3. *Th. present conditions that ‚ a whut I be•n teflin‘ you ‚ boat. It la hard to get work hap of the tina. When the white man ~ot money he eure give the colored man and wanen work to do. The white x~n whut live ‘mong ue ii our beet friend. He stand by our color the beet. It ja a heap my age~I reckon~I can‘t keep in work. Young folks can pick up work nearly all tiu~. NI etarted to pay fer my home when I worked at the mill. I ueed to work at a shoe and ahettle mill. I got holt of a little cash. I stil tryin‘ to pay ter my home. I will make ‘bout two bales cotton this year. Yes maam they is my own. I got a hog. I got a garden. I ain‘t got no cow. 0No nasm I don‘t get no ‘eistanoe from the govmint. No coiodities -~ no nuthin‘. I signed up but they ain‘t give n~ nuthin‘. I think I am due it. I am gettin‘ so no account I needs it. Lady, I never do waste no money. I went to the show ground and I seed ‘em ~.tY1n‘ goobers and popcorn. I seed a whole drove of colored folks pushin‘ end scr~iging in there so~s~4 they wouldn‘t get the beat seat an‘ miss somepin. Heap of poor white ~eople acr~iging in there too all together. They need their money to live on ~o cold weather co~. Ain‘t I tellin‘ you right? I sho never moved outer my tracks. I never been to a show In my life. Thsm folks come in hers wid music and big tent every year. I never been to a show in my life. That what they cct~ here tur, to get the cotton piokin‘ money. Lady, they get a pile of money fore they leave. Course folks needs it now.