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HB2381 - 481R - S-Government-Proposed

Forty-eighth Legislature                                               Government

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2381






(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 1, line 17, strike “, paragraph 5” insert “, paragraph 5”

Lines 18 and 19, strike “county school superintendent” insert “school board pursuant to subsection D of this section

Line 22, strike “county school superintendent” insert “school board pursuant to subsection D of this section

Line 31, after the period insert “Beginning in the 2008-2009 school year,”;

Line 32, after the period strike remainder of line insert “The initial

Line 33, after “MEMBERS” insert “, of whom two members shall be appointed by the county board of supervisors, two members shall be appointed by the county school superintendent and the fifth member shall be appointed by a vote of the four members appointed by the county board of supervisors and the county school superintendent.  The fifth member shall be selected within thirty days after the appointment of the fourth member.  The initial board members shall serve until december 31, 2008. An appointment to fill a vacancy on the school board shall be made by the entity that made the original appointment. After december 31, 2008, the school board shall consist of five or seven members, depending on the number of supervisorial districts in the county. If there are five supervisorial districts in a county, five members shall be elected by the qualified electors of the county, one from each supervisorial district for the school board. If there are three districts in a county, three members shall be elected by the qualified electors of the county, one from each supervisorial district. The school board shall also include a member appointed by the county board of supervisors and the remaining member shall be the county school superintendent or the county school superintendent’s designee

Line 34, after “SHALL” strike remainder of line insert “adopt a

Line 35, after “ELECTION” insert “at the next general election

Page 1, line 36, after “ELECTED” insert “and appointed

Line 37, after “TERMS” insert “commensurate with the term of the county board of supervisors and the county school superintendent”; strike “APPOINTED”

Strike line 38


Line 42, after “BE” strike remainder of line

Page 2, line 1, strike “APPOINTED”

Strike lines 2 through 15, insert:

E.  The accommodation school board shall not have authority to manage or operate educational programs conducted at a juvenile detention center pursuant to section 15-913 or a county jail pursuant to section 15-913.01 through an accommodation school. The administration of these programs shall remain under the direction of the county school superintendent and the juvenile court judge or sheriff in each county, whichever is applicable.

Reletter to conform

Page 3, after line 12, insert:

“Sec. 3.  Section 15-1001, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

15‑100115-1001.  Special county school reserve fund

A.  The board of supervisors of each county shall annually budget for the special county school reserve fund an amount to meet the requirements of that fund.  Warrants drawn on the special county school reserve fund shall be approved prior to payment by the board of supervisors, as other county warrants are approved, or this responsibility may be delegated by the board of supervisors to the county school superintendent.  The budgeted amounts for the special county school reserve fund shall be itemized and estimated to meet the following needs:

1.  For transportation of school children to and from one‑room and two‑room rural schools that are determined by the county school superintendent to be in need of such aid.

2.  For transportation to and from unorganized territory to school districts of children who are eligible to receive state aid.

3.  For transportation to and from the nearest high school of pupils residing in common school districts which are contiguous or not contiguous to and which are not within a high school district if it is determined by the county school superintendent that such common school districts are in need of such aid to supplement the monies received as provided in subsection B of this section.

4.  For one‑room and two‑room school districts, an amount which when added to the state aid for a school district will provide not more than five thousand dollars for a one‑room school and not more than nine thousand dollars for a two‑room school, provided that such schools are maintained for a minimum of one hundred seventy‑five days or two hundred days, as applicable, per year.

5.  For necessary expenses as determined by the school board established pursuant to section 15-308, subsection D for the establishment and conduct of accommodation schools pursuant to section 15‑308.

6.  For expenditures necessary to establish and maintain, for the first year of operation, a county special education program for children with disabilities as provided in chapter 7, article 4 of this title.

B.  The county school superintendent shall determine the eligibility for transportation aid for the transportation of children from unorganized territory to school districts within that county in the manner provided in this chapter for other school districts and shall certify the eligibility to the department of education.

C.  The county school superintendent shall determine the amount of transportation aid for transportation of children from unorganized territory to school districts within that county based upon the provisions of section 15‑945, subsection A, paragraphs 1 and 2, except that such transportation aid shall not exceed the actual cost of providing such transportation.  The county school superintendent shall certify the amount to the department of

education which shall apportion the monies no later than the second Monday in September, December, March and June.”

Amend title to conform







4:38 PM

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