~S~ave Autobiographies —- Tom Mills Page Iïg~. 95 (Texa.) chilien away, and when they started with Margaret -~ she was his niece and my cousin -~ they overtook ‘em and took Margaret back. She was house girl, she didn‘t do nothin‘ but work in the house. I don‘t know whetber they ever pai& her anything or not. They need~ed her to wait on the old. lady. “I don‘t know how that come about then they told~‘eni. they was free. I don‘t know whether mother read it in the paper or he come and told ‘ein. Vie went on, and came right on up the sanie creek to a place where a man had a ranch by the name of Roney. It was an old abonded (abandoned) place, and we didn‘t have anything to eat. M~ uncle got out and rustled around to get some bread stuff and got some co‘n, but while he was gone was when we suffered for soniething to eat • We didn ‚ t have anything to kill wild game with . We would fish a little. When he left he went up in the Davenport settlement, up ;/::~ there about where your grandfather lived. V1,~ got milk and careless V ~ II ~ weeds, but that was all we had, and we were awful glad to see the ~: P\COtfl come. ~d that ~ ~ first taste of Javelin (javelina). It ~ i~entl~~asan~old male iaveiiL)~or i couldn‘t eat it. I dontt ~‚ think my uncle ever stole anyting iii his life. I was with him all the time and. I know he didn‘t. My mother, she went over to Daven-~ ports‘ and my uncle got out and rustled to see where he could get something to do. SO they moved up in the Sabinal Çanyön and. he got on Old Man J~oel Fenley‘s place. “OldMan ‘Parson‘ Monk,~i think, was the first person I ever heaz~ preach. That was down here in. the Patterson settlement . (formerly a settlement six rniles south ot ~the present town of Sabinal).