Plant Distribution Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
USDA ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository - Corvallis

Greetings to our user community!

The NCGR-Corvallis is one of 28 facilities in the National Plant Germplasm System. Our main responsibility is the long term preservation of diverse genetic resources for several temperate fruit, nut and specialty crops. NCGR-Corvallis and the USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System encourages the free international exchange of plant germplasm. Each year the NCGR-Corvallis distributes limited quantities of plant material freely for research purposes. We ask that information on plant evaluation be returned to us to enrich our database of information on the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN).


How much plant material does the Repository have?
What sorts of plant materials are available to requestors?
When are plants shipped?
Who receives plants from the Repository?
How much plant material will I receive?
When will I receive my request?
Do you supply rootstock for grafting?

How much plant material does the Repository have?

Limited resources allow us to maintain only one or two foundation plants of each specific plant type (genotype or clone) in our collections. We also maintain seedlots to represent wild species of our assigned genera. Currently we have a little more than 10,000 unique plant and seed accessions. Unlike a commercial nursery, we do not have large amounts of stock on hand for any particular item on our inventory.

What sorts of plant materials are available to requestors?

Each year as the plants grow, limited quantities of clonal propagules such as cuttings, scionwood, crown divisions, or tissue cultures from our foundation plants are available to requestors. Seeds, tissue cultures, pollen, leaves, and other plant parts or forms can be requested for special experimental needs.

When are plants shipped?

Please see the Schedule of Plant Availability on our website (

Who receives plants from the Repository?

  1. Our primary user group includes researchers who are performing experiments at public and private intstitutions. These clients are improving crops for the changing world of U.S. agriculture.
  2. The second group includes private groups or individuals who can enrich the NPGS holdings of plants or information through exchange activities.
  3. The third group includes individuals looking for specific plant materials that are not available through common commercial sources but may be available from our gene bank.

Sometimes requested genotypes may not be available to every requestor within a given year. For example, a strawberry plant may not produce sufficient runners to provide plants for every requestor. The Repository does NOT supply plant material for private use or commercial needs. In these cases the Repository refers the requestors to commercial nursery sources.

How much plant material will I receive?

The Repository usually provides limited quantities of seeds (25) for species requests and 2 to 5 scionwood sticks, cuttings, divisions, runners or tissue culture packets for clonal, i.e., vegetative requests. Requestors must be prepared to propagate the material. Cuttings will need to be rooted using standard propagation techniques such as mist-beds. Scionwood must be grafted onto rootstocks (not supplied by NCGR-Corvallis). Tissue cultures will need to be maintained in a humid environment and rooted prior to planting in soil.

When will I receive my request?

Do you supply rootstock for grafting?

No. We send only dormant scionwood or August budwood. You will need to generate your own rootstock or purchase rootstock from a commercial source.

page last updated 13 October 2005