Comment Number: OL-100101
Received: 11/21/2004 10:02:26 AM
Commenter: kevin cust
State: NJ
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Docket ID: RIN 3084-AA94
No Attachments


Obviously the only reason for a credit score fee is to restrict our access to the data. I think the majority of American Citizens will not want to give out their credit card number again over the internet to pay for the score. Sounds like special interests have again been able to pay-off the Congressional Leadership to get what they want. In NJ we can get a free report from the 3 agencies each year. No reasonable person can truly believe there is any cost associated with printing an additional data point on the reports. Each credit agency already has that score in the same database as the credit history. It's just a matter of a keystroke to include it. You people need to remember the key words " the people,...". Every day, our brav e fellow citizens are dying to protect the concept of democracy while already-rich men and women, civilians secure in their posh offices here, figure out how to increase their personal wealth by charging fees for arbitrary information about the rest of us. When they come home and apply for loans or try to correct a mistake on their credit history, will you be able to look those combat-veterans in the eye and tell them their own financial information is not readily available to them? That they have to buy it back from people who sacrificed nothing for this country? Kevin Cust Registered Republican Randolph, NJ