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GMINOS jobs - An FFR card generator

Introduction and Documentation

Presently Minos detector interactions are simulated using the GMINOS package, a FORTRAN/CERNLIB/GEANT3 based detector simulation for the Minos detectors. To control event generation in gminos, a card file (stored in a .ffr file) a is used, which specifies the types of events to be generated, the names of the output files, the random seed sequence, etc.

gminos_jobs is a perl module that automatically generates FFR cards, which is useful if one wants to submit lots of jobs with the idnetical gminos configuration but with different random seeds. It is used in large scale MC production, but is also a good place to look if you want to get started running Monte Carlo jobs.

The files are located in CVS in Contrib/admarino. The heart of it is the perl module gminos_jobs.pm. It contains several subroutines to make GMINOS ffr cards and to execute jobs. There are also some example scripts to get started with, run_far.perl, run_near.perl, run_rock.perl, and run_overlay.perl.

There is a document, entitled gminos_jobs_doc.tex, which lives in CVS, that explains how to use it, the Monte Carlo file naming scheme, examples, and the various options that are available. See below for how to checkout the package and the accompanying document.


gminos_jobs lives in CVS. For information on how to access the minos CVS repository, see Accesing Our Repository page.

To install it, first create a test release (if you don't have one already)

Check out Contrib/admarino:

The documentation is in a latex file called gminos_jobs_doc.tex. If you don't know how to convert into a postscript file, try:
Last Modified: $Date: 2006/02/21 20:47:27 $
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