{CaptionsBy} Sherikon Space Systems {LastEditor} KSC Archive to NIX conversion program {ScannedBy} Bionetics Photo Lab {acquireddate} 26-Apr-1971 {author} National Aeronautics and Space Administration {date} 26-Apr-1971 {description} Technicians install solar panels aboard the mariner H spacecraft in a cleanroom facility at Cape Kennedy. The spacecraft will orbit Mars following a seven-month journey from Earth. Designed to function 90 days, the spacecraft, which will be designated Mariner 8 following launch, will provide data about the Red Planet's atmospheric and surface characteristics. Mariner Mars H will be launched aboard an Atlas-Centaur space vehicle no earlier than May 7, 1971, from Cape Kennedy's Launch Complex 36A. A second Mariner Mars spacecraft will be launched 10 days later. {highres} 1760 x 1728 {highsize} 732999 {hightype} JPEG {keywords} MARINER 8 SPACE PROBE,MARS 71 PROJECT,SPACE PROBES,SOLAR ARRAYS {lowres} 244 x 240 {lowsize} 81197 {lowtype} GIF {mediumres} 782 x 768 {mediumsize} 100074 {mediumtype} JPEG {number} KSC-71PC-0343 {orientation} vertical {othernumbers} 111-KSC-71PC-343, P-21457, ARCHIVE-04650 {slideres} 141 x 156 {slidesize} 31811 {slidetype} GIF {tinyres} 100 x 98 {tinysize} 13525 {tinytype} GIF {title} MARINER 8 SPACE PROBE UNDERGOES INSTALLATION OF SOLAR ARRAYS {type} Image {view} interior {end}