rock matrix indicates that residence times might be as long as 10,000 years. Furthermore, after excavating more than 11 kilometers (8.4 miles) of tunnels at Yucca Mountain, DOE determined that only one fracture was moist (there was no active flow of water). This observation has been confirmed in test alcoves that are not subject to the effects of drying from active ventilation.

Nevertheless, the total system performance assessment incorporates the more conservative water movement data as well as information from other water infiltration and associated hydrogeological studies. As a result of this evaluation, DOE would not expect the repository (combination of natural and engineered barriers) to exceed the prescribed radiation exposure limits during the first 10,000 years after closure. (10349)
- EIS002176 / 0002
We believe that the DEIS for Yucca Mountain is unacceptable for a number of reasons. Saturation of the Yucca Mountain repository is possible given numerous scientific findings including the detection of atmospheric bomb testing nuclides at repository depths and the inconsistent groundwater levels near the site. The DEIS must be rewritten to include the environmental impact of groundwater infiltration and saturation.

DOE agrees that evidence of "nuclear-age" water reaching the depth of the proposed repository has shown that water at the surface moves through rock fractures and faults at Yucca Mountain and is a component of the long-term performance of the Yucca Mountain site. While evidence of such water is an indication of the rate at which water can percolate through the unsaturated zone, it is not evidence of saturation. DOE believes there is no evidence that groundwater beneath Yucca Mountain would ever rise as high as the level of the proposed repository. Section of the EIS discusses geologic evidence at the site indicates that during wetter geologic times, groundwater was as much as 120 meters (394 feet) higher than it is today. Nevertheless, this would still be below the level of the proposed repository. Section also recognizes that there are opposing views concerning the past elevation of the water table beneath Yucca Mountain. The text summarizes these opposing views and the reasons why DOE does not concur with them.

It is unclear what this comment means by "inconsistent groundwater levels near the site." Section of the EIS describes groundwater levels at Yucca Mountain, which have been very stable since site characterization studies began in the early 1980s. If the comment is referring to the large hydraulic gradient north of the site, this feature is described in Section An expert panel convened by DOE addressed this issue and narrowed the theories of its origin to two credible scenarios. Under one scenario, the gradient is the result of flow through the upper volcanic confining unit where water moves very slowly. Under the other scenario, the gradient is actually a perched or semiperched water body above the water table where flow is essentially vertical. Under this second scenario, the elevation and location of the perched water could change quickly if it drained downward into the lower volcanic aquifer. The consensus of the panel favored the perched water theory. However, the experts were in agreement that the issue was only of technical curiosity because there is no evidence to suggest that this large hydraulic gradient would affect the performance of the repository. (10464)
- EIS002221 / 0002
The other thing I say is I demand they stop this Yucca Mountain Project because the water has been denied to the project.

The environmental assessment says nothing about, you know, what kind of impact having all these trucks and all this water being trucked in, and without the water, the project is a dead duck, and, you know, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, figure it out.

On February 22, 2000, the Nevada State Engineer denied DOE’s water-appropriation request for 430 acre-feet of water per year for repository construction and operation. DOE filed suits on March 2, 2000, in U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada, and on March 3, 2000, in Nevada’s Fifth Judicial District Court, for injunctive relief to overturn this ruling (Nevada State Engineer’s Ruling #4848). The State Engineer based his denial on a finding that the requested use threatened to prove detrimental to the public interest.

On September 21, 2000, the U.S. District Court granted the State’s motions to dismiss the DOE lawsuit. DOE appealed this ruling on November 16, 2000. On October 15, 2001, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered a Federal judge to hear the DOE’s suit. The case is pending.

DOE has not developed any other plans to acquire water for construction and operation of the proposed repository. Depending on the final ruling of the State court, the Department might consider other options to carry out its responsibilities under the NWPA. (10595)
- EIS002147 / 0003
But I do know the water’s a thousand foot down. We have radioactive devices right over there at the test site saying they’re cooking, will cook for who knows how many thousands of years. They are in the water table. What’s going to be stored in Yucca Mountain is not a problem with the water table. Nothing like what’s already out there.

Chapter 8 of the EIS evaluates impacts from other Federal, non-Federal, and private actions that could be cumulative with those from the proposed repository. Section addresses the impacts from activities at the Nevada Test Site, including the magnitude of contaminants from past weapons testing that could migrate through the same locations, or pathways, as those evaluated for the long-term performance of the repository. (10711)
- EIS000088 / 0004
We all know in this valley here the water moves. It’s not like what the DOE geologists are telling us, it only moves an inch a year.

If it moves more than that. When this earth of ours rotates, what does it do to that water inside of it just like in the jug? That’s what it does. It keeps on moving and on moving.

It’s got so much radiation in our water throughout the world today, there’s no safe water anymore left.

Studies at Yucca Mountain suggest that contaminants in groundwater would travel from the repository to the accessible environment 20 kilometers (12 miles) away in many thousands to tens of thousands of years. It would take even longer for this groundwater to reach natural discharge areas at Franklin Lake Playa more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) south of the repository.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information). (10756)
- EIS001886 / 0009
Draft EIS does not analyze the potential impact of inundation of the repository zone by upwelling water.

Draft EIS acknowledges that inundation of the repository zone by upwelling water, if happens, would have great impact on the long-term repository performance.1 The possibility of such inundations was suggested by a number of scientists (Szymanski, 1989; Hill et al., 1995). Draft EIS explicitly states, however, that "DOE does not agree with the inundation scenario" (p. 5-15). This dismissal heavily rests on the findings of the 1992 NAS/NRC panel (National Research Council, 1992). The latter document is outdated, because much new data have became available since 1992. Below we summarize some of this evidence.

Fluid inclusion evidence

By rejecting "inundation scenario", DOE rejects new scientific information indicating the presence of waters with elevated temperature in what is now Yucca Mountain unsaturated zone in the past, obtained by studies of fluid inclusion in secondary minerals.2 "Justification" of this rejection is given on pp. 3-49 - 3-50 of the Draft EIS as follows: "DOE, given the opportunity to review a preliminary version of the report, arranged for review by a group of independent experts, including U.S. Geological Survey personnel and a university expert. This review group did not concur with the conclusion in the report by Dublyansky (1998 all)..."

The quotation above reflects lack of objectivity in the DOE’s handling of the controversy. First, experts who conducted the review for the DOE may hardly be called "independent," since all these scientists were promoting the "non-inundation" scenario for years.3 Second, it is unfair and misleading not to mention written opinions of three truly independent experts from the Europe (selected for their outstanding scientific expertise in fluid inclusions and non-involvement in the Yucca Mountain studies),4 attached to the report. All three reviewers concurred in the opinion that the fluid inclusion work is of high quality, and interpretations are reasonable.

Further, the U.S. NWTRB has agreed with the "thermal water" interpretation of the fluid inclusion data.5

Finally, a DOE-sponsored verification fluid inclusion research project presently underway at University of Nevada at Las Vegas, UNLV, has already (as of July, 1999) confirmed the presence of the two-phase fluid inclusions, yielding elevated homogenization temperatures in secondary calcite and quartz from ESF.

Other evidence

Besides fluid inclusions, the presence of hot waters in what is now unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain is suggested by a host of other methods.

  1. The USGS geologists inferred elevated, up to 120ºC, temperatures for paragenetically early secondary silica from ESF on the basis of stable isotopic studies.6

  2. Based on yet another method, structural studies of calcite, Mary Beth Gray with co-authors (contractors to NRC) concluded that calcite in fault rock in the ESF were formed at elevated temperatures (probably, 150-200ºC), and there have been more than one event of calcite deposition (Gray et al. 1998).

  3. Terry Else with co-authors (1999) have found viable moderately thermophilic calcite-depositing bacteria (temperatures of habitat 40-60ºC) in calcite sample that yielded homogenization temperatures of 35-50ºC; adjacent bedrock tuffs did not contain such bacteria.

  4. Preliminary data on stable isotopic gradients in surficial calcite at Yucca Mountain suggest the progressive evaporation, CO2 degassing and perhaps cooling -- features consistent with travertine origin and inconsistent with pedogenic origin of these deposits (Dublyansky and Szymanski 1996; Dublyansky et al. 1998). Prof. John Valley, who evaluated this work for the U.S. NWTRB [Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board], concurred with this interpretation (with one reservation that the presence of these trends needs to be verified).7

Hydrothermal activity at Yucca Mountain -- Summary

The status of the issue was best summarized by former consultant to U.S. NWTRB, Prof. Robert Bodnar, at the 1999 Spring Meeting of the American Geological Society in Boston, Massachusetts: "Those scientists who have examined the recent data are in general agreement that waters of unknown but, presumably, deep origin have entered the repository horizon at some time during the geologic past.... The problem as it relates to the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste repository concerns the timing of fluid infiltration." (Bodnar 1999).

Elevated temperatures of secondary minerals deposition imply inundation of the Yucca Mountain unsaturated zone by upwelling water, provided two alternative sources of heat -- residual heat of cooling bedrock tuffs and conductive heat transfer from deep-seated magmatic bodies -- are ruled out. In the case of Yucca Mountain this requirement is met. Different researchers at different times have ruled out magmatic rocks as a potential source of hydrothermal activity at Yucca Mountain. 8 Isotopic dating by USGS researchers have shown that the oldest secondary minerals at Yucca Mountain were deposited 2 to 3 million years after the emplacement of the tuffs (Neymark et al. 1998; Whelan and Moscati, 1998), which means the latter have already cooled down.

Timing of hydrothermal inundation

Frequency of occurrence of the hydrothermal activity and, therefore, the probability of its occurrence in the future cannot presently be established with confidence due to lack of the data. The DOE-sponsored Project9 which is presently underway at University of Nevada at Las Vegas, will, hopefully, substantially advance our knowledge on the timing of hydrothermal activity at Yucca Mountain.

Nevertheless, there is already enough evidence suggesting that thermal fluids were present in the repository zone, constantly or intermittently, during the extended time span of ~9-10 million years, with youngest occurrences being only few thousand years old. These young isotopic ages have been measured for calcite from the ESF by the USGS researchers (e.g., Paces et al. 1996).10 Based on the preliminary data, the hydrothermal activity has probability of occurrence greater than the lower limit of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-8 per year adopted by DOE as the level of concern (DOE 1998, p. 4-81).

Why it is important?

Water is the primary means by which radionuclides disposed of at Yucca Mountain could reach the accessible environment. The present repository concept critically relies upon the following factors: (a) small amounts of water (seepage in repository drifts) that may contact waste canisters; (b) small fraction of waste canisters that would contact with this water (because seepage is restricted to individual fractures); (c) high corrosion resistance of waste canisters in the predicted repository environment (moderate temperatures, oxidizing water, etc.); and (d) long pathway between the repository and accessible environment (including 175 to 365 m of the unsaturated zone beneath the drifts and about 20 km of saturated-zone flow to Amargosa Valley; with dispersal of radionuclides along the way).

However, if inundation scenario is considered, these factors are not the most important ones, for the following reasons:

Amount of water, contacting waste canisters. Instead of small amounts of seepage water contacting some waste canisters, all canisters will be completely submerged in water with composition totally different from today’s meteoric water.

Corrosion resistance of waste canisters. Since the composition and the temperature of upwelling water will differ from meteoric water, the present assessment of waste package degradation rates cannot, therefore, be used for such dramatically different environment.11 Preliminary data indicate that corrosion-resistant component of the base-case canister, alloy C-22, " susceptible to localized corrosion...when wet in a critical temperature range. If C-22 remains passive in this range, its anticipated life, prior to penetration, is thousands of years. If it is not passive, then its life, prior to penetration, is as little as a few tens of years" (Whipple et al., 1998).

Long radionuclide pathway. Long pathway of water, contaminated with radionuclides from repository zone through 175 to 365 m of the lower part of the unsaturated zone, and then through some 20 km of saturated zone to the extraction wells in Amargosa Valley, will be replaced by a 200 to 425 m-long "shortcut" right to the land surface, where these waters would discharge as springs.

"Hot repository" consequences. If inundation occurs during the period when the repository zone is still hot due to the radioactive decay (a period that may last several thousand years), the consequences may change dramatically. Much will depend on the temperature of rocks and waste canisters, with which water comes into contact. This temperature will depend on time elapsed since emplacement, as well as the chosen thermal load. A set of scenarios may be constructed for water invasion in the repository zone when: (1) the temperature is well above water boiling point; and (2) when it is below boiling, but still higher than the temperature of upwelling fluids. Vigorous boiling and steam venting may be envisaged for the first scenario and enhanced convection of water for the second. Both these scenarios envisage faster failure of the canisters, thereby enhancing the ability of radionuclides to migrate.

Summary on inundation scenario

We have demonstrated that:

  1. There presently exists significant body of evidence, indicating that inundation of the repository zone by upwelling hot waters.

  2. The ages of these events are presently not known with certainty; extensive preliminary data indicate, however, that they occurred intermittently between 9 million years and 8 thousand years ago.

  3. Based on the present evidence, it is reasonable to conclude that the probability of occurrence of inundation is greater than the 1 x 10-8 per year DOE level of concern, which means that the hydrothermal hazard probabilistic analysis must be carried out.

  4. Potential consequences of inundation of the repository filled with high-level nuclear waste may be disastrous for the environment and people.

  5. Draft EIS does not consider the inundation scenario.

In our judgement, the failure to consider this important scenario makes the present Environmental Impact Statement completely inadequate and cannot be used for evaluating real environmental impact of the planed facility. "Inundation" issue must be explicitly resolved prior to any decision regarding the fate of the Yucca Mountain site.

1"There has been no analysis to determine the effect; however, if such an event occurred, the long term impacts would probably increase greatly." (p. 5-11) [5-15]

2Dublyansky and Reutsky 1995 and 1998; Dublyansky et al. 1996; Dublyansky 1998-a and -b.

3Authors of the review, arranged by DOE are: J.Whelan, J.Paces, B.Marshall, Z.Peterman, J.Stuckless, L.Neymark of USGS and E.Roedder of Harvard University.

4Independent experts who evaluated Dublyansky 1998 report are: Dr. Larryn Diamond, University of Leoben, Austria; Dr. Bruce Yardley, University of Leeds, UK; and Dr. Jean Dubessy, CNRS, France.

5"... fluid inclusions found in mineral deposits at Yucca Mountain do provide direct evidence of the past presence of fluids at elevated temperatures ... in the vicinity of the proposed repository" (letter of the Chairman of the U.S. NWTRB Jared Cohon to Acting Director of the U.S. DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Lake Barrett; July 24, 1998, p. 2)

6"Delta-18O values of the silica phases quartz, chalcedony, and opal indicate that some of the early massive-silica-stage phases must have formed from heated water..." Whelan et al. 1998, p.21.

7"These trends deserve close examination. If such trends are reproducible and are in fact different from local elevation effects, this would be strong evidence favoring progressive evaporation and COsubscript2 out-gassing (and perhaps cooling) as fluids move down slope." Letter from Prof. J.Valley to L.Reiter of NWTRB; Dec. 18, 1997. p.4.

8"Silicic volcanism located close enough to Yucca Mountain to have provided heat to the local hydrologic regime ended more than 11 Ma. Magma bodies below larger calderas (>10 km diameter) cool slowly and may be heat source for up to 2 Ma (Wohlentz and Heiken, 1992). Calculations based on theoretical cooling model (Smith and Shaw, 1978) indicate that magma chambers associated with calderas of the central zone of the Southwestern Nevada Volcanic field would have completely crystallized and cooled to ambient temperature several million years ago." Flynn et al., 1995, p. 27.

9The project term begun in April, 1999 and is scheduled to end by April, 2001.

10The authors interpret this calcite as being deposited from rain waters percolating downwards through interconnected fractures. Recent results of Dublyansky (1999) and UNLV Committee have shown that 40 to 70 % of calcite from the ESF (including calcite from some occurrences dated by USGS), as well as some quartz, contain two-phase fluid inclusions indicating elevated, up to 60-80ºC, depositional temperatures.

11"No rational materials selection can be made without knowledge of the characteristics of the waters in contact with the waste packages. These characteristics include: temperature, pH, Eh and ionic concentrations (Cl, SO4, NO3, CO3, Feall+++, Ca, etc.)" Third Interim Report of the Peer Review Panel on the TSPA 1998.

In addition to the findings of the 1992 report by the National Academy of Sciences (DIRS 105162-National Research Council 1992), DOE scientists have reviewed documents and data on groundwater inundation that have become available since 1992.

In January 1997, the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (NWTRB) received 11 reports from Jerry Szymanski with new information that the Academy had not considered, as well as three additional reports the Nevada Attorney General’s Office. The NWTRB reviewed this new information, after which the it concluded: "The material reviewed by the Board does not make a credible case for the assertion that there has been ongoing, intermittent hydrothermal activity at Yucca Mountain or that large scale earthquake-induced changes in the water table are likely at Yucca Mountain. This material does not significantly affect the conclusions of the 1992 NAS report." DOE does not disagree that inundation of the proposed repository with hot water would be a condition adverse to performance, but based on the arguments and information presented in response to specific allegations, DOE scientists do not consider such an event a viable possibility.

With regard to fluid inclusions, the report by Dublyansky (DIRS 104875-1998) ignores all data that are contrary to the thesis of upwelling water. These data form a major part of the basis for rejecting the upwelling or inundation hypothesis. The opinions of three outside experts who were not familiar with all the data pertinent to Yucca Mountain should not be used to unequivocally support the conclusion of Dublyansky (DIRS 104875-1998). The fact that the fluid inclusion data may be of high quality and consistent with Dr. Dublyansky’s conclusion does not prove that the conclusion is correct, because other, much different conclusions are also consistent with the fluid inclusion data. Furthermore, a large body of data exists that are in conflict with the inundation theory.

With regard to the NWTRB agreeing with the thermal-water interpretation of fluid-inclusion data, the Board noted that the timing of a thermal event is critical to evaluating the hypothesis of intermittent thermal activity. DOE agrees that there has been past thermal activity, but there is currently no evidence of such activity beyond the early stages of secondary mineral formation, in which case the heat source was probably the igneous activity that formed the southwest Nevada volcanic field. Furthermore, late calcite, as defined by textural, chemical and age determinations, spans at least the past 2 million years and contains no evidence of thermal activity.

With regard to hot water in what is now the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, the early secondary silica referred to is older that 8 million years and is not of concern to the performance of a repository now or in the future.

With regard to the structural studies of calcite by Mary Beth Gray and others, the presence of elevated temperatures within a fault zone, if confirmed, does not seem surprising because frictional heating can be locally important. Furthermore, without a constraint of time, these deposits might have formed close to the time of volcanism when faulting was most active and igneous heat sources were available. The current thermal regime is similar to and perhaps part of the Eureka low, which is an adjoining area of anomalously low heat flow.

With regard to the study by Terry Else and others (1999), this reference was not provided and therefore could not be evaluated. However, as stated above, elevated temperatures do not demonstrate inundation, and the timing of the thermal pulse apparently is not constrained.

With regard to that part of the comment suggesting that travertine did not originate from a pedogenic source, the trend referred to was described by the NWTRB as one of the "Examples [that] include the very tenuous fits of lines to scattered small data sets showing presumed stable-isotope changes with depth and distance." The Board later concluded that "…because of the lack of any substantive evidence of ongoing hydrothermal activity, the Board views additional research on this subject (if not already carried out) as generally having a lower priority than more important issues in the evaluation of repository performance."

With regard to Bodnar (1999), DOE scientists who are familiar with the data do not agree with the assertion that the water is of "presumably, deep origin." Professor Bodnar’s statement is printed in the supplement to EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, dated April 27, 1999. The same abstract notes "if the waters entered the horizon after the Timber Mountain Caldera event (10-13 MA), and if no heated waters have subsequently entered the site, then the fluids have little relationship to assessing the probability of future hot water at Yucca Mountain." DOE concurs that the early thermal activity described by Professor Bodnar is substantiated by available data.

With regard to the assertion that elevated temperatures of secondary mineral deposition implies inundation of the unsaturated zone by upwelling water, footnote 8, cited in the comment, says "cooled to ambient temperature several million years ago." The temperatures calculated from fluid inclusions are only slightly above ambient. Thus, secondary minerals could have formed anytime up to several million years ago and still have formed above the modern ambient temperature, which is in accord with DOE’s position. Again, formation at elevated temperature does not require inundation as assumed here. A warm 2-phase environment (unsaturated zone) is in better accord with the observed assemblages of fluid inclusions that have highly variable liquid-vapor ratios than a saturated environment.

With regard to the frequency of occurrence of hydrothermal activity, DOE has developed a very large database on the ages and isotopic compositions of the secondary minerals and is confident that the current geochronologic effort will substantiate current results.

With regard to evidence suggesting that thermal fluids were present in the repository zone, constantly or intermittently, during the extended time span of about 9 million to 10 million years, secondary minerals have formed throughout the last 10 million years. However, no minerals have been found that formed in a saturated environment, and no minerals younger than a few million years have been found that formed at elevated temperatures. Furthermore, available data indicate deposition of secondary minerals during a long-term cooling period, rather than cycles of hydrothermal pulses. (10899)
- EIS000447 / 0007
The natural barriers of Yucca Mountain and its world class engineering will keep it away from the water. I’ve been there, and I’ve heard the comments on water. When they are talking about water, they are talking about a drip in dozens and dozens and dozens in hundreds and thousands of years. This is not a flow of water. This is moisture.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information). (11021)
- EIS001896 / 0018

There could be potential impacts on groundwater due to construction, operation, maintenance and closure of the Yucca Mountain facility.

As described in Section of the EIS, DOE expects that the impacts to groundwater during the construction, operation and monitoring, and closure of the repository would be minor. Groundwater pumping for use at the repository would decrease groundwater availability to some extent in downgradient areas. Section points out, however, that the quantity of groundwater that would be needed for the repository would be small compared to the quantities currently being withdrawn in downgradient areas. Therefore, the Proposed Action would have very little effect on the availability of groundwater in these downgradient areas. (11028)
- EIS000475 / 0003
According to DOE, scientific determination of the rate at which water seeps into the Yucca Mountain repository is crucial to the facility’s projected ability to meet performance objectives, i.e., containment of the HLRW. Rate of water seepage, according to DOE, directly impacts the period of time waste packages/containers will prevent release of radioactive materials into groundwater as well as the manner radioactive materials will eventually reach the groundwater table beneath the site. Heat generated by the waste within the repository likewise will affect the movement of water through the facility and the durability of the waste containers. Yet, DOE has shown considerable reluctance to scientifically investigate these areas. According to U.S. Geological Survey scientists, the large drop in the elevation of the water table (discovered in 1981) at the northern end of Yucca Mountain is the most striking hydrologic feature in the area and U.S.G.S. lacks data to explain its cause. Yet, no new boreholes and limited testing of groundwater to collect scientific data necessary to explain the hydrology of Yucca Mountain was done by U.S.G.S. for DOE from 1987-1997. In the alternative, DOE observed test pumping in an existing well indicated the drop in the water table at the northern end of Yucca Mountain has no effect on the flow of groundwater in the aquifer underneath the HLRW repository. It sounds like science, however, DOE has failed to investigate/collect data to determine the validity of the agency’s preliminary observations concerning the hydrology of the site which is supposedly designed to secure HLRW for 10,000 years! Ref.: NUCLEAR WASTE, IMPEDIMENTS TO COMPLETING THE YUCCA MOUNTAIN REPOSITORY PROJECT, GAO/RCED-97-30, January 1997.

DOE has used many methods to assess percolation or seepage rates in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain and has collected more information on this topic than the EIS can present. The Yucca Mountain Site Description summarizes the methods DOE has used to characterize percolation, including generating estimates of percolation flux using borehole temperature and heat-flow data, chloride mass-balance methods, effective hydraulic conductivity or potential gradient methods, calcite accumulation rates, and perched-water volumes and residence times (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). In addition, the Site Description devotes a section to the studies and modeling to characterize how the natural system would respond to the thermal loading associated with the placement of radioactive waste, including thermohydrologic behavior, geomechanics, and geochemistry, as well as the results of thermal field testing in the Exploratory Studies Facility and how results of those studies compare to model predictions (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000).

Section of the EIS discusses the large hydraulic gradient. An expert elicitation panel addressed this issue and narrowed the theories of its cause to two credible scenarios: (1) flow through the upper volcanic confining unit where water movement is very slow or (2) measuring the surface of a perched or semiperched water system above the water table, where flow is essentially vertical. Under the second scenario, the water level could change quickly by depth and location as water was lost to downward seepage to the lower volcanic aquifer, and would be difficult to interpret. The panel favored the perched water theory. However, the experts agreed that the issue was only one of technical credibility. As stated in the DOE response to the General Accounting Office report referenced in the comment, "there is no evidence that the large hydrologic gradient will impact waste isolation." Further, the probability of a large transient change in the configuration of the large gradient is extremely low, and the long-term transient readjustment of gradients was of very low probability (DIRS 100116-CRWMS M&O 1996). The Site Description discusses the investigations of the large hydraulic gradient (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000).

DOE has conducted an extensive site characterization program to evaluate the proposed repository site at Yucca Mountain. Through this program DOE has gained valuable knowledge of the flow system in the saturated and unsaturated zones. DOE recognizes that additional data would further define and reduce uncertainty about the long-term performance of the repository. The evaluation of the repository’s long-term performance (summarized in Chapter 5 of the EIS) made conservative assumptions where necessary, realizing that information gained from ongoing studies could eventually support less conservative assumptions and estimates of impact. Section 5.2.4 discusses this philosophy for dealing with the uncertainties associated with evaluating the long-term performance of the repository. (11088)
- EIS002273 / 0003
Now, Yucca Mountain is a live mountain. The people that roam that part of the country drink from that mountain. The snake moves -- it’s got a movement to it. It’s going to get worser and worser. I know I have been told by my people long ago, when you are thirsty going through that part of the country, you could suck water from it.

And today the Nuclear Energy Department should realize there is water coming in. They don’t know where it is coming from. But they are saying the rain is the reason why it’s going through the mountain site, but it’s not. It’s a snake that lays there, carries water for the people. But it’s hard for you people to understand.

DOE is required to describe the affected environment and potential impacts from the Proposed Action in widely acceptable scientific terms and parameters. This comment nevertheless presents an apt analogy with respect to groundwater. The scientific facts recognize that water moves through the ground beneath Yucca Mountain, that its movements are complex and accompanied by many uncertainties, and that it makes itself available in this arid environment at springs and at shallow depths to those who understand its movements. Without considering the religious connotations of the comment, it is not difficult to associate these attributes of movement, complexity, and benevolence with a living thing. It is impressive that people, without benefit of data from subsurface exploration, would have historically linked these types of attributes to something they could not see.

Based on years of gathering data, DOE believes that the source of water moving through the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain is precipitation falling in the immediate area. The data in Section 3.1.4 of the EIS show that groundwater moving in the saturated zone beneath Yucca Mountain is the result of recharge from precipitation falling locally and in areas upgradient from the site. The data also show that much of the recharge to this underground reservoir probably happened tens of thousands of years ago in this region. (11103)
- EIS002135 / 0009
This DEIS fails to adequately address the seismic and hydrology issues of Yucca Mountain. Five years ago, the DOE was saying that there was no water flow through the mountain and there was no sustained movement in the ground, but now it’s been proven that there is a lot of water migration through the mountain and that the mountain is indeed moving, as the Western Shoshone have claimed all along.

DOE has conducted an extensive program to characterize the seismic hazards in the Yucca Mountain region (see Section of the EIS for details). Using seismic hazard information gathered from this program, surface facilities at the repository that are important to safety would be designed to withstand ground motion from a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain and from a magnitude 7.5 earthquake or greater in Death Valley within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of Yucca Mountain.

Subsurface facilities would be built in solid rock. Because vibratory ground motion decreases with depth, earthquakes would have less an effect on subsurface facilities than surface facilities. Inspection of existing tunnels in the Yucca Mountain area has revealed little evidence of disturbance after earthquakes. The subsurface facilities would be designed to withstand the effects of earthquakes during the long postclosure period (thousands to tens of thousands of years).

With regard to groundwater, DOE has conducted an extensive program to characterize the hydrology of Yucca Mountain and its relationship to the regional hydrologic system (see Sections and 5.4 of the EIS for details). Extensive studies conducted at Yucca Mountain show evidence of low rates of water infiltration and percolation, long groundwater residence times, and a repository horizon that has been hydrologically stable for long periods of time. The waste emplacement areas are away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide release. Additional fault movements or displacements from postemplacement seismic activity would probably be along existing fault planes.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for additional information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for additional information). (11268)
- EIS001814 / 0003
[Sections] 4.1.3 to Effects on Water Resources

The DEIS consistently underestimates the potential of leaching from the site to adversely impact surface and groundwater in the region. The site drains into the Amargosa River system which drains an area of 3,100 square miles. The area encompassed by these water resources includes Death Valley National Monument as well as many small and growing communities in Nevada and California: Tecopa Springs, Pahrump and Amargosa Valley. Furthermore, the area is subject to flash flooding and volcanic activity which can alter the water courses in unexpected ways. The DEIS minimizes the possibility of high rainfall events and assumes that the meteorology in the area will remain stable for centuries. Such absurd assumptions cannot be used as the basis for a purportedly scientific assessment of the risks to water resources.

Section I.2.2 of the EIS discusses future climates. One of the basic premises of Total System Performance Assessment is that the climate over the next 100,000 years will be considerably wetter than the current climate of Yucca Mountain. DOE built this assumption of wetter conditions into models that simulated infiltration and flux in the unsaturated zone and recharge to, and flow and transport of contaminants in, the saturated zone. These submodels feed into the Total System Performance Assessment to predict the exposure of individuals to radionuclides at specific distances from the repository and at specific future times.

DOE believes Chapter 5 of the EIS and the cited references treat this issue in a balanced fashion, and that further explanation is unnecessary. (11269)
- EIS001814 / 0004
The DEIS sections on the environmental consequences of construction, operation and closure of the proposed facility fail to acknowledge the potential impacts to water resources. Rather, the DEIS assumes that any and all accidental releases of radioactive waste will be contained immediately and cleaned up promptly throughout the lifetime of the project. Such an assumption defies reality. Further, this renders the DEIS internally inconsistent in that the assessment of potential environmental consequences over the long-term acknowledges that impacts on water will be the dominant impacts. See [Section] 5.10 at [page] 5-49.

The EIS discusses radiological accidents during three phases of the project. Chapter 4 concerns the active phase of the project, when radioactive waste is processed at the surface and placed in the subsurface. DOE does not assume that accidental release of radioactive waste would be contained immediately and cleaned up promptly without consequences. Section specifically discusses the potential for the spread of contaminants to surface waters and Section discusses the potential for the spread of contaminants to groundwater. Furthermore, Section 4.1.8 discusses the impacts from potential accidents during the preclosure period and estimates dose rates to both onsite and offsite populations from a variety of accidents. Appendix H of the EIS contains a detailed description of accident scenarios and consequences, including the analytical methods used to evaluate the accidents.

Section 6.2.4 of the EIS describes accident scenarios during transport of radioactive waste to the repository and described in greater detail in Section J.1.4.

Finally, Chapter 5 of the EIS addresses the environmental consequences of long-term repository performance after closure. Section 5.4 examines waterborne radiological consequences of the repository. This section discusses that over thousands of years the repository would leak small amounts radioactive contaminants, which would then be transported in groundwater to the Amargosa Desert where people could be exposed to radioactivity through the use of this groundwater. Doses to individuals are presented, as well as the risk of contracting fatal cancers. Appendix I contains supporting information on long-term consequences.

In summary, the EIS acknowledges and describes the consequences to water resources from releases of radioactive materials from the repository. The consequences of accidents during the transportation of waste to the proposed repository and during the preclosure phase of the repository would be minimized through the use of controls, monitoring, spill response plans and procedures, and regulatory requirements. Chapter 5 of the EIS discusses that the groundwater downgradient from the repository would be contaminated to some extent due to releases from the repository over the long term (thousands to millions of years after closure). However, DOE believes that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep such releases well below the radiation-protection standards at 40 CFR Part 197. (11412)
- EIS002251 / 0010
We have 27 active volcanos that you can see from the top of Yucca Mountain. You may not think they are active, but the Shoshone people, since the 1900’s have seen two volcanos erupt there. They have a lot of historic knowledge and we haven’t been around long enough. We know now there’s 33 earthquake faults, and they have yet to really be consulted with the history around Yucca Mountain and the fact that there have been these recent eruptions -- there’s hot springs in the area, which we know the mineral waters migrate; they aren’t stable like cool water springs might tend to be.

The people that drilled the Yucca Mountain exploratory hole, quote, said that it is the worst possible material that you could go in. If you go down the hole, you will see areas where the rock is fractured not much bigger than a two-inch gravel, being held back by iron I-beams. And it’s like how are you expecting with all of this heat from radioactive waste to keep it from affecting the iron and allowing for a cave-in?

There is no geologic evidence of eruptions from volcanoes in the Yucca Mountain vicinity since the 1900s. Based on extensive research, there are no warm springs in the immediate vicinity of Yucca Mountain. The closest warm springs to Yucca Mountain are at Beatty, 20 kilometers (12 miles) west of the site. Warm springs in the Amargosa Desert to the south are nearly 50 kilometers (31 miles) from the site, although there are warm-water wells about 20 kilometers to the south (DIRS 112530-Flynn et al. 1996).

This comment implies that faults at the site are pathways for hot spring deposits. Flynn et al. (DIRS 112530-1996) conducted a literature review to identify any mention of siliceous or calcareous spring deposits within 80 kilometers (50 miles) of the Yucca Mountain site. Such deposits are indicators of past or present hot-water systems with subsurface temperatures of more than 180° C (356° F). There is no evidence to suggest that thermal fluids have discharged at the surface during the Quaternary Period (the last 1.6 million years).

Data from drilling and excavation of the Exploratory Studies Facility do not support the comment’s contentions regarding rock mass characteristics. DOE has not used extensive underground supports throughout the Exploratory Studies Facility, but only where the rock is fractured by closely spaced joints (particularly along portions of the north and south ramps). Ongoing thermal mechanical testing in the Exploratory Studies Facility will provide data that the Department can use as input to repository design. DOE does not anticipate that the heat generated by the waste would affect the integrity of the walls and ceilings of the waste emplacement drifts. (11665)
- EIS000044 / 0001
I am the author of two documents cited in the Yucca Mountain Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Copies of this report are available on the Yucca Mountain home page and portions of these reports have been quoted, and misquoted, in the Draft EIS.

DOE cited the documents referred to by the commenter four times in the EIS, three times in Section and once in Section DOE evaluated information from many sources while compiling the EIS. In considering this comment, the Department verified that the citations in Section to Buqo (DIRS 101542-1996) are accurate and supported by the text. The first citation refers to the purpose of the report as stated in its title. The second citation refers to the perennial yield of 19,000 acre-feet (about 23.4 million cubic meters) for the Pahrump Valley Basin. This quantity is in the table of water budget parameters as cited in the EIS.

DOE has corrected the citation in Section of the EIS from "Buqo (1999, page 34)" to "Buqo (1999, p. 36)." In Section of the EIS, DOE has corrected the citation from "(Buqo 1999, pages 37 and 51)" to "(Buqo 1999, pp. 37, 38, 52)." (11737)
- 010382 / 0001
This is to acknowledge receipt of recent materials referring to the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for Yucca Mountain. Unfortunately, I was moving to a new job in Oklahoma and did not have time to respond. Your last flyer about the deadline on public comments reached me at my new address after the deadline. But I want to assure you that there is still plenty of opportunity for you to make it into the textbooks as the example of a program manager who allowed the credentials of those who gave him the answers he wanted to hear to trump the math that he did not.

If you refer to the following web site:

you will find a set of draft papers that describe a new quasi-analytic exact solution to Richards’ equation for unsaturated flow. Saying that it is a "general" solution is my mistake, not Dr. Scott’s. The approach only works for inflow wetting fronts that are monotonic in space. Nevertheless, it works for a variety of boundary conditions, including constant head and constant inflow in both the horizontal and vertical.

You may recall that Drs. Liu and Bodvarsson claimed that the circumstance of constant vertical inflow demonstrated my work to be non-physical and invalid. Funny thing about that -- the draft papers include a comparison of the vertical constant inflow exact solution to a finite difference model using one of my approaches to Darcian intergrid conductivity means. The agreement is quite good, and can easily be verified by anyone with a sufficient background in graduate-level math. As for my work being physically invalid, it is as physically valid as any exercise in applied math can be. My math does not become non-physical just because I did not seek the almighty permission of your domestic reviewers to get it right. It does not become invalid just because you apparently have neither the background nor the will to challenge your reviewers on the math. It does not become inapplicable just because it may thwart some of the forgone conclusions of the Nuclear Club.

For more than two decades, DOE, along with other Federal agencies, has conducted a rigorous evaluation of the suitability of Yucca Mountain for a geologic repository. During this period, the Department’s efforts have been periodically reviewed by the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, the National Academy of Sciences and, most recently, the public during the EIS process. The Department appreciates the views and interest of the commenter on this national program. (11745)
- EIS002299 / 0003
In 1989, California’s Interagency High-Level Waste Task Force, coordinated on by the California Energy Commission, provided comments on DOE’s Site Characterization Plan regarding its adequacy for evaluating potential groundwater impacts in California from the proposed Yucca Mountain project. We identified as a major concern the potential migration of radionuclide contaminants into eastern California aquifers, including the Death Valley groundwater basin, resulting from an accidental radionuclide release at the Yucca Mountain site. We also recommended scientific analyses that were necessary to help evaluate such potential impacts. However, the Draft EIS does not reflect California’s recommendations for evaluating these potential groundwater impacts from the proposed repository. We consider the inadequacies of the Draft EIS’s discussion and analyses regarding potential groundwater impacts in California to be seriously deficient.

