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MULTITURNFFT - Takes the FFT of multiple turn data (plots results if no output exists)


function [X, f] = multiturnfft(x, LineType);


MULTITURNFFT - Takes the FFT of multiple turn data (plots results if no output exists)

  [X, f] = multiturnfft(x, LineType);

  1. x - Multiple turn data ((#BPM x N turns) or (BPM x N turns x 6))
  2. LineType - Line type if plotting FFT data {Default: 'b'}

  1. X - FFT data
  2. f - Frequency vector

  1. If x is (NumberOfBPMs x N x 6), then x(:,:,1) will automatically squeeze to a 2-dimensional matrix.
     For example, x = x(1,:,1) would be a 1 x N vector.

  1. Get 1024 turns at BPM(1,2) and compute the FFT
     [x, ATIndex, LostBeam] = getturns([.001 0, 0.001, 0, 0, 0]', 1024, 'BPMx', [1 2;6 3]);
     [X,  fx] = multiturnfft(x(1,:,:));  
      X(:,1) is FFT(x)
      X(:,2) is FFT(Px)
      X(:,3) is FFT(y)
      X(:,4) is FFT(Py)
  2. To plot the FFT(x) data for the BPM(1,2):
     To plot the FFT(y) data for the BPM(6,3)
  3. Multiple BPM can be used but some case should be taken to keep the phase change 
     between BPMs roughly equal.  
     For instace, to plot the FFT(x) data of all BPMs for the first 10 turns:
     [x, ATIndex, LostBeam] = getturns([.001 0, 0.001, 0, 0, 0]', 10, 'BPMx', []);

