U~-frc~ ~ 100104 ~LAV~RY~ DAYSjJ~D AFTE~ I, ~e Liarshal Butler, e4.~-~t years o~d and was oorn on December 25. I knows it was Christmas Day for I was a ~ to my foL~s. Anyhow,i‘se the only niggah that knows exactly how old he be. I disremernbers the :~ear but you white 1~olks can figure et out. lily mammy was Harriet Butler and my pappy was John Butler and we all was raised in ~7ashin~ton~~iilke s. L~arnmy was a Frank Collar nig~ah and her man war of the tribe of Ben Butler, some miles down de road. Et weZ one of dem trial marriages - they~se tried so hard to see each other but. old ?en Butler says two passes a week war enuff to see my mammy on de Collar plantation. mien de war was completed pappy c~nie home to us r ~ WU~ a family of ten - four females called Sally, Liza, Ellen and Lottie and six stron€ bucks called Charlie, Elisha, i:Iarshal, Jack, Hey..~ wood and little Johnnie, ~a~e—w~‘ de baby. De Collar plantation wuz bi~ and I don‘t know de size of it. Et must have been bi~ for dere war f±~~ï ni~ahs aching to ~o to work — I ~~uess they must have been aching after de work wuz done. Marse Frank bossed the place hisseif ~ aere war no overseers. ~ raised cotton, corn,