Section of the EIS shows that the flow of groundwater from Yucca Mountain is south toward Jackass Flats and the Amargosa Desert, and continues southward to the primary point of discharge at Franklin Lake Playa in Alkali Flat. The EIS recognizes that some groundwater reaching this far might bypass Franklin Lake Playa and continue southward as underflow beneath the channel of the Amargosa River toward surface discharge areas in the channel near Tecopa, California, about 42 kilometers (26 miles) south of Alkali Flat.

In addition, the EIS acknowledges that a fraction of the groundwater flow beneath the Amargosa Desert may flow through the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains toward spring discharge points in the Furnace Creek Wash area of Death Valley. Several large springs (Texas, Travertine, and Nevares) discharge about 4 million cubic meters (3,250 acre-feet) per year near Furnace Creek Ranch on the east side of Death Valley. It is generally accepted that this spring flow exceeds local recharge and that the water from beneath the Amargosa Desert contributes to the flow. Geochemical, isotopic, and temperature data indicate that water discharging from springs in the Furnace Creek area is a mixture of water from basin-fill aquifers in the northwestern Amargosa Desert and deeper flow in the regional carbonate aquifer (DIRS 101167-Winograd and Thordarson 1975). The groundwater in the northwestern Amargosa Desert originates in the Amargosa River drainage in Oasis Valley and from the eastern slope of the Funeral Mountains, both of which are west of the flowpaths that extend southward from the Yucca Mountain repository area. Even if part of the flow from Yucca Mountain mixes into the carbonate pathway that supplies the Furnace Creek springs, it is too little to noticeably affect the springflow chemistry. Considering the small fraction of water that would infiltrate though the repository (approximately 0.2 percent or less), compared to total amount of water flowing through the basin, and considering the large distances involved [more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the source], any component of the flow from Yucca Mountain would be diluted to such an extent that it would be undetectable.

As described in Section 3.1.4 of the EIS, the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system is a terminal hydrologic basin. That is, there is no natural pathway for water (groundwater or surface water) to leave the basin other than by evaporation or transpiration through plants. Death Valley is the low point in the hydrologic basin. A primary focus of the EIS is the evaluation of potential groundwater impacts along this flow path. Chapter 5 of the EIS summarizes the modeling of the long-term performance of the repository. The results show that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep doses resulting from such releases well below the regulatory limits established at 40 CFR Part 197.

The farthest distance evaluated in the EIS is at Alkali Flat because that is as far as most of the flow travels. However, it can be clearly seen in the evaluation in Chapter 5 that risks would decrease with increasing distance from the repository. Accordingly, potential impacts to locations beyond Alkali Flat, because they would be farther away on the groundwater flow path, would be less than those for the furthest distance evaluated in the EIS (Alkali Flat). See Appendix I of the EIS and the Viability Assessment of a Repository at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998) for additional information. (11935)
- EIS001107 / 0003
The Draft EIS fails to address whether the groundwater in the Franklin Lake Playa and Death Valley areas could migrate to other aquifers in the region. Death Valley is clearly the lowest point in the area, but evidence collected by the Department of Energy (DOE) and presented in the Draft EIS suggests that due to differences in underground pressure water can ingrate upwards. Considering the important of water supplies to both humans and the environment region, much more specific information regarding the ground water flow is necessary before the geologic repository can be recommended. The lack of such information makes it difficult to comment on the Draft EIS because the risks are not clear.

DOE has conducted an extensive site characterization program to evaluate the suitability of Yucca Mountain as the site for the proposed repository. Through this characterization program, DOE has gained valuable knowledge of the flow system in the saturated and unsaturated zones. DOE recognizes that additional data would further define and reduce uncertainty regarding the interactions of the alluvial, volcanic, and carbonate aquifers in the saturated zone.

To establish more confidence in its understanding of the regional and site-scale flow systems, DOE has supported Nye County with development of it’s Early Warning Drilling Program. Information from a performance confirmation program (if the site was recommended and approved), could be used in conjunction with that from the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the DOE understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information from the Early Warning Drilling Program was available. Since then, however, this program has gathered additional information, which is described in Section of the EIS.

Groundwater beneath Yucca Mountain is part of the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System. As described in Section 3.1.4 of the EIS, Death Valley is a terminal hydrologic basin; that is, there are no natural pathways for groundwater or surface water to leave the basin other than by evaporation or transpiration through plants. The routes and pathways through which the basin’s groundwater moves are complex. There are places where several aquifers are on top of one another, and water moves up or down based on the relative pressures in the aquifers. There are also places where water moves horizontally as one aquifer pinches out and another becomes the flow path. These complexities make it very difficult, if not impossible, to know each and every path in the regional flow system. However, there is little uncertainty that the general direction of groundwater flow in the regional system is to the south. Groundwater flows toward Death Valley unless it is removed from the system by evaporation or transpiration, or by man (for example, by pumping).

The general path of the water that percolates through Yucca Mountain is south toward Amargosa Valley, into and through the area around Death Valley Junction and lower Amargosa Valley. Groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain merges and mixes with underflow from Fortymile Wash and then flows and mixes into the very large groundwater reservoir in the Amargosa Desert, where it is expected to move slowly due to the high effective porosity of the basin deposits in the Amargosa Desert. Natural discharge of groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain probably occurs farther south at Franklin Lake Playa, an area of extensive evapotranspiration, although a minor volume might flow south toward Tecopa into southern Death Valley. A small amount of the groundwater might flow through fractures in the relatively impermeable Precambrian rocks in the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains and discharge at springs near Furnace Creek in Death Valley. Sparse potentiometric data indicate that a divide could exist in the Funeral Mountains between the Amargosa Desert and Death Valley. Such a divide would limit discharge from the shallow flow system, but not necessarily affect the deeper carbonate flow system that also could contribute discharge to the Furnace Creek area (DIRS 100465-Luckey et al. 1996). Geochemical, isotopic, and temperature data indicate that water discharging from springs in the Furnace Creek area is a mixture of water from basin-fill aquifers in the northwestern Amargosa Desert and the deeper water in the regional carbonate aquifer (DIRS 101167-Winograd and Thordarson 1975). Groundwater in the northwestern Amargosa Desert originates in the Amargosa River drainage in Oasis Valley and from the eastern slope of the Funeral Mountains, both of which are west of the flow paths that extend southward from Yucca Mountain. Even if part of the flow from Yucca Mountain also mixes into the carbonate pathway that supplies the Furnace Creek springs, it is too little to noticeably affect the springflow chemistry. Considering the small fraction of water that would infiltrate though the repository footprint (approximately 0.2 percent or less) compared to the total amount of water flowing through the basin and the large distances involved [more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the source], any component of the flow from Yucca Mountain that flowed in this very long and complicated path would be diluted to such an extent that it would be undetectable. (12132)
- EIS001887 / 0433
The distribution of infiltration across the Yucca Mountain block is questioned. The distribution of infiltration used in the DEIS is highest at the crest. There are indicators which would suggest that peak infiltration is on the western flank of the mountain block. Infiltration in this western block region may be underestimated and its effect unknown.

The infiltration maps of Yucca Mountain were prepared using data from a combination of weather stations, precipitation gauges, soil type/thickness maps, and an extensive network of neutron boreholes. The neutron boreholes are located wherever reasonable access for borehole drill rigs supported the installation of such instrumentation. Due to the steepness of the western flank of Yucca Mountain, installation of boreholes was not attempted. Section of the EIS and the references cited in that section contain additional information about water infiltration at Yucca Mountain.

Investigations of the potential for the western side of Yucca Mountain to have significant infiltration are being addressed through activities in the cross-drift. The portion of the cross-drift that underlies the possible high-infiltration zone under the crest of the mountain, and areas under the steep western flank, has been isolated behind dual-bulkheads. The objective of such isolation (that is, free from the influence of tunnel ventilation) is to measure any natural infiltration. These activities will determine whether the present infiltration map of Yucca Mountain requires any modification. (12139)
- EIS001887 / 0431
As we commented on the VA [Viability Assessment], there are serious concerns about the selection of groundwater pathway and its associated hydrologic and geochemical parameters used for compliance assessments. As stated earlier there has been considerable debate over the actual flow paths which would be followed by the radionuclides released from the repository. We most likely have several different groundwater pathways for radionuclide travel and several differing populations to consider in the compliance determination, i.e., Lathrop Wells and Amargosa Valley. These flow path directions range from approximately 90º to 180º south, roughly. The flow pathways are complicated to model accurately, because they are diverse, chemically and hydrologically and could be significantly different in terms of calculating radionuclide transport via the groundwater and concentrations at a given point. Further, EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] has not defined the Critical Group or receptor as yet.

DOE has conducted extensive studies of the saturated and unsaturated zones at Yucca Mountain. But, as pointed out by the commenter and the EIS, the groundwater system in the Death Valley region is very complex and there are areas of uncertainty with respect to its characterization. As with the study of most natural systems, it is simply not possible to know everything. The Department recognizes that the acquisition of additional data would reduce the uncertainty regarding some aspects of the long-term performance of the repository, but also recognizes that some uncertainty is inherent to the process. The approach used by DOE to assess the long-term performance of the repository (summarized in Chapter 5 of the EIS) was to recognize the uncertainties that are important to the assessment and to identify which of these uncertainties could be minimized with additional data and which could not. With respect to those uncertainties that are the result of a data gap, DOE made conservative assumptions where necessary, realizing that information gained from ongoing studies may eventually support less conservative assumptions and less conservative estimates of impacts. The approach for dealing with the uncertainties of long-term performance of the repository is discussed more fully in Section 5.2.4 of the EIS.

DOE acknowledges that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (see 40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:
  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.
  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.
  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.
  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.
  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.
  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.
  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.
  8. Use of peer review and oversight.

DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years.

Regarding the significance of the flow path in modeling the performance of the repository, Chapter 5 of the EIS explains that because groundwater would be the primary mechanism of contaminant transport, the impacts would be along the groundwater flow path downgradient of the repository. Accordingly, the direction of flow is very important in the model. The best available information indicates that the direction of flow is toward the community of Amargosa Valley (formerly known as Lathrop Wells) at about 20 kilometers (12 miles) of the repository site. If a different groundwater flow path were to be assumed, groundwater (and contaminants) would have to travel further to reach a populated area and, accordingly, projected risks to inhabitants of the area would go down. In other words, the groundwater flow direction used in the performance assessment model maximizes the estimated impacts to nearby populations.

The analysis of long-term repository performance contained in the Final EIS is somewhat different than what was described in the Draft EIS. Under direction of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 10101 et seq.), the Environmental Protection Agency and Nuclear Regulatory Commission are directed to develop standards for the performance of the Yucca Mountain Repository. The analysis in the Final EIS conforms to the final requirements set by the Environmental Protection Agency (40 CFR Part 197). These standards would be used to judge the performance of the repository as part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensing process. The Final EIS includes an individual exposure scenario for the repository as required in 40 CFR Part 197. Under 40 CFR Part 197, an exposed individual is designated as one living at a point of maximum contaminant concentration 18 kilometers (11 miles) from the repository. This person would have a diet and living style representative of people now living in Amargosa Valley, Nevada, and would drink 2 liters of water per day from wells tapping the groundwater at the person’s place of residence. The Final EIS (Chapter 5) also addresses a groundwater protection standard established in 40 CFR Part 197. In this case though, specific water standards are to be met by a segment of groundwater identified by volume (that would be used annually by a hypothetical community) and location (with respect to the groundwater flow path from Yucca Mountain) by the regulation. Based on these new standards, the direction of the groundwater flow path has little impact on the ability to show compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency standards because the standards are based on a critical distance from the repository where the contaminant concentrations would be highest (that is, along the flow path, whatever its direction). (12313)
- EIS001521 / 0063
Page 3-52, second paragraph--(Water Source and Movement) Reference the tectonic event and water-table slope figures. Also, water-table gradients are big, small, huge, tiny, and large, etc., but never "steep" as stated. Again, the potentiometric surface discussion in this paragraph, on the rest of this page, and on page 3-53 would be greatly enhanced by showing a simple potentiometric-surface map. The reader could see the described features instead of trying to figure out where they are located by textual descriptions.

DOE has added a figure to this section of Chapter 3 of the EIS to show the estimated potentiometric surface of the Death Valley region.

In response to this comment, DOE has changed the term "steep gradient" to "large gradient." (12314)
- EIS001521 / 0076
Page 4-28, second paragraph--Why introduce a water-level-decline value here (12 centimeters) that was not used in the section, Ground Water at Yucca Mountain discussion? The maximum decrease discussed on page 3-56, Table 3-16, and in related text was 6 centimeters (calculated below the average deviation about the median). Numbers related to water level declines and/or increases should be consistent throughout the DEIS.

The maximum water-level decrease cited is not inconsistent with Table 3-17, which shows a 12-centimeter (4.7-inch) difference at well J-13. The 6-centimeter (2.4-inch) difference referred to in the last bullet on page 3-56 of the Draft EIS is 6 centimeters below the normal ± 6-centimeter average deviation for well J-13, hence a total of 12 centimeters. Because this caused confusion, DOE has changed the text in Section to show a range of 6 to 12 centimeters, so a comparison to Table 3-17 can indicate that the range of elevation decrease does or does not consider the average deviation. (12402)
- EIS001887 / 0165
Page 3-39; Section - Regional Groundwater

The distribution of infiltration across the Yucca Mountain block is questioned. The distribution of infiltration used in the Draft EIS is highest at the crest. There are indicators which would suggest that peak infiltration is on the western flank of the mountain block. Infiltration in this western block region may be underestimated and its effect unknown.

DOE used data from a combination of weather stations, precipitation gauges, soil type/thickness maps, and an extensive network of neutron boreholes to prepare the estimates of infiltration at Yucca Mountain in Section of the EIS. DOE placed the neutron boreholes wherever reasonable access for borehole drill rigs supported the installation of such instrumentation. Due to the steepness of the western flank of Yucca Mountain, installation of boreholes was not attempted.

Investigations of the potential for the western side of Yucca Mountain to have significant infiltration are being addressed through activities in the cross-drift. The portion of the cross-drift that underlies the possible high-infiltration zone under the crest of the mountain, and areas under the steep western flank, have been isolated behind dual bulkheads. The objective of such isolation (that is, free from the influence of tunnel ventilation) is to measure natural infiltration. These activities will determine whether the present infiltration map of Yucca Mountain requires modification. (12406)
- EIS002299 / 0006
Inyo County, California, testified before DOE regarding the long-term threat that the Yucca Mountain repository poses to regional groundwater supplies and to communities east of Owens Valley. They noted that hydrologic studies conducted by Inyo County and Nye and Esmeralda Counties in Nevada point to the existence of a continuous aquifer running from beneath Yucca Mountain south to Tecopa, Shoshone and Death Valley Junction. These studies indicate that water flowing beneath Yucca Mountain flows generally south to become surface water and groundwater flowing into Death Valley that is used for commercial and domestic purposes and supports natural habitats. Some of these springs also support populations of a number of threatened or endangered species.

California agencies concluded that DOE should more fully evaluate potential pathways for radionuclides reaching regional groundwater supplies in eastern California, such as in the Death Valley region. The EIS should also evaluate the effect of DOE’s proposed groundwater extraction in Jackass Flats on the flow of groundwater to discharge areas of the regional aquifer in California. DOE’s proposed groundwater extraction at Jackass Flats will decrease the amount of water that flows through the aquifer and is discharged at down-gradient springs and wetlands. Better data and more realistic models are needed to evaluate groundwater flow and radionuclide migration toward California aquifers. In addition, DOE needs to describe how they will monitor or detect migration of radionuclides from the repository.

Proposed Yucca Mountain design considers the possibility of radionuclide containment failure, and incorporates engineered barriers, as well as reliance on natural barriers to mitigate the consequence of radionuclide leakage. We agree that the possibility of failure should be considered in the repository design, and in the evaluation of potential environmental consequences. However, additional data coupled with more realistic models of radionuclide migration are needed to make an adequate determination on potential impacts. Further, the Draft EIS does not describe future monitoring of groundwater flow with the goal of detecting any migration of radionuclides from the repository. Similar to the status of groundwater transport modeling, there is very limited data that supports only elementary models of barrier performance. These give rise to significant uncertainties regarding long-term performance of each barrier to radionuclide contamination. The degree of scientific uncertainty surrounding the repository appears to be too high to support a reasonable decision on the adequacy of the Yucca Mountain site. These uncertainties include: 1) the corrosion rate of waste packages, 2) disagreement on groundwater levels and aquifer conductivity estimates, 3) the influence of heat on water movement, 4) differing opinions about the solubility and release of radionuclides into the environment, and 5) uncertainty regarding water seepage through the walls of the repository.

DOE recognizes that the groundwater flow path from Yucca Mountain includes the locations identified by the commenter, with the exception of the Owens Valley area. Section of the EIS indicates that the primary discharge point for groundwater flowing beneath Yucca Mountain is Franklin Lake Playa in Alkali Flat. The EIS also recognizes that a small amount of groundwater reaching this far might bypass Franklin Lake Playa flow south toward Tecopa, California. A fraction of the groundwater may also flow through fractures in the relatively impermeable Precambrian rocks in the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains toward spring discharge points in Furnace Creek area of Death Valley. Several large springs (Texas, Travertine, and Nevares) in the Furnace Creek Wash area of Death Valley discharge about 4 million cubic meters (3,250 acre-feet) per year near Furnace Creek Ranch on the east side of Death Valley. This springflow exceeds the local recharge, and the water from beneath the Amargosa Desert contributes to the flow. Sparse potentiometric data indicate that a divide could exist in the Funeral Mountains between the Amargosa Desert and Death Valley. Such a divide would limit discharge from the shallow flow system, but not necessarily affect the deeper carbonate flow system that also may contribute discharge to the Furnace Creek area (DIRS 100465-Luckey et al. 1996). Geochemical, isotopic, and temperature data indicate that water discharging from springs in the Furnace Creek area is a mixture of water from basin-fill aquifers in the northwestern Amargosa Desert and the deeper water in the regional carbonate aquifer (DIRS 101167-Winograd and Thordarson 1975). Groundwater in the northwestern Amargosa Desert originates in the Amargosa River drainage in Oasis Valley and from the eastern slope of the Funeral Mountains, both of which are west of the flow paths that extend southward from Yucca Mountain. Even if part of the flow from Yucca Mountain also mixes into the carbonate pathway that supplies the Furnace Creek springs, it is too little to noticeably affect the springflow chemistry. Considering the small fraction of water that would infiltrate though the repository (approximately 0.2 percent or less), compared to total amount of water flowing through the basin, and considering the large distances involved [more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the source], any component of flow from Yucca Mountain that traveled in this long and complicated path would be diluted to such an extent that it would be undetectable.

Chapter 5 of the EIS does not specifically address risks in Death Valley National Park from the use and consumption of groundwater. However, the evaluation in Chapter 5 clearly indicates that risks would decrease with increasing distance from the repository. For all closer areas that were examined, modeling of the long-term performance of the repository shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep doses resulting from any releases of radioactive materials within the regulatory limits established by the Environmental Protection Agency in 40 CFR Part 197.

Section 5.9 of the EIS addresses impacts to biological resources during the long-term performance of the repository. As indicated in that section, DOE did not quantify impacts to biological resources from exposures to contaminated groundwater, but related them instead to the minimal impacts likely for humans through the use and consumption of groundwater. Section 3.1.4 of the EIS describes the Death Valley groundwater flow system as a terminal hydrologic basin. That is, there is no natural pathway for water (groundwater or surface water) to leave the basin other than by evaporation or transpiration through plants; Death Valley is the lowest part for the basin. With this in mind, impacts to groundwater in the area east of Owens Valley from the repository would be unlikely. Depending on the specific location of concern, groundwater in Owens Valley would be either outside the Death Valley groundwater flow system (DIRS 100131-D’Agnese et al. 1997), or the groundwater flows toward the Death Valley groundwater flow system. That is, groundwater from Yucca Mountain would have to flow down to Death Valley and then back upgradient to reach areas east of Owens Valley that are outside the Park.

Section 4.1.3 of the EIS addresses the short-term impacts from the extraction of groundwater for construction, operation and monitoring, and closure of the repository. It considers these impacts to be short-term compared to those impacts dealing with the long-term, postclosure performance of the repository discussed in Chapter 5. Section states that groundwater withdrawals at Jackass Flats would, to some extent, reduce the amount of underflow that would reach downgradient areas. However, Section also states that the area first experiencing such an impact would be the Amargosa Desert, and the amount of water required by repository activities would be very small compared to the amount of groundwater already being withdrawn in the Amargosa Desert.

As a result of the monitoring concerns expressed by many commenters, DOE has supported Nye County with it’s program (called the Early Warning Drilling Program) to characterize further the saturated zone along possible groundwater pathways from Yucca Mountain as well as the relationships among the volcanic, alluvial, and carbonate aquifers. Information from the performance confirmation program (if the site is approved for a repository), could be used in conjunction with that of the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the Department’s understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information from the Early Warning Drilling Program was available. Since then, however, this program has gathered additional information, which DOE has incorporated in the EIS in Section

Chapter 5 of the EIS describes how DOE modeled the movement of contaminants potentially released from the slow degradation of waste packages in the repository. The model incorporated the slow movement of water in the rock matrix and the relatively fast movement of water along rock fractures and faults. Although the rate at which groundwater moves is important to the model, it is not the only factor that controls the movement of contaminants. Section I.2.4 describes how DOE modeled waste package degradation and how the cladding and waste form degradation models come into play before the contaminants would become available for transport through the unsaturated zone and eventually the saturated zone. It also describes the mechanisms that would affect how these materials would move through the zones, including movement with colloids and the sorption and desorption that would occur as individual radionuclide or chemical species interacted with the rock through which they were moving. The performance assessment model includes these and other parameters in the estimate of impacts to the groundwater and downgradient users of that groundwater.

DOE has conducted extensive studies of the saturated and unsaturated zones at Yucca Mountain. The Department recognizes that the acquisition of additional data would reduce the uncertainty regarding some aspects of the long-term performance of the repository, but also recognizes that some uncertainty is inherent to the process. Section 5.2.4 discusses how DOE dealt with uncertainties concerning evaluations of the long-term performance of the repository. The same section addresses variability issues (as opposed to uncertainties) associated with the natural features of the system being modeled. It describes the techniques, such as sensitivity analysis, used in the modeling effort to analyze various parameter uncertainties and variabilities and to gauge their effects on modeling results. In summary, DOE acknowledges that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (see 40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:

  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.
  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.
  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.
  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.
  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.
  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.
  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.
  8. Use of peer review and oversight.

DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years. (12517)
- EIS000029 / 0001
How can you draft an impact statement when you haven’t accounted for all the modeling errors?

Recent work (publications and draft papers on in numerical methods for modeling the vertical unsaturated flow of water in porous media has uncovered previously unrecognized errors in standard methods. These errors may affect the validity and reliability of models that attempt to predict the flow of water and the transport of hazardous and nuclear waste on the scale of tens to thousands of years. The following questions and three-point grid test demonstrate how the common arithmetic mean of intergrid unsaturated hydraulic conductivity violates Darcy’s law for vertical unsaturated flow in all but a few trivial conditions, and can even violate the mathematical minimum-maximum principle for elliptic boundary value problems (steady-state flow problems). By contrast, a Darcian intergrid conductivity mean for the exponential pressure-conductivity relation solves such problems perfectly. The numerical examples in the appendix compare parallel models of a relaxing wet pulse in a long, vertical fracture, using the exponential pressure-conductivity relation. One model uses the arithmetic mean, and the other the analytic Darcian mean, with exactly the same adaptive time steps for both. The arithmetic mean model exhibits a dry spike that grows with the logarithm of time, and oscillations similar to numerical dispersion, both associated with space steps where the arithmetic mean can violate the min-max principle. By contrast, the Darcian mean model is smooth and well-behaved.

[Comment included a detailed analytical discussion of modeling methodologies.]

Because conductivity is a function of pressure and saturation, and because saturation and pressure may vary between adjacent nodes or elements, then one must use some average of the conductivities of adjacent elements in a model to calculate the flow between those elements. Warrick (DIRS 155154-1991) and more recently Baker, Arnold, and Scott (DIRS 155155-1999) pointed out that some choices for averaging methods can produce erroneous results, especially arithmetic averages. DOE’s unsaturated flow codes do not use arithmetic averages nor most of the averaging methods Baker describes. As discussed in Pruess (DIRS 100413-1991) and Oldenburg and Pruess (DIRS 141594-1993) the appropriate method to use is upstream weighting though specific conditions such as capillary barriers may warrant other choices. Baker, Arnold, and Scott (DIRS 155155-1999) developed methods to resolve the averaging issue, though he points out that upstream weighting does not produce the same errors as most other averaging methods and is efficient computationally. Averaging problems are most severe when the model uses constant pressure conditions between nodes, and there are large pressure differences between adjacent nodes or elements. The unsaturated zone modeling is performed under conditions of specified infiltration rate (fixed-flux, hence flow errors cannot be greater than the fixed flux value), and fine discretization of regions of high-pressure change to mitigate the potential averaging problems. The use of these conditions along with upstream weighting is sufficient to ensure acceptable accuracy in the unsaturated zone simulations.

In summary, DOE has evaluated a wide range of modeling methods and believes that the modeling methods selected are appropriate for long-term performance analyses. (12615)
- EIS001816 / 0001
Section 3.1.4 Hydrology: description of the current system of groundwater flow in the Death Valley region is inadequate at this time because it is based largely on the oversized, data sparse, regional flow model. This model is presently being redone and adjusted to make use of new and ongoing data collection. The understanding of the lower carbonate aquifer hydraulic relationship to overlying volcanic and alluvial units beneath and down gradient of YM is inadequate and necessitates more than a single well test to define the transmissivity of this important, regional unit. The DEIS must do further analysis to determine what information will be collected and analyzed to more completely characterize the hydrologic character and structure of the carbonate aquifer system in the area of the repository footprint.

There is an inadequate to lack of a description of the hydraulic character and sorptive capability for radionuclides in the alluvial units in Fortymile Wash based on actual field data. More information is required and must be collected to determine the ability of this part of the natural barrier system to retard radionuclide migration.

Apparent hydraulic conductivity measurements are not very reliable on a large scale. Until the DOE can perform more hydraulic analysis of units in the vicinity of the repository footprint and downgradient based on multiple well drawdown tests with a pumping well and a monitor well, the apparent hydraulic conductivity values are inadequate. Apparent hydraulic conductivity values must be refined and the level of confidence greatly improved so that groundwater travel times in the repository area can be more reasonably estimated and technically defended.

DOE continues to characterize the saturated alluvium and valley fill and carbonate aquifers south of the Yucca Mountain site. DOE has supported Nye County with it’s program (called the Early Warning Drilling Program) to characterize further the saturated zone along possible groundwater pathways from Yucca Mountain, as well as the relationships among the volcanic, alluvial, and carbonate aquifers. Information from the performance confirmation program (if Yucca Mountain is approved for a repository), could be used in conjunction with that of the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the Department’s understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information from the Early Warning Drilling Program was available. Since then, however, this program has gathered additional information (see Section of the EIS).

In addition, DOE has installed a series of test wells along the groundwater flow path between the Yucca Mountain site and the Town of Amargosa Valley as part of an alluvial testing complex. The objective of this program is to better characterize the alluvial deposits beneath Fortymile Wash along the east side of Yucca Mountain. Single- and multi-well tracer tests have begun and the results thus far have strengthened the basis of the site-scale saturated flow and transport model. Information from this program has been incorporated in the EIS.

DOE realizes that the data obtained from the Nye County Early Warning Drilling Program are important to an understanding of the saturated zone system and performance assessment calculations south of Yucca Mountain. All data obtained from this program would be used to the extent possible for the enhancement of the saturated zone models. DOE scientists would perform sorption studies on lithologic material extracted from Nye County boreholes for incorporation into the saturated-zone transport model and abstraction into performance assessment calculations. Chemical data would enhance current studies on the understanding of saturated flow systems and various hydrochemical facies. Groundwater elevation data would continue to be determined from all wells and would be used to define flow and transport paths, calibrate models, and support the geologic framework model. (13534)
- 010390 / 0001
Although the S&ER provides detailed hydrogeologic information on the Yucca Mountain site, specific data on the hydrogeology of down-gradient areas is lacking. The final EIS should include any pertinent, hydrogeologic information obtained from the Nye County Early Warning Drilling Program.

More specifically, the hydrogeologic characterization of the carbonate aquifer in the vicinity of the Yucca Mountain repository is insufficient. The characterization, based on data from a single well, is not sufficient to provide a reliable interpretation of basic hydrogeologic parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and ground water flow direction. Further, it is recommended that additional monitoring wells be installed in the carbonate aquifer to further assess the hydraulic conditions within this aquifer, as well as to examine the hydraulic gradient between the volcanic and carbonate aquifers. Additional data would significantly improve the present hydrogeologic model and its ability to predict potential plume migration. The current computer models attempt to predict the fate and transport of radionuclides 10,000 years into the future. However, without an accurate representation of the present hydrogeologic parameters of the aquifer, it is difficult to judge the model’s reliability.

Since the Draft EIS was issued, a second well has penetrated the carbonate aquifer in Fortymile Wash (described further in Section of the Final EIS). Similar to the first well, water in this second well had an upward hydraulic gradient. DOE nevertheless recognizes that additional information would refine DOE’s understanding of the regional groundwater flow system and further reduce uncertainties. To provide additional information, DOE has supported Nye County with it’s program (called the Early Warning Drilling Program) to characterize further the saturated zone along possible groundwater pathways from Yucca Mountain, as well as the relationships among the volcanic, alluvial, and carbonate aquifers. Information from the ongoing site characterization program and from the performance confirmation program (if Yucca Mountain is approved for a repository), would be used in conjunction with that of the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the Department’s understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information from the Early Warning Drilling Program was available. Since then, however, this program has gathered additional information (see Section of the EIS).

If the Secretary recommends the site to the President, DOE would continue to implement a "performance confirmation program," elements of which would address the hydrologic system. The purpose of this program would be to evaluate the accuracy and adequacy of the information used to determine whether long-term performance objectives have been met. The performance confirmation program, which would continue through closure of the repository (possibly up to 300 years or more), would improve the understanding of the hydrologic system and reduce uncertainties. Seismicity (369)
- EIS000045 / 0002
The draft EIS does not consider the risk of a major subterranean plate shift despite the very recent history of seismic activity. It only considers the actual movement of the ground at the site and the effect it will have on the processing facility and the canisters. The effect of a major plate shift on the water table was not considered. The last 20 years of history shows that the ability to predict such occurrences is not reliable. An example would be (within that 20 years) The earthquake near Arco, Idaho. The valley floor dropped 5 feet or more, water from the under ground aquifer sprang up as springs and lakes that never existed prior. Waverly Person, chief of the US Geological Survey’s Earthquake Information Center, says "...There is no scientific way of predicting or forecasting." When speaking about earthquakes.

DOE has maintained a network of water level monitoring boreholes in the area of the proposed repository site and the surrounding region since the early days of site characterization. Observations of water level elevation under normal conditions (that is, not transiently seismically influenced) indicate very minor changes (a few tenths of a meter) annually due to seasonal climatic variation in precipitation in this region. Several of the boreholes record water levels continuously or at short intervals (several times an hour), and thus have recorded the response of the water table to both local earthquakes (Little Skull Mountain, magnitude 5.6) and regional earthquakes (some as large as magnitude 7.3, such as the Landers, California, earthquake, on June 28, 1992) for almost two decades. In general, departures from long-term average water table elevation are minor, usually limited from a few centimeters to, at most, about 1 meter. These changes tend to be short-lived, with most monitored boreholes showing a return to pre-earthquake water levels within a few hours to a few days. In no instance has the network recorded any large permanent departures from pre-earthquake water levels.

DOE has gained additional confidence in this conclusion from other site characterization activities. Evidence from paleodischarge sites in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain and mineralogical data from deep boreholes at the site indicates that at no time in the geologic past has the regional water table been more than about 120 meters (390 feet) higher than it is at present. Given that the general elevation of the proposed repository would be at least 160 and up to 400 meters (520 up to 1,300 feet) above the present water table elevation, effects in response to earthquakes would be expected to be relatively minor and would not pose problems for repository safety. (596)
- EIS000127 / 0013
They consider earthquakes to be strong enough to completely demolish both the waste handling and the waste -- the other waste building that they plan on running the waste throughout there.

They figure both those buildings would collapse in an earthquake on top of the waste that’s in ‘em, and yet nothing is going to happen to a single one of those holes that they bored through that porous rock that’s full of all those holes -- all these fissures per meter. It’s not even considered at all.

An extensive seismic hazard analysis was completed in 1998 involving 25 experts from industry, academia, and government. The expert assessments indicate that the geologic fault displacement hazard is generally low. Results of long-term performance assessments of the subsurface repository indicated no significant effects on waste isolation from earthquakes. The surface and underground facilities at Yucca Mountain are being designed to withstand ground motion from earthquakes. The analysis determined that an annual frequency of 1 math symbol, multiply10-4, or the 10,000-year earthquake, is an appropriate level for preclosure design of structures that are important to safety. At Yucca Mountain, these structures will be designed to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4. For the 10,000-year earthquake, the design motions are dominated by the contribution of a normal-fault type earthquakes of magnitude 6.3 with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain that respond to higher structural frequencies. At lower frequencies, contributions from strike-slip type earthquakes of magnitude 7.5 or greater events in Death Valley [within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of Yucca Mountain] are also important contributors to ground motions. The uncertainties in the magnitude and location of the earthquakes are incorporated into these analyses. DOE regards this annual frequency as appropriate and conservative because it reflects the annual probabilities of design ground motions for nuclear powerplants in the western U.S. In addition, surface facilities at Yucca Mountain pose less risk than nuclear powerplants. Table 4-36 of the EIS presents earthquake-accident scenarios that use an earthquake frequency of once in 50,000 years. This is roughly equivalent to an earthquake of 7 magnitude on the Richter scale within 5 kilometers of Yucca Mountain, with a mean peak ground acceleration of 1.1 g, where g is acceleration due to gravity (980 centimeters per second squared) at the waste-emplacement depth. These are very conservative calculations that give an indication of the maximum impact of such an event. Subsurface facilities would be built in solid rock. Because vibratory ground motion decreases with depth, earthquakes would have less affect on subsurface facilities than on surface facilities. Inspection of existing tunnels in the Yucca Mountain area has revealed little evidence of disturbance after earthquakes. Vibratory ground motion from earthquakes that might occur along faults in the Yucca Mountain region will propagate through the rock at wavelengths that are very long compared to the dimensions of emplacement drifts, boreholes, and fissures. For instance, a 1-Hertz seismic shear wave propagating with a velocity of 610 meters (2,000 feet) per second (an approximate value for the near-surface rocks) has a wavelength of 610 meters; a 10-Hertz wave has a wavelength of 61 meters (200 feet). Even wavelengths as long as 61 meters are much larger than the diameter of the proposed emplacement drifts and any previously drilled boreholes. This implies that significant strains associated with the passage of earthquake-excited seismic waves are not set up across the drifts or boreholes. An excavation tends to move as a unit and therefore the impact is minimal. (724)
- EIS000210 / 0002
It is my hypothesis that as greenhouse gasses continue to be added to the atmosphere over the next several hundred years, global climate change will be exacerbated by ever increasing severe weather events with very large water mass shifts geographically. So what? You might say ... What has that got to do with Yucca Mountain? Well, as the continental plates experience large mass load shifting, does it not stand to reason that there will be an increased incidence of seismic activity? But nuclear power does not produce any CO2, you might add; but it does produce Pu238 which may be released to the biosphere during a seismic cataclysm.

DOE used several geophysical methods, including seismic reflection, gravity, and magnetic surveys, to characterize the subsurface geologic structure of Yucca Mountain. A single magnetotelluric line and several vertical seismic profiles provided supplementary information.

DOE conducted a 32-kilometer (20-mile)-long seismic reflection survey across Bare Mountain, Crater Flat, Yucca Mountain, Midway Valley, and Fortymile Wash. Where this regional profile crosses the repository site, the reflection data show a series of west-dipping normal faults that displace volcanic rocks and the Tertiary/pre-Tertiary contact at depth. DOE collected gravity data along geophysical survey lines and used them to interpret general regional structure and to aid in interpretation of the shallow structure at Yucca Mountain, such as the location and displacement of faults. The Department conducted ground magnetic surveys to infer fault locations and displacements. Because buried faults and geologic heterogeneities at Yucca Mountain are a concern for the long-term performance of the repository, DOE used magnetotelluric methods to detect and characterize these features.

DOE combined information from these geophysical studies with results from other field studies, included extensive surface mapping of geologic features and mapping in the Exploratory Studies Facility. In addition, boreholes provided information on the vertical and lateral distribution of hydrogeologic units, hydrologic properties of the rocks, thermal and other geophysical conditions and properties, chemistry of the contained fluids, pneumatic pressure, and water content and potential. Additional data for some of these parameters came from the excavations for the Exploratory Studies Facility and from boreholes drilled from the drifts or alcoves in the Exploratory Studies Facility.

