~x-~lave Stories ~ Page Three • 9 ~ ~ . (Texas) dat and him see what fooUshment and. troublement him maybe git into, az~~d him quit votin~.• We‘uns am luckywith de trouble. Guess it ‘cause we‘u.ns knows how to ‚ have. When I~ s young my mammy lam me how to ‘have and where I ‘long, so de patterrollers and de Ku Klux never bother we ~ . Now, we ‘uns ~ so old us can‘t git round, so us double safe now. “Gosh for ‘mighty! What yous want next? Now it for me to sing. Well, yous can‘t put de bluff on dis old nigger, so here it am: “‘P~.it on my long white robe, Put on de golden crown, Put on de golden slipper, . . ~ And forever be Jes~us‘ lamb. ‘tBut I likes ‘nother song better, like dis: n s He rodias go down t o de river one day, Want to know what John 3aptist hr~.ve to say, John spoke de words at risk of he life, Not lawful to marry yous rud‘ s wife.‘ “Not dat am ‘nmgh. If l‘s heré much longer, youe have dis old woman dancin‘..