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Index of
The Questioned Stock Manual

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Index to The "Questioned Stock" Manual 

      effects of, on stock, 9-11
      1948-1958, 14
     of Arnold Bernhard & Co.,
       Inc., 92
     of corporate officials, 60-62
     of corporations, 60, 70, 71
     of Financial Information, Inc.,
     of Investment Statistics
       Laboratory, 91
       mailing, Section of Public
       Reference (SEC), 53
     of Moody's Investors Service,
       Inc., 91
     of National Association of
       Securities Dealers, 59
     of National Quotation Bureau
       Incorporated, 69n.
     of offices of (states) secretaries
       of state, 44-50
     of R. M. Smythe & Co., Inc., 64n.


Addresses (Cont.):
     of search companies, 22n., 25n.
     of Securities and Exchange
       Commission regional and
       branch offices, 54-55
     of Standard & Poor's
       Corporation, 79n.
     of Wiesenberger Financial
       Services, 92
American Bank Note Company,
American Investor (magazine), 77
Anderson, 10
Annual reports, 61
Arnold Bernhard & Co., Inc., 92
Articles of incorporation, 41
Asked price, defined, 75
Autographs, as collectors' items,
     98, 99

Bank and Quotation Record
     (magazine), 77
Barron's: National Business and
     Financial Weekly
     (newspaper), 77
Bid prices, defined, 75
Bonds, 69
Branch offices, Securities and
     Exchange Commission, 55
Broker/dealers, National
     Association of Securities
     Dealers and, 58-59
Bureau of Economics (of FTC),
                   12, 14
Burr, Aaron, 99
Business Week (magazine), 77

Cameo printing (letterpress), 108

Canadian provinces, contacting
      officials in, for information,
Caribbean officials, contacting, 50
Carnegie, Andrew, 99
Central American officials,
      contacting, 50
Charters (see Corporate charters)
Color reproduction, identifying
      counterfeit documents made
      by, table, 114-116
Color xerography, 110, 111
Commercial and Financial
Chronicle (newspaper), 77
Common stock, corporate,
      example, 70, 72-73
Competition, corporate, 120-123
Conglomerates, 14
      defined, 13
Consolidations, defined, 13
Corporate charters:
       cancellation of, 42
       information from, 41
Corporation Records (Standard &
       Poor's), 90
Corporation Register (Standard &
       Poor's), 61
       competition among, 120-123
       direct contact with, 60-62
       existing, as source of
            information, 40
       full legal name and exact
            spelling of names of, 34
       top 100 industrial, tables (1917-
            1977), 124-159
       top 100 survivors, dropouts, and
            newcomers, table (1917-
            1977), 160-175
(See also Corporate charters;

Counterfeit documents, 103-117
      aids in detecting, 111-113
      copying difficulty as deterrent
            to producing, 105-106
      identifying, table, 114-116
      quick checks for, 117
Counterstock, use of term, 5

     of incorporation, 37
     of issue of stock, 38
     record, 74
Debentures, 69
Detection (see Counterfeit
Dilution, defined, 73
Directors, contacting, for
     information, 60, 61
Directory of Obsolete Securities
     (National Quotation Bureau),
Disclosure, 51-52
Dividend Record (Standard &
     Poor's), 90
Dividends, corporate, example,
     70, 73-74
Drake, Edwin, 30
     corporate, table (1917-1977),
     (See also Corporations)

Earnings Forecaster (Standard &
     Poor's), 90
Ellis, Dwight H., Jr., 22
Elofsson, Peter, 4
Evans, Thomas M., 10
Exchange, The (magazine), 77

Fillmore, Millard, 98
Finance (magazine), 77
Financial Analyst's Journal, The
      (magazine), 77
Financial Information, Inc., 40,
Financial Times (newspaper), 78
Financial World (magazine), 78
Fisher, Robert, Jr., 95n.
Fisher Manuals of Valuable and
      Worthless Securities (Robert
      D. Fisher), 97
Float, defined, 72
Forbes (magazine), 78, 119
Fortune (magazine), 78
Fraudulent securities, detection
      and recognition of (see
      Counterfeit documents)
Fundscope (magazine), 78

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 120
Glossary, 177-186
Goldfader, Ed, 10, 2 In., 26, 28n.

Hamilton, Alexander, 7, 99
Herzog, Diana, 95n.
Herzog, John, 95n., 96-98, 100,
Horizontal mergers, defined, 13
Hurley, Roy T., 122-123

Identification, counterfeit (see
      Counterfeit documents)
Identifying numbers of stock
      certificates, 37
      articles of, 41
      offices of secretaries of states
           and, 41
      state of, example, 70, 71
      state and date of, 37
Industrials (see Corporations)
Industry Surveys (Standard &
      Poor's), 90
Intaglio printing, 108-112
      latent image in, 111-112
Investigation procedure,
     illustrated, 35
Investment Companies
     (Wiesenberger Financial
     Services), 92
Investment Dealers' Digest
     (magazine), 78
Investment Statistics Laboratory
     (ISL), 91
ISL Daily Stock Price Index:
      American Stock Exchange, 91
ISL Daily Stock Price Index:
      New York Stock Exchange, 91
ISL Daily Stock Price Index:
      Over-the-Counter and
      Regional Exchanges, 91
Issue, date of stock, 38

Journal of Commerce
     (newspaper), 78

Kircher, Donald, 123

Latent image, 111-112
Letterpress (cameo printing), 108
      to company, sample,
                illustrated, 61
      to National Association of
                Securities Dealers, 59
      to Secretary of State,
                illustrated, 43
      to Securities and Exchange
                 Commission, illustrated, 57
Lithography, 108, 110, Ill
      identifying counterfeit
                documents made by, table,
Little, Royal, 121
Livermore, James, 99