  See also getturns, getpvmodel


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [X, f] = multiturnfft(x, LineType);
0002 %MULTITURNFFT - Takes the FFT of multiple turn data (plots results if no output exists)
0003 %
0004 %  [X, f] = multiturnfft(x, LineType);
0005 %
0006 %  INPUTS
0007 %  1. x - Multiple turn data ((#BPM x N turns) or (BPM x N turns x 6))
0008 %  2. LineType - Line type if plotting FFT data {Default: 'b'}
0009 %
0010 %  OUTPUTS
0011 %  1. X - FFT data
0012 %  2. f - Frequency vector
0013 %
0014 %  NOTES
0015 %  1. If x is (NumberOfBPMs x N x 6), then x(:,:,1) will automatically squeeze to a 2-dimensional matrix.
0016 %     For example, x = x(1,:,1) would be a 1 x N vector.
0017 %
0018 %  EXAMPLES
0019 %  1. Get 1024 turns at BPM(1,2) and compute the FFT
0020 %     [x, ATIndex, LostBeam] = getturns([.001 0, 0.001, 0, 0, 0]', 1024, 'BPMx', [1 2;6 3]);
0021 %     [X,  fx] = multiturnfft(x(1,:,:));
0022 %      X(:,1) is FFT(x)
0023 %      X(:,2) is FFT(Px)
0024 %      X(:,3) is FFT(y)
0025 %      X(:,4) is FFT(Py)
0026 %  2. To plot the FFT(x) data for the BPM(1,2):
0027 %     multiturnfft(x(1,:,1));
0028 %     To plot the FFT(y) data for the BPM(6,3)
0029 %     multiturnfft(x(2,:,3));
0030 %  3. Multiple BPM can be used but some case should be taken to keep the phase change
0031 %     between BPMs roughly equal.
0032 %     For instace, to plot the FFT(x) data of all BPMs for the first 10 turns:
0033 %     [x, ATIndex, LostBeam] = getturns([.001 0, 0.001, 0, 0, 0]', 10, 'BPMx', []);
0034 %     multiturnfft(x(:,:,1));
0035 %
0036 %  See also getturns, getpvmodel
0038 %  Written by Greg Portmann
0041 if nargin == 0
0042     error('1 input required.');
0043 end
0044 if nargin < 2
0045     LineType = 'b';
0046 end
0049 % How many BPMs in the FFT
0050 nBPM = size(x,1);
0053 % How many turns
0054 N = size(x,2);
0057 % x, Px, y, Py case
0058 if size(x,3) ~= 1
0059     for i = 1:min(size(x,3),4)
0060         if nargout == 0
0061             if i == 1
0062                 clf reset
0063                 multiturnfft(squeeze(x(:,:,i)), N, LineType);
0064                 subplot(2,1,1);
0065                 if nBPM > 1
0066                     title(sprintf('%d BPMs  %d Turns:  x(0) = %.3g [mm]  Px(0) = %.3g [mrad]  y(0) = %.3g [mm]  Py(0) = %.3g [mrad]', nBPM, N, 1000*x(1,1,1), 1000*x(1,1,2), 1000*x(1,1,3), 1000*x(1,1,4)));
0067                 else
0068                     title(sprintf('%d Turns:  x(0) = %.3g [mm]  Px(0) = %.3g [mrad]  y(0) = %.3g [mm]  Py(0) = %.3g [mrad]', N, 1000*x(1,1,1), 1000*x(1,1,2), 1000*x(1,1,3), 1000*x(1,1,4)));
0069                 end
0070                 ylabel('Horizontal Orbit [mm]');
0071             elseif i == 2
0072             elseif i == 3
0073                 figure(gcf+1);
0074                 multiturnfft(squeeze(x(:,:,i)), N, LineType);
0075                 subplot(2,1,1);
0076                 if nBPM > 1
0077                     title(sprintf('%d BPMs  %d Turns:  x(0) = %.3g [mm]  Px(0) = %.3g [mrad]  y(0) = %.3g [mm]  Py(0) = %.3g [mrad]', nBPM, N, 1000*x(1,1,1), 1000*x(1,1,2), 1000*x(1,1,3), 1000*x(1,1,4)));
0078                 else
0079                     title(sprintf('%d Turns:  x(0) = %.3g [mm]  Px(0) = %.3g [mrad]  y(0) = %.3g [mm]  Py(0) = %.3g [mrad]', N, 1000*x(1,1,1), 1000*x(1,1,2), 1000*x(1,1,3), 1000*x(1,1,4)));
0080                 end
0081                 ylabel('Vertical Orbit [mm]');
0082             elseif i == 4
0083             end
0084         else
0085             X(:,i) = multiturnfft(squeeze(x(:,:,i)), N, LineType);
0086         end
0087     end
0088     return
0090     %if size(x,3) ~= 1
0091     %    fprintf('   x-input has too many dimensions, squeezing to 2-dim -- squeeze(x(1,:,:)).\n');
0092     %    x = squeeze(x(1,:,:));
0093     %end
0094 end
0098 % FFT
0099 X = fft(x(:), nBPM*N);    % FFT
0100 X(1) = [];                % Remove the DC term
0103 f = (1:floor(nBPM*N/2)) / N;  % Frequency vector
0107 if nargout == 0
0108     % Plot the results
0109     Xmax = N; %min([100 N]);
0111     subplot(2,1,1);
0112     plot(1000*x(:));
0113     %plot(1:size(x,2), 1000*x);
0114     %plot(1000*x');
0115     %xaxis([0 Xmax]);
0116     axis tight
0117     if nBPM > 1
0118         title(sprintf('%d BPMs  %d Turns', nBPM, N));
0119     else
0120         title(sprintf('%d Turns', N));
0121     end
0122     ylabel('Data');
0123     if N == 1
0124         xlabel('First Turn');
0125     elseif nBPM == 1
0126         xlabel('Turn Number');
0127     else
0128         xlabel('');
0129     end
0131     %     if size(x,1) >= 4
0132     %         plot(1000*x, LineType);
0133     %         xaxis([0 Xmax]);
0134     %         title(sprintf('%d Total Turns:  x(0)=%.3g [mm] xp(0)=%.3g [mrad]', N, 1000*x(1,1), 1000*x(1,2)));
0135     %         ylabel('Horizontal [mm]');
0136     %     else
0137     %         plot(x, LineType);
0138     %         xaxis([0 Xmax]);
0139     %         title(sprintf('FFT of Single Turn Data (%d turns, Initial Conition = %.3g)', N, x(1,1)));
0140     %         ylabel('Data');
0141     %     end
0143     subplot(2,1,2);
0144     semilogy(f, abs(X(1:floor(nBPM*N/2),1)), LineType);
0145     xaxis([0 .5*nBPM]);
0146     grid on;
0148     if nBPM > 1
0149         xlabel('Tune');
0150     else
0151         xlabel('Fractional Tune');
0152     end
0154     ylabel('abs(FFT)');
0155 end

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