Using this combined data set, DOE derived detailed geologic and hydrologic models to describe the spatial models of rock layers, faults, rock properties, and mineral distributions in the subsurface and to simulate three-dimensional fluid flow and support site-performance models of Yucca Mountain. For a more complete discussion of site-scale geophysical studies, see Section 4.6.5 of the Yucca Mountain Site Description (
DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000).

Internal processes in the earth, rather than climate, drive the tectonic plates. The different land and ocean configurations resulting from continental drift, along with the location and height of mountain ranges, that affect the climate occur over thousands of millennia. Conversely, shorter-term climatic variations caused by such things as the Earth’s orbital cycle and solar output cycles can occur over decades to thousands of years. These shorter-term changes have the potential to affect the long-term performance of a repository. A number of phenomena affect the energy budget of the atmosphere on short time scales, ranging from decades to several centuries. These events include perturbations such as solar variability, volcanism, carbon dioxide variations, and the El Niño Southern Oscillation. Human-caused increases in carbon dioxide have generated much scientific and public concern, because higher concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide act as a trap for outbound long-wave radiation, thus warming the Earth.

The consequences of a warmer Earth will almost certainly result in greater amounts of water vapor entering the atmosphere, which should increase precipitation in some areas. However, it is not known if climate changes affect carbon dioxide levels or vice versa. Section 6.2 of the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000) documents the timing, magnitude, and character of past climate changes in the Yucca Mountain area and establishes the rationale for projecting such changes into the future. Based on this information, a model of climate change has been developed in which the modern-day climate at Yucca Mountain would persist for another 400 to 600 years, followed by a warmer and much wetter monsoon climate for 900 to 1,400 years, followed by a cooler and wetter glacial-transition climate for 8,000 to 8,700 years.

The commenter refers to the structural evolution of the site and surrounding area and to tectonic processes operating in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain that have the potential to cause events that could affect the performance of a repository. The commenter is particularly concerned about the possibility of increased seismicity caused by plate tectonics. As discussed in Section of the EIS, DOE has been monitoring earthquake activity in the Nevada Test Site region since 1978. The Yucca Mountain Program investigates faults and earthquakes to assess seismic hazards at the site.

DOE recognizes that the effect of earthquakes on a repository at Yucca Mountain is a major concern, and has conducted an extensive seismic hazard analysis. The analysis, completed in 1998, involved 25 experts from industry, academia, and government. The expert assessments indicate that the hazards of geologic fault displacement are low. Results of long-term performance assessments of the subsurface repository indicated no significant effects on waste isolation from earthquakes. Using this seismic hazard information, DOE would design surface facilities at the repository to withstand the effects of earthquakes that could occur during the lifetime of these facilities. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components important to safety must be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4 (once in 10,000 years). The results of the seismic hazard analysis for Yucca Mountain indicate that this is the equivalent of about a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain. Section of the EIS contains more information.

Subsurface facilities would be built in solid rock. Because vibratory ground motion decreases with depth, earthquakes would affect subsurface facilities less than surface facilities. Inspection of existing tunnels in the Yucca Mountain area has revealed little evidence of disturbance after earthquakes. Sections and 5.7.3 of the EIS contain more information.

After closure of the proposed repository, there would be a limited potential for releases to the atmosphere because the waste is isolated far below the ground surface. The potential for gas transport of carbon-14 was analyzed because the repository host rocks are porous. Modeling shows negligible human health impacts due to releases of gas-phase carbon-14. See Section 5.5 of the EIS for additional information on atmospheric radiological consequences. (856)
- EIS000173 / 0015
Geologic factors, in addition to rapid groundwater flow in the unsaturated zone, increase the risk and uncertainty about loss of waste containment and isolation at the Yucca Mountain site. Seismic risk is said by project officials to be "acceptably low," but it is acknowledged that the potential exists during the hazardous lifetime of the waste, for the repository to be impacted by an earthquake nearby in the magnitude range of 7.0 to 7.5.

The potential for large nearby earthquakes exists during the operational life of the surface facility of the repository. An unexpected magnitude 5.6 earthquake occurred at Little Skull Mountain, adjacent to the study site in June 1992. This quake was associated with a much larger event in Southern California.

Operation of a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain will require three irradiated fuel pools to facilitate waste transfer operations. The faulting and earthquake history of the area is such that a nuclear power reactor with its irradiated fuel pools could not be licensed there. Therefore, on what basis does the Department intend to locate multiple irradiated fuel pools at the Yucca Mountain site? This unresolved issue is of critical importance.

An extensive seismic hazard analysis was completed in 1998 involving 25 experts from industry, academia, and government. The expert assessments indicate that the fault-displacement hazard is generally low. Results of long-term performance assessments of the subsurface repository indicated no significant effects on waste isolation from earthquakes. The surface and underground facilities at Yucca Mountain are being designed to withstand ground motion from earthquakes. The analysis determined that an annual frequency of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4, or the 10,000-year earthquake, is an appropriate level for preclosure design of structures that are important to safety. At Yucca Mountain, these structures would be designed to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4. For the 10,000-year earthquake, the design motions are dominated by the contribution of normal-fault type earthquakes of magnitude 6.3 with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain that respond to higher structural frequencies. At lower frequencies, contributions from strike-slip type earthquakes of magnitude 7.5 or greater events in Death Valley [within 50 km (31 miles) of Yucca Mountain] are also important contributors to ground motions. The uncertainties in the magnitude and location of the earthquakes are incorporated into these analyses. DOE regards this annual frequency as appropriate and conservative because it reflects the annual probabilities of design ground motions for nuclear powerplants in the western U.S. In addition, surface facilities at Yucca Mountain pose less risk than nuclear powerplants. Tables 4-36 and 4-37 of the EIS present earthquake-accident scenarios that use an earthquake frequency of once in 50,000 years. This is roughly equivalent to a 7 magnitude on the Richter scale within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain, with a mean peak ground acceleration of 1.1g at the waste-emplacement depth. These are very conservative calculations that give an indication of the maximum impact of such an event. (972)
- EIS000230 / 0001
The recent 7.1 magnitude Hector Mine earthquake of 10-16-99 occurred on the Lavic Lake fault, which was previously mapped by Thomas Dibblee Jr. of the USGS approximately 30 years ago. At the time the fault was not named.

Previous evaluations of the Lavic Lake fault by the California Division of mines and Geology showed the fault had not produced a large earthquake within the last 10,000 years. The Hector mine quake created a rupture of 40 km with a maximum offset of 3.8 to 4.7 meters.

The Landers earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.4, and the Joshua Tree quake occurred 7 years previous to the Hector Mine quake. These three faults are all included in the same fault zone area, and the California Division of mines stated in their report this could not occur, but it did.

The current USGS view is that these faults remain inactive for thousands of years and then become active for several hundred years before returning to quiescence. This information was obtained from various USGS websites.

Could this same pattern of activity occur in the Yucca Mountain area?

The Skull Valley earthquake of June 1992, with a magnitude 5.6 was triggered by the Lander quake. This scenario will occur again.

If the Lavic Lake and Landers faults are creating more stress on the Yucca area faults further and immediate study is needed to determine the new risks and hazards. Just based on Wernicke’s work the current DEIS is not sufficient and requires further study.

Since the advent of worldwide seismograph networks, seismologists have observed that many large fault systems around the world remain inactive for long periods and then become active for relatively brief periods before returning to relative quiescence. Periods between major faulting episodes vary and are generally related to rates of large-scale plate motions. This episodic pattern of fault displacements is probably true for the Yucca Mountain region as well, where trenching investigations indicate that many of the faults in the region have relatively long recurrence intervals (time periods between successive displacements). Monitoring of these faults indicate that the seismicity associated with displacement is of low intensity and the recurrence rate is approximately 20 times less than a typical area of comparable size in the southern Great Basin.

There is fairly reliable evidence that the Landers earthquake (magnitude 7.3) triggered the June 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake (magnitude 5.6). The evidence suggests that the passage of large surface waves over the pending rupture zone at Little Skull Mountain triggered foreshocks that were followed about 20 hours later by the magnitude 5.6 mainshock. In other words, the surface waves from the Landers earthquake provided the incremental stress required to initiate rupture and, if the Landers earthquake had not occurred, the Little Skull Mountain fault zone would have ruptured at another time. (973)
- EIS000230 / 0002
According to Caltech, since the Hector Mine quake faults have been "talking" to one another. By this they mean that since the Hector Mine quake stress has increased on some faults and decreased on others and at this point it is impossible to tell where the stress has increased. Has it increased in the Yucca Mountain area?

Since the western Mojave desert faults are now "talking" to other faults the public needs to know the consequences. Further study is needed in this area immediately.

The magnitude 7.1 Hector Mine earthquake of October 1999 occurred about 240 kilometers (150 miles) from Yucca Mountain. While it is unlikely that major displacements or changes in the stress field at Yucca Mountain were associated with this earthquake, it would require a resurvey of the 14-station geodetic network that the U.S. Geological Survey installed in 1983 to be able to make a quantitative statement. The geodetic network would not be sensitive to any rigid-body motion of the network as a whole, but would have to experience relative station-to-station displacements (strains) above ambient noise levels.

Ground accelerations recorded at a network of three-component strong-motion instruments operating in the Yucca Mountain area during the Hector Mine earthquake did not exceed 0.014g, where g is acceleration due to gravity (980 centimeters per second squared). These levels of acceleration are more than 10 times smaller than the anticipated earthquake-design levels for surface and underground facilities at the repository. (977)
- EIS000230 / 0006
One must also consider what a magnitude 7 earthquake would do to the Yucca Mountain area. It would certainly disrupt road and rail lines as well as power and communications.

In 1998, 25 experts from industry, academia, and government completed an extensive seismic-hazard analysis of the Yucca Mountain area. These assessments indicate that the fault-displacement hazard at Yucca Mountain is generally low. Results of long-term performance assessments of the subsurface repository indicated no significant effects on waste isolation from earthquakes. Using the seismic hazard information, the surface and underground facilities at Yucca Mountain are being designed to withstand ground motion from earthquakes. The analysis determined that an annual frequency of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4, or the 10,000-year earthquake, is an appropriate level for preclosure design of structures that are important to safety. At Yucca Mountain, these structures would be designed to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4. For the 10,000-year earthquake, the design motions are dominated by the contribution of a normal-fault earthquakes of magnitude 6.3 with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain that respond to higher structural frequencies. At lower frequencies, contributions from strike-slip type earthquakes of magnitude 7.5 or greater events in Death Valley [within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of Yucca Mountain] are also important contributors to ground motions. The uncertainties in the magnitude and location of the earthquakes are incorporated into these analyses. DOE regards this annual frequency as appropriate and conservative because it reflects the annual probabilities of design ground motions for nuclear powerplants in the western U.S. In addition, surface facilities at Yucca Mountain pose less risk than nuclear powerplants.

Earthquakes can disrupt power transmission, communications, roads, and rail lines. Tables 4-36 and 4-37 of the EIS present earthquake-accident scenarios that use an earthquake frequency of once in 50,000 years. This is roughly equivalent to a 7 magnitude on the Richter scale within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain, with a mean peak ground acceleration of 1.1g, where g is acceleration due to gravity (980 centimeters per second squared) at the waste-emplacement depth. These are very conservative calculations that give an indication of the maximum impact of such an event. Appendix H contains additional analysis of accidents due to seismic activity. (1045)
- EIS000315 / 0002
Speaking of shake and bake or the ground movement when nuclear waste is present, the earthquake issue continues to astound us Nevadans, and I was surprised to hear that there’s no definitive answer that was given today about what standard the repository is going to be designed for, whether it’s a 6.5 or whether it’s other standards; those still haven’t been made yet. And you know why? It’s because of the same thing, you know, that what we’ve heard earlier. Just like the groundwater travel time, once they find that -- Standards are set, but once the mountain can’t meet those standards, they go back and change the standards. Well, at least with earthquakes, you know, now you’re not going to set them yet; first, you’re going to see what the math would be, and then you’re going to say, "Oh, our repository can withstand that." You know, also just last week, only a short distance from Yucca Mountain in the Mojave Desert, we had a 7.0 earthquake. High-rise buildings in Las Vegas were evacuated. A train was forced off of its tracks.

DOE has not proposed to "change the standards" in 10 CFR Part 960 by which the suitability of the Yucca Mountain is evaluated. Rather, the purpose of the new Yucca Mountain-specific guidelines (10 CFR Part 963) is to implement the NWPA, consistent with the current regulatory framework and technical basis for assessing the ability (or performance) of a geologic repository to isolate spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste from the environment.

The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 [Section 112(a)] directed the Secretary of Energy (and by extension, DOE) to issue general guidelines for the recommendation of sites for characterization, in consultation with certain Federal agencies and interested Governors, and with the concurrence of the NRC. These guidelines (issued in 1984 at 10 CFR Part 960) were to include factors related to the comparative advantages among candidate sites located in various geologic media, and other considerations such as the proximity to storage locations of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste, and population density and distribution.

In 1987, amendments to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act specified Yucca Mountain as the only site DOE was to characterize. For this reason, DOE proposed in 1996 to clarify and focus its 10 CFR Part 960 guidelines to apply only to the Yucca Mountain site (which would be codified at 10 CFR Part 963), but never issued these guidelines as final. In 1999, DOE proposed further revisions to the draft Part 963 guidelines for three primary reasons:
  1. To address comments that criticized the omission of essential details of the criteria and methodology for evaluating the suitability of the Yucca Mountain site.
  2. To update the criteria and methodology for assessing site suitability based on the most current technical and scientific understanding of the performance of a potential repository, as reflected in the DOE report, Viability Assessment of a Repository at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998).

To be consistent with the then-proposed site-specific licensing criteria for the Yucca Mountain site issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission has since finalized these criteria at 10 CFR Part 63), and the then-proposed site-specific radiation protection standards issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (the Agency has since finalized these standards at 40 CFR Part 197). DOE issued final 10 CFR Part 963 in 2001.

Earthquakes can disrupt power transmission, communications, roads, and rail lines. Table 4-35 of the EIS presents earthquake-accident scenarios that use an earthquake frequency of once in 50,000 years. This is roughly equivalent to a 7 magnitude on the Richter scale within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain, with a mean peak ground acceleration of 1.1g, where g is acceleration due to gravity (980 centimeters per second squared) at the waste-emplacement depth. These are very conservative calculations that give an indication of the maximum impact of such an event. Appendix H contains additional analysis of accidents due to seismic activity. (1070)
- EIS000287 / 0003
Furthermore, is it genuinely a better move to place waste in an area which is rocked with considerable seismic activity?

In 1987, Congress selected Yucca Mountain as a potential location for a monitored geologic repository, and directed DOE to determine whether the site is suitable. Some of the reasons Congress selected Yucca Mountain for study include a deep water table, favorable geology, a desert environment, and the fact that the Nevada Test Site is already a controlled area. Based on the results of analyses reported in Chapter 5 of the Draft EIS, DOE believes that a repository at Yucca Mountain would operate safely (in compliance with the Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada, 40 CFR Part 197. DOE also believes that the impacts of leaving the waste at 77 sites throughout the country (the No-Action Alternative) outweigh the impacts of permanent disposal at Yucca Mountain. See Section 2.4 of the EIS for more information. (1375)
- EIS000432 / 0003
The DOE also wants the construction and emplacement of waste packages in a mass of volcanic rock. Again the DOE states that it is "unlikely" that any additional silicic activity would occur. However in 1992, there was an earthquake at Little Skull Mountain measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale. Little Skull Mountain is located 12 miles southeast of the proposed site. Of course the DOE estimates that after closure there is a 1 in 7,000 chance of volcanic disruption for the first 10,000 years. But how long does it take before this spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste is no longer hazardous or dangerous to humans and the environment?

As discussed in Section 3.1.3 of the EIS, Yucca Mountain consists of lithified volcanic ash that fell and flowed onto the site from eruptions of calderas to the north of the site (see Figure 3-5 and Table 3-7). These explosive volcanic eruptions occurred during development of the Southwestern Nevada volcanic field. Basaltic volcanism that began later marked the end of the period of explosive volcanic eruptions. These basaltic eruptions originated deep in the upper mantle and flowed onto Crater Flat. DOE’s estimate of a 1-in-7,000 chance of volcanic disruption of the repository during the first 10,000 years is based on detailed investigations of the basalts. This estimate was recalculated in Section of the Final EIS to account for the current footprint of the proposed repository. The revised estimate increases to about 1 chance in 6,300 during the first 10,000 years with the current repository layout, considering both primary and contingency blocks (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000).

Section of the EIS describes the Little Skull Mountain earthquake, which occurred in an area of persistent recent seismicity that has been monitored by instruments in the Southern Great Basin Seismic Network. This might be a zone of stress concentration, accommodating strain from fault systems throughout the south central Nevada Test Site area. This earthquake appears related to the Rock Valley fault system and not to any volcanic or magmatic activity.

Section 5 of the EIS describes the components and summarizes the results of DOE’s assessments of long-term repository system performance over the 10,000-year period of regulatory interest and for the longer 1-million-year period for potential volcanic events. The performance assessments considered the inventory of long-lived radionuclides and their potential pathways to the accessible environment. The analysis of long-term repository performance shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at the site would keep doses resulting from any releases of radionuclides well below the regulatory limits established by the Environmental Protection Agency in 40 CFR Part 197. While the potential consequence (dose) related to a volcanic event can never be completely eliminated, it would be greatly diminished after 1,000 years. Section 5.7.2 of the EIS presents the annual risk over a 10,000-year period. (1475)
- EIS000485 / 0003
The reactors where the waste is now stored are licensed by the NRC [Nuclear Regulatory Commission] and are on solid, stable ground with negligible earthquake activity. By contrast, the area where they propose to ship the waste is among the most seismically active in the country and would not meet the same NRC licensing standards for reactors. Since site characterization studies for the Yucca Mountain dump began, there have been dozens of earthquakes, including a magnitude 5.2 quake in 1992 which caused over a million dollars in damage to government buildings at the Yucca Mountain site. There have been 621 seismic events of a 2.5 magnitude or greater in the last 20 years.

DOE recognizes that the effect of earthquakes on the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain is a major concern, and has conducted extensive analyses. The EIS analyzes the probability of earthquake occurrence and the environmental consequences. To support this analysis, DOE and the U.S. Geological Survey performed a comprehensive evaluation of the seismic hazards in the Yucca Mountain region using standard practices of mapping, trenching, age-dating, and monitoring of contemporary seismicity. Then DOE-sponsored groups of experts from inside and outside the Project used this site data to assess the seismic hazard potential of major seismic sources in the region. Another group of experts used numerical modeling methods and data from recent earthquakes to estimate ground motion attenuation relationships appropriate for Yucca Mountain.

Using the seismic hazard information, DOE would design repository surface facilities to withstand the effects of earthquakes that could occur during the lifetime of these facilities. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components important to safety must be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4 (once in 10,000 years). The results of the seismic hazard analysis indicate that this is the equivalent of about a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain.

DOE has determined that an annual frequency of 10-4, or the 10,000-year earthquake, is an appropriate level for preclosure design of structures important to safety, so it would design these structures to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4. DOE regards this annual frequency as appropriate and conservative because it reflects the annual probabilities of design ground motions for nuclear powerplants in the western United States. (Originally, utilities developed design bases for nuclear powerplants deterministically, but recently have determined the annual probability of design events. The range is 10-3 to 10-4.) The annual frequency of 10-4 is more conservative than that for the powerplants licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Also, surface facilities at Yucca Mountain would be inherently less dangerous facilities.

DOE would build subsurface facilities in solid rock. Because vibratory ground motion decreases with depth, earthquakes would have less effect on subsurface facilities than surface facilities. Inspections of tunnels in the Yucca Mountain area have revealed little evidence of disturbance following earthquakes. DOE would design the subsurface facilities and waste package to withstand the effects of earthquakes for the long-term performance of the repository.

Recent earthquakes at Scottys Junction, Nevada [August 1, 1999, magnitude 5.7, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Yucca Mountain] and at Hector Mine, California [October 16, 1999, magnitude 7.1, about 250 kilometers (155 miles) from Yucca Mountain] had no effects at Yucca Mountain. These events produced ground motions recorded at Yucca Mountain that were more than 20 times smaller than seismic design motions for the proposed surface facilities, as would be expected given their distance from the site. The Scottys Junction earthquake had a similar magnitude, depth, and normal focal plane solution as the Little Skull earthquake in 1992, which was the largest recorded earthquake within 50 kilometers (30 miles) of Yucca Mountain (a Richter magnitude 5.6). The Little Skull Mountain earthquake, with an epicenter 20 kilometers (12 miles) to the southeast, caused no damage at Yucca Mountain. It did damage the Yucca Mountain Field Operations Center in Jackass Flat, about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the epicenter (about 4 miles from the Exploratory Studies Facility), but this facility was not built to the seismic-design specifications planned for surface facilities at Yucca Mountain. This earthquake caused less than $100,000 damage, although DOE spent additional funds on structural modifications to bring the building into compliance with existing codes. The Department would design Yucca Mountain facilities for a similar earthquake centered near the site. Section of the EIS contains more information. (1484)
- EIS001521 / 0023
Page 3-29, MODERN SEISMIC ACTIVITY, first paragraph--References are needed for all the assertions made in this paragraph. For instance, it is not common knowledge that regional earthquake epicenters do not correlate with Quaternary faults in the Yucca Mountain area (a figure would also be nice).

Section 3.1.3 of the EIS is based on information contained in the Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). DOE cited this broad-based reference in the EIS because it has collected an enormous amount of baseline environmental data that are contained in many separate reports. To cite a separate report in the EIS each time a reference to such a report was made would have been very cumbersome for the reader. Instead, the Department cited the Yucca Mountain Site Description, which references these other, detailed reports.

With respect to the example cited by the comment ("...regional earthquake epicenters do not correlate with Quaternary faults in the Yucca Mountain area..."), this statement is from Section 12.3.5 of the Site Description. This reference supports the assertion with a figure showing epicenters and focal mechanisms of earthquakes and known and suspected Quaternary faults near Yucca Mountain. DOE agrees that such a figure would be of interest to readers with specific interest or expertise in seismic activity, but DOE believes that this level of detail is not needed for the EIS. (1520)
- EIS000474 / 0001
People who do not understand geology, and who believe one state is like another, as long as it is land, are likely to seize upon Circular 1184 as indication that Yucca Mountain would be feasible for radioactive waste burial. But the one thing DOE, nor any other organization, could not possibly prepare against is a catastrophic event. Such cannot be predicted or prepared for, and when the time came it would be too late. This is a catastrophic event country. This is the wrong kind of an environment for such burial. The likelihood of catastrophic events is too great for such a major risk. I believe the Survey needs to point out the risks to the people of this country. And the million of dollars already spent at Yucca Mountain has largely been a waste of funds. That site is one of the worst decisions ever made by Congress, for it does not consider geology.

DOE prepared this EIS under the requirements of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act and consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act, and the regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission related to the proposed repository. Geologic stability is one of many criteria that DOE applied in consideration of the Yucca Mountain site.

The EIS analyzes impacts that could arise from catastrophic natural events such as earthquakes and volcanic activity. While DOE cannot predict such events exactly, it can deal with them statistically and incorporate them in the risk analysis. Chapter 5 of the EIS contains an assessment of the probability and effect of such events on long-term radionuclide release and the resultant impacts. The consideration of the combined likelihood and consequences of such events indicate the potential risk. (1832)
- EIS000206 / 0011
Question that is not answered by DOE: Seismic activity -- a particularly important issue in relation to interim storage -- continues to be very active. Yucca Mountain, and the NTS, lie within the second most active seismic area in the continental United States. Well over 600 earthquakes registering over 3.0 on the Richter scale have been recorded in the area in the past twenty years.

DOE does not plan to construct or use interim storage facilities at the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain. The Department would design surface facilities at the repository to withstand the effects of earthquakes that could occur during the lifetime of these facilities. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components that are important to safety must be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4 (once in 10,000 years). The results of the seismic hazard analysis for Yucca Mountain indicate that this is the equivalent of about a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain. Section of the EIS contains more information.

In addition to these seismic design requirements, DOE evaluated sixteen accident scenarios for the repository, including the potential for seismic events beyond the design basis. Of these scenarios, the maximum reasonably foreseeable accident was a seismic event, beyond the design basis, with an annual frequency of occurrence of 2 math symbol, multiply 10-5 (once in 50,000 years) that results in the collapse of the Waste Handling Building and damage to 375 fuel assemblies. Details of the accident analysis are presented in Section 4.1.8 of the EIS. (2009)
- EIS000559 / 0002
If you put it in, it will affect the ground water, which will affect the whole state, even nearby states. If we have earthquakes, they will go into the water.

If we have an earthquake as well, it can also affect it into the air. And that will affect Idaho, it will affect Oregon, it will affect California, it will affect us.

As discussed in Section of the EIS, DOE has been monitoring earthquakes in the Nevada Test Site region since 1978. The site characterization program studies faults and earthquakes to assess seismic hazards at the site. DOE used panels of experts with access to all available information to complete a probabilistic seismic-hazard assessment. The results of this study indicated that the probability of reactivating faults at the site is very small. Additional fault movements or displacements from postemplacement seismic activity probably would occur on existing fault planes. Using the seismic-hazard information, DOE would design repository facilities to withstand the effects of earthquakes that could occur during the lifetime of the facilities. The seismic-design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components important to safety must be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4 (once in 10,000 years).

There is no direct relationship between earthquake occurrence and potential radionuclide releases from the waste package. The current design calls for waste packages to be placed on pallets and not in boreholes drilled into the repository walls or floors. If an earthquake occurred at or near the site, fault displacements would not result in waste package failure because the emplacement areas would be away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide release. Calculations show that there would be almost no effect on repository performance from rockfall by vibratory ground motion.

DOE based its hydrology models, derived from extensive studies conducted at Yucca Mountain, on a fault-fracture dominant flow system. The hypothetical addition of new faults would have very minor or no effect on the current fault and fracture flow pathways. Such potential faults and fractures, therefore, would be unlikely to alter repository performance.

As discussed in Section 3.1.4 of the EIS, Yucca Mountain is in a closed hydrologic basin. Surface water and groundwater can leave the basin only by evapotranspiration. The regional slope of the water table (potentiometric surface) indicates that groundwater flows southward toward Amargosa Valley. The Central Death Valley subregion is comprised of three groundwater basins that are subdivided into smaller sections. Yucca Mountain is in the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek groundwater basin. In this basin only a small portion of total basin recharge actually infiltrates through Yucca Mountain. The small fraction of water that does infiltrate and becomes groundwater recharge and then flows towards Fortymile Wash and discharges with the rest of the groundwater in the Fortymile Canyon section of the groundwater basin. Flow then continues south toward Amargosa Valley in the Amargosa River section as shown in Figure 3-13 of the EIS. The natural discharge of groundwater from beneath Yucca Mountain is probably farther south at Franklin Lake Playa more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) away and therefore would not affect groundwater in the entire state. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository shows that the combination of natural and engineered barriers at the site would keep such a release small enough to pose no significant impact on the health and safety of people or the environment. See Section and 5.4 of the EIS for additional information.

After closure of a proposed repository, there would be a limited potential for releases to the atmosphere because the waste would be isolated far below the ground surface. The potential for gas transport of carbon-14 was analyzed because the repository host rocks are porous. Modeling analyses show negligible human-health impacts due to releases of gas-phase carbon-14. See Section 5.5 of the EIS for additional information on atmospheric radiological consequences. DOE does not expect any health effects due to atmospheric releases in Oregon, Idaho, and California. Moreover, there is no indication that the vibratory ground motion and fault-displacement hazard would affect these analyses. (2031)
- EIS000564 / 0004
And that also brings us to the earthquake question. Last month only a short distance from Yucca Mountain in the Mojave Desert, a 7.0 earthquake forced a train to jump from its tracks and some high rise buildings were evacuated in Las Vegas, even though the earthquake occurred about 150 miles away.

Now the earthquake specifications for Yucca Mountain are still being talked about. And that brings us to the point of standards.

As mentioned by the commenter, on October 16, 1999, the magnitude 7.1 Hector Mine earthquake occurred in the Mojave Desert approximately 240 kilometers (150 miles) from Yucca Mountain. Peak ground accelerations recorded in the Yucca Mountain area during that earthquake did not exceed 0.014g, where g is acceleration due to gravity (980 centimeters per second squared). These levels of acceleration are more than 10 times smaller than anticipated design levels for the surface and underground facilities at the repository, which would, therefore, withstand the effects of ground motion from earthquakes of this size at that distance. The design basis earthquake for ground motions in the frequency range 1 to 2 hertz corresponds to earthquakes of magnitude 7 or larger at a distance of about 48 kilometers (30 miles). (2199)
- EIS000608 / 0001
Nevada per area square miles is probably the most seismic state in the nation. This is an extension area here that as the earth cools off, there are going to be more problems form or you have more earthquakes happening.

This is ridiculous that they want to bury nuclear waste here. It really is. They should put it out in the plains of Nebraska or something where it’s more stable.

The State of Nevada ranks third, behind Alaska and California, in terms of seismic activity. Its reputation as a highly active state comes primarily from the occurrence of major historic earthquakes (a Richter-scale magnitude of 7 or higher) along the Central Nevada Seismic Belt in western Nevada (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). This seismic belt, which is characterized by geologically young faults, appears on seismicity maps to be an extension into Nevada of fault systems in southwestern California (such as the Death Valley-Furnace Creek fault system). The Central Nevada Seismic Belt splits near the California-Nevada border. One belt of seismic activity enters the Reno-Carson City area, and the other belt heads approximately due north from the border and crosses the western tip of Nye County on its way to central Nevada. While earthquakes do not occur at regular intervals, the average frequency of magnitude 6 and greater earthquakes in western Nevada is about one every 10 years, while earthquakes of magnitude 7 and greater average about one every 27 years.

In contrast, the largest recorded earthquakes within 100 kilometers (60 miles) of Yucca Mountain were the June 29, 1992, magnitude 5.6 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, and the August 1, 1999, magnitude 5.7 Scottys Junction earthquake. DOE recognizes the potential seismic hazard at Yucca Mountain and has conducted extensive geologic and geophysical investigations in the region over the past 20 years. More than 50 trenches have been excavated along mapped faults in the Yucca Mountain area. The data obtained from trenching indicate that the faults have not ruptured the surface for thousands of years. In 1998, the Project ended a multiyear study of the seismic hazard at Yucca Mountain. This study involved 25 earth scientists from academia, industry, and government who reviewed project data and information from many organizations and arrived at an estimate of the hazard associated with ground motion and fault displacement at Yucca Mountain. This estimate, in conjunction with targeted geotechnical investigations (to define the properties of the rocks close to the surface), will form the seismic-design bases of surface and underground facilities at Yucca Mountain that are important to safety. (2256)
- EIS000362 / 0001
I want to relate a little story of living over here and the kind of geology we have. I had the pleasure a year or so ago of having a couple of Ph.D. geologists stay with me and my wife at our home, which overlooks the Owens Valley. Over a period of a couple days, they spent most of their time out on our terrace discussing what they saw, discussing earthquake faulting, discussing -- who knows what they were discussing. It wasn’t real clear to us what they were discussing. But after a couple days of this, two white-haired Ph.D. geology professors, both worked for the oil companies at one point in their lives, my wife asked one of them, the older one, she says, "So, Claude, what is it you see when you look out here at what’s around this area in the Owens Valley?" He says, "I see a real mess." And it seems to me that says a lot about what you can know of geological processes and about what’s out here, and what’s here between here and Yucca Mountain, and that that should temper the kind of judgments you make about how stable and how reliable the country is for what’s being proposed to be done to it.

While you’re here, if you haven’t done so already, I would urge you to go about one-third of a mile up the road and visit the graveyard of the earthquake for the victims of the 1872 earthquake in Lone Pine, which I don’t see in your Draft EIS. It was one of the two or three, or perhaps, the largest earthquake ever in the United States. It would certainly have been very well felt at Yucca Mountain.

And I’m troubled that you’ve limited your earthquake evaluation to 30 kilometers of the mountain. We know. We feel them all the time, large earthquakes, and we’re only 100 miles by air from Yucca Mountain. I would like to see that scale in time and space of your evaluation relative to hydrology and volcanism and earthquakes expanded to an area that certainly could impact the Yucca Mountain site in the not-too-distant future.

The region of interest for assessing seismic hazards at Yucca Mountain is a function of earthquake magnitude and the rate of earthquake occurrence. Because earthquake ground motions lessen with distance, the farther an earthquake occurs from Yucca Mountain, the larger it must be to contribute significantly to the hazard at the site. At a distance of 100 kilometers (62 miles) from Yucca Mountain, earthquakes must reach an estimated magnitude of about 8 on the Richter scale to produce horizontal accelerations of 0.1g, where g is acceleration due to gravity (980 centimeters per second squared), at the site (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000).

Although the focus of the seismic hazard analysis was the area within 100 kilometers (62 miles) of Yucca Mountain, the analysis also considered the historic seismicity between 1868 and 1996 within 300 kilometers (about 185 miles) of Yucca Mountain. This extension of the area of consideration includes many of the major historic earthquakes in California, including the 1872 Owens Valley earthquake, and enables an evaluation of the seismicity of the Yucca Mountain vicinity within a broader regional context. This approach was the basis for the characterization of background earthquakes as part of the probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). (2701)
- EIS000956 / 0005
This site should be rejected as unsuitable since it is classified in the highest risk category for earthquakes. Further, it will not retain radioactive gases, such as Carbon-14 and thus cannot meet the original repository standards set by the EPA. IT ALSO SITS ON TOP OF A MAJOR AQUIFER SHARED BY A NEARBY FARMING COMMUNITY, INCLUDING A LARGE DAIRY, SERVING LOS ANGELES MARKETS.

One of the primary objectives of DOE’s characterization of the Yucca Mountain area is to identify faults with known or suspected Quaternary activity (during the past 1.6 million years) that could affect the design and performance of the repository. As discussed in Section of the EIS, DOE has monitored earthquakes in the Nevada Test Site region since 1978. The site characterization program studies faults and earthquakes to assess seismic hazards at the site. The identification and documentation of earthquakes occurring before recorded history is possible by studying the geologic record of past events. DOE has constructed the prehistoric earthquake record at Yucca Mountain from the results of paleoseismic and geochronologic studies.

In 1998, 25 experts from industry, academia, and government completed an extensive seismic-hazard analysis of the Yucca Mountain area. These assessments indicate that the fault-displacement hazard at Yucca Mountain is generally low. Results of long-term performance assessments of the subsurface repository indicated no significant effects on waste isolation from earthquakes. Using this seismic hazard information, DOE would design repository facilities that are important to safety to withstand appropriate levels of ground motion and fault displacement. To the extent practical, the location of such facilities would avoid faults that could rupture the surface. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components important to safety must be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4 (once in 10,000 years). The results of the seismic hazard analysis for Yucca Mountain indicate that this is the equivalent of about a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain. Section of the EIS contains more information.

The 1992 Little Skull Mountain magnitude 5.6 earthquake is the largest recorded earthquake within 50 kilometers (30 miles) of Yucca Mountain. This event damaged the Yucca Mountain Field Operations Center in Jackass Flat, approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the epicenter (about 4 miles from the Exploratory Studies Facility), but this facility was not built to the seismic design specifications planned for the facilities at Yucca Mountain. The waste-emplacement areas would be away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide release. Additional fault movements or displacements from postemplacement seismic activity would probably be along existing fault planes.

DOE would build subsurface facilities in solid rock. Because vibratory ground motion decreases with depth, earthquakes would have less effect on subsurface facilities than on surface facilities. Inspections of existing tunnels in the Yucca Mountain area have revealed little evidence of disturbance following earthquakes. The subsurface facilities would be able to withstand the effects of earthquakes for the long-term performance of the repository. Sections and 5.7.3 of the EIS contain more information.

After closure of the proposed repository, there would be a limited potential for releases to the atmosphere because the waste is isolated far below the ground surface. The potential for gas transport of carbon-14 was analyzed because the repository host rocks are porous. Modeling showed negligible human health impacts from releases of gas-phase carbon-14. See Section 5.5 of the EIS for additional information on atmospheric radiological consequences. There is no indication that the vibratory ground motion and fault displacement hazard would alter the results of these analyses.

The EIS did not indicate that there would be no groundwater contamination caused by the repository. Chapter 5 describes the modeling of the long-term performance of the repository which predicts impacts from radioactive and nonradioactive materials released to the environment during the first 10,000 years after closure. The principal means, or pathways, by which these materials would travel to humans and the environment include gradual container failure and leaching of contaminants through the unsaturated zone beneath the repository, then to the groundwater. The Yucca Mountain site characterization effort has gathered sufficient information about the site to make reasonable projections on how and when contaminants would move from the repository. (3523)
- EIS001150 / 0003
Was there any study of the major earthquake of 1992 or 1993, whichever year that took place, at Yucca Flat?

On June 29, 1992, a Richter-magnitude 5.6 earthquake occurred at Little Skull Mountain, about 20 kilometers (12 miles) from Yucca Mountain. This earthquake, the largest recorded earthquake within 50 kilometers (30 miles) of Yucca Mountain, yielded a large amount of data that DOE has used in the assessment of the seismic hazard at Yucca Mountain. Studies based on seismic recordings from the Little Skull Mountain mainshock and aftershocks include the determination of near-surface attenuation of seismic waves, in particular shear waves that are so important in the seismic design of structures, comparison of earthquake source models, focal mechanism of the mainshock and larger aftershocks, and the depth distribution of the earthquake sequence. Other investigations included examination of a 125-meter (410-foot)-deep tunnel within 3 kilometers (2 miles) of the Little Skull Mountain event for possible damage associated with the earthquake. There was no significant damage in the tunnel, which is consistent with observations at underground excavations throughout the world after earthquakes. (3751)
- EIS001029 / 0001
The Department of Energy’s process of elaborate technical studies is complex and involves much scientific work but it also involves predictions. In fact, geological estimates or predictions are based on what has happened in the past. But a prediction that earthquakes occur 1,000 to 10,000 years apart is hard to relate to human experience. A 21-year study tells us much about the structure of Yucca Mountain but does not tell us when earthquakes will happen there, exactly where they will happen or how they will change the rocks and fissures that exist. Since 1910, there have been over 600 earthquakes of greater than magnitude-2.5 within a 50-mile radius of Yucca Mountain.i How many earthquakes will happen within 50-miles of Yucca Mountain before 1,000 years is over? This Basin area is a dynamic area.ii

i In the Aug Las Vegas Review-Journal Steve Frishman stated that more than 600 earthquakes of magnitude 2.5 or more, large enough to feel if one is near the epicenter, have been measured within 50 miles of Yucca Mountain since 1910.

From a brochure Earthquakes in Nevada & how to survive them by Craig dePolo, Alan Ramelli, & Diane dePolo "Although earthquakes don’t occur at regular intervals, the average frequency of earthquakes of magnitude 6 and greater in Nevada has been about one every ten years, while earthquakes of magnitude 7 and greater average once every 27 year."

The frequency and magnitude of seismic disturbances in the vicinity of the Yucca Mountain site have been the focus of a great deal of study by DOE and others. The Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Fault Displacement and Vibratory Ground Motion at Yucca Mountain, Nevada (DIRS 103731-Wong and Stepp 1998) estimated earthquake occurrence frequencies, fault displacement, and vibratory ground motion hazards in the Yucca Mountain vicinity. The safety analyses for construction and operation of the repository as well as the long-term performance models specifically included the effects of seismic events of varying magnitude.

Based on the results of analyses reported in Chapter 5 of the EIS on the long-term performance of the repository, which considered the effects of future seismic and volcanic activity, DOE believes that a repository at Yucca Mountain would operate safely (in compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s 40 CFR Part 197, Public Health and Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Section 3.1.3 describes the geologic setting of Yucca Mountain and the surrounding region in great detail, including faults, seismicity, and the volcanic history of the region. Section 4.1.8 describes the impacts from accident scenarios associated with earthquakes during operation of the repository. Several sections in Chapter 5 consider earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and their effects on the long-term performance of the repository. DOE believes that the EIS adequately describes geology, geologic hazards, and the effects of these hazards on the repository.

With regard to the inherent uncertainty associated with geologic data, analyses, and models, and the confidence in estimates of long-term repository performance, Section 5.2.4 explains how DOE dealt with these issues. Briefly, DOE acknowledges that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (see 40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:
  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.
  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.
  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.
  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.
  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.
  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.
  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.
  8. Use of peer review and oversight.
DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years.

Figures 1 (a plot of Nevada earthquakes between 1852 and 1988) and 2 (active faults in Nevada) from the brochure, Earthquakes In Nevada and How to Survive Them, indicate that the highest rate of activity, in terms of number of events and magnitude, occurs in the western portion of Nevada. As noted in a paper by dePolo and other scientists from the University of Nevada, Reno ("Earthquake Occurrence in the Reno-Carson City Urban Corridor," available at, 13 earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater have occurred in the Reno-Carson City region since 1850. In contrast, the largest earthquake within about 40 kilometers (25 miles) of Yucca Mountain recorded to date by a seismic network installed in the area in 1978 was the magnitude 5.6 Little Skull Mountain event on June 29, 1992. (4267)
- EIS001521 / 0024
Page 3-29, MODERN SEISMIC ACTIVITY, fourth paragraph--Did the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis produce a hazard map? If so, including it as a figure would greatly clarify this discussion. Also, an example of a hazard curve showing ground motion/fault displacement/annual frequency relationships would be helpful.

The probabilistic seismic hazard analysis did not produce a hazard map. Figure H-1 in Appendix H of the EIS is the summary hazard curve for horizontal peak ground acceleration. DOE has added a reference to Figure H-1 for clarification. (4502)
- EIS001455 / 0003
Well, what about the fact that Yucca Mountain is right on two intersecting earthquake faults—the "Ghostdance" fault and the "Sundance" fault? Aw, shucks, there ain’t been an earthquake in those parts since 1992, and it was only 5.6 on the Richter scale and it was centered at Little Skull Mountain—that’s 12 whole miles away—it "caused no detectable in tunnels at either the Yucca Mountain site or the Nevada Test Site." (P. S-37).

Section of the EIS discusses the north-trending Ghost Dance fault as an intrablock fault that occurs approximately in the middle of the repository block. The Sundance fault intersects the Ghost Dance fault in the northern part of the repository block, but cannot be traced across the fault. Neither fault shows any evidence of Quaternary displacement (last 1.6 million years) (see Table 3-8). Section summarizes the seismic hazard assessment of the site, including information on these faults and other faults in the region.

DOE would design repository facilities that are important to safety to withstand appropriate levels of ground motion and fault displacement. To the extent practicable, the repository design would locate such facilities away from faults that could displace the surface.

The Little Skull Mountain earthquake of 1992, Richter-magnitude 5.6, is the largest recorded earthquake within 50 kilometers (30 miles) of Yucca Mountain. That earthquake, with an epicenter 20 kilometers (12 miles) to the southeast, caused no damage at Yucca Mountain. The event did damage the Yucca Mountain Field Operations Center in Jackass Flat, approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the epicenter (about 4 miles from the Exploratory Studies Facility), but this facility was not built to the seismic-design specifications that are planned for the facilities at Yucca Mountain. (4841)
- EIS001340 / 0002
The possibility of volcanic like eruptions from the masses of overheated waste is a very possible scenario too.

There is no credible mechanism for the scenario mentioned in this comment. Temperatures would never rise high enough to melt the rock of the drift walls. Drift wall temperatures would approach 200°C (390°F) for the present above-boiling repository design. The major effect from the heat generated by the waste packages would be to drive water away from the drift wall for a period of about 1,500 years. The repository design and operational parameters now described in the EIS include low-temperature options that would keep repository temperatures much lower (that is, below boiling). (4884)
- EIS000337 / 0024
Pg. 5-43 [5-45], Seismic Disturbances, 2nd par: "probably would" and "would have to be larger" have no meaning when one attempts to quantify a problem. What is larger to one may be insignificant to another. We can’t at this time quantify an earthquake with any uncertainty but DOE clearly attempts to quantify earthquakes 1,000 years in the future. I am sure the insurance companies and FEMA would like to have their software program.

The commenter refers to wording concerning two aspects of uncertainty about failure of the waste package from rockfalls caused by earthquakes. In the first sentence, "probably would" refers to the uncertainty associated with whether the waste package outer wall would have to be completely corroded following a rockfall impact or whether failure would occur after only partial corrosion or as a result of another mechanism, such as pit corrosion. The second sentence indicates that, based on detailed mapping and measurements, it is highly likely due to waste package design that a rock "would have to be larger" than rocks observed in the Exploratory Studies Facility for a rockfall to cause failure in a recently emplaced, uncorroded waste package.

DOE agrees that we cannot quantify earthquake hazards with uncertainty. The methodology documented in the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DIRS 103731-Wong and Stepp 1998) is a state-of-the-practice approach for assessing the vibratory ground motion from earthquakes. The report explicitly addresses uncertainties from lack of data and imperfect understanding of earthquake mechanisms and the resulting ground motion. This approach enables DOE to test uncertainties using sensitivity analysis and allows impartial reviewers and regulators from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to conduct an independent review of DOE’s assessment.

The methodology that DOE used in Wong and Stepp (DIRS 103731-1998) is a site-specific approach based on associating earthquakes with specific geologic structures (faults) or specific regions in the earth’s crust. The U.S. Geological Survey uses a non-site-specific probabilistic methodology to assess seismic hazards on a national scale. The results form the basis for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) nationwide approach (FEMA 302). This approach is incorporated in HAZUS, a computer program used by FEMA to assess potential risks (losses) or consequences resulting from earthquakes. (5490)
- EIS001887 / 0158
Page 3-29 to 30; Section - Modern Seismic Activity - Seismic Hazard

Given the large uncertainty in fault lengths shown in Table 3-8, there should be a discussion in the text regarding the uncertainty that this introduces into the estimates of seismic risk.

In 1998, DOE completed an extensive Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DIRS 103731-Wong and Stepp 1998), involving 25 experts in seismology, paleoseismology, geology, and geophysics. The objectives were to assess available information and provide a probabilistic assessment of the vibratory ground motion and fault-displacement hazards at Yucca Mountain, along with the uncertainties associated with the assessment. Figure H-1 of the EIS shows an example of the results from the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis. The curves on this figure represent the mean, median, and 85th- and 15th-percentile estimates of the annual probability of exceeding horizontal components of peak ground acceleration. The analysis used a logic-tree approach in which different interpretations form different branches of a logic tree with expert-assigned probabilities to quantify the uncertainties in earthquake source parameters (such as fault length, slip rate, cumulative slip, individual fault-displacement events, and timing of events). The hazard curves in Figure H-1 represent the total uncertainty in parameters and models. (5521)
- EIS001887 / 0179
Page 3-59; Section - Groundwater at Yucca Mountain

Define the "active life of the repository."

"Active life" refers to the construction, operation and monitoring, and closure of the repository. DOE has added a parenthetical statement to Section of the EIS to clarify this meaning. (5919)
- EIS001619 / 0005
Geologically, the site is clearly, clearly, clearly unsound. In the final EIS I would like to see comments about the recent studies that have proved that the earth’s crust near Yucca Mountain is stretching more rapidly than average, and that this could cause unease in the containment facility within the ground.

I would also like to know who can guarantee me that in the next 10,000 years, there’s not going to be a gigantic earthquake, which could potentially set this stuff free and do who knows to the planet. Currently the site is on 33 known fault lines, which are active.

As reported in Section of the EIS, Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) claims that the crustal strain rates in the Yucca Mountain area are at least an order of magnitude higher than the tectonic history of the area would predict. This study speculates that higher strain rates would indicate underestimation of potential volcanic and seismic hazards on the basis of the long-term geologic record.

As discussed in Section 3.1.3 of the EIS, Yucca Mountain is part of a volcanic plateau that formed between 14 million and 11.5 million years ago as a result of explosive silicic volcanic activity originating from a complex of volcanic centers north of the site. About 11 million years ago, this explosive activity began to wane and was replaced by less explosive and much less voluminous basaltic eruptions in the Yucca Mountain region. The most recent basaltic eruption occurred between 70,000 and 90,000 years ago at Lathrop Wells, about 16 kilometers (10 miles) south of the site. A panel of non-DOE experts examined the data, models, and related uncertainties and concluded that the probability of a volcanic dike disrupting the repository during the first 10,000 years after closure is 1 chance in 7,000 (1 chance in 70 million annually). This estimate was recalculated in Section of the Final EIS to account for the current footprint of the proposed repository. The revised estimate increases to about 1 chance in 6,300 during the first 10,000 years with the current repository layout, considering both primary and contingency blocks (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000).

DOE has been monitoring earthquake activity in the Nevada Test Site region since 1978 (see Section It has investigated faults and earthquakes as part of the site characterization program to provide information to assess seismic hazards at the site. Using this information, the Department would design repository surface facilities to withstand the effects of earthquakes that could occur during their lifetimes. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components important to safety would be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 ´ 10-4 (1 in 10,000 years). The results of the seismic hazard analysis for Yucca Mountain indicate that this is the equivalent of about a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain.

In May 1998, U.S. Geological Survey scientists reassessed seismic strain rates (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999). The principal strain rates determined during the 1983-1998 survey confirmed previous analyses and were significantly less than those reported by Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998). The scientists concluded that the residual strain rate in the Yucca Mountain area is not significant at the 95-percent confidence level after removal of effects of the 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake and the strain accumulation on faults in Death Valley.

DOE is continuing to fund additional investigations on the regional crustal strain rate in the Yucca Mountain region as specified in a cooperative agreement with the University of Nevada. Dr. Wernicke, the principal investigator of one study, recently estimated in a quarterly report to the DOE that conclusions from this study would be available in 2002. This study involves 30 geodetic monument sites with continuous Global Positioning System satellite measurements, a significant improvement over the study reported in Science in 1998. The Department will report conclusions as they become available. If the higher crustal strain rates are confirmed, DOE will reassess the volcanic and seismic hazard at Yucca Mountain.

DOE based the hydrology models, which are derived from extensive studies at Yucca Mountain, on a fault-fracture dominant flow system. The hypothetical addition of a few new faults created by future seismic events would have minor or no effects on the current fault and fracture flow pathways. Potential new faults and fractures, therefore, would be unlikely to alter repository performance. However, if there is confirmation of higher crustal strain rates, DOE will reassess the effect on radionuclide transport and total system performance.

DOE agrees that it cannot quantify earthquake hazards without any uncertainty. The methodology documented in the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DIRS 103731-Wong and Stepp 1998) is a state-of-the-practice approach for assessing the vibratory ground motion resulting from earthquakes. That report explicitly addresses uncertainties resulting from both lack of data and our imperfect understanding of earthquake mechanisms and the resulting ground motion. This approach enables DOE to test uncertainties using sensitivity analysis and allows impartial reviewers and regulators on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff to conduct an independent review of the DOE assessment. (6242)
- EIS001921 / 0008
The selection of a storage site for deadly nuclear waste in an area of seismic activity like Yucca Mountain was unwise. The rapidly expanding population of Las Vegas and vicinity (now well over a million) 90 miles from the repository are surely at risk.

In 1987, Congress selected Yucca Mountain as a potential location for a monitored geologic repository, and directed DOE to determine whether the site is suitable. Some of the reasons that Congress selected Yucca Mountain for study included a deep water table, favorable geology, a desert environment, and the fact that the Nevada Test Site was already a controlled area.

Based on the results of analyses reported in Chapter 5 of the EIS concerning the long-term performance of the repository, which considered the effects of future seismic activity, DOE believes that a repository at Yucca Mountain would operate safely (in compliance with 40 CFR Part 197, Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada). Section 3.1.3 describes the geologic setting of Yucca Mountain and the surrounding region in great detail, including faults, seismicity, and the volcanic history of the region. Section 4.1.8 describes the impacts from accident scenarios associated with earthquakes during operation of the repository. Several sections in Chapter 5 consider earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and their effects on the long-term performance of the repository. With the exception of some factual changes and clarifications in the Final EIS, DOE believes that the information in the Draft EIS on geology, geologic hazards, and the effects of these hazards on the repository, have been adequately described and analyzed.

With regard to the inherent uncertainty associated with geologic data, analyses, and models, and the confidence in estimates of long-term repository performance, Section 5.2.4 of the EIS devotes almost seven pages of text explaining how DOE dealt with these issues. Briefly, DOE acknowledges that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (see 40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:
  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.
  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.
  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.
  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.
  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.
  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.
  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.
  8. Use of peer review and oversight.
DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years.

Based on the results of site characterization, and in consideration of this EIS, the Secretary of Energy will make a recommendation to the President about whether Yucca Mountain is a suitable site for a geologic repository. (6863)
- EIS001466 / 0008
I looked around and there was a seismograph measuring the earthquakes at the small field office near the mountain. There was a flying buttress that had been built after the ‘92 earthquake which was 5.6 and damaged that building at the foot of Yucca Mountain. So that seismograph is still up there to keep track of all the earthquake activity.

DOE recognizes that a seismic hazard exists at Yucca Mountain. But with the proper design, a repository could operate in compliance with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 197, Public Health and Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada. As discussed in Section of the EIS, the Department has monitored earthquakes in the Nevada Test Site region since 1978. The site characterization program has investigated faults and earthquakes to assess seismic hazards at the site. Using the seismic hazard information, DOE would design repository facilities that are important to safety to withstand appropriate levels of ground motion and fault displacement. To the extent practical, the location of surface facilities would avoid faults that could rupture the surface. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components that are important to safety must be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 ´ 10-4 (1 in 10,000 years). The results of the seismic hazard analysis for Yucca Mountain indicate that this is the equivalent of about a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain. The Little Skull Mountain earthquake of 1992, Richter-magnitude 5.6, is the largest recorded earthquake within 50 kilometers (30 miles) of Yucca Mountain. That earthquake, with an epicenter 20 kilometers (12 miles) to the southeast, caused no damage at Yucca Mountain. The event did damage the Yucca Mountain Field Operations Center in Jackass Flat, approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the epicenter (about 4 miles from the Exploratory Studies Facility), but this facility was not built to the seismic-design specifications that are planned for the facilities at Yucca Mountain. (7003)
- EIS000402 / 0002
We are the third most earthquake state behind Alaska and California our neighbor on the west. How do you justify financially continuing the existing work with the earthquake tremors occurring almost daily. We, also, have had major earthquakes in the last couple of years in Southern California and in Western Nevada. No reports have been made to the media/public about the injuries/damage to the Yucca Mountain area or the cost to repair the damage. The [secrecy] deeply concerns me as it is almost like the 50’s and the testing in southern Nevada, the deadly effects to us, lack of concern by the government and the appalling lying done.

How do you plan to financially deal with the continuing cost of damage by earthquakes and the resulting tremors? The lack of informing the public about the damage to people and Yucca Mountain dump?

Because earthquake ground motions lessen with distance, the farther an earthquake occurs from Yucca Mountain, the larger it would have to be to contribute to the hazard at the site. At a distance of 100 kilometers (62 miles) from Yucca Mountain, earthquakes would have to reach an estimated magnitude of 8 to produce horizontal accelerations of 0.1g, where g is acceleration due to gravity (980 centimeters per second squared), at the site (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). The Little Skull Mountain earthquake of 1992, which is the largest recorded earthquake within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of Yucca Mountain (Richter magnitude 5.6), caused no damage at Yucca Mountain. It did damage the Yucca Mountain Field Operations Center in Jackass Flat, approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the epicenter (about 4 miles from the Exploratory Studies Facility), but this facility was not built to the seismic-design specifications planned for the facilities at Yucca Mountain. This earthquake caused less than $100,000 damage, although DOE spent additional funds on structural modifications to bring the building into compliance with existing codes. Earthquakes can disrupt power transmission, communications, roads, and rail lines. Tables 4-36 and 4-37 in the EIS present earthquake-accident scenarios that use an earthquake frequency of once in 50,000 years. This is roughly equivalent to a 7 magnitude on the Richter scale within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain, with a mean peak ground acceleration of 1.1g at the waste-emplacement depth. These are very conservative calculations that give an indication of the maximum impact of such an event. Appendix H contains additional analysis of accidents due to seismic activity.

One of the primary objectives of DOE’s characterization of the Yucca Mountain area is to identify faults with known or suspected Quaternary activity (during the past 1.6 million years) that could affect the design and performance of the repository. The identification and documentation of earthquakes occurring before recorded history is possible by studying the geologic record of past events. Larger events that ruptured the surface often leave geologic evidence in the form of offset strata and characteristic earthquake-related deposits. Geologic studies of fault-related deposits are the basis for identifying the occurrence of past large-magnitude, surface-rupturing displacements and evaluating their size, age, and occurrence rate.

In 1998, 25 experts from industry, academia, and government completed an extensive seismic hazard analysis of the Yucca Mountain area. These assessments indicate that the fault displacement hazard at Yucca Mountain is generally low. Results of long-term performance assessments of the subsurface repository indicated no significant effects on waste isolation from earthquakes. Using the seismic hazard information, the surface and underground facilities at Yucca Mountain are being designed to withstand ground motion from earthquakes. The analysis determined that an annual frequency of 1 math symbol, multiply10-4, or the 10,000-year earthquake, is an appropriate level for preclosure design of structures that are important to safety. At Yucca Mountain, these structures would be designed to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4. For the 10,000-year earthquake, the design motions are dominated by the contribution of a normal-fault type earthquakes of magnitude 6.3 with an epicenter within 5 kilometers of Yucca Mountain that respond to higher structural frequencies.

The repository emplacement areas would be away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide release. Additional fault displacements and associated postemplacement seismic activity probably would be on existing fault planes.

DOE would build subsurface facilities in solid rock. Because vibratory ground motion decreases with depth, earthquakes would have less effect on subsurface facilities than on surface facilities. Inspections of tunnels in the Yucca Mountain area revealed little evidence of disturbance following earthquakes. The subsurface facilities would be able to withstand the effects of earthquakes for the long-term performance of the repository. Sections and 5.7.3 of the EIS contain more information. (7075)
- EIS000995 / 0004
Have the plans for shipment or storage for the huge amount of radioactive waste changed at all in light of the recent seismic activity in the area around Yucca Mountain?

DOE has incorporated data from the recent earthquakes near Yucca Mountain in its seismic hazard assessments. With the proper design, a repository could operate safely and in compliance with Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada, 40 CFR Part 197). As discussed in Section of the EIS, the Department has monitored earthquakes in the Nevada Test Site region since 1978. The site characterization program has investigated faults and earthquakes to assess the seismic hazards at the site. Using this seismic hazard information, DOE would design repository facilities that are important to safety to withstand ground motion from earthquakes and fault displacements. To the extent practical, the location of such facilities would avoid faults that could rupture the surface. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components important to safety must be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4 (once in 10,000 years). (7389)
- EIS001957 / 0016
Section Modern Seismic Activity – The narrative indicates that the DOE has monitored seismic activity associated with the Nevada Test Site since 1978. In the section on "Seismic Hazard," it is stated that:

"DOE based the design on ground motion and fault displacement that could be associated with future earthquakes at Yucca Mountain on the record of historic earthquakes in the Great Basin, evaluation of prehistoric earthquakes based on investigations of the faults at Yucca Mountain, and observations of ground motions associated with modern earthquakes..."

Later in this section, it is stated that:

"DOE needs to complete additional investigations of ground motion site effects before it can produce the final seismic design basis for the surface facilities."

Further, it is stated in this same section that:

"A recent that the crustal strain rate in the Yucca Mountain area are at least an order of magnitude higher than would be predicted from the Quaternary volcanic and tectonic history of the area. If higher strain rates are present, the potential volcanic and seismic hazards would be underestimated on the basis of the long-term geologic record. If the higher strain rates are confirmed, DOE will reassess the volcanic and seismic hazard at Yucca Mountain."

It would appear from these statements the DOE has potentially underestimated the potential volcanic and seismic hazards at the proposed site. The DOE acknowledges the need for additional studies before it is able to assess the effects of the earthquake hazard on the proposed repository. The NPS [National Park Service] is concerned what this deficiency might mean for the assessment of potential risks of release of radionuclides into the environment (specifically the regional ground-water flow system that underlies the proposed repository) and exposure to down gradient springs in Death Valley NP [National Park].

DOE would base its design, in part, on input from the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment and from further evaluations of ground motion. The completed hazard studies provide probabilities of ground motion exceedance for different return periods. These results are in terms of ground motion in rock and are applicable to subsurface repository design.

DOE needs to complete geotechnical engineering investigations and ground motion studies before it can complete the designs of potential surface facilities. These data and analyses are necessary to determine ground motions at the foundation levels of the surface facilities for surface-facility foundation design. This does not affect the probabilistic hazard assessment for ground motion at the repository level or for fault displacement.

A March 1998 study of seismicity in the Yucca Mountain region (DIRS 103485-Wernicke et al. 1998) was based on baseline measurements using the Global Positioning System from 1991 through 1997 at five stations in the Yucca Mountain area. While the authors discussed the possible effects on their network from displacements associated with the June 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, they did not correct the station-to-station distances for earthquake displacements.

In May 1998, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey used the Global Positioning System to resurvey a network of 14 geodetic stations originally installed in 1983 (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999) [DIRS 103485-Wernicke et al. (1998) used only 2 of the 14 stations in their study]. Based on the larger number of stations, the longer survey period (1983 to 1998), and the removal of the effects of the June 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, the scientists concluded (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999) that the strain rate in the Yucca Mountain region is significantly less (a factor of 20 or more) than the rate reported by Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998). The Geological Survey results are consistent with a large body of geologic and paleoseismological (fault-trenching investigations) data collected in the Yucca Mountain region over the past two decades.

Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) speculated that magmatic inflation at depth could drive the high strain accumulation across the Yucca Mountain area. They pointed to an early seismic tomographic study by Oliver, Ponce and Hunter (DIRS 106447-1995) that hinted at the presence of a low-velocity zone beneath Crater Flat that could be consistent with basaltic magma. A subsequent study by Biasi (DIRS 105358-1996), based on more accurate seismic arrival times and a deeper inversion model than that used by Oliver, Ponce and Hunter (DIRS 106447-1995), demonstrated rather conclusively that there is no low-velocity zone under Crater Flat or Yucca Mountain that would suggest a major volcanic hazard.

DOE is continuing to fund investigations on crustal strain in the Yucca Mountain region through a cooperative agreement with the University of Nevada. Dr. Wernicke, the principal investigator of one study, recently estimated in a quarterly report to the DOE that conclusions from this study would be available in 2002. This study involves 30 geodetic monitoring sites with continuous Global Positioning System measurements, a significant improvement over the Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) study. (7460)
- EIS001969 / 0012
Pages S-37, [S.4.1.3] Geology, first paragraph.

Point (3) states that the Topopah Spring Tuff was chosen because of "...its location away from major faults that could adversely affect the stability of underground openings..." This statement implies that the Topopah Spring Tuff is not intersected by major faults, which it most assuredly is. Faults cut through all of the Tertiary volcanic units in the proposed repository area, including the Topopah Spring Tuff. Solitario Canyon fault and several other known faults cut through the Topopah Spring Tuff, some immediately adjacent to the underground facilities.

The relationship between faulting and the selection criteria of the Topopah Spring Tuff as the repository host rock in the Summary and the Draft EIS itself (page 3-24) is unclear and needs more detailed and accurate explanation. The selection of Topopah Spring Tuff cannot be predicated on its lack of proximity to seismically active faults. If so, the site would not be viable. Clarification is needed.

DOE agrees that it cannot predicate its selection of the Topopah Spring Tuff for the repository on the lack of proximity to seismically active faults. The Department has changed the statement in the Summary and Section 3.1.3 of the EIS to indicate that it chose the repository emplacement area because of its location away from major faults that could adversely affect the stability of underground openings. (7464)
- EIS001969 / 0013
Page S-37, second paragraph.

The statement, "The Solitario Canyon fault forms the major bounding fault on the west side of Yucca Mountain, and volcanic units in the mountain tilt eastward as a result of displacement along this and lesser faults through the mountain...," needs clarification. There are faults on the east side of Yucca Mountain. The faults that bound the eastern side of the proposed repository area, the Bow Ridge and Paintbrush Canyon faults, to name just two (see Table 3-8, Characteristics of major faults at Yucca Mountain, v. 1 -Impact Analysis, Draft EIS), need to be mentioned here. Additionally, because these latter two north-trending faults dip to the west beneath the repository area and the adjacent material handling facilities that would be built at the north and south portals, understanding the seismic hazard potential of these faults is extremely important.

In addition, easterly tilts are not the result of movement on the Solitario Canyon fault and "lesser faults through the mountain." These tilts are the result of movement on a whole series of block-bounding faults, of which the Solitario Canyon fault is one.

The comment is correct that the Solitario Canyon fault is not the only block-bounding fault identified in the EIS. However, DOE did not modify the text of the Summary in order to keep it understandable to a wide range of readers. DOE has, however, clarified the text in Section of the EIS, which also refers readers to numerous reference materials on the subject. (7520)
- EIS001969 / 0025
Page 3-25, Section Geologic Structure, fifth paragraph.

It is stated here that the " estimated displacement on the most active block-bounding faults...during the past 1.6 million years is less than 50 meters...(Simonds and others, 1995)." This statement is from the Conclusion section of Simonds and others (1995) and is misleading when taken out of context. All measurements of Quaternary (1.6 Ma to present) displacement on these faults range from 0 to 6 m with most displacement in the 1-2.5 m range, as reported in Table 2 of Simonds and others (1995). Reference Table 3-8 in this paragraph to help clarify this point.

DOE has clarified this paragraph in Section of the EIS, as suggested by the comment. (7529)
- EIS001969 / 0026
Page 3-25, Section Geologic Structure, sixth paragraph.

The statement, "The Solitario Canyon fault along the west side of Yucca Mountain is the major block-bounding fault...," is incorrect. The Solitario Canyon fault is one of numerous block-bounding faults that are shown on Figure 3-10. These include the Northern Windy Wash, Fatigue Wash, Solitario, Iron Ridge, Dune Wash Bow Ridge, Midway Valley, Paintbrush Canyon faults, just to name those within 4 km radius of the proposed perimeter of the repository.

The comment is correct; text in Section has been revised for clarity. The Solitario Canyon fault is not the only block-bounding fault identified. (7536)
- EIS001969 / 0027
Page 3-25, Section Geologic Structure, last paragraph.

This short treatment of intra block faults (the subsidiary faults between the block bounding faults) places undue emphasis on NW-trending faults by discussing them first. Within the central block, where the repository would be sited, the intra block faults with the longest map traces and the largest amounts of displacement are the Ghost Dance Fault (splitting the center of the block) and the block-margin faults ("Imbricate Zone" of Scott, 1990) that are just west of the Bow Ridge Fault. Day and others (1998, USGS Map I-2601) and Scott and Bonk (1984) also document this. The NW-trending faults, such as the Sundance Fault, though characterized correctly, are relatively minor in comparison (Potter and others, USGS OFR 98-266, in press). It would be more appropriate to mention the much larger Ghost Dance fault first.

DOE has reorganized the paragraph in question to discuss the Ghost Dance fault, which occurs in the middle of the repository block, before discussing the northwest-trending faults. (7538)
- EIS001969 / 0028
Page 3-26, Figure 3-9, Types of geologic faults.

For clarity, definitions of normal and reverse faults need to uniquely specify the correct sense of motion. For a normal fault reword the description, "dip-slip fault where one block has moved downdip relative to the other," to "dip-slip fault where the upper block has moved downdip relative to the lower block." For reverse fault, reword "dip-slip fault where one block has moved updip relative to the other" to "dip-slip fault where the upper block has moved updip relative to the lower block."

A diagram is needed for low-angle normal faults, such as in Calico Hills east, and Bare Mountain west, of Yucca Mountain.

The description of faults in Figure 3-9 of the Final EIS has been clarified. (7573)
- EIS001969 / 0032
Page 3-30, fifth paragraph.

The correct statement is that there is no observable strain measured within the error of the data.

DOE believes the paragraph is correct as written. The main point of this paragraph is that the strain rate is significantly less than the rate reported by Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998), which did not account for the coseismic and postseismic effects of the 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake. (8148)
- EIS000817 / 0082
P. 3-29 -- The 1992 Little Skull Mt. earthquake is proof of modern seismic activity. Wernicke’s study in "Science" magazine 1998 shows concerns of accuracy of your studies. I predict you have, in fact, underestimated potential volcanic and seismic hazards. And, frankly, I don’t see why this issue isn’t given main priority for it could halt everything. Why aren’t your ground motion site effects studies done before you put out this draft EIS? You need to reassess this before you go further, and it should have been done by now.

The geodetic study reported in the March 1998 issue of Science (DIRS 103485-Wernicke et al. 1998) was based on measurements from 1991 through 1997 at five stations in the Yucca Mountain area using the Global Positioning System. While the authors discussed the possible effects on their network from displacements associated with the June 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, they did not correct the station-to-station distances for earthquake displacements.

In May 1998, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey used the Global Positioning System to resurvey a network of 14 geodetic stations originally installed in 1983. Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) used two of the 14 stations in their study. Based on the larger number of stations, the longer survey period (1983 to 1998), and the removal of the effects of the June 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, the U.S. Geological Survey scientists concluded (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999) that the strain rate in the Yucca Mountain region is significantly less (by a factor of 20 or more) than the rate reported by Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998). The results of the U.S. Geological Survey are consistent with a large body of geologic data and fault-trenching investigations in the Yucca Mountain region over the past two decades.

Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) speculated that magmatic inflation at depth could be the cause of the high strain accumulation across the Yucca Mountain area. They pointed to an early seismic tomographic study by Oliver, Ponce, and Hunter (DIRS 106447-1995) that hinted at the presence of a low-velocity zone beneath Crater Flat that could be consistent with basaltic magma. A subsequent study (DIRS 105358-Biasi 1996), based on more accurate seismic arrival times and a deeper inversion model, demonstrated rather conclusively that there is no low-velocity zone under Crater Flat or Yucca Mountain that would suggest a major volcanic hazard.

With regard to ground motion studies, as discussed in Section of the EIS, DOE has been monitoring earthquakes in the Nevada Test Site region since 1978. Faults and earthquakes have been investigated as part of the site characterization program to assess seismic hazards at the site. DOE recognizes that the effect of earthquakes on a repository at Yucca Mountain is a major concern and we have conducted extensive analysis. The EIS analyzes the probability of earthquake occurrence and the consequences to the repository and the environment. To support this analysis, DOE and the USGS first completed a comprehensive evaluation of the seismic hazards in the Yucca Mountain region using standard practices of mapping, trenching, age dating, and monitoring of contemporary seismicity. Then DOE-sponsored groups of experts from within and outside the Project used these site data to assess the seismic hazard potential of all significant seismic sources in the Yucca Mountain region. Another group of experts used numerical modeling methods and data from recent earthquakes to estimate ground motion attenuation relationships that are appropriate for Yucca Mountain.

Using this seismic hazard information, repository surface facilities would be designed to withstand the effects of earthquakes that might occur during the lifetime of the facilities. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components that are important to safety would be designed to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4 (once in 10,000 years). The results of the seismic hazard analysis for Yucca Mountain indicate that this is the equivalent of about a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain.

Subsurface facilities would be built in solid rock, and because vibratory ground motion decreases with depth, earthquakes would have less an affect on subsurface facilities than surface facilities. Inspection of existing tunnels in the Yucca Mountain area has revealed little evidence of disturbance following earthquakes. The subsurface facilities would also be designed to withstand the effects of earthquakes for the long-term performance of the repository. (8443)
- EIS001397 / 0011
In the third most seismically active place on the North American Continent, the issues of earthquakes and land drift are extremely important. They are glossed over in this DEIS. There are 32 fault lines near Yucca Mountain. This DEIS shows tunnels drilled through them, next to them, and with fault lines ending within tunnel structures. The Earth tried to make an obvious point in June of 1992 when over 1.25 million dollars of damage was sustained to the building for the project research at Yucca Mountain. Since then hundreds of earthquakes of significant magnitude have occurred in the immediate area. The final EIS must adequately address this important concern.

Recent satellite research indicates that the earth is moving apart in the Yucca Mountain region at the rate of six inches every hundred years, or 50 feet over the 10,000 year lifespan of this project. A whole lot of casks could fall into a 50 foot chasm, or even serious shift and risk breaching with six inches of motion. Recent research that will not be finished for several years indicates hot water flow upward through the mountain. This, combined with earth crust movement, may indicate that Yucca Mountain is actually directly over a magma pocket. This DEIS does not adequately address these concerns at all. Full information must be made available, reviewed by the public after that time, and then considered in its entirety for potential licensing of this facility.

DOE agrees that earthquake occurrence in the context of plate tectonics is an important consideration. The Department recognizes there is a seismic hazard at Yucca Mountain, but with the proper design a repository could operate safely and provide adequate long-term performance. As discussed in Section of the EIS, the Department has monitored earthquake activity in the Nevada Test Site region since 1978. The site characterization program has investigated faults and earthquakes to provide information needed to assess seismic hazards at the site. Using the seismic hazard information, DOE would design repository facilities important to safety to withstand appropriate levels of ground motion and fault displacement. To the extent practical, the location of such facilities would avoid faults that could produce surface displacement. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components important to safety would be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4 (1 in 10,000 years). The results of the seismic hazard analysis for Yucca Mountain indicate that this is the equivalent of about a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain.

The 1992 Little Skull Mountain magnitude 5.6 earthquake is the largest recorded earthquake within 50 kilometers (30 miles) of Yucca Mountain. The epicenter was 20 kilometers (12 miles) to the southeast of the site and caused no damage at Yucca Mountain. DOE built the facilities in Jackass Flat that were damaged in that earthquake, approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the epicenter (about 4 miles from the Exploratory Studies Facility), in the 1960s and did not design them to accommodate the levels of ground motion for which it would design repository facilities. Section of the EIS contains more information.

As part of site characterization activities, DOE monitors the seismic activity in the Yucca Mountain region. Since 1975, more than 1,500 earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 2.5 have occurred within 80 kilometers (50 miles) of the site, including the Little Skull Mountain earthquake. Some small-magnitude events (about 2.5 magnitude) are attributed to the Little Skull Mountain earthquake. Other small-magnitude events might not represent an increase in seismicity but rather the greater sensitivity of new instrumentation.

In May 1998, U.S. Geological Survey scientists conducted a reassessment of crustal strain and published their findings in the Journal of Geophysical Research (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999). The principal strain rates determined over the 1983-1998 survey interval, confirmed previous analyses, and were significantly less than reported by Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998). The scientists concluded that the residual strain rate in the Yucca Mountain area is not significant at the 95-percent confidence level after removal of effects of the 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake and the strain accumulation on faults in Death Valley.

DOE is continuing to fund additional investigations on the regional crustal strain rate in the Yucca Mountain region as specified in a cooperative agreement with the University of Nevada. Dr. Wernicke, the principal investigator of one study, recently estimated in a quarterly report to the DOE that conclusions from this study would be available in 2002. The Department will report the conclusions as they become available. If the higher crustal strain rates were confirmed, DOE would reassess the volcanic and seismic hazard at Yucca Mountain.

Dublyansky (DIRS 104875-1998) proposed another line of data in support of the warm water upwelling hypothesis. This study involved fluid inclusions in calcite and opal crystals deposited at Yucca Mountain. The report concludes that some of the crystals were formed by rising hydrothermal water and not by percolation of surface water. A group of scientists with expertise in hydrology, geology, isotope geochemistry, and climatology did not concur with the conclusions in the report (DIRS 100086-Stuckless et al. 1998). Although DOE has disagreed with the central scientific conclusions in this report, it agreed to support continuing research. An independent investigation by Jean Cline, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, will be completed in Fiscal Year 2001. Section of the EIS contains more information.

DOE agrees that full information must be made available to the public. The Yucca Mountain Site Description (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000) contains more complete technical information. By definition, the licensing process must consider all available information. (8586)
- EIS001256 / 0005
Our original comments expressed concern about geologic stability, citing the earthquake event of October 1999. Now it comes to our attention that there is a theory being investigated by scientists that predicts earthquakes as large as 7.0 or 8.0 on the Richter scale that could be located as near as 20 miles from Yucca Mountain. The siting of Yucca Mountain is being called into question more vigorously every day.

As described in Section of the EIS, the largest recorded earthquake within 50 kilometers (30 miles) of Yucca Mountain was the Little Skull Mountain event in 1992 with a magnitude of 5.6. This event occurred about 20 kilometers (12 miles) southeast of Yucca Mountain. Based on many studies of current and past seismicity, the surface facilities at the repository would be designed to withstand an earthquake with a Richter-scale magnitude of 6.3 that would occur within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain. Because vibratory ground motion from earthquakes decreases with depth, earthquakes would have less of an effect on subsurface facilities than on surface facilities. (8700)
- EIS001660 / 0053
Ongoing seismic studies being conducted for the Yucca Mountain region by the University of Nevada and seismic studies for each of the 10 affected counties should be completed before DOE makes a decision whether to recommended Yucca Mountain as a geologic repository.

Section of the EIS incorporates the best, most recent information that was available at the time the document was prepared. To analyze the probability of occurrence and the consequences from earthquakes at Yucca Mountain, DOE and the U.S. Geological Survey first completed a comprehensive evaluation of the seismic hazards in the Yucca Mountain region using standard practices of mapping, trenching, age-dating, and monitoring of contemporary seismicity. DOE then convened groups of experts from within and outside the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project to assess the seismic hazard of all significant seismic sources in the Yucca Mountain region. Another group of experts used numerical modeling methods and data from recent earthquakes to estimate ground motion attenuation relationships that are appropriate for Yucca Mountain.

The expert assessments concluded that the fault-displacement hazard is low. Assessment of the long-term performance of the repository indicated that earthquakes would not significantly affect waste isolation. Using the seismic hazard information, surface facilities would be designed to withstand the effects of earthquakes that might occur during the lifetime of the facilities. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components that are important to safety must be designed to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 x 10-4 (1 in 10,000 years). The seismic design basis would continue to be updated, as necessary. (8787)
- EIS001671 / 0003
Hasn’t anyone noticed the change in the earth movements? If we get earthquakes results, your concrete, around the cask full of waste, it will break, then what?

DOE recognizes there is a seismic hazard at Yucca Mountain, but with the proper design a repository can operate safely. Site characterization activities include studies to quantify the seismic hazard so that facilities that are important to safety can be designed to withstand maximum ground motions and fault displacement.

There are no plans to encase the waste packages in concrete. Section of the EIS describes the design of the waste package. This design incorporates the potential for an earthquake-induced rockfall from the ceiling of the repository. The Viability Assessment of a Repository at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998) considers repository performance at 10,000-, 100,000- and 1-million-year periods. Over 10,000 years, the probability of an earthquake-induced rockfall causing a waste package to split open is almost zero because the waste package would be thick enough to withstand the impact from most slabs of rock. There is less than a 1-percent probability that falling rocks would accelerate corrosion during this period. Over 1 million years, earthquake-induced rockfalls could breach about 30 percent of the waste packages in the repository. When added to expected failures from corrosion, these rock-induced failures would not produce a major change in the overall probability of failure because most would occur after 500,000 years (DIRS 101779-DOE 1998).

In addition, the waste emplacement areas would be away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide releases. (8826)
- EIS000869 / 0007
The site at Yucca Mountain is very precarious due to the increasing number and severity of earthquakes in the southern California, southern Nevada and even Yucca Mountain areas. Regarding S.4.1.3 Geology, in the draft Environmental Impact Statement, paragraph 4 on page S-37 states that the 5.6 earthquake in 1992 caused no detectable damage ... at the Yucca Mountain site. This is a false statement as there was significant damage to some buildings at the Yucca Mountain site. If one of those buildings had been the nuclear waste transfer area, it could have the potential to create a nuclear nightmare for surrounding communities including southern Nevada, southern Utah, and possibly, areas of southern California. At the present time, these are relatively low populated areas, but all the potentially affected areas are experiencing phenomenal growth in population and tourism. The draft summary repeatedly references a population of about 28,000 within 80 kilometers (50 miles) of the Yucca Mountain site. However, when the population within 100 miles of the Yucca Mountain site is considered, as it should be, the number of population would increase dramatically. If there were an accidental exposure via air or water, it would definitely impact many more people that the 50-mile radius claims.

There is no evidence to suggest that the number and severity of earthquakes in the Yucca Mountain area and adjacent southern California is increasing. Recent earthquakes at Scottys Junction, Nevada [August 1, 1999, magnitude 5.7, approximately 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Yucca Mountain], and at Hector Mine, California [October 16, 1999, magnitude 7.1, approximately 250 kilometers (155 miles) from Yucca Mountain], had no effect at Yucca Mountain. Recordings of these events at Yucca Mountain indicated ground motions that were more than 10 times smaller than the seismic design to which the surface facilities at Yucca Mountain would be constructed. The Scottys Junction earthquake had a magnitude, depth, and normal focal-plane solution similar to those recorded for the Little Skull Mountain earthquake in 1992, which at 5.6 on the Richter scale is the largest earthquake recorded within 50 kilometers (30 miles) of Yucca Mountain. The Little Skull Mountain earthquake, with an epicenter 20 kilometers (12 miles) to the southeast, caused no damage at Yucca Mountain. It did damage the Yucca Mountain Field Operations Center in Jackass Flat, approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the epicenter (about 4 miles from the Exploratory Studies Facility). That facility was not built to the seismic design specifications planned for the facilities at Yucca Mountain.

The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components important to safety must be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4 (once in 10,000 years). The results of the seismic hazard analysis indicate that this is the equivalent of about a magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain.

DOE would build the subsurface facilities in solid rock. Because vibratory ground motion decreases with depth, earthquakes would have less of an effect on subsurface facilities than on surface facilities. Inspections of existing tunnels in the Yucca Mountain area have revealed little evidence of disturbance following earthquakes. In addition, DOE would design the subsurface facilities to withstand the effects of earthquakes for the long-term performance of the repository. Section of the EIS contains more information.

The 80-kilometer (50-mile) radius is the established precedent for calculating the potential population (collective) dose around a nuclear facility. Potential impacts from all accident scenarios to the population beyond 80 kilometers would be negligible. (9073)
- EIS001936 / 0003
We are concerned that a March 1998 study by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission showed that the ground around Yucca Mountain could stretch over three feet in the next 1,000 years. This movement could crush any canisters of waste buried there, exposing a wide area of the Southwest to deadly radiation. Earthquakes and volcanism in the area could also disturb the canisters.

Based on the results of analyses reported in Chapter 5 of the EIS concerning the long-term performance of the repository, which considered the effects of future seismic and volcanic activity, DOE believes that a repository at Yucca Mountain would operate safely (in compliance with 40 CFR Part 197). Section 3.1.3 of the EIS describes the geologic setting of Yucca Mountain and the surrounding region in great detail, including faults, seismicity, and the volcanic history of the region.

The 1998 study referred to by the commenter is probably the article published in Science magazine (DIRS 103485-Wernicke et al. 1998) that concludes that crustal strain rates in the Yucca Mountain area are at least an order of magnitude higher than would be predicted from the tectonic history of the area. The authors speculated that higher strain rates indicate that the potential volcanic and seismic hazards are underestimated based on the long-term geologic record. U.S. Geological Survey scientists (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999) reported that all geodetic surveys indicated no large strain accumulation and therefore do not support the claims of Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998).

DIRS 103485-Wernicke et al. (1998) was based on measurements using the Global Positioning System (GPS) over the period from 1991 to 1997 at five stations in the Yucca Mountain area. While the authors discussed the possible effects on their network from displacements associated with the June 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, they did not correct the station-to-station distances for earthquake displacements.

In May 1998, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey resurveyed (also using the Global Positioning System) a network of 14 geodetic stations that was originally installed in 1983 (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999). [Only two of the 14 stations were used by Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) in their study.] Based on the greater number of stations, the longer survey period (1983 to 1998), and the removal of the effects of the June 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, the Survey scientists concluded (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999) that the strain rate in the Yucca Mountain region is significantly less (a factor of 20 or more) than the rate reported by Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998). The Survey results are consistent with a large body of geological and paleoseismological (fault-trenching investigations) data that have been collected in the Yucca Mountain region during the past two decades.

Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) speculated that the high strain accumulation across the Yucca Mountain area could be driven by magmatic inflation at depth. They pointed to an early seismic tomographic study by Oliver, Ponce, and Hunter (DIRS 106557-1995) that hinted at the presence of a low-velocity zone beneath Crater Flat that could be consistent with basaltic magma. A subsequent study (DIRS 105358-Biasi 1996), based on more accurate seismic arrival times and a deeper inversion model than that used by Oliver, Ponce, and Hunter (DIRS 106557-1995), demonstrated rather conclusively that there is no low-velocity zone (such as a magma pocket) under Crater Flat or Yucca Mountain that would suggest a major volcanic hazard.

Section 4.1.8 of the EIS describes the impacts from accident scenarios associated with earthquakes during operation of the repository. Several sections in Chapter 5 of the EIS consider earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and their effects on the long-term performance of the repository. Except for some factual changes and clarifications that have been included in the Final EIS, DOE believes that the information in the Draft EIS on geology, geologic hazards, and the effects of these hazards on the repository have been adequately described and analyzed.

With regard to the inherent uncertainty associated with geologic data, analyses, and models, and the confidence in estimates of long-term repository performance, Section 5.2.4 explains how DOE dealt with these issues. Briefly, DOE acknowledges that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (see 40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:
  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.

  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.

  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.

  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.

  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.

  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.

  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.

  8. Use of peer review and oversight.

DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years. (9248)
- EIS001684 / 0004
Why has the DOE selected a site (Yucca Mountain) that is seismically unstable?

In 1987, Congress selected Yucca Mountain as a potential location for a monitored geologic repository, and directed DOE to determine whether the site is suitable. Some of the reasons that Congress selected Yucca Mountain for study included a deep water table, favorable geology, a desert environment, and the fact that the Nevada Test Site was already a controlled area. (10114)
- EIS002155 / 0003
Secondly, seismic activity. Why in God’s name would we pick the most active seismic state to put the waste?

In 1987, Congress selected Yucca Mountain as a potential location for a monitored geologic repository, and directed DOE to determine if the site is suitable. Some of the reasons Congress selected Yucca Mountain for study included a deep water table, favorable geology, a desert environment, and the fact that the Nevada Test Site was already a controlled area.

It is true that Nevada ranks third, behind Alaska and California, in seismic activity. Its reputation as a highly active state comes from major historic earthquakes in western Nevada with magnitudes greater than 7 on the Richter scale. Yucca Mountain does not lie within this highly active seismic belt.

Based on the results of analyses reported in Chapter 5 of the EIS concerning the long-term performance of the repository, which considered the effects of future seismic and volcanic activity, DOE believes that a repository at Yucca Mountain would operate safely (in compliance with 40 CFR Part 197. Section 3.1.3 of the EIS describes the geologic setting of Yucca Mountain and the surrounding region in great detail, including faults, seismicity, and the volcanic history of the region. Section 4.1.8 of the EIS describes the impacts from accident scenarios associated with earthquakes during operation of the repository. Several sections in Chapter 5 of the EIS consider earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and their effects on the long-term performance of the repository. (10452)
- EIS002126 / 0002
Newsweek January 31st, 1994 quoted the Southern California Research Earthquake Center, which consists of geologists from Caltech, the USGS, UCLA, U.S.C. and they predict that LA is overdue for an earthquake 125 times as strong as the one they had in 1994.

Science Magazine January 13th, ‘95 quoted four articles presented from a symposium at Caltech and they -- the consensus was that LA would have had to have had a 6.7 earthquake every eleven years for the past 200 years not to be overdue for earthquakes in the 7s, and once it’s in that category, it could go from one fault system to another causing more 7s. That could be like fifteen 7s plus, and for a hundred miles around, and when you read the footnotes, it says they’ve underestimated the probabilities and dangers in every case and also that they have not included the San Andreas in their scenario. And how would this impact on the solidity of the land above and below the Yucca Mountain site and on the casks themselves? I knew about the potential earthquakes when I bought my house in Henderson, but the nuclear waste is another thing.

Repository facilities that are important to safety would be designed to withstand ground motion from a Richter-scale magnitude 6.3 earthquake with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain and from a magnitude 7.5 earthquake or greater in Death Valley within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of Yucca Mountain.

While large earthquakes are possible in the region surrounding Yucca Mountain, geologic evidence does not support the view that any would be as large as the largest that can occur along the San Andreas Fault system in southern California. In addition, the recurrence interval for large earthquakes near Yucca Mountain is longer than the recurrence interval for large earthquakes along the San Andreas Fault system.

DOE’s seismic hazard assessment incorporated all pertinent information on earthquake sources that might affect Yucca Mountain. Most earthquake sources are closer to the site than Los Angeles. Seismicity in the Los Angeles area, no matter how intense, is unlikely to affect the seismic hazard at the Yucca Mountain site because Los Angeles is so far away. (11844)
- EIS001788 / 0001
A 21 year study tells us much about the structure of Yucca Mountain, but does not tell us when earthquakes will happen there, exactly where they will happen or how they will change the rocks and fissures that exist. Since 1910 there have been over 600 earthquakes of greater than magnitude 2.5 within a 50 mile radius of Yucca Mountain. How many earthquakes will happen within 50 miles of Yucca Mountain before 1,000 years is over? This basin area is a dynamic area.

Based on the results of analyses on the long-term performance of the repository (Chapter 5 of the EIS), which considered the effects of future seismic and volcanic activity, DOE believes that a repository at Yucca Mountain would operate safely (in compliance with 40 CFR Part 197). Section 3.1.3 describes the geologic setting of Yucca Mountain and the surrounding region in great detail, including faults, seismicity, and the volcanic history of the region. Section 4.1.8 describes the impacts from accident scenarios associated with earthquakes during the operation of the repository. Several sections in Chapter 5 consider earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and their effects on the long-term performance of the repository. DOE believes that the information in the EIS adequately describes and analyzes the geology, geologic hazards, and the effects of these hazards on the repository.

With regard to the inherent uncertainty associated with geologic data, analyses, and models, and the confidence in estimates of long-term repository performance, Section 5.2.4 of the EIS explains how DOE dealt with these issues. Briefly, DOE acknowledges that it is not possible to predict with certainty what will occur thousands of years into the future. The National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also recognize the difficulty of predicting the behavior of complex natural and engineered barrier systems over long time periods. The Commission regulations (see 10 CFR Part 63) acknowledge that absolute proof is not to be had in the ordinary sense of the word, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined (see 40 CFR Part 197) that reasonable expectation, which requires less than absolute proof, is the appropriate test of compliance.

DOE, consistent with recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, has designed its performance assessment to be a combination of mathematical modeling, natural analogues, and the possibility of remedial action in the event of unforeseen events. Performance assessment explicitly considers the spatial and temporal variability and inherent uncertainties in geologic, biologic and engineered components of the disposal system and relies on:
  1. Results of extensive underground exploratory studies and investigations of the surface environment.
  2. Consideration of features, events and processes that could affect repository performance over the long-term.
  3. Evaluation of a range of scenarios, including the normal evolution of the disposal system under the expected thermal, hydrologic, chemical and mechanical conditions; altered conditions due to natural processes such as changes in climate; human intrusion or actions such as the use of water supply wells, irrigation of crops, exploratory drilling; and low probability events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and nuclear criticality.
  4. Development of alternative conceptual and numerical models to represent the features, events and processes of a particular scenario and to simulate system performance for that scenario.
  5. Parameter distributions that represent the possible change of the system over the long term.
  6. Use of conservative assessments that lead to an overestimation of impacts.
  7. Performance of sensitivity analyses.
  8. Use of peer review and oversight.
DOE is confident that its approach to performance assessment addresses and compensates for various uncertainties, and provides a reasonable estimation of potential impacts associated with the ability of the repository to isolate waste over thousands of years. (12035)
- EIS000540 / 0007
Frequent seismic events in the proximity of both sites make it impossible to predict the protection of the public’s health and safety from the risk of radioactive release (621 earthquakes greater than 2.5 within a 50-mile radius since 1976;4 and

Recognizing that this level of seismic activity exceeds current Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations for allowing licensure as a nuclear reactor with on-site waste storage.5

4Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects. Earthquakes: magnitude 2.5 and Greater in the Vicinity of the Proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Storage and Disposal Sites from 1976-1996. (Data Source: Council of the National Seismic System Composite Catalog, 1976 to present, Southern Great Basin Seismic Network) Nevada Nuclear Waste Policy News, Volume 7, Issue 1. Carson City, Nevada, July 1997.

5Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 10 CFR 100: Reactor Site Criteria. Federal Register, Washington, DC, December 11, 1996.

DOE completed an extensive seismic-hazard analysis involving 25 experts from industry, academia, and government in 1998. The expert assessments indicated that the fault-displacement hazard at Yucca Mountain is generally low. Results of long-term performance assessments of the subsurface repository indicated no significant effects on waste isolation from earthquakes.

DOE would design the surface and subsurface facilities at Yucca Mountain to withstand ground motion from earthquakes. The analysis determined that an annual frequency of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4, or the 10,000-year earthquake, is an appropriate level for preclosure design of structures that are important to safety. At Yucca Mountain, DOE would design these structures to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 math symbol, multiply 10-4. For the 10,000-year earthquake, design motions would be dominated by the contribution of a normal-fault type earthquake of magnitude 6.3 with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain that responded to higher structural frequencies. At lower frequencies, contributions from strike-slip type earthquakes of magnitude 7.5 or greater events in Death Valley [50 kilometers (31 miles) distance] are important contributors to ground motions. The analyses include uncertainties in the magnitude and location of the earthquakes. DOE regards this annual frequency as appropriate and conservative because it reflects the annual probabilities of design ground motions for nuclear powerplants in the western United States. In addition, surface facilities at Yucca Mountain would pose a lower risk than nuclear powerplants. (12328)
- EIS001957 / 0009
Adequate discussion is not provided in the draft EIS regarding the proposed repository container’s vulnerability to damage from seismic disturbances (i.e., earthquake hazards) common to this area. We recommend the Department of Energy obtain from the U.S. Geological Survey the predicted earthquake scenario for this area, over the next century at a minimum. The NPS [National Park Service] is concerned that any seismic damage may contribute to potential release of radionuclides into the environment (specifically the regional ground-water flow system that underlies the proposed repository) and thence discharged at down-gradient springs (specifically water flows in Death Valley NP [National Park]).

The EIS analyzes the probability of occurrence and the potential environmental impacts from earthquakes at the proposed repository. To support this analysis, DOE and the U.S. Geological Survey completed a comprehensive evaluation of the seismic hazards in the Yucca Mountain region using standard practices of mapping, trenching, age-dating, and monitoring contemporary seismicity. Then DOE-sponsored groups of scientific experts from inside and outside the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project used the site data to assess the seismic hazard potential of all significant seismic sources in the Yucca Mountain region. Another group of experts used numerical modeling methods and data from recent earthquakes to estimate ground motion attenuation relationships appropriate for Yucca Mountain.

The expert assessments indicated that the hazard associated with fault displacements is generally low. Results of long-term performance assessments of the repository indicated no significant effects on waste isolation from earthquakes. Calculations show that there would be almost no effect on repository performance from rockfalls. Section I.2.1.7 of the EIS discusses the updated waste package design and the vulnerability of drip shields to damage from seismic disturbances.

Using the seismic hazard information, DOE would design repository surface facilities to withstand the effects of earthquakes that could occur during the lifetime of the facility. The seismic design requirements for the repository specify that structures, systems, and components that are important to safety must be able to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 x 10-4 (once in 10,000 years). The results of the seismic hazard analysis indicate that this is the equivalent of an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.3 located about 5 kilometers (3 miles) from Yucca Mountain.

DOE would build the subsurface facilities in solid rock. Because vibratory ground motion decreases with depth, earthquakes would have less effect on subsurface facilities than on surface facilities. Inspection of tunnels in the Yucca Mountain area has revealed little evidence of disturbance following earthquakes. In addition, DOE would design the subsurface facilities to withstand the effects of earthquakes for the long-term performance of the repository. The emplacement areas would be in areas away from faults that could adversely affect the stability of the underground openings or act as pathways for water flow that could lead to radionuclide releases. Additional fault displacements from postemplacement seismic activity probably would be on existing fault planes. Section of the EIS contains more information. (12405)
- EIS001888 / 0377
[Clark County summary of comments it has received from the public.]

Many commenters asked that the EIS evaluate the impacts of seismicity, geologic structure, and volcanism on radionuclide containment and repository operations. Issues raised for consideration included: (1) the proximity of Yucca Mountain to the Walker Lane/Las Vegas Shear Zone, (2) the relationship between the Walker Lake/Las Vegas Shear Zone and the San Andreas fault, (3) the pattern of earthquakes and volcanism in the region, (4) the classification of the region as a high earthquake-hazard zone, (5) and active plate tectonics. Several commenters stated that the faults at Yucca Mountain need additional study for inclusion in the EIS, because they are pathways (through rupture or breach) for gases and fluids to enter and exit the repository and transport radionuclides. Some commenters questioned the reliability of predicting the size and location of earthquakes, and the accuracy and recency of geologic mapping in the region. Others wanted a detailed description of the seismic design of the facility, and an evaluation of the consequences from the largest credible earthquake, including changes in the water table. One commenter said that large volcanic eruptions have covered Yucca Mountain and asked that the EIS examine the likelihood of similar eruptions in the future.

In 1998, 25 experts from industry, academia, and government conducted a seismic hazard analysis at Yucca Mountain. The experts assessed the potential hazard at Yucca Mountain from vibratory ground motion from possible earthquakes along local and regional faults. The assessment was based on available geologic, paleoseismic, historic seismicity, and geophysical data. The experts also assessed the hazard at Yucca Mountain from displacement on local faults.

DOE is designing the surface and underground facilities at Yucca Mountain to withstand ground motion from earthquakes that were identified in the seismic hazard analysis. The analysis determined that an annual frequency of 1 ´ 10-4 (the 10,000-year earthquake) is an appropriate level for preclosure design of structures that are important to safety; so DOE would design these structures to withstand horizontal ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1 ´ 10-4. For the 10,000-year earthquake, ground motions are likely to be dominated by the contribution of a normal-fault earthquake of Richter magnitude 6.3 with an epicenter within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain that responds to higher structural frequencies. At lower frequencies, contributions from strike-slip earthquakes of magnitude 7.5 or greater in Death Valley [50 kilometers (31 miles) away] are important contributors to ground motions. DOE regards this annual frequency to be appropriate and conservative because it reflects the annual probabilities of ground motions for nuclear powerplants in the western United States. The annual frequency of 1 x 10-4 is more conservative than the nuclear powerplants that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has licensed, and the surface facilities at Yucca Mountain pose less risk compared to nuclear powerplants.

Table 4-36 of the EIS describes earthquake accident scenarios with a recurrence frequency of once in 50,000 years. This is roughly equivalent to a Richter magnitude 7 earthquake occurring within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of Yucca Mountain with a mean peak ground acceleration of approximately 1.1g, where g is acceleration due to gravity (980 centimeters per second squared), at the repository level (not the surface). DOE considers these to be very conservative calculations that indicate the maximum impact of such an event.

As discussed in Section 3.1.3 of the EIS, Yucca Mountain consists of lithified volcanic ash that fell and flowed onto the site during eruptions from calderas to the north (see Figure 3-5 and Table 3-7). This explosive silicic volcanic activity occurred between about 14 million and 11.5 million years ago during the emplacement of large bodies of siliceous magma that formed in the middle and upper crust. These eruptions are part of the Southwestern Nevada volcanic field, which consists of five voluminous and many smaller eruptions that occurred on a regional scale. Smaller-volume basaltic volcanism began about 11 million years ago, and continued intermittently to between 70,000 and 90,000 years ago. This basaltic volcanism originated from much greater depths than the siliceous volcanism. The northeast-trending basaltic cinder cones in Crater Flat formed about 1 million years ago. DOE based its estimate of a 1-in-7,000 chance of a volcanic disruption at the repository during the next 10,000 years on detailed investigations of the volcanoes in the region. This estimate was recalculated in Section of the Final EIS to account for the current footprint of the proposed repository. The revised estimate increases to about 1 chance in 6,300 during the first 10,000 years with the current repository layout, considering both primary and contingency blocks (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000).

Intensive investigations by DOE found no evidence or credible mechanism to account for a rise in groundwater to flood the waste-emplacement horizon at Yucca Mountain. Szymanski (DIRS 106963-1989) proposed that during the last 10,000 to 1,000,000 years, hot mineralized groundwater was driven to the surface by earthquakes and volcanoes. This hypothesis goes on to suggest that similar forces could raise the regional groundwater table in the future and inundate the waste-emplacement horizon.

DOE requested the National Academy of Sciences to conduct an independent evaluation. The Academy concluded in its 1992 report (DIRS 105162-National Research Council 1992) that no known mechanism could cause a future inundation of the repository horizon. The features cited by Szymanski as proof of groundwater upwelling in and around Yucca Mountain are related to the much older (10 million to 13 million years old) volcanic process that formed Yucca Mountain and the underlying volcanic rocks. Major water table excursions (exceeding tens of meters) to the design level of the repository due to earthquakes are unlikely.

DOE scientists have estimated that the water table could rise by 50 to 130 meters (160 to 430 feet) under extremely wet climatic conditions. The regional aquifer has been estimated to have been a maximum of 120 meters (390 feet) above the present level beneath Yucca Mountain during the past million or more years based on mineralogic data, isotopic data, discharge deposit data, and hydrologic modeling. The occurrence of an earthquake under these extreme climatic conditions might cause an additional rise in the water table of less than 20 meters (66 feet), still leaving a safety margin of 20 meters (66 feet) or more between the water table and the level of the waste-emplacement drifts. The 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake (magnitude 5.6) raised water levels in monitoring wells at Yucca Mountain a maximum of less than 1 meter (3.3 feet) (DIRS 101276-O’Brien 1993). Water level and fluid pressure in continuously monitored wells rose sharply and then receded over a period of several hours to pre-earthquake levels. The water-level rise in hourly-monitored wells was on the order of centimeters and indistinguishable after 2 hours (DIRS 101276-O’Brien 1993).

Dublyansky (DIRS 104875-1998) proposed another line of data in support of the warm-water upwelling hypothesis. This study involved fluid inclusions in calcite and opal crystals deposited at Yucca Mountain. The report concludes that some of these crystals were formed by rising hydrothermal water and not by percolation of surface water. A group of Yucca Mountain Project scientists with expertise in hydrology, geology, isotope geochemistry, and climatology did not concur with Dr. Dublyansky’s conclusions (DIRS 100086-Stuckless et al. 1998). Although DOE has disagreed with the central scientific conclusions of Dr. Dublyansky’s report, DOE agreed to support continuing research. An independent investigation by Jean Cline, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, should be completed in Fiscal Year 2002. See Section of the EIS for more information.

After closure of the repository, there would be a limited potential for releases to the atmosphere because the waste would be isolated far below the ground surface. The potential for gas transport of carbon-14 was analyzed because the repository host rocks are porous. Modeling shows that there would be negligible impacts to human health from releases of gas-phase carbon-14. Section 5.5 of the EIS contains more information on atmospheric radiological consequences.

DOE recognizes that some radionuclides and toxic chemicals could eventually enter the environment outside the repository. Modeling of the long-term performance of the repository, however, shows that the natural and engineered barriers at Yucca Mountain would keep the release of radioactive materials during the first 10,000 years after closure well below the limits established by 40 CFR Part 197 (see Sections 5.4 and 5.7 of the EIS for more information). Modeling also shows that the release of toxic chemicals would be far below the regulatory limits and goals established for these materials (see Section 5.6 of the EIS for more information).

The EIS addresses the performance of the repository for the 10,000-year regulatory period and the period between 10,000 years and one million years. DOE based its analysis of impacts on a state-of-the-art modeling technique that is internationally recognized as an adequate and proper approach. The results of this analysis, described in Chapter 5 of the EIS, indicate that impacts would be low and that health effects would be thousands of times less than natural incidences of health problems in the population. Volcanism (368)
Comment - EIS000045 / 0001
The data gathered by Nye County in its oversight program was not entered into this draft. An example is the geothermal activity found not too far from Yucca Mountain. The EIS does not even consider the risk of volcanic activity at Yucca despite Nye County’s findings and the fact that there is a very young cinder cone from a recent eruption under 20 miles from Yucca Mountain.

During the preparation of this EIS, DOE considered all pertinent data, including data from Nye County. Furthermore, DOE has supported Nye County with it’s program (called the Early Warning Drilling Program) to characterize further the saturated zone along possible groundwater pathways from Yucca Mountain, as well as the relationships among the volcanic, alluvial, and carbonate aquifers. Information from the ongoing site characterization program and from the performance confirmation program (if Yucca Mountain is approved for a repository), would be used in conjunction with that of the Early Warning Drilling Program to refine the Department’s understanding of the flow and transport mechanics of the saturated alluvium and valley-fill material south of the proposed repository site, and to update conceptual and numerical models used to estimate waste isolation performance of the repository. When DOE published the Draft EIS, only limited information from the Early Warning Drilling Program was available. Since then, however, this program has gathered additional information (see Section of the EIS).

A panel of recognized experts in volcanism reviewed extensive information on volcanic activity in the Yucca Mountain region to assess the probability of disruption of a repository at Yucca Mountain by a volcanic event. The results of the hazard assessment indicated that the aggregate expected annual frequency of intersection of the repository footprint by a volcanic event is 1.5 math symbol, multiply 10-8, or approximately 1 chance in 7,000 during the first 10,000 years after closure (1 chance in 70 million annually). This estimate was recalculated in Section of the Final EIS to account for the current footprint of the proposed repository. The revised estimate increases to about 1 chance in 6,300 during the first 10,000 years with the current repository layout, considering both primary and contingency blocks (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). The rocks at Yucca Mountain were formed 7 to 15 million years ago by large silicic ash flows that were erupted during a period of intense tectonic activity. The volcanism that produced these ash flows is complete and, based on the geology of similar volcanic systems in the Great Basin, additional large volume silicic activity is unlikely. Less explosive and much smaller volume basaltic volcanism in the Yucca Mountain region began about 11 million years ago as silicic eruptions waned and continued as recently as 70,000 to 90,000 years ago (see Section of the EIS).

The EIS analyzes two disruptive volcanic event scenarios as part of the postclosure performance assessment—(1) the volcanic eruption release scenario or direct release scenario where radioactive material is transported directly to the surface and atmosphere by a magma or pyroclastic flow and (2) the igneous intrusion groundwater release or enhanced source term scenario where radioactive material is entrained in magma that remains in the emplacement drift. Section 5.7.2 of the EIS contains more information. (975)
- EIS000230 / 0004
Of further interest is the Long Valley Caldera in the Mammoth Lakes area. According to USGS’s [US. Geological Survey’s] website, the Yucca Mountain facility is in the path of ash flow when the caldera erupts. Also it may not be known when an eruption would occur. According to the USGS, there is an increased chance of an eruption occurring in the near future. A 5cm [centimeter] ash fall would occur at Yucca Mountain when an eruption occurs at the Long Valley Caldera. Such an ash fall would turn day into night as we witnessed after Mt. St. Helen erupted. The ash itself is highly corrosive causing severe damage to casks stored above ground, as well as disrupting transportation.

The current DEIS is deficient because it never considered the Long Valley Caldera and its eventual eruption.

The EIS evaluated potential impacts from a regional volcanic eruption. Section H.2.1.3 of the EIS concludes that 3 centimeters (about 1.2 inches) is the maximum thickness of tephra (solid material; ash) from a "regional volcanic eruption, which is more likely," that could deposit on repository facilities. Analyses to date indicate that such an event would not affect structures such as the Waste Handling Building, where DOE would process casks.

The EIS analysis used the same data (DIRS 152166-Miller et al. 1982) presented on the U.S. Geological Survey Internet web site. The thickness-versus-distance curve shows that ash from the Long Valley Caldera/Mono-Inyo Volcanic area [250 kilometers (155 miles) from Yucca Mountain] would deposit about 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) of ash at the proposed repository. The same volume of material from an eruption in the closer Coso Volcanic Field [150 kilometers (93 miles) distant] would deposit 2 to 3 centimeters (0.8 to 1.2 inches) of volcanic ash at the repository (DIRS 102889-Perry and Crow 1987). (1831)
- EIS000206 / 0010
Question that is not answered by DOE: volcanic activity in the area appears to have been far more recent than previously estimated.

Section 3.1.3 of the EIS describes the geologic setting of Yucca Mountain and the surrounding region in great detail, including the volcanic history of the region. The youngest volcanic center in the region is the Lathrop Wells cinder cone, which is between 70,000 to 90,000 years old. (4535)
- EIS001521 / 0048
Page 3-42--(Hydrologic Properties of Rock, second paragraph) What is an igneous versus volcanic flow? Is this referring to an igneous-intrusive sill? Or should the discussion center on the differences between ash-fall versus ash-flow tuffs? Volcanic flows may be silicic to basaltic (or anything in between) in mineralogical composition, but igneous is not a correct descriptor.

The point of this discussion was to differentiate between a hydrographic and stratigraphic unit. DOE has clarified the text of Section (5475)
- EIS001887 / 0156
Page 3-24; Section - Physiography - Potential for Volcanism at the Yucca Mountain Site

Again, there is uncertainty associated with the age of the Lathrop Wells volcano. The latest activity could have been thousands of years more recent than the 75,000 year age indicated.

Studies at Lathrop Wells, combining geochronology and field studies, indicate that the Lathrop Wells cone formed during a single eruption about 80,000 years ago (DIRS 138732-Perry, Phillips, and Chung 1988). DOE has added information to Section of the EIS to indicate the uncertainty of these dates. (5484)
- EIS001887 / 0154
Page 3-21; Section - Physiography (Characteristic Landforms)

There is uncertainty associated with the age of the last eruption of the Lathrop Wells cone. The range of the uncertainty should be stated here.

Studies at Lathrop Wells, combining geochronology and field studies, indicate that the Lathrop Wells cone formed during a single eruption about 80,000 years ago (DIRS 138732-Perry, Phillips, and Chung 1988). DOE has added information to Section of the EIS to indicate the uncertainty of these dates. (5487)
- EIS001887 / 0157
Page 3-25; Section - Physiography - Potential for Volcanism at the Yucca Mountain Site

The estimated probability of a dike disrupting the repository during the first 10,000 years after closure has uncertainty associated with it. The expert panel members’ estimates of the annual probability ranged over about three orders of magnitude, and the probability indicated here represents an aggregation of the members’ estimates.

The objective of the expert elicitation on the volcanic hazards at Yucca Mountain was to assess the probability of disrupting the repository by a volcanic event, and to quantify the uncertainties associated with the assessment. In this context, "disruption" means the physical intersection of magma, such as a dike, with the repository, and "probability" refers to an annual frequency.

A major goal of the expert elicitation was to capture the uncertainties in the assessment, including uncertainties associated with the models used to represent the key physical controls on volcanism and the parameter values used in the models. The resulting probability distribution, therefore, provides a reasonable representation of the state of knowledge and uncertainty about the volcanic hazard at the Yucca Mountain site.

Expert elicitation concluded that the aggregate expected annual frequency of repository disruption by a dike is 1.5 x 10-8 for the repository design described in the Draft EIS, with a 90-percent confidence interval of 5.4 x 10-10 to 4.9 x 10-8. The annual frequency of repository disruption was recalculated for the flexible design considered in the Final EIS and found to be 1.6 x 10-8 if contingency blocks are included in the calculation. The major contributors to the uncertainty in the frequency of disruptions are the statistical uncertainty in estimating the rate of occurrence of volcanic events and the uncertainty in modeling the spatial distribution of future events. Although there were major differences between the interpretations of the 10 panel members, most of the uncertainty in the computed frequency of intersection was due to the average uncertainty that an individual expert expressed in developing the appropriate model. (6564)
- EIS001632 / 0051
Page 5-44, first paragraph: It is difficult to understand the first part of this paragraph. Please explain the sentence: "Because of its low velocity, the magma would not be removed from the waste package."

This is a valid point. The sentence in question is confusing and has been deleted from the EIS. (7388)
- EIS001957 / 0015
Section, Geology, Physiography, Potential for Volcanism at the Yucca Mountain Site – The narrative indicates that during 1995-96:

"...DOE convened the panel of recognized assess uncertainties associated with the data and models used to evaluate the potential for disruption of the potential Yucca Mountain Repository by a volcanic intrusion (dike). The panel estimated the probability of a dike disrupting the repository during the first 10,000 years after closure to be 1 chance in 7,000."

However, the draft EIS does not evaluate the effects from such a disruption occurring. No discussion is included as to the structural integrity of radioactive waste canisters if such an event should occur, and what such disruption might mean for the possibility of leakage and transport of radioactive constituents away from the proposed repository and into the regional groundwater flow systems.

Section 5.7.2 of the Final EIS describes an igneous event that could disrupt the repository. The evaluation showed that it is unlikely that liquid magma or other igneous material would intersect the repository. However, because there is a finite probability of such an occurrence, it was analyzed. As described in Section of the Final EIS, the mean annual probability of this event occurring is 1.6 math symbol, multiply 10-8 during the next 100,000 years. The impacts from such an event are described in Section (7455)
- EIS001969 / 0010
Page S-36, [S.4.1.3] Geology, first paragraph.

Most of the faulting that affected Yucca Mountain occurred during the 11.4 to 14 Ma [million years ago] interval of volcanic activity and not subsequent to the activity, as stated in the text.

DOE agrees that most of the faulting occurred during this period and Section S.4.1.3 of the EIS Summary has been changed to, "Yucca Mountain is a product of volcanic and seismic activity that occurred 14 million to 11.5 million years ago." (7507)
- EIS001969 / 0018
Page 3-21, last paragraph.

The statement, "Volcanic rocks younger than the Tertiary units...," is incorrect. Most of the volcanic rocks are Tertiary in age, including the Skull/Little Skull lava flows, the lava flow at the south edge of Crater Flat, the 10 Ma basaltic dike, and the 3.7-Ma cones and flows in Crater Flat.

DOE has revised Section of the EIS to state that volcanic rocks younger than Tertiary age pertain only to the four northeast-trending cinder cones in the center of Crater Flat, dated at about 1 million years old, and the Lathrop Wells basaltic cinder cone, dated at 70,000 to 90,000 years old. (8828)
- EIS000869 / 0009
Paragraphs one and two of S.4.1.3. Geology, address the lack of volcanic activity in the area. The Cascade mountain range was inactive until Mount St. Helens erupted in May 1980. There has also been increased volcanic activity worldwide. The assurances of "the chance of volcanic disruption ... during the first 10,000 years after closure would be 1 in 7,000" are probably similar to what residents of Mount St. Helens were told for years prior to the eruption. I believe that these are misleading numbers and assumptions on the geology of the Yucca Mountain area.

DOE considered several types of volcanic disturbances and conducted extensive assessments for the EIS. The volcanic rocks exposed at Yucca Mountain formed between 7 and 15 million years ago during eruptions of large, silicic ash flows. The volcanism that produced these ash flows ended millions of years ago and, based on the geology of similar volcanic systems in the Great Basin, additional large-volume silicic activity is unlikely. Less explosive and much smaller-volume basaltic volcanism in the Yucca Mountain region began about 11 million years ago, as silicic eruptions waned, and has continued to as recently as 70,000 to 90,000 years ago. Based on these data, volcanic disruption of a repository at Yucca Mountain would be highly unlikely. The chance of a disruption at or near the repository would be 1 chance in 7,000 during the first 10,000 years after closure (1 chance in 70 million annually).

The volcanic history of Mount St. Helens is quite different from the volcanic history of the Yucca Mountain region. Mount St. Helens is a large volcano along the Pacific "Ring of Fire." It is associated with a highly active subduction zone. Yucca Mountain, on the other hand, is within a region of crustal extension. The estimated rate of convergence of the Juan de Fuca Plate with western Washington is about 4 centimeters (1.6 inches) per year compared to a strain rate of 0.1 millimeter (0.004 inch) per year or less in the Yucca Mountain region (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999). While Mount St. Helens is a relatively young volcano (40,000 to 50,000 years old), it has an extensive history of eruptions. The penultimate major eruption occurred in 1800 and, as the U.S. Geological Survey pointed out in an article on the Internet, the "eruption in 1980 came as no surprise" [ PacificNW/AGU-T106/msh.html]). (10424)
- EIS001927 / 0031
The Western Shoshone Nation, which by the way has the rightful claim to Yucca Mountain by the 1863 Treaty of Ruby Valley which the U.S. government signed, has a different name for the site. It translates as "Serpent Swimming Westward." Indeed, global positioning satellite studies, published in Science magazine in 1998, have confirmed that the crust at Yucca Mountain is expanding westward, and at a rate an order of magnitude greater than previously believed. (Another recent finding, published in Scientific American in the last month or two, is that plutonium is much more soluble in water than previously believed, which may account for its unexplained mobility in the soil of the Nevada Test Site. This finding challenges the very concept of long-term geologic isolation of plutonium. This issue should be addressed in the EIS, for it holds great import for the ability of Yucca Mountain to contain plutonium).

This observation is consistent with the presence of a magma pocket beneath Yucca Mountain. Indeed, standing atop Yucca Mountain, one can see a line of lava cones extending westward. The youngest cone is closest to Yucca Mountain. This too is striking evidence of the presence of a magma pocket beneath Yucca Mountain – like the formation of the Hawaiian Islands, these lava cones are like the squirts from a gigantic subterranean pastry bag.

Perhaps the biggest danger from the presence of lava beneath Yucca Mountain is the possibility that it could drive hot groundwater up into the repository, flooding the waste casks. Indeed, recent analyses of gas trapped in crystals that are abundant inside Yucca Mountain shows that these crystals were formed by HOT water welling up into the mountain from below. The question scientists are currently examining is how recently this took place. Hot water flooding the repository could quickly deteriorate the casks, and could even lead to a steam or chemical explosion or nuclear criticality event. In any case, the radiation release would be catastrophic.

The geodetic study reported in the March 1998 issue of Science (DIRS 103485-Wernicke et al. 1998) was based on baseline measurements using the Global Positioning System from 1991 to 1997 at five stations in the Yucca Mountain area (discussed in Section of the EIS). While the authors discussed the possible effects on their network from displacements associated with the June 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, they did not correct the station-to-station distances for earthquake displacements.

In May 1998, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey used the Global Positioning System to resurvey a network of 14 geodetic stations originally installed in 1983 (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999). Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) used only two of the 14 stations in their study. Based on the greater number of stations, the longer survey period (1983 to 1998), and the removal of the effects of the 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, the scientists concluded (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999) that the strain rate in the Yucca Mountain region is considerably less (by a factor of 20 or more) than the rate reported by Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998). The survey results are consistent with a large body of geologic data collected in the Yucca Mountain region over the past two decades.

Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) speculated that magmatic inflation at depth could be the cause of the high strain accumulation across the Yucca Mountain area. They pointed to a seismic tomographic study by Oliver, Ponce, and Hunter (DIRS 106447-1995) that hinted at the presence of a low-velocity zone beneath Crater Flat that could be consistent with basaltic magma. A subsequent study (DIRS 105358-Biasi 1996), based on more accurate seismic arrival times and a deeper inversion model than that used by Oliver, Ponce, and Hunter (DIRS 106447-1995), demonstrated conclusively that there is no low-velocity zone under Crater Flat or Yucca Mountain that would suggest a major volcanic hazard.

The line of cones in Crater Flat to the west of Yucca Mountain trends north-northeast. From south to north the line consists of Little Cone, Red Cone, Black Cone, and Makani Cone (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O). These cones are the sites of basaltic eruptions that are approximately 1 million years old (DIRS 151945-CRWMS M&O 2000). The youngest cone in the area is near Lathrop Wells; it erupted between 70,000 and 90,000 years ago.

Dublyansky (DIRS 104875-1998) proposed another line of evidence in support of the warm-water upwelling hypothesis (discussed in Section of the EIS). This study involved fluid inclusions in calcite and opal crystals deposited at Yucca Mountain. It concludes that some of the crystals were formed by rising hydrothermal water and not by the percolation of surface water. A group of project scientists with expertise in hydrology, geology, isotope geochemistry, and climatology did not concur with the conclusions in the Dublyansky report (DIRS 100086-Stuckless et al. 1998). Although DOE has disagreed with the central scientific conclusions in that report, it did agree to support continuing research. Section contains more information. (10707)
- EIS002197 / 0003
The site is possibly situated on the Pacific Ring of Fire. I bring that up because you have your Mt. St. Helens explosions and you can come all the way around and do you realize southwest of here is a big field of magna?

We don’t even go to visit it, but you know there’s been volcanic activity in this region many, many times.

We also know about the fissures, we know about the earthquakes, we know about all that stuff.

We don’t know how hot stuff can stay a solid. We have no idea the exponential rate of putting hot with hot, with hot with hot, and what it might do.

Yucca Mountain is in the southern Great Basin, on a block of continental crust. The "Ring of Fire," which is a relatively narrow belt of crustal subduction along the edge of the Pacific basin, has a much higher rate of faulting and volcanic activity compared to the Yucca Mountain area. The explosive nature of eruptions at Mt. St. Helens is characteristic of the Ring of Fire. In contrast, the most recent volcanic eruption near Yucca Mountain occurred near Lathrop Wells between 70,000 and 90,000 years ago where small volumes of basalt and ash were erupted. Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) speculated that magma at depth below Yucca Mountain could drive the high strain accumulation across the area. They pointed to an early seismic tomographic study by Oliver, Ponce, and Hunter (DIRS 106447-1995) that hinted at the presence of a low-velocity zone beneath Crater Flat that could be consistent with basaltic magma. A subsequent study by Biasi (DIRS 105358-1996), based on more accurate seismic arrival times and a deeper inversion model than that used by Oliver, Ponce, and Hunter (DIRS 106447-1995), demonstrated rather conclusively that there is no low-velocity zone under Crater Flat or Yucca Mountain that would suggest a major volcanic hazard.

DOE has been evaluating several heat management strategies for the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain. None of the design alternatives would produce heat that would increase the potential volcanic hazard at the site. (12413)
- EIS001888 / 0429
[Clark County summary of comments it has received from the public.]

Commenters also requested deterministic evaluations of both direct and indirect effects on the repository from volcanic activity.

Section 5.7.2 of the Final EIS describes an igneous event that could disrupt the repository. The evaluation showed that it is unlikely that liquid magma or other igneous material would intersect the repository. However, because there is a finite probability of such an occurrence, it was analyzed. As described in Section of the Final EIS, the mean annual probability of this event occurring is 1.6 math symbol, multiply 10-8 during the next 100,000 years. The impacts from such an event are described in Section (12445)
- EIS001898 / 0015
Additional documentation or analysis should be provided in the FEIS to support the characterization of impacts and the description of environmental parameters in some areas of the FEIS.

Section H.2.1.3 (Potential Repository Accident Scenarios: Analytical Methods and Results External Events) of the DEIS concludes that 3cm is the maximum thickness of volcanic tephra that could be deposited on repository facilities from a basaltic volcano that erupts within the area around the proposed repository site. The basis for this conclusion is a statement (DOE, 1998) that 3cm of volcanic tephra is the worst-case event being considered. The conclusion appears not to be supported by data or analyses.


U.S. Department of Energy. Viability assessment of a repository at Yucca Mountain. Volume 2: Preliminary Design Concept for the Repository and Waste Package. DOE/RW-0508. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. 1998.

The EIS evaluated potential impacts from a regional volcanic eruption. Section H.2.1.3 of the EIS concludes that 3 centimeters (about 1.2 inches) is the maximum thickness of tephra (solid material; ash) from a "regional volcanic eruption, which is more likely," that could be deposited on repository facilities. Analyses to date indicate that such an event would not affect structures such as the Waste Handling Building, where DOE would process casks.

The EIS analysis used a thickness-versus-distance curve from Miller et al. (DIRS 152166-1982). This curve shows that ash from the Long Valley Caldera/Mono-Inyo Volcanic area [about 250 kilometers (155 miles) west of Yucca Mountain] would deposit about 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) of ash at the proposed repository. The same volume of material from an eruption in the closer Coso Volcanic Field [about 150 kilometers (93 miles) southeast of Yucca Mountain] would deposit 2 to 3 centimeters (0.8 to 1.2 inches) of volcanic ash at the repository (DIRS 102889-Perry and Crow 1990). (12735)
- EIS001022 / 0001
One important concern is the possibility of volcanic activity. Yucca Mountain itself was formed by a violent series of eruptions 12 to 15 million years ago. The last violent eruption was 8.5 million years ago, but there have been small peaceful eruptions, the last one only 10,000 years ago. The two nearest cones are 9 and 15 km from the boundary of the waste emplacement area. Based on this information, many questions arise. Could a volcano erupt while the waste is still active? What would be the effects?

The area was assessed as low risk, but there has been an important study since then. Geologist Brian Wernicke and colleagues conducted a study using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Between 1991 and 1997, they used the GPS to measure crustal expansion between two different satellites on Yucca Mountain. This study produced results very different than the results from previous studies. According to previous studies, the distance between the two satellites was not supposed to change at all. However, the distance between the two satellites changed 1.7 mm, showing that the movement of the Earth’s crust in this area is much greater than previously thought and accelerating. Wernicke suggested that the possibility of a volcano could be ten times higher than previously thought.

Because the measurement values were so small, this study does not provide conclusive proof, but it does raise many important questions. More research is needed to determine whether this new study is accurate. This evidence is consistent with the possibility of a magma pocket under Yucca Mountain. With the new evidence, the low-risk status is under question. If these findings are correct, there is a much greater chance of volcanic eruptions than previously thought. This raises important questions about the safety of our nuclear wastes. The Department of Energy is planning to send 70,000 tons of nuclear waste that will remain radioactive in Yucca Mountain for over 10,000 years. Before they do this, this study must be pursued further. The possible effects of a volcano through Yucca Mountain are too dangerous to ignore. We need to do more research about this possibility.

The Western Shoshone tribe, that has a rightful claim to this land, have another name for this land. They call it "Serpent Swimming West." This could be a metaphor for magma swimming under Yucca Mountain. Along with the recent study, ancient wisdom speaks of the danger of radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain. Both ancient wisdom and recent studies are warning us to proceed with caution. If this study is proven correct, sending radioactive waste to Yucca Mountain is a dangerous choice. This study shows how more research is needed before we could send waste to Yucca Mountain.

The most recent volcanic eruption in the Yucca Mountain region occurred at Lathrop Wells between 70,000 and 90,000 years ago. DOE based the estimated age of this eruption on several geochronologic dating techniques that indicate that the earlier estimate of 10,000 years is not valid. DOE has updated this material in Section of the Final EIS.

The postclosure performance assessment in Section 5.7.2 of the EIS analyzes two disruptive volcanic event scenarios. The first is the volcanic eruption release scenario or direct release scenario, where radioactive material is transported directly to the surface and atmosphere by a magma or pyroclastic flow. The second, called the igneous intrusion groundwater release or enhanced source term scenario, is where radioactive material is entrained in magma that remains in the emplacement drift. The analyses include a discussion on the structural integrity of the waste packages, and what these scenarios could mean for the possibility of leakage and transport of radioactive constituents away from the proposed repository. DOE has updated this material in the EIS.

The geodetic study reported in the March 1998 issue of Science (DIRS 103485-Wernicke et al. 1998) was based on baseline measurements obtained from 1991 to 1997 using the Global Positioning System at five stations in the Yucca Mountain area. While the authors discussed possible effects on their network from displacements associated with the June 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, they did not correct the station-to-station distances for earthquake displacements.

In May 1998, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey used the Global Positioning System to resurvey a network of 14 geodetic stations originally installed in 1983. Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) used two of the 14 stations in their study. Based on the larger number of stations, the longer survey period (1983 to 1998), and the removal of the effects of the June 1992 Little Skull Mountain earthquake, the U.S. Geological Survey scientists concluded (DIRS 118952-Savage, Svarc, and Prescott 1999) that the strain rate in the Yucca Mountain region is significantly less (by a factor of 20 or more) than the rate reported by Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998). The results of the U.S. Geological Survey are consistent with a large body of geologic data and fault-trenching investigations in the Yucca Mountain region over the past two decades.

Wernicke et al. (DIRS 103485-1998) speculated that magmatic inflation at depth could be the cause of the high strain accumulation across the Yucca Mountain area. They pointed to an early seismic tomographic study by Oliver, Ponce, and Hunter (DIRS 106447-1995) that hinted at the presence of a low-velocity zone beneath Crater Flat that could be consistent with basaltic magma. A subsequent study by Biasi (DIRS 105358-1996), based on more accurate seismic arrival times and a deeper inversion model, demonstrated rather conclusively that there is no low-velocity zone under Crater Flat or Yucca Mountain that would suggest a major volcanic hazard.

DOE is continuing to fund studies on crustal strain in the Yucca Mountain region through a cooperative agreement with the University of Nevada. Dr. Wernicke, the principal investigator of one study, recently estimated in a quarterly report to the DOE that conclusions from this study would be available in 2002. This study involves 30 geodetic monument sites with continuous GPS measurements, which is a major improvement over the study reported in Science (DIRS 103485-Wernicke et al. 1998). (13220)
- 010244 / 0019
The SDEIS should consider what, if any, effect closer spacing of waste packages has upon the probability and consequence of a volcanic dike encountering one or more waste packages.

These concepts are addressed in both the Draft EIS and the Final EIS. In very general terms, spacing the waste packages further apart increases the repository footprint and, as a result, increases the associated probability of a volcanic dike intersecting the footprint. (The probability of such an event occurring, however, is very small and the change in probability is also very small.) On the other hand, putting waste packages closer together would decrease the footprint size (and the probability of a volcanic dike intersection), but would increase the potential for waste package damage should such an event occur. That is, an intersecting volcanic dike would be more likely to come into contact with waste packages the more tightly grouped they are.

Section of the EIS describes the probability of a volcanic dike intersecting the footprint area of the proposed repository. The Draft EIS identified a potential of 1 chance in 7,000 that such an event would occur during the first 10,000 years after repository closure. A revised estimate of 1 chance in 6,300 during the first 10,000 years is included in the Final EIS as a result of a recalculation to account for changes in the layout of the proposed repository and to include contingency blocks in addition to the primary repository block. As would be expected, the larger the size of the repository, the higher the probability that a volcanic dike could intersect the footprint (even though this probability is still very small).

Potential consequences from volcanic activity are described in Chapter 5 of the EIS (Environmental Consequences of Long-Term Repository Performance). Modeling long-term performance of the repository begins with the probability value for a volcanic dike to intersect the repository footprint, then incorporates estimates of how such an intrusion could affect the repository drifts and waste containers. With approximately 80 meters between drifts, a dike could intersect the repository without contacting either the tunnels or the containers, but it could also enter the drifts and breach or otherwise damage waste containers. Because of the uncertainties involved in evaluating how a volcanic dike could affect the repository, sensitivity analyses were performed that include a range of intrusion scenarios where the number of drifts and waste packages that could be involved are varied. The long-term performance analysis also covers the fate of contaminated materials released from containers as a result of the very low probability of a volcanic dike intrusion. This includes materials that could be immediately released into the air and the environment from magma and ash reaching the surface, as well as materials slowly migrating to groundwater if the igneous activity remained below the surface. Results of these analyses are summarized in the EIS, but the supporting documents, referenced in Chapter 5 and Appendix I of the EIS, should be reviewed for detailed information on how volcanic disturbances were evaluated. Minerals and Energy (4952)
- EIS001946 / 0010
There are numerous technical concerns regarding Yucca Mountain:

The presence of mineral resources could result in human intrusion into the repository.

Significant scientific uncertainty surrounds this issue. It is not adequately explored in the DEIS.

Section 5.7.1 of the EIS examines the consequences of inadvertent and deliberate intrusion of the repository by drilling. With regard to the inherent uncertainty associated with geologic data, analyses, and models, and the confidence in estimates of long-term repository performance, Section 5.2.4 of the EIS explains how DOE dealt with these issues. (5492)
- EIS001887 / 0160
Page 3-30; Section - Mineral and Energy Resources

The EIS should show the locations of existing mining claims in the proposed withdrawal area, despite DOE’s belief that economic mineral potential of the area is low.

Section of the EIS mentions that there are unpatented mining claims and one patented mining claim in the right-of way reservation granted to DOE by the Bureau of Land Management for site characterization. This right-of-way is roughly coincident with the withdrawal area shown in Figure 1-6 of the EIS.

Because the status of unpatented claims can change rapidly, it was decided not to identify the location of unpatented claims in the EIS or to develop a strategy for dealing with claimants. If existing unpatented claims were still viable at the time of a land withdrawal, it is reasonable to assume that such claims could be obtained through compensation or otherwise dealt with before repository closure. Because the exact number and location of unpatented claims does not affect the EIS analyses, the addition of this information serves no purpose at this time.

The single patented mining claim in the area is used to mine volcanic cinders for raw material to manufacture cinderblocks (see Section of the EIS). It is expected that this claim would be exhausted before permanent closure of the repository.

Only Congress has the power to withdraw Federal lands permanently for the exclusive purposes of specific agencies. Congress can authorize and direct a permanent withdrawal of lands such as those required for a repository at Yucca Mountain. The extent and conditions of the withdrawal would be determined by Congress. (5493)
- EIS001887 / 0161
Page 3-31; Section - Mineral and Energy Resources

The text should read, " currently economic deposits.." As any geologist will tell you, technology and demand can change a currently uneconomical deposit into an economical one almost overnight.

DOE agrees that the economics of a mineral or energy deposit can change over time. However, Section of the EIS asserts that the potential for economically useful mineral or energy resources is low, and would continue to be low for the foreseeable future. (7574)
- EIS001969 / 0033
Page 3-30, Section Mineral and Energy Resources.

There is no discussion of energy resources in this section. The Yucca Mountain site is about 200 km SW of producing oil fields in Railroad Valley (one of two valleys in the state that have produced commercial oil). Published literature on the presence or absence of oil resources in the Yucca Mountain/NTS area include Chamberlain (1991 AAPG abstract), who suggested that Yucca Mountain is situated over a billion-barrel oil field, and Trexler and others (1996, AAPG Bulletin v. 80, no.1), who disputed this, as did Grow and others (Hi-Level Waste Proceedings, 1994). Although it appears that there is a low potential for mineral and energy resources in the context of today’s recovery technology, a discussion of the potential resources should be included here.

The EIS presents the results of various investigations on mineral and energy resources. DOE considers the likelihood of finding oil or gas to be low in the vicinity of the proposed repository. Drilling of numerous boreholes to depths beyond 1829 meters (6,000 feet) in the area found no indications or shows of oil of gas. Therefore, DOE decided not to include a detailed discussion of mineral and energy resource potential in the EIS, but rather to refer the reader to the numerous references that discuss these issues. This approach is consistent with the regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality [40 CFR Part 1501.7(a)(3)] that direct agencies to identify and eliminate from detailed study those issues which are not significant. (9793)
- EIS001888 / 0378
[Clark County summary of comments it has received from the public.]

Two commenters requested that the EIS assess the impacts to mineral exploration and development from the withdrawal of lands for the repository.

Only Congress has the power to withdraw Federal lands permanently for the exclusive purposes of a specific agency. Through legislative action, Congress can authorize and direct a permanent withdrawal of lands such as that needed for the proposed Yucca Mountain Repository. In addition, Congress would determine any conditions associated with the land withdrawal. Regulations issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (10 CFR Part 63) require that the repository operations areas and postclosure controlled areas be free and clear of all encumbrances, if significant, such as (1) rights arising under the general mining laws, (2) easements or rights-of-way, and (3) all other rights arising under lease, rights of entry, deed, patent, mortgage, appropriation, prescription, or otherwise. If Congress approved the withdrawal of lands for the repository, any other use of those lands would be subject to conditions of the withdrawal. (13455)
- 010296 / 0041
As noted on page 3-18, the titanium drip shields would not be needed until repository closure. However, page 3-19 notes that the titanium for drip shields would require from 47,000 to 66,000 tons of titanium, depending on spacing between waste packages. The annual requirement would be almost 8 percent of current U.S. production capacity. This is a huge percentage of a commodity supply, and methods to assure availability of supply, etc. should be reviewed. The environmental impacts of mining, smelting and purifying such a volume are large, and especially considering that it will be needed at a time when the easiest supplies have already been produced. The reference in the DSElS is to a 1997 Minerals Yearbook.

The FEIS should have an analysis of titanium availability, deposits, price trends, etc. to demonstrate when the optimum time to stockpile titanium will be, the price, etc. Alloy-22 and titanium drip shield performance are critical elements of the engineered barriers, limiting exposure especially in the l0,000-year time frame. For this reason, work needs to continue on Alloy-22 corrosion and decay experiments. There is substantial risk regarding availability of titanium 100s of years in the future, and a strategic assessment of titanium use, capability, reserves, etc. should be undertaken. The YMP may need a strategic titanium reserve to assure the availability of titanium when it is needed. The environmental impact of titanium mining and recovery were not addressed.

DOE recognizes that a substantial amount of titanium would be required for the drip shields. The specific impacts of acquiring the titanium were not examined in the Supplement to the Draft EIS because this material would not be required for almost 100 years. As the repository program continues to evolve, the impacts of acquiring titanium would, as appropriate, be examined in future National Environmental Policy Act documents when further information became available.

7.5.4 Biology and Soils

7.5.4 (341)
- EIS000052 / 0002
Microscopic parasite was discovered in the Yucca Mountain proposed Repository site. Are they harmful to this project?

There are no known microscopic parasites in Yucca Mountain, but there are bacteria. DOE considered the possible effects of bacteria and of microbial communities in general on waste packages in the calculation of rates at which those packages could degrade. This was part of the near-field geochemistry model used to predict long-term performance of the repository in Chapter 5 of the EIS. The environmental consequences of long-term repository performance described in Chapter 5 include the possible effects of microbes on the project, which would be negligible.

7.5.4 (1131)
- EIS000270 / 0014
Factors that give rise to public concerns about and opposition to approval of the Yucca Mountain site include:

Failure to provide for the protection of all components of the biosphere -- of the environment for its own sake -- from radiation-related harm.

Sections 4.1.4 and 5.9 of the EIS examine potential impacts to biological resources for repository operations and for long-term repository performance, respectively. DOE expects impacts to biota to be low or very low. The analyses looked at potential impacts to individual members of threatened or endangered species such as the desert tortoise population and populations of other organisms. Current recommendations from national and international radiation protection advisory organizations (
DIRS 157314-NCRP 1991; DIRS 101836-ICRP 1991; DIRS 101075-ICRP 1977) indicate that if humans are protected from radiation, other biota in the same area with similar exposure pathways are also protected. This is based on extensive scientific observations showing that more developed organisms (that is, humans) are more sensitive to radiation than less developed organisms. DOE has determined that radiation effects to plants and animals would be unlikely because the dose in all cases would be much lower than the 100-millirad-per-day level at which there is no convincing evidence that chronic radiation exposure would harm plant or animal populations (DIRS 103277-IAEA 1992).

7.5.4 (1508)
- EIS000505 / 0008
We find many problems with the DEIS, factors that give rise to public concerns about opposition to approval of the Yucca Mountain site for example failure to provide for the protection of all components of the biosphere, of the environment for its own sake, from radiation related harm, failure in dose calculation to account for the addictive, multiplicative and synergistic relationship of radiological and other biologically hazardous pollutant factors and conditions ultimately affecting recipients.

Sections 4.1.4 and 5.9 of the EIS examine potential impacts to biological resources for repository operations and for long-term repository performance, respectively. DOE expects impacts to biota to be low or very low. The analyses looked at potential impacts to individual members of threatened or endangered species such as the desert tortoise population and populations of other species. Current recommendations from national and international radiation protection advisory organizations indicate that if humans are protected from radiation, other biota in the same area with similar exposure pathways are also protected (DIRS 157314-NCRP 1991; DIRS 101836-ICRP 1991; DIRS 101075-ICRP 1977). This is based on extensive scientific observations showing that more developed organisms (that is, humans) are more sensitive to radiation than less developed organisms. DOE has determined that radiation effects to plants and animals would be unlikely because the dose in all cases would be much lower than the 100-millirad-per-day level at which there is no convincing evidence that chronic radiation exposure would harm plant or animal populations (DIRS 103277-IAEA 1992).

The EIS presents the risks of exposure to ionizing radiation and hazardous chemicals separately, where the potential for these exposures exists. A good scientific foundation for adding the risks of exposure to radiation and chemicals does not exist at present, even if target tissues might be the same, because exposure pathways and cellular and molecular mechanisms of cancer induction can differ. The low levels of exposure to radiation and hazardous substances expected to occur from Yucca Mountain operations (Sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.8 of the EIS) and long-term performance (Sections 5.4 and 5.6 of the EIS) are such that the most likely impacts would be no impacts.

7.5.4 (4090)
- EIS001482 / 0008
And I’m here tonight to speak for the animals, because there are no animals here tonight speaking. We’re all talking about humans and human impacts and all that kind of stuff. But the fact of the matter is, there’s an incredible population of flora and fauna out there we need to take care of, and if you have an accident it’s going to affect the environment. You’re going to have human impacts, but you’re also going to have impacts to the natural areas and also to the animals as well that never created this waste and never got any benefits from it.

Section of the EIS describes the flora and fauna of the affected environment at Yucca Mountain. Section 4.1.4 of the EIS analyzes impacts that repository construction, operation and monitoring, and closure could have on resident species. The primary impacts of repository construction and operation on desert plants and animals would be the disturbance of about 3 to 7 square kilometers (about 800 to 1,700 acres) of land, the continuation of human presence and activities, including traffic. Those impacts have been thoroughly analyzed based upon a large amount of research and information about the desert environment at Yucca Mountain.

7.5.4 (5523)
- EIS001887 / 0180
Page 3-59; Section 3.1.5 - Biological Resources and Soils

This section only briefly addresses Biological Resources and Soils, referring to the Environmental Baseline Files (TRW 1999k and TRW 1991). The discussion in this section omits the physical environment that, together with the biological components, comprise the ecosystem involved. Ecosystems are not discussed at all, and that level of ecological organization is ignored. The same is true for the discussions of Biological Resources related to transportation on pages 3-107 and 3-127. With respect to ecosystems, the Draft EIS states on page 3-59 that many of its studies for this aspect of the document "....did not use an integrated ecosystem approach and, therefore, are of little value for evaluating impacts of the repository." This deficiency negates the sufficiency and credibility of the biological and ecological aspects of the entire Draft EIS. Further discussion of this matter appears in Westman (1985), Wiesner (1995), Salk and others (1998), Caldwell (1998), Clark and Canter (1997), Ortolano (1997), Gilpin (1997), and Bartlett and Malone (1993), as well as in Attachments D, E, F, and N to these comments.

The physical environment was not included in Section 3.1.5 of the EIS because it is described in Sections 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.1.4 of the EIS. The evaluation of impacts to biological resources concentrated primarily on the species and community levels of ecological organization because the potential impacts on biological resources would be localized and most likely to occur at those levels. Section 4.1.4 of the EIS concluded that the removal of vegetation from the small area required for the Proposed Action and the very small impacts to some species would not affect regional biodiversity or ecosystem function. Section 3.1.5 of the EIS, as cited by the commenter, was revised to clarify that the material summarized is an opposing view expressed by the State of Nevada. DOE disagrees with that view for reasons expressed in Section 3.1.5 of the EIS. DOE has studied the biological resources at Yucca Mountain in detail and has concluded that there is sufficient information available to evaluate potential impacts of repository construction on those resources.

7.5.4 (5582)
- EIS001887 / 0206
Page 4-1; Section 4 - Environmental Consequences of Repository Construction, Operation and Monitoring, and Closure

The fact that DOE did not address the ecosystem level of organization for the Draft EIS renders an accurate interpretation of ecological impact assessment impossible. Attachments [to this comment document] G, F, H, I, J, K, and L discuss this issue, as do Westman (1985), Bartlett and Malone (1993), Salk and others (1998), Wiesner (1995), Caldwell (1998), Clark and Canter (1997), Ortolano (1997), and Gilpin (1997).

An equally important issue is that biological field studies conducted by DOE and used for the EIA process were improperly designed and statistically analyzed, thereby negating much of the information in the Draft EIS, Section 4. Study design and statistics are discussed in Attachments G and Q.

Performance confirmation is not an option. The use of the term "could" is incorrect, and the statement conflicts with the statement in Section 4.1.

The EIS evaluation of impacts to biological resources concentrated primarily on the species and community levels of ecological organization because the potential impacts on biological resources would be localized and most likely to occur at those levels. DOE concluded in Section 4.1.4 that the removal of vegetation from the small area required for the Proposed Action and the very small impacts to some species would not affect regional biodiversity or ecosystem function.

DOE disagrees that biological field studies conducted at Yucca Mountain were improperly designed and analyzed and negate the analysis in Chapter 4 of the EIS. The numerous surveys and studies of biological resources conducted by DOE from 1981 through 1998 provide a detailed understanding of the species composition and community structure at Yucca Mountain. That information is used in Chapter 4 to conclude that there are no rare species or species with restricted distribution at Yucca Mountain that would be unduly affected by the Proposed Action. Results of the studies that were conducted to detect impacts indicate that site characterization had very little effect on biological resources at Yucca Mountain. Although the statistical ability to detect impacts was low for some of those studies, they were not improperly designed for characterizing the site and evaluating the most likely potential effects of site characterization activities. DOE therefore believes that the results of these studies are useful for understanding and predicting possible impacts from similar activities during repository construction and operation and support the conclusion that impacts from repository construction would not jeopardize species, communities, or ecosystems.

DOE agrees that the word "could" is incorrect when referring to performance confirmation and has modified the introduction to Chapter 4 appropriately.

7.5.4 (5756)
- EIS001887 / 0361
Page 10-3; Section - Biological Resources and Soils

This section addresses biological and soil resources for Yucca Mountain. No meaningful or substantive information is given and addressed, so the short section is meaningless.

The purpose of Section 10.1 of the EIS is to identify unavoidable adverse impacts to the Yucca Mountain environment, provided pursuant to regulations from the Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR 1502.16). Section 4.1.4 of the EIS provides meaningful and substantive information on impacts to biological resources, which DOE used to develop the conclusions in Section

7.5.4 (5916)
- EIS001619 / 0004
I understand that the EIS and the NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] process is designed to protect the human environment and our role in that environment. Perhaps stepping away from that and speaking on behalf of the animals and the plants of the area, there needs to be more analysis of what will happen to the natural ecosystem, which is, unfortunately, near the Nevada Test Site. So I am sure it’s not necessarily untainted, but there needs to be more attention paid to the effects of the actual land area around Yucca Mountain.

In the summary EIS I just have a small passage, surface soil temperatures could increase by as much by as 5.4° Fahrenheit in dry soil at a depth of 3.3 feet, which could affect root growth and the growth of microbes or nutrient availability. Potential impacts from the repository on biological resources would consist of an increase of heat tolerant species and a decrease of less heat tolerant species.

In general, the areas affected by repository heating could experience a loss of shrub species and an increase in annual species. So there needs to be more attention paid to those nonhuman victims of this disaster waiting to happen.

Section 3.1.5 of the EIS describes the flora and fauna of the affected environment, which includes the analyzed land withdrawal area that surrounds Yucca Mountain. Section 4.1.4 analyzes impacts that repository construction, operation and monitoring, and closure could have on resident plant and animal species. The primary impacts of repository construction and operation on desert plants and animals would be the disturbance of about 3 to 7 square kilometers (about 800 to 1,700 acres) of land and the continuation of human presence and activities, including vehicle traffic. Those impacts have been analyzed based upon a large amount of research and information about the desert environment at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 104593-CRWMS M&O 1999). Section 5.9 describes the possible effects on biological resources and soils because of repository heating of near-surface soils. The magnitude of soil temperature increase predicted by models indicates that for most soil conditions, increases are within the range of natural temperature variation experienced by local plant and animal species (DIRS 105031-CRWMS M&O 1999). Because of this, and the small size of the affected area, DOE believes that impacts to biological resources from heat generated by the various repository operating modes would be minimal. DOE believes that the EIS provides sufficient information on the potential impacts of repository heat on biological resources at Yucca Mountain (Section 5.9 of the EIS; DIRS 103618-CRWMS M&O 1999; and DIRS 105031-CRWMS M&O 1999).

7.5.4 (5951)
- EIS001622 / 0053
There is no evaluation of potential long-term impacts to animals and plants. All the long-term evaluations are based upon human health considerations. The DEIS makes the faulty assumption that relatively few predicted latent cancer fatalities will result in no impacts to aquatic, wildlife, and plant populations dependent upon the water resources affected by the project. These resources have taken tens to hundreds of thousands, and millions of years to adapt to their current habitats. These time scales should be considered in determining potential impacts to those resources.

Section 5.9 of the EIS discusses the long-term impacts to plants and animals that were considered in the analysis and were determined to be largely restricted to impacts from heat generated at the repository. DOE did not assume that relatively few predicted latent cancer fatalities would result in no impacts to aquatic, wildlife, and plant populations. Instead, DOE based its conclusion on the results of calculations that estimated dose rates to native species would be less than 100 millirad per day. The International Atomic Energy Agency concluded that chronic dose rates of less than 100 millirad per day are unlikely to cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of even the more radiosensitive species in terrestrial ecosystems (DIRS 103277-IAEA 1992).

7.5.4 (6046)
- EIS001898 / 0012
Additional documentation or analysis should be provided in the FEIS to support the characterization of impacts and the description of environmental parameters in some areas of the FEIS.

The DEIS assessments of impacts on faunal resources in Section 4.1.4 (Environmental Consequences of Repository Construction Operation and Monitoring and Closure-Impacts to Biological Resources and Soils) that are classified as "low," "very small," or "minimal and largely undetectable" are not supported by quantitative data. Individuals of a population that occur near the edge of its range (e.g., desert tortoises in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain) are living in marginal conditions, and therefore environmental stressors caused by the Proposed Action might have amplified effects in these edge areas.

DOE does not believe that quantitative analysis is either missing or required to conclude that the Proposed Action would have little effect on biological resources at Yucca Mountain. As stated in Section 4.1.4 of the EIS, the most important impacts of repository construction and operation on desert plants and animals would be the disturbance of about 3 to 7 square kilometers (about 800 to 1,700 acres) of land and the continuation of traffic and human presence. These activities would occur in a region with few other disturbances and would affect species that are common and widespread throughout the region. DOE based the conclusion that the Proposed Action would have little effect on desert tortoises on detailed site-specific research on the tortoise populations at Yucca Mountain during site characterization. That research confirmed that activities similar to those proposed have little effect on adjacent populations. DOE has modified Sections and of the EIS to better explain its conclusions about impacts to desert tortoises.

The withdrawal of land surrounding the repository would protect a substantial area near the edge of the range of the tortoise from potential stressors that could occur if the land in the withdrawal area was developed for other uses.

7.5.4 (6072)
- EIS000817 / 0182
P. E-16. Could you plant a prairie above the repository? Would there be a benefit to these long-rooted, long lasting grasses and [forbs]? Would they help hold water in the soil?

It would not be possible to establish a successful "prairie" at this site because environmental conditions (precipitation, soils, temperatures, etc.) are not conducive to growth of typical prairie species. For example, annual rainfall in this area averages approximately 12 centimeters (5 inches), which is less than half that required to support prairie vegetation. Native perennial plants at Yucca Mountain are primarily shrubs but include grasses and forbs, and many native annual species are present when higher than average precipitation occurs. Shrubs are generally more deeply rooted and longer lived than grasses or forbs at the site, but all native species that occur there help prevent erosion. Section of the EIS describes mitigation measures being considered to conserve and stockpile topsoil, and when disturbed areas are no longer needed, to spread topsoil over them and revegetate using a seed mixture that includes appropriate native species.

7.5.4 (7104)
- EIS001106 / 0004
Section 3.1.5, page 3-59, only briefly addresses Biological Resources and Soils, referring to the Environmental Baseline Files (TRW 1999k and TRW 1991). The discussion in this section of the DEIS omits the physical environment, which together with the biological components comprise the ecosystem involved. Ecosystems are not discussed at all, and that level of ecological organization is ignored. The same is true for the discussions of Biological Resources related to transportation on page 3-107 and 3-127. With respect to ecosystems, the DEIS states on page 3-59 that many of its studies for this aspect of the document "...did not use an integrated ecosystem approach and, therefore, are of little value for evaluating impacts of the repository." This deficiency negates the sufficiency and credibility of the biological and ecological aspects of the entire DEIS.

The physical environment was not included in Section 3.1.5 of the EIS because it is described in Sections 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.1.4. The evaluation of impacts to biological resources concentrated primarily on the species and community levels of ecological organization because the potential impacts on biological resources would be localized and most likely to occur at those levels. Section 4.1.4 concludes that the removal of vegetation from the small area required for the Proposed Action and the very small impacts to some species would not affect regional biodiversity or ecosystem function. Section 3.1.5, as cited in this comment, has been revised to clarify that the material summarized is an opposing view expressed by the State of Nevada. DOE disagrees with that view for the reasons expressed in Section 3.1.5. DOE has studied the biological resources at Yucca Mountain in detail and has concluded that there is more than enough information available to evaluate potential impacts on those resources of repository construction.

7.5.4 (7106)
- EIS001106 / 0005
The fact that the DOE did not address the ecosystem level of organization for the DEIS renders an accurate interpretation of ecological impact assessment impossible. It is interesting, however, that the DOE did acknowledge the potentially adverse consequences to the ecosystem from different thermal loading schemes (Table 4-11, page 4-31). The thermal loading issue with respect to biological resources is avoided in Table 4-12, page 4-35, which summarizes overall impacts from the repository by stopping the summary after repository closure and ignoring the critical long-term ecosystem impacts.

The evaluation of impacts to biological resources concentrated primarily on the species and community levels of ecological organization, because the potential impacts on biological resources would be localized, and most likely to occur at those levels. Section 4.1.4 of the EIS concluded that the removal of vegetation from the small area required for the Proposed Action and the very small impacts to some species would not affect regional biodiversity or ecosystem function. Table 4-11 documents that construction activities associated with different operating modes would disturb different amounts of land-cover types. Table 4-12 does not address possible impacts after closure because Section 4.1 focuses on short-term impacts, ad indicated by its title. Section 5.9 addresses potential long-term consequences to biological resources.

7.5.4 (7107)
- EIS001106 / 0006
Biological field studies conducted by the DOE and used for the EIA process were improperly designed and statistically analyzed thereby negating much of DEIS Section 4, Environmental Consequences.

DOE conducted numerous surveys and studies of biological resources from 1981 through 1998 using recognized scientific methods to provide a detailed understanding of the species composition and community structure at Yucca Mountain. That information is used in Chapter 4 of the EIS to conclude that there are no rare species or species with restricted distribution at Yucca Mountain that would be substantially affected by the Proposed Action. Results of the studies that were conducted to detect impacts indicate that site characterization had very little effect on biological resources at Yucca Mountain. Although the statistical power to detect impacts was low for some of those studies, they were not improperly designed for characterizing the site and evaluating the most likely potential effects of site characterization activities. DOE believes that the results of these studies (see Section 3.1.5 of the EIS) are useful for understanding and predicting possible impacts from similar activities during repository construction and operation and support the conclusion that impacts from repository construction would not jeopardize species, communities, or ecosystems.

7.5.4 (7116)
- EIS001106 / 0011
Mitigation Actions: Biological Resources and Soils are addressed in Sections 9.2.3 (page 9-6) and 9.3.4 (page 9-19). In each case the focus is almost exclusively focused on the desert tortoise and not on other components of the ecosystem or on the ecosystem itself. Additionally, there is no consideration of risks associated with mitigation.

The primary focus in Sections 9.2.4 and 9.3.4 of the EIS is the desert tortoise because it is the only Federally listed threatened species at the Yucca Mountain site and because few other impacts to biological resources or the ecosystem identified in the EIS would require mitigation. The proposed mitigation measures have been developed in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, are commonly used on DOE projects and those of other agencies or have been developed and evaluated during site characterization, and have no known risks that require evaluation in the EIS.

7.5.4 (7117)
- EIS001106 / 0012
Unavoidable, Irreversible, or Irretrievable Impacts: Section, page 10-3, addresses biological and soil resources for Yucca Mountain. No meaningful and substantive information is given and addressed, so the short section basically is meaningless.

The purpose of Section 10.1 of the EIS is to identify unavoidable adverse impacts (Council on Environmental Quality regulations at 40 CFR 1502.16) to the Yucca Mountain environment. Previous sections (such as Section 4.1.4) provide meaningful and substantive information on impacts to biological resources, which DOE used to develop the conclusions in Section

7.5.4 (7118)
- EIS001106 / 0013
References: There were 27 references that are important cited in the DEIS regarding biological, ecological, and soil resources. Of these, only three were professional publications reflecting work of the NWPO [Nuclear Waste Project Office], when in fact there are many other NWPO and NWPO-related professional publications not included among the references cited in the DEIS. Among the DOE’s 24 references are 10 reports issued by TRW regarding environmental information for the Yucca Mountain Project. Of these, four are Environmental Baseline Files that themselves draw upon additional sources of information. The key DOE citation in the DEIS that is of interest here is: "TRW 1999k. Environmental Baseline File for Biological Resources." In TRW 1999k, Section 4 on Opposing Views and Section 5 on Major Issues and Data Needs are attached to these comments. Section 4 identifies six opposing views to the DOE’s field studies raised by NWPO and by NWTRB [the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board]. These are key DEIS issues regarding the Yucca Mountain biological and ecological programs, and no dispute of them is made in the DEIS. This is consistent with the earlier statement on DEIS page 3-59 that the DOE failed to use an integrated ecosystem approach thereby negating many of its field studies for the biological and ecological resource aspects of the DEIS. There are many publications concerning EIA [environmental impact analysis] and NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] processes that should have been used as guidance by the DOE, cited, and referenced in the DEIS. Thus, the documentation used for the DEIS was cryptic and poor.

The opposing views identified in Chapter 4 of the Environmental Baseline File for Biological Resources (DIRS 104593-CRWMS M&O 1999) that are applicable to the EIS analysis are identified and discussed in Section 3.1.5. DOE modified that section to clarify that these are opposing views expressed by the State of Nevada and to identify DOE’s opinion about those views. DOE did not include one opposing view identified in the Environmental Baseline File (concerning ethics and professional practice) because it is beyond the scope of the EIS.

DOE carefully reviewed relevant publications prepared by the Nevada Nuclear Waste Project Office and concluded that they generally dealt with site characterization studies or were not applicable to the level of analysis appropriate for this EIS.

The Environmental Baseline Files include detailed summaries of existing information on resources, including information developed by the State of Nevada and others. The Environmental Baseline Files are often cited in the EIS instead of original reports to eliminate the need for summarizing reports in the EIS and to make the EIS concise and easier to read.

7.5.4 (7162)
- 010379 / 0003
It is also important to consider impacts on other living organisms in the surrounding ecosystems.

Sections 4.1.4 and 5.9 of the EIS and Section 3.1.4 of the Supplement to the Draft EIS describe the expected impacts to biological resources from the construction, operation and monitoring, closure, and long-term performance of the repository.

7.5.4 (7438)
- EIS001969 / 0001
The Department’s [U.S. Department of the Interior] Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is responsible for protection of trust resources which include species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), as amended, birds protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and other biological resources managed under the National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) System. The Service is concerned with possible adverse effects to these and other resources that could result from the operation of the Yucca Mountain facility. Trust resources on or in the vicinity of the proposed waste storage facility include the following:

Yucca Mountain is at the northern edge of the range for the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) which is listed as threatened under the ESA. On July 23, 1997, the Service issued a biological opinion to DOE for programmatic activities associated with site characterization studies at Yucca Mountain (File No. 1-5-96-F-307R).

Rainfall runoff accumulating in low lying areas at the NTS such as Frenchman Flat, attract migratory birds to the area.

The Desert National Wildlife Range, located approximately 30 miles to the east of the proposed repository, provides habitat for numerous wildlife species that are unique to the Mojave Desert ecosystem.

The Ash Meadows NWR is located approximately 25 miles south of Yucca Mountain and provides habitat for 12 species listed under the ESA, including the Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis) and Ash Meadows Amargosa pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis mionectes). Ash Meadows also provides aquatic and riparian habitat essential for other sensitive species of plants and invertebrates and for migratory and resident bird species. These and other wildlife species are dependent upon several free-flowing springs within the boundary of the refuge.

On December 17, 1998, DOE requested a species list from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and initiated consultation to evaluate whether the Proposed Action could affect the threatened desert tortoise or protected species at Ash Meadows, Devils Hole, or along transportation corridors. In a Biological Assessment submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on April 24, 2000, DOE concluded that the Proposed Action would not affect the listed species in the Ash Meadows or Devils Hole areas because these areas are in a different regional groundwater sub-basin from Yucca Mountain. The Fish and Wildlife Service concurred with this conclusion during consultation on the effects of repository construction, operation and monitoring, and closure on threatened and endangered species (see the Fish and Wildlife Service Final Biological Opinion in Appendix O of the EIS). Furthermore, there are no playas in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain where surface water could accumulate and attract migratory birds. The playa at Frenchman Flat is located approximately 35 kilometers (22 miles) east of Yucca Mountain and would be unaffected by the Proposed Action.

DOE did determine that the Proposed Action could affect the desert tortoise and consequently has proposed mitigation measures to minimize effects. If the Secretary of Energy recommends approval of the Yucca Mountain site to the President, and Yucca Mountain is ultimately authorized for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste, DOE would implement all reasonable and prudent mitigation measures and comply with the terms and conditions of the Final Biological Opinion from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. See Appendix O of the EIS for the Opinion.

The Desert National Wildlife Range, approximately 48 kilometers (30 miles) east of the repository, would be unaffected by the Proposed Action unless the Valley Modified Corridor, which could be on, or adjacent to, the southern boundary of the Range, was selected. With regard to the transportation implementing alternatives in the State of Nevada, DOE believes this EIS is sufficient for the determination of the relative merits and a selection decision among the various corridors and shipment modes discussed in the EIS, but acknowledges additional environmental review would be required to assess the potential impacts of specific route alignment within a corridor. DOE would continue discussions with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, as amended, on any corridor or alignment within a corridor determined to require further environmental review and would implement the terms and conditions of any subsequent Biological Opinions.

7.5.4 (7744)
- EIS000817 / 0024
In your summary you refer to bats, tortoises, beetles, etc. -- and your effect on them. Have you evaluated the possible effect of them on your project? Bats for example. What a perfect home for bats I would think. (Ever been to Carlsbad Caverns? -- full of millions of them.) So can bats survive in the repository in later years as things cool down and cave in? What could bats do in there? Effect of bat guano for example? And what happens to bats reproduced after they are irradiated and come out into the public domain? What about other animals -- burrowing things? Lizards, snakes, prairie dogs --whatever you have in Nevada -- and the minute plants and animals (like beetles) that can raise havoc in great numbers? What can happen to species in there over time? Can they dig into the repository? How could it affect them and how could they affect it? Nature loves to fill in spaces with whatever can get in there -- how secure will all openings to the tunnels be? Ventilation systems for example -- once bats get in there -- how would you get them out? These things have to be considered long term when fractures form and rock tunnels cave in and water seeps, etc. There will be cavities formed and new channels to the tunnels. So often it’s the unexpected that causes huge problems in such scenarios, especially for such a long time prediction in the future. Considering exotic species come in so easily nowadays with trade all over the world. Who knows what could get started growing or becoming active in those tunnels? Have plant and animal experts done close evaluation and predictions for future possible conditions -- not just for big things like bats -- but for small microscopic worms, or whatever could be in there? We don’t want a surprise in 100 years or later that the repository is full of poisonous snakes or something that loves the habitat later on. What is possible?

Some animals, such as bats, occasionally enter the tunnels at Yucca Mountain, but cause no operational problems. This probably would continue during the operation and monitoring phase of the repository, and standard pest management practices would minimize impacts to operations and to the animals. Steel isolation doors at the emplacement drift entrances would prevent animals from entering the waste disposal areas. During the closure phase, DOE would seal the main drifts and ventilation shafts to prevent all access. The repository would be too deep underground for animals to dig into the tunnels.

7.5.4 (8057)
- EIS002001 / 0004
By putting nuclear waste into Yucca Mountain you’re not only hurting people, but wildlife and plants. Think of all that will be damaged by it. Please reconsider putting the nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain.

No significant impacts to people, wildlife or plants were identified, as discussed in Section 4.1.4 of the EIS.

7.5.4 (8654)
- EIS001889 / 0007
The DEIS may have overlooked wilderness values under the potential Caliente-Chalk Mountain rail route. According to your map (Figure 2-48), it looks like the Caliente Rail Corridor would possibly pass through Weepah Spring Wilderness Study Area (WSA). If it does not pass through the WSA, this would be the preferred route of the Ely Field Office.

Section of the EIS has been modified to state that the Caliente-Chalk Mountain Corridor is north and east of the Weepah Springs Wilderness Study Area. As suggested in the Foreword to the EIS and Chapter 6, DOE would conduct additional government consultations and would prepare National Environmental Policy Act reviews, if the repository was approved, to consider alternative alignments within any selected corridor. These would include consultations with the Department of the Interior and other Federal agencies as appropriate to ensure that the alignment posed minimal threats to the Weepah Springs Wilderness Study Area and other areas of concern.

7.5.4 (9360)
- 010259 / 0006
Death Valley National Park will be endangered, as will the delicate plant and animal life that can only be found in that region.

The results of analyses reported in the EIS (Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 8) demonstrate with reasonable expectation that the groundwater, surface water, wildlife, air quality, cultural resources, and aesthetics of Death Valley would not be adversely affected by a repository at Yucca Mountain.

7.5.4 (9799)
- EIS001888 / 0385
[Clark County summary of a comment it received from a member of the public.]

One commenter requested that the nature and duration of changes in the surface ecosystem at Yucca Mountain from waste-generated heat and refluxing water vapor be examined in the EIS for each alternative.

DOE estimated surface temperature changes that could occur as a result of residual heat and presented this information in Section 5.9 of the EIS. The analysis assumed the highest heat case. The nature and areal extent of possible changes to the surface ecosystem were summarized from cited references (DIRS 103618-CRWMS M&O 1999; DIRS 105031-CRWMS M&O 1999). Some repository designs could affect larger areas, but the temperature effects would be smaller in those cases.

7.5.4 (10381)
- EIS001927 / 0016
The DEIS does address certain impacts on other living beings, such as wildlife – although far from adequately. However, one impact conspicuous by its absence is the affect of radioactivity from a Yucca Mountain repository on non-human life forms. Perhaps the human embryo is not the most vulnerable living being to radiation’s harmful effects –- perhaps the embryo of another animal species is. These kinds of radiation impacts go unaddressed in the DEIS. What ecological affect would radiation have on the gene pool of threatened or endangered species such as the desert tortoise that live close to Yucca Mountain? In addition, what affect will the emplaced waste’s high thermal heat have on species such as the desert tortoise, that lay their eggs in the ground, and on plant species that inhabit the surface of the desert land above and near to Yucca Mountain? These are environmental impacts that need to be addressed in an environmental impact statement.

Sections and 5.9 of the EIS discuss the possible impacts of radiation on plants and animals. Releases of radioactive materials, largely noble gases that cannot be incorporated into biological systems, would cause very little exposure to radiation for the plants and animals near the repository (see Section As discussed in Section 5.9 of the EIS, DOE does not expect that the dose rates to plants and animals from groundwater would affect the gene pool or otherwise cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of any species because the rates would be less than 100 millirad per day. The International Atomic Energy Agency concluded that chronic dose rates of less than 100 millirad per day are unlikely to cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of even the more radiosensitive species in terrestrial ecosystems (DIRS 103277-IAEA 1992).

Section 5.9 also discusses the possible ecological changes that could result from increased soil temperatures.

7.5.4 (11780)
- EIS000622 / 0003
There is a proposal for withdrawing 230 square miles for the Yucca Mountain repository, additional to the lands that have already been withdrawn that are bigger than the size of the state of Rhode Island for the Nevada Test Site itself. And as pointed out earlier, there are many, many issues of impacts on plants that are used for medicines and foods, animals that are hunted and used in other ways in the community, things that are used for building, such as willow and that kind of thing, and they seem extremely inadequate. So I would ask that these things be addressed.

Section of the EIS describes the impacts to plants and animals, which would be largely limited to destruction of vegetation and habitat on approximately 3 to 7 square kilometers (about 800 to 1,700 acres) of land within a very large area of similar, undisturbed habitat. None of the plants and animals found at Yucca Mountain are rare or are restricted to that site, so those resources used for medicines, foods, and other uses still would be widely available at other, more accessible locations.

7.5.4 (11958)
- EIS000851 / 0006
I am against a waste depository at Yucca Mountain because:

Yucca Mountain is the habitat of many endangered species, which will cease to exist if radiation poisoning occurs. Waste sites have historically become toxic wastelands.

As described in Section of the EIS, the only threatened or endangered species at Yucca Mountain is the desert tortoise, which is classified as threatened. The primary impacts to this and other species would be the loss of about 3 to 7 square kilometers (about 800 to 1,700 acres) of habitat and the continuation of traffic and human presence. Based on site-specific research, DOE has concluded that construction and operation of the proposed repository would have little effect on the tortoise population in the region, although individuals could be killed. Spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste would be contained inside facilities and the repository, and would not affect plants and animals or turn the site into a wasteland. DOE and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have completed consultation on the potential effects of repository construction, operation, and closure on threatened and endangered species. In its Biological Opinion, the Fish and Wildlife Service concluded that these actions would not jeopardize the continued existence of the Mojave population of the desert tortoise. See Appendix O for the Final Biological Opinion, which includes an unlimited-take provision of tortoises along roads at Yucca Mountain, in part because deaths due to vehicles are anticipated to be infrequent.

7.5.4 (12015)
- 010244 / 0037
The surface aging facility would require an additional 1,600 acres of habitat disturbed. The increase in land disturbance under the S&ER flexible design would cause additional loss of desert tortoise habitat. Microclimate in the immediate vicinity could be affected. Human activities could result in harmful effects, both intentionally and unintentionally, to those fragile resources in the area. How can DOE be so sure disturbing 150,000 acres for the entire repository will not cripple the biodiversity and ecosystem?

The staging area by itself would not require the disturbance of an additional 6.5 square kilometers (1,600 acres) of land, nor would a total of 61 square kilometers (150,000 acres) be disturbed for development of a repository. The maximum amount of previously undisturbed land that would be cleared of vegetation for construction of a repository (for the lower-temperature operating mode, including a surface aging facility), would be about 3.4 to 6.6 square kilometers (840 to 1,620 acres). Those disturbances would be centered in a 150,000-acre area withdrawn from public access. Most of that withdrawal area would remain undisturbed. As described in Section 3.1.4 of the Supplement to the Draft EIS, and in Section 4.1.4 of this EIS, construction of the surface aging facility and other repository facilities would result in additional losses of desert tortoises and other plant and animal species. However, because these species are widespread throughout the region, and that region has large tracts of undisturbed land, the additional loss of those biological resources would not significantly affect the regional biodiversity or ecosystem.

7.5.4 (12922)
- 010281 / 0007
Uncertainties. The DEIS and the Supplement fail to address the future impact of changes taking place in the biosphere, such as the extinction of species and/or the extension of the range of species.

Changes to the biosphere, such as extinction or expansion in the range of a species, were not considered because such events are very uncertain and would require speculative analyses that would not be meaningful to decisionmakers. Vegetation (118)
- 6 comments summarized
Commenters state that the Draft EIS fails to adequately address the impacts of the Proposed Action on vegetation in affected Nevada counties. Noxious weeds are a major problem in Nevada and the western United States. They threaten the livelihood of everyone who depends on the use of the range. They are easily spread by motor vehicles, humans, wind, and livestock, and they are difficult or impossible to control once established. Disturbed soils are especially vulnerable to colonization by noxious weeds. The EIS fails to include a detailed analysis of potential impacts from the spread of noxious or invasive weeds with regard to the repository, transportation, highway improvements, and other possible activities. In addition, Executive Order 13112 states, in part, that no Federal agency shall authorize, fund, or carry out actions that it believes are likely to cause or promote the spread of invasive weed species unless, pursuant to guidelines that it has prescribed, the benefits of the action outweigh the potential harm caused by invasive species; and that all feasible and prudent measures to minimize risk or harm be taken in conjunction with the actions.

Commenters also state that the Draft EIS must analyze the potential impacts of the Proposed Action on the spread of noxious weeds, including their potential effects on native flora, during both construction and operation of the repository. Specifically, it must identify vectors that would be created or enlarged for the spread of such weeds, and the consequences of possible infestations. The EIS must also describe the known habitats and sites of rare and sensitive plants and identify potential disturbance during construction and operation as a result of the establishment of access to alternative transportation routes. The EIS must also address efforts to prevent the spread of noxious weeds.

DOE added a description of potential impacts from exotic species or noxious weeds to the Final EIS. Section 3.1.5 identifies exotic species that are present and abundant in the Yucca Mountain area. Sections,, and identify impacts from construction of a repository, branch rail line, and heavy-haul truck route. Sections and 9.2.4 describe mitigation for preventing or reducing the spread of exotic species or noxious weeds. Sections,, and contain information about potential impacts on rare and sensitive plants. (4560)
- EIS001521 / 0073
Page 3-61, Figure 3-18--What does the boundary designation "between two individual vegetation coverages" mean? It is not discussed in the text. Why not use the "analyzed land withdrawal area" as noted on page 3-60, first paragraph? Also, the analyzed area on this figure does not match that on page 1-16, Figure 1-6, which was used for other proposed-repository studies--why not?

The land cover types of the analyzed land withdrawal area, as defined in Section 1.4.1 of the Draft EIS, were adapted from two sources referenced in Section The "boundary" in Figure 3-21 defined the sources of the land cover types. The land cover types within the boundary and closer to the proposed repository location (adapted from
DIRS 104589-CRWMS M&O 1998) were mapped in greater detail than the rest of the land withdrawal area (adapted from DIRS 103670-Utah State University 1996). Land cover types within the boundary have a higher degree of accuracy because of this detail and because they were validated in the field (DIRS 104589-CRWMS M&O 1998). The land withdrawal area is essentially the same in Figures 1-6 and 3-21. In the Final EIS, the boundary line has been removed from this figure to avoid confusion. (5604)
- EIS001887 / 0230
Page 4-31; Table 4-11 - Land cover types in the analyzed land withdrawal area and the amount of each that repository construction and disposal of excavated rock would disturb (square kilometers).

It is interesting that the DOE did acknowledge potentially adverse consequences to the ecosystem from different thermal loading schemes in this table. However, the thermal loading issue with respect to biological resources is avoided in Table 4-12, page 4-35, which summarizes overall impacts from the repository, by stopping the summary after repository closure and ignoring the critical long-term ecosystem impacts. This is further discussed in Attachments G, F, O, and P.

DOE did not avoid the thermal loading issue in the Draft EIS as described in the comment and elaborated on in the attachments. Chapter 4 of the Draft EIS and the Final EIS describes only impacts from repository construction, operation and monitoring, and closure. Table 4-12 documents the construction activities associated with the thermal loading scenarios that would disturb different amounts of land cover types. Table 4-13 has consistent information. Section 5.9 of the EIS discusses potential long-term impacts to the ecosystem from thermal loading. These sections have been modified in the Final EIS to reflect the flexible design in the supplement to the Draft EIS. (6665)
- EIS001878 / 0043
The DEIS underestimates the difficulty of storing topsoil, returning it to a site, and revegetating disturbed areas in Nevada’s arid climate. (p. 4-23)

DOE spent several years during site characterization conducting reclamation feasibility studies designed to identify and improve methods of reclamation in arid environments (DIRS 146287-CRWMS M&O 1999) and understands the difficulties associated with the process. These studies were focused on identifying and improving the techniques for site preparation, revegetation, soil stabilization, and topsoil stockpiling. Methods for maintenance of topsoil viability stockpiled for both short term (up to 6 months) and long term (several years) were examined. From these studies, an array of standard reclamation techniques were identified that could be selected from, and applied to, sites based on type of disturbance, soil type and depth, vegetation community, and topography. DOE has used these techniques to reclaim disturbances caused by site characterization activities in Mojave and Great Basin desert upland plant communities. (12074)
- EIS002311 / 0003
In section 5.9, the DEIS is arguably incorrect about the statement "A shift in plant species composition, if any, would be limited to the area within 500 meters of the repository footprint [that is, as much as 8 square kilometers (2,000 acres)], with greatest change within the central 3 square kilometers (740 acres) for the high thermal load scenario," because it fails to consider that the new heat tolerant plants that out-compete the native species within the aforementioned area, will likely continue to spread beyond this area as its biomass increases, and the chemical reactions carried out by the plant itself could further change the soil composition. This could make it more difficult for native species to thrive.

The EIS does not suggest that there would be "new" heat tolerant plants. The suggested shift in species composition refers to plant species that currently exist and are adapted to naturally warmer and dryer sites (for example, low elevation, south slopes) in the Yucca Mountain area. Many of these are native plant species (DIRS 105031-CRWMS M&O 1999). An increase in heat tolerant species within the affected area does not mean that those species would have a competitive advantage in cooler areas beyond the repository footprint. (12085)
- EIS002307 / 0002
The DEIS is incorrect in saying that there will be few human health impacts from the repository because the effects on vegetation due to temperature changes (cited in Section 5.10 of the DEIS) are not taken into account.

Section 5.9 of the EIS discusses the effects on vegetation due to temperature changes from repository heat. If they occurred, they would be localized to the area just above and adjacent to the repository, an area that would remain remote from human activities. Because there is no reasonable way that possible changes to small areas of native vegetation could affect human health, they were not included in Section 5.10 of the EIS, where DOE concluded that any potential impacts to human health in the future would be dominated by impacts from radioactive materials in the waterborne pathway. Wildlife (39)
- 2 comments summarized
Commenters state that the Draft EIS does not adequately assess possible impacts of the proposed project on desert bighorn sheep in the region. Threats to bighorn sheep include ingesting contaminated water at surface springs in Death Valley and surrounding wetlands and fragmentation of habitat from the transport of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. Currently, there are no major barriers such as roads or fences to movement by bighorn sheep in the area lying north (and west) of Interstate 15 in California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. The EIS should evaluate the impacts to bighorn sheep from the creation of barriers and habitat modification or fragmentation caused by the proposed Project. Impacts of increased volumes and speed of traffic should also be examined.

Except for possible upgrading, DOE does not plan to modify existing public highways in California or elsewhere that would be used to transport materials, personnel, or legal-weight truck shipments of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste to Yucca Mountain. Therefore, additional information on those routes is not necessary. Transportation-related habitat fragmentation would occur only if a highway in Nevada would have to be upgraded for heavy-haul trucks or during construction of a branch rail line in Nevada. The Environmental Baseline File for Biological Resources was used to compile the biological sections of the EIS (
DIRS 104593-CRWMS M&O 1999) describes and maps bighorn sheep populations and migration patterns near the routes being considered and Sections and of the EIS highlight the sheep populations most likely to be affected. DOE acknowledges in Section and elsewhere in the EIS that construction of some transportation routes could disrupt movements of game animals.

DOE agrees that additional, site-specific information would be necessary prior to construction of a branch rail line or road upgrades to support heavy-haul shipping. However, DOE believes that the EIS provides sufficient information on impacts to biological resources to make decisions regarding the basic approaches (for example, mostly rail or mostly truck shipments), as well as the choice among alternative transportation corridors in the State of Nevada. DOE anticipates that the project plan and design would continue to evolve, creating additional opportunities for mitigation and potentially eliminating the need for some mitigation measures currently under consideration. Chapter 9 of the EIS identifies DOE-determined impact-reduction features, procedures and safeguards, and mitigation measures under consideration for inclusion in the project plan and design. Chapter 9 also identifies ongoing studies that could eventually influence mitigation measures related to the project plan and design. As noted in the EIS Foreword, Chapter 6, and elsewhere, if a repository was constructed at Yucca Mountain, DOE would conduct a more detailed assessment of the potential impacts on wildlife habitat and wildlife movements along transportation routes in Nevada. Impacts to bighorn sheep and other wildlife resources would be more fully evaluated at that time and mitigation measures would be developed. (117)
- 4 comments summarized
Commenters stated that the Draft EIS did not sufficiently analyze impacts of repository construction and operation on animals, especially the desert tortoise. The Draft EIS notes that five tortoises were killed on roads during site characterization activities, and that death or displacement of individual members of some animal species, including the desert tortoise, as a result of site clearing and vehicle traffic would be unavoidable. Commenters wanted to know what the impacts would be from an increase in traffic and other activities on desert tortoises and other animals and whether this would cause tortoises to become extinct.

Impacts of repository construction and operation on desert plants and animals would result from the disturbance of about 3 to 7 square kilometers (about 800 to 1,700 acres) of desert habitat, the continuation of human presence and activities, and an increase in traffic to Yucca Mountain. Those impacts have been analyzed based upon a large amount of research and information about the desert environment at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 104593-CRWMS M&O 1999). As summarized in Section of the EIS, adverse impacts on regional populations of animals, including the desert tortoise, would be minimal and largely undetectable in part because the impacts would be restricted to a small area and the animal species found at Yucca Mountain are widespread throughout the region. Traffic and other site characterization activities during about 1991 to 1995 had no detectable effect on populations of desert tortoises and other animals monitored (DIRS 104593-CRWMS M&O 1999). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued a Final Biological Opinion that concluded repository construction, operation, and closure would not jeopardize the continued existence of the Mojave population of the desert tortoise (see Appendix O for the Final Opinion). (1847)
- EIS000367 / 0003
The animals, the water in the area, if it does get contaminated, it will affect the pupfish, a very rare species that is in Death Valley, the bighorn sheep that live in the area around that area, and then just the natural people that live in this area, Inyo County, all the way in a big circle, the whole Great Basin.

The flowpath for groundwater beneath Yucca Mountain is described in Section of the EIS to be to Jackass Flats, to the Amargosa Desert, and then southward to the primary point of discharge at Alkali Flat southeast of Death Valley Junction. Although the flowpath in the Amargosa Desert is near Ash Meadows and Devils Hole where pupfish occur, these resources would not be effected. However, in this area there is marked decline of 64 meters (210 feet) or more in the water table elevation between Devils Hole and the low axis (Carson Slough) of the Amargosa Desert to the west and south. This elevation decline indicates that the groundwater flow from the carbonate rocks of the Devils Hole Hills is westward across Ash Meadows toward the Amargosa Desert, not the other way around. Therefore, contamination from Yucca Mountain could not discharge to the surface nor contaminate the aquifers at Ash Meadows or Devils Hole.

The calculations in Chapter 5 of the EIS indicate that predicted long-term levels of radionuclide concentration in groundwater and the resulting dose levels at the predicted discharge area in Amargosa Valley, Nevada, would be low. DOE does not expect that the dose rates to plants and animals at that location would cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of any species because the rates would be less than 100 millirad per day. The International Atomic Energy Agency concluded that chronic dose rates of less than 100 millirad per day are unlikely to cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of even the more radiosensitive species in terrestrial ecosystems (DIRS 103277-IAEA 1992). DOE recognizes in the EIS that some groundwater reaching Alkali Flat may bypass this playa area and continue on into the Death Valley basin which would require first moving through the areas of Tecopa and Shoshone. DOE also recognizes that a small fraction of the groundwater flow beneath the Amargosa Desert might flow through fractures in the relatively impermeable Precambrian rocks in the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains toward spring discharge points in the Furnace Creek Wash area of Death Valley. In either case, any concentrations reaching these areas of Death Valley would be even less than the concentrations presented in Chapter 5 of the EIS for the discharge location at Alkali Flat (Franklin Lake Playa), because concentrations would decline with distance from the proposed repository. (4146)
- EIS001206 / 0001
The discussion of Impacts to Biological Resources and Soils from Performance Confirmation (Section is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of the loss of unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations and the genetic potential of these populations at the northern extremes of this species range. It is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of increases in traffic on unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations at the northern extremes of this species range due to this activity. It is inadequate because it fails to adequately consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of increases in raven populations and their increased levels of predation on unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations at the northern extremes of this species range due to this activity.

The discussion of Impacts to Biological Resources from Construction, Operation, and Monitoring and Closure (Section is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of the loss of unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations and the genetic potential of these populations at the northern extremes of this species range. It is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of increases in traffic on unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations at the northern extremes of this species range due to this activity. It is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of increases in raven populations and their increased levels of predation on unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations at the northern extremes of this species range due to this activity.

The discussion of Impacts to Biological Resources from Retrieval (Section is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of the loss of unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations and the genetic potential of these populations at the northern extremes of this species range. It is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications increases in traffic on unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations at the northern extremes of this species range due to this activity. It is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of increases in raven populations and their increased levels of predation on unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations at the northern extremes of this species range due to this activity.

The discussion of Consequences to Biological Resources and Soils (Section is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of the loss of unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations and the genetic potential of these populations at the northern extremes of this species range. It is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of increases in traffic on unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations at the northern extremes of this species range due to this activity. It is inadequate because it fails to properly consider and address the regional and rangewide implications of increases in raven populations and their increased levels of predation on unique desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations at the northern extremes of this species range due to this activity. It is inadequate because it incorrectly asserts that "Desert tortoises are rare or absent on or around playas..." Recent work by Dave McCullough (pers. com.) in the vicinity of Ivanpah Dry Lake has found the desert tortoises are much more common in Atriplex sp. Communities surrounding playas than was previously believed. Therefore, discharge of radioactive and toxic effluent would pose a more significant threat than is currently being considered.

DOE did consider the regional and rangewide implications of the Proposed Action, the loss of genetic potential, and impacts of traffic and ravens on desert tortoises and concluded in Chapter 4 of the EIS that the loss of a small number of tortoises along roads and at the proposed repository site would not affect the genetic potential or the long-term survival of the local or regional population of this species. In addition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has issued a Final Biological Opinion that repository construction, operation, and closure would not jeopardize the continued existence of the Mojave population of the desert tortoise (see Appendix O of the EIS for the Final Opinion). Research at Yucca Mountain during site characterization confirms that activities similar to those proposed have little effect on tortoises adjacent to disturbances (DIRS 104294-CRWMS M&O 1999). The abundance of ravens at Yucca Mountain was not influenced by construction activities at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 103195-CRWMS M&O 1998) and ravens were not an important predator of young tortoises in this area (DIRS 102236-CRWMS M&O 1998). Section of the Final EIS has been modified to clarify the conclusion that the Proposed Action would not affect desert tortoise populations.

The Atriplex plant community in Ivanpah Valley is substantially different from plant communities near playas in southern Nye County. Information from surveys of desert tortoises in Nye County show that tortoises are rare or absent near playas in this region (DIRS 101914-Rautenstrauch and O’Farrell 1998). (4351)
- EIS001182 / 0004
What consideration had been given to the impact on desert fauna, reptiles, insects and spiders?

Impacts to all desert fauna known to occur at Yucca Mountain were considered in Sections 4.1.4, 5.9,, 8.2.4, and of the EIS. Because these species are widespread throughout the region, DOE concluded that the deaths of a few individuals and loss of 3 to 7 square kilometers (800 to 1,700 acres) of habitat would have little impact on the regional populations of those species. (5752)
- EIS001887 / 0356
Page 9-6; Section 9.2.3 - Biological Resources and Soils

In this section, the focus is almost exclusively on the desert tortoise and not on other components of the ecosystem or on the ecosystem itself. Additionally, there is no consideration of risks associated with mitigation. For these and other reasons (Attachments [to this comment document] D, G, M; Clark and Canter, 1997; Ortolano, 1997; Westman, 1985), the section is inadequate.

DOE does not agree that Section 9.2.3 of the EIS is inadequate, as the comment and attachments contend. The primary focus in Sections 9.2.4 and 9.3.4 of the EIS is the desert tortoise because it is the only federally listed threatened species at the site and because there are few other impacts to biological resources or the ecosystem identified in the EIS that require mitigation. The proposed mitigation measures have been developed in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Service has issued a Final Biological Opinion that repository construction, operation and monitoring and closure would not jeopardize the continued existence of the Mojave population of the desert tortoise (see Appendix O of the EIS for the Final Opinion). (6068)
- EIS001898 / 0011
The DEIS may not adequately bound the uncertainty in the predictions of heat generated from radioactive decay during long-term repository performance and the potential effects of this heat generation on fauna.


Although most vertebrate species have genetically fixed sex determination, it is now known that chelonians (tortoises and turtles) undergo temperature dependent sex determination (TSD). Spotila (1994) shows that the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), a federally listed threatened species of the Mojave Desert, is subject to this effect. Research shows that the temperature that produces a 50:50 sex ratio is 31.8°C. Desert tortoise eggs have good hatching success between 28 and 33°C, but suffer high mortality at temperatures below 26 or above 35.3°C. Temperatures between 26.0 and 30.6°C produce mostly males (temperatures 28°C and below produce 100 percent males) and temperatures between 32.8 and 35.3°C produce mostly females (temperatures above 33°C produce 100 percent females) (Spotila et al., 1998). Lewis-Winokur and Winokur (1995) confirm that the pivotal temperature is between 31 and 32°C and indicated that a lowering of 1.6°C (from 31 to 29.4°C) resulted in all male hatchlings.

The modeling of surface soil temperature for the proposed site produces uncertain results. TRW Environmental Safety Systems, Inc. (1999, page 44) states "...current predictions are somewhat uncertain due to uncertainties in the thermal properties of the soil, particularly thermal conductivity and, hence, thermal diffusivity." This source further states that "analyses based on conventional soil heat-conduction models indicate that the original time scale of the measurements collected at the site (weekly to monthly) could not be used to accurately estimate the soil thermal conductivity for the sampling depths chosen (15, 30 and 45 cm)." However, substantial temperature effects on desert tortoise sex determination have been shown to occur within a range of plus or minus 3°C. Therefore, it is important for the FEIS to clarify the range of soil temperatures associated with the geologic repository and discuss impacts, if any, on protected or endangered species.


The assessment of the contribution of thermal loading on increased soil temperature should be refined in the FEIS. Soil temperature modeling should take into account the substantial uncertainties in thermal conductivity in Yucca Mountain soils thereby enabling an assessment of the potential impacts to the desert tortoise from increased soil temperatures.


Lewis-Winokur, V., and R.M. Winokur. Incubation temperature affects sexual differentiation, incubation time, and posthatching survival in desert tortoises [Gopherus agassizi(sic)]. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73(11):2091-2097. 1955.

Spotilla, J.R., L.C. Zimmerman, C.A. Binckley, J.S. Grumbles, D.C. Rostal, A. List, Jr., E.C. Beyer, K.M. Philips, and S.J. Kemp. Effects of incubation conditions on sex determination, hatching success, and growth of hatchling desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii. Herpetological Monographs 8: 103-116. 1994.

TRW Environmental Safety Systems, Inc. Impact of Radioactive Waste Heat on Soil Temperatures. BA0000000=01717-5700-00030. Revision 0. Las Vegas, NV: TRW Environmental Safety Systems, Inc.: 37-44. 1999.

The statement in the Draft EIS on page 5-47, "There is considerable uncertainty in the estimates of soil temperature increases due to uncertainties in the thermal properties of the soil…" is misleading. There are some uncertainties in the thermal properties of the soil but these do not cause "considerable uncertainty" in the estimates of soil temperature increase. DOE has revised the text of the EIS to reflect this. While the Department acknowledges that some uncertainties exist in thermal properties of Yucca Mountain soils, the EIS modeling effort used the best available information for predicting average soil temperature increases. The model did not use the weekly to monthly soil temperatures to which the commenter refers because the time scale "could not be used to accurately estimate the soil thermal conductivity" (DIRS 103618-CRWMS M&O 1999). Rather, it used only hourly soil temperature measurements, which allowed the use of diurnal fluctuations to estimate the thermal diffusivity of the soil and provided a calibration for the thermal diffusivities modeled for wet, dry, and nominal soils. The thermal diffusivity obtained from the hourly soil temperature measurements was similar to that estimated for soils under wet conditions. Therefore, the thermal diffusivity estimated for dry soil represents a conservative value on predicted soil temperature increase, and the "available data suggest very modest temperature rises due to repository heat effects" (DIRS 103618-CRWMS M&O 1999). DOE has revised the EIS to clarify the reasons why dry soil thermal conductivity provides a conservative prediction of soil temperature increase. Temperature changes used to evaluate impacts were based on dry soils, and therefore cover the range of possible effects of soil warming on desert tortoises and other biological resources.

As described in Section 5.9 of the EIS, based on these conservative calculations, the predicted increase in soil temperature at the shallow depth at which tortoises lay eggs would be very small compared to the range of natural variation in soil temperatures at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 105031-CRWMS M&O 1999) and the range of temperatures at which desert tortoise eggs have been successfully incubated. This small change in temperature, therefore, should have no adverse affect on tortoise eggs. Because of this and the small size of the affected area [about 3 square kilometers (740 acres)], DOE believes that impacts to the desert tortoise from heat generated by the proposed repository would be minimal. (6542)
- EIS001632 / 0039
Page 4-33: DOE should plan to construct the evaporation ponds with side slopes or a ramp to facilitate wildlife use.

DOE would consider providing escape ramps from trenches, including ponds and basins, as a mitigation measure (see Section of the EIS). (6543)
- EIS001632 / 0040
Page 4-35: While the impact on the threatened desert tortoise population is unclear (see comment on section, EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] questions whether the impact should be rated as low or very low. Some federally listed desert tortoises were killed during site characterization and more will likely be killed during construction, operation and monitoring, and closure. With increased human activity and traffic over the life of the project, the increases may be significant. EPA notes that DOE is obtaining a Biological Opinion from the Fish and Wildlife Service (page 4-33); any mitigation/conditions for protecting the tortoise should be listed in the final EIS.

The loss of a small number of tortoises along roads and at the repository site would not affect the long-term survival of the local or regional population of desert tortoises. Tortoises are widespread throughout the region and large tracts of undisturbed tortoise habitat surround Yucca Mountain. Research at Yucca Mountain during site characterization confirms that activities similar to those proposed would have little effect on adjacent populations (DIRS 104294-CRWMS M&O 1999). Only five Desert Tortoise deaths have been attributed to site characterization activities. The rate of tortoise mortality would remain comparable to that observed during site characterization because the amount of traffic would be similar. Under the legal-weight truck scenario, the repository would receive about 40 shipments a day of supplies, materials, and equipment (Section J.3.6.1 of the EIS), and up to six shipments of spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive waste (Section J.1.2.1 of the EIS). During site characterization, the daily average number of vehicles passing traffic counters in 1993 and 1994 was between 40 and 55 (DIRS 104294-CRWMS M&O 1999). DOE and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have completed consultation on the potential effects of repository construction, operation, and monitoring and closure on threatened and endangered species. In its Biological Opinion, the Fish and Wildlife Service concluded that these actions would not jeopardize the continued existence of the Mojave population of the desert tortoise. That Opinion includes an unlimited take provision of tortoises along roads at Yucca Mountain, in part because deaths due to vehicles are anticipated to be infrequent. (See Appendix O of the EIS for the Biological Opinion.) Section 4.1.4 of the Final EIS has been modified to better explain the conclusion that the Proposed Action would not affect the tortoise population. (7741)
- EIS002016 / 0002
The wildlife will be exposed since you are going to store it in Yucca Mountain.

DOE anticipates that some bats and other animals could use the tunnels as they are excavated; however, after emplacement of materials, the tunnels would be sealed and exposure of wildlife to the emplaced materials would be inconsequential. Releases of radioactive materials, largely noble gases that cannot be incorporated into biological systems, would cause very little exposure to radiation for the plants and animals near the repository (see Section of the EIS). Furthermore, DOE does not expect that the dose rates to plants and animals would cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of any species because the rates would be less than 100 millirad per day. The International Atomic Energy Agency concluded that chronic dose rates of less than 100 millirad per day are unlikely to cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of even the more radiosensitive species in terrestrial ecosystems (DIRS 103277-IAEA 1992). (7926)
- EIS002004 / 0002
I am concerned about the nuclear waste that is going to be stored at Yucca Mountain, which is located nearby.

The wildlife and water supply could be [severely] damaged by this.

DOE does not anticipate that the dose rates to plants and animals would cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of any species because those rates would be less than 100 millirad per day. The International Atomic Energy Agency concluded that chronic dose rates of less than 100 millirad per day are unlikely to cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of even the more radiosensitive species in terrestrial ecosystems (DIRS 103277-IAEA 1992). As summarized in Chapter 5 of the EIS, calculations indicate that predicted long-term levels of radionuclide concentrations in groundwater, and the resulting dose levels, would be very low. As stated in Section a small amount of groundwater might move beyond the primary groundwater discharge point at Alkali Flat (Franklin Lake Playa) and continue into the Death Valley basin via the areas of Tecopa and Shoshone. It is also recognized in the EIS that a small fraction of the groundwater beneath the Amargosa Desert might flow through fractures in the relatively impermeable Precambrian rocks in the southeastern end of the Funeral Mountains toward spring discharge points in the Furnace Creek Wash area of Death Valley. In either case, any concentrations reaching these areas of Death Valley would be even less than the concentrations presented in Chapter 5 for the discharge location at Alkali Flat (Franklin Lake Playa), because concentrations would decline with distance from the proposed repository. (9373)
- EIS001888 / 0079
The Clark County Desert Conservation Plan is administered by the Environmental Division of the Department of Comprehensive Planning. The Environmental Division, the scientific community and other stakeholders are deeply concerned about any activity that may threaten the species’ survival in the wild and its recoverability. Comments1 submitted by the Environmental Division reflects the opinions regarding potential impacts on the desert tortoise of conservation and biological experts.

This group pointed out the insufficiency of the DEIS due to the lack of consideration of the well-being of the desert tortoise during various phases of repository construction, operation, monitoring and closure. Potential effects on the desert tortoise due to transportation by rail or highway were also discussed. A copy of this document is included to this report as Attachment A and is incorporated by reference to the present comments.

1Cannon Center for Survey Research. Quality of Life in Las Vegas. Report. City of Las Vegas, Nevada, 1999.

DOE did consider the regional and rangewide implications of the Proposed Action, the loss of genetic potential, and impacts of traffic and ravens on desert tortoises. This analysis was based on a large amount of site-specific information on the desert tortoise population at Yucca Mountain. DOE therefore disagrees that the analysis of effects on desert tortoises is insufficient. Sections and of the Final EIS was modified in response to comments by the Clark County Department of Comprehensive Planning to better explain DOE’s conclusions about the potential impacts of traffic, habitat loss, and ravens on tortoises at Yucca Mountain and add references to reports summarizing research on desert tortoises. Section of the Final EIS was modified to acknowledge that the Proposed Action would affect some individual desert tortoises but would not negatively affect regional populations of desert tortoises, jeopardize the continued existence of the species, or result in adverse modification of designated critical habitat. (9801)
- EIS001888 / 0387
[Clark County summary of comments it has received from the public.]

Commenters stated that the EIS, based on field surveys prior to further ground disturbance, should thoroughly examine the impacts to biological/natural resources during all phases of repository development. Commenters suggested that the analyses address: (1) critical habitats for threatened, endangered, and sensitive species, including impacts from radiation exposure during accident-free operations and from accidents.

DOE considered impacts to biological resources during all phases of repository development and provides a summary of those impacts in Table 4-13 of the EIS. No critical habitats for threatened, endangered, or other sensitive species would occur at the repository location. Information presented in Section indicates that differences in water table elevations show the Amargosa Desert groundwater, which includes flow from beneath the Yucca Mountain area, does not flow toward Ash Meadows and Devils Hole (rather, the flow is in the opposite direction). Therefore, no contamination from Yucca Mountain could flow into these areas and threaten listed species or their critical habitat. As discussed in Section 5.9 of the EIS, DOE does not anticipate that the radiological dose rates to plants and animals would cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of any species because the dose rates would be less than 100 millirad per day. The International Atomic Energy Agency concluded that chronic dose rates of less than 100 millirad per day are unlikely to cause measurable detrimental effects in populations of even the more radiosensitive species in terrestrial ecosystems (DIRS 103277-IAEA 1992). (10717)
- EIS000715 / 0002
Threatened species are defined as plants and animals whose numbers are very low or decreasing rapidly, so it is imperative to the tortoise’s survival that it be protected in all proposals concerning Yucca Mountain.

The DEIS notes that from 1989 to 1998, five (5) tortoises were killed by vehicles on roads in the Yucca Mountain region as a result of site characterization activities. However, the DEIS makes light of the fact that several thousand trucks could potentially be travelling on current and new roads in the Yucca Mountain region if the repository is built. If five tortoises were killed in a period of relatively light activity, how many more tortoises will be killed if Yucca Mountain is licensed as a repository, and there are more roads, cars, and trucks? Once again the DEIS has failed to adequately address environmental impacts.

The desert tortoise could also be affected by an increase in soil temperature. Desert tortoises burrow into the soil in order to escape the great heat of the desert. If the temperature of the soil increases (because of the heat generated by the nuclear waste), the tortoise’s ability to survive may be compromised. The DEIS also notes that nest temperature determines whether desert tortoise’s hatchlings will be male or female. If the temperature of the soil around the repository increases, the sex ratio of the species could be affected, thus compromising the ability of the species to thrive and survive. The DOE admits, "little is known about the effects that minor alterations in habitat would have on desert tortoise population dynamics (p. 5-48)."

The DOE also admits that not much is known about the thermal properties of the soil at Yucca Mountain, particularly thermal conductivity, and so that there is considerable uncertainty in the estimates of soil temperature changes from the repository. The possibility that the repository could cause an unforeseen effect on heating up the desert soil to a dangerous level coupled with the increased risk of death from vehicles could lead to severe consequences for the desert tortoise. Yet, the DEIS does not characterize these potential effects clearly or take them seriously.

In Section of the EIS, DOE concluded that the loss of a small number of desert tortoises along roads and at the repository site would not affect the long-term survival of the local or regional population of this species. In addition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has issued a Final Biological Opinion stating that repository construction, operation and monitoring, and closure would not jeopardize the continued existence of the Mojave population of the desert tortoise (see Appendix O of the EIS for the Final Opinion). The rate of tortoise mortality would remain comparable to that observed during site characterization because the amount of traffic would be similar. Under the legal-weight truck scenario, the repository would receive about 40 shipments a day of supplies, materials, and equipment (Section J.3.6.1 of the EIS), and six shipments of spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive waste (Section J.1.2.1 of the EIS). During site characterization, the daily average number of vehicles passing traffic counters in 1993 and 1994 was between 40 and 55 (DIRS 104294-CRWMS M&O 1999). Section 4.1.4 of the Final EIS has been modified to better explain conclusions about impacts to desert tortoises.

To account for uncertainties in the thermal properties of soil at Yucca Mountain, the predicted temperature changes used to evaluate impacts on biological resources were calculated based on the properties of dry soils, which have a lower thermal conductivity than soil conditions measured at Yucca Mountain (see EIS Section 5.9 of the EIS). These predictions therefore bound the possible effects of soil warming on desert tortoises and other biological resources. Section 5.9 has been modified to clarify the discussion of uncertainty.

As described in Section 5.9 of the EIS, the predicted increase in soil temperature at the shallow depth that tortoises lay eggs would be very small compared to the range of natural variation in soil temperatures at Yucca Mountain (DIRS 105031-CRWMS M&O 1999) and the range of temperatures at which desert tortoise eggs have been successfully incubated. This small change in temperature therefore should have no adverse effects on tortoise eggs. Because of this and the small size of the affected area [about 3 square kilometers (740 acres)], DOE believes that impacts to the desert tortoise from heat generated by the repository would be minimal. Wetlands (6667)
- EIS001878 / 0044
The discussion of the floodplain and wetlands assessment of transportation options (p. 4-24) is in the wrong section of the DEIS.

This comment refers to Section of the EIS, which describes possible alterations of the natural surface-water drainages in the area if the project was to proceed. The floodplain/wetlands assessment mentioned in this section is an appropriate reference to the full assessment in Appendix L. Soils (8884)
- EIS001834 / 0025
The DOE admits that not much is known about the thermal properties of the soil at Yucca Mountain, particularly thermal conductivity, and so that there is considerable uncertainty in the estimates of soil temperature changes from the repository. The possibility that the repository could cause an unforeseen effect of heating up the desert soil to a dangerous level coupled with the increased risk of death from vehicles could lead to severe consequences for the desert tortoise. Yet, the DEIS does not characterize these potential effects clearly or take them seriously.

The desert tortoise and other plants and animals could also be affected by an increase in soil temperature. Desert tortoises burrow into the soil in order to escape the great heat of the desert. If the temperature of the soil increases (because of the heat generated by the nuclear waste), the tortoise’s ability to survive may be compromised. The DEIS also notes that nest temperature determines whether desert tortoise hatchlings will be male or female. If the temperature of the soil around the repository increases, the sex ratio of the species could be affected, thus compromising the ability of the species to thrive and survive. The DOE admits, "…little is known about the effects that minor alterations in habitat would have on desert tortoise population dynamics (p. 5-48)." More research needs to be done in order to accurately predict the potential impacts on this threatened species.

To account for uncertainties in the thermal properties of soil at Yucca Mountain, DOE calculated predicted temperature changes used to evaluate impacts on biological resources based on the properties of dry soils, which have a lower thermal conductivity than soil conditions measured at Yucca Mountain (see Section 5.9 of the EIS). These predictions, therefore, cover the range of the possible effects of soil warming on desert tortoises and other biological resources. DOE has modified Section 5.9 to clarify the discussion of uncertainty.

As described in Section 5.9 of the EIS, soil would not heat to dangerous levels. The predicted increase in soil temperature at the shallow depth tortoises lay eggs would very small compared to the range of natural variation in soil temperatures at Yucca Mountain (
DIRS 105031-CRWMS M&O 1999) and the range of temperatures at which desert tortoise eggs have been successfully incubated. This small change in temperature, therefore, should have no adverse effects on tortoise eggs or tortoises in burrows. Because of this and the small size of the affected area [about 3 square kilometers (740 acres)], DOE believes that impacts to the desert tortoise from heat generated by the proposed repository would be minimal.

The rate of tortoise mortality due to vehicles would remain comparable to that observed during site characterization because the amount of traffic would be similar. Under the legal-weight truck scenario, the repository would receive about 40 shipments a day of supplies, materials, and equipment (Section J.3.6.1 of the EIS), and six shipments of spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive waste (Section J.1.2.1 of the EIS). During site characterization, the daily average number of vehicles passing traffic counters in 1993 and 1994 was between 40 and 55 (DIRS 104294-CRWMS M&O 1999).

7.5.5 Cultural Resources

7.5.5 (225)
- 11 comments summarized
A number of commenters noted that the "Programmatic Agreement Between the U.S. Department of Energy and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for the Nuclear Waste Deep Geologic Repository, Yucca Mountain, Nevada" is 10 years old. They noted that the existing agreement does not reflect new standards that emphasize public involvement and alternative data recovery as a mitigation measure. Commenters also noted that the existing programmatic agreement does not address linear transportation (rail and heavy-haul truck) routes or intermodal transfer stations.

One commenter noted that the text in Section 9.2.4 of the Draft EIS related to the programmatic agreement is incorrect. The commenter noted that DOE states the agreement contains the requirements and general procedures for mitigation of adverse effects at the Yucca Mountain region. The commenter indicates, however, that the agreement deals strictly with identification, evaluation, and treatment of historic properties in advance of characterization activities.

Commenters requested that the existing programmatic agreement be replaced with a new agreement that reflects amendments to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1992 and the revised regulations in 36 CFR Part 800, including provisions for dealing with unavoidable adverse impacts. The State Historic Preservation Officer expressed concerns that the land withdrawal for the repository effectively prevents access to Native American cultural practitioners, as well as to archaeologists for research purposes. Commenters believed a new agreement should be developed in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Native American Tribes that consider Yucca Mountain culturally and religiously significant.

One commenter asked that DOE provide a copy of the programmatic agreement and the research design and data recovery plan. The commenter suggested that these documents should appear in an EIS appendix.

The existing Programmatic Agreement between DOE and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation covers cultural resource preservation requirements for site characterization activities at Yucca Mountain. DOE recognizes that the construction and operation of the proposed repository and transportation corridors would require a new Programmatic Agreement. If a decision was made to develop the Yucca Mountain site as a geologic repository, DOE would interact with the Advisory Council, the Nevada State Historic Preservation Officer, the involved Native American tribes and organizations, and other interested parties, and complete a new Programmatic Agreement pursuant to amended guidelines in 36 CFR Part 800, Section 106. The new agreement would include provisions for dealing with unavoidable adverse impacts pursuant to 36 CFR 800.14(b). DOE has modified the text in Section 9.2.5 of the EIS to reflect the intent of the Programmatic Agreement.

DOE recognizes the importance of preserving the integrity of Native American resources and sites, to the extent possible, during the development and operation of the proposed repository, and in the event of any retrieval actions. Regular interaction with Native American tribes and organizations, as described in Section of the EIS, has occurred and will continue through the Yucca Mountain Native American Interaction Program to ensure the identification and evaluation of issues important to those tribes and organizations. DOE and the Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations recognize that restrictions on public access to the area would occur but also recognize that this is generally beneficial and protective of cultural resources. In the case of impacts that cannot be avoided, DOE would consult with Native American tribal representatives to ensure the implementation of the most appropriate mitigation measures to reduce or control any adverse effects.

With regard to existing documentation, a copy of the 1988 Programmatic Agreement (
DIRS 104558-DOE 1998) is available in the Yucca Mountain Project Reading Room, as is the 1992 Environmental Field Activity Plan for Archaeological Resources (DIRS 103198-YMP 1992). DOE believes that their inclusion in an EIS appendix is not necessary because any new agreements and plans would supersede them, as discussed above.

7.5.5 (1542)
- EIS000357 / 0001
Impacts on American Indian communities are specified in more detail than other communities. There seems to be some bias that the only traditional cultural properties considered are those related to American Indian communities.

This is a misconception. Traditional cultural properties could also be related to pioneer settlements. For example, the original wagon train route used to settle Preston and Lund, or the Keystone and Hiline steam railroad corridor for the Northern Nevada Railroad. There is no assessment of the impacts of the proposed action on cultural tourism. This is a particularly important issue for White Pine County and other areas like Death Valley National Park where the economy is currently being rearranged from traditional extractive industries to tourism.

DOE is committed to ensuring that its analyses include all historic properties that have traditional value to interested parties. The Department agrees that traditional cultural properties are not restricted to those of Native American concern (see DIRS 155897-Parker and King n.d.).

Research to date has identified no cultural properties of interest to groups other than Native American tribes at the Yucca Mountain Repository site itself. If DOE determined a final transportation mode and corridor or route, it would conduct alignment-specific studies in accordance with the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act and 36 CFR Part 800 to identify cultural resource sites that might exist in or adjacent to the corridor. During these evaluations the Department would interact, as appropriate, with parties who have an interest in cultural resource sites along the route.

7.5.5 (1544)
- EIS000357 / 0003
Costs of cultural resources treatment. The prevailing impression is that significant archeological properties can be bought. Yet the cost of conducting data recovery operations are never specified. It appears that a majority of the significant archeological sites at the Yucca Mountain site have already been treated through data recovery. What have been the costs of this treatment? How do these costs at the sites at Yucca Mountain compare to data recovery costs at locations where highway or rail improvements may be made?

The kind of sites at Yucca Mountain may be less expensive to conduct data recovery operations than sites in valley floors or riparian zones that tend to be more complex and therefore expensive to conduct data recovery operations. What kind of sites might be of such high value that data recovery should not be undertaken, but rather sites should be avoided by direct impacts and preserved in place?

This is a particularly relevant question for a situation like the Five Finger Ridge along I-70 between Richfield and Cove Fort in Utah. This site should have, and could have, been avoided if there had not been a mentality at work in the early 1980s that all archaeological sites could be mitigated by data recovery. Is there any consideration of off-site mitigation along potential tourist corridors that would be alternative routes to avoid heavy-haul nuclear waste shipments?

Previous data recovery efforts at the Yucca Mountain site included limited subsurface testing, National Register evaluations, and data recovery efforts at some archaeological sites to mitigate impacts from project-related field activities (such as exploratory trenches). In general, data recovery methodology includes two methods: subsurface testing/surface analysis and collection of artifacts. Because such efforts have occurred over a long period, beginning in 1982, it is difficult to amass total costs for this work. Because of differences in costs associated with similar data recovery methods over a 20-year period, and the fact that data recovery efforts to mitigate potential impacts from a Yucca Mountain Project transportation corridor would be years away, past data recovery costs have little relevance to future costs.

Because alignment-specific archaeological studies would occur after the final selection of the corridor or route and DOE cannot quantify numbers and importance of sites at this time, it is premature to discuss the possible level of effort required and the associated costs. However, DOE would include avoidance of significant archaeological sites as a mitigative option. Due to cultural value and cost, preservation of archaeological sites in place is the preferred alternative. If avoidance was not possible, a data recovery effort would be necessary to preserve the archaeological data. Section 9.2.5 of the EIS contains additional information regarding proposed mitigative measures.

7.5.5 (1560)
- EIS000357 / 0019
Page 7-48. Section This is inadequate treatment of the known cultural situation where expansion of facilities would be undertaken. If there are existing DOE and commercial facilities, what is known of the cultural resources in these areas, and what would be the specific impacts on known cultural resources? If Scenario 1 is expansion at Yucca Mountain, what would the site-specific surface ground disturbing impacts be?

The EIS does not report the cultural resource baseline situations at other DOE and commercial facilities where expansion of the facilities could occur under Scenario 1 of the No-Action Alternative. In many cases, baseline information can be obtained from the documents cited in Table 7-1 of the EIS. As noted in the EIS (See Section, those facilities would adhere to the provisions of relevant State and Federal historic preservation laws and regulations during expansion.

In No-Action Scenario 1, DOE does not propose expansion at Yucca Mountain (see Section of the EIS). The actions taken under No-Action Scenario 1 would be decontamination, decommissioning, and reclamation of previously disturbed areas. Therefore, under Scenario 1, no additional impacts would occur to cultural resources at Yucca Mountain.

7.5.5 (4227)
- EIS001160 / 0043
Although the DEIS acknowledges that there could be impacts to Native American cultural sites along rail spur routes or at Yucca Mountain, the draft document completely ignores wider issues and impacts to Native peoples and communities. The draft includes a discussion of the Native American "perspective" on the project, but then proceeds to discount the viewpoint expressed and goes on to conclude that no significant impacts to Native Americans will occur, even though no substantive impact assessment work has been done in any of the Native communities potentially affected by the facility or by transportation routes.

Impacts on American Indian communities within the DEIS are specified in more detail than other communities. There seems to be some bias that the only "Traditional Cultural Properties" considered are those related to American Indian Communities. This is a misconception. Traditional cultural properties could also be related to Pioneer settlements (for example the original Wagon Train route used to settle Preston and Lund or the Keystone and HiLine steam railroad corridor for the Nevada Northern Railroad). There is no assessment of the impacts of the proposed action on cultural tourism. This is a particularly important issue for White Pine County (and other areas like Death Valley National Park) where the economy is currently being rearranged from traditional extractive industries to tourism.

DOE supported the preparation of an EIS reference document written by the American Indian Writers Subgroup of the Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations (DIRS 102043-AIWS 1998). That document presents a Native American point of view about cultural resources management, environmental justice, and the siting of a repository at Yucca Mountain. That point of view does not necessarily require analysis, response, or mitigation. DOE did not ignore the Native American position or concerns made in the document, but agreed to summarize that information in the EIS, as appropriate. Based on the results of the report, DOE acknowledges in the EIS that people from many Native American tribes have used the area proposed for the repository as well as nearby lands; that the lands around the site contain cultural, animal, and plant resources important to those tribes; and that the implementation of the Proposed Action would continue restrictions on access to the repository site environs. Furthermore, the presence of a repository would represent an intrusion into what Native Americans consider an important cultural and spiritual area. Although these viewpoints might suggest that the Yucca Mountain site should not be developed, DOE and the Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations recognize that restrictions on public access to the area have been generally beneficial and protective of cultural resources. The Department believes that the summarized information in the EIS is adequate.

With regard to Native American issues associated with transportation routes, the EIS analysis identified no potential impacts to Native American resources along the corridors. However, DOE has not completed systematic studies to identify sites, resources, or areas of cultural significance or traditional value to Native American people or communities. After DOE identified specific transportation modes and routes, it would perform further work addressing tribal issues.

DOE has considered the actual presence or the potential for cultural resource properties along each transportation corridor, including those important to Native Americans or other cultural groups. The examples of other "traditional cultural properties" cited by this comment, such as the original wagon train route to Preston and Lund and Keystone and Hiline railroad corridor, are not traditional cultural properties as typically defined, nor do they occur within the transportation corridors. They are, however, near historic features that could have some level of importance in their own right. Any additional cultural resource assessments along selected transportation corridors would consider all types of cultural resources, including their importance to a given living community, Native American or otherwise. If DOE encountered any such properties during cultural studies for a selected transportation route, it would document and evaluate them against applicable National Register of Historic Places criteria.

DOE evaluated impacts to tourism in general as one of the scopes considered in its Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI) computer model simulations for the region of influences. Socioeconomic analyses do not normally use the term "cultural tourism."

7.5.5 (5272)
- EIS001887 / 0026
DOE has already identified archaeological sites potentially eligible for inclusion in the National Register. Additionally, the Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations has also indicated an interest in properties around Yucca Mountain, but it is difficult to discern from the Draft EIS whether or not these properties are located within the area of potential effect.

Section of the EIS states that the archaeological sites that are considered potentially eligible for the National Register could be affected by construction of the surface facilities at the repository.

In the same section the EIS states that although Native American representatives have identified several sites, areas, or resources in the vicinity of the repository, construction of the facilities would not have any direct impacts on these important places. However, DOE does recognize that construction and operation of the repository at Yucca Mountain would have continuing adverse impacts for Native Americans who view the past, ongoing, and future repository-related activities as an intrusion on a culturally important and sacred landscape. The Department would continue to interact with Native Americans to ensure that such adverse effects are minimized to the fullest extent possible.

7.5.5 (6064)
- EIS001898 / 0016
Documentation and analyses for the assessment of impacts to cultural resources are incomplete.


Some DEIS conclusions regarding cultural resource impacts lack supporting analyses or reference material. Moreover, methods used to conduct the analyses and reach conclusions are not presented. The following are examples:
The Western Shoshone occupied the Yucca Mountain region into historic times and were engaged in mining, ranching, and other activities. The DEIS is unclear whether any of the historic sites are associated with the Western Shoshone or Paiute peoples or whether these sites are considered to be related only to non-Native American occupation activities.


The FEIS should provide additional data and descriptions of methods used to assess impacts on cultural resources, including a description of the area of study used in assessing the distribution and types of cultural resources. If the entire land withdrawal area or the entire potential disturbed area was not surveyed for cultural resources, the rationale for not doing so should be presented.

Supporting analyses or references related to issues in this comment are available in the Environmental Baseline File: Archaeological Resources (DIRS 104997-CRWMS M&O 1999). That document includes a bibliography of cultural resource reports that contain specific details requested by the commenter. These documents are available from the Yucca Mountain Project Public Reading Room. DOE believes the level of information provided in the EIS is sufficient for decisionmakers to understand the issues and potential for impacts on archaeological and cultural resources.

Archaeological field studies in support of the Yucca Mountain Project have been conducted since 1982 by the staff of the Desert Research Institute. Based on project needs during this period, several methodologies have been employed to characterize and protect archaeological sites and data. These include (1) use of existing archaeological data from previous projects, (2) intensive archaeological field surveys and limited subsurface testing, (3) preactivity surveys at areas ahead of planned ground-disturbing activities for areas lying outside of the acreage surveyed under the previous category, (4) data recovery, (5) random sample unit surveys for larger tracts outside the withdrawal area, and (6) archaeological site monitoring to assess changes to significant sites over time.

Specific field methods and techniques employed at Yucca Mountain are outlined in the following documents:
  1. Programmatic Agreement Among the United States Department of Energy, The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the Nevada State Historic Preservation Officer for the First Nuclear Waste Deep Geologic Repository Program, Yucca Mountain, Nevada. (DIRS 157145-Gertz 1988)
  2. Research Design and Data Recovery Plan for Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (DIRS 103196-DOE 1990)
  3. Environmental Field Activity Plan for Archaeological Resources (DIRS 103198-YMP 1992)
  4. Branch Technical Procedures: Field Archaeology (DIRS 157150-DRI 1990)
In addition to these generic documents, several project-specific individual research designs have been prepared for individual field survey, testing, and data recovery efforts undertaken by the Desert Research Institute. Copies of these documents are available from the Desert Research Institute, DOE, and the State Historic Preservation Officer.

DOE used the combined information derived from implementation of the methods noted above to provide the summarization for the EIS. While precise figures (number of acres) have not been compiled for the entire land withdrawal area, all areas associated with the repository site that have either been disturbed by past site characterization activities or that are proposed for disturbance during repository construction and operation have been inventoried for archaeological resources. Archaeological data for other parts of the larger withdrawal area have received varying levels of archaeological study, ranging from random sample unit surveys to intensive coverage associated with preactivity activities away from the repository site. In some instances, known archaeological site data also are derived from surveys conducted by other agencies and/or projects (for example, Bureau of Land Management, Nellis Air Force Base, and the Nevada Test Site) on lands not currently managed by the Yucca Mountain Project.

All of the historic sites discussed in Section 3.1.6 of the EIS are associated with non-Native American occupation and use of the area. Section discusses historic-period Native American sites, which are documented in the Native American resource document prepared by the Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations’ American Indian Writers Subgroup (DIRS 102043-AIWS 1998).

7.5.5 (6740)
- 010152 / 0002
It talks in here about the land right use and ownership. It says on page 3-16 [Section 3.13.13] that the DOE will continue protection of the Native American sacred sites, cultural resources and potential traditional cultural properties and will implement appropriate mitigation measures. I had to look up the word mitigate because I’m not real knowledgeable, but it says to make or become less severe. What I’d like to know is how boring holes into sacred mountains on stolen land and filling it with the deadliest of poisons, how the Department of Energy will, make that theft and that rape less severe?

Under the regulations of the National Environmental Policy Act (40 CFR Part 1508.20), mitigation includes activities that:
DOE agrees the presence of a repository would represent an intrusion into what Native Americans consider an important cultural and spiritual area. Although this viewpoint might suggest that the Yucca Mountain site should not be developed, DOE and the Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations recognize the restrictions on public access to the area have been generally beneficial and protective of cultural resources. In the case of impacts that cannot be avoided, DOE would continue to interact with tribal representatives to ensure the implementation of the most appropriate measures to reduce or control any adverse effects.

7.5.5 (7743)
- EIS001968 / 0008
The Final EIS should include a cultural impact study.

The EIS addresses potential impacts to cultural resources. Pertinent sections of Chapter 4 for the construction, operation and closure of the repository and Chapter 6 for each of the transportation scenarios include impact analyses. With regard to potential impacts related to Nevada transportation, the Final EIS includes cultural resource information based on an expanded baseline for areas crossed by candidate rail corridors or heavy-haul truck routes.

7.5.5 (8857)
- EIS000869 / 0026
The importance of Native American resources and sites being preserved is an important issue. The integrity of archaeological sites and resources has been maintained for hundreds of years without government intervention and would probably continue unscathed without government interference.

DOE recognizes the importance of preserving the integrity of Native American resources and sites, during the development of the repository and its facilities. Regular interactions with tribal representatives as described in Section of the EIS has occurred and would continue through the Yucca Mountain Native American Interaction Program to ensure the identification and evaluation of issues important to the various tribes, bands, and groups in conjunction with project activities. DOE and the Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations recognize that restrictions on public access to the area have been generally beneficial and protective of cultural resources. In the case of impacts that cannot be avoided, DOE would interact with Native American tribes and organizations to ensure the implementation of the most appropriate mitigation measures to reduce or control any adverse effects.

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