McClellan, George, 98-99
Magazines, 77-78
     Map of Securities and Exchange
     Commission headquarters
     and its regional and branch
     offices, illustrated, 56
Marvyn Scudder Manual of
     Extinct or Obsolete
     Companies (R. M. Smythe),
Masse, Micheline, 21n., 22-25,
Mattel, 100
Media General Financial Weekly
     (newspaper), 78
Mellon, Andrew, 99
     effects of, on stock, 9-11
     per year, in North America, 23
     trends in, 12-13
Mining securities, 95-10
Money (magazine), 78

Moody's Investors Service, Inc.,
Moody's Manuals of Investment,
      American and Foreign, 92
Morgan, J. P., 99

     corporate change in, example,
     of legal owners of stock, 37-38
     of officers and their titles, 38-
     official corporate, 34, 70, 71
     publication listing, example, 85
National Association of Securities
     Dealers (NAS D):
     address for inquiries made of,
     information from, 58-59
National Association of Securities
     Dealers Automatic Quotation
     System (NASDAQ), 75
National Bond Summary
     (National Quotation Bureau),
National Daily Services   (National
     Quotation Bureau), 69
National Monthly Stock
     Summary (National
     Quotation Bureau), 41, 60,
     example of information from,
National Quotation Bureau
     Incorporated, 69
New York Stock and Exchange
     Board, 8
New York Stock Exchange
     (NYSE), 7-9, 109-110

     corporate, table (1917-1977),
     (See also Corporations)
News media, information from,
     41, 76-79
Newspapers, 77-79
     identifying, of stock certificates,
     of shares owned, 37

Obscure American Securities and
     Corporations (R. M. Smythe),
      names and titles of corporate,
      as source of information, 40,
             60, 61
Official Summary of Security
      Transactions and Holdings
      (magazine), 78
       addresses of corporate, 60-62
       of Canadian provinces, 49-50
       Caribbean, 50
       Central American, 50
       Securities and Exchange
               Commission, 53-55
       See also Officers; Secretary of
                State, Office ofl
0-T-C Market Chronicle
       (newspaper), 78

Par value, 39-40
       publication listing, example, 70,
                72, 86
Periodicals, 77-79
"Pink Sheets" (National Daily
     Quotation Service), 69, 76
 Planchettes, uses of, 110,
     112-113, 115
Printing (see Cameo printing;
     Intaglio printing;
Public library, as information
     source, 63-92
Public offerings, corporate,
     example, 70, 74-75
Public Reference Room (SEC),
Publications, 64-93

Questioned stock:
       creation of, 9
       estimated value of, 2
       examples showing positive side
             of, 15-19
       periods producing, 23-24

Recognition of counterfeit
     documents (see Counterfeit
Record date, defined, 74
Regional offices of Securities and
      Exchange Commission,
      as source of information, 40
      stock certificate and, 39
      Stock Transfer Department of,
            information from,57-58
Registration statements, 52
Revere, Paul, 98
R.M. Smythe & Company,
     as source of information, 40,

Robert D. Fisher Manual of
      Valuable and Worthless
      Securities (R. M. Smythe),
Robert D. Fisher Service, 97
Rockefeller, John D., 99

Sage, Henry, 99
Schwarzschild, 0. P., 2
Search companies, addresses of,
       22n., 25n.
Secretary of State, Office of
        addresses of, 44-50
        company addresses obtained
        through, 60
        contacting, 42-43
        letter to, illustrated, 43
        as source of information,
Section of Public Reference,
       Office of Records and
       Service (SEC), 53
Securities and Exchange
        Commission (SEC), 2
        corporate literature from, 62
        letter for contacting,
                illustrated, 57
        as source of information, 40,
Security Dealers of North
         America (Standard & Poor's),
Security printing, 106-109
Shakespeare, William, 9
Signatures, as collectors' items,
                  98, 99
Smythe, Roland M., 27, 97
Smythe, R. M., & Company,
Spread, defined, 75
Standard & Poor's Corporation,
     61, 79
Standard & Poor's Stock Guide,
     definitions of abbreviations in,
     illustrated, 80-84
Stated value, 39-40
     of incorporation,    37
     (See also Secretary of State,
         Office of
Statistical Bulletin (magazine), 78
Stock, origin of word, 5
Stock certificates:
     as collectors' items, 97-101
     data to be gathered from, 34-40
     history of, 3-9
     old, as counterfeit, 104
     printing, 106-109
     requirements for printing, 109-
     as starting point for
           investigation, 34
     (See also Counterfeit
Stock Market Information
     Service, Inc., 22n.
Stock Reports (Standard &
     Poor's), 61, 91
Stock trading, history of, 3-9
Surface printing, 108, 110
Suspension of trading, 51

Tally, use of word, 5
10-K (form) Statement, 61
     names and, of officers of
     corporation, 38-39
     (See also Names)
Tracers Company of America,
     Inc., 25-26, 28-29
     address of, 25n.
Trade, use of term, 5-6
      history of stock, 3-9
      publication showing example
           of, 70, 75-76, 86-87
      suspension of, 51
Transfer agents:
      example of corporate, 70, 72
      as source of information, 40,
      stock certificates and, 39
      Stock Transfer Department of,
            information from, 57-58

       par and stated, 39-40
       publication listing, example, 70,
            72, 86
Value Line Investment Survey,  
       The (Arnold Bernhard), 92
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 99
Vertical mergers, defined, 13

Wall Street, forming of, as
       securities market, 6-9
Wall Street Journal (newspaper),
Wall Street Transcript
       (newspaper), 79
Wiesenberger Financial Services,
William IV (king of England), 5								

"Yellow Sheets" (National Daily
       Quotation Service), 